[Chicken-users] letrec expansion

2006-11-26 Thread Dan Muresan


I've noticed that letrec seems to have a problematic expansion. I'm
not sure if this has been discussed before (I couldn't find any

csi> (macroexpand '(letrec ((x 1)) x))
(let ((g1312 (##core#undefined))) (begin (##core#set! g1312 (quote 1)) g1312))

This definition doesn't use temporaries -- as, for example, in the
standard R5RS syntax-rules definition of letrec,


Without using temporaries, some call/cc + letrec combinations don't work:

(letrec ((x (call/cc list)) (y (call/cc list)))
 (if (procedure? x) (x (pair? y)))
 (if (procedure? y) (y (pair? x)))
 (let ((xk (car x)) (yk (car y)))
   (and (call/cc xk) (call/cc yk) (call/cc xk

csi produces #f, while SISC, Scheme48 and guile correctly output #t.
Thanks go to Al Petrofsky for describing the problem.

Dan Muresan

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Spiffy

2006-12-09 Thread Dan Muresan


I have had, at last, the pleasure to play with spiffy to creaet a
simple web front-end. As I said, it has been a pleasure, mostly, but
there are some warts:

* generate-directory-listing: the computation of the parent directory
is broken: (string-intersperse (butlast foo)) intersperses blanks, not
slashes. Add a "/" final argument.

* there's some horrendous HTML markup (things like ""
-- that's right, an unquoted attribute -- and "http://alumnus.caltech.edu/~muresan/

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Spiffy

2006-12-09 Thread Dan Muresan

Oh yeah, now I remember: handlers (defined with http:add-resource or
the spiffy helper macro) don't receive POST attributes in the the
second argument (the args in (lambda (req args)).

The built-in http:content-parser  'application/x-www-form-urlencoded
parses POSTs just fine. But read-request puts the parsed pairs in the
request body (which is supposed to be a string, not an a-list in any
case), not in the arguments arguments. It looks like somewhere along
the road internal conventions have changed...

Dan Muresan

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Spiffy

2006-12-09 Thread Dan Muresan

More remarks:

* even with debug: #f, spiffy still logs 404's to stdout (or stderror
-- not sure). This wouldn't be too bad, but for some other reason, it
prevents the process from running in the background: whenever an
output action is attempted, the shell tells me the job has been
stopped. Possibly chicken tries to access stdin when writing?

* sxml->html breaks naming conventions and makes it hard to use the
macro define-http-resource. sxml->html is not a function, but a
procedure with side effects (it displays the result).
define-http-resource expects a value to be returned. Bonus: a
hard-to-debug situation where sxml->html writes its output (plus some
incomplete headers) and returns #, which
define-http-resource dutifully appends to the stream (with the rest of
the headers).

Dan Muresan

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: spiffy patch attempt (was Re: [Chicken-users] Minor issue with spiffy's sxml->html)

2007-01-01 Thread Dan Muresan

On 12/31/06, John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A suggestion for all this introduction of newlines:  instead of
adding newlines after end-tags and worrying about which ones can
and cannot have a problem with it, why not add a newline *within*
the end-tag, thus:  ""?  That's a general solution and
simplifies the problem greatly.

While that's valid HTML, it will easily confuse some non-compliant
HTML parsers (I tried that and had problems in at least one piece of
proprietary software).

Personally, I'd vote for no newlines at all. Humans can use 'tidy
-indent' to reformat code.

Dan Muresan

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] json egg bugs

2007-05-15 Thread Dan Muresan

Hi, two problems with the json egg:

1) Compiling json fails when packrat is not installed. packrat should be 
an egg dependency.

2) (require-extension json) fails unless srfi-1 is pre-loaded.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] json egg bugs

2007-05-15 Thread Dan Muresan

John Cowan wrote:

Did you download the json egg and try to install it locally?  The
dependency information exists only on the web site, so local installs
will not retrieve it and do not know what other eggs to install.

(IMHO this is Evil and Wrong; each egg should contain the names of the
eggs it depends on.

Yes, I downloaded the egg locally with wget. OK, that solves the first 


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] pthread interaction

2007-05-16 Thread Dan Muresan

Hi all,

is it safe to call (from Chicken) a C function that spawns off a pthread 
before returning? Are there any restrictions on what that thread can do, 
e.g. w.r.t. malloc() ?


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] busy-wait in tcp-connect

2007-05-17 Thread Dan Muresan


I've noticed that calling tcp-connect when a single Chicken thread 
exists maxes out the CPU. Try (tcp-connect "" 80).

In tcp.scm, I see that a thread-block-for-i/o! was commented out:

;; line 543
(let loop ()
  (let ((f (##net#select-write s)))
(when (eq? f -1) (fail))
(unless (eq? f 1)
  ;(##sys#thread-block-for-i/o! ##sys#current-thread s #t)
  (loop) ) ) )

I assume that thread-block-for-i/o somehow failed to wake-up in certain 
circumstances, so uncommenting that statement would not be workable?

See also http://www.mail-archive.com/chicken-users@nongnu.org/msg03122.html

That message suggests that when connecting to a filtered port (or, in my 
case, a non-existent host) not only will the CPU max out, but the call 
will never time out. This is not good.


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] srfi-19 doesn't work with stable Chicken release

2007-05-19 Thread Dan Muresan

Hi all,

the latest stable release (Chicken 2.6) doesn't work with the srfi-19 
egg. Sorry if I missed any related messages (I don't think I did) but it 
sounds like a bad idea for an egg do depend on the unstable version of 
Chicken... Or maybe a new release is imminent?

# chicken-setup srfi-19

The extension srfi-19 does not exist.
Do you want to download it ? (yes/no/abort) [yes]
downloading srfi-19.egg from (www.call-with-current-continuation.org 
eggs 80)

  gunzip -c ../srfi-19.egg | tar xf -
Error: CHICKEN version 2.61 or higher is required

-- Dan

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] srfi-19 doesn't work with stable Chicken release

2007-05-19 Thread Dan Muresan
Chicken 2.6 has inconsistent meaning for timezone offset across 
platforms. 2.61 fixed this.

Provided you are not using MacOS X or Windows you can get the current 
version (2.6.9) which skips the requirement otherwise.

Well, I was in a rush, so I've wrapped strftime(). This might actually 
be useful to others, so I'm posting it. I've used SWIG, but I'm sure 
it's trivial using the Chicken FFI (which I don't know though):


// See strftime(3) manpage for format string
char *system_time (const char *fmt) {
  time_t t;
  struct tm tm;

  time (& t);
  localtime_r (& t, & tm);
  char buf [500];
  size_t ret = strftime (buf, sizeof (buf), fmt, & tm);
  if (ret == 0) return NULL;
  else {
char *res = malloc (ret + 1);
memcpy (res, buf, ret + 1);
return res;

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] busy-wait in tcp-connect

2007-05-21 Thread Dan Muresan
While we're on the topic, I find Chicken's lightweight-threads and 
srfi-18 compatible streams incredibly useful. However, it's a pity that 
only unit tcp (and the (process) function) can create such streams.

For example, it would be nice if one could create pipes with the same 
property; or, more generally, if any file descriptor could be wrapped in 
a srfi-18 compatible stream (or pair of streams).

The code is already there, so this should be quite feasible. I *almost* 
understand how it works, but there seem to be some messy details...

P.S. I have some other thoughts about binary streams and a possible 
stream API, but I'll make that a separate message.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] busy-wait in tcp-connect

2007-05-22 Thread Dan Muresan

While we're on the topic, I find Chicken's lightweight-threads and
srfi-18 compatible streams incredibly useful. However, it's a pity that
only unit tcp (and the (process) function) can create such streams.

I assume you mean streams that block the current thread on I/O, yes?
That shouldn't be a problem as long as you have an fd and can make it

Yes, streams that block the current thread on I/O. Are you saying that I 
can already create such streams from an fd? How?


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] 32 bit integers?

2007-05-22 Thread Dan Muresan


I've just realized that "normal" Chicken integers are 31 bits wide:

csi> (inexact->exact 1073741824)
[ nasty error ]
csi> (inexact->exact 1073741823)
csi> (/ (log 1073741824) (log 2))

Wider integers are promoted to flonums. This is somewhat undesirable 
when interfacing to C libraries.

Is there a native-integer type (like in OCaml)? Since the SRFI-4 vectors 
have exact 8, 16 and 32-bit integer elements, it might make sense to 
have native integers too...


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] 32 bit integers?

2007-05-22 Thread Dan Muresan

Wider integers are promoted to flonums.

Or to bignums with the numbers egg (full numeric tower).

Right, that's why I specified "normal" numbers.

Especially if you didn't expect it. (It is documented but a tutorial on 
foreign function interfacing would be nice.)

Actually, I haven't found the 31-bit format documented anywhere (maybe I 
missed it). I thought that at least normal C int's would always fit in a 
fixnum. It was an unpleasant surprise to see an expression like (logior 
flags ...) fail, when "flags" was promoted to a flonum.

If you use one of integer unsigned-integer integer32 unsigned-integer32 
integer64 long unsigned-long as a foreign parameter/return type Chicken 
will automatically convert a flonum integer to/from the native type.

Yes, but flonum's can't be used in some contexts:

* bit ops

* modulo-2^32 arithmetic (i.e. C-like 32-bit wraparound arithmetic)

I don't see a way to hack these using flonums. Bignums would solve the 
problem but they're slow.

Would the native integers be part of the numeric tower? If so this is a 
major piece of work. If disjoint from the number type then fairly 
straightforward to create but of limited utility.

I'm not really sure what "disjoint" means here... They would be 
available without (require-extension numbers). There would be separate 
functions native+, native* etc. OCaml has native integers for this very 


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] 32 bit integers?

2007-05-22 Thread Dan Muresan
I don't see a way to hack these using flonums. Bignums would solve the 
problem but they're slow.

You pays your money and you takes your choice.

Yeah, thanks for the reminder :) One problem is that some "obvious" 
pitfalls are not documented prominently. That's confusing: it makes you 
think you're missing something (when in actuality you're hitting a 
genuine limitation that should have been acknowledged more explicitly). 
But enough "meta-talk".

which use GMP, I found that the only reliable way to pass a
bignum from one system to the other was as a string.

That thought crossed my mind, but I was hoping never to have to do that:)

-- Dan

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] 32 bit integers?

2007-05-22 Thread Dan Muresan
The bitwise-* procedures & arithmetic-shift are supposed to work w/ 
fixnums & integer flonums. The magnitude of a flonum is converted to a C 
unsigned int (on 32 bit machines, u_int64_t otherwise), operated upon, 
then the result is returned as a fixnum or flonum, depending on the 
precision of the operation result.

Hm, what's an "integer flonum"? A 32 bit signed-int converted to a float?

Anyways, how is it supposed to work?

csi> (require-extension (srfi 60))
csi> (bitwise-ior 4.0 1)
Error: (vector-ref) bad argument type: 11.0

This is with chicken 2.6, before (req-ext numbers)

The modulo-2^32 is a problem though.

Yeah... You really have to keep it all in C; as soon as you go through 
Chicken, you lose precision.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] 32 bit integers?

2007-05-22 Thread Dan Muresan
Ahh, you are using the SRFI-60 egg. I was referring to the procedures in 
the library unit.

Correct. I always use SRFIs when an identifier is not R5RS. Either that, 
or I (cond-expand) the alternatives.

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] stream API (was busy-wait in tcp-connect)

2007-05-23 Thread Dan Muresan

LOCATIONcalling procedure/context id
NAMEname for the port (usually the process command pathname)
FILENOopen file descriptor
BUFFER-INFOeither a fixnum size or a string
ON-CLOSEfileno was closed notification procedure
MORE-PREDICATE  boolean procedure indicating whether more input is 
available, usually not needed but the programmer may know something 
that the C 'read' procedure doesn't

Interesting... Let me put forward the following proposal:

1. Binary streams, maybe wrapping fread / fwrite.

2. Two stream APIs (one for binary and one for char ports)

The ideea would be that I'd be able to write, for example, my own 
application-level reliable transport protocol over UDP, and wrap it into 
Chicken Streams. The char output stream API could look like

(##sys#make-output-stream write-char close)

and the input one

(##sys#make-input stream peek-char read-char close)

This, of course, doesn't yet take into account threads and UTF8.

What do you guys think?

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Re: stream API (was busy-wait in tcp-connect)

2007-05-23 Thread Dan Muresan

See make-output/input-port, in the extras unit.

Very nice, I missed it. So I guess if READ and PEEK yield instead of 
blocking, then that stream plays nicely with threads, just like tcp streams?

Any thoughts on binary streams? Calling read-char repeatedly is probably 
not efficient; besides, read-char may not be the same as read-byte (if 
utf8 is loaded).

-- Dan

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Re: stream API (was busy-wait in tcp-connect)

2007-05-23 Thread Dan Muresan

Not sure what you mean. As opposed to text streams?

Binary streams as in binary data, as opposed to text.

Calling read-char repeatedly is probably not efficient; besides, 
read-char may not be the same as read-byte (if utf8 is loaded).

Actually 'read-byte' uses the builtin 'read-char' when the utf8 egg is 
loaded. I was wrong about ##sys#custom-*-port not working w/ UTF8, at 
least in the broader sense. Excellent.

1. I can't find the documentation for read-byte. I didn't even realize 
that read-byte existed. What i meant was that read-char might read 
multiple bytes, when the programmer wanted to read a single byte of 
binary data.

2. You did not address the other point -- calling read-char repeatedly 
is probably not efficient. I think being able to read binary data 
efficiently is mandatory for a language that's supposed to be practical, no?


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] records in evicted objects

2007-05-23 Thread Dan Muresan

Evicted objects do not work with srfi-9 records for some reason:

  (define-record-type :pare
(kons x y)
(x kar set-kar!)
(y kdr))

(kar (object-evict (kons 1 2)))
Error: bad argument type - not a structure of the required type


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] records in evicted objects

2007-05-23 Thread Dan Muresan

The zeroth "slot" of the record contains the symbol representing its
type. When you evict the record, you also evict the symbol. The
interned and uninterned symbols are not equal, hence the type-check
failure when it is inspected.

(equal? :pare (object-evict :pare)) => #f

You could set the slot-value back to the non-evicted, interned symbol:

Well, the Chicken manual warns against setting slots in evicted objects 
to non-evicted data, so I'm not gonna do it.

I think the right thing to do would be to change the SRFI-9 
implementation so that, for evicted objects, it skips the record type test.


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] JSON and unicode escapes

2007-05-23 Thread Dan Muresan


(json-read) doesn't support Unicode escapes:

csi> (json-read )
csi> "\u201c"

I'd like to fix that. Parsing the escapes should be easy since Chicken's 
(read) actually seems to understand the escapes (even without the utf8 egg).

I see from Trac that a number of people have worked on this egg, and 
that there's an official Tony G repository somewhere. Where is that 
repository? Does anyone know how to fix interpret-string-escape (i.e. 
can it return multiple chars, how to obtain the next token)?


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] unjoined thread memory consumption?

2007-05-24 Thread Dan Muresan


if a thread exits and is not joined, does it still occupy memory? I'd 
like to spawn many threads that exit quickly, and never worry about 
joining them. Are there any problems with this approach?


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] csc segfaults with certain recursive sources

2007-05-25 Thread Dan Muresan

$ cat x.scm
(require 'y)

(module x (fx)
  (define fx 10)

$ cat y.scm
(require 'x) (require-for-syntax 'x) (import x)

(define fy 20)

$ csc -R syntax-case -s x.scm
$ csc -R syntax-case -s y.scm
Error: (open-input-file) can not open file - Too many open files: "./x.so"
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
*** Shell command terminated with exit status 139: 
/opt/chicken/bin/chicken y.scm -output-file y.c -dynamic -feature 
chicken-compile-shared -quiet -require-extension syntax-case

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Re: [Chicken-bugs] #227: csc segfaults with certain recursive sources

2007-05-26 Thread Dan Muresan

I've submitted to Trac.

Interesting... the ticket formatting got screwed up in Trac (it seems 
that single-newlines are treated as whitespace, while double newlines 
break paragraphs). Yet the automated e-mail that Trac sent has the 
correct newlines.

Chicken Scheme wrote:

#227: csc segfaults with certain recursive sources
 Reporter:  Dan Muresan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |Type:  defect  
   Status:  new  |Priority:  minor   
Milestone:   |   Component:  compiler
  Version:  2.6  |Keywords:  

 This is Chicken 2.6 on Linux built from tarball with automake.

 $ cat x.scm
 (require 'y)

 (module x (fx)
(define fx 10)

 $ cat y.scm
 (require 'x) (require-for-syntax 'x) (import x)

 (define fy 20)

 $ csc -R syntax-case -s x.scm
 $ csc -R syntax-case -s y.scm
 Error: (open-input-file) can not open file - Too many open files: "./x.so"
 Segmentation fault (core dumped)
 *** Shell command terminated with exit status 139:
 /opt/chicken/bin/chicken y.scm -output-file y.c -dynamic -feature
 chicken-compile-shared -quiet -require-extension syntax-case

 If I try to compile x.scm first,

 $ cat x.scm
 Error: (open-input-file) can not open file - Too many open files:

 (no segfault)

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Re: [Chicken-bugs] #227: csc segfaults with certain recursive sources

2007-05-26 Thread Dan Muresan
Thanks for registering in Trac and submitting what you've already 
submitted.  Working with the Trac process helps all of us immensely and 
improves Chicken.

Firstly, thanks for replying publicly to a private message, Brandon.

Secondly, I believe in using Trac; but your evangelism struck me as a 
tad overwhelming (and maybe a tad imposing). For your future reference, 
a lighter approach would probably work better with most reporters.

Thirdly, I think that you should consider taking some conversations 
off-list when they're not necessarily of general interest.

On that note, let's please not take this any further, I'm sure no one 
wants to read this. Please reply in private if you really feel the need to.

-- Dan

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] csc segfaults with certain recursive sources

2007-05-28 Thread Dan Muresan

Serves you quite right - a segfault is not sufficient for someone who does
these perverted things. You should rightfully suffer for this...

Um, I wasn't saying that this should work. The point was that a segfault 
usually uncovers a deeper problem, such as a buffer overflow that may or 
may not occur under other circumstances as well. But, if Felix is happy 
with a segfault, that's fine.

Notice that reversing the compilation order does not produce a segfault.

-- Dan

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] R6RS Rant

2007-06-05 Thread Dan Muresan
Umm, I might see my 60th birthday before packaging is core Scheme. (I 
don't think there should be anything else, except "optional.")

You forgot to mention your current age :)

Well, 'require-extension' is an accepted SRFI. And Chicken does support 
'require' (I use it in the bloom-filter egg, however it isn't PLT-Scheme 
compliant) & 'load' (I use it in the 'procedure-surface' egg).

require-extension is very useful, even just as a cross-platform way of 
loading SRFIs. But you should read the SRFI-55 mail archive to see the 
incredible opposition it draws from some folks. Or try asking for 
require-extension on the PLT or Scheme 48 mailing lists.

Anyway... Two glaring omissions related to (load):

1) (include ...) is not standardized

2) no one has thought of specifying what nested (load) or nested 
(include) should do. That is, what happens when you have


where x.scm does (load "dir/y.scm"), and y.scm does (load "z.scm"). Does 
dir/y.scm load the correct dir/z.scm, or the non-existent z.scm? Same 
for (include), of course.

R5RS does not standardize this, neither do most implementations specify 
what they do. In practice, most schemes use the absolute path 
convention, while SISC uses the relative path convention.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] chicken and stalin

2007-06-05 Thread Dan Muresan

BTW, has anyone gotten stalin to work lately? I ran my 512mb Athlon
for the whole night and was not able to compile stalin 0.11 (gcc 4.1.2).

Same here with a 768 MB box. The machine tries to compile stalin.c but 
mostly trashes the swap space (strangely, since it's just a  -O2 
compilation). I wonder how much memory is needed to avoid swapping.

-- Dan

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] chicken and stalin

2007-06-05 Thread Dan Muresan

This goes far beyond games on Windows.  This is about people
completely wasting their time on projects that, if they have no
academic context, are completely worthless.  I've gone bankrupt
chasing nonsense.  I have delusions of grandeur that I *might* save
some young buck from his/her utter cluelessness in the face of
industrial reality.

Brandon, your penchant for getting involved in long, useless polemics is 
NOT a quality. Also, you may want to be more cautious when judging the 
difficulty level of various software platforms, especially when you 
haven't really tried using them.

I think it's pretty well established that Stalin (and Gambit?) are 
faster than Chicken, but Chicken has a much better ecosystem (community, 
libraries etc). If you see people interested in Stalin, I'm pretty sure 
they know the deal they're getting. You're not adding value by trying to 
convince them otherwise; and they certainly won't appreciate your 
suggestion that you know better what's good for them.

Let's stick to discussions that provide value to all participants. Keep 
in mind that when you feel like belaboring a random point to death, you 
can always reply in private.

P.S. All this talk of Stalin has made me curious; is there a page 
documenting Stalin's limitations / standard adherence? If it's just the 
lack of syntax-rules support, that can be worked around with the help of 


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] a file system using Chicken

2007-06-06 Thread Dan Muresan

Hi folks,

I've released DuggFS, a file system based on Fuse and implemented in 
Chicken Scheme.


It lets you view Digg content as a filesystem:

$ ls /tmp/duggfs
config  stories  users
$ cd /tmp/duggfs/stories/topics/programming/popular
$ ls
# ...
$ cat A_Computer_Science_Degree_Doesn_t_Hurt_Much/diggs

You may or may not find this useful (or amusing), but there's some good 
 code in there in case you ever want to implement your own file system 
in Scheme. I find it pretty cool that using Chicken's cooperative 
threads and TCP unit, you can handle multiple file system requests in 
parallel, in case the file system sees, uh, heavy usage.

Thanks go to Felix and the helpfull Chicken community.

See the web page for more details, and feel free to ask questions.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] a file system using Chicken

2007-06-06 Thread Dan Muresan

fuse_mod_wrap.c: In function '_wrap_fuse_main_real':
fuse_mod_wrap.c:5204: warning: passing argument 3 of 'fuse_main_real' from 
incompatible pointer type
fuse_mod_wrap.c:5204: error: too few arguments to function 'fuse_main_real'
*** Shell command terminated with exit status 1: gcc fuse_mod_wrap.c -o 
fuse_mod_wrap.o -c -DHAVE_CHICKEN_CONFIG -Os -fomit-frame-pointer 
-fno-strict-aliasing -Wall -Wno-unused -Wno-uninitialized -DC_ENABLE_PTABLES 
-DC_NO_PIC_NO_DLL -fPIC -DPIC -DC_SHARED -I /usr/local/chicken-2.6/include 
make: *** [fuse_mod_wrap.o] Error 1

> PS: I've installed the libfuse-dev package (it's a Xubuntu machine)

Interesting. You probably need fuse-utils as well, but that isn't the 
main problem. The main problem seems to be that you have an older 
version of fuse, and I boneheadedly left SWIG output in the tarball 
(thinking it would save people the need to install SWIG to compile the 

Do a "make swig_clean" and then run setup.sh again.

OTOH, since I'm depending on Fuse API version 25, it's very possible 
that compilation will fail again (with a more informative error message 
this time).

Hm, maybe I should downgrade the Fuse API dependency (though my own 
/usr/include/fuse/fuse.h says new apps should depend on v. 25).


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] a file system using Chicken

2007-06-06 Thread Dan Muresan

  I second Mario, that is really an amazing idea; filesystems
implemented in high-level languages have been a long-time fascination
of mine. Would it be possible for you to release the libfuse Chicken
wrapper as a standalone egg?

Thanks for the kind words, Mario and Ivan.

It would be possible, though as Mario's case shows there are 
compatibility problems between various Linux distros (which could 
quickly become a support nightmare). Also, I think I'd have to downgrade 
to the lowest Fuse API version commonly in use, which is less than ideal.

For the moment I think it's best to copy the sources if you want to 
write a new file system. If you don't touch the fusehi-related sources, 
you'll be able to simply replace them when there are updates. And if you 
do touch them, send a patch along so I can merge your changes in :)


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] a file system using Chicken

2007-06-07 Thread Dan Muresan

Thanks Arto.

Also, the existing FUSE bindings for Ruby and Python appear to have
achieved stability on a number of platforms and may be worth looking
at for tips and tricks.

I'm not so sure about that. I distinctly remember it was a bitch to 
compile a Python-based filesystem (something along the lines of "the old 
bindings are no longer valid, the new ones rely on the unstable devel 
branch of fuse").

But I'd like to invite everyone who has a bit of time to look at the end 
of /usr/include/fuse/fuse.h and fuse_common.h (the "compatibility" macro 
mess). Fuse uses tricks like

int func (int);

#if API_VERSION == 22
#define func compat_func22

(where of course compat_func22 has a different number of arguments). 
This really doesn't work with SWIG, as SWIG only considers the first 
declaration and doesn't do anything with the #define. Why the Fuse 
people felt it was a good ideea to use this hack, and to constantly 
change the signature of various functions, I don't know.

I also don't know what a good solution would be, given the constantly 
shifting Fuse API and its un-swiggable nature. I'm open to input.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] a file system using Chicken

2007-06-09 Thread Dan Muresan
Also, does chicken have native threads available? I'm under the impression 
that native threads are needed if you want multiple processes to be 
accessing files on a fuse fs simultaneously. Stklos does native threads but 
I wasn't able to get the stklos/fuse package to compile/install on my 
system and try it out.

My filesystem consists of a C library and a Chicken server. The C fuse 
wrapper runs in multi-threaded mode, serializes requests to Chicken and 
waits for replies. The Chicken server spawns separate light-weight 
threads to service each request.

So, in the end, we get both traditional multi-threading and lightweight 
threads under the same roof. I was actually quite excited about this 
part of the design.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] a file system using Chicken

2007-06-09 Thread Dan Muresan

You mention on your webpage that "Scheme functions cannot serve as C
callbacks" ... was the showstopper the multithreaded ->
cooperative-threaded impedance difference, or was there another issue
with calling back into Scheme from C?

Not really. I said that Scheme functions cannot serve as C callbacks. I 
did not say that you cannot call a Scheme function from C.

Fuse expects a structure fuse_operations filled with callbacks such as

int (*readlink) (const char *, char *, size_t);

You can't really write a Scheme function that, when compiled with 
Chicken, has this signature. Of course it's possible to write C stubs 
that call Chicken functions, but you'd lose the advantages of 
cooperative threading in that approach.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] a file system using Chicken

2007-06-09 Thread Dan Muresan


I've updated duggfs to address the compilation errors reported by Felix 
and Mario. I have taken a different approach by no longer attempting to 
get  through SWIG. This loses some functionality, but I believe 
it's the only workable solution.

I kindly ask those who reported errors (as well as anyone else who wants 
to help out) to download the latest tarball from 
http://www.omnigia.com/scheme/duggfs/duggfs.tar.gz and give it a shot. 
On my own machine it now works both with fuse 2.5.x and fuse 2.6.x. You 
still need at least Fuse 2.5.x.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] a file system using Chicken

2007-06-09 Thread Dan Muresan

./gen_errno.sh >errno.i || $(RM) -f errno.i

Another dash/bash problem on Debian or Ubuntu. I used the "source" 
command to load a script in the current shell, and presumably this is 
not POSIX, so dash (the default /bin/sh since last year) refuses it. 
Does anyone know the POSIXly correct way?

Anyway, fixed.

and made gen_errno.sh executable and now it builds for me. I'm now having 
permission problems when running:

./start_duggfs.sh /tmp/duggfs

By default, fuse doesn't let user A view content in a file system 
mounted by user B. Even when A is root. It's an interesting security 
problem: the fuse daemon (running as user B) would get to see data 
belonging to A, without A having agreed to permit that.

There's an allow_other option:

./start_duggfs.sh /tmp/duggfs -o allow_other

but it's only available if you enable user_allow_other in /etc/fuse.conf 
(a file which doesn't exist by default and the format of which is not 
documented as far as I know).

To summarize, you should use the same account to mount duggfs and to 
explore its contents.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] a file system using Chicken

2007-06-09 Thread Dan Muresan

Hi Matt,

Glad to hear it finally worked.

Remaining problem: all the files are owned by root with group root and some 
are not world readable. 

Unreadable directories are so by design. I've just put up a note on the 
duggfs homepage.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp/duggfs$ ls -l
total 0
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 0 1969-12-31 17:00 config
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 0 1969-12-31 17:00 stories
d--x--x--x 2 root root 0 1969-12-31 17:00 users
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp/duggfs$ cd users/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp/duggfs/users$ ls
ls: .: Permission denied
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp/duggfs/users$ 

I'm not sure where to go from here.

Well, go to the duggfs homepage and use the example commands listed 
there. Start your exploration from stories/topics/.

Basically, users/ contains a potentially infinite number of entries and 
thus it is unreadable. On the other hand, if you know a user's name you 
can read his directory users/digg_name. You can also get to users by 
following symlinks from within story directories.

interesting. If you feel inspired a "hello world" level example would be 
appreciated by those to whom your code is a bit beyond :-)

You really just need to replace duggfs.scm with your own FS code. It 
shouldn't be too difficult. Begin with function "duggfs-start!" and the 
variable "*duggfs-op-handlers*". Feel free to ask questions as necessary.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] a file system using Chicken

2007-06-10 Thread Dan Muresan

Not really.  It is in the Linux world, but outside that, there are lots of
Unices that don't come with Bash.  In fact, one of the things that are most
annoying to Unix people who don't use Linux is the widespread hidden
assumption that /bin/sh points to bash.  The fact that bash doesn't act
like a POSIX shell, even in POSIX compat mode doesn't help.

Please don't assume bash is on a system if you don't have to.  Most
shellscripts can be easily rewritten to be POSIXly correct, with just
a little bit of work.  If you really have to use some more advanced
features, please consider using /bin/ksh, which is also standardized
by POSIX.  Again, many kshs deviate from the standard, so be careful
here too.

While I understand the spirit of POSIX advocacy, note that this thread 
is about a Linux file system. Also, care to share the concrete solution 
in this case? What's the POSIXly correct way to load a script in the 
current shell ("." or "source" in bash, neither of which works in dash)?


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] a file system using Chicken

2007-06-10 Thread Dan Muresan

On Sun, Jun 10, 2007 at 03:30:15PM +0300, Dan Muresan wrote:
While I understand the spirit of POSIX advocacy, note that this thread 
is about a Linux file system. Also, care to share the concrete solution 
in this case? What's the POSIXly correct way to load a script in the 
current shell ("." or "source" in bash, neither of which works in dash)?

How about $(cat filename) or `cat filename`?

No. I'm surprised you've never run across the "source" or "." commands, 
they're fairly common. They execute execute scripts in the current shell 
(as opposed to spawning a new shell process). They're essential when you 
want a script to modify the environment of the current shell (e.g. set 
some shell variables, like the /etc/profile.d/* series). In my case 
though I was just micro-optimizing.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] a file system using Chicken

2007-06-10 Thread Dan Muresan

I looked a little further, and dash(1) says it supports dot.

Turns out you're right; however, it seems that "the dot" is somehow 
affected by PATH considerations, so

. setup.sh

does not work, yet

. ./setup.sh

does work. Which is pretty strange; I expected dot to look in the 
current directory by default, and to ignore the PATH.

-- Dan

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] a file system using Chicken

2007-06-11 Thread Dan Muresan

On a Xubuntu machine (where I first tried duggfs) it's now building
ok, but I get an error when running start_duggfs.sh:

$ ./start_duggfs.sh  /tmp/duggfs
To unmount, type "fusermount -u /tmp/duggfs"
$ Error: (string-ref) bad argument type: #

This is probably not related to fuse. Unfortunately the stack trace is 
not much to go by. Maybe you specified an empty API key? Can you send me 
the contents of start_duggfs.sh?

Also, you can run duggfs in csi. Do a "make clean" and then "make 
compile-mods", then run "csi -R chicken-prelude -R duggfs". Does the 
error still appear ?

Finally, you can increase logging verbosity by changing *trace-pri* to 5 
in trace.scm.

-- Dan

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] a file system using Chicken

2007-06-11 Thread Dan Muresan
Mario discovered that his problems were (most likely) due to an unstable 
url egg. As of now, there are no other active complaints about duggfs 
not building. Hopefully this will stay true :)

A few of you have mentioned their past interest in using Scheme for a 
filesystem. Out of curiosity, what ideas did you guys have in mind?


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] memcached

2007-06-20 Thread Dan Muresan

Ok, so that's one vote for separate 'memcached' and 'cache' eggs.

I would vote against a generically-named cache egg... There are many 
types of caches (depending on storage medium, indexing, time 
complexities of caching/retrieval, expiration strategies etc)


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] memcached

2007-06-20 Thread Dan Muresan

That's why my generic cache interface is intended to be a front-end
to different cache implementations, with a common interface, and some
tools built on top of that interface (such as memoizing functions).

Yes, I understand the philosophy, but before you can make a generic API, 
one should study several concrete examples and generalize from their 
needs. Currently, you have a single example (your own memcached). So I'm 
a little wary...

-- Dan

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] redirects on Chicken web site

2007-07-01 Thread Dan Muresan

Has anyone seen this c.l.scheme thread


Basically, http://www.call-with-current-continuation.org/chicken.html 
ranks high in Google results, but uses a Javascript redirect, which 
leaves some users with a blank page. Suggested resolution -- use a META 
redirect or a true 3xx redirect if possible.

-- Dan

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] user list on wiki

2007-07-01 Thread Dan Muresan

Hi all,

two things I don't understand about the user list:

1) Some people get links with space-separated names, e.g.


while some get links with dash-separated names:


Yet the wiki markup seems to be the same.

Worse, the dash-separated names become s for the corresponding 
user pages, which looks kind of weird.

2) When creating a new wiki page, it gets a warning box saying

"This page has no tags. Please contribute to the wiki by editing it and 
adding some."

Yet I see no obvious way to tag a page from the edit view.

What am I missing here?

-- Dan

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] user list on wiki

2007-07-06 Thread Dan Muresan

Do you think that Svnwiki should replace dashes with spaces in the
titles when they come from a file name?  What about upper/lower case?
I suppose the best thing is to force the user to use svnwiki:title if
he cares, but I'm not entirely sure.

As always, good defaults, overridable by user choice :)

So, in this case, I would titlecase titles coming from file names.

-- Dan

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] stable version?

2007-09-20 Thread Dan Muresan

Hi all,

what happened to the "stable version" download? The homepage now says to 
go to http://chicken.wiki.br/dev-snapshots/current; the "dev-snapshots" 
part doesn't provide the same assurance as a "stable version"...

Is there a mailing list thread that I have missed?


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] (include) in (repl)

2007-09-20 Thread Dan Muresan


if I compile x.scm which contains simply



csc -v -R syntax-case -run-time-macros x.scm

I get the following error during (repl) execution:

$ ./x
#;> (require 'syntax-case)
; loading /opt/chicken-2.7/lib/chicken/2/syntax-case.so ...
; loading /opt/chicken-2.7/lib/chicken/2/syntax-case-chicken-macros.scm ...
Warning: the following toplevel variables are referenced but unbound:
  when (in one-file.481)

#;> (include "none.scm")
; including none.scm ...
Error: unbound variable: when

Am I doing something wrong? This is the current "development snapshot" 
of Chicken, but it seems to happen in 2.6 as well for me (and I didn't 
have this problem in 2.5).


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] stable version?

2007-09-21 Thread Dan Muresan

If the Windows build is to be kept up to date, some Windows developer will have
to do that work.  Look what happened after all the hard work Brandon put into
it.  It was welcomed with open arms, but when it proved to be unmaintainable,
Windows support was the first to go.

This is another thread I missed... Windows support is now gone? You do 
realize that this makes it harder to push Chicken in any project that 
cares about portability (even if that project is mainly Unix)?

-- Dan

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] stable version?

2007-09-21 Thread Dan Muresan

I don't understand why cmake was dropped.  Was it hard to maintain

But more importantly, Chicken used to be build-able with MSVC before 
cmake, IIRC. What happened to that?

-- Dan

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] stable version?

2007-09-27 Thread Dan Muresan

MSVC support is gone. The Microsoft compilers are not particularly
robust (in particular there have been problems with VC 7.0 Express,
IIRC). Maintaining the build for the inadequate and hard to automate

While I understand your annoyance with MSVC, it's nevertheless an 
important environment, and I maintain that supporting it lends more 
credence to Chicken in the industry. I understand that you do not wish 
to spend time on it. I still hope "we" (the community) will be able to 
restore this feature at some point.

If it's just the build tools that create problems, that may not be such 
a big impediment. There are command line tools for the MSVC compiler, 
and requiring GNU make for Windows to be installed would not be too onerous.


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