Re: [Chicken-users] simple threading

2006-06-17 Thread Joerg F. Wittenberger
Hi Felix,

I've been contemplating...could chicken include some basic support for
native thread communication?

rscheme has these C functions

void rscheme_intr_call0( obj thunk );
void rscheme_intr_call1( obj proc, obj arg );
void rscheme_intr_call2( obj proc, obj arg1, obj arg2 );

which basically enqueue a "virtual" signal, which is then processed
similar to system level signals.

BTW: I feel that it might be safer/easier and just enough to provide
only the first (thunk) version.

Am Freitag, den 16.06.2006, 15:28 -0400 schrieb John Cowan:
Matthew David Parker scripsit:
> > Does anyone know a clever solution to my problem?
> What you need is OS-level threads (not Chicken-level threads or
> OS-level
> processes), but Chicken does not support them.  It's possible that
> you
> could invoke an OS-specific threading package to create such
> threads,
> though they wouldn't be able to run Chicken code AFAICT, only C
> code.
> (felix?)

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] simple threading

2006-06-18 Thread Joerg F. Wittenberger
Am Samstag, den 17.06.2006, 23:35 +0200 schrieb felix winkelmann:
On 6/17/06, Joerg F. Wittenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Hi Felix,
> >
> > I've been contemplating...could chicken include some basic support
> > for
> > native thread communication?
> >
> > rscheme has these C functions
> >
> > void rscheme_intr_call0( obj thunk );
> > void rscheme_intr_call1( obj proc, obj arg );
> > void rscheme_intr_call2( obj proc, obj arg1, obj arg2 );
> >
> > which basically enqueue a "virtual" signal, which is then
> > processed
> > similar to system level signals.
> >
> > BTW: I feel that it might be safer/easier and just enough to
> > provide
> > only the first (thunk) version.
> >
> Not a bad idea... What should this do in particular?
Short answer: schedule thunk/proc for execution at the Scheme side.
Whatever that means for the Scheme runtime system.

Long answer: ... (straight&unchecked from my weak brain; we had a good
party tonight; I just got up; sorry if the rest doesn't make too much
sense :-/  )

I recall rscheme maintaining some event system (queue? no memories).
A select loop controls time slices and async i/o.  C signals are
queued (by default) and this select loop will eventually call
registered handlers on the queued signal.  Now rscheme_intr_call0 puts
a virtual signal into the queue and the handler will just call (thunk)
in the appropriate context, i.e. from the thread running the whole
Scheme side, not the second native thread.

The "most users will..."-lie: most users will associate the *_call0
with some native<->Scheme communication channel and protect with
semaphore.  So the following protocol applies (assuming pthread being
the native thread system):

Native side:


Scheme (application level) side:

(let ((result (my-channel-data)))

For the chicken system, I could imagine that chicken_intr_call0 would
just create a thread to execute thunk and register that with the
scheduler.  I'm not sure why there should be some queue system.

best regards


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] R6RS immutable pair

2006-07-03 Thread Joerg F. Wittenberger

On Jul 2, 2006, at 20:00 AM, Ken wrote:

> > Is the decision to drop set-c*r! final in R6RS?

> No. The editors are considering it & they want considered feedback  
> from the community. I think compiler writers should talk about the  
> real gains to be had from immutable pairs. We can take as given the  
> answer from regular Scheme programmers.

Here my experience.  Full text (formated and linked) at

  = Position Statement on Mutability of Pairs =

         Joerg F. Wittenberger

In response to R6RS status report as of june 2006 I'd like to add my
experience concerning section 5, on the mutability of pairs.

Non-mutability of pairs (i.e. all objects) creates a very different
language than traditional Scheme. Such a setting allows to practically
fulfil semantics of program execution and distributed shared state
beyond feasibility on the basis of a arbitrary mutable store.

I'm personally divided myself whether such a radical change should be
made to the Scheme language. Having made first hand experience with
the implementation of a side effect free dialect of Scheme and on the
background of the reasoning, which lead to the Askemos project, I
value the advantages of controlled mutability. However there is just
too much good Scheme code out there, which should not be broken by
radical language changes.

Wouldn't it be better to add a new data type for those immutable

== In Detail ==

=== A Fictional Task ===

An international company has 5 owners from all over the world. Used to
electronic cooperation as they are they want to elect their CEO online
as well. A lack of trust make it difficult to decide whom of them
should host the polling system.

=== Proposed Solution ===

The problem is solved by by hosting the polling system on all five
interested sites simultaneously. The language system stores a copy of
the programs continuation, in the example the polls counter, on each
site. Each vote is counted at each site by this continuation. However
execution is synchronised in byzantine agreement. Now, until three of
those five partners collaborate there's no doubt about the result. But
that's the point of an election anyway.

So the aim is to design a language, which can implement justiciable
processes. (For more (german) background see Rechtssicherheit im Netz
(course of studies at HTWK Leipzig).

The implementer is left with the problem that each mutation to the
shared state has to be agreed. Thus speed of light limits what's
feasible. Here immutable objects become advantageous.

We escaped the problem by dedicating a kind of a coarse Scheme dialect
to control persistent, replicated effects. These are intercepted by
the agreement system. Another side effect free subset of Scheme is
used to query the store and produce proposed modifications for the
persistent part.

For the programmer this boils down to implement two programs, the
query part:

(lambda (this request) ) =>response

and the proposal of the new state:

(lambda (this request) ) =>(values proposal digest).

The proposal is (kind of a) Scheme program, which describes the
(locally) proposed changes to the persistent state (i.e., the new
continuation and variable assignments) and the final response of the
transaction. However before the proposal is actually executed on all
sites, byzantine agreement is sought on the cryptographic digest
[something like (sha1-digest (with-output-to-string (lambda() (write

Since  never effects the store, complex computations can be done
efficiently. Smart application design means in this context to require
only a small number of persistent (distributed) transactions per user
request. This makes the delay from the agreement protocol negotiable
in exchange for the "tamper proofed backup system".

(The coarse grained language, being slow by design anyway, does
slightly more: some meta data usually interesting in dispute, like
date of creation and check sums to verify content integrity are
maintained. Furthermore the runtime system provides a super user free
permission management system. Eventually there's a resynchronisation
protocol. But that's off topic here. For details see the white paper.)

== Final Note ==

I hope I could demonstrate good reasons to have a standardised side
effect free Scheme subset. Such a language can be used to encode
processes defined by legally binding contracts in machine executable,
tamper proofed way. But I'm not sure that this radical change should
go into R6RS at the expense of breaking compatibility. Due to these
concerns I'd rather vote for an optional language feature or a
distinct data type.

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Re: Writing Linux kernel code in Scheme?

2006-09-13 Thread Joerg F. Wittenberger
does this one help:

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Coming to Scheme from Python.

2006-09-21 Thread Joerg F. Wittenberger
Steve Freitas wrote:
> I wonder if there's been any movement on porting Termite from Gambit
> to Chicken. If you're willing to cast your problem in an
> Erlang-style light, that could make for very high multicore
> performance indeed. Just spawn some child processes and start
> tossin' your functions at them.

Porting Termite will not exactly help here.  Termite (on gambit)
allows you to manually transfer objects from host to host, where host
is a OS process.  On multicore machines you still have to run one host
per processor.  Then you would be left with *manually* controlling
object transfer and distribution.

Gambit-C, chicken, rscheme (I don't know about Java???) and many other
user level threading systems simly share the problem: user mode
threads are fast, but don't scale with multiple cores.  Usually that's
a memory management issue (Felix should know) which doesn't go away by
any amount of code in the language.  Needed is a n:m mapping from user
level threads to system threads running the chicken VM (runtime).

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Coming to Scheme from Python.

2006-09-21 Thread Joerg F. Wittenberger
Steve Freitas wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-09-21 at 11:14 +0200, Joerg F. Wittenberger wrote:
> > Porting Termite will not exactly help here.  Termite (on gambit)
> > allows you to manually transfer objects from host to host, where
> host
> > is a OS process.  On multicore machines you still have to run one
> host
> > per processor.  Then you would be left with *manually* controlling
> > object transfer and distribution.
> With a threading system, you're still, at some point in your code,
> *manually* firing off new threads, so it's different work, not
> necessarily more.

Oh, I see your point.  I assumed you'd expect your Scheduler to assign
the processor automatically to your threads.

> > Gambit-C, chicken, rscheme (I don't know about Java???) and many
> > other
> > user level threading systems simly share the problem: user mode
> > threads are fast, but don't scale with multiple cores.
> And that's why something like Termite makes so much sense. When you
> institute immutables, and copy by value on function arguments, it
> makes
> it easy to scale with multiple cores since you've eliminated most
> potential concurrency bugs. So you run one host per core, and dispatch
> the work. Have you look at Termite's syntax? It makes such things
> very,
> very easy.

You are true, that's exactly our experience.

I, personally, decided a few years back that I do not like to have to
care for even thread creation, mutal exclusion, dead locks etc.
That's why I came to write an Erlang-inspired (message passing)
environment with Scheme as application programming language: Askemos.

In contrast to Termite we do not (yet) have pattern matching on the
incoming queue (for some other reasons related to possibly different
message orders at hosts, that's an unresolved theoretical issue).
Also I did not know how to serialize a full continuation (as gambit
does), that's why I tricked users to supply them at application level.

In other areas Askemos is more mature than Termite: it doesn't hide in
some docs that users are supposed not to use side effects (like
set-car!), it just doesn't support them (on application level).

And eventually the highlight: it's the only environment I'm aware of,
which runs it's in virtual synchrony (byzantine agreement) at several
hosts at once.  Hence there's no single point of failure in the p2p
network, reason: legal liability; Askemos was designed to be
impervious to intentional insider attacs.  In fact, if one of the
hosts behind is cut of the net, our programmers will
not even notice while they continue their work.

Ah, you where asking for chicken: once I started a port in 2003.
RScheme is not so different, except for the FFI and internals, but we
stuck close to R5RS where possible anyway.  Than we ran into
performance and UTF8 issues and had to abandon the port in favor of

> >   Usually that's
> > a memory management issue (Felix should know) which doesn't go away
> > by
> > any amount of code in the language.  Needed is a n:m mapping from
> > user
> > level threads to system threads running the chicken VM (runtime).
> If I'm understanding your suggested n:m mapping correctly, then
> Termite
> makes it really simple to establish what you're asking for.

Not at all.  I'm asking for some way to assing Scheme threads to a
processor *without* moving the thread out of the process where they
where startet.  The Askemos implementation we have today uses lots of
threads for short activities (since they are cheap).  If I wanted to
run them on multiple cores, there should be close to zero effort to
migrate threads among processors and they should still share
e.g. mailboxes with other threads on other cores.

However I understand that fast user level threads and multicore
scaling looks currently like conflicting goals.  I would *not* vote to
pay on the thread system side.  Instead close assesment of application
needs will probably reveal better ways of multicore scaling.  Example:
Askemos runs it's byzantine agreement over HTTPS (huge waste, I know).
We made the SSL layer into an extra executable, thus chances are that
the kernel will put the memory hungry server on one core and those SSL
proxies on others.

best regards


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: Re: Re: [Chicken-users] performance issue in xml-rpc

2006-12-11 Thread Joerg F. Wittenberger
> So, it looks like the top two time-consuming procedures are
> read-request and SSAX:XML->SXML.  The third is probably
> http:read-request-attributes.
> Any comments?
> Maybe, I would need to look into the chicken source code.

Probably you need to.

My experience from Askemos [] implementation: parsing
and serializing should be optimised at all cost except for

I'd personally love to port Askemos/BALL to chicken and that's why I'm
lurking here.  (To save reading about Askemos: it's technically STM on
P2P in Scheme.  Users see a byzantine replicated programming
environment similar to Termite.)  There are a few things why my code
is currently pretty tied to RScheme and not easily portable to
chicken+spiffy even though I did my best to stick to R5RS.  (E.g.: I
did not use the RScheme object system no matter how tempting it was.):
* C code in parsing and serializing XML
* new data type for XML (performance and transparancy issues with

So if you care for performance, optimization here will buy you much
more than anything else (like compiler choice).

The BALL code base brings up age old bug in rscheme, I'm afraid it
would do so with chicken too.  I have to make my living too, I just
don't have time to help on this one.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] anyone have a Playstation 3 ?

2006-12-27 Thread Joerg F. Wittenberger
> On Dec 25, 2006, at 10:10 PM, John Cowan wrote:
> > Shawn Rutledge scripsit:
> >
> >> What other kinds of constructs can you imagine in Scheme for
> >> parallel
> >> execution, which would work better than threads?
> >
> > Communicating sequential processes (CSP) would be the obvious  
> > candidate.
> All the pieces for a Chicken Termite are in place:
> match-action egg
> mailbox egg (w/ timeout & cursor)
> Thomas Chust's rpc egg
> logging egg
> remote-launch egg

Even more: has a slightly out of date chicken
tarball.  That one already served non-mutating requests before.

- we plan to go multi plattform anyway, but it takes time
- the chicken based dev version is stalled for performance reasons (at
  chicken version 0.something)
- Askemos/BALL is slightly more advanced at the application level
  (e.g. we don't ask in the manual to stay away from side effects,
   we avoid them in the interpreter);
  otherwise it's highly simillar
- it doesn't have message matching (at application level) since it's
  are completely unclear how this could interfer with the
  synchronisation protocol
- it has a byzantine sync protocol, there is global shared state
  (sort of "software transactional memory") over a quorum of hosts
  (the quorum is a per object property)
- the shared state is beyond the exclusive control of individual
  machines (required for tamper proof processes like electronic
  contracts, where Askemos is currently the only know option which
  actually works)
- porting requires mostly pulling eggs (is there something like
  libmagic and iconv?), convert FFI and some C in parsing and
- we would have done it long ago, we just don't have the time.  Money
  will probably bring us even a Java version before the chicken port
  even though the Java port will be much more than a few weeks.

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] cross-platform gui toolkit

2007-02-06 Thread Joerg F. Wittenberger
Brandon Van Every wrote:

> Matthew Welland wrote:
> > I'd suggest going one step further and striving to keep the scheme
> > portion not too chicken specific. Other schemes would only have to
> > provide the interface layer and the bulk of the code could be
> > reused.
> >   
> From a support and community growth standpoint, I see no value in
> projects that try to be all things to all Schemes.  Doing things
> well on Chicken is what's important.  Also, reuse doesn't mean
> anything without people and interest.

I'm not sure you are right here, Brandon.  The people and interest are
there.  Just some of them will not jump on the chicken/gui ship when
it's chicken specific - as they refuse to jump on those other PLT or
whatever specific ships even though they seriously lack an viable
alternative.  So adding one more ship will extends the set of options
I'm *not* taking anyway.  For me this boild down to accepting strange
restrictions (besides coding R5RS(subset) whenever possible):

I, for one, arrived at a certain user interface methodology.  At model
level I insist not to add anything UI specific.  But I allow some
generic call back registry for update events (the well known MVC model

At the edit level, either give me a graphical editor to try out, or
some declarative syntax, be it Scheme or whatever.  No more than 20
pages documentation.

For persistant storage and data exchange I insist at some automatic
transformation between hand written source and XML (both ways, round
trip safe at source level) at least for the model data, preferably for
the call back registry too.  Why?  I want to care about structure;
rendering the structure to valid HTML/XML/SVG/PDF etc. should be
negotiated and performed by some magic in my programming environment.
I just don't want to see it in my code.  Also, nobody likes XML, but
still that's the least common denominator to stay for long, long
time.  And it's well known how to programmatically modify it without
resorting to characterwise processing.

For display, push some kind of update description from model towards
the renderer.  There's probably some stack of backend specific layers
between the model and the actual renderer.  Preferably: put a network
connection somewhere in this stack.  This network transparency is
often handy.  If it comes into the way (say for games), just bypass it
in memory.

If this sound like HTML/XML/JavaScript and gecko, it's not too far
off.  That's how we do it most of the time.  Just a little less of
footprint would be great!  And maybe a nicer syntax.  But the latter
is about taste and I don't want to argue about that one.
Also is on my radar in this context.

Furthermore: this path readily allows for terminal based alternative
user interfaces, e.g. for disabled people or small devices.  All
without changing the toolkit.

However a JavaScript dependancy might look strange to people, who
value security.  (At CCC, we just got demonstrated for how long we'll
expect man-in-the-middle holes) So I don't want to see JS in the
source code.  It's ok, if generated (so an alternative solution can
replace it entirely whithout me touching my code).

Still there ought to be the mentioned alternative.  The fast path is
"web 1.5" - a term I coined for "web 2.0 sans JavaScript": full page
update, all POST's redirected back to the sending page (keeps the
backbutton working), all state at the server.  Again: hide these
aspects from my UI source code.  Advantages: works immediately als
terminal alternative.  Works with same usability for JS-disabled
browsers (root users).  Disadvantage[*]: just close to a GUI but it

The GUI alternative: hm, there've been Matthew's and other good
proposals.  End goal: SRFI, not less!  Render, say SVG (or subset)
[great, we get graphical GUI editors for free] plus some additional
basic widgets, about the Java AWT set, but if possible, more
declarative.  Automatic element positioning.  Allow to attach
callbacks (closures) to events.  React to update events.  Period.
No-no's: convey internal data from renderer to controler; "turtle
graphic" where you (...define a font, a brush, a second brush, a
cursor shape a cursor bit mask, select them into the drawing context,
remember to do so in the correct order, strike a path, close it, fill

I guess, the best thing to start with, was to agree on some "least
common denominator" GUI description syntax.  This would allow to
exchange the underlying implementation.  Looks like a Schemeish way to
me.  ;-)

Just my two cent.



[*] you may wonder why I did not mention "network load" under those
disadvantages.  After all AJAX was conceived because of that bottle

I did not, because "web 1.5" was invented a context like X Windows,
where is a "deployment mistake" to put WAN connections between server
and client.  Said context replaces servers of traditional web setups
alltogether with peer to peer networks.  Hence most work of the

Re: [Chicken-users] cross-platform gui toolkit

2007-02-07 Thread Joerg F. Wittenberger
Brandon Van Every wrote:

> > Chicken wouldn't have half the eggs it does if the non-Chicken
> > Scheme community had taken that position.  Fortunately for us,
> > they did not.
> Which half?  My world is OpenGL and C FFIs.  I don't see any
> interloper eggs helping out here.  It's one thing if your task is pure
> Scheme, quite another if your task is OS interfacing.

Brandon, please don't take things personal.  Don't downplay others
contributions just because you don't know yet where you might need

> > I'm not sure you are right here, Brandon.  The people and interest are
> > there.  Just some of them will not jump on the chicken/gui ship when
> > it's chicken specific - as they refuse to jump on those other PLT or
> > whatever specific ships even though they seriously lack an viable
> > alternative.  
> > 
> You can of course post an abstract GUI project to comp.lang.scheme and
> see what takers you get.  But from a practical standpoint, you're in
> serious danger of design by committee.

:-) If I would bother so much, maybe I would do.

> Or a bunch of people talking and no action.

But I'm not doing this for the fun of it.  I'm forced to think
economical too.  There's a project, a design, a market need,
obstacles, challenges, actual and potential resources.  I'm on action
for several years now.  Slowly, sure, but eventually not without
success.  (I just hired a first employee for Scheme programming - ok
wrt. "no action", thank you.)

A good GUI toolkit is such a resource.

But I don't have the time or money to write something up, just to see
what I can eventually use it for.

So let me tell you something: a chicken specific gui toolkit, which
somehow wraps opengl and that it - that's something I don't have time

> It would make a lot more sense to get it done in Chicken with a few
> people, show it to the world, and show that it's actually good.
> Then refactor whatever is Chicken specific about it, if you can
> draft up the labor for ports.

However I still have so much time for it, that I might spend half an
hour or more to write up my requirement for those, who might pick the
project up anyway.  Not because I'm ready to fight with them over
their design.  They might care or ignore my notes entirely.

If they ignore my requirements however, there is little chance that,
once they show their work to world, they will meet my needs.  If it
fails, like those toolkits before, I'll ignore their work as much as
they ignored my requirements.  (Hey, I can live without M$-Windows -
because it fails my requirements - I'll come over yet another gui
toolkit to forget.)

However I've got the feeling that there where some persons, who
listened, who - at least partially - agreed with my concerns.

Look, Brandon: long ago, when there was no chicken Scheme, I choose a
pretty nice Scheme for the feature set it had: multithreaded,
asynchronous i/o, persistant data, compile to C.  (Before than, I used
bigloo for my work.)  Then I went on to actually read the source and
had a look at it's community to find out how good I could support my
compiler without the original author (hey, he could be run over by a
bus the next day), before I based a business case on it.  A little
more community would have been a plus, but as things where, it was ok.
The I coded.  I tried to abstain from anything not looking like
R5RS+SRFI (except when there was real - i.e. economic - pressure).  I
ignored a nice object system.  I reimplemented few features to avoid
dependancies.  I ignored a huge amount of code (DNS, PDF, database
integration, font metrics, X11 integration spring to mind), which all
where very tempting to just reuse (and add sexy features).  All
because - by design - I'm not going to produce a rscheme specific
result.  Nevertheless - as I said economic pressure - a few things
crept in, like FFI related code, few finalization issues, and
eval/sandbox API questions, SSL etc. which keep the result system
specific for the moment.  (Currently the incompatibilities with
chicken+eggs appear to boil down mostly to API differences, not
feature sets anymore; some changes to our code base are just motivated
to use chicken's APIs.)

See: been there, done that.  For economical reasons, we'll be able to
shell out money for porting Askemos to Java.  Otherwise I'll take the
freedom to wait and help for more and more pieces of the work we have
put into Askemos beeing doublicated for other Schemes.  I'm not agry
about that.  Maybe a bit sad, because it's taking longer that way.
The advantage for me: there'll be others who will be asked to fix
their bugs.  ;-) I'm desperately *and* paitiently waiting for the
moment, when, eventually, there will be enough eggs to port Askemos in
a few days, cutting off most of my code.  Zero code sharing between
hosts is what I call a "heterogenous network" and that's what Askemos
is going to become - by definition.

 Schemers don't share code!
   (Except if doing so

[Chicken-users] cello? cross-platform gui toolkit

2007-02-07 Thread Joerg F. Wittenberger
I'm afraid I'm sold.

I just read about cells and
(haven't heard about it before).

To me this looks like a usable way to write (G)UI's.

So whatever the underlying toolkit will be (and how inclomplete the
implementation to start with), I'd vote for something like this
as the syntax and style, I shall edit.  Well, maybe we could drop a
few of those "mk-" prefixes (as is "mk-vbox", "mk-radio-button" etc.).

But probably I'm sold because I'm biased anyway.  Could someone please
tell me, what the difference between cells, termite and askemos is?
(except maybe for persistance or safety; from cell-doc.lisp, which I
just have open):

   take a system from time T to time T+1 smoothly
Looks just like different wording, to me.  Anything substancial I'm



Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] cello? cross-platform gui toolkit

2007-02-07 Thread Joerg F. Wittenberger
scwm - I recall vaguely.

Kon Wrote:

> > But probably I'm sold because I'm biased anyway.  Could someone
> > please
> > tell me, what the difference between cells, termite and askemos is?
> Cells is a constraint propagation system for CLOS (spreadsheet-style  
> programming). Termite is Erlang in Scheme. Askemos is a trusted/ 
> reliable distributed computing framework. Only Termite & Askemos  
> could be considered in a similar category.

Except that - it struck me, when I read this cell stuff.  Because
there's exactly the same mechanism to propagate updates.

When I compare them, I don't compare so much on the category or
purpose.  I compare the computational model.  This is the same for
cells, FPGA's, spreadsheets, Termite, Erlang, iO
( and whatnot.  Cells/Objects carry
properties, updates tightly controlled, messages propagate updates,
data flow driven (in a way at least).

I ways simillarities don't surprise me:
a) Michael Haard once (~94) wrote a spreadsheet called "teapot".  At my
request he added some capability to compute "stepwise updates".  We
wrote a game of life with it.  Why my request?  I've been busy at that
time experimenting with FPGA's.  I wanted some modelling tool.
b) That FPGS's experience had a lot of influence at the Askemos
design (because I had learned that it allows to parallelise algorithms
up to the point that a matrix multiplication on a stream can be done
at O(1) amortised time).  So no wonder that this cellular structure
c) One of my early experiments where done using FramerD.  What I've
been missing there was the ability to put slot-updates under formula

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] cross-platform gui toolkit

2007-02-09 Thread Joerg F. Wittenberger
Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
> Crazy Eddie's GUI System
> is worth looking at
> in this regard.  It is a C++ toolkit, skinnable, MIT licensed, and has
> survived as the preferred GUI of the Ogre3D engine.  Ogre3D ain't
> small potatoes.  This means CEGUI has community resources that most
> open source projects lack.  When I say "look at it," I mean for design
> inspiration, since it's a successful system.  I think C++ wrapping
> projects are currently hard in Chicken, so I've been leery of chasing
> anyone's C++ development.
Not bad!

And give some inspiration.

I'd ignore "C++ wrapping" is currently hard in Chicken.  It could be
solved rather easily for this particular (and simillar) case(s).

What I would do:

1. Nag Felix, the poor guy - until he adds (that is finishes, as I
recall) an interface to call Chicken from POSIX threads.  Maybe that's
even possible already, but I don't think so.  Is it?

2. Start two POSIX threads.  One running Crazy Eddie plus a some C++
"driver" code talking to the other POSIX thread running Chicken, where
it's a different job to dispatch events to whatever chicken thread.

I like CE's XML way of specifying GUI layouts.  Fit's pretty well with
SXML on the Scheme side.  It should not be too hard to deploy the
ResourceProvider mechanism of CE to fetch the XML in core from

Also Input gathering ougth to be done here per default (though for the
sake of game developers optionally).  This must not preclude event
injection from the Scheme side.

3. At the Scheme side, *I* would (I told you in the other mail that
I'm sold already) base the interface at this cell-gtk syntax (with
modifications like dropping "mk-" prefixes.  I'd consider to modify
the language: compare to CE's syntax and unify or alias what maps.

3b. Do these cells very general, Scheme way of doing things.  If this
becomes a SRFI of it's own, not bad but also not nessesary.

4. While doing 2 and 3 in parallel, have a look aside to the cell-gtk
LISP code.  Eventually, that is once 3 is sort of stable (beta), throw
some alternate GTK bindings underneath the syntax of 3.

4b. Having two bindings, some KDE guy will probably sit down and
create an alternative to the CE thread, driving KDE.

5. Write two SRFI's about (1) and (3).  (3) will need some system
support impossible with pure Scheme - the graphics side.  But there
where several bindings at this time already.  And the conversation
between Scheme and the GUI system is by now broken down to a
thread-thread communication, which could be done via ports for the
SRFI, while we don't have an extra interpreter and pipes for the "real
thing" of an implementation.

6. Have a lot fun with the result.  And don't mind if the SRFI takes
years to adoption.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] cool 3d logo by Joshua Griffith

2007-02-20 Thread Joerg F. Wittenberger
> Alejo wrote:
> > On 2/20/07, Alejandro Forero Cuervo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > >Can you specify what you mean by 'a Page Index'?
> > >
> > >A list with the names of absolutely all pages in the wiki, sorted
> > >alphabetically?
> > >
> > 
> > Yes.
> I'd be inclined to believe such functionality should -not- be
> provided by a wiki system.
Me too.

However something similar should be there.  Once I thought a wiki is
something like a mind map.  So the link structure should be available

For the (minimalistic) wiki I wrote for askemos, a page is generated,
which depicts the context of the page.  That is those pages linked
from the current page, those linking to the current page and for each
of those (linked and linking) pages the next "generation"
linked/linking pages.


Here this is presented as a simple table, where the "current" page
would be right in the middle.  Two columns right and left.

Still this can easily get out of control:

What I always wanted to do, but never got around to actually
implement, was using graphviz or alike to
draw that as an SVG with links to the pages...  but I'd love it.

Nevertheless, for a wiki, I believe, the picture should always be cut
down around a "focus page".


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Chicken manual in Texinfo format

2007-06-01 Thread Joerg F. Wittenberger
Adhi Hargo wrote:
> --- Alejandro Forero Cuervo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > It's best to keep the authoritative version of the manual in wiki
> > format instead of Texinfo.  I think this makes it easier for most
> > to contribute to it.  I also think a Texinfo version should be
> > generated from it.
> apply the right tag. in the long run, wiki->texi
> conversion loses a lot more semantic information than
> the other way around, so much so that wiki != quality
> reference.
> *But* I agree, that the main focus should be ease of
> contribution.

My 0.02 cent, for what it's worth to consider.

a) Taking the ease of contribution argument one step further: I have
always seen wiki syntax as kind of a non-authoritative visual
respresentation intented for a certain editing task.  (Because I've
never been able to decide upfront, which wiki syntax I like most,
since each of them has it's merits.)  So most of the time I - as an
authro - would like to choose the syntax I'm most familar with...which
implies that the abstract contributer needs to be able to choose the
syntax per edit session, not per page and upon page creation time (for
all future contributers and contribution).

b) Data formats, if not strictly defined and widely deployed (in
different applications), have a tendency to develop over time.
Eventually you end up like "word": backward compatible for about one
version and a half.  Prepare to keep converting you old documents!

c) Therefore I'd always recomment to *store* some strictly checked
format, while serializing to the fashion-of-the-day, human readably
syntax in the very moment of delivery for edit/display.

d) Example: Long ago (in '96 cvs said) I wrote "sdc" (Sgml Document
Comipler) in Scheme (bigloo).  Using James Clarks nsgmls parser it
converts SGML into a lazy evaluated stream of tag events and applies
stream operators from a template in a way very simillar to sxml-tool's
prep-post-order tree traversal.  This saved my day.  I could type in
my own SGML syntax (oh boy, I *loved* those data tag and minimization
features) patterned after LaTeX documents.  Sdc would convert that via
latex or lout into postscript, into gnu info files (directly in
scheme, no texinfo involved), man pages and html.  It did the indexing
and cross referencing.  And it did even allow me to mix my prefered
table syntax (roff) with lout graphics and LaTeX formulars in one SGML
source file.  (For reference )

But the advantage of that approach: I always knew the "way out": dump
the tag stream in simple SGML (which later got the name XML) and read
that in whatever tool I'll ever like.

(BTW: sdc was not that bad of a deal for me: once I've been asked "we
have this huge amount of GML documents at that IBM Host machine and we
want to get rid of the 1M bugs a year it costs us.  sdc got a new
frontend and a specialized style sheet.  Now they have docbook.)

  So I'd recomment to enfore strict checks on canonicalized wiki
  content.  Store that as S-Expressions or XML, no fancy parsers.

  Hint: the canonicalization process could add sensible defaults for
  mandatory items to give the user an idea, what to complete/change.

The Askemos website works that way too.
The wiki stores some html plus some wiki specific tags (cross
references seen as back links, "include that other page here
literally" to compose big pages from componets and cross references
into other wikis [the askemos wiki allows to be stacked]).  The
"source" template will show the page source in text/xml by default and
present an option to change into some wikipedia style (not exactly, I
tried to parse the syntax using lalr, so I needed to modify the syntax
anyway; and I'm not yet satisfied with the result of the "serialize as
wikipedia" procedure).

best regards


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] a file system using Chicken

2007-06-12 Thread Joerg F. Wittenberger
> "felix winkelmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>
> >> A few of you have mentioned their past interest in using Scheme
> >> for a filesystem. Out of curiosity, what ideas did you guys have
> >> in mind?

I must have missed that post.  This is, when I *must* put in my
shameless plug about having worked towards such a thing in the past

> Me too! ;-)
> - developing a Scheme-based domain-specific language for implementing
>   secure/safe/guaranteed-integrity filesystems, using techniques like
>   the various secure proof-carrying calculi

I did end up with something like (white paper
from 2002, PDF), the implementations looks roughly like this:

level 1: comparable to git (see "man git" section "the object data
base"): content addressed objects.  Askemos has only two types "blob"
and "place".  Blob, as in git is a static byte sequence, addresses by
it's sha256 has.  Blobs as well as places are referenced from other
places via links.  Everythink place linked from the well know place
(where - by "accident" higher level will store your current X509
private host key is referenced as blob) is kept during garbage
collection (of places).

level 2: For each place the system kernel maintains a set of
properties.  What exactly is already configurable.  However a certain
set of properties is provided.

  1.  The object type.  Called either "action-document" or "contract"
  in the context of Askemos.  (Where the former is better to
  explain the internals of the machinery, while the latter names
  the real purpose.)  Objects types are "consed" with initial data
  at object creation time.  They are static objects.

  2.  Mandatory capabilities.  (Here I need to point out that the
  scientific contribution of the Askemos project is to solve the
  distribution of capabilities "how do the capabilities get
  granted to the objects (places)" in a secure manner. [boils down
  to a few lines of set theory])

  3.  Creator, Date and some such meta data.

  4.  the actual (optional) object data (a blob).

level 3: Places communicate to each other sending messages (Erlang
style interaction).  The "contract", which governs the execution of
the process whose state is stored (in the blob and link pattern) at
the place defines via some embedded Scheme code a few operations.  At
least: "Read" - how the repls to idempotent calles to the place are
composed, and a "propose"/"accept" pair, which defines how messages
are handled, which might modify the place.  Recall MVC and the
GET/POST distinction of HTTP and some imagination, which one goes
where.  We return to the "propose/accept" instead of naive "write" in
a second.

> - developing file-systems optimized for reading and writing particular
>   types of data structures, with the ability to add new data structure
>   definitions on the fly, essentially a hybrid between file systems
>   and databases
> - union directories ala Plan 9 -- combining different resources in a
>   filesystem interface; the resources could be different Scheme
>   programs and so on -- I guess this is a generalization of Felix's
>   ideas #1 and #3

By means of the contract, all types of objects (e.g., comparable to
those "tree" and "commit" records of git, but that's now for git
comparision) can be defined.  Use your OO knowledge to roll your own

(((We have slightly optimised already for XML processing.  Parsed
state / serialized octec sequence cached side by side.  Also sqlite
available because I could not resist.)))

>From level three there are a few network protocols available.  Most
important HTTP/S to communicate with the places within Askemos from
outside.  I've been looking into fuse a few times myself and I am very
grateful for duggfs in that respect.  ;-) But for file system
operations we currently rely on WebDAV no matter how bad a standard
that one is.  At least the destop tools talk it and: it will not leave
the local machine anyway (most of the time).  See below.

The brings us to

level 4:

There is second well know object with the public host key and some
initial data intented for use as initial contract and initial process.
Since contracts are static places, but places nevertheless, their type
must be a contract.  The recursion ends where the legal recursion
regarding contracts ends in the real world to in a initial contract,
the "constitution".

Using their public key as identity, hosts running an Askemos
representative (my name for the server/proxy mix) may route requests
among each other.  (Hell strict rules regarding capabilities.)

The locations (representatives) where a place resides is a property of
the place and under control of the contract as yet another property.
So applications can choose where to run (given enought of those
choosen representative is willing to support the application).

This takes us back to the "propose"/"accept" pair above.  The last
paragraph should look s

[Chicken-users] offtopic: download problems

2007-06-13 Thread Joerg F. Wittenberger
Hi all,

this is unrelated to chicken, but I don't know any way else do debug
the problem.

Probably due to my yesterdays post, there where unusual many download
on the Askemos white paper

Now I have several occurences of error log entries, where somehow
iconv where run over the PDF and bailed out.  (Sure iconv should only
be run when converting charsets on the way out.)  However I can not
reproduce the case.  To me it delivers just fine, regardless of the
host I use.

I'd be thankful to those of you, who did experience download problems
to send reports my way in private mail.  And grateful to those, who
just click the url to check.

best regards


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] RFC 1123/HTTP-format date parsing

2007-07-31 Thread Joerg F. Wittenberger
Ivan Shmakov wrote:
> MA> I need to parse some RFC 1123 dates, in order to turn them into
>While I'm not aware of any existing parsers, implementing one
>on top of ... srfi19

from plain memory RFC 1123 is iso 8601, isn't it?  (did not check now)

(define iso-8601-time-string-format "~Y-~m-~dT~H:~M:~f~z")

and go along with SRFI 19 parser/format procedures.  Works with the
askemos source, that is HTTP/WebDAV.  Usually we use konqueror and
cadaver for testing, so I only hope it's correct.  (Never went deeper
into the issue.)

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