[Chicken-users] [] Compiling on Solaris 10

2011-11-09 Thread Nicolas Pelletier
Hello Chickeners,

today I tried to compile the latest stable Chicken, on
Solaris 10 (sparc), only to find out the the build fails: I used


and make signalled a circular dependency while looking for apply-hack.sparc.S.

As it turns out, there is a apply-hack.sparc64.S... but nothing for
the other. I am not familiar with the sparc architecture, so I am
looking for advice on what to do. Also please tell me if you need more

Thank you in advance for your answers.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] [] Compiling on Solaris 10

2011-11-10 Thread Nicolas Pelletier
Hello John,

Thank you for your suggestions. Here is the next episode of my sparc

On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 00:36, John Cowan  wrote:
> Currently, sparc is not a supported CPU.  The first thing is to add it
> to the list of known CPU architectures.  Add the line
>        sparc) echo "sparc";;

I added the line as:

sun4u) echo "sparc";;

since this is what uname -m says.

> 1) Try copying apply-hack.sparc64.S to apply-hack.sparc.S and hope
> it works.  If it does build, be sure to run the tests.

This does not work. The assembler complains about setx, ldx... saying
instructions from a set more recent than sparcv8 are unsupported. Fair
enough. Looking at what the code does, it seems it expects the number
of arguments, and a base address for a function, treats the first 6
arguments as passed through registers and loads the rest from the
stack. Hmm... Now, looking a little at the output of objects with
objdump and dbx, here is how things look like on this machine:

the object format is elf32-sparc. I am unsure about the C ABI.
the addresses are 32-bit
the global and output registers seem to be 64 bits wide, the local and
input registers 32 bits wide (weird, maybe wrong).

There are some magic constants in the apply-hack.sparc64.S file which
I do not understand. What is the 2047? And the 176? The code just
before these looks as if it already reserved a "window" for the
registers on the stack, so what is this?

In the case of sparc, if it is possible to use the same general scheme
(no pun intended), I would have to replace ldx, sllx and co with
shorter instructions, saving the higher, then the lower part of the %g
and %o registers I suppose... And of course, modify the various other
constants (8, -2, 3) to accomodate for the different register width.
Does this make any kind of sense?

> 2) If that fails, try disabling APPLY_HACK by adding the following patch
> to Makefile.solaris after the comment line "# options":
> ifeq ($(ARCH),sparc)
>        APPLY_HACK=
> endif
> As far as I know, nobody has tried to build Chicken without an apply-hack
> in a long time.

This was a simple thing to do, but did not work. As the first part of
installilng chicken, I must first bootstrap it, with:

  gmake PLATFORM=solaris CHICKEN=/bin/true PREFIX=$HOME boot-chicken

and after compiling for a few moments, the build fails with:

gcc -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -DHAVE_CHICKEN_CONFIG_H
-DC_ENABLE_PTABLES -c c-backend.c -o c-backend-static.o -I. -I./
gmake[2]: *** No rule to make target `apply-hack.sparc.S', needed by
`apply-hack.sparc.o'. Stop.

Note on the /bin/true part: README is lying ;-) There is no bootstrap
compiler included in the stable releases (1st lie), and there is no
pre-compiled bootstrap compiler to be downloaded from the Chicken site
(2nd lie). But thankfully the .c files are already there, so the
vicious circle of having chicken to bootstrap chicken does not happen.

Advice, comments, directions are most welcome.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] [] Compiling on Solaris 10

2011-11-10 Thread Nicolas Pelletier
Hello Mario,

On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 20:05, Mario Domenech Goulart
> Hi Nicolas,
> On Thu, 10 Nov 2011 20:10:10 +0900 Nicolas Pelletier 
>  wrote:
>> Note on the /bin/true part: README is lying ;-) There is no bootstrap
>> compiler included in the stable releases (1st lie), and there is no
>> pre-compiled bootstrap compiler to be downloaded from the Chicken site
>> (2nd lie).
> I don't get the 1st lie.  What section mentions that?

I am refering to the secion "6. Bootstrapping" in README:

make PLATFORM= CHICKEN= boot-chicken

When I read this, I thought "path-to-existing-chicken" meant there was
an existing chicken included, which is not the case. On re-reading, I
am not sure this is what was meant... but telling the user to point to
an existing chicken when they are trying to bootstrap is certainly

> The second lie has been fixed in the chicken-core git repository.

That was fast! Thank you!


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] chicken-install from behind a proxy?

2009-11-24 Thread Nicolas Pelletier

I successfully installed Chicken 4.2.0 on my machine (Debian 5.0, 64
bits Intel). However, I cannot install any eggs; the problem seems to
be that I am sitting behind a proxy:

> nico...@dynamo:~/dev$ chicken-install kanren
> retrieving ...
> connecting to host "chicken.kitten-technologies.co.uk", port 80 ...
> TCP connect timeout
> connecting to host "galinha.ucpel.tche.br", port 80 ...
> TCP connect timeout
> Error: extension or version not found

FWIW, the error message says "TCP connect timeout", but a network
capture shows that this is really the name resolution which is failing
(which is just a peculiarity of the network setup here).

I had previously no problems using chicken-setup and chicken-3.2.7
(chicken-setup -proxy my_proxy.xxx:8080 kanren successfully installed
the kanren egg). Could you please help me around this problem? In case
this is one feature that is already on the todo list for
chicken-install (and just hasn't been ported from chicken-setup yet),
I'd appreciate any hints as to which files and functions to modify to
make this work.

Thanks in advance,


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] chicken-install from behind a proxy?

2009-11-25 Thread Nicolas Pelletier

On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 8:34 PM, Mario Domenech Goulart
> Felix has just implemented this feature.  See
> http://chicken.wiki.br/cgi-bin/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?p=chicken-core.git;a=commit;h=895a4d51277071deee6cfe0f0e2a04f0bc10813e

Thank you. I tried the patch over a vanilla 4.2.0. I am now able to
see the download going through the proxy, but the installation still
fails with the following error:

> reading files ...
>   ./kanren.scm
> Error: invalid file name - possibly corrupt transmission: |# 
> "./kanren-runtime.scm" 82966
> ;   The body of KANREN
> ;
> ; The appropriate prelu...

Inspecting what is really received on the wire shows that the data
begins with a newline followed by this line:

#||# "./kanren.scm" 83807

It looks like the (read) operation in setup-download.scm (line 250 for
me) does not skip over the last |#. Any ideas what might be causing



Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Re: ... and a happy new year as well!

2010-01-07 Thread Nicolas Pelletier

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 1:06 AM, Christian Kellermann
> * Ivan Shmakov  [100107 17:00]:
>> PS.  Currently, I'm about to begin my preparations for the course on
>>       computer networks I'd be carrying on for the second time.  While
>>       no part of the course the course has a specific focus on the
>>       network programming, I'd be glad to hear any suggestions on how
>>       Scheme (and functional programming in general) could be
>>       mentioned.

I'd suggest protocol analysis or traffic inspection. Chicken's support
for low-level access and easy ffi lets you hook almost anywhere in the
network stack. Then Scheme's power lets you use more advanced tools
for analysis (e.g. using a true parser to analyze a protocol, for
example with the packrat egg). On top of that, you can hook some
reasoning capabilities (for example, with the kanren egg) to detect
intrusions, attacks, questionnable traffic, or suggest an optimal
network configuration, etc...

Or you can go for server-side programming, for example cgi, connection
pooling, access policy... or even (gasp!) cloud computing (for
example, cluster or cloud controllers); the kind of thing that is
traditionally done in C with complicated data structures, a lot of
pointers, and no help from GC, closures, or symbolic programming. And
takes a lot of effort and money to develop and debug :-)

Another hot topic today is the semantic web (RDF, OWL and friends).
This is an area where high-level languages with dynamic and reasoning
capabilities (e.g. Scheme, Lisp, Prolog, for example) shine. Whether
you want to see the network from behind HTTP or not is up to you, of

That's it for a few ideas.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] procedure memoization

2010-02-17 Thread Nicolas Pelletier

On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 5:53 AM, Hugo Arregui  wrote:
> there's a standard implementation for procedures memoization? Srfi or egg?

R5RS says that the result of forcing a promise is memoized. So you
might want to do something along the lines of:

(let ((x (delay (begin (print "Hi!") 1 (print (force x)) (print (force x)))



Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Implementing a remote REPL, can't see definitions

2010-05-23 Thread Nicolas Pelletier

On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 5:12 AM, Stephen Eilert  wrote:
> However, I cannot evaluate any definitions from the rest of the
> program. It seems that I can create new ones, though.

Are you saying that the bindings established by the rest of the
program are not seen by eval ? If so, are you aware of the following
construct (taken from
http://community.schemewiki.org/?scheme-faq-misc#sicp) ?

((eval `(begin (define ,name #f)
(lambda (val) (set! ,name val)))

Piping the needed values through lambda as in the above will let you
control which definitions can be used, and might be enough for what
you are trying to achieve.

> I am not passing any other arguments to eval, so I suppose it is using
> (interaction-environment).

Correct. This means that a new interaction environment will be
generated each time eval is called.

Hope this helps,


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] import and srfi-1

2010-07-22 Thread Nicolas Pelletier

you can do it the following way by generating the import module for test.scm:

nico...@dynamo:~/tmp$ cat test.scm
(module test (rev) (import scheme) (import srfi-1)

(require-extension srfi-1)

(define (rev ls) (fold cons '() ls))

nico...@dynamo:~/tmp$ cat toto.scm
(require-extension test)
(display (rev (list 1 2 3 4 5))) (newline)
nico...@dynamo:~/tmp$ csc -s -j test test.scm
nico...@dynamo:~/tmp$ csc toto.scm
nico...@dynamo:~/tmp$ ./toto
(5 4 3 2 1)



Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] import and srfi-1

2010-07-25 Thread Nicolas Pelletier

On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 6:52 PM, Moritz Heidkamp
> Hi,
> Nicolas Pelletier  writes:
>> nico...@dynamo:~/tmp$ csc -s -j test test.scm
>> nico...@dynamo:~/tmp$ csc toto.scm
>> nico...@dynamo:~/tmp$ ./toto
> just a little hint: the disadvantage of this is that you either have to
> delete the test.so or recompile test.scm for every change you make. You
> can however use csc -Jt test.scm which will only generate the test.c but
> also the test.import.scm which you can use for requiring test.scm. Quite
> convenient! Remember to run csc -Jt again whenever you change the
> exports of the test module however :-)

Indeed, this is more convenient. Thank you for pointing this out!


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] current-time on 32-bit hardware

2010-07-28 Thread Nicolas Pelletier

I've run into the following problem.

I am taking a mutex with a time-out, as follows:

(+ 1 (time->seconds (current-time)

And I got the following error:

Warning (#): : (inexact->exact) inexact number
cannot be represented as an exact\
 number: 1189553855.

Looking at srfi-18.scm, the implementation of current-time is:

(define (current-time)
  (let* ([s C_get_seconds]
 [ss C_startup_time_seconds]
 [ms C_ms] )
 (inexact->exact (truncate (+ (* (- s ss) 1000) C_ms)))
 C_ms) ) )

Due to the different representation of integers between C and chicken
(32 bits in C, 30 in chicken if I'm not mistaken), the above
inexact->exact fails.

I am using 4.3.0, but the implementation of current-time in 4.5.0 is
the same. On one hand, using 64-bit hardware instead is not an option.
On the other hand, I just need mutex-lock! to not wait forever;
waiting a little more than one second is okay. Could someone suggest a
workaround and/or a fix, please?



Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] current-time on 32-bit hardware

2010-07-29 Thread Nicolas Pelletier
>>     Warning (#): : (inexact->exact) inexact number
>> cannot be represented as an exact\
>>      number: 1189553855.
> I can not reproduce this. On what platform are you running this
> code?

It is a 32-bit Linux on a Pentium R. If my understanding is correct,
the following call is subject to overflow (e.g. inexact->exact is
called on a number that would have its bit 30 set if represented as an
integer) after the process has been running for running for 12 days 10
hours 15 minutes 41 seconds. So yes, it is not immediately
reproducible ;-)

(inexact->exact (truncate (+ (* (- s ss) 1000) C_ms)))

As a workaround, I can use immediate integers instead of timeout
objects in the calls to thread-sleep! and mutex-lock!, at the expense
of a few milliseconds time slip.



Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] current-time on 32-bit hardware

2010-07-29 Thread Nicolas Pelletier
On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 6:01 PM, Peter Bex  wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 05:34:27PM +0900, Nicolas Pelletier wrote:
>> >>     Warning (#): : (inexact->exact) inexact number
>> >> cannot be represented as an exact\
>> >>      number: 1189553855.
>> >>
>> >
>> > I can not reproduce this. On what platform are you running this
>> > code?
>> It is a 32-bit Linux on a Pentium R.
> That's why Felix couldn't reproduce it; I'm willing to bet he tried it
> on 64 bits only.
> This number cannot be represented as a fixnum on a 32 bit platform,
> because it requires 31 bits of storage.  There are only 30 bits available,
> because one bit is used as fixnum tag and one bit is taken as the sign bit.

Yes. I know this from exchanging data between C and Scheme processes.
Values like 0x8000A010 were not going smoothly through at first.

> I'd suggest you use numbers but I don't think thread-sleep! accepts
> bignums.

For my current needs, I only need small fixnums, so using numbers is
enough, and seems like the way to go for an immediate solution.

>> As a workaround, I can use immediate integers instead of timeout
>> objects in the calls to thread-sleep! and mutex-lock!, at the expense
>> of a few milliseconds time slip.
> huh?  I don't understand that bit.

I wanted to say the difference in behaviour between the two clocks
below, for example, is not an issue for my current program.

; a clock with a gradual drift:

(let loop ((x 1))
  (thread-sleep! 1)
  (write x)
  (loop (+ x 1)))

; a clock with no drift:

(let ((start (time->seconds (current-time)))
  (let loop ((x 1))
(thread-sleep! (seconds->time (+ x start)))
(write x)
(loop (+ x 1



Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] current-time on 32-bit hardware

2010-07-29 Thread Nicolas Pelletier
From: Peter Bex 
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] current-time on 32-bit hardware
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 11:01:26 +0200
On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 7:12 PM, Felix

Peter Bex  wrote:
> > I'd suggest you use numbers but I don't think thread-sleep! accepts
> > bignums.

Felix replied:
> That won't change anything.

You are right, and using only small values for timeouts does not help either.

> No, the reason for this is that the scheduler uses fixnums in timeout
> checks for performance reasons and because of this, the time objects
> store time spans as fixnums as well. This will probably have to be
> changed to use flonums.

I am currently looking at ##sys#schedule. The time-out queue only
needs to hold time offsets from "now". I suppose the reason for having
"now" (aka ##sys#fudge 16) sitting around here is to find out whether
C_msleep slept too long and fire the events the scheduler might have
missed. But since there are no guaranties from the OS that we will not
actually sleep a bit too much, I'm thinking of representing the
current point in time with a plain 0 and replacing (if (>= now tmo1)
...) by (if (>= how-much-i-slept tmo1) ...), with how-much-i-slept
being the time I asked to sleep for.

I expect thus to be able to still use fixnums to represent time-outs
while avoiding the "13 days since startup" issue. The maximum for
time-outs would then be 2**29 ms, or 6 days 5 hours or so, which does
not sound as a limitation to me.

Does anybody have any objections to this?



Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] current-time on 32-bit hardware

2010-08-01 Thread Nicolas Pelletier

On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 9:13 PM, Felix
> I propose to use flonums for timeout values. This makes the
> representation of srfi-18 "time" values simpler and removes any
> possibility of overflow. I don't think the performance impact is all
> that heavy.

Okay, thank you. One thing that still bothers me is the use of
gettimeofday inside the scheduler. I'm not sure everything will work
nicely if an NTP server (or root) sets the date to something in the
past. And then comes the problem of having a _portable_ way to
represent monotonic time...

> If you are adventurous, you can try out the "flonum-milliseconds"
> branch in the git repository, where I made all the necessary changes
> (quite a lot, in fact). Feedback would be great, since I don't have
> decent testing code for multithreading.

Thank you, I'll try it.

> Something will break, that's for sure, but I see no way around it.

Well, it's an experimental branch, after all ;-)


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Disable garbage collection

2010-08-05 Thread Nicolas Pelletier
On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 12:54 AM, John Cowan  wrote:
> I suppose you could have a startup option which disables major GCs and
> allocates one big space, and then kills the program while it runs out.

You can compile with -heap-size XXX, which will produce an executable
using a fixed amount of heap and die if it runs out of space. Running
out of heap triggers a panic in the chicken library, so you cannot
catch it as an error condition and try to act on it (and there would
be no guaranties anyway as to what you would still be able to do if
you could anyway).

>  But perhaps the question is aimed at disabling GC in a given dynamic
> scope, so as to be sure that pointers retained internally by C code
> still work.  This would have to be preceded by a minor GC, of course.

The foreign function interface allows you to define new "GC roots" to
avoid having data shared with foreign code from being garbage



Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] current-time on 32-bit hardware

2010-11-14 Thread Nicolas Pelletier

On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 21:13, Felix
> If you are adventurous, you can try out the "flonum-milliseconds"
> branch in the git repository, where I made all the necessary changes
> (quite a lot, in fact). Feedback would be great, since I don't have
> decent testing code for multithreading.

It's been quite a while since this message... I have backported the
flonum-milliseconds code for my 4.3.0 installation and used it since
the beginning of August. I also added a patch to runtime.c to use
times() to compute dates instead of gettimeofday(). The two
multi-threaded applications I have that use Chicken include each a
handful of threads, finite state automatons, timers, and mutexes. They
spawn several other processes, talk to them through sockets and pipes,
parse their output, filter/modify/group log messages and events
(maximum 1 event every 2 ms), throw and catch some exceptions and also
use dynamic-wind and call/cc.

While 1 event per 2 ms max is not exactly blindingly fast, these
applications have passed soak tests for a hundred hours each, and are
deployed at several customers' sites since the beginning of September,
with nobody complaining so far. So I vote for the inclusion of the
flonum-milliseconds patch :-)

Best regards,


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Chicken segfaults with large-ish inputs

2011-02-20 Thread Nicolas Pelletier

On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 06:47, Sam Hardwick  wrote:
> (define (sum term a next b)
>  (if (> a b)
>      0
>      (+ (term a)
>         (sum term (next a) next b

You can use the following trick to accumulate intermediate results and
thus turn the call to sum into a tail recursive one:

(define (sum term a next b)
  (letrec ((helper (lambda (acc t a n b)
 (if (> a b)
 (helper (+ acc (t a)) t (n a) n b)
(helper 0 term a next b)))

With chicken 4.6.0, I get the following:

#;14> (integral cube 0 1 10)
#;15> (integral cube 0 1 100)
#;16> (integral cube 0 1 1000)
#;17> (integral cube 0 1 1)
#;18> (integral cube 0 1 10)
#;19> (integral cube 0 1 100) ; Used to crash from that point on
#;20> (integral cube 0 1 1000)

Hope this helps,


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] raw packet interface

2011-03-09 Thread Nicolas Pelletier
Hello Chickenistas,

As part of testing a network appliance (router/firewall etc...), I'd
like to be able to read and write arbitrary data to the network. So
I'm wondering if somebody has already some tools to interface to
low-level networking services, such as BPF, libpcap... I am trying to
find error cases in the handling of incoming packets in the appliance;
I do not need throughput performance nor very precise timings. I am
running under FreeBSD 8.1. I'd be grateful for any advice.

Thanks in advance,


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] raw packet interface

2011-03-10 Thread Nicolas Pelletier

On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 13:52, Stephen Eilert  wrote:
> Do you think that bindings for libpcap would be enough for your purposes?

I'll need filtering capabilities like those of libpcap (or BPF).
However, libpcap does not seem (to my knowledge) to be able to send
packets. Since I intend to play tricks with the link layer, I think
I'll need to use BPF. Every OS seems to have its own prefered way of
filtering and sending raw frames, so maybe there's not much hope for

(I do not need portability; but if I can have it for a moderate price,
why not do it?)



Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] raw packet interface

2011-03-10 Thread Nicolas Pelletier

On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 23:09, Christiano F. Haesbaert
> Using raw socket is quite portable, you'll probably need something
> like filtering with pcap, and then using the raw socket to send your
> stuff.

For anything at or above the network layer, this seems to be a good
solution, thank you. For the link layer, I'll just use BPF ;-)

Best regards,


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] [4.6.0] thread-sleep! sleeps too much

2011-03-28 Thread Nicolas Pelletier

I've run into a case where a thread that uses thread-sleep! for a
fixed amount of time seems to never wake up. I can reproduce this from
csi as well:

(c)2008-2010 The Chicken Team
(c)2000-2007 Felix L. Winkelmann
Version 4.6.0
linux-unix-gnu-x86-64 [ 64bit manyargs dload ptables ]
compiled 2011-01-16 on gladstone.duckburg.org (Linux)

#;1> (require-extension srfi-18)
; loading library srfi-18 ...
#;2> (thread-sleep! 10)
#;3> (thread-sleep! (seconds->time (+ 10 (time->seconds (current-time)

The last call to thread-sleep! does not return after 10 seconds, nor
20 seconds... Has someone already bumped into this?



Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] [4.6.0] thread-sleep! sleeps too much

2011-03-28 Thread Nicolas Pelletier
>On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 22:25, David N Murray  wrote:
> Tests OK in 4.6.5. (Sorry, don't have 4.6.0 installed anymore.)

On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 03:19, Felix
> Can you try a newer chicken version? I can't reproduce this right now.

Thanks to both of you. As pointed out, this problem does not exist in
4.6.5. Maybe I should change habits and follow the dev-snapshots
instead of the stable releases.



Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] [1.89] The symbol .

2005-04-25 Thread Nicolas Pelletier

I would like to represent "the symbol .". This works fine:

#;1> (list 'a (string->symbol ".") 'b)
(a |.| b)

But this does not:

#;2> (list 'a '|.| 'b)
Error: invalid use of '.'
#;2> b
#;3> (a)

I expected the same behaviour as with "the symbol )":

#;4> (list 'a (string->symbol ")") 'b)
(a |\)| b)
#;5> (list 'a '|\)| 'b)
(a |\)| b)

Is there a way to input the dot as a symbol literal ?


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Compilers vs. interpreters

2005-05-31 Thread Nicolas Pelletier
Ed Watkeys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> All this talk of Chicken's differing behaviors when interpeting vs.  
> compiling code has gotten me thinking. Who here uses compiled code  
> and who here simply uses the interpreter? My work follows a rough  
> 90/10 split: I never bother compiling the vast majority of the code I  
> execute with Chicken.

For  me,  it  is  the  converse:  I  use  the  interpreter  for  small
experiments, but I always end up  compiling my code. This is because I
need to  embed Chicken inside C code,  and I am really  happy with how
easily this can be achieved with Chicken.

Don't hit the keys so hard, it hurts.

Chicken-users mailing list