Re: [Chicken-users] string-translate and utf-8

2008-11-08 Thread Sunnan *
Well; here's a transcript:

(c)2008 The Chicken Team
(c)2000-2007 Felix L. Winkelmann
Version 3.2.7 - linux-unix-gnu-x86-64   [ 64bit manyargs dload ptables
applyhook hostpcre ]
compiled 2008-08-21 on debian (Linux)

#;1 (string-translate  i  ö  o_)
Error: (string-translate) invalid translation destination

Call history:

syntax(string-translate  i  ö  o_)
eval  (string-translate  i  ö  o_)  --
#;1 (require-extension utf8)
; loading /var/lib/chicken/3/utf8.scm ...
; loading /var/lib/chicken/3/ ...
; loading /var/lib/chicken/3/ ...
; loading /var/lib/chicken/3/ ...
#;2 (string-translate  i  ö  o_)
Error: (vector-ref) out of range
#(#\o #\_)

Call history:

syntax(string-translate  i  ö  o_)
eval  (string-translate  i  ö  o_)  --

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] string-translate and utf-8

2008-11-02 Thread Sunnan
I'm updating old code that used to work:

(require-extension syntax-case utf8 srfi-1 utf8-srfi-13 miscmacros)

;(import utf8)
;(import utf8-srfi-13) ;(commented out since they're not needed anymore?)
(use utf8-srfi-13)  ;(I've tried with and without this line)

(string-translate  i  ö  o_) ;; this should eval to _i_

but i get Error: (vector-ref) out of range, I guess because it reads the
multi-byte characters (i.e. #\ö) as multiple entries in the vector.

My chicken is from debian, see:
Version 3.2.7 - linux-unix-gnu-x86-64   [ 64bit manyargs dload ptables 
applyhook hostpcre ]
compiled 2008-08-21 on debian (Linux)

Any ideas on how to fix this?


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Re: Style Guide

2007-11-07 Thread Sunnan

Ivan Shmakov wrote:
 Sunnan  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   (define (fib)
 (let loop ((a 1) (b 1))
   (set! fib (lambda () (loop b (+ a b

 This `set!' isn't necessary, compare:

 (define fib
   (let ((a 1) (b 1))
 (lambda ()
   (let ((saved a))
 (set! a b)
 (set! b (+ saved b))

Yes, this is the longer, classic style. As a fib generator with only
two counters, it works fine, but you have to save the entire state by
hand with a set!  for each original variable, and you also introduce
an extra variable for the swap. Your version is probably faster, and
probably more familiar to many programmers.

I was just fascinated by the two perverse ideas of
1. freezing a delayed call to a named let
2. resetting/redefining the very function we're in (similar to some 
call/cc tricks)

 Both variants should be quite portable.  (Especially on



Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Re: Style Guide

2007-11-06 Thread Sunnan

Jörg F. Wittenberger wrote:

For pure chicken code this maybe correct.

But some Scheme implementations happen to treat the former form as a
global variable, which can be set! later on, while the latter is beeing
compiled into a static binding and set! on it will raise an error.

Thanks for this clarification, I didn't know that.

However, since I only seldomly use set! on functions, I guess I'd prefer 
the latter form anyway.

One notable exception is this (disgusting?) idiom I invented for making 
generators without call/cc yield:

(define (fib)
 (let loop ((a 1) (b 1))
   (set! fib (lambda () (loop b (+ a b

;; maybe non-portable outside of current chicken semantics?

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Re: Style Guide

2007-11-05 Thread Sunnan

Mark Fredrickson wrote:

Here's a related question for more experienced Schemers: In Dybvig, he
states that the define form:

(define square (lambda (x) (* x x)))

is to be preferred to

(define (square x) (* x x))

After reading that, I started using the first form religiously. Now
I'm not so sure. For no small part because the text editor I use
(TextMate) doesn't highlight the first form as a function definition
but does highlight the second form.


The second form.
Shorter is better.
Always, always, always.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Eggology

2007-08-23 Thread Sunnan

felix winkelmann wrote:

I agree with Benedikt that dependencies should be kept at a minimum.
It starts with simple sharing of code but quickly everything ends up in
a tangle of dependencies that no one can comprehend.
What's the alternative? Should tool implement its own args 
documentation? Should array-lib implement its own miscmacros?

 tool is a good

tool - srfi-37, args-doc
args-doc - srfi-37, srfi-95
srfi-95 - array-lib
array-lib - srfi-42, miscmacros, misc-extn
srfi-42 - syntax-case

This is insane.

That example is a tree of non-circular dependencies.

Syntax-case is low-level, srfi-42 and miscmacros are control 
structures... This is part of what lisp is to me; layers upon layers of 

Of course, I'm not saying that dependencies are an end in itself; I'm 
just wondering if you or Benedikt have an alternative suggestion.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Eggology

2007-08-22 Thread Sunnan

Benedikt Rosenau wrote:

Anyway, I propose the following: please keep dependencies between
eggs small.
I disagree; sometimes, it seems better to split common code to libraries 
than to have duplication. Dependencies can be hell, but so can duplication.

 Further, no mutual dependencies (A needs B, and B needs
A) should be created.
I guess I can agree with that. If that should happen, here are two 
solutions to that:

1)  create a third package, C, with the stuff from A that B depends on, 
so that A depends on B and C, and B depends on C, or:

2) join the two packages.

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Eggology

2007-08-22 Thread Sunnan

Ivan Raikov wrote:

  Another solution would be to modify salmonella to construct a
dependency graph for all eggs and issue a warning for each dependency
cycle detected.

That would detect the problems, but wouldn't really solve them.

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] libffi and cmake on gnu/linux again

2007-07-16 Thread Sunnan

felix winkelmann wrote:

BTW, in ccmake you can simply press e and continue. It should still
be able to generate a makefile.

OK. I was concerned that that would build a version of chicken without 
libffi support.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] libffi and cmake on gnu/linux again

2007-07-16 Thread Sunnan

felix winkelmann wrote:

It should be possible to modify the compiler- and linker flags in ccmake
to use libffi.


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] libffi and cmake on gnu/linux again

2007-07-13 Thread Sunnan
I haven't compiled chicken for a while, but now I'm trying to compile 
darcs head.

The first step is to run

ccmake .

, right? Well, it says that it can't compile the libffi test. I don't 
know where to go from there or troubleshoot this further; I've got these 



Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] R6RS Rant

2007-06-05 Thread Sunnan

Kon Lovett wrote:

If I may be so bold, it seems the greatest issue is the library 
arena. Drop it. Define a core only. There is so many similar 
extensions of R5RS in std use that an agreeable R6RS would not be a 
rewrite of R5RS. (BTW, I think the full numeric tower  extended 
characters/strings should be core. Doesn't mean a compiler can't be 
told to not use them.)

What I miss most from R5RS is the user-visible way to include and/or 
define libraries. Today I use chicken and write (require-extension 
extension-names ...) but I'd love for this to be the same across most 


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Choosing chicken

2007-06-04 Thread Sunnan

Shawn W. wrote:
For more specific tasks, some schemes are better suited than others -- 
if you want good java integration instead of C, you'll want kawa.
Is kawa still being actively developed? I'm looking for a good java 
scheme and I haven't settled yet. (Sisc may be faster, and it may be the 
one I end up with, but it seems underdocumented to me.)

If you want a small extension language for an existing program written 
in something besides scheme, tinyscheme or guile come to mind.

If that something-beside-scheme is C, I'd probably go with Chicken.
To get screaming fast numeric code stalin.  
Stalin doesn't currently support the numeric tower. (That said, I'm very 
impressed by what it can do.)

Chicken also has a few ways to more-or-less easily optimize your code, 
for example the crunch egg.

As for choosing chicken...
This thread might degenerate into AOL hell as everybody me-too:s, but 
for me it's ease of use, good continuation performance, many extensions, 
great community (+ felix!) and good integration with C and Unix.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] chicken and stalin

2007-06-04 Thread Sunnan

bryan rasmussen wrote:


I was wondering about integration between Chicken and Stalin, has
anyone ever done anything to use the two together in any way?

1. Stalin reads sexps, chicken writes sexps (or vice versa)
2. Develop with a subset of chicken, deploy with stalin
3. Separate processes with fork/exec or client/server

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] chicken and stalin

2007-06-04 Thread Sunnan

felix winkelmann wrote:

A stalin-compat library? No problem.

It wasn't so much a request as an example of what people can do.

Chicken-users mailing list

(could be slightly OT) Re: [Chicken-users] Chicken manual in Texinfo format

2007-06-01 Thread Sunnan

Joerg F. Wittenberger wrote:

c) Therefore I'd always recomment to *store* some strictly checked
format, while serializing to the fashion-of-the-day, human readably
syntax in the very moment of delivery for edit/display.
I agree. The hard part there is the conversion from edit-mode to strict. 
I run a medium-size counter-culture wiki (+ 1 nodes) that grew out 
of a UseMod-fork and I want to change the syntax drastically (perhaps 
offering a choice between some future homegrown superset of Textile, and 
a souped-up Xinha). I need to (this is on my someday-maybe-list) figure 
out a way to *strictly* parse it. Not easy considering the amount of 
abuses of syntax people have put in over the years. (Using our h2-syntax 
to center images is one of the worst examples, but there are others, 
less extreme.)

I do agree, though.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] R6RS

2007-05-21 Thread Sunnan

On 5/18/07, Michael McDermott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ubiquitous Unicode support

I tend to look at requiring Unicode support as analogous to requiring
the full numeric tower -- really important for some applications, and
I have no beef with Chicken's solutions to both of these problems.

Library/module system

If and only if that standard library/module system takes off, I'll
finally try to write portable Scheme. In the past I've resigned to
just always writing implementation specific code (that could, with
some effort, be ported).

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] string-split-fields

2006-03-25 Thread Sunnan
The following expressions:
(string-split-fields foo foobarfooquuxfoo foo baz foo #:infix)
(string-split-fields foo foobarfooquuxfoo foo baz foo #:suffix)
(string-split-fields foo foobarfooquuxfoo foo baz  #:infix)

all return the same, while 
(string-split-fields foo foobarfooquuxfoo foo baz  #:suffix)
dies with an error, which I guess makes sense.

Would you please consider updating the #!:infix variant so that
(string-split-fields foo foobarfooquuxfoo foo baz foo #:infix)
returns an extra  at the end of the list, to distinguish it from
(string-split-fields foo foobarfooquuxfoo foo baz  #:infix)

My tinyclos/syntax-case problem that I reported earlier remains
unsolved. I'll download darcs chicken and see if it' still there.

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] import, the utf8 egg, syntax-case and tinyclos

2006-03-23 Thread Sunnan
At Thu, 23 Mar 2006 02:12:47 -0600,
Alex Shinn wrote:
 I'm not exactly sure what (uses) does, but I don't think you want this
 line.  If you want these features you should just use

That's how we always did it when we were kids! I wasn't sure how
chicken had changed.  But I changed it as per your suggestion. (Same
problem, though - I don't think the problem is with the utf-8 egg.)

   (require-extension srfi-1 srfi-13 regex)
 Note that utf8 already provides Unicode-aware regex functions.


 Also, srfi-13 won't do the right thing with utf8 strings, it'll treat
 them as byte strings.  If you're using utf8, you probably want

I only use the srfi-13 operations on strings which have had their
non-ascii characters stripped; but I might change it as per your
suggetion to make it less confusing for any possible future
maintainers of my code.

   (require-extension syntax-case tinyclos utf8 utf8-srfi-13)
   (import utf8)
   (import utf8-srfi-13)
 which works fine for me.

I still get:
Error: unbound variable: clean

Call history:

add-method  --

clean is a method I have defined differentlly for numbers, characters
and strings. Works fine when I'm not requiring syntax-case.


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] import, the utf8 egg, syntax-case and tinyclos

2006-03-22 Thread Sunnan
I  want to use the ut8 egg, but when I do it complains that it doesn't
know what import is.
(require-extension syntax-case)
gets rid of that complaint but then instead it complains about my
tinyclos methods:

This is my preamble:
(require-extension syntax-case)
(require-extension tinyclos)
(require-extension utf8)

(declare (uses srfi-1 srfi-13 regex extras))

(import utf8)

and this is the error message:
Error: unbound variable: clean

Call history:


What should I do? (Note that removing the inclusion of import and
syntax-case makes the program work fine for ascii clean data.)

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] stripping accents

2006-03-11 Thread Sunnan
Just to make sure, to prevent duplication of effort: is there an easy
way to strip accents from unicode characters with Chicken?
For example, ï should become i, å should become a.

Failing that, is there an easy way to translate characterns similar to
unix tr or sed's y/// expression?


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Question

2005-12-28 Thread Sunnan
On Sun, 2005-12-25 at 23:49 +0100, Benedikt Rosenau wrote:
 What made you try or choose Chicken in the first place?

I liked that it was relatively easy to use C libraries. I prefer chicken
over bigloo -- iirc, call-with-current-continuation is cheaper in
chicken, too.

Chicken-users mailing list

the point of REC , was (Re: [Chicken-users] Re: crazy behaviour in csi!)

2005-12-06 Thread Sunnan
On Mon, 2005-12-05 at 23:54 +0100, Jens Axel Søgaard wrote:
 Sunnan wrote:
  ;; instead of:
  (let f ((n (...)))
(if (zero? n) 1
(* n (f (- n 1)
  ;; it's the exact same number of characters!
 Almost - note that REC returns the recursive
 function, so you need to return the function
 in the let:
((let f ((n (...)))
   (if (zero? n) 1
   (* n (f (- n 1

But that does the same thing; the whole expression as such returns the
result of the recursive function in both cases. The recursive function
returned by REC is use-once-and-destroy.
And in chicken, 
((rec (F N) 
  (if (zero? N) 1 
  (* N (F (- N 1) (...))

macroexpands to almost the same as 

(let f ((n (...)))
  (if (zero? n) 1
  (* n (f (- n 1)

if I recall correctly.
BTW, your example evaluates (...) twice.

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] crazy behaviour in csi!

2005-12-05 Thread Sunnan
#;31 (define rec itrec)
#;32 ((rec zero? 1 * sub1) 6)
Error: during expansion of (letrec ...) - (letrec) unexpected object:
((zero? 1 * sub1))
#;32 (eq? rec itrec)
#;33 ((rec zero? 1 * sub1) 6)
Error: during expansion of (letrec ...) - (letrec) unexpected object:
((zero? 1 * sub1))
#;33 ((itrec zero? 1 * sub1) 6)

itrec and rec are the same, but one makes error and the other doesn't.
csi -version
Version 2, Build 214 - linux-unix-gnu-unknown - [ dload ptables ]

Chicken and csi is from darcs repo a couple of days ago.

; This is the definition of itrec

(define (itrec break start do inc)
  (lambda (x)
(let loop ((x x) (total start))
  (if (break x)
  (loop (inc x) (do x total))

;; and this is the definition of rec that I originally wanted to have,
;; but the behaviour is as crazy regardless of what rec does.
;; even with (define rec itrec) it becomes crazy!
;; or with (define rec list) or define rec anything, anything!

(define (rec break fin do inc)
  (lambda (x)
(let loop ((x x))
  (if (break x)
  (do x (loop (inc x)))

I wanted to make an implementation of the idea in near the bottom of

years truely,

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Packaging practices

2005-11-06 Thread sunnan

What are, in this list's opinion, the recommended best practices for
distributing free software written in Chicken? I'm thinking proper
GNU-style source tar balls, since that's currently the basis for most
further (distro specific and other binary) packaging.

* Do you use autoconf, if so, what do you check for?
* What about automake?
* Do you make one distribution containing the full .scm-files and one
  with just the .c-files, or do you only make the .scm-distribution?
* How do you deal with third-party eggs from the
  call-with-current-continuation repo that your program uses?

I'd love to see example chicken projects, I'm especially interested in
autoconf and automake usage but other solutions are also of interest.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] an ode to Spiffy

2005-05-26 Thread Sunnan
Magnus Therning [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm sure you've read what Paul Graham has to say after using Lisp
 (almost as nice as Scheme :-) for web applications in ViaWeb?

He used CPS because full continuations weren't available; maybe Scheme
could do it nicer.

.i mi'e snan .i mi rodo roda fraxu

Chicken-users mailing list