Re: [Chicken-users] Re: Trac moving to new server

2009-04-06 Thread Toby Butzon
I'll offer up that dns can be pointed however folks here would like.


On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 12:27 AM, Elf wrote:

 As soon as I can get ahold of Eric, we can give it one (or more) chicken
 domain names :)


 On Mon, 6 Apr 2009, Ivan Raikov wrote:

  I have set up a Trac instance that is synchronized with the Chicken
 SVN repository; however, it is installed on the web server of my
 institute, because currently we do not have an available public IP
 address. I will be happy to administer this Trac instance, and I can
 be sure that any downtime will be minimized, because I have
 administrative access to the machine it runs on; however, I cannot use
 a Chicken-related domain name for it. If this is acceptable, we can
 make my Trac instance the primary one.


 felix winkelmann writes:


 Thanks, Arto. I must admit that I'm not using the trac anymore - it is
 often not reachable (usually when I needed it most). Ivan is going
 to set up a new one on a dedicated server. Will we still need the
 current trac instance? What do others think?

 Chicken-users mailing list

 Chicken-users mailing list

Toby Butzon

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] domain query

2008-02-16 Thread Toby Butzon
+1 for me too.

BTW, if anyone finds they have some ambition and think can
be put to better use, I'm open.


On Feb 16, 2008 12:42 PM, john [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 (+ 1 vote) for

 On 16/02/2008, Elf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  as it comes around time to do my yearly domain registrations (not involving
  chicken), i happened to notice that many chicken-based domain names are
  not currently taken, like,,, etc etc etc.
  two questions:
  a) do a majority of people want Yet Another set of domains for chicken?
  b) if a, what does the majority want to register?
  Chicken-users mailing list

 Chicken-users mailing list

Toby Butzon

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Centralized documentation

2007-02-12 Thread Toby Butzon

Felix and I have had related discussions. I don't mean to steer the
conversation away from the topic (how to do egg documentation) -- but I
would like to make sure we move in the direction of making things more
coherent and usable. Part of that should be that whatever is decided for egg
documentation should be something that will last us a good long while.

What I would like to see (and have been working on parts of, ever so slowly
in my free time):
* Merge functionality into call/ layout/content (making
both URLs serve the same purpose, either by mirroring or redirection)
* Merge the wiki into call/ so that all chicken stuff (except trac) is
available at a URL that begins call/ (E.g., call/
* Unify documentation procedures. All of Chicken, including Eggs, should
have indexes of their functions/variables/API that are easily
machine-readable (a simple alist or something would be nice, or perhaps
embed some kind of markup into the wiki, although I cringe at the thought of
much xml).

Ultimately, all of this would bring Chicken back to one main website, and it
would have mostly editable pages and full search ability. The three URLs we
have now (call/,, and galinha) would continue to work, but
would serve up the same content, thereby allowing us to move to one
canonical URL (or perhaps an easy to remember system of mirror URLs, e.g.,,, etc. (Trac would stay sort
of separated, but that's fine because most developers are used to a separate
developer site.)

Toby Butzon
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] cross-platform gui toolkit

2007-02-04 Thread Toby Butzon

On 2/4/07, felix winkelmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a good deal of Qt experience, a bit of FLTK and generally not
enough resources to create this on my own (surprise!). I also am unable
to do any windows-related coding.

Why not build on top of something like wxwidgets?

Toby Butzon
Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] MySQL egg updated

2007-01-22 Thread Toby Butzon


The MySQL egg has been updated in an attempt to fix compilation issues
on Mac OS X. It now compiles for me on OS X and Gentoo Linux. I've
also changed it to call (error ...) instead of failing silently when
mysql-connect fails (it simply returned #f before). Some of the
warnings have been ironed out, too.

More suggestions would be appreciated. I apologize that the ones made
months ago weren't incorporated much faster.

Toby Butzon

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] bugtracking and open source labor

2006-12-11 Thread Toby Butzon


On 12/11/06, felix winkelmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well, what can I say? That would be excellent. We use Trac at work, and
it looks quite comfortable.

What will be the relationship between the Trac wiki and

Toby Butzon

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] (regexp) can not compile regular expression

2006-12-09 Thread Toby Butzon


I had stream-cgi working before (not exactly sure what changed, maybe
a new chicken version?), but now just trying to (use) it does this:


 ___| |_)  |
| __ \  |  __| |  /  _ \ __ \
| | | | | ( __/ |   |
\|_| |_|_|\___|_|\_\\___|_|  _|

Version 2.5 - macosx-unix-gnu-x86 - [ dload ptables applyhook ]
(c)2000-2006 Felix L. Winkelmann
; loading ./.csirc ...
#;1 (use stream-cgi)
; loading /usr/local/lib/chicken/1/ ...
; loading /usr/local/lib/chicken/1/ ...
; loading /usr/local/lib/chicken/1/ ...
; loading /usr/local/lib/chicken/1/ ...
; loading /usr/local/lib/chicken/1/ ...
Error: (regexp) can not compile regular expression:

   Call history:

   eval  (##sys#require (quote stream-cgi))  --

Seems the problem is in the content-type egg, and it boils down to the
tail end of the regexp:


I figure there's probably a simple fix... anyone?

Toby Butzon

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Manuals on the wiki

2006-11-14 Thread Toby Butzon

Are there two manuals for a reason? Is one more up-to-date?

If I didn't know better, I'd be quite confused. ;)

Toby Butzon

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] readline not saving one-char commands to history

2006-10-24 Thread Toby Butzon
Hi Dan,On 10/24/06, Dan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
That's right, the latest readline egg doesn't save things like x, f, or + (on a line by themselves) to the history. Once you type at least two chars the command is safe though. Is this a feature or (more likely) a bug?

I can't reproduce this problem. Works for me on OS X/Chicken 2.5 and Gentoo Linux/Chicken 2, Build 2, both using latest readline egg. When was the last time it did the right thing?
-- Toby Butzon

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] How easy is it to use Chicken in Windows XP

2006-08-24 Thread Toby Butzon
On Wed, Aug 23, 2006 at 01:10:28PM +0100, Sean D wrote:
 7. YES - I can download latest virus-free executable version for Windows
 from  (please supply URL)

Perhaps this?

Toby Butzon

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] RFC: documentation lookup utility

2006-08-12 Thread Toby Butzon
Hi all,

My own tendancy when working with Chicken is to have a web browser
open with the R5RS index, the Chicken manual, relevant eggs, et cetera,
in separate tabs (in firefox), so lookups in the various documents are
(somewhat) convenient.

I've got some plans for a simplification of the above -- along the lines
of what I would personally find useful -- that I would make generally
available online. (It would be, after all, just a way of finding pointers
to the information that's already online.) I'll outline the idea below;
what I'm really interested in is (a) would you personally find the service
useful and (b) if this idea doesn't fit the way you work and and wouldn't
make things easier for you, I'm interested in hearing how you work -- I
personally can't code very long before I have to go lookup what arguments
a certain function takes, or to find a function that already exists to
accomplish some task.

So if you have a few minutes, I'd appreciate whatever feedback you could
send me. Feel free to reply off list (or on, but I'd rather not hijack
chicken-users :)).

The details of what I'm thinking now follow...

I've registered, and it currently provides very rudimentary
shortcuts to the documents I mentioned before. For example, redirects to Chicken's home page; redirects to the HTML R5RS on; redirects to galinha; redirects to galinha/users; and so on.
Some of these (/wiki/ for example) serve as wildcards: /wiki/ takes you
to / on galinha, while /wiki/users takes you to /users on galinha.

Now, my goal is this: Any URL should try to take me
to something relevant. So I could use
and be taken directly to the R5RS blurb on apply (and likewise
everything indexed in the R5RS index would work). Similarly,
functions specific to Chicken should be made available: would take me to the Chicken manual on print URLs that
don't exactly match (or don't return exactly 1 result) might instead
return a page of search results. (This is all inspired by's
similarly functionality. Try to see an exact match
and for an example of search results related to

The Chicken manual part will probably require some indexing, which I
haven't quite decided how to do yet. (AFAICT, unlike R5RS, there isn't
an existing index of all of Chicken's functions that link into the
appropriate portions of the manual. A machine-generated index might be
sufficient, but I haven't decided exactly how yet. For instance, print
should always take me straight to the print function, but the print
function is no doubt mentioned in many places in the manual, and the
word print (not necessarily referring to the function) even more, so
the machine indexer would be lead to believe multiple results ought to
be displayed in a case where one result is clearly correct.) I would
like to have eggs and any other relevant documentation included, too.

It all comes down to generating and maintaining the index, though; and
that's where I was hoping to gather some feedback. I'm considering
approaching this sequentially, as follows:
  * index functions first (R5RS, Chicken, eggs, ...)
  * maybe other somewhat structured things, like read syntax (#! etc)
  * and finally a full-text index of R5RS, Chicken manual, egg
documentation, and so on, to be consulted when a query doesn't
exactly match the before-mentioned indexen.

The main difficulties I foresee are:
  * Is there any existing document with sufficient metadata as to give
me a way to machine-generate the index of all of Chicken's
functions? If not, I expect I will spend a little time manually
generating this sort of data; it may be beneficial to embed it in
the existing manual (sexprs in HTML comments?) or otherwise (a) make
it generally available and (b) keep it up-to-date.
  * For eggs, the eggdoc source files might be enough (or come close; I
haven't done enough research yet). It may be easy enough to pull
out, e.g., foo from (procedure (foo BAR BAZ)), but HTML anchors will
need to be added to the autogenerated output to make this be
useful. Further, at least some of the eggs don't mention all of
the functions they provide in the eggodc; but perhaps this
shortcoming should rightly be fixed on their end.

Anyway, there's the gist of it.


Toby Butzon

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] RFC: documentation lookup utility

2006-08-12 Thread Toby Butzon
Hi Brandon,

Thanks for the feedback.

On Sat, Aug 12, 2006 at 08:59:19PM -0700, Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
 Typing a word into a URL is not really the kind of documentation I 
 want.  I want to click on a word in the editor I'm using and be taken to 
 relevant documentation.  I don't want to use my brain, I want the 
 computer to do that.

I agree with you that editor-integrated documentation is nice. I haven't
seen anything like that for Chicken yet, and even when it exists, I'll
still find the browser-based approach useful. It'd certainly bring
Chicken bragging rights to have both. :)

The common problem seems to be that both ideas would need an accurrate,
well-maintained index of function names and [a pointer to or actual
content of] the associated documentation. Knocking it out in one swing
for both of us would be really nice. Although... Being able to fetch
a blurb (instead of a link) might actually take a little more work. The
R5RS functions are grouped with many on a single page, so it might be
difficult to determine the appropriate boundaries for the blurb. In my
application, the browser would handle this by starting the user off in
the right place and they can read what they want. In an IDE, it might be
unmanagable to get back more than a paragraph or so -- or you might just
want the (func foo bar baz) synopsis to remind you of the arguments. We
could possibly solve this by adding more metadata during the indexing
process -- mark up not only the procedure and its arguments, but also
give a description of it that would allow programs to know where the
end of the text about each function is. 

Did you have plans for where the data for each function would come from
for your application? And are you planning to provide just the argument
list or also a description of the function? I would be happy to combine
efforts on this indexing/retrieval problem if our needs really do overlap.

Toby Butzon

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] CMake tarballs

2006-07-30 Thread Toby Butzon
I've come close to responding to this notion that we're headed for CMake
being the way to build Chicken, and I've chosen to keep my mouth shut.
But it seems like we're moving in that direction simply because there
isn't much resistance. So, I'll go on and make it clear that there is.

On Sun, Jul 30, 2006 at 09:40:01AM -0700, Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
 John Cowan wrote:
 Brandon J. Van Every scripsit:
 I'm not keen on naming the build in a way that looks unofficial or 
 special or different.  As in, what the hell is this -cmake- 
 thing??  I want people to just use the build.

It *is* special, different, and unofficial. I agree with John -- 2.41c
looks like a version number. Even chicken-c-2.41 is too cryptic for me.
I'd rather have it be clear -- chicken-cmake-2.41.

On Sun, Jul 30, 2006 at 09:40:01AM -0700, Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
 Well why don't I name it 
 chicken-dont-use-this-its-unofficial-2.41.tar.gz then?  I'm not 
 interested in an unappetizing name, if such names there be.  It will 
 never become official if it is not consumed.

If you're rather use chicken-dont-use-this-its-unofficial, go right
ahead. ;)

I, for one, am not interested in making Chicken even more obscure by
requiring an obscure build tool. On *every* platform except non-Cygwin,
non-MSYS, straight Windows, autotools does the job just fine.

IMHO, one platform -- for which two viable workarounds exist -- should not
drive a shift that will require everyone else -- those that *have* been
able to build up to this point, just by typing ./configure; make; make
install -- to go out and get some newfangled installer for the same job.

CMake isn't even a usual solution for Windows. Creating a CMake
build isn't going to make Chicken internals development on Windows any
less obscure. (For most people, just having a Windows binary would be
plenty. They couldn't care less if it was built on mingw.) If I had to
run chicken on windows, I certainly wouldn't be itching to build it from
scratch. There isn't even a C compiler on a Windows machine, by
default... How is that sane?

 John Cowan wrote:
 And of course it
 relies on the user already having cmake or being willing to install

Exactly. Why would I want to install CMake so I can build on a system
that actually allows me to have a real build environment.  Autotools by
design doesn't have to be installed... it generates a shell script and
makefiles that work anywhere with a reasonable development environment.

 Testily, I say, so what?  It also relies on people having a friggin' C 
 compiler, a minimum level of technical literacy, and probably other things.

No need to be snippy. Yes, it requires a C compiler, which every system
EXCEPT Windows ships with already installed. On Unix, requiring CMake,
which isn't a usual addition, would be more work. Increasing the work on
Unix to decrease the work necessary on a system that doesn't come with a
C compiler just sounds backwards. Hey, we could probably compile it on
the N64... let's make the Unix process harder so N64 takes a step or
two less.

I'll grant that having Windows binaries is important. But building from
scratch?  ...not so much.

 It only relies on people having a Unix shell.  Convenient, but it sure 
 makes people lazy.

I don't see how having a Unix shell makes me lazy. Because I can install
Chicken with a simple ./configure; make; make install? Do you whip
yourself every time you install a program with an InstallShield wizard,
for being so lazy?

So there it is. Is it lamentable that the build process on Windows isn't
*easy*? Yes. Is it Chicken's fault? No. Would it be a showstopper for
Chicken to be used or even be popular on Windows? No. Windows people
tend to be perfectly happy without compiling things in the first place.

Don't get me wrong. Having a CMake build can be nothing but an asset.
But pushing so hard for it to be the official way to build is too much.
It's fine if you want to support it... I hope lots of people find it
useful, and I hope it gives you satisfaction to contribute. Just try not
to be too heavy handed about it... chucking autotools would not be a
good move.

Toby Butzon

Chicken-users mailing list

build test farm [was Re: [Chicken-users] Cmake broken again: paths are not quoted]

2006-07-20 Thread Toby Butzon
On Thu, Jul 20, 2006 at 04:00:48PM -0400, John Cowan wrote: does provide a compile farm that provides the ability
 to build on multiple platforms, though Felix would have to move Chicken
 there to take advantage of it.  It doesn't do Windows, though.

Hmm... maybe it would be possible to construct our own, with volunteered
resources. The normal process would be to pull from darcs, try the build,
and post apparent success or failure (maybe to a page on the swiki?). If
it fails, a log could be posted, too. (A similar alternate process would
exist for checking release tarballs, but this would run only when a new
tarball has been released, so as not to waste cycles rebuilding something
that's already been tested.) I would envision this being a chicken
script (compilefarm.egg?) and it'd be triggered by cron/task
scheduler, on the volunteer's terms (so volunteers are in full control
of how much it encroaches upon their system).

I don't think the program to do it would be all that complicated; the
question is, could we find volunteers to give up some cpu cycles on
various platforms? (I for one have at least a Windows box and a Linux
2.6 box I leave always running that would be offered.)

The product would be a page with a table on it, showing each volunteered
machine, architecture and OS, build schedule, when the last build ran, and
success/failure. (And, if failure, a link to the log of what happened.)

Maybe this would also provide some more incentive for a test suite, and
at a minimum, we could start with one for (use srfi-1) and whatever other
problems might be diagnosed after successfully building.

I'd like to hear what others think about this.

Toby Butzon

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] rails-like framework

2006-04-21 Thread Toby Butzon
Anybody know of a Chicken-compatible Ruby on Rails workalike?

I know Ed Watkeys posted something about the URL mapping part, but is
there anything close to a full framework?

Toby Butzon

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] MySQL egg

2005-08-04 Thread Toby Butzon
Alrighty, here's the fruit of my recent Chicken labors. :)

All of my code is there, plus a packed-up mysql.egg, an eggdoc page
(docs/mysql.html), and a mole page (docs/mysql-mole.html).

If anyone's interested in this egg, I'd love to get some feedback.
I'm also interested in hearing comments on my code  usage of the FFI;
it's been a while since I've written Scheme code, and it's my first time
using Chicken's FFI. So all comments welcomed.

There are still some rough edges, as noted in docs/mysql.html under
Bugs. I'm planning to smooth as much of that out as possible over the
next few weeks. I'm posting now in hopes of getting some early
feedback. :)

It's so refreshing to be in Scheme again after 2 years in a mostly Java
world. If only there were more Scheme jobs!

Toby Butzon

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] FFI unsigned long pointer

2005-07-27 Thread Toby Butzon
So, I'm playing with FFI (which is great, BTW :)). I'm writing some glue
to use MySQL's C API from within Scheme (which I hope to submit as an
egg soon...) and I've come across this:

unsigned long *mysql_fetch_lengths(MYSQL_RES *result)

Now, I can find out before I call this function how long the returned
array is going to be... I just don't know how to get that array back
into Scheme.  Could it be done using one of the srfi-4 foreign type
specifiers... Or, if not, perhaps I could write a C wrapper that calls
mysql_fetch_lengths, builds a vector out of the result with C_vector,
and returns that. (Then what? I tell foreign-lambda it's a scheme-object?)

Please forgive me if this has been answered already... There's similar
stuff already in the archives, but it doesn't quite seem to answer my
question (or maybe I'm just too dense... :-P).


Toby Butzon

Chicken-users mailing list