Re: [Chicken-users] Qt egg

2008-11-01 Thread Vincent Manis

On 2008-Nov-1, at 01:39, Shawn Rutledge wrote:

Did you succeed yet?  I just got around to trying this.  qt.setup only
uses QTDIR to find qmake, so you can set QTDIR to /usr.  But the
next problem is that qmake generates an XCode project rather than a

Actually, I made no progress with it, as I put that project on the  
back burner, and
if I do go back to it, I'm likely to do it on Linux rather than OSX.  
However, it would

still be nice to have a recipe to give to everyone :-)

-- v

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Qt egg

2008-11-01 Thread Vincent Manis
I neglected to thank Shawn for getting back to me on this! My  
apologies -- v

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Bug in canonical-path?

2008-10-26 Thread Vincent Manis

On 2008-Oct-26, at 11:50, Peter Bex wrote:
It would be better to make the behaviour be system-specific, instead  
adding flags. On Windows, *always* treat slashes as backslashes.  On  
*only* accept slashes with no additional translation steps. (I'm not  

Windows doesn't allow slashes in filenames, but I don't think it does)
I strongly disagree with this particular recommendation. Sometimes I  
have code
running on Unix that manipulates Windows file names (thanks to  
VirtualBox, that's
something I want to do more often, these days). I recommend a design  
that has
a flag with settings such as `this is a Windows name', `this is a Unix  
name', and
a default setting of `this is a name for the OS I'm currently on',  
which can certainly

work the way Peter suggests.

-- vincent

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Qt egg

2008-08-23 Thread Vincent Manis
Can someone walk me through the installation of the qt egg on OS X?  
I've installed the
binary distribution from Trolltech's website (qt-mac- 
opensource-4.4.1.dmg). My main problem
is figuring out what to set QTDIR to, as there doesn't seem to be a  
`Qt' directory as such.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks! -- v

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] An alternative thread system?

2008-08-18 Thread Vincent Manis

On 2008-Aug-18, at 13:22, Graham Fawcett wrote:

On Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 9:42 PM, Vincent Manis [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
CPython uses a Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) to implement critical  

in the interpreter, thus rendering native
threads in that system impossible. Some version of the Python  
interpreter (I

think it was 1.6) was rewritten without the
GIL, so as to provide for native threads.

That's close, but not quite right. CPython threads are indeed system
threads, but the GIL guarantees that only one of them is running
Python code at any time.

That first sentence in the quote from me is nonsensical. I really  

Graham's correction!

-- v

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] An alternative thread system?

2008-08-10 Thread Vincent Manis

On 2008-Aug-10, at 11:44, Elf wrote:


Seconding Elf's comments. A shared garbage-collected memory is only  
one of the factors that makes native

threads almost impossible.

CPython uses a Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) to implement critical  
sections in the interpreter, thus rendering native
threads in that system impossible. Some version of the Python  
interpreter (I think it was 1.6) was rewritten without the
GIL, so as to provide for native threads. The resulting system ran  
more slowly on both single and multi-threaded code
than did the standard version. I'm not that knowledgeable about what  
the Python community is doing now, but I do
remember reading that their BDFL (Benevolent Dictator For Life) had  
decreed that There Shall Never Be Native


If you have a multi-core machine, and want to use all the cores, fork  
off processes.

-- v

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Please do not drop 'thread-terminate!' from the SRFI 18 impl

2008-08-09 Thread Vincent Manis

On 2008-Aug-9, at 04:23, Jörg F. Wittenberger wrote:

If the postulated programmer had just found mygreatprogram on the net
and want's to run it, is it a good thing for said programmer to find
chicken unable to run it until a patch is applied?

And what mygreatprogram is written in R6RS Scheme?

Anyway, while I really prefer terminating thread-terminate!, I would  
be happy with
a strong warning in the manual. This allows mygreatprogram to run on  
(though perhaps crashing occasionally, as it does on other Scheme  
because of a design where threads were terminated prematurely), while  
still letting
programmers know that it shouldn't be used. (Think of thread- 
terminate! as being
like gets in the Standard C library: everybody knows you shouldn't use  
it, but it's
left in the library for compatibility with programs written 30 years  
ago.) This warning
is far too weak in the SRFI, so the manual is the obvious place to  
document it.

And with that, I shall shut up on this matter. :-)

-- v

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Segfault - a hard one

2008-08-08 Thread Vincent Manis

On 2008-Aug-7, at 19:53, John Cowan wrote:
1) Run it in a separate process, which you can kill without damaging  

2) Use a modified version of eval to execute it that counts ticks.

3) Use a modified version of eval that polls for a thread termination  

I'd actually go along with John's suggestion to flush thread- 
terminate!, for the reasons already cited. At that
point, we could no longer claim SRFI-18 compliance, but that's a very  
small price to pay. Just rename the
unit `threads' or something. Maybe this is a change that can be made  
at Version 4?

-- v

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Please do not drop 'thread-terminate!' from the SRFI 18 impl

2008-08-08 Thread Vincent Manis

On 2008-Aug-8, at 16:30, Kon Lovett wrote:

My 2 cents.

The SRFI document is clear about the danger. The Chicken mail  
archive is clear about the danger. Standards  Practices is clear  
about the danger.

Who are we protecting?

Well, I spent several years teaching concurrency (along with many  
other topics) at a large multinational company whose software  
engineers overwhelmingly spoke C++, and the number of horrific  
travesties they committed would sicken anyone. (A standard response to  
race conditions was to insert a sleep call, for example. `Oh, you QA  
folks are seeing crashes on your test machines? We can't reproduce  
them on our development machines.')

We should keep in mind that the mailing list probably focuses on the  
high end of Chicken users, and that many programmers don't necessarily  
understand this stuff that well, even if they did take the obligatory  
3rd year OS course where they used mutexes and condition variables.

My preference is the same as John Cowan's: kill it. If not, put  
warnings in the manual. I don''t find SRFI-18's warning (in the  
paragraph headed NOTE:) strong enough, as it uses the phrase `may be a  
problem', not `is virtually guaranteed to be a problem'. Further, I  
don't know what fraction of Chicken users actually go and read the  

So, I'd say, `we're protecting that large group of programmers whom we  
would like to persuade that Chicken is a Good Thing'.

-- v

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Segfault - a hard one

2008-08-07 Thread Vincent Manis

On 2008-Aug-7, at 06:04, felix winkelmann wrote:

It must be added that `thread-terminate!' is a problematic
function: terminating a thread forcefully destroy an execution
context that doesn't necessarily expect to be terminated and
may leave any kind of system in an inconsistent state.
In fact, `thread-terminate!' shouldn't be used at all. That is
not meant as an excuse - chicken provides it, so it should
work, but it is a dangerous device in general.

I'd be a bit stronger than Felix on this...fine if thread-terminate  
can be

made to work, but it's almost impossible to design correct software that
allows one thread (or process) to terminate another. Basically, the
victim thread might be in any state at all, and therefore it's more or  

impossible to ensure that whatever global invariants must be preserved
are indeed preserved when the thread actually dies.  Testing is also  

to impossible in the presence of thread termination.

Of course, this doesn't apply if the victim thread is allowed to  
the terminate request, and execute a shutdown handler, but then it  
isn't a true termination (the killer thread can't be sure that the  
victim is

in fact dead).

I'd prefer to have the manual document that to the best of our knowledge
thread-terminate works `correctly', but that its use is fraught with  

and testing problems, and therefore it should be avoided.

-- v

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Last two snapshots (3.3.5 and 3.3.6) are broken

2008-08-02 Thread Vincent Manis

On 2008-Aug-2, at 06:37, Peter Bex wrote:
Why not make irregex part of core and create a PCRE egg?  That gives  

the best of both worlds, IMHO.
+1 if irregex meets Felix's criteria of performance and reliability. 

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] macro systems and chicken (long)

2008-04-07 Thread Vincent Manis

On 2008 Apr 06, at 22:59, Elf wrote:

And as I believe I heard someone say on #scheme the other day, if
your program involves EVAL, it's probably broken.  Even if the
EVAL is hidden behind something else.

This sentence makes no sense to me, as this would imply that all
programs are always broken.

eval running within the program, not the eval being used to run the

so, like, what lambda internals do within a program, or what internal
let forms do, or like what happens to arguments before being passed to
procedures, or 

None of those involves an explicit or implicit call to EVAL, they all
involve variations on application. An interpreter likely implements them
as calls to EVAL, but a compiler almost certainly doesn't.

I'm glad Scheme has EVAL, it lets us write the REPL and various tools in
Scheme, but, if Scheme (or Lisp in general) were widely used, EVAL- 

attacts would be very popular among crackers. It's a wonderful feature,
but must be used with great caution.

-- vincent

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Chapter 1 is ready

2008-03-28 Thread Vincent Manis
Some time ago, I posted a draft of a rework of Chapter 1 of the  
manual, at A number of you made changes and  

and today I made my final set of revisions, so I now declare this to be
Ready To Go.

I'm not sure of the exact mechanism for doing this, so I'll leave in the
capable hands of whoever is responsible for the manual the task of  

it the new official Chapter 1.

My next task is going to be a revision of Chapter 3, on the compiler.

-- v

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] stream-wiki and stream-cgi have an unsatisfied dependency...

2008-03-27 Thread Vincent Manis
...on srfi-29. So I'm not sure if stream-cgi and stream-wiki are in  
error, or if srfi-29

mysteriously vanished from the repository.

-- vincent

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] SRFI compliance

2008-03-12 Thread Vincent Manis

On 2008 Mar 12, at 20:13, Kon Lovett wrote:

Hi Vincent,

Thank you for the list. Some points:

SRFI 48 is supported except for ~W (write circular) by both the  
format  format-modular eggs.

SRFI 58 is supported by the array-lib egg except for the  
#dimensions... form (to be released).

SRFI 88 is builtin except that keywords are symbols.

SRFI 90 is builtin except that weak-keys/values are ignored.

Best Wishes,

Thanks, Kon. I have incorporated the changes into the page, as well as  
removing SRFI-7,
as per Felix's earlier message. I think the page is ready to go into  
the manual now.
I'd suggest a new `Reference' section at the end, if others are  
amenable to that.

-- v

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Revised Chapter 1 (reminder)

2008-03-06 Thread Vincent Manis

On 2008 Mar 06, at 01:01, felix winkelmann wrote:

On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 10:09 PM, Vincent Manis [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
A couple of weeks ago, I posted a draft of a new version of Chapter  
1 of
the manual, and asked for comments. There have been a few things  
and I think that the new version is almost ready. There are still  

links to add, and a couple of more substantive things.

Absolutely great! Should this chapter just replace the current  

page, then?

I think it can...I kept all the content from the current page.

-- v

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Revised Chapter 1 (reminder)

2008-03-06 Thread Vincent Manis

On 2008 Mar 06, at 09:08, Ashley Bone wrote:
I'd suggest combining the paragrapsh on the MinGW/msys builds and  
just noting that makefiles exist for cmd.exe and msys.


John Cowan asked what the point of having both flavors. Back when I  
was doing
Windows stuff, I normally built things via bash scripts (just as I do  
on OSX). I did use MinGW/MSys (curse their weird capitalization) for  
that, once or twice. But most of my coworkers were kind of locked into  
and trying to explain shell scripts to them would have been very  
on all of us. So had I been building something for them to use, I  
would have created a batch file for building it, on the grounds that  

would be more likely to understand it than a shell script.

So my vote (even though I have no machines at present that need or  
even could

use MinGW) goes to keeping both.

-- v

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Revised Chapter 1 (reminder)

2008-03-06 Thread Vincent Manis

On 2008 Mar 06, at 21:22, John Cowan wrote:

Quite so, which is why I'd suggest that the msys version be scrapped
and that everyone on Windows use either the cygwin or the mingw  
Well, I actually don't care one way or the other. I'll change the  

if a consensus emerges.

-- v

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] google summer of code

2008-03-05 Thread Vincent Manis

My top two votes would be:

  - top priority: module system, along the lines of the (still- 

ERR5RS `libraries' proposal
  - polishing an `official' OO extension (maybe that's just tinyclos or
meroon or goops or ??? ...)

Just grist for the mill :-) -- v

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Unfair question: best Lisp for web development?

2008-02-27 Thread Vincent Manis

On 2008 Feb 27, at 10:45, Graham Fawcett wrote:

... So if you're going RDBMS,
I'd pick one database and stick with it, or help write a common dbapi

This seems a meritorious project, and not very difficult (just steal the
Python API, and Scheme-ize it). Is there any interest in doing it?

-- vincent

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] DBI

2008-02-27 Thread Vincent Manis

On 2008 Feb 27, at 12:11, John Cowan wrote:

In reality, though, I think portability between databases is more
hypothetical than real.  Projects typically start with one database  

stick to it, for moving between databases *even if a portability layer
is in use* turns out to be hard -- all sorts of stuff outside the main
code base ends up changing (path names, load scripts, whatever).

Agreed. Not only the API but even the dialect of SQL in use changes
enough that one must review all the DB code in an application when the
underlying DBMS changes. (Even when the old API works with the new
DBMS, performance may be so abysmal that a rewrite is still necessary.
I remember consulting with a team who were shocked when I told them that
although you CAN use ODBC with Oracle, you really really don't want to.
Switching from ODBC to OCI resulted in a 40% performance increase
for their mid-tier server.)

That said, a DBI is still useful, for several reasons. First, management
may not have decided which DBMS is to be used, or may reverse their
decision at an inopportune time. Whether prototyping or doing early
production development, a DBI can be very useful. Second, I have
taught database classes, and grew to love the fact that a DBI helps
people learn the concepts without getting into a messof stuff that's
not really relevant.

-- vincent

Chicken-users mailing list

void as a return value (Re: [Chicken-users] DBI)

2008-02-27 Thread Vincent Manis

On the subject of using void as a return value (rather than to  
indicate that

a function or method doesn't return anything), E.

Please, please, don't ever write functions that return void as  
anything other

than an indication that no value was returned.

#;44 (car (db-fetch-row (db-query select salary where empname='Bilbo  


So now, (a) you get no output, which might be mystifying and (b) car  
is now returning
void. Neither of these violates any language rule, but each violates  
the Law of

Least Astonishment.

For SQL nulls, one could use '(), as has been mentioned;  
alternatively, an object
called the-SQL-null-object could be created (perhaps as a record type  

Incidentally, there are several different meanings for null in SQL,  
including no
information, not applicable, no value presently exists (but one might  
in the future),
etc. You can find lengthy essays on the appropriateness of using NULL  
in several
of Chris Date's `Writings on Database' books. People have enough  
trouble understanding
SQL null without further conflating it with `this function returns no  


Sorry :-) -- vincent

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] recursive mutex-lock!

2008-02-26 Thread Vincent Manis

On 2008 Feb 26, at 16:04, Tobia Conforto wrote:

Well, the value returned by mutex-state can be either:

locked by this thread
In this case there can be no race condition, as we own
the mutex and nothing is going to take it away from us.

locked by another thread
In these cases the mutex is not ours, therefore we don't care
if it's locked or not, or if any other thread locks or unlocks
it in a race condition, because we'll call mutex-lock! anyway.

This I can't tell, as I have no clue what not-owned means :-)

My ¢2 analysis says you can get away without a conditional lock, if  
you just ignore the existence of a not-owned state.

You are exactly right, Tobia, and my apologies to Daishi, I should  
know better

than to look at threaded code at 1am :-)

Just a couple of clarifications. A race condition can occur if you do  
a test
for *un*locked and then attempt to lock the mutex, but in this case,  
as Tobia
says, the lock will hold. The not-owned case can only occur if someone  
the thread anonymously, which nobody ever does, and is yet another  
example of

how Posix threads are overengineered.

There is a way of making this code fail by writing incorrect code.  
Suppose a
signal handler (say for SIGALRM) unlocks the mutex just after the  
test. Then
the code will assume that the mutex is locked when it isn't.  
signal handlers aren't allowed to do things like that, so it's a case  
one should

be aware of but not worry about.

Let me put in a plug for my favorite book on concurrent programming,  
Doug Lea's
_Concurrent Programming in Java_, which, despite the title and the  
fact that it's
in Addison-Wesley's Java series, is much more about concurrency than  
about Java.

-- v

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] recursive mutex-lock!

2008-02-25 Thread Vincent Manis

On 2008 Feb 25, at 00:19, Daishi Kato wrote:


SRFI-18 states,

The mutex primitives specified in this SRFI do not implement  
recursive mutex semantics; an attempt to lock a mutex that is  
locked implies that the current thread must wait even if the mutex  
is owned by the current thread

so, I want a macro or procedure to support recursive mutex.
Would be glad someone can note on it.

Here's my macro, not sure if it works:
Isn't there a similar code?

(define my-mutex (make-mutex))
(define-macro (my-lock . body)
 `(let ([result #f])
(if (eq? (mutex-state my-mutex) (current-thread))
(set! result (begin ,@body))
  (mutex-lock! my-mutex)
  (set! result (begin ,@body))
  (mutex-unlock! my-mutex)))

I have actually never used the Chicken threading capabilities, but  
with almost
any mutex code it's a safe bet that there's  race condition. In this  
case, is
it possible that the mutex could become locked between a false eq?  
result and

the call of mutex-lock! ?

I think recursive mutex locking almost always needs a conditional lock  

-- v

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Vim syntax file for svnwiki

2008-02-25 Thread Vincent Manis

On 2008 Feb 25, at 17:11, Alejandro Forero Cuervo wrote:

I just wrote a Vim syntax file for svnwiki, mainly to learn how to
write a Vim syntax file :-) and to help editing Wiki pages too.

Thank you, Tobia, I can't wait to begin using it! :-)

Care to send it to the Vim-people (I don't know if these days you're
supposed to send it to their mailing list or directly to Bram or what)
so it gets included with the official Vim releases?

Can I ask one of you Vim people to go to the draft of the revised  
1 at, and say something more about  

Vim with Chicken (it will be in the section on Development Environments,
you can replace the sentence about how :q! is the only vi command I  
know :-).

I'm working on a document on GNU Emacs and Chicken, and I think a  

vim-based document would be really valuable.

Cheers -- v

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] chicken-users vs chicken-hackers

2008-02-25 Thread Vincent Manis

On 2008 Feb 25, at 17:19, Jeremy Sydik wrote:

+1  -- There's no reason -hackers couldn't be brought back if the  
need arose, right?


On Feb 25, 2008, at 7:08 PM, Ivan Raikov wrote:

Cross-posting is quite annoying, I agree. Either we should
discourage cross-posting, or not use Chicken-Hackers. I don't think
that the two lists are so high-volume that merging would be an issue.

+1 here too. -- v

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] MSVC makefile and patches

2008-02-22 Thread Vincent Manis

On 2008 Feb 22, at 01:08, felix winkelmann wrote:

On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 11:44 PM, Ashley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The build runs on msys with no problems.  Tomorrow I plan to add
a setup for cmd.exe, so a user only needs to have gnu make installed
to build chicken for visual c.  That seems like a pretty low barrier
for windows users.

Very good, Ashley. I'll integrate your stuff into the trunk ASAP

Would it be possible to put together a package of GnuWin32 programs so
as to make Chicken building and egg installation reliable on Windows?
I guess that would include make, gzip, tar, maybe cp, rm, mv, and I
don't know what else. That would make it easy for a naive Windows user
to set up and use Chicken.

-- v

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] egg documentation

2008-02-22 Thread Vincent Manis

On 2008 Feb 21, at 23:57, Alejandro Forero Cuervo wrote:

As such, I will need more convincing before implementing support for
indexentry.  I don't see what it adds that we can't already do.  Ok,
I see that it would allow arbitrary pages to declare sub-topics of a
given topic, but I don't think that should be supported.

I fully agree that much of the indexing can be done automatically, but
a good index also includes entries that can't be generated  
Again, taking my append example, we might be documenting SRFI-1, in  

case we might want concatenate to have an index entry for append.

Truthfully, the indexing facility is going to be more useful for the
Chicken manual itself, but I do think that a complicated egg might also
benefit from it.

As for bold-facing entries, sometimes that can be done from section
headings, but sometimes that isn't practical. Consider documenting the
tinyclos egg, where you might find that the main index entry for
`method resolution order' may or may not be in a section with that name.

These entries would just be written to a file, and external code
would then process them to produce index pages or whatever.

I think an index of the entire wiki would be way too big to be useful.
If there's interest in this, I could generate it.  Keep in mind that
the wiki currently has 300+ files.

Ulp. That requires more thought on my part. Again, I was mostly thinking
in terms of an index database for the manual, or for a small locally-
developed set of eggs.

Perhaps Alejandro's database of `where symbols in the wiki are
documented' could also be added to this external file?

I like this idea.  I'll probably do it. :-)

Thanks for the suggestions, Vincent.

My pleasure! -- v

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] egg documentation

2008-02-21 Thread Vincent Manis

On 2008 Feb 21, at 03:38, Alejandro Forero Cuervo wrote:

Sure, good thinking.  I've created this document:


Suggestions would be appreciated. :-)

The page is much appreciated, and I now have a much better vision of  
how the markup is


I hesitate to bring it up again, but can we please have some kind of  
indexing markup?
I agree that much of the indexing can be done automatically from the  
procedure and
similar tags, but, especially if we're going to use the new markup for  

manual, custom index entries will be absolutely necessary.

Here's my suggested syntax, keeping it XML-compliant:

  indexentry major=List procedures [minor={{append}}]
  [bold=yes|no] [see=other topic]/

where the major and minor attributes refer to the major and minor  
levels of the
index entry, bold indicates whether the current page number shall be  
(representing a definition of the topic and see replaces the page  
number with

its operand, for `see also' type entries).

These entries would just be written to a file, and external code would  
then process

them to produce index pages or whatever.

Perhaps Alejandro's database of `where symbols in the wiki are  
documented' could

also be added to this external file?

Thanks for considering this! -- v

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] YADT: yet another documentation thread

2008-02-15 Thread Vincent Manis
I was offline for almost all of the documentation discussion, so  
please pardon
my beating a somewhat dead horse. I'd like to make the following  
points, which

(mostly) haven't been raised.

1. Total agreement that the first item of business is to fix the small  

and that no Grand Vision (TM) should interfere with that.

2. The critical thing for the future is how we can reach new potential  
users, as Chicken becomes more and more of a serious competitor to  
named after snakes and shiny stones. I believe that the current  
while fairly good, can be reorganized to make it more accessible to  

newbies, who probably have no clue where to get started.

2a. At present, a Chicken user has to be aware of
 - R5RS
 - the relevant SRFIs
 - the Chicken core
 - the appropriate eggs
as well as other stuff outside Chicken (e.g., SQLite, Tk, Apache, etc.).
While the organization of facilities makes sense to us, a newbie has a  
problem sorting out that _member_ is described in R5RS, _any_ in SRFI  
1, and

_alist-update!_ in the Chicken manual.

I am definitely not suggesting a humungous manual that duplicates R5RS,
the SRFIs, and the Winnipeg phone book, but a good index and cross- 

can really help.

2b. The basic principle of software documentation is to mirror the  
questions and tasks, and thus I would like to see a new introductory  

that explains
 * what Chicken is
 * a discussion of what you need to have on your machine for
   - a minimal Chicken core
   - a pretty much full R5RS system (including the scary installation  

 GNU MP if you want numbers)
 * an introduction to using the interpreter
 * a similar introduction to using the compiler
 * an introduction to using eggs
 * a brief discussion of editors and IDEs
 * suggestions of resources for debugging, profiling, and preparing  

 * references and useful websites (e.g.,

Much of this information already exists in the manual, but creating  
one chapter
that gets people started could really make Chicken vastly more  
accessible. (I'm
not proposing `Chicken for Brain-Dead Dummies in 24 Hours', just an  

for intelligent programmers who are new to Scheme and to Chicken.)

2c. There is a set of core eggs that one needs in order to make an  
R5RS system.
These would include numbers, perhaps a few more of the SRFIs. One  
might go a
bit further and add tinyclos. A brief discussion of these eggs, and  
their contents in the index, would help people find things more  
easily. I am
NOT suggesting that the system packaging be changed in any way, just  
that it
would make Chicken more appealing if people understand what they can  
have when

they install it.

2d. Don't underestimate visual appeal. A nice-looking printed manual,  
nice-looking online help will assist in spreading the message that  

is in fact ready for prime time.

3. Eggs and egg documentation.

3a. The `wild west' phenomenon is what has made for so many eggs in  
the repository.
We should do nothing to our processes that in any way damages this.  
processes, and elaborate documentation standards, will turn off the  
tap FAST.

3b. I take no position on whether documentation should be inline (a la  
Javadoc or

Doxygen) or separate. Both techniques should be supported.

3c. Users should be able to create addenda for egg documentation, with  
tutorials, platform-specific information, or anything else that might  
be useful.
The standard egg build process should retrieve these addenda and  
provide them
as a standard part of the egg. (Again, having to search the wiki or do  
a Google

search acts as a barrier.)

3d. A checklist or guide should be available so that egg developers  
have some
ideas of what we think are good practices, including documentation,  
etc. This doesn't violate the `wild west' point above, because it's  
not mandatory. (It occurs to me that a separate Egg Developer Manual  
not be a bad idea; this could include the current wiki tutorial, the  

and a discussion of how the Eggs Unlimited repository is managed.)

4. Technology and process.

What we have right now works adequately. I'd recommend we identify  
what we are
trying to accomplish, and then define suitable technologies and build  
from that. I hope that, as much as possible, we make it easy for users  
to correct,
modify, and extend the documentation. Wiki-like systems are close to  
ideal for


I apologize for being so verbose (in the words of Doctor Samuel  
Johnson, `I did
not have time to write you a short letter, so I wrote you a long one  
but I hope the points raised here cause some thought. I know that this  
involves a fair bit of work; although I haven't yet made any  
contributions to
Chicken (not even one egg, though some might appear from me in the  
near future),


Re: [Chicken-users] opengl egg does not appear to compile under Chicken 3.0.0

2008-02-04 Thread Vincent Manis

Just as an irrelevant data point, I happened to build the opengl egg
today on MacOS X 10.5, with the Feb 1 version of 3.0.0. It built fine,
tho so far I have only tried the gears example with it. I don't know
if that's of any interest, but I thought I'd pass it on. -- v

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