Hi, I just joined up because I'm going to use Chicken. I started with PLT but dropped it because it doesn't have a debugger. I moved to Gambit, but it has strange macros and doesn't have all the libraries I need, so I'm trying Chicken.

I'm astounded that none of the public schemes out there have a visual debugger. (I know, some people say scheme doesn't need a debugger, but I don't believe it; its a dynamic language, debugging should be *easy*).

My plan is to hook up some scheme system to the powerful Eclipse debugging framework. This should be doable in a week or two, if the language has the right hooks. See
This will be combined with the SchemeWay plugin.

I am curious if people have thought about adding debugging capabilities to Chicken, along the lines of what is in Gambit. It seems like most of the hooks are there. Am i missing something?

Is anybody else interested in helping out? Is this the right email list to discuss this topic?


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