[Chicken-users] r6rs-bytevectors for chicken 5

2019-02-28 Thread Diego A. Mundo
With his permission, I've turned John Cowan's r6rs-bytevectors implementation:


into a Chicken 5 egg here:


I'm aware of the separate C4 implementation of r6rs-bytevectors. I originally 
tried to port that implementation to C5, but I had some trouble with that and I 
think John's implementation is a little more favorable for a couple reasons:

- It's a little more recent and pretty much already written in C5 syntax - my 
changes were fairly minimal and trivial.
- It implements a couple flonum operations in C
- It has fairly extensive tests, which I've converted to use the test egg.

It'd be nice to have this in the egg repo for Chicken 5, assuming I haven't 
made any glaring mistakes.

- Diego A. Mundo

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] [r6rs-discuss] WG1 and WG2 mailing lists now open to lurkers (forwarded)

2010-02-25 Thread Mario Domenech Goulart
It is now possible to join the Scheme Reports WG1 and
WG2 mailing lists either through the Google Groups websites
(http://groups.google.com/group/scheme-reports-wg[12]) or in the usual
way via email to scheme-reports-wg[12]-subscr...@googlegroups.com.
Only members of the WG may post, however.

This is offered as a service to the Scheme community; please propagate.

John Cowan  http://www.ccil.org/~cowan  co...@ccil.org
Would your name perchance be surname Puppet, given name Sock?
--Rick Moen

r6rs-discuss mailing list

---End Message---
Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] R6RS Rant

2007-06-05 Thread Kon Lovett

On Jun 4, 2007, at 11:49 PM, felix winkelmann wrote:

On 6/4/07, Mitchell Wand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
We are sorry to report that Will Clinger has resigned from the  
Committee, effective on May 21, 2007.  We accept his resignation  
with regret

and thank him for his service.

According the Charter, the Steering Committee has three months to  
replace a
resigning editor.  The Steering Committee has therefore decided to  
until after the ratification ballot before taking steps to replace  

There goes another one...

R6RS has become a debacle.

Dropping consensus was a terrible idea. While it dooms Standard  
Scheme to a toy language wasteland it had the benefit of a stable,  
reliable, platform for extension.

Taking SRFIs in popular use verbatim as the standard (ex: the  
inclusion of the KMP algorithm in SRFI-13) may not be the catholic  
response, but using close to 98% of the popular SRFIs gives us proven  

If I may be so bold, it seems the greatest issue is the library  
arena. Drop it. Define a core only. There is so many similar  
extensions of R5RS in std use that an agreeable R6RS would not be a  
rewrite of R5RS. (BTW, I think the full numeric tower  extended  
characters/strings should be core. Doesn't mean a compiler can't be  
told to not use them.)

I suspect there is a core in R6RS on which consensus can be reached.  
For example, why can't we just agree on a record concept sufficient  
to represent conditions. The issue of composite vs multiple  
inheritance shouldn't be a deal breaker. How an implementation  
provides record type composition shouldn't be a problem, so long as  
it does.

And the holes. Hell, everyone deals with filenames, but R6RS has no  
API. Record inheritance but no pathname concept.

Yeah, I would love algebraic type extension, multi-valued  
continuations (I use Feely's extension in F-operator for this but I  
don't think I should need to), delimited-continuations, reader/ 
printer extension, defined syntax vs. semantic phases, syntax  
extension, namespaces, packaging, ...) but we ain't gonna agree on it  
(or not most of it anyway).

Rant, rant, ...,


Chicken-users mailing list

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] R6RS Rant

2007-06-05 Thread Sunnan

Kon Lovett wrote:

If I may be so bold, it seems the greatest issue is the library 
arena. Drop it. Define a core only. There is so many similar 
extensions of R5RS in std use that an agreeable R6RS would not be a 
rewrite of R5RS. (BTW, I think the full numeric tower  extended 
characters/strings should be core. Doesn't mean a compiler can't be 
told to not use them.)

What I miss most from R5RS is the user-visible way to include and/or 
define libraries. Today I use chicken and write (require-extension 
extension-names ...) but I'd love for this to be the same across most 


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] R6RS Rant

2007-06-05 Thread Kon Lovett

On Jun 5, 2007, at 1:37 AM, Sunnan wrote:

Kon Lovett wrote:

What I miss most from R5RS is the user-visible way to include and/ 
or define libraries. Today I use chicken and write (require- 
extension extension-names ...) but I'd love for this to be the same  
across most Schemes.

Umm, I might see my 60th birthday before packaging is core Scheme. (I  
don't think there should be anything else, except optional.)

Well, 'require-extension' is an accepted SRFI. And Chicken does  
support 'require' (I use it in the bloom-filter egg, however it isn't  
PLT-Scheme compliant)  'load' (I use it in the 'procedure-surface'  

But, yes. There is no agreement on the simple process of acquiring  
a library. Because, library is not a simple concept.

Best Wishes,


Chicken-users mailing list

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] R6RS Rant

2007-06-05 Thread Dan Muresan
Umm, I might see my 60th birthday before packaging is core Scheme. (I 
don't think there should be anything else, except optional.)

You forgot to mention your current age :)

Well, 'require-extension' is an accepted SRFI. And Chicken does support 
'require' (I use it in the bloom-filter egg, however it isn't PLT-Scheme 
compliant)  'load' (I use it in the 'procedure-surface' egg).

require-extension is very useful, even just as a cross-platform way of 
loading SRFIs. But you should read the SRFI-55 mail archive to see the 
incredible opposition it draws from some folks. Or try asking for 
require-extension on the PLT or Scheme 48 mailing lists.

Anyway... Two glaring omissions related to (load):

1) (include ...) is not standardized

2) no one has thought of specifying what nested (load) or nested 
(include) should do. That is, what happens when you have


where x.scm does (load dir/y.scm), and y.scm does (load z.scm). Does 
dir/y.scm load the correct dir/z.scm, or the non-existent z.scm? Same 
for (include), of course.

R5RS does not standardize this, neither do most implementations specify 
what they do. In practice, most schemes use the absolute path 
convention, while SISC uses the relative path convention.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] R6RS

2007-05-21 Thread Sunnan

On 5/18/07, Michael McDermott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ubiquitous Unicode support

I tend to look at requiring Unicode support as analogous to requiring
the full numeric tower -- really important for some applications, and
I have no beef with Chicken's solutions to both of these problems.

Library/module system

If and only if that standard library/module system takes off, I'll
finally try to write portable Scheme. In the past I've resigned to
just always writing implementation specific code (that could, with
some effort, be ported).

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] R6RS

2007-05-18 Thread Graham Fawcett

It's a slow Friday afternoon, so let me pose a provocative,
non-technical question: What does the impending ratification of the
R6RS standard mean for Chicken, and for you?

At the onset of R6RS' process, Felix shared his misgivings about its
scope and substance. I doubt that Chicken's going to be
R6RS-compliant. As a one-Scheme user, I'm not terribly concerned about
Chicken's compliance with the new standard. But I would love to hear
what others think of the process and how they might (or intend to)
vote on the acceptance of the new draft.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] R6RS

2007-05-18 Thread Stephen Ramsay
On Fri, May 18, 2007 at 04:16:11PM -0400, Graham Fawcett wrote:
 It's a slow Friday afternoon, so let me pose a provocative,
 non-technical question: What does the impending ratification of the
 R6RS standard mean for Chicken, and for you?

I'd love it if someone could point me to some kind of bottom-line
overview of the new standard (what's new, what's being discarded,
etc.)  I've hunted around for such a thing and browsed through the
spec itself, and while I see lots of detailed discussion about it, I
haven't really been able to find a highlight reel for the new

I've also heard that Felix isn't crazy about it, but I haven't been
able to find his formal pronouncements on the matter.

I'm still fairly new to Scheme, so I'm not about to jump into the
fray.  I'd just like a sense of what's going on.


Stephen Ramsay
Assistant Professor
Department of English
University of Nebraska at Lincoln
PGP Public Key ID: 0xA38D7B11

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] R6RS

2007-05-18 Thread Alex Queiroz


On 5/18/07, Stephen Ramsay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'd love it if someone could point me to some kind of bottom-line
overview of the new standard (what's new, what's being discarded,
etc.)  I've hunted around for such a thing and browsed through the
spec itself, and while I see lots of detailed discussion about it, I
haven't really been able to find a highlight reel for the new

I've read the spec, and I'd say the most important change is the
addition of libraries. Today all the major implementations have
different syntaxes for creating libraries/modules, and r6rs now comes
with official syntax and semantics for that.
Also, there are the standard libraries.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] R6RS

2007-05-18 Thread Michael McDermott

The bottom line is that you can think of the R6RS as an attempt to move
Scheme into the mainstream. Scheme has been, throughout its existence, a
minimalist language. This has been both its strength and its weakness. Its
strength in that, because there is a great deal of latitude in the standard,
many people can apply many different ideas to Scheme and, yet, there it is
still Scheme. However, this creativity has caused a great many of versions
to be created that are largely incompatible with one another in those
extensions that make the language pragmatically useful. The SRFIs help, but
it doesn't get things all the way there. For example, take the issue of
OpenGL bindings in Chicken vs. Guile. They use a different naming scheme for
bindings to the same library (this isn't a slam, just an example; I love
Chicken and I have a mostly-finished OpenGL app written in it).

R6RS tries to take a lot of the latitude out of those pragmatic areas. For
those things that you will need to do regardless of implementation (SRFI 1
style list manipulation, character operations, etc.) the standard tries to
set well, a standard, so that any compliant implementation will implement
the same semantics, making programs more portable. Also in this direction is
adding a library/module facility to the language (something that a lot of
people have wanted for some time) and I18N'ing the language, to some small
degree, by requiring true Unicode support.

That said, I find some of the parts of the specification almost Draconian in
nature, detracting from Scheme's mission as a lightweight flexible language.
In this respect, IMHO, things have improved between the 5.91 draft and the
5.92 draft and we'll see how things go between 5.92 and 5.93. Anyway, here
is a fairly decent highlight reel:

  - Ubiquitous Unicode support
  - Standardization of an API for lists (richer), sorting, records, I/O,
  filesystems, arithmetic, and syntax-case
  - Exceptions
  - Bytevectors (which I like)
  - Library/module system
  - Reduced leeway on some semantic issues (this one may not belong here

Whether you like it or not is another matter, but this, I think, sums it up
pretty well.

Michael McDermott

On 5/18/07, Stephen Ramsay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Fri, May 18, 2007 at 04:16:11PM -0400, Graham Fawcett wrote:
 It's a slow Friday afternoon, so let me pose a provocative,
 non-technical question: What does the impending ratification of the
 R6RS standard mean for Chicken, and for you?

I'd love it if someone could point me to some kind of bottom-line
overview of the new standard (what's new, what's being discarded,
etc.)  I've hunted around for such a thing and browsed through the
spec itself, and while I see lots of detailed discussion about it, I
haven't really been able to find a highlight reel for the new

I've also heard that Felix isn't crazy about it, but I haven't been
able to find his formal pronouncements on the matter.

I'm still fairly new to Scheme, so I'm not about to jump into the
fray.  I'd just like a sense of what's going on.


Stephen Ramsay
Assistant Professor
Department of English
University of Nebraska at Lincoln
PGP Public Key ID: 0xA38D7B11

Chicken-users mailing list

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] R6RS immutable pair

2006-07-12 Thread John Cowan
Kon Lovett scripsit:

 Anybody want to way in on the proposed immutability of pairs? FWIW, I  
 am ambivalent. My gut says NO but my heart says yes. This is the most  
 serious suggested change, IMHO. It doesn't just break some existing  
 programs, it breaks with 50 years of lisp tradition.
 In Chicken 'set-c*r' is a common operator. Should pairs be immutable  
 something must replace them. I don't buy the suggestion of records or  
 vectors as a replacement, too heavy.

I'd like to see the existing pairs left alone, and new immutable pairs
without identity added.  That is, (immutable-cons 1 2) is permitted (but
not required) to return the same pair (in the sense of EQ?) every time
it's called.

All existing procedures would continue to work with immutable pairs
except, of course, SET-CAR! and SET-CDR!.  Some decision would have to
be taken about procedures like APPEND that accept multiple arguments:
my initial take is that they should produce immutable results unless
all the arguments are mutable.

Scheme would need new procedures MUTABLE-PAIR?, IMMUTABLE-PAIR?,

John Cowan   [EMAIL PROTECTED]http://ccil.org/~cowan
Original line from The Warrior's Apprentice by Lois McMaster Bujold:
Only on Barrayar would pulling a loaded needler start a stampede toward one.
English-to-Russian-to-English mangling thereof: Only on Barrayar you risk to
lose support instead of finding it when you threat with the charged weapon.

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] R6RS immutable pair

2006-07-12 Thread Kon Lovett

Hash: SHA1

On Jul 12, 2006, at 2:42 PM, John Cowan wrote:

Kon Lovett scripsit:


I'd like to see the existing pairs left alone, and new immutable pairs
without identity added.  That is, (immutable-cons 1 2) is permitted  

not required) to return the same pair (in the sense of EQ?) every time
it's called.


All existing procedures would continue to work with immutable pairs
except, of course, SET-CAR! and SET-CDR!.  Some decision would have to
be taken about procedures like APPEND that accept multiple arguments:
my initial take is that they should produce immutable results unless
all the arguments are mutable.

You are suggesting contagion. I use this in the 'procedure-surface'  
composite for example.

Scheme would need new procedures MUTABLE-PAIR?, IMMUTABLE-PAIR?,

Mutable vs. Immutable should be a property of the object. Sorry, but  
I don't think we need *-immutable versions of every (proc  
datatype ...). Just a built-in flag and exception when a mutating  
operation attempted.

I think the R6RS editors are interested in Scheme source compiled. If  
it can be inferred that a datum is immutable then optimizations can  
be applied.

John Cowan   [EMAIL PROTECTED]http://ccil.org/~cowan
Original line from The Warrior's Apprentice by Lois McMaster Bujold:
Only on Barrayar would pulling a loaded needler start a stampede  
toward one.
English-to-Russian-to-English mangling thereof: Only on Barrayar  
you risk to
lose support instead of finding it when you threat with the charged  

Yes, the Miles stories are a fun read.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (Darwin)


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] R6RS immutable pair

2006-07-04 Thread felix winkelmann

On 7/2/06, Dan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Why isn't everyone up in arms about this? Doesn't this
mean that many existing eggs, as well as extenral
packages, and our own software, will break? Wouldn't a
new (declare) form be sufficient?

If they make pairs immutable, why not make vectors
immutable as well? Heck, why not drop Scheme and pick
up Haskell?

Amen to that. I think making pairs immutable is a serious mistake.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] R6RS immutable pair

2006-07-04 Thread felix winkelmann

On 7/2/06, Kon Lovett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My naive thought is 'list' should be disjoint from 'pair', although
how to achieve this escapes me. The message I get from section 5 is
'proper list' is a distinct type from 'circular list'  'improper
list'. I agree, but ...

From an implementation point of view, I think adding an additional

pair type (transparent to normal list-processing procedures) and
an immutability bit might work. Still, this will be extra overhead
and not particularly clean to implement...


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] R6RS immutable pair

2006-07-03 Thread Joerg F. Wittenberger

On Jul 2, 2006, at 20:00 AM, Ken wrote:

  Is the decision to drop set-c*r! final in R6RS?

 No. The editors are considering it  they want considered feedback  
 from the community. I think compiler writers should talk about the  
 real gains to be had from immutable pairs. We can take as given the  
 answer from regular Scheme programmers.

Here my experience.  Full text (formated and linked) at

  = Position Statement on Mutability of Pairs =

 Joerg F. Wittenberger

In response to R6RS status report as of june 2006 I'd like to add my
experience concerning section 5, on the mutability of pairs.

Non-mutability of pairs (i.e. all objects) creates a very different
language than traditional Scheme. Such a setting allows to practically
fulfil semantics of program execution and distributed shared state
beyond feasibility on the basis of a arbitrary mutable store.

I'm personally divided myself whether such a radical change should be
made to the Scheme language. Having made first hand experience with
the implementation of a side effect free dialect of Scheme and on the
background of the reasoning, which lead to the Askemos project, I
value the advantages of controlled mutability. However there is just
too much good Scheme code out there, which should not be broken by
radical language changes.

Wouldn't it be better to add a new data type for those immutable

== In Detail ==

=== A Fictional Task ===

An international company has 5 owners from all over the world. Used to
electronic cooperation as they are they want to elect their CEO online
as well. A lack of trust make it difficult to decide whom of them
should host the polling system.

=== Proposed Solution ===

The problem is solved by by hosting the polling system on all five
interested sites simultaneously. The language system stores a copy of
the programs continuation, in the example the polls counter, on each
site. Each vote is counted at each site by this continuation. However
execution is synchronised in byzantine agreement. Now, until three of
those five partners collaborate there's no doubt about the result. But
that's the point of an election anyway.

So the aim is to design a language, which can implement justiciable
processes. (For more (german) background see Rechtssicherheit im Netz
(course of studies at HTWK Leipzig).

The implementer is left with the problem that each mutation to the
shared state has to be agreed. Thus speed of light limits what's
feasible. Here immutable objects become advantageous.

We escaped the problem by dedicating a kind of a coarse Scheme dialect
to control persistent, replicated effects. These are intercepted by
the agreement system. Another side effect free subset of Scheme is
used to query the store and produce proposed modifications for the
persistent part.

For the programmer this boils down to implement two programs, the
query part:

(lambda (this request) body) =response

and the proposal of the new state:

(lambda (this request) body) =(values proposal digest).

The proposal is (kind of a) Scheme program, which describes the
(locally) proposed changes to the persistent state (i.e., the new
continuation and variable assignments) and the final response of the
transaction. However before the proposal is actually executed on all
sites, byzantine agreement is sought on the cryptographic digest
[something like (sha1-digest (with-output-to-string (lambda() (write

Since body never effects the store, complex computations can be done
efficiently. Smart application design means in this context to require
only a small number of persistent (distributed) transactions per user
request. This makes the delay from the agreement protocol negotiable
in exchange for the tamper proofed backup system.

(The coarse grained language, being slow by design anyway, does
slightly more: some meta data usually interesting in dispute, like
date of creation and check sums to verify content integrity are
maintained. Furthermore the runtime system provides a super user free
permission management system. Eventually there's a resynchronisation
protocol. But that's off topic here. For details see the white paper.)

== Final Note ==

I hope I could demonstrate good reasons to have a standardised side
effect free Scheme subset. Such a language can be used to encode
processes defined by legally binding contracts in machine executable,
tamper proofed way. But I'm not sure that this radical change should
go into R6RS at the expense of breaking compatibility. Due to these
concerns I'd rather vote for an optional language feature or a
distinct data type.

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] R6RS immutable pair

2006-07-02 Thread Kon Lovett

Hash: SHA1

Hi Group,

R6RS appears straightforward for Chicken (except for a lot of typing,  
the nagging read/write invariance of flonums, the undecided details  
of 'library',  whatever I forgot - remind please).

Anybody want to way in on the proposed immutability of pairs? FWIW, I  
am ambivalent. My gut says NO but my heart says yes. This is the most  
serious suggested change, IMHO. It doesn't just break some existing  
programs, it breaks with 50 years of lisp tradition.

In Chicken 'set-c*r' is a common operator. Should pairs be immutable  
something must replace them. I don't buy the suggestion of records or  
vectors as a replacement, too heavy.

My naive thought is 'list' should be disjoint from 'pair', although  
how to achieve this escapes me. The message I get from section 5 is  
'proper list' is a distinct type from 'circular list'  'improper  
list'. I agree, but ...

- - Capt Picard: Make it so, Number One. (wish it were that easy.)

Best Wishes,

Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (Darwin)


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] R6RS immutable pair

2006-07-02 Thread Dan
 just break some 
  existing programs, it breaks with 50 years of
 lisp tradition. [...]

 would just be a rather drastical change...

Why isn't everyone up in arms about this? Doesn't this
mean that many existing eggs, as well as extenral
packages, and our own software, will break? Wouldn't a
new (declare) form be sufficient?

If they make pairs immutable, why not make vectors
immutable as well? Heck, why not drop Scheme and pick
up Haskell?

-- Dan

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