Re: [Chicken-users] RFC: documentation lookup utility

2006-08-23 Thread felix winkelmann

On 8/13/06, Toby Butzon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I think this is an *excellent* idea. I really like that URL-approach,
very slick. Creating a cross reference is of course a major piece
of work, but might be doable by combining ideas from eggdoc, the
man egg, svnwiki and the stuff the compiler itself can provide
(like .export files).



Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] RFC: documentation lookup utility

2006-08-14 Thread Alejandro Forero Cuervo
 Is there any existing document with sufficient metadata as to give
 me a way to machine-generate the index of all of Chicken's
 functions? If not, I expect I will spend a little time manually
 generating this sort of data; it may be beneficial to embed it in
 the existing manual (sexprs in HTML comments?) or otherwise (a) make
 it generally available and (b) keep it up-to-date.

I think currently we can't build the index from the info in the wiki
as it is.  However, we could certainly make it possible to enrich
the wiki pages, extending their format to make it reflects the
semantics of the documents more closely, to make it possible to build
the index directly from them.

I think the way we would do this would be with a svnwiki extension.
They way it would work would be that in the wiki pages we would use
some tags such as /definition/ in:

 == foobar

 definition name=foobar/

 enscript highlight=scheme(foobar baz)/enscript

The svnwiki extension would probably map the definition tag to some
lower level wiki construct (such as a name='foobar'/).  And your
parser could just look for definition tags as the one above
(directly in the wiki sources) and record the pages they occur in,
perhaps warning us if a given definition occurs in multiple locations.
When your code is given a word to look it up, it could look it up in
your index/db and redirect the browser to the page from the wiki it
occured in (with the #word anchor).  And if the word does not
correspond to any definition, your code could just redirect the
browser to the wiki search URL such as:

Of course, that means it would be good to import SRFIs and R5RS into
the wiki and mark all definitions ...

Does this make sense to you?


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] RFC: documentation lookup utility

2006-08-14 Thread Mario Domenech Goulart
Hello Toby,

On Sat, 12 Aug 2006 20:52:05 -0400 Toby Butzon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, Aug 12, 2006 at 08:59:19PM -0700, Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
  Typing a word into a URL is not really the kind of documentation I 
  want.  I want to click on a word in the editor I'm using and be taken to 
  relevant documentation.  I don't want to use my brain, I want the 
  computer to do that.
 I agree with you that editor-integrated documentation is nice. I haven't
 seen anything like that for Chicken yet

A very modest start is at  There's
a dirty trick to bind a key to an Emacs function to show the
documentation for a word under the cursor (e.g., a chicken procedure

Best wishes,

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] RFC: documentation lookup utility

2006-08-13 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

Toby Butzon wrote:

Did you have plans for where the data for each function would come from
for your application? And are you planning to provide just the argument
list or also a description of the function? I would be happy to combine
efforts on this indexing/retrieval problem if our needs really do overlap.

I don't really have a plan for such things.  My bag is OpenGL, AI, game 
development, and CMake.  As it is, I don't have any development time.  
Just found out today that I'm completely broke, so I've got fires to put 

I don't document functions in any consistent way.  I'm a lone wolf 
developer, I don't need to ensure that every single one of my functions 
has a description.  I do believe in clarity of design, and I do comment 
things that are unclear.  But some stuff, people just have to study the 
code and scratch their head to figure out how it works.  I don't like 
doing that; I'm not sure anyone does; in any event it is time 
consuming.  I just don't think abundant comments are going to save 
anyone the burden of understanding someone else's code.  So I comment 
briefly where I feel it's needed.

If I were maintaining a public API I'd be more into comments and 
documentation.  Maintaining public APIs is a huge chore.  The CMake 
people aren't interested in doing it, for instance, even when offered 
the labor.  An app is much easier to maintain than a public API.

Another consideration is that some people prefer locally installed 
documentation to internet documentation.  For one thing, some crazies 
like myself are still on dialup.  Although someone else is footing my 
cell phone bill, it does tie up my cell phone and the battery only lasts 
so long.  Laptop users have similar problems.  Also, sometimes people's 
online access goes down and they don't want to be shafted waiting for 
the network to come back up.  Internet documentation has the advantage 
of being up-to-date, but I think a packaging system that pulled docs 
from remote repositories as they are updated, would be preferable to 
being required to be online.

There's an ecology of various Scheme development tools.  I know that 
Quack has some Chicken support in it, 
but it hasn't kept up with Chicken's website and documentation changes.  
I'll hazard a guess that the author isn't particularly into Chicken.  
Quack looks like a one man project, and as such, I doubt it's going to 
have any traction or use in Chicken circles.  Quack seems heavily PLT 
oriented, and also GNU Emacs rather than XEmacs.

It seems pretty important to have an author or group that actually uses 
Chicken, in order for Chicken to get first class support.  Really this 
open source stuff doesn't work when it's just 1 guy doing his own thing 
with his own toolchain, and not really caring about other people's 
toolchains.  I mean, it just took me 9 months to get the CMake build 
together, and eggs are still broken on MSVC and MinGW, quite apart from 
CMake.  And Chicken has multiple contributors and some semblance of 
critical mass.

I don't know what the answer is, because good editor support is not a 
fun problem for most people.  I tried to use the Schemeway plugin on 
Eclipse and eventually gave up, because it was a one man project and my 
problems on Windows weren't getting fixed.  It's been a long time and 
maybe it works now, but the strategic realities haven't changed.  
Eclipse means getting one's hands dirty with Java, and it's Kawa Scheme 
rather than Chicken Scheme, so that's another pull away from people's 
attention.  Also I'm now into CMake and Eclipse is an Ant build 
culture.  I seem to be stuck with a mishmash of tools and XEmacs is what 
passes for an editor lately.  My knowledge of XEmacs from a programming 
standpoint is still decidedly primitive.  I've used it as a glorified 
text editor, which is all that CMake requires.  Ive got a CMake mode, 
it colorizes stuff, but it doesn't add any value to my work.

I think I'll take a poke at the XEmacs website and see if there are any 
capabilities or 3rd party elisps I haven't noticed.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] RFC: documentation lookup utility

2006-08-12 Thread Toby Butzon
Hi all,

My own tendancy when working with Chicken is to have a web browser
open with the R5RS index, the Chicken manual, relevant eggs, et cetera,
in separate tabs (in firefox), so lookups in the various documents are
(somewhat) convenient.

I've got some plans for a simplification of the above -- along the lines
of what I would personally find useful -- that I would make generally
available online. (It would be, after all, just a way of finding pointers
to the information that's already online.) I'll outline the idea below;
what I'm really interested in is (a) would you personally find the service
useful and (b) if this idea doesn't fit the way you work and and wouldn't
make things easier for you, I'm interested in hearing how you work -- I
personally can't code very long before I have to go lookup what arguments
a certain function takes, or to find a function that already exists to
accomplish some task.

So if you have a few minutes, I'd appreciate whatever feedback you could
send me. Feel free to reply off list (or on, but I'd rather not hijack
chicken-users :)).

The details of what I'm thinking now follow...

I've registered, and it currently provides very rudimentary
shortcuts to the documents I mentioned before. For example, redirects to Chicken's home page; redirects to the HTML R5RS on; redirects to galinha; redirects to galinha/users; and so on.
Some of these (/wiki/ for example) serve as wildcards: /wiki/ takes you
to / on galinha, while /wiki/users takes you to /users on galinha.

Now, my goal is this: Any URL should try to take me
to something relevant. So I could use
and be taken directly to the R5RS blurb on apply (and likewise
everything indexed in the R5RS index would work). Similarly,
functions specific to Chicken should be made available: would take me to the Chicken manual on print URLs that
don't exactly match (or don't return exactly 1 result) might instead
return a page of search results. (This is all inspired by's
similarly functionality. Try to see an exact match
and for an example of search results related to

The Chicken manual part will probably require some indexing, which I
haven't quite decided how to do yet. (AFAICT, unlike R5RS, there isn't
an existing index of all of Chicken's functions that link into the
appropriate portions of the manual. A machine-generated index might be
sufficient, but I haven't decided exactly how yet. For instance, print
should always take me straight to the print function, but the print
function is no doubt mentioned in many places in the manual, and the
word print (not necessarily referring to the function) even more, so
the machine indexer would be lead to believe multiple results ought to
be displayed in a case where one result is clearly correct.) I would
like to have eggs and any other relevant documentation included, too.

It all comes down to generating and maintaining the index, though; and
that's where I was hoping to gather some feedback. I'm considering
approaching this sequentially, as follows:
  * index functions first (R5RS, Chicken, eggs, ...)
  * maybe other somewhat structured things, like read syntax (#! etc)
  * and finally a full-text index of R5RS, Chicken manual, egg
documentation, and so on, to be consulted when a query doesn't
exactly match the before-mentioned indexen.

The main difficulties I foresee are:
  * Is there any existing document with sufficient metadata as to give
me a way to machine-generate the index of all of Chicken's
functions? If not, I expect I will spend a little time manually
generating this sort of data; it may be beneficial to embed it in
the existing manual (sexprs in HTML comments?) or otherwise (a) make
it generally available and (b) keep it up-to-date.
  * For eggs, the eggdoc source files might be enough (or come close; I
haven't done enough research yet). It may be easy enough to pull
out, e.g., foo from (procedure (foo BAR BAZ)), but HTML anchors will
need to be added to the autogenerated output to make this be
useful. Further, at least some of the eggs don't mention all of
the functions they provide in the eggodc; but perhaps this
shortcoming should rightly be fixed on their end.

Anyway, there's the gist of it.


Toby Butzon

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] RFC: documentation lookup utility

2006-08-12 Thread Toby Butzon
Hi Brandon,

Thanks for the feedback.

On Sat, Aug 12, 2006 at 08:59:19PM -0700, Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
 Typing a word into a URL is not really the kind of documentation I 
 want.  I want to click on a word in the editor I'm using and be taken to 
 relevant documentation.  I don't want to use my brain, I want the 
 computer to do that.

I agree with you that editor-integrated documentation is nice. I haven't
seen anything like that for Chicken yet, and even when it exists, I'll
still find the browser-based approach useful. It'd certainly bring
Chicken bragging rights to have both. :)

The common problem seems to be that both ideas would need an accurrate,
well-maintained index of function names and [a pointer to or actual
content of] the associated documentation. Knocking it out in one swing
for both of us would be really nice. Although... Being able to fetch
a blurb (instead of a link) might actually take a little more work. The
R5RS functions are grouped with many on a single page, so it might be
difficult to determine the appropriate boundaries for the blurb. In my
application, the browser would handle this by starting the user off in
the right place and they can read what they want. In an IDE, it might be
unmanagable to get back more than a paragraph or so -- or you might just
want the (func foo bar baz) synopsis to remind you of the arguments. We
could possibly solve this by adding more metadata during the indexing
process -- mark up not only the procedure and its arguments, but also
give a description of it that would allow programs to know where the
end of the text about each function is. 

Did you have plans for where the data for each function would come from
for your application? And are you planning to provide just the argument
list or also a description of the function? I would be happy to combine
efforts on this indexing/retrieval problem if our needs really do overlap.

Toby Butzon

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] RFC: documentation lookup utility

2006-08-12 Thread Zbigniew

That's what eggdoc-texinfo does; when it encounters a signature it
pulls out the first element of the list, or returns the whole value if
not a list.  It also returns the whole value if evaluation of the
signature fails; for example, it's pretty common to accidentally leave
off a paren at the end of the signature.  It works well so it may be
viable if you go that route.

On 8/12/06, Toby Butzon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  * For eggs, the eggdoc source files might be enough (or come close; I
haven't done enough research yet). It may be easy enough to pull
out, e.g., foo from (procedure (foo BAR BAZ))

Chicken-users mailing list