I have an error handler that traps errors under callbacks using with- exception-handler. its wroking quite well except that I dont know how to get all the error information to print out. for example if i eval an unbound symbol in the REPL the message includes the name of the offending symbol:

#;50> baz
Error: unbound variable: baz

now, when i trap the same error in an environmentn with my error handler all i seem to get is the first part of the string, ie the message without the symbol name:

>>> Error: unbound variable

my question is: how can i get a string that will contain what error messages normally show in the repl??

here what my with-exception-handler looks like (its only part of the macroexpantion so not everytnig is shown, just pretend print-error calls display, etc:)

        (lambda (%%stopproc%%)
            (lambda (err112)
                  ">>> Error: ~A~%"
                  ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) err112)
              (%%stopproc%% -2))
            (lambda ()
              (if (>= v108 v109) (begin (%%stopproc%% -1)))
              (print "hiho")
              (set! v108 (+ v108 1))

thansk for any info,

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