Aug 24 04


This is a reminder that as of Aug 15, freshly baked bakery products in the Midwest (such as Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, etc.) may be Chodosh.


The Chodosh crop harvest is now in progress. As of Aug 22, 40% of the Chodosh spring wheat, 48% of the barley and 75% of the USA oats have been harvested. This is about 1-2 weeks later than the normal schedule.


We are now in the frustrating blackout period. The Chodosh crop is starting to come in. However, it is too early to get reliable information from the companies. Due to these blackoutconditions, the Guide to Chodosh will not be able to be printed until after Rosh Hashanah. By that time, some Chodosh items are bound to be available in the marketplace. The best we can do is offer the following dates for guidance in the interim:

-Freshly baked products in the East USA and Far West may be Chodosh starting Sept 10.

-Packaged wheat products, not including noodles and pasta may be Chodosh staring the purchase date of Sept 15.

-Noodles and pasta may be Chodosh starting a purchase date of Sept 30.

-Oats may be Chodosh already if the company uses USA grown oats. However, since many companies in the USA use Canadian oats whose harvest is much later, most items are probably not Chodosh until a purchase date of Oct 1. Note that Quaker in the past used USA oats, that was Chodosh last year, starting a packing date of end of August. On the other hand General Mills (Cheerios, etc) has been using Canadian oats.

-Barley may be Chodosh is purchased after Oct 1.


These guess dates will be replace with specific brand-related dates as the information becomes available.


Yoseph Herman





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