First and foremost, the best wishes to all for a gmar chasima tova.

Now for the Update:

From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman
Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email

The first issue of the Guide to Chodosh for the upcoming season is ready for you to download free of charge by email from one of two locations. Send a blank email message to ONE of the following:

The printed version of the new Guide to Chodosh was mailed out to all paid individual subscribers and to the various local distributors on Monday and Tuesday, Aug 31 and Sept 1. Most people should have received them by Shabbos, Sept 5. The following are changes and corrections to the new Guide.


Cheerios and the oats in other cereals from General Mills, the Chodosh packing date is delayed from July 26 to Sept 15. Therefore, for all Cheerios cereals sold in the USA the revised code is Sept 22 2010. The same date goes for most General Mills/Nestle cereals sold in Israel. The exception is MultiGrain Cheerios for which the code when sold in Israel is July 22 10.

Liebers update: All cookies, crackers and pretzels are Yoshon unless they contain oats or the label states that they are made in Brazil. Liebers soup mixes have a Chodosh code of 09x33 (09=year, x=any single digit, 33=week of the year.) Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl. Cup soups may not be Yoshon.

Smackin Good potato knishes always Yoshon, waffles and pancakes are Yoshon at least until after sukkos. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

Kineret, Kosheriffic pizza Yoshon at least until after sukkos. Lite fish sticks and onion rings, are Yoshon. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

Kashi cereals. With the following exceptions, the date on all cereals is 12 months after packing. That includes all cereal bars. The exceptions are Golean Rolls-8 months, Soft Baked cereals-10 months, Pilaf-24 months.

Kemach all flat breads, regular and whole wheat, are Yoshon at least up to a code of Oct 30 2010 (13 months after packing.) Bread sticks are Yoshon the entire season, including the malt. For the graham cracker pie crust the wheat is always Yoshon. The malt may be a problem starting Oct 15, code Oct 15 10 (1 year after packing.)

In the Los Angeles area, the following are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the RCC: Schwartz Bakery -Pacoima CA, Classic Le Palais, Reniassance, Unique. The following are Yoshon under the Kehilla of Los Angeles: Love Bakery-all items baked there, and Jerusalem Pizza and Sushi-only the pizza.

Mechel’s Puffed Pastry Dough is Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Star-K.

Sterits Chow Mein noodles are Yoshon at least up to the purchase date of Jan 31 2010, under the hashgocho of Rabbi Soloveichik.


WARNING: Puratos Bagel Improver is a dough conditioner that is used by several bagel shops. Even though the company may claim that it is made from winter wheat, the Kof-K that provides the hashgocho for this product will not certify that claim. Therefore, as of a packaging date of Aug 9, this item may be Chodosh. The code for Aug 9 is 08099221 (08=month, 09=day, 0=year, 221 not important.) Yoshon stored supplies of this item are available from Velenti Co. 718-565-1300 speak to Bob Cory. Please check with your local bagel shops. Many may not be aware of the fact that this or other dough conditioners may be Chodosh!

Mishpacha barley is Yoshon under the hashgocho of the KAJ, even without a Yoshon label.

Kemach updates and changes, under the hashgocho of Rabbi Horowitz: Graham Cracker Pie Crust, Chodosh code Oct 15 10. Egg noodles and farfel Yoshon without a Yoshon label at least until Dec 31, after Dec 31 with Yoshon label only. Bulk pasta in 20 lb packages have a Chodosh code of 09/01/11 (2 years after packing). Toasted oats, Honey Nut Toasted Oats, Fruit Whirls, Honey Crunch (like Honeycombs), Corn Crisps (like Kix), Bunch ‘O Krunch, all have a revised Chodosh date of Sept 21 10. Chow Mein noodles Chodosh date Aug 29, code 2909H (29=date, 09=year, H=Aug in alph. order.)

Rabbi Gruber : Regarding items under the hashgocho of Rabbi Gruber, the following are confirmed Yoshon for this year: Paskesz products without oats, Best products except Kamut, Kosher Depot wraps, Mendelsohn frozen pizza in the store and frozen products, Sweet Choice, Weiss Kosher Cuisine, Merkaz Hasimcha, Newborn Caterers, Pavilion 39 Caterers, Michyou Pita, Glauber Bakeries, Spring Valley and Brooklyn, Munch and Lunch, Monsey Glatt and Wesley Kosher items prepared in the store, Mechel’s Takeout.

The following items are no longer under Yoshon under Rabbi Gruber and therefore are not recommended as Yoshon: Landau Supermarket takeout and bakery, Kaff Café, Main Street Pizza-Fallsburg, Moshe Pizza-Monticello, Raleigh Hotel.

Shrem’s Bakery, Cornwall, NY will continue to be Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Lipa Klein.

Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps, the malt may be Chodosh. Package code for the malt Chodosh date of Oct 15 is July15 10 (9 months after packing).

Taanug cereals with wheat but no oats. There is a mistake in the Guide. The Chodosh code should be Aug 9 2010 (1 year after packing.)

Ronzoni oven-ready pasta Chodosh code is Aug 16 2011 (2 years after packing.) Streits products are Yoshon only if under the hashgocho of Rabbi Soloveichik or the Kof-K.

My Own Meals products are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Soloveichik.

Glick’s Graham Cracker Pie crust on the shelves at this time is Yoshon. No code has been given to help determine when it may start becoming Chodosh. Glicks baking spray may be Chodosh.

Pereg bread crumbs may be Chodosh, unless the package states product of Israel.


Cheerios sold in Israel under the Nestle label (other than Multigrain) the Chodosh date is supposed to be Aug 2 10 (372 days after packing.)

Shoprite hot oats cereals, all hot cereals the Chodosh date is Jan 26 11, 18 months after packing.

Great Value flour from WalMart with a “W” in the code, the wheat is always Yoshon, under the hashgocho of the O-U. The malt may be Chodosh after October, code to be supplied.

Nabisco Triscuits are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the O-U.


The following establishments in Monsey will continue to be Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Horowitz: Pita Land, Chai Pizza and European Home Made Kosher.

The following information provided by Rabbi Shlomo Gissinger regarding establishments under his hashgocho: In Lakewood, following ARE Yoshon: Gelbstein Bakery, Gruenebaum Bakery, Salad Garden, Kosher Village-Weiss Bakery (except 6-grain bread). Following are NOT Yoshon: Kitov products, Bodek egg rolls, Taste Bud Restaurant-Lakewood, Just Good Food Restaurant-Manalapan

Ungers Kosher Market bakery department in Cleveland Heights will be Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi B. Greenwald.


The Bagel Shoppe located in South Euclid Ohio is no longer Yoshon.

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