[Chodosh] Message to mashichim and producers of Yoshon-CLARIFICATION

2017-07-17 Thread Y Herman
I sent out a request today (JUl 17 '17) toask mashgichim and producers of
Yoshon products to please send us your email addresses. We are compiling a
special email list for these people so that we can get to their attention
urgent matters about Chodosh-Yoshon that they need to know. I forgot to
request that in additional to sending us your email address, please send us
the hashgocho organization or producing company that you are affiliated
with. We plan to discard all addresses sent to us on Jul 17 prior to 12
noon (EDT). We can only include in this list those who specify their
hashgocho or manufacturer connection. I apologize for the inconvenience  to
those who already sent their addresses. If you qualify by being a mashgiach
or producer, please forgive us and send us a new message to

Thank you
Yoseph Herman
Guide to Chodosh

[Chodosh] Attention mashgichim for Yoshon and producers of Yoshon

2017-07-17 Thread Y Herman
We are compiling an email list of mashgichim and producers of Yoshon
products so that we can get urgent Chodosh-Yoshon news to you as fast a
possible. Please send your email address to yherma...@gmail.com
Thank you
Yoseph Herman
Guide to Chodosh