[chromium-bugs] Issue 6260 in chromium: Chrome: Crash Report - Stack Signature: views::DefaultNonClientView::Paint(ChromeCanvas *)-1A1990E

2009-02-07 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment #3 on issue 6260 by bugdro...@chromium.org: Chrome: Crash Report -  
Stack Signature: views::DefaultNonClientView::Paint(ChromeCanvas *)-1A1990E

The following revision refers to this bug:

r9165 | b...@chromium.org | 2009-02-04 12:06:26 -0800 (Wed, 04 Feb 2009) | 5  
Changed paths:

Paper over a crash that I think is due to the way we shut down the view  
hierarchy in a window.


Review URL: http://codereview.chromium.org/20051

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[chromium-bugs] Issue 6260 in chromium: Chrome: Crash Report - Stack Signature: views::DefaultNonClientView::Paint(ChromeCanvas *)-1A1990E

2009-02-04 Thread codesite-noreply

Status: Fixed

Comment #2 on issue 6260 by b...@chromium.org: Chrome: Crash Report - Stack  
Signature: views::DefaultNonClientView::Paint(ChromeCanvas *)-1A1990E

(No comment was entered for this change.)

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[chromium-bugs] Issue 6260 in chromium: Chrome: Crash Report - Stack Signature: views::DefaultNonClientView::Paint(ChromeCanvas *)-1A1990E

2009-02-02 Thread codesite-noreply

Labels: -Area-Misc Area-BrowserUI Mstone-2.0

Comment #1 on issue 6260 by j...@chromium.org: Chrome: Crash Report - Stack  
Signature: views::DefaultNonClientView::Paint(ChromeCanvas *)-1A1990E

Currently there are two examples of this crash, see http://crash/search?

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[chromium-bugs] Issue 6260 in chromium: Chrome: Crash Report - Stack Signature: views::DefaultNonClientView::Paint(ChromeCanvas *)-1A1990E

2009-01-11 Thread codesite-noreply

Status: Assigned
Owner: b...@chromium.org
Labels: Type-Bug Pri-1 OS-All Area-Misc Crash stable

New issue 6260 by b...@chromium.org: Chrome: Crash Report - Stack Signature:  
views::DefaultNonClientView::Paint(ChromeCanvas *)-1A1990E

The full crash report details can be found at:

Meta information:
Client ID: HQxz9uzaavkByOzfDGkM/deydhw=
Report ID: 5c12634b3d478239
Report Time: 2009/01/09 07:57:56, Fri
Uptime: 60 sec
Cumulative Uptime: 0 sec
User Email:
User Comments:
Product Name: Chrome
Product Version:
OS Name: Windows NT
OS Version: 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2
CPU Architecture: x86
CPU Info: GenuineIntel family 15 model 4 stepping 1
plat: Win32
ptype: browser

Stack Trace:

Thread 0 *CRASHED*
0x022fcb98 [chrome.dll] - custom_frame_window.cc:513
views::DefaultNonClientView::Paint(ChromeCanvas *)
0x022e0328 [chrome.dll] - view.cc:399
views::View::ProcessPaint(ChromeCanvas *)
0x022e0274 [chrome.dll] - view.cc:363
views::View::PaintChildren(ChromeCanvas *)
0x022e0345 [chrome.dll] - view.cc:408
views::View::ProcessPaint(ChromeCanvas *)
0x022ec495 [chrome.dll] - root_view.cc:166
views::RootView::ProcessPaint(ChromeCanvas *)
0x022fdc67 [chrome.dll] - custom_frame_window.cc:1144
views::CustomFrameWindow::OnNCPaint(HRGN__ *)
0x022e3a79 [chrome.dll] - widget_win.h:221
views::WidgetWin::_ProcessWindowMessage(HWND__ *,unsigned int,unsigned
int,long,long ,unsigned long)
0x022e4ffd [chrome.dll] - widget_win.cc:931
views::WidgetWin::WndProc(HWND__ *,unsigned int,unsigned int,long)
0x7e398733 [user32.dll] +0x8733 InternalCallWinProc
0x7e398815 [user32.dll] +0x8815 UserCallWinProcCheckWow
0x7e39c63e [user32.dll] +0xc63e CallWindowProcAorW
0x7e39c664 [user32.dll] +0xc664 CallWindowProcW
0x022e200b [chrome.dll] - focus_manager.cc:198 views::FocusWindowCallback
0x7e398733 [user32.dll] +0x8733 InternalCallWinProc
0x7e39d05a [user32.dll] +0xd05a __fnINOUTLPSCROLLINFO
0x7e39b4bf [user32.dll] +0xb4bf DispatchClientMessage
0x7e39b50b [user32.dll] +0xb50b __fnDWORD
0x7c91eae2 [ntdll.dll] +0xeae2 KiUserCallbackDispatcher
0x022e1f94 [chrome.dll] - focus_manager.cc:130 views::RerouteMouseWheel
0x773bf476 [comctl32.dll] +0x0001f476 ComboBox_WndProc
0x7e398733 [user32.dll] +0x8733 InternalCallWinProc
0x7e398815 [user32.dll] +0x8815 UserCallWinProcCheckWow
0x7e39c63e [user32.dll] +0xc63e CallWindowProcAorW
0x7e39c664 [user32.dll] +0xc664 CallWindowProcW
0x022e200b [chrome.dll] - focus_manager.cc:198 views::FocusWindowCallback
0x7e398733 [user32.dll] +0x8733 InternalCallWinProc
0x7e39d05a [user32.dll] +0xd05a __fnINOUTLPSCROLLINFO
0x7e39b4bf [user32.dll] +0xb4bf DispatchClientMessage
0x7e39dabc [user32.dll] +0xdabc __fnNCDESTROY
0x7c91eae2 [ntdll.dll] +0xeae2 KiUserCallbackDispatcher
0x022e1f94 [chrome.dll] - focus_manager.cc:130 views::RerouteMouseWheel
0x01fae063 [chrome.dll] - message_pump_win.cc:208
0x01fade8c [chrome.dll] - message_pump_win.cc:52
*,base::MessagePumpWin::Dispatcher *)
0x01f96d82 [chrome.dll] - message_loop.cc:192 MessageLoop::RunInternal()
0x01f96d5a [chrome.dll] - message_loop.cc:180 MessageLoop::RunHandler()
0x01f972e3 [chrome.dll] - message_loop.cc:558
MessageLoopForUI::Run(base::MessagePumpWin::Dispatcher *)
0x01e52716 [chrome.dll] - browser_main.cc:482 BrowserMain(CommandLine
,sandbox::BrokerServices *)
0x01db34d2 [chrome.dll] - chrome_dll_main.cc:348 ChromeMain
0x00402a70 [chrome.exe] - google_update_client.cc:92
*,sandbox::SandboxInterfaceInfo *,wchar_t *,char const *,int *)
0x0040244c [chrome.exe] - chrome_exe_main.cc:54 wWinMain

Thread 1
0x7c91eb94 [ntdll.dll] +0xeb94 KiFastSystemCallRet
0x7c91d85b [ntdll.dll] +0xd85b ZwDelayExecution
0x7c9379d3 [ntdll.dll] +0x000279d3 RtlpTimerThread
0x7c80b682 [kernel32.dll] +0xb682 BaseThreadStart

Thread 2
0x7c91eb94 [ntdll.dll] +0xeb94 KiFastSystemCallRet
0x7c91e31a [ntdll.dll] +0xe31a NtRemoveIoCompletion
0x7c92079c [ntdll.dll] +0x0001079c RtlpWorkerThread
0x7c80b682 [kernel32.dll] +0xb682 BaseThreadStart

Thread 3
0x7c91eb94 [ntdll.dll] +0xeb94 KiFastSystemCallRet
0x7c91e9aa [ntdll.dll] +0xe9aa ZwWaitForMultipleObjects
0x7c8094e1 [kernel32.dll] +0x94e1 CreateFileMappingA
0x7e3995f8 [user32.dll] +0x95f8 RealMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx
0x01fae153 [chrome.dll] - message_pump_win.cc:261
0x01fae0b9 [chrome.dll] - message_pump_win.cc:233
0x01fade8c [chrome.dll] - message_pump_win.cc:52
*,base::MessagePumpWin::Dispatcher *)