[chromium-dev] Throttling URLRequestFileJobs rate?

2009-06-11 Thread Stuart Morgan

I'm working on getting the Intl2 test set from the page cycler up and
running on the Mac, which currently crashes very quickly. It turns out
that one of the test pages has hundreds of images on it, and we
simultaneously make hundreds of URLRequestFileJobs to load them. Each
of those uses a SharedMemory for communication, each of which requires
a file descriptor. This test page generates enough requests at once
that we blow out the file descriptor limit (which defaults to 256 on
the Mac) and fall apart.

It's tempting to say that we should just
  a) bump up the limit, and
  b) make failure to create a SharedMemory non-fatal
At least some degree of b) is probably a good idea, but it's not
entirely clear that we *want* all the layers involved to silently
accept failure. Even if we do, local pages with more images than
whatever limit we set in a) won't load correctly, and making that
limit too high can get ugly.

A seemingly better option would be to limit the number of simultaneous
URLRequestFileJobs we will allow. I assume we have plumbing in place
to deal with limiting the number of simultaneous URLRequestJobs we
make per server; is it flexible enough that it could be extended to
handle file URLs as well? If so, is there any reason that would be a
bad idea? (And can someone point me to the relevant code?)


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[chromium-dev] Re: Throttling URLRequestFileJobs rate?

2009-06-11 Thread Stuart Morgan

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 7:45 PM, Darin Fisher wrote:
> It seems like this issue, since it is about the shared memory used for
> streaming resources to a renderer, is not particular to file://.  It could
> happen with http:// as well assuming we had a fast enough network or a janky
> enough local system, right?

I was assuming that in most cases the max-connections-per-server would
tend to prevent us from getting to that point, but it's probably
possible given the right circumstances.


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[chromium-dev] Re: Throttling URLRequestFileJobs rate?

2009-06-11 Thread Stuart Morgan

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 8:03 PM, Michael Nordman wrote:
> Sounds like the underlying issue is not the number of requests (or
> type of request), but the number of SharedMemory instances in use on
> behalf of request handling at any one time.

True; I'll take a look at how else SharedMemory is used, and where I
can introduce delays/blocking without causing problems for handling of
other in-flight requests.

> Also, 256 is a pretty low limit.

Dialing it up a few notches (say to 1024) to improve the performance
of a better overall solution certainly isn't an issue.


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[chromium-dev] Re: Throttling URLRequestFileJobs rate?

2009-06-12 Thread Stuart Morgan

On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 6:59 AM, Dan Kegel wrote:
> Don't you need root for that?

Changing the soft limit doesn't require root, and there's apparently
no hard limit at all on file descriptors (at least as of Leopard; I
don't think that was always true).


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[chromium-dev] Re: Login name auto-fill code

2009-06-12 Thread Stuart Morgan

On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 7:46 AM, Lucius Fox wrote:
> Can you please tell me where is the code for 'auto-fill' login name
> for Gmail on MacOS X?

What part specifically? There are a number of classes involved in
login autofill (assuming you are talking about the password manager,
and not Gmail itself filling the username based on cookies).

I'm still actively writing the password storage system on the Mac, so
if you are asking because you want to do development in that area
please follow up with me off-list. If you just want to write code
using the password system, you'd want to use the cross-platform
interfaces: either PasswordManager/PasswordFormManager, or
PasswordStore, depending on what you are trying to accomplish.


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[chromium-dev] Re: Login name auto-fill code

2009-06-12 Thread Stuart Morgan

On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 11:36 AM, Stefan Nuxoll wrote:
> Slightly offtopic, but what are you planning to use as the store on OS
> X?  The keychain?

Short and oversimplified answer: yes.

Long answer: http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dfhbsm63_0cx9h7fsz&hl=en


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[chromium-dev] Re: Crash reporting and about:crash.

2009-06-16 Thread Stuart Morgan

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 2:32 PM, Scott Hess wrote:
> So, I'm inclined to mark it WontFix, except that then searches in the
> Issues database won't find it.

Do we think it's something people are actually likely to search for?
The crash aggregator will still have the bug number listed for that
stack, and that seems like the most likely (only?) place someone would
be inspired to look for a bug about it in the first place.


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[chromium-dev] Re: How to get a faster/smaller checkout?

2009-07-16 Thread Stuart Morgan

On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 11:26 PM, Hua Su wrote:
> Is there any official configuration file (the
> .gclient file) for win32 only checkout or linux/mac only checkout, which
> only checkouts minimum files for the specified platform?

Platform-specific source is scattered around, and makes up a very
small fraction of the total repository size (a substantial amount of
which is tests, not source code), so that would take a lot of work to
maintain for very little benefit. You'd be better off looking for the
really large parts of of the repository and trimming the parts of
those that you don't need for your development, rather than trying to
get something that removes absolutely everything that you don't need.
Besides, just because you are on Windows doesn't mean you won't need
to make changes to other platform files during development.

If all you are doing is *building* Chromium, not doing development,
excluding the big test directories will be the biggest win by at least
an order of magnitude or two.


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[chromium-dev] Re: Question about chromium sandbox on Mac OSX

2009-07-30 Thread Stuart Morgan

On Thursday, July 30, 2009, n179911  wrote:
> I am trying to see what it the current setting in chromium. I can't
> find that in http://renderer.sb or when sandbox_init() is called.

As TVL said in his earlier reply, renderer.sb *is* the current
setting. We use a custom set of allow/deny rules rather than one of
the pre-canned defaults.

> And then I would want to see if I can switch it to 
> 'kSBXProfilePureComputation'
> and see what may break.

Reading renderer.sb should give you exactly that information; all of
the exclusions there were added for a reason (documented in the file).

The design doc you are reading sounds like it hasn't been updated
since the sandbox was actually implemented; it should probably be


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[chromium-dev] Re: How to disable plugin support in chromium on Mac OSX

2009-08-04 Thread Stuart Morgan

On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 8:37 PM, n179911 wrote:
> Can you please tell me how can I disable plugin support in my own
> chromium build on Mac OSX so that when I execute chomium in XCode
> flash plugin is not enabled?



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[chromium-dev] Re: Omnibox highlighting and PRIMARY selection concerns

2009-08-21 Thread Stuart Morgan

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Dean McNamee wrote:
> Note: Firefox on OSX selects all on single click.  So there isn't a
> clear answer on OSX either.

Firefox has historically tended to favor "do what Firefox does on
other platforms" over "follow the platform standard". In other cases,
it does the wrong thing on the Mac simply because the behavior was
written on Windows as cross-platform code and nobody has gotten around
to fixing it for the Mac yet--text editing in particular has many
examples of this.

"Firefox does it differently" should never be an argument that
something isn't an established standard on the Mac.


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[chromium-dev] Re: Omnibox highlighting and PRIMARY selection concerns

2009-08-21 Thread Stuart Morgan

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 4:12 PM, Dean McNamee wrote:
> My argument was just that I know of only 2 frequently used URL bars in
> browser.  Safari, and Firefox.  They differ in their behavior.  I
> don't know how you have an established standard when you only have a
> few reference points, and one of the major ones doesn't follow it.

I'm not coming at this from the perspective that this is a new control
with no behavioral expectations; as others have already said, many
people expect the URL bar to behave like a text field, since it looks
and acts like one in most other respects. From my perspective there is
a standard because I expect a certain behavior from clicking in
something that looks like a text field.

I understand the argument from the other side and I'm not trying to
argue there's no merit in breaking from user expectations on a
platform when there is a really compelling reason. My point is simply
that "Firefox does it on the Mac" is not a good counter-argument for
"Mac user expect a certain behavior", because Firefox does not behave
the way Mac users expect in a number of respects. We should not assume
that just because Firefox does something on the Mac that the majority
of Mac users would expect, or be happy with, that behavior.


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[chromium-dev] Re: Copying of profiles across systems

2009-08-26 Thread Stuart Morgan

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 10:23 AM, Avi Drissman wrote:
> - Is "profile platform independence" a guiding principle?
> [...]
> - Is it worth rewriting today's code that doesn't conform

It didn't seem to be when I asked about password storage a while back.
Passwords aren't even portable from machine to machine--and I would be
strongly opposed to making the password storage system platform
agnostic, since it would mean abandoning an important piece of OS
integration (including transparent password portability across
browsers) on the Mac.

That's not to say that we couldn't aim for making most of a profile
portable, but I would be sad if we made a hard-and-fast rule that
everything must be completely portable even at the cost of platform


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[chromium-dev] Re: Platform parity

2009-09-02 Thread Stuart Morgan

On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 12:41 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:
> Yeah, password management on Mac OS is done through the system
> "Keychain Access" app; we don't need a custom UI for that.

For various reasons we will be using custom UI, it's just not written
yet (there's a bug tracking it).


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Re: [chromium-dev] Re: WorkerTest in the linux/valgrind tests are silently failing due to mmap failure

2009-12-08 Thread Stuart Morgan
On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 11:21 AM, oshima  wrote:
> Oh, by the way, i found that the same thing is happening on mac side as
> well,
> but I'm not familiar with mac. Can someone take care of mac side?

The process for disabling tests under valgrind is identical on the
Mac, so you should be able to do it exactly the same way.

If you still need someone else to do it I can take care of it later
this week. The change to the script should definitely not be landed
while there are still known failing tests on either platform though.


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Re: [chromium-dev] Re: WorkerTest in the linux/valgrind tests are silently failing due to mmap failure

2009-12-08 Thread Stuart Morgan
On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 1:05 PM, oshima  wrote:
> Ok, so mac is using the same script, correct?

Yep, same script.

> I can make a changelist, but I need
> a way to test it on mac. Can you or someone else help me on this?

Sure, although testing the script change on the Mac isn't the tricky
part; the difficult part is going over all the recent Mac valgrind bot
logs and making sure you have suppressed all the tests that are
currently failing there.


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