Hello all, I'm happy to announce that the developer area of our extensions gallery is now open:
https://chrome.google.com/extensions You can upload your extensions, edit their details, add screenshots and videos, test the autoupdate system, and begin publishing your download URL. We are opening these features early so that developers like yourselves will have time to get familiar with the system, flush out any bugs, and publish your extensions before our full launch. For more information, please see the blog post, here: http://blog.chromium.org/2009/11/extensions-one-step-closer-to-finish.html Looking forward to seeing what you've built! -- Aaron Boodman, on behalf of the Google Chrome Extensions team -- Chromium Developers mailing list: chromium-dev@googlegroups.com View archives, change email options, or unsubscribe: http://groups.google.com/group/chromium-dev