
I read this article:

It said Mac OSX supports five constants for sandbox access restrictions:

    * kSBXProfileNoInternet
    * kSBXProfileNoNetwork
    * kSBXProfileNoWrite
    * kSBXProfileNoWriteExceptTemporary
    * kSBXProfilePureComputation

In the renderer, we would probably want to use a combination of
kSBXProfileNoNetwork and kSBXProfileNoWrite. If possible, we would
like to get by with kSBXProfilePureComputation,

Can you please which access restrictions the renderer of chromium is
currently set to?
I have looked at renderer_main_platform_delegate_mac.mm, which I
believe is how/where chromium set the access restrictions to. But from
the code, i can't tell which access restrictions it assigns to

  int error = sandbox_init(sandbox_profile, SANDBOX_NAMED_EXTERNAL,

And I have looked at the file 'renderer.sb', it does not contains any
of the above 5 access restrictions string either.

Thank you for your help.


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