Re: [ChurchillChat] The River War

2021-05-06 Thread ROGER PENCE
Makes me glad I sprung for that first printing!  I guess I can’t really call it 
a “first edition,” but feels that way to me. 
-Roger Pence-
Edmonds, WA / USA

Sent from my iPhone XsMax

> On May 6, 2021, at 5:29 PM, 'David Freeman' via ChurchillChat 
>  wrote:
> The second printing is scheduled for late this month (May), which means 
> delivery in June.
> HOWEVER: The second printing has already sold out in advance, and the printer 
> refused the publisher's request to increase the size of the second printing. 
> This means that if you have still not ordered the book, you will not be able 
> to obtain a copy until there has been a third printing, which will not happen 
> until the summer.
> David
> On Thursday, May 6, 2021, 3:22:58 PM PDT, Lee Pollock 
>  wrote:
> They're saying Juneno one expected the first printing to sell out so 
> fastuntil Andrew's glowing review appeared in the Journal.
> On Thu, May 6, 2021 at 5:13 PM Cita Stelzer  wrote:
> Any news on the date for publication of the second printing?
> We are all waiting to order a copy – or 2….
> Cita
> Cita Stelzer
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Re: [ChurchillChat] Bust In, Bust Out

2021-01-25 Thread ROGER PENCE
I was surprised that Donald Trump would keep a bust of Winston Churchill in his 
Oval Office. Trump and Churchill are such polar opposites in so many respects-- 
knowledge of history, dedication to public service, intellectual heft, the list 
goes on and on. I wonder if Trump even realized that Churchill would be 
horrified at his policy of America First.

-Roger Pence-
Edmonds, WA / USA

On 01/22/2021 7:31 AM  wrote:

> AC: Momentary apoplexy when told he replaced it with Chavez. But it's 
> Cesar, not Hugo, so back to sleep.
> Presumably Epstein #2 is back at the Embassy, which loaned it. Perhaps it 
> should be hung on a Zip-line between the British Embassy and the White House.
> So far as I know, Epstein #1, presented to the White House in 1965, is 
> still upstairs outside the Treaty Room:  
> On Friday, January 22, 2021 at 4:47:31 AM UTC-5 antcapet wrote:
> Dear All, 
> Seen in today's Guardian (London) : 
> No 10 takes relaxed view as Biden removes Churchill bust from Oval Office 
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[ChurchillChat] Trump and Churchill by Nick Adams

2020-07-05 Thread ROGER PENCE
I'm wondering if anyone has read this recent book by a young Australian 
immigrant named Nick Adams? Fans of our president have had some positive things 
to say, but I somehow sense it's not really a work of much scholarship.

I regularly add to my Churchill bookshelf (most recently Erik Larson's The 
Splendid and The Vile) but I'm hesitant to add the Adams book without some 
vouching from the eminent Churchillians on this list.

Thank you
-Roger Pence-
Edmonds, WA

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Re: [ChurchillChat] Defcon 1: Time to Take a Stand

2020-06-16 Thread ROGER PENCE
Robert E. Lee's life may have been, on balance, an honorable one, but those 
four years in rebellion are what define him~ waging war upon the union in order 
to preserve "the institution of negro slavery" as they called it.

Those statues of Lee in town squares across the American south are there to 
honor his service in the Confederate Army, not his years at Washington and Lee 
University. They all show him in Confederate uniform, never the US uniform he 
wore for 32 years. 

Most of those statues were erected at the behest of the United Daughters of the 
Confederacy as part of their "lost cause" campaign, at a time when Jim Crow 
laws were cementing in second-class status for black Americans

Statues in town squares should celebrate people that all Americans can identify 
with and feel some pride towards. Lee and other Confederates are just not in 
that group and never can be.

The history behind the Confederate statues in the south is just too ugly, and 
they should come down. This is not "rewriting history"~ the history is still 
there in the history books and museums where it belongs. 

> On June 16, 2020 at 4:47 PM ""  
> wrote:
> I have no idea how this switched to a riff on Confederates. My concern is 
> with Churchill, although many of Andrew Roberts' points apply to others. 
> Robert E. Lee served his country honorably for 32 years, repented the 
> mistake of placing loyalty to Virginia over his oath to the Union in 1862, 
> and spent his last years building a university. See:  
> To quote Dr. Roberts: "It 
> speaks to a pathetic lack of confidence in ourselves as a nation. We are on 
> the way to a society of competing victimhoods, atomized and balkanized into 
> smaller and smaller communities, which ironically enough is something racists 
> want too."
> BTW, I too am on the U.S. side of the pond.
> > > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > > 
> --
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