[cia-drugs] Bush's power to torture, to murder, to terrorize -- and to rape children serves darker purpose

2005-07-29 Thread MA PA

Bush's power to torture, to murder, to terrorize -- and to rape children serves darker purpose
By Chris FloydPublished: July 29, 2005 
Last week, we wrote of the Bush Faction's increasingly successful drive to establish the principle of unlimited presidential authority -- beyond the reach of any law or constitutional restriction -- as the new foundation of a militarist American state. This relentless push toward autocracy gained even more strength in recent days, in two cases centering on what has emerged as the very core of President George W. Bush's authoritarian philosophy: torture.Vice President Dick Cheney was dispatched to Congress last week to strong-arm three Republican senators seeking to place the mildest limitations imaginable on Bush's power to do whatever he wants with his captives in "the war on terror," The Washington Post reports. The proposed amendments to the defense budget would simply require interrogators to follow whatever procedures the Pentagon establishes for questioning prisoners and to register all captives with the International Red Cross. A third provision would
 take the radical step of prohibiting "cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment" of anyone in custody -- behavior that is already expressly forbidden in U.S. law.But Cheney brought hard words from on high for the tepid trio: Bush will veto any attempt by Congress to place any fetters on his arbitrary power over the captives in his worldwide gulag. The grim-visaged veep put it plainly: Such legislation would "restrict the President's authority" to conduct the terror war as he sees fit, and thus cannot be tolerated. The whole defense budget will be tossed into the toilet if the amendments are attached, Cheney thundered.

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: Fw: Arlene, how are you?

2005-07-29 Thread Arlene Johnson
 Here is an example of people who understand my work. This lady is in 
 the San Diego area.

In peace and solidarity,

Arlene Johnson
http://www.truedemocracy.net the home of The Journal of History
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 Begin forwarded message:

 From: Arlene Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: mån jul 11, 2005  12:01:58 Europe/Oslo
 Subject: Fw: Arlene, how are you?
 Reply-To: Arlene Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 -Forwarded Message-
 Sent: Jul 10, 2005 9:48 PM
 Subject: Arlene, how are you?

 Arlene, long time no see! You don't post much on the cia-drug list
 anymore..they won't let me post anymore either.

 I love your information and the way you step on the toes of those who
 crush the masses..your site is excellent, IMHO.

 I am writing to tell you about another major scandal that may be 
 up soon, the dept. of energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory in
 Tennessee, their hushed up nuclear accidents, their poisoning of the
 region and peoples who live there with their emissions of hydrogen
 fluoride, the ways that HF work to make us more violent, foggy in
 thinking, oversexed, diseased, and short-lived, and the god curves 
 show the truth about HF poisoning as related to life and death.

 The owner of this site, Jim Phelps, is a scientist who has worked to
 make this information available to us all, claiming that we have
 deposited in our bone marrow the HF from our polluted air, water, soil
 and foods, the HF which destroys 3 special enzymes whose jobs it is to
 rid the body of toxic metals and keep us well, and the HF that makes 
 ill with CFS, AIDS, ALZHEIMER'S, CANCER, and many many other
 illnesses..and how we can eliminate the HF in our bodies, and maybe 
 regain longer life and higher intuitive abilities through the Pineal 
 Pituitary glands.

 I hope you will consider looking at this site and exposing this info 
 the world, because it is so important..The pollutions are not just in
 Amerika, but all over the planet. The people are subject to martial 
 and many extraneous and superfluous laws at the whims of some of the
 biggest (if not THE BIGGEST) criminals upon this earth..

 At least you got outta Amerika!

 Here's the link:



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[cia-drugs] Fwd: Giuliani drug company connection-The Nation

2005-07-29 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:From: "Robert Lederman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: July 29, 2005 5:08:41 AM PDTTo: "Robert Lederman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Giuliani drug company connection-The Nation The Nation 7/28/05http://www.thenation.com/blogs/outrage?bid=13pid=8815Rudy Can't FailRepublicans and their drug company allies are doing everything they can toprevent Americans from accessing cheaper prescription drugs. Senate MajorityLeader Bill Frist has blocked a vote on a bipartisan bill legalizing drugimportation from Canada. Last month the Senate Republican Policy Committeemaintained that imported drugs--10 million of which entered the US in2004--"cannot be a viable option." This despite the fact that PresidentBush's own report on drug re-importation conceded that Canadian imports aresafe, and the Congressional Budget Office estimated that legalizedimportation could "reduce total prescription drug expenditures in the US byabout $40 billion" over the next nine years.As if pumping $759 billion into lobbying Congress since 1998--more than anyother industry--wasn't enough, big pharma has enlisted "America's Mayor"Rudy Giuliani to stamp a terror alert on the importation fight. "As thenation tightens its borders against possible future terrorist attacks, itrisks undermining security and safety by opening them up to non-FDAprescription drugs," said a Giuliani Partners report released in April. ThePharmaceutical Research and Manufactures of America, the industry's DClobbying arm, conveniently underwrote the study. If it kills the drugcompany's profits, it'll kill you too.High-profile shill for big pharma is just one role among many for TycoonRudy and his blossoming security consulting firm. "The client list oftenreads like the list of witnesses before Congressional committees in some ofthe highest-profile corporate crises of the last few years," the New YorkObservor wrote. "Along with Entergy Nuclear Northeast, which owns the IndianPoint nuclear plant, they include the manufacturers of the painkillerOxyContin, which had become popular as a recreational drug; thescandal-plagued National Thoroughbred Racing Association; and apharmaceutical-industry trade group, for which Mr. Giuliani produced a studysuggesting that imported prescription drugs may be dangerous."Add to that list the Houston-based law firm Bracewell  Pattersonhttp://www.grist.org/news/muck/2005/04/08/little-giuliani/index.html--remamed Bracewell  Giuliani after Rudy came on board as a partner inMarch--whose big oil and energy clients have included Enron, ChevronTexacoand the utility lobby. And DNA Applied Sciences,http://www.usatoday.com/money/companies/management/2005-03-17-dna-usat_x.htma tech company with a history of securities-related charges, hired GiulianiPartners with "no cash for operations and no customers" USA Today reported.After suffering $35 million in loses between 2002 and 2004, the company gaveGiuliani's firm $2 million and 21 million shares worth $10 million at thetime. Following the announcement, Applied's stock jumped 268 percent. "Ithas all the markings of something Giuliani himself would have looked into asUS attorney in the old days," said former federal prosecutor StephenMeagher.Moreover, Rudy's lavish speaking fees are also starting to raise eyebrows.Last February, the South Carolina Hospital Association booked Giuliani as aspeaker, at his usual $100,000 rate. When the tsunami hit South Asia at thesame time, the Hospital instead held a fundraiser for the victims. But Rudycame anyway, and pocketed his fee--which organizers later demanded back. Helater earned a staggering $230,000 to speak at the Queen Elizabeth HospitalResearch Foundation in Adelaide, Australia, for a benefit that raised only$15,000 total.Is this the post-Mayoral record Rudy plans to run on in '08?http://todaysseniorsnetwork.com/guiliani_sells_out.htmAmerica's Seniors NetworkGiuliani hired by drug industryPublisher's Note:  Former NY Mayor Giuliani is following the path of otherswho have served the large pharmaceutical manufacturers--the road to easyriches, large fees and lackey for the drug companies.  In so doing, he joinsformer Congressman Tauzin (see our story on how the former Representativestood ready to gain a $2 million dollar salary from the Pharmaceuticalindustry as a reward for  his work on the flawed Medicare Prescription DrugCard, but then backed down in the face of public pressure...click here).Perhaps the Mayor, who made his reputation for leadership in the aftermathof the Sept. 11 tragedy in New York will also be a consultant for his newbusiness associates in helping them clean their own  house--read about thepharma law suits and more than $19 billion in fines and settlements, clickhere--or perhaps he will talk to respected seniors' leaders such as GaryPassmore of the California Congress of Seniors who called Canadianpharmacies safer than those in the US...click here for story.  But, we doubtit.  It seems that there was another victim of the 9-11 

[cia-drugs] Love Triangle, CIA Director Porter Goss, Robert Novak and John McCain

2005-07-29 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


Love Triangle, CIA 
Director Porter Goss, Robert Novak and John McCain
CIA Director, Porter Goss, didn't always worry about leaks. In July of 2003, 
when he was Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, he 
scoffed at the idea of investigating the leaks around the outing of Valerie 
Plame. He said that leaks were so commonplace they would have to spend all of 
their time running around investigating them. He followed by saying, "Somebody 
sends me a blue dress and some DNA, I'll have an investigation."
In November of 2004, Novak wrote a praising column about Goss, claiming the 
CIA was leaking information and Goss was going to clean house. Novak wrote that 
John McCain told him "with CIA leaks intended to harm the re-election of the 
president of the United States, it is not only dysfunctional, but a rogue 
Novak went on to say that "the CIA playing domestic politics" was more 
disturbing than the rogue CIA of 1975, that just ran around causing trouble in 
the world.
Novak says use of the word "rogue" in reference to the CIA dates back to 
Senator Church's comments in 1975 during a CIA shake-up following Nixon's 
resignation. The funny thing is that Ford nominated George H.W. Bush as the new 
Director of the CIA in 1975. Bush's nomination was debated in the Senate and he 
did not get confirmed until 1976. Senator Church, who opposed Bush Sr.'s 
nomination had these disparaging words to say about Bush Sr.
Church: "Once they used to give former national party chairman (as Bush was 
under Nixon) postmaster generalships, the most political and least sensitive job 
in government. Now they have given this former party chairman the most sensitive 
and least political job in government." He went on to say that Bush Sr. might 
compromise the independence of the CIA--the agency would become politicized.
Novak can praise Goss's heroic efforts to get rid of partisan CIA leakers all 
he wants. He can claim that politics in the CIA is far more worrisome than 
government assassins in the CIA. But the real issue that Novak is covering-up is 
that Bush Jr. already politicized the CIA by demanding their intelligence fit 
his foreign policy. Goss is getting rid of leakers to cover the Bush/Cheney 
trail as the Plame investigation heats up and leans towards larger issues like 
the fixed intelligence on Iraq.
This love affair between Novak/Goss/McCain, is very strange indeed. Novak's 
desire to get rid of leakers is almost laughable, especially in any kind of 
reference to the CIA. Novak's story quotes meetings between Goss and his "former 
enemy" John McCain. John McCain, formerly the man torn and shredded by dirty 
tricks attributed to Karl Rove, has become one of Bush and Rove's staunchest 
McCain has also become one of the ever-present talks show guests on Hardball, 
Meet The Press, you name it. After being supposedly ripped-apart by the Rove 
machine, McCain joined in with Novak in November of 2004, to say that the outing 
in the CIA, not of members of the CIA, is the real issue.
Makes you wonder if Goss "The Plumber" used to be Goss "The Leaker." And what 
do they have on McCain that makes him such a staunch supporter of the 
By coincidence only, Porter's name, by definition means the "luggage carrier" 
and the "gate keeper."

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[cia-drugs] How did Greenspan Know about the London Bombings Two Days before?

2005-07-29 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


How did Greenspan Know about 
the London Bombings Two Days before?



  July 20, 2005Two days before the 
  London subway bombings, Fed-Master Alan Greenspan flushed nearly $40 
  billion in liquidity into financial markets. The sudden activity was an 
  astonishing departure from the current policy of tightening interest rates 
  to stifle inflation. The Chairman has not explained his erratic behavior, 
  but there’s growing speculation that Greenspan may have had information 
  about the likelihood of terrorist attacks and decided to “preemptively” 
  head-off a run on the markets. As it turns out, his actions may have been 
  a positive factor in stabilizing the market following the incident, 
  (check: The Cunning Realist; “following the money” for more on the Fed’s 
  unusual action:http://cunningrealist.blogspot.com/2005/07/following-money.html 
  ) but that doesn’t address the larger issue of 
  whether Greenspan had inside information that an attack was 
  imminent.Many people are unaware that the Federal Reserve gets 
  information directly from the CIA. Perhaps, the level of “chatter” was 
  sufficiently high to warrant the extraordinary measures. (“The Fed almost 
  doubled its temporary pool in just a few days!”) That doesn’t explain, 
  however, why alarms were not raised in England. In fact, as Democracy Now 
  reported on July 19, “London lowered the security threat just before the 
  July 7 bombings”.Why?The details now surfacing about the 
  London bombings are familiar to those who have researched the anomalies 
  surrounding September 11. In both cases the government version of events 
  is shot with holes.“Israel Insider” cites Mossad Chief Meir Dagan, 
  in an interview with the German Newspaper Bild am Sonntag:“The Mossad 
  office in London received advance notice about the attacks, but only six 
  minutes before the first blast, the paper reports, confirming an earlier 
  AP report. As a result, it was impossible to take any action to prevent 
  the blasts.”(from http://www.antiwar.com/blog/index.php?id=P2229 )So, at the very least we have confirmation that Israeli 
  Intelligence had some advance warning of the attacks. But, the Mossad’s 
  announcement doesn’t square with other reports on the same 
  day.Just hours after the July 7 attacks, the Stratfor Intelligence 
  Agency published an article “Israel warned United Kingdom of Possible 
  Attacks” on antiwar.com that stated, “Israel warned London of the attacks 
  a ‘couple of days ago,’ but British authorities failed to respond 
  accordingly to deter the attacks” and “While Israel is keeping quiet for 
  the time-being, British Prime Minister Tony Blair soon will be facing the 
  heat for his failure to take action.”The article concludes on a 
  somber note, “The British government sat on this information for days and 
  failed to respond. Though the Israeli government is playing along 
  publicly, it may not stay quiet for long. This is sure to apply pressure 
  on Blair very soon for his failure to deter this major terrorist 
  attack.”The Stratfor report has gotten little attention from 
  anyone except conspiracy theorists, but it is likely to resurface in 
  connection to Greenspan’s inexplicable behavior and as the official story 
  upheld by Blair and co. continues to melt-down under greater 
  scrutiny.The Blair narrative has taken full advantage of the “evil 
  ideology” theory of terror and completely eschews the facts as they 
  dribble in from the police investigation. At FOX News the government 
  approach was clear from the very onset; they believed that the attacks 
  were the work of suicide bombers, a theory that promotes the 
  racial-stereotypes that appeal to FOX viewers. From the FOX perspective, 
  this justifies pushing through Blair’s new regressive legislation, 
  savaging civil liberties, and pursuing an endless war against Islamic 
  extremism. Blair’s posturing has followed the speculative analysis of FOX 
  in nearly every respect. Armed with nothing more than over-heated rhetoric 
  and unsubstantiated claims, Blair has framed the bombings as an attack on 
  “our way of life”; a spurious charge intended to fuel the public rage and 
  incite violence against immigrants.The fact that the “alleged” 
  terrorists bought round-trip subway tickets, placed a “Park-n-Ride” ticket 
  in the window of their car at the station, and didn’t strap the bombs to 
  their bodies, has increased suspicion that the government’s story may veer 
  substantially from the truth.One of the suspects actually stayed 
  out partying late the night before. Is that what one would