[cia-drugs] Re: some interesting insights on the plame investigation

2005-10-22 Thread norgesen

VMANN: lt col art holbo of pentagon crop 
circles?im not familiar.
vigilius haufniensis
Try here:
Big Lie of USAF Lt Col Art Holbo 
Bob's been talking about Art Holbo for a long 
I tried looking in Bob's cia-drugs group archives 
at sitbot.net but the search function didn't seem to work.
also, thugsanon directs to expendable elite 
--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Vigilius 
Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]...> 
wrote:>>  while either> Rove went on playing Goebbels 
or Scooter Libby> took over or Lt Col Art Holbo of Pentagon Crop> 
Circles.> > > > > VMANN:  lt col art 
holbo of pentagon crop circles?> im not familiar.> vigilius 

Complete archives at http://www.sitbot.net/

Please let us stay on topic and be civil. 



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2005-10-22 Thread Arlene Johnson

Yes, Don, I do, and I did instantly when I became aware of what was going on that morning.
But, still there are people who are in the dark. This is why I enjoy being on this listserv. People
use their brain to think with.
I will say that yesterday, someone to whom I was speaking told me that he had read that
those planes that hit the WTC were something other than passenger planes, but still we know that
bombs were planted in the WTC, and that's what brought them down that morning.
Arlene Johnson
Click on Magazine to access the e-zine.
Password for 2005: UNNo password is needed to access the previous editions.-Original Message- From: Dstacey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Oct 22, 2005 1:00 AM To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] ABLE DANGER: REP. CURT WELDON: DIA LIES, DESTROYS REPUTATIONS 

Who believes that "hijackers" struck the Pentagon? And the three towers at the WTC collapsed when intentionally demolished. So this is the classic "limited hangout" designed to throw the public off the trail. Don't we all realize at this point that 911 was an inside job?
        Weldon stated that the FBI Director has now "publicly said if he would have had that information, the FBI could have used it to perhaps prevent the hijackings that struck the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the plane that landed in Pennsylvania and perhaps saved 3000 lives and changed the course of world history."
Be sure to read Dr. Griffin's comments on the towers:


Case For WTC Tower Demolition Sealed By GriffinTheologian Says Controlled Demolition is Now a Fact, Not a TheoryFrom Kevin BarrettCoordinator MUJCA-NETMuslim-Christian-Jewish Alliance For 91110-21-5


In two speeches to overflow crowds in New York last weekend, notable theologian David Ray Griffin argued that recently revealed evidence seals the case that the Twin Towers and WTC-7 were destroyed by controlled demolition with explosives. Despite the many enduring mysteries of the 9/11 attacks, Dr. Griffin concluded, "It is already possible to know, beyond a reasonable doubt, one very important thing: the destruction of the World Trade Center was an inside job, orchestrated by terrorists within our own government." 

On Oct. 15th and 16th, New Yorkers filled two venues to hear the prominent theologian and author of two books on 9/11 give a presentation entitled "The Destruction of the Trade Towers: A Christian Theologian Speaks Out." Dr. Griffin has continued to blaze a trail of courage, leading where most media and elected officials have feared to tread. His presentation went straight to the core of one of the most powerful indictments of the official story, the collapse of the towers and WTC 7. 

Dr. Griffin included excerpts from the firemen's tapes which were recently released as a result of a prolonged court battle led by victim's families represented by attorney Norman Siegel and reported in the NY Times. He also included statements by many witnesses. These sources gave ample testimony giving evidence of explosions going off in the buildings. A 12 minute film was shown for the audiences, who saw for themselves the undeniable evidence for controlled demolition. 

Dr. Griffin listed ten characteristics of the collapses which all indicate that the buildings did not fall due to being struck by planes or the ensuing fires. He explained the buildings fell suddenly without any indication of collapse. They fell straight into their own footprint at free-fall speed, meeting virtually no resistance as they fell--a physical impossibility unless all vertical support was being progressively removed by explosives severing the core columns. 

The towers were built to withstand the impact of a Boeing 707 and 160 mile per hour winds, and nothing about the plane crashes or ensuing fires gave any indication of causing the kind of damage that would be necessary to trigger even a partial or progressive collapse, much less the shredding of the buildings into dust and fragments that could drop at free-fall speed. 

The massive core columns--the most significant structural feature of the buildings, whose very existence is denied in the official 9/11 Commission Report--were severed into uniform 30 foot sections, just right for the 30-foot trucks used to remove them quickly before a real investigation could transpire. 

There was a volcanic-like dust cloud from the concrete being pulverized, and no physical mechanism other than explosives can begin to explain how so much of the buildings' concrete was rendered into extremely fine dust. The debris was ejected horizontally several hundred feet in huge fan shaped plumes stretching in all directions, with telltale "squibs" following the path of the explosives downward. 

These are all facts that have been avoided by mainstream and even most of the alternative media. Again, these are characteristics of the kind of controlled demolitions that news peo

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: wingnutter tv's latest attack? wim pitt

2005-10-22 Thread Arlene Johnson

Be careful if you march in the streets. You might get arrested.
Here in London where I am right now, while I wait to go online
I have been reading The Independent. You should see the articles
they are publishing. One today said that it will be the coldest winter
for many years and many people will die because there is a shortage
of oil. Baloney.
If people would only read my current edition, the 19th, they'd know that oil is
not a fossil fuel and it is not finite. Vig posted the web site of all this
several months ago. 
I also was able to obtain two articles from other sources which are
true too.
Check it out and take control. Don't waste your time reading the mainstream
press. None of them prints the truth now that we are coming to a head ever
since 9/11 occurred. It's free on my Web site under the icon that says Magazine.
I'm so broke, but still I give the password. See it in my signature.
Arlene Johnson
Password: UN-Original Message- From: mark urban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Oct 22, 2005 12:41 PM To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: wingnutter tv's latest attack? wim pitt While I harbor no great love for Wing TV, I can point blank say that Ruppert is a big oil shill who should be back to dumpster diving at 7/11s in the near future. Peak Oil my ass!I hear Ruppert had a falling out with Dale Allen Phieffer (sp?).Maybe Mike can rehabilitate himself by picking up the Delmart Vreeland cudgels and limping into the knife fight that is about to start over the Plame affair.I believe something is seriously wrong and we may have a constitutional crisis over the fact that the very people who are about to be indicted are in charge of all three branches of the government - hence, nothing may happen. I am ready to march in the streets if the indictments are quashed.Meanwhile, some posters here are willing to carry water for the administrarion while making all kinds of noises about wanting to get rid of Bush. Ha!--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>> > didnt ruppert just expose these two as having 'alot of influence' in the > FBI?> > > >  Original Message > Subject:   [Chaconstitutionalist] William Rivers "Money" Pitt: The Words > of an Intellectual Coward> Date:   Fri, 21 Oct 2005 17:01:01 -> From:   Lisa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> Reply-To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > > Connecting the Dots>>     > > William Rivers "Money" Pitt:> The Words of an Intellectual Coward> by Lisa Guliani>   >     > > "The time has come, bluntly, to get over September 11, to move beyond> it, to extract ourselves from this bunker mentality which blinds us> while placing us in mortal peril. It happened, and it will never be> forgotten, but we have reached a place where fear and obeisance can no> longer be tolerated."> > "Will the final chapter of your story be one of fear, one where you> staggered along behind grandiose incompetence because you were too> afraid to do anything else?"> > ~ William Rivers Pitt ~ excerpted from his article, "Nine Eleven"> > Today yet another example of Internet puke made its way into my inbox,> as well as into various political Internet discussion forums, and> although I've kept my mouth shut for the most part on this subject up> until now, I've finally had enough of this crap.> > The e-mail excerpted below was authored by a woman named Marsha, who> belongs to many political groups on Yahoo. The text was in response to> William Rivers Pitt's latest attempt to psychologically and> emotionally mug his readers for a hand-out. Before commenting on this> woman's message, though, I'd like to illustrate just how persistent> William Rivers Pitt is in his requests for money. Unlike other sites> that put the tin cup out once or twice a year, Pitt begs for money on> a weekly basis via mass-circulated spam e-mails that hound, cajole,> and strong-arm his readers for funds. He also uses heavy doses of> guilt, which is curious because considering the anemic state of our> economy with high gasoline and fuel oil prices, and how the Christmas> season is rapidly approaching, Pitt's greediness for your money is> appalling.> > Anyway, Marsha is one of the suckers who was bamboozled by Pitt's> ploy, for her e-mail was a plea to help financially support Pitt and> his Truthout website for all the good "services" they provide. Get a> load of this (in its unedited form):> > Subj: Re: Imagine a Properly Funded Truthout> Date: 10/20/2005 6:45:51 AM Eastern Standard Time> >  "If I won that Power Ball millions I left Ohio and went to> Pennsylvania to buy lottery tickets for,  you can be sure William> Rivers Pitt will get all needed as will many of our VIP's...That's> Very  Important Patriots and their worthy causes I never buy> lottery tickets but so many of our causes   

[cia-drugs] Re: wingnutter tv's latest attack? wim pitt

2005-10-22 Thread mark urban
While I harbor no great love for Wing TV, I can point blank say that 
Ruppert is a big oil shill who should be back to dumpster diving at 
7/11s in the near future. 

Peak Oil my ass!

I hear Ruppert had a falling out with Dale Allen Phieffer (sp?).

Maybe Mike can rehabilitate himself by picking up the Delmart 
Vreeland cudgels and limping into the knife fight that is about to 
start over the Plame affair.

I believe something is seriously wrong and we may have a 
constitutional crisis over the fact that the very people who are 
about to be indicted are in charge of all three branches of the 
government - hence, nothing may happen. I am ready to march in the 
streets if the indictments are quashed.

Meanwhile, some posters here are willing to carry water for the 
administrarion while making all kinds of noises about wanting to get 
rid of Bush. Ha!

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Vigilius Haufniensis 
> didnt ruppert just expose these two as having 'alot of influence' 
in the 
> FBI?
>  Original Message 
> Subject:  [Chaconstitutionalist] William Rivers "Money" Pitt: 
The Words 
> of an Intellectual Coward
> Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 17:01:01 -
> From: Lisa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Connecting the Dots
> William Rivers "Money" Pitt:
> The Words of an Intellectual Coward
> by Lisa Guliani
> "The time has come, bluntly, to get over September 11, to move 
> it, to extract ourselves from this bunker mentality which blinds us
> while placing us in mortal peril. It happened, and it will never be
> forgotten, but we have reached a place where fear and obeisance 
can no
> longer be tolerated."
> "Will the final chapter of your story be one of fear, one where you
> staggered along behind grandiose incompetence because you were too
> afraid to do anything else?"
> ~ William Rivers Pitt ~ excerpted from his article, "Nine Eleven"
> Today yet another example of Internet puke made its way into my 
> as well as into various political Internet discussion forums, and
> although I've kept my mouth shut for the most part on this subject 
> until now, I've finally had enough of this crap.
> The e-mail excerpted below was authored by a woman named Marsha, 
> belongs to many political groups on Yahoo. The text was in 
response to
> William Rivers Pitt's latest attempt to psychologically and
> emotionally mug his readers for a hand-out. Before commenting on 
> woman's message, though, I'd like to illustrate just how persistent
> William Rivers Pitt is in his requests for money. Unlike other 
> that put the tin cup out once or twice a year, Pitt begs for money 
> a weekly basis via mass-circulated spam e-mails that hound, cajole,
> and strong-arm his readers for funds. He also uses heavy doses of
> guilt, which is curious because considering the anemic state of our
> economy with high gasoline and fuel oil prices, and how the 
> season is rapidly approaching, Pitt's greediness for your money is
> appalling.
> Anyway, Marsha is one of the suckers who was bamboozled by Pitt's
> ploy, for her e-mail was a plea to help financially support Pitt 
> his Truthout website for all the good "services" they provide. Get 
> load of this (in its unedited form):
> Subj: Re: Imagine a Properly Funded Truthout
> Date: 10/20/2005 6:45:51 AM Eastern Standard Time
>  "If I won that Power Ball millions I left Ohio and went to
> Pennsylvania to buy lottery tickets for,  you can be sure 
> Rivers Pitt will get all needed as will many of our VIP's...That's
> Very  Important Patriots and their worthy causes I never buy
> lottery tickets but so many of our causes  need funding so
> desperately...They need to be able to grow to continue in the 
> of truth to  our people everywhere... So I said a prayer and me
> and a friend rushed off and bought all we  could afford."
> While reading the above words, I nearly choked on my coffee. First 
> all, what sort of idiot a) keeps falling for Pitt's incessant
> not-so-subtle panhandling which always seems to include the boring
> line-up of heart-wrenching, gut-roiling, arm-twisting "reasons" why
> his readers should continually fork over their money in order to 
> his way through life; or b) who in their right mind would actually 
> out and purchase as many lottery tickets as they could afford for 
> express purpose of enabling Pitt and those of his ilk to keep 
> the free cash cow? She even got someone else to go along with this
> idiocy. Mind you, Marsha admits that she probably won't win the
> lottery, but hey - it's only money, right? And hell, who needs the
> perpetual handout more than this pathetic Internet beggar known as
> "William Rive