[cia-drugs] Fwd: [LAsolidarity] Chavez expects spirited debate in Argentina meeting with Bush

2005-10-31 Thread Lic. Jim adams

--- cort greene [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: cort greene [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2005 07:27:14 -0500 (EST)
 Subject: [LAsolidarity] Chavez expects spirited debate in Argentina
   with Bush
 Published: Monday, October 31, 2005
 Bylined to: The (Caracas) Daily Journal 
 Chavez expects spirited debate in Argentina meeting with G. W.
 The (Caracas) Daily Journal: President Hugo Chavez said he expects
 a spirited debate this week as he, US president George W. Bush and
 other leaders meet in Argentina for the Summit of the Americas. 
 The US government’s efforts to revive its proposal for a
 hemisphere-wide “free trade” zone are doomed to failure, Chavez
 said Sunday during his weekly television and radio program “Hello
 President.” Chavez has said he looks forward to sitting at the same
 table with his archrival Bush during the summit at the seaside
 resort of Mar del Plata. 
 “The debate in Mar del Plata will be beautiful. I imagine it will
 be, because the gentleman Bush is going to keep making his point,”
 Chavez said. “It seems they’re trying to revive the FTAA,” Chavez
 said referring to the Free Trade Area of the Americas agreement.
 “The FTAA is dead.” 
 It will have to be buried. The people of this continent will bury
 it, and another model of integration will emerge.” 
 As Bush attends the summit Friday and Saturday, a separate
 “People’s Summit” is planned at a nearby stadium, bringing together
 leftist activists, students, indigenous leaders and union leaders. 
 “In the streets, there is a Latin American fervor. We’ll see each
 other there to defend our model,” Chavez said. 
 Chavez and his close ally Cuba’s Fidel Castro say the US proposal
 of eliminating trade barriers across the Americas would benefit
 large American companies at the expense of poor Latin American and
 Caribbean countries. They have instead proposed a “Bolivarian
 Alternative” trade pact, or ALBA, based on socialist principles and
 named after South American independence hero Simon Bolivar. ALBA,
 Chavez said, “has been born and is walking.” 
 Venezuela has also started selling fuel directly from its vast oil
 reserves to Caribbean countries under PetroCaribe -- which offers
 special terms granting low-interest loans and allowing partial
 payment in services and goods such as rice or bananas. 
 “The debate is clear: those who want to go to hell, who take the
 road of capitalism, neo-liberalism, (and) those like us, the
 majority, who want a better world,” Chavez said. “We want to look
 for an alternative path, another type of integration.” He said
 capitalism is the greatest cause of unemployment and poverty, and
 that workers across the Americas should unite to search for
 “another model.” Chavez called out to a crowd of listeners:
 “Working class, to battle!” 
 The president held his live weekly program at a newly built
 university campus in the eastern city of Maturin. “Our mission is
 socialist because it puts social aspects first,” Chavez said.
 “Capitalists put capital first.” 
 Halloween, a ‘gringa’ custom 
 Chavez’ social “revolution” also extends to the cultural, and he
 urged parents not to dress up their children for Halloween, calling
 it a “gringa” -- or North American -- custom that has no place in
 Venezuela’s cultural traditions. “Families go and begin to disguise
 their children as witches,” Chavez said. “That is contrary to our
 In recent years it has become common to see Venezuelan parents
 holding parties for children dressed as ghouls, animals and
 In one odd incident a week ago, authorities found more than a dozen
 jack-o’-lanterns left in spots around Caracas bearing
 anti-government messages and what appeared to be bomb-like fuses.
 Police and firefighters removed the pumpkins with caution, though
 the jack-o’-lanterns reportedly bore messages saying they were not
 Paper skeletons bearing anti-Chavez messages also have appeared in
 spots across Caracas recently, and government officials have blamed
 sectors of the opposition with aiming to create chaos. 
 Chavez did not refer to those incidents in his comments on
 Halloween. But he urged parents to think about whether it was
 appropriate to dress up their children as part of a foreign custom,
 calling it “the game of terror.” He said that is part of the US
 culture -- “terrorism, putting fear into other nations, putting
 fear into their own people.”
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[cia-drugs] Cindy Sheehan: The True Cost of War

2005-10-31 Thread MA PA

Cindy Sheehan: The True Cost of War

"How much and how many more are we going to allow the serial liars to rob from us?" 

Cindy Sheehan: The True Cost of War Mon Oct 31, 2005 This immoral invasion and occupation of Iraq has cost the world so much. George and his reckless war of choice have cost the American taxpayers billions of dollars that could be better spent at home. Judging from Katrina, Iraq has cost our country much of its security. It has cost the US any good standing we enjoyed in the world community. It cost America the post 9/11 good will from almost the entire world. We Americans are the laughing stock of the world community. Not only is our callous and careless leadership disdained, but we the people are scorned because we "re"-elected George for a 2nd term and not only that, we are allowing him to continue to mis-lead our country into ruin. The price many of us are paying is so much costlier than the mere monetary expense or loss of reputation. Over 2000 American families have paid the price of our dear loved ones to the insanity. Over 15,000
 of our young people are wounded with over a quarter of those being amputees. The Veterans Administration estimates that over ¼ of our children will come home with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. I believe that number is higher, because I know of many cases where the military refuses to allow soldiers to seek treatment for PTSD. Many of them are sent back to battle if they even dare suggest they may be suffering from PTSD. Even if they are not wounded emotionally or physically, or killed, our soldiers will not come home entirely whole. I was standing in front of the White House the other day when the indictments against Scooter were handed down. I was helping to hold a banner that said: Support our Troops: Bring Them Home Now. When we received word of the indictments, many of us protestors outside the White House were cheering with happiness and relief. At last, someone could be held accountable for the lies that led our country into a disastrous invasion of Iraq. But
 I wasn't cheering. I put down my end of the banner and sat down on the curb and cried. Scooter is just a lap dog for Cheney. He and this administration don't do anything unless the dirty deed is analyzed and planned for maximum damage to the offending party and minimum harm to Bush and Co. The criminals in power meant to hurt Joe Wilson and his family because Joe had the temerity and the audacity to call them liars: and to do it with such intelligence and alacrity was too much for the crooks to bear. If this crooked administration let Joe Wilson get away with telling the truth and calling them liars, then who would be next? Colin Powell? Judith Miller? The main stream media? (It could happen). I cried because there are people in this world who have lied about smaller things and have been punished more harshly. I cried because there was a shill of the right near me holding a sign that read "Put Cindy in Abu Ghraib" when there are war criminals and immoral war
 profiteers running amok in our country. I cried because George, Dick, Condi, Colin, Alberto, Donald, Scooter, Paul, Karl, Judith, O'Reilly, Hannity, Limbaugh, etc., lied about the reasons for invading Iraq and because of their lies, my son, who rarely told anything but the truth, is dead. The liars and lies that led the US to invade Iraq are legion and well documented. (Once, just for giggles, I put George Bush/Lies in a Google search and 272,000 references came up). The lies to maintain the occupation are the same. The liars are now starting to beat the war drum for invading Syria. A mom whose son committed "accidental" suicide in Iraq about 7 months ago called me this morning. She is beside herself with grief. I remember that the 7th month to the 9th month is the hardest. I think this is true because the profound shock is starting to wear off and the horrendous pain sets in. I so vividly remember the days where I ached so badly I didn't know what to do with my
 pain. I was afraid if I started screaming, I wouldn't be able to stop until every blood vessel in my brain burst open. I was afraid if I started to hit something, I wouldn't be able to stop until it was completely destroyed. I was afraid that I would have to live every single day with heartbreak so intense and overpowering that I would eventually wear myself out from it. The ninth month after Casey was killed was the absolute most devastating for me. I remembered the first nine months of his existence in my womb all warm and protected. How his dad and I anticipated his birth with so much joy and expectation. In contrast, the first nine months he was in the cold, cold womb of our mother earth were so joyless, painful, dark and dismal. Having your child murdered for lies, mistakes, and betrayals is so dark and dismal: no one should have to endure what we are enduring. I was able to reassure the mom in agony somewhat that if she could get through about two more months,

[cia-drugs] Arrested Vessels: Reason for Russia-Norway Military Collaboration in the Norwegian Sea

2005-10-31 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Monday, October 31, 2005
Arrested Vessels:
Reason for Russia-Norway Military Collaboration in the Norwegian Sea

For long I avoided displaying a position on the following

The quarrel between Norway and Russia, concerning the detained
Russian vessels by Norwegian authorities. 

I postponed analyzing the topic because, in absence of enough
information, I wanted to avoid misunderstandings. 

was weird that quite after the socialist leadership was installed at
the helm of Norway, the Nordic state now plays anti-Russian games.

The article posted by Interfax on 28 October has made this not
being a question anymore: 

Oct 28 2005 8:53PM 

Norway coordinate measures to reduce poaching KALININGRAD. Oct 28
(Interfax) - The Russian-Norwegian Joint Fishery Commission has agreed
on a number of technical measures to reduce poaching in the Norwegian
Sea, said Jorn Krog, Secretary General of the Norwegian Fishery
Ministry and the head of his country's delegation. 

conclusion that can be drawn from Interfax' article is that this
scenario was backed quite by Russia, which has just fabricated a good
reason to enter the Norwegian coast: 

managed to arrange that Russian inspectors will gain access to
Norwegian coast guard ships. They will be able to monitor Russian
fishermen in these regions. The same rules apply to Russian ships, on
which Norwegian inspectors will be allowed aboard," Krog told reporters
on Friday. 

The alleged quarrel practically has been turned over night into
a constructive military collaboration Russia-Norway. 

while aback a political analyst said that the story of the Russian
planes violating the air space of the Baltics could occur with Russian
officials' approval, and that it can be, after all, in Russias

If we draw a
parallel between the stranded vessels and the planes violating the air
space, dont we come to the same conclusion? 

The Russian vessels keep losing their helm, entering without
permission Norwegian fishing zones. 

Was that possible without Putins impulsion? 


See the articles related to this topic at the link below: 


In the following days (if time permits) : Analysis on Gazprom