[cia-drugs] We Won ...

2006-02-02 Thread roadsend

Well, now, wasn't that something. 

Defending oneself in Federal District Court is quite the "trip." It took a jury a little over two hours to end an almost two year journey, longer if one takes into account the first threatening letters I received from the Special Forces Association in the fall of 2003.

more later 

Gee whiz, and all during trial I was "bouncing" and couldn't post on my lists. 

Imagine that 


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[cia-drugs] Fwd: RB: How to help Steve Kubby

2006-02-02 Thread roadsend


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--- Begin Message ---
Below is information on how we can help Steve Kubby. We must pull together 
now and take collective action before it is too late...



DrugSense FOCUS Alert #322 - Saturday, 28 January 2006

Name: Kubby, Steven Wynn

Age/Gender: 59/Male

Jail ID/Booking No: P00049899/0601064#

Facility/Floor: PC/N

Book Date: 1/27/2006 14:41

Arresting Agency: Placer County Sheriffs Department

Custody Status: In Custody

Authority: Charge(s): Bail:

Bench Warrant 1. 11377 (A)HS Possess Controlled Substance

Total Bail: 0

With the above data from 
http://www.placer.ca.gov/sheriff/jail/jailreports/incustody_BN.htm we now 
know Steve Kubby's current status.

His friends and supporters are asking us to contact the following:

Bradford R. Fenocchio, Placer County District Attorney

Phone: (530) 889-7000

Fax: (530) 889-7129


Note: Deputy DA Christopher Cattran may be contacted at the above phone 


Sheriff Edward N. Bonner (who has ultimate responsibility for the jail)

Phone: 530-889-7800

Fax: 530-889-6883


You may also make complaints via this web form:



Additionally, contacting the county's Board of Supervisors could be helpful.

See: http://www.placer.ca.gov/bos/bos.htm


We ask that your keep your messages to the point and be respectful. The goal 
is to insure that Steve remains in good health, and that the County is aware 
of it's responsibilities under the law.

Please keep a record of your contacts. While we pray it will not happen, you 
may thus be able to provide evidence in a wrongful death suit.

Good news: After much pain & anguish Attorney Bill McPike reports that Steve 
Kubby is to receive Marinol in the Placer County Jail! He is currently being 
housed in the infirmary.

He is scheduled to be arraigned at 1 p.m. in Dept. 13 of Placer County 
Superior Court, 11532 B Avenue, Auburn, California, Tuesday.

This hearing is going to be an arraignment hearing on his misdemeanor 
violation of probation. Bill McPike, Steve's attorney, has indicated that 
Cattran, the prosecutor, will probably ask for more time.

Here's how to contribute to Steve's commissary:

Anybody can put money on Steve's books for commissary & health items. These 
must be a US postal money order.

No letters may accompany the money orders. Letters of support may be sent to 
the same address.

MOs should be made out to Steve Kubby.

Steve Kubby

BK 49899

c/o Placer Co Jail

2775 Richardson Drive

Auburn, CA 95603

While many organizations have providing information about what has happened 
to Steve since Wednesday, the Friday evening blog by Ann Harrison 
http://www.cannabisreport.com/blog/archives/2006/01/sf_sup_investig.php is 

For more background information, please see http://www.kubby.com

It is also important to write Letters to the Editor in support of Steve -- 
many targets may be found at http://www.mapinc.org/kubby.htm

Letters to Placer County's newspaper, the Auburn Journal 
http://www.auburnjournal.com/ sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] will 
help insure that the local public receives the whole story.

Thanks for your effort and support.

It's not what others do -- It's what YOU do

Prepared by: The Media Awareness Project of DrugSense

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] containing the command "unsubscribe"
--- End Message ---

[cia-drugs] Fwd: More on Zapruder

2006-02-02 Thread roadsend


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--- Begin Message ---

More on Henry Zapruder:
They seem to have left out how Zapruder's dad was affiliated with the CIA and that it was fraudulent to pay their family 16 million for the Zapruder film of JFK's assassination.
Oh well.  Can't win them all.
Bruce Adams.
Further to your email:*Henry Zapruder; Advised Program Providing Legal Aid to Indigents*By Patricia SullivanWashington Post Staff WriterFriday, January 27, 2006; B06Henry G. Zapruder, 67, a prominent Washington tax lawyer who was a keyadviser for a program that resulted in more than $1 billion for legalfees for impoverished clients, died of brain cancer Jan. 24 at his homein Chevy Chase.Mr. Zapruder, a partner in the Baker & Hostetler law firm, wasrepeatedly named by his peers to the "Best Lawyers in America"publication, most recently in September. He was known as "a man with agolden tongue," colleague Roger Pies said, for his ability to synthesizeand communicate tax policies and legal issues. But he was most proud ofhis part in establishing what is now the Interest on Lawyers' TrustAccounts 
(IOLTA).IOLTA programs, first started in Australia and Canada, use money,temporarily held by a lawyer, for indigents' legal services. Clientfunds, such as real estate down payments, that are too small in amountor held for too short a time to earn interest for the client, are placedin a pooled interest-bearing trust account.The interest on that account provides legal help to the poor. In 2003,state IOLTA programs generated more than $133.8 million nationwide.Between 1991 and 2003, IOLTA generated more than $1.5 billion nationwide.Arthur J. England Jr., the former chief justice of the Florida SupremeCourt who is usually credited with launching IOLTA in the United States,called Mr. Zapruder "indispensable" to the effort. Mr. Zapruder obtaineda letter from the Internal Revenue Service that allowed theestablishment of the program 
in Florida."We then went on the road, proselytizing it state by state," starting in1981, England said.As other states started similar programs, they sought Mr. Zapruder's taxadvice. When a foundation was set up to provide guidance and when theAmerican Bar Association took over the foundation, Mr. Zapruder was thetax counsel."He, as much as anybody, was Mr. IOLTA," England said. "And he did itall for free."He tried 19 or 20 cases before juries early in his career, his colleaguePies said, and lost only one. As a lawyer, he had the ability, uncommonin modern times, to keep clients for 25 or 30 years. "Clients fell inlove with him and just wouldn't let go," Pies said.Mr. Zapruder was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., and raised in Dallas. His latefather, Abraham Zapruder, a dressmaker, made the famous film of 
theassassination of President John F. Kennedy. Since the family owned thefilm, it controlled its use, which Mr. Zapruder found to be a burden,Pies said. The family stored the film at the National Archives andallowed scholars to use copies of the film for free and educators to useit for a nominal cost, but managing the use was costly. In 1999, afteryears of lawsuits and negotiation, the federal government bought thefilm for $16 million.The younger Mr. Zapruder graduated from the University of Oklahoma in1959 and received a degree from Harvard University's law school in 1962.He attended Oxford University for a year. He worked as a trial lawyerwith the Justice Department's tax division and as a lawyer-adviser withthe Treasury Department's Legislative Counsel.He worked for several law firms in private practice before 
formingZapruder & Odell, a tax specialty law firm in Washington, suburbanPhiladelphia and London, in 1989. He joined Baker & Hostetler in 1998,as a senior partner.Mr. Zapruder was among those who received the IOLTA Litigation TeamAward from the American Bar Association in 2003.He enjoyed sailing, cooking, playing the guitar and home movies. Heloved science, physics, watercolor painting and traveling and was"curious about the world and people," his daughter said.Survivors include his wife of 42 years, Marjorie Zapruder of ChevyChase; three children, Matthew Zapruder of New York City, MichaelZapruder of Oakland, Calif., and Alexandra Zapruder of Washington; asister; and a granddaughter.bruce adamson wrote:>> To Whom It May Concern:> Notice 
Henry Zapruder died on Jan. 24, 2006, he was a lawyer for the> Department of Justice in Washington D.C. when his father shot the film> of JFK's assassination.>> His father belonged to the same CIA organization as the de> Mohrenschildt's The Dallas Council On World Affairs which was founded> by Neil Mallon, the classmate of Prescott Bush at Yale.  

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Kurt Vonnegut Sez ...

2006-02-02 Thread roadsend


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--- Begin Message ---

Custodians of chaos In this extract from his forthcoming memoirs, Kurt Vonnegut 
is horrified by the hypocrisy in contemporary US politics January 21, 2006, The Guardian (UK) 

"Do unto others what you would have them do unto you." A lot of people think Jesus said that, because it is so much the sort of thing Jesus liked to say. But it was actually said by Confucius, a Chinese philosopher, five hundred years before there was that greatest and most humane of human beings, named Jesus Christ. 
The Chinese also gave us, via Marco Polo, pasta and the formula for gunpowder. The Chinese were so dumb they only used gunpowder for fireworks. And everybody was so dumb back then that nobody in either hemisphere even knew that there was another one. 

We've sure come a long way since then. Sometimes I wish we hadn't. I hate H-bombs and the Jerry Springer Show 
But back to people like Confucius and Jesus and my son the doctor, Mark, each of whom have said in their own way how we could behave more humanely and maybe make the world a less painful place. One of my favourite humans is Eugene Debs, from Terre Haute in my native state of Indiana. 
Get a load of this. Eugene Debs, who died back in 1926, when I was not yet four, ran five times as the Socialist party candidate for president, winning 900,000 votes, almost 6 percent of the popular vote, in 1912, if you can imagine such a ballot. He had this to say while campaigning: 
"As long as there is a lower class, I am in it. 
"As long as there is a criminal element, I am of it. 
"As long as there is a soul in prison, I am not free." 
Doesn't anything socialistic make you want to throw up? Like great public schools, or health insurance for all? 
When you get out of bed each morning, with the roosters crowing, wouldn't you like to say. "As long as there is a lower class, I am in it. As long as there is a criminal element, I am of it. As long as there is a soul in prison, I am not free." 
How about Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, the Beatitudes? 
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth. 
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. 
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. 
And so on. 
Not exactly planks in a Republican platform. Not exactly George W Bush, Dick Cheney, or Donald Rumsfeld stuff. 
For some reason, the most vocal Christians among us never mention the Beatitudes. But, often with tears in their eyes, they demand that the Ten Commandments be posted in public buildings. And of course that's Moses, not Jesus. I haven't heard one of them demand that the Sermon on the Mount, the Beatitudes, be posted anywhere. 
"Blessed are the merciful" in a courtroom? "Blessed are the peacemakers" in the Pentagon? Give me a break! 
It so happens that idealism enough for anyone is not made of perfumed pink clouds. It is the law! It is the US Constitution. 
But I myself feel that our country, for whose Constitution I fought in a just war, might as well have been invaded by Martians and body snatchers. Sometimes I wish it had been. What has happened instead is that it was taken over by means of the sleaziest, low-comedy, Keystone Cops-style coup d'état imaginable. 
I was once asked if I had any ideas for a really scary reality TV show. I have one reality show that would really make your hair stand on end: "C-Students from Yale". 
George W Bush has gathered around him upper-crust C-students who know no history or geography, plus not-so-closeted white supremacists, aka Christians, and plus, most frighteningly, psychopathic personalities, or PPs, the medical term for smart, personable people who have no consciences. 
To say somebody is a PP is to make a perfectly respectable diagnosis, like saying he or she has appendicitis or athlete's foot. The classic medical text on PPs is The Mask of Sanity by Dr Hervey Cleckley, a clinical professor of psychiatry at the Medical College of Georgia, published in 1941. Read it! 
Some people are born deaf, some are born bl

[cia-drugs] Able Danger and Moussaoui

2006-02-02 Thread Jim Rarey





to free Military Insider Newsletter

Able Danger and 
Rory O'Connor | 
January 31, 
2006This article 
first appeared on NavySEALs.com and MediaChannel.org 

Lawyers for Zacarias Moussaoui, the admitted terrorist 
conspirator who pleaded guilty to six conspiracy charges but 
insisted he was not part of the Sept. 11 plot, are making moves to 
inject the Able Danger intelligence controversy into Moussaoui's 
forthcoming sentencing trial in an attempt to stave off a death 
sentence for their client. 
Last week, Representative Curt 
Weldon, the crusading conservative Republican 
from Pennsylvania who has been a leading voice in pushing for open 
hearings about Able Danger, received 
a subpoena to testify at the sentencing trial, 
now scheduled to begin next month. Weldon's communications director 
John G. Tomaszewski noted that "The Congressman has been pushing 
aggressively over the last six months to bring this story to the 
public, and he continues to push for the public's right to know all 
the facts about what United States government officials knew about 
the 9/11 attacks - and when they knew it." 
Others connected with the Able Danger program, including defense 
analysts such as Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Shaffer and Captain Mark 
Phillpott, are also expected to be called to testify. Both longtime 
military analysts, along with several others involved in the Able 
Danger program, say their operation identified Mohamed Atta and 
three other 9/11 hijackers a year before the terror attacks. They 
were slated to speak at open hearings before the Senate Judiciary 
Committee September 21, but at the last minute the Defense 
Department abruptly refused permission for their stories to be told 
and the hearings were postponed indefinitely. 
The Moussaoui defense moves came just after a federal judge 
ordered the government to turn over documents describing what 
officials knew about Al 
Qaeda threats and some of its hijackers before September 11, 
In granting part of a January 20 defense motion for documents, 
Judge Leonie M. Brinkema of Federal District Court acted without 
even waiting for the government's response. 
"Several of the categories of information are so critical to the 
issues in this case," Judge Brinkema wrote, "That the court can 
address some of the requests without a response." 
Judge Brinkema ordered the government to turn over any threat 
assessments immediately, especially those (like Able Danger) 
completed in the year before the 2001 attacks. Her order was 
released after government censors blacked out about five lines of 
Prosecutors plan to argue in the first part of the court 
proceeding that the F.B.I. could have prevented the attacks if Mr. 
Moussaoui had told agents what he knew about Al Qaeda's desire to 
fly planes into American buildings. 
Moussaoui's attorney Edward B. McMahon Jr. was unavailable for 
comment. But another attorney familiar with the case speculated that 
the defense move to subpoena Weldon and other Able Danger 
participants might counter the prosecution's argument. "This could 
dissociate Moussaoui from the 9/11 attacks," he explained. "The 
defense will argue that Able Danger found evidence of four hijackers 
-- but Moussaoui was not one of them, even though he was in the 
United States at the time. This would buttress the claim that he had 
no involvement in the 9/11 attacks, and help exonerate him." 
The defense may also argue that agents already had more 
information about the plot than Moussaoui could have provided. 
"Their second argument could be that the authorities could have 
prevented the 9/11 attacks without apprehending Moussaoui ahead of 
time," the attorney reasoned, "Since there is nothing Moussaoui 
could have told them that they couldn't have learned about from Able 
If t

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Tunnel Visions

2006-02-02 Thread roadsend


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--- Begin Message ---

February 1, 2006
U.S.-Mexican tunnel worries 
senior U.S. intelligence officials
The recent tunnel discovered between Tijuana and Otay Mesa, California has some U.S. intelligence officials extremely concerned, according to informed U.S. intelligence sources. 
Senior U.S. intelligence officers are concerned that the sophisticated 1.4 mile tunnel, complete with ventilation, electrical, and water systems, as well as cement flooring, that connects two warehouses on each side of the border, could have been used to secretly transport nuclear devices or material into the United States. 
Argentine intelligence sources have previously reported that Al Qaeda smuggled nuclear devices into the United States using a drug route into the United States "rented" from the Juarez, Mexico-based drug cartel. The information was gleaned from agents that penetrated terrorist cells operating in the  Puerto Igauzu, Argentina; Foz do Iguazu Brazil; and Ciudad del Este, Paraguay "Tri-Border" region, which is home to a number of Muslims. The DEA reported that the Mexico-U.S. tunnel may have been the work of one of Mexico's drug cartels. Previously, DEA has uncovered links between Al Qaeda and Latin American drug cartels, especially in Colombia and Venezuela. One of the Mexican Tijuana tunnel diggers has informed authorities that a similar tunnel exists between Mexico and Presidio, Texas.
Intelligence insiders believe that the arrest in Los Angeles three weeks ago of a key member of the Russian [-Jewish] mafia, an individual who was identified as a mover of money to the hijackers prior to 9-11, may have had something to do with the discovery of the tunnel. It is believed the Russian may have tipped off law enforcement about the tunnel as part of a deal. Argentine intelligence sources also reported that Al Qaeda rented from the Russian [-Jewish] mafia a cargo ship smuggling route into the New York-New Jersey region. Argentine intelligence discovered that Al Qaeda had obtained at least one tactical nuclear device from Uzbekistan and enough radioactive material to manufacture "dirty" radiological bombs.
Senior intelligence sources are concerned that the Department of Homeland Security and the Energy Department's Nuclear Emergency Search Teams (NESTs) have failed to conduct tests for radioactivity in the Mexico-California tunnel. Their fears have been heightened with the Super Bowl in Detroit on Sunday.
--- End Message ---

[cia-drugs] Fwd: We Won ...

2006-02-02 Thread roadsend


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--- Begin Message ---
Well, now, wasn't that something. 

Defending oneself in Federal District Court is quite the "trip." It took a jury a little over two hours to end an almost two year journey, longer if one takes into account the first threatening letters I received from the Special Forces Association in the fall of 2003.

more later 

Gee whiz, and all during trial I was "bouncing" and couldn't post on my lists. 

Imagine that 

--- End Message ---

[cia-drugs] goss's indignation

2006-02-02 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

goss just went off on CSPAN about leaks from the 
cia to the press.
i wonder if his indignation applies also to the 
vigilius haufniensis

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Fwd: More on Exxon Henry Mallon & Zapruder

2006-02-02 Thread roadsend


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--- Begin Message ---

The Very Faithful     http://www.dallasworld.org/archives/speaker/20051025_mallon.html        Lee Raymond, Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, was the award recipient. This year, when Tom Engibous accepts the Mallon Award, we will recognize the seventy-fifth anniversary of Texas Instruments, one of Dallas' largest employers and a worldwide leader in technology.      Exxon Mobil, the largest U.S. oil company, said yesterday it earned a record $8.42 billion in the fourth quarter and $25.33 billion for all of 2004 as higher prices for oil and natural gas erased a slight decline in production.       Bush defends oil giants’ profits     By Associated Press     NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — President Bush defended the huge profits of Exxon Mobil Corp. Wednesday, saying
 they are simply the result of the marketplace and that consumers socked with soaring energy costs should not expect price breaks.   In an interview with The Associated Press, Bush also addressed oil’s future, offering a more ambitious hope than in his State of the Union speech for cutting imports from the volatile Mideast.   However, he said his oft-stated goal of a Palestinian state in the region cannot be realized if a Hamas-led government refuses to renounce its desire to destroy Israel.   Bush, a former Texas oilman, said of oil costs, “I think that basically the price is determined by the marketplace and that’s the way it should be.”   “I believe in a relatively quick period of time, within my lifetime, we’ll be able to reduce if not end dependence on Middle Eastern oil by this new technology” of converting corn, wood, grasses and other products into ethanol, he said.   In his address
 Tuesday night, Bush had set a goal of reducing the nation’s Mideast oil imports by 75 percent by 2025.   With three years left in his second term, Bush declined to say what — if any — role he would take in the selection of a Republican candidate to succeed him in the 2008 presidential race. But he accepted the proposition that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice would not be a contender.   “I think you need to take her at her word that she’s not running,” Bush said in a conversation on Air Force One as he flew to Tennessee for a speech.   “My political focus is on 2006,” said Bush, who plans a major campaign role this year in the midterm congressional elections. “To the extent that I am thinking politics, it is to retain the (Republican) leadership of the House and the Senate.”   Early this week, Exxon reported record profits of $10.71 billion for the fourth quarter and $36.13 billion for the year — the largest of any U.S. company. While
 some politicians raised furious objections, Bush had a different reaction.   “There is a marketplace in American society,” he said.   “There’s also a responsibility for energy companies to continue to invest and improve the ways that the American people can get energy,” he said. “I would very much hope that Exxon would participate in the development of a pipeline out of Alaska, for example, in order to make sure there’s more natural gas available for families and small business owners so the economy will grow.”   Bush said his goal is to diversify away from a “a hydrocarbon society. I meant what I said last night, that America’s addiction to oil is bad for this country. In order to remain competitive we’ve got to use technology to diversify away from dependence upon oil.”   “I am told we are close to significant breakthroughs when it comes to the production of ethanol ... and that within six years the development of technology will be able
 to produce energy on a competitive basis,” he said.   On the international front, Bush talked about trouble in Iran and in the Palestinian territory.   He said it was too early to tell what path Hamas would choose in dealing with Israel. “The conditions for peace and the conditions for a settlement will be up to Hamas to make the right decisions,” he said.   Bush was the first U.S. president to espouse a Palestinian state living side by side in peace with Israel. Those prospe


2006-02-02 Thread Tim White

--- Tim White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 15:05:13 -0800 (PST)
> From: Tim White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Hal Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- Karl W B Schwarz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > From: "Karl W B Schwarz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "'Karl W B Schwarz'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: FW: The Real Face of Al Gore
> > Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 22:46:36 -0500
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Greetings to all Email Update members, 
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > The only reason we have issued this email update
> is
> > to address events of
> > last week and what Tom Heneghan and Stew Webb plan
> > to do between now and the
> > end of January when our next email update was to
> > have come out.  They are
> > Gore supporters and bashing anyone in the 9-11
> Truth
> > or Patriot Movements
> > that say anything about not supporting Gore or
> > exposing things that
> > Americans need to know about Al Gore.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > I took the opportunity to listen to the US
> > Intelligence Report tonight
> > (Thursday, January 12, 2006), featuring Stew Webb
> > and Tom Heneghan.  We
> > taped the show and have detected no less than
> seven
> > lies stated about me, at
> > least five very serious misstatements of fact, and
> > even threats.  As you
> > read on you will probably understand.  They bashed
> > V. K Durham, Barbara
> > Hartwell, and even alleged that it was V K Durham
> > that was offering to help
> > the whistleblowers when it was Tom Heneghan making
> > that false statement for
> > months.  Stew Webb made that false statement for
> > months, and yet now they
> > act as if others made those statements.  
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Heneghan promised a large group of people,
> including
> > my researchers, that
> > the American French Alliance, French Intelligence
> > would protect all of us.
> > Was just a lie.  Stew Webb has been touting that
> his
> > Ellen Mariani piece was
> > so “explosive” that Jimmy Walter was going to set
> up
> > a Whistleblowers Fund,
> > again a lie.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > This all started because I do not and will not
> > support Al Gore, for cause.
> > Others made it clear they do not support Al Gore
> and
> > they are being bashed
> > now too.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Before you get into the meat of this email update,
> > ask yourself this
> > question and it is quite likely that you cannot
> > answer it:
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > “If Al Gore is the duly elected President and the
> > best DNC candidate in
> > 2000, why was John Kerry the only DNC choice in
> > 2004?”
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > The answer to that question runs far deeper than
> > most can imagine.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > After 9-11, Al Gore has had a problem and a big
> one.
> >  That problem is both
> > he and Clinton were actively involved in events
> that
> > led up to 9-11.  This
> > email update addresses many things that RNC was
> > going to throw at Al Gore if
> > he tired to run again.   The next email update is
> > going to shed some light
> > on the subject of what role Clinton and Gore had
> in
> > the lead up to 9-11.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Since before the 1992 elections the Clintons and
> > their cronies have
> > controlled the DNC internally and externally. 
> Most
> > of the big money that
> > flows into DNC is behind the Clinton agenda and
> not
> > behind the Al Gore
> > agenda.  Part of the battles going on behind the
> > scenes are factions trying
> > to get Hillary Clinton into the slot for 2008 and
> > another group trying to
> > get Al Gore into the slot for 2008.  That is in a
> > nutshell what is going on
> > within DNC and people jockeying for position in
> > 2008.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Most people know that my message to America, and
> the
> > world, makes it clear
> > that both sides of the aisle are the problems in
> > Washington, DC and that, in
> > and of itself, is the root cause of the attacks on
> > me as a Third Party
> > candidate.  I have written about it in One-Way
> > Ticket to Crawford, Texas and
> > I have spoken about it over the last 16 months in
> > what is now 156 radio
> > shows all across America.  I have never concealed
> > that what I have to say is
> > not flattering to the past three presidential
> > administrations and the mess
> > this nation finds itself in today.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > One of the groups trying to fight for Al Gore is
> the
> > twosome of Tom Heneghan
> > and Stew Webb, and once I issued the Email Update
> of
> > January 1, 2006 they
> > started bashing me.  Heneghan first announced on
> > Cloak and Dagger with Lenny
> > Bloom [January 4, 2006] that he was going to out
> > Spitzer.  The next night
> > [January 5, 2004, Hal Turner Show, a well known
> > bigot who hates Jews, blacks
> > and anything not Caucasian, so consider the
> platform
> > that Stew Webb and Tom
> > Heneghan have chosen to speak their trash] both
> Tom
> > Heneghan and Stew Webb
> > started bashing me for taking those documents to
> > Spitzer.  They ne

Re: [cia-drugs] Collapse of U.S. Economy Imminent

2006-02-02 Thread nobeastsforme

--- Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> http://bellaciao.org/en/article.php3?id_article=9995
> Collapse of U.S. Economy Imminent 
> In its attempt to establish a world empire
> dominating every nation on the planet, the U.S. has
> exhausted its ability to finance the expansion and
> the country now faces imminent financial collapse.
> From all indications, it looks like 2006 will spell
> the end for America. 
> Consider these five important points: 
> Point #1 The U.S., Great Britain and Israel are
> preparing to attack Iran. As it appears the main
> reason for invading Iraq was to stop it from selling
> oil in Euros, likewise Iran has plans to dump the
> dollar come March 2006. 
> Point #2 U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow issued a
> warning recently that the U.S. Government is on the
> verge of collapse - as the statutory debt limit
> imposed by Congress of $8.184 trillion dollars would
> be reached in mid-February - the government would
> then be unable to continue its normal operations.
> Considering the current total U.S. debt stands at
> $8.162 trillion dollars, once the official debt
> ceiling ($8.184 trillion) is reached, the U.S.
> government's credit abroad (its borrowing power) is
> gone. Those countries (mainly China) who presently
> keep America afloat by holding U.S. Treasury Notes,
> will most likely no longer continue doing so. 
> Point #3 Bank Of America and Compass Bank managers
> (probably all other U.S. banks too) have been
> instructing their employees in the last few weeks on
> how to respond to customer demands in the event of a
> collapse of the U.S. economy - specifically telling
> the employees that only agents from the Department
> Of Homeland Security will have authority to decide
> what belongings customers may have from their safe
> deposit boxes - and that precious metals and other
> valuables will not be released to U.S. citizens. The
> bank employees have been strictly prohibited from
> revealing the banks' new "guidelines" to anyone.
> (however, employees have been talking to friends and
> family) 
> The next time you visit your bank, ask them about it
> - then ask yourself, why is this information being
> kept secret from customers and the public - what's
> really going on? 
> Point #4 FEMA has activated and is currently
> staffing its vast network of empty internment camps
> with armed military personnel - unknown to most
> Americans, these large federal facilities are
> strategically positioned across the U.S. landscape
> to "manage" the population in the event of a
> "terrorist" attack, a civilian uprising, large-scale
> dissent ,or an insurrection against the government.
> Some of these razor-wired facilities have the
> capacity of detaining a million people. 
> Point #5 The Patriot Act and the US Senate's vote to
> ban habeas corpus (Nov 14th) - along with George W.
> Bush having signed executive orders giving him sole
> authority to impose martial law, suspend habeas
> corpus and ignore the Posse Comitatus Act, have
> together pretty much destroyed any notions of
> freedom and justice for Americans. 
> Summary: The U.S. economy is broken, the United
> States is bankrupt - the unchecked spending by this
> administration, the illegally waged wars against
> Afghanistan and Iraq, the cost of unprecedented
> weapons and military build-up - have all contributed
> to an irreversible emergency which is threatening
> our nation's existence and our very lives. 
> Hospitals are closing, major corporations are
> declaring bankruptcy and/or moving their companies
> overseas, the monopolized news media spews nothing
> but lies, and our fearless leaders have turned out
> to be only ruthless criminals hell-bent on
> destabilizing our country and robbing us all. 
> Be aware - we stand at the threshold of total ruin -
> the international bankers and war profiteers care
> little for our lives and families - these demons
> worship money and all things vile and evil - they
> have very much to gain from war, misery, disease,
> famine, chaos and death (our deaths). 
> We are right on the edge - the Treasury is already
> overextended - the U.S. government cannot (and will
> not) care for its own citizens' needs, nor secure
> our borders against illegal aliens - plus, the whole
> "terrorist" thing is a cruel hoax perpetrated
> against a trusting citizenry - and only designed to
> instill fear and garner support for the genocide
> taking place in Iraq. 
> Should America (along with British & Israeli forces)
> launch a war against Iran, or another country,
> without yet paying for, or even recovering from the
> current losses in Iraq and elsewhere - the costs of
> such of an invasion will overwhelm an already
> crippled economy and push the U.S. over the edge
> into oblivion. 
> Question: Considering the U.S. Treasury Notes that
> China currently holds (which keeps the U.S. economy
> going)... 
> Do you think China will continue

[cia-drugs] This is a bout a virus in 911 emails

2006-02-02 Thread Lowell byrd

Hello people... I just got an email from a reliable source that an email with subject line: WTC SURVIVORS IS BEING SENT TO FOOL YOU INTO OPENING IT. THE VIRUS IS SUPPOSED TO DESTROY YOUR HARD DRIVE.  Just be careful of what you receive EVEN from good sources.     LowellGOD loves you and so do I

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[cia-drugs] Abramoff is a Little Sniffle , the DISTRACTION and a SYPTOM of a COV ER UP - not the main disease

2006-02-02 Thread judson witham

judson witham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 06:09:56 -0800 (PST)From: judson witham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Abramoff is a Little Sniffle , the DISTRACTION and a SYPTOM of a COV ER UP - not the main diseaseTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Mary MacElveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Rob Michaels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, LADY GRAY <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, ann gautier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  FOLLOW THE LOOTED BILLIONS, Abramoff is a Little Sniffle , the DISTRACTION and a SYPTOM not the main disease 
    Dig DEEPER  Bugs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Congressmen tried to stop investigationRichard A. Serrano and Stephen Braun of the Los Angeles Times used documents to report that “Reps. John T. Doolittle and Richard W. Pombo joined forces with former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay of Texas to oppose an investigation by federal banking regulators into the affairs of Houston millionaire Charles
 Hurwitz.” The lawmakers inserted regulatory agency investigation files into the Congressional Record, giving Hurwitz’s attorneys access to them. “Soon afterward, in 2002, the FDIC dropped its case against Hurwitz, who had owned a controlling interest in the United Savings Assn. of Texas. United Savings’ failure was one of the worst of the S&L debacles in the 1980s.” Direct LINK to This Extra! Extra! Post     They have ALBERTO from Humble Texas INSTALLED.  The Massive Land Cons and Bank/S&L Lootings exposed at http://www.geocities.com/jurisnot has so many GENITALS in knots there is no more integrity left in Government.  The
 Publicans and Democrats are FILTHY CORRUPT and all they do is build walls and a POLICE STATE against decent Americans.  Friggin Lying is an art form to them. ONLY folks from Martha Stewart on down are actually held accountable.  The Great Texas Bank (S&L) Job is where the Sell Out Of Our National Interests by Political MAFIAS and SYNDICATES became complete.      DIG MUCH DEEPER   judson witham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:ALTA Warns  HUD  ho ho hee hee ha ha !!     Ah Nancy
 you see these bastards make it up as they go along.  I have spent 25 years learning these SNAKES games.  Making False Statements 18 USC 1001 means nothing to them.  They have ALBERTO from Humble Texas INSTALLED.  The Massive Land Cons and Bank/S&L Lootings exposed at http://www.geocities.com/jurisnot has so many GENITALS in knots there is no more integrity left in Government.  The Publicans and Democrats are FILTHY CORRUPT and all they do is build walls and a POLICE STATE against decent Americans.  Friggin Lying is an art form to them. ONLY folks from Martha Stewart on down are actually held accountable.  The Great Texas Bank (S&L) Job is where the Sell Out Of Our National Interests by Political MAFIAS and
 SYNDICATES became complete.     DIG MUCH DEEPER      18 USC § 1001. Statements or entries generally  Release date: 2005-08-03  (a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully—      (1) falsifies, conceals, or
 covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact;      (2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or      (3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry; shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.     (b) Subsection (a) does not apply to a party to a judicial
 proceeding, or that party’s counsel, for statements, representations, writings or documents submitted by such party or counsel to a judge or magistrate in that proceeding.     (c) With respect to any matter within the jurisdiction of the legislative branch, subsection (a) shall apply only to—     (1) administrative matters, including a claim for payment, a matter related to the procurement of property or services, personnel or employment practices, or support services, or a document required by law, rule, or regulation to be submitted to the Congress or any office or officer within the legislative branch; or
      (2) any investigation or review, conducted pursuant to the authority of any committee, subcommittee, commission or office of the Congress, consistent with applicable rules of the House or Senate.       January 18, 2006   ALTA warns HUD that RESPA
 enforcement Web site may be bad idea   “We are concerned that the Web site may become a vehicle that leads to HUD investigations where there may be no real basis for such an investigation,” said Charlene Nieman, ALTA Grassroots & PAC manager.judson witham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Blue or Red Pill ???  Bush Cornyn Alberto & DeLay's Mafia House!  One DEEP DEEP

Re: [cia-drugs] What A Wonderful Explanation....

2006-02-02 Thread curtis crow
That's fine if you are of the Christian faith, but what about the rest of 
us? I guess you don't think we have a Creator!

At 07:31 PM 1/24/2006, Jim Rarey wrote:
>Forwarded from a friend
>A sick man turned to his doctor,
>as he was preparing to leave the examination room and said,
>"Doctor, I am afraid to die.
>Tell me what lies on the other side."
>Very quietly, the doctor said, "I don't know."
>"You don't know ?
>You, a Christian man, do not know what is on the other side?"
>The doctor was holding the handle of the door;
>on the other side came a sound of scratching and whining,
>and as he opened the door,
>a dog sprang into the room
>and leaped on him with an eager show of gladness.
>Turning to the patient, the doctor said,
>"Did you notice my dog?
>He's never been in this room before.
>He didn't know what was inside.
>He knew nothing except that his master was here,
>and when the door opened, he sprang in without fear.
>I know little of what is on the other side of death,
>but I do know one thing...
>I know my Master is there and that is enough."
>May today there be peace within you.
>May you trust God that you are exactly
>where you are meant to be.
>I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet
>when our wings have trouble
>remembering how to fly.
>Just pass this on...
>Do not break this, PLEASE ! ! ! ! !
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[cia-drugs] Prison Homosexual Rape

2006-02-02 Thread
My son is currently in a County Detention Center (Jail) he has a scheduled 
court. While in custody, he was sexually assaulted. He is very small, 5'1'' 100 
pounds maybe. Alleged perpetrator was his cellmate 6'1'' 310 pounds. 

The authorities questioned my son, they refused to get him his attorney and 
they also threatened him with additional time. My son signed papers refusing to 
file charges. 

We are being told that they will not test him for HIV because they do not know 
that the alleged perpetrator has HIV/AIDS and that they can't make the alleged 
perpetrator take a test - therefore my son can't be tested. We have been 
advised to...

Continued and discussed here: 

http://prisonforum.com/index.php?topic=379";> (AOL)  

Do not "reply" to the post to express yourself or to ask questions, go to the 


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[cia-drugs] COL. John B Alexander-AL GOREs' NLP PROGRAMMER

2006-02-02 Thread Tim White

John Alexander

The entire non-lethal weapon concept opens up a new
Pandora's Box of unknown consequences. The main
personality behind it is retired Colonel John B.
Alexander. Born in New York in 1937, he spent part of
his career as a Commander of Green Berets Special
Forces in Vietnam, led Cambodian mercenaries behind
enemy lines, and took part in a number of clandestine
programmes, including Phoenix. He currently holds the
post of Director of Non-lethal Programmes in the Los
Alamos National Laboratories. 
Alexander obtained a BS from the University of
Nebraska and an MA from Pepperdine University. In 1980
he was awarded a PhD from Walden University(20) for
his thesis "To determine whether or not significant
changes in spirituality occur in persons who attended
a Kubler-Ross life/death transition workshop during
the period June through February 1979." His
dissertation committee was chaired by Elizabeth

He has long been interested in what used to be
regarded as "fringe" areas. In 1971, while a Captain
in the infantry at Schofield Barracks, Honolulu, he
was diving in the Bemini Islands looking for the lost
continent of Atlantis. He was an official
representative for the Silva mind control organization
and a lecturer on Precataclysmic Civilizations.(21)
Alexander is also a past President and a Board member
of the International Association for Near Death
Studies; and, with his former wife, Jan Northup, he
helped Dr C.B. Scott Jones perform ESP experiments
with dolphins.(22) 

Alexander is a friend of Vice President Al Gore Jr,
their relationship dating back to 1983 when Gore was
in Alexander's Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). NLP
"presented to selected general officers and Senior
Executive Service members"(27) a set of techniques to
modify behaviour patterns.(28) Among the first
generals to take the course was the then Lieutenant
General Maxwell Thurman, who later went on to receive
his fourth star and become Vice-Chief of Staff at the
Army and Commander Southern Command.(29) Among other
senior participants were Tom Downey and Major General
Stubblebine, former Director of the Army Intelligence
Security Command. 

C.B. Scott Jones
Jones is the former assistant to Senator Clairborne
Pell (Democrat, Rhode Island). Scott Jones was a
member of U.S. Naval Intelligence for 15 years, as
well as Assistant Naval Attache, New Delhi, India, in
the 1960s. Jones has briefed the President's
Scientific Advisory Committee, and has testified
before House and Senate Committees on intelligence
matters. After the navy he "worked in the private
sector research and development community involved in
the U.S. government sponsored projects for the Defense
Nuclear Agency (DNA), Defense Intelligence Agency
(DIA) and U.S. Army Intelligence and Security
Command." He has been head of the Rockerfeller
Foundation for some time and chairs the American
Society for Psychical Research.(36) 
Birds of a Feather
Alexander and C.B. Jones are members of the AVIARY, a
group of intelligence and Department of Defense
officers and scientists with a brief to discredit any
serious research in the UFO field. Each member of the
Aviary bears a bird's name. Jones is FALCON, John
Alexander is PENGUIN. 
One of their agents; a UFO researcher known as William
Moore, who was introduced to John Alexander at a party
in 1987 by Scott Jones, confessed in front of an
audience at a conference held by the MUTUAL UFO
NETWORK (MUFON) on July 1, 1989, in Las Vegas, how he
was promised inside information by the senior members
of the AVIARY in return for his obedience and service
to them. He participated in the propagation and
dissemination of disinformation fed to him by various
members of the AVIARY. He also confessed how he was
instructed to target one particular individual, an
electronics expert, Dr Paul Bennewitz, who had
accumulated some UFO film footage and electronic
signals which were taking place in 1980 over the
Menzano Weapons Storage areas, at Kirtland Air Force
Base, New Mexico. As a result of Moore's involvement,
coupled with some surreptitious entries and
psychological techniques, Bennewitz ended up in a
psychiatric hospital. 

Just before the publication of my first paper
unmasking two members of the AVIARY(37) I was visited
by two of their members (MORNING DOVE and HAWK) who
had travelled to the U.K. with a message from the
senior ranks advising me not to go ahead with my
expose. I rejected the proposal. 

Immediately after the publication of that paper, and
with the full knowledge that myself and a handful of
colleagues knew the true identities of their members,
John B. Alexander confessed that he was indeed a
member of the AVIARY, nicknamed PENGUIN. The accuracy
of our information was further confirmed to me by yet
another member of the AVIARY, Ron Pandolphi, PELICAN.
Pandolphi is a PhD in physics and works at the Rocket
and Missile section of the Office of the Deputy

Re: [cia-drugs] There Is No More Firmament

2006-02-02 Thread sidneybristov

The Grounds of Silence 
Does secret surveillance require secret policy 
Jacob Sullum 

In a recent New York Times/CBS News poll, 68 percent of respondents 
were willing to let the government "monitor the telephone calls and e-mails of 
Americans that the government is suspicious of" to "reduce the threat of 
terrorism." By contrast, 70 percent were not willing, in the name of 
fighting terrorism, to let the government "monitor the telephone calls and 
e-mail of ordinary Americans on a regular basis."
But what if some "Americans that the government is suspicious 
of" are "ordinary Americans," selected for surveillance even though they 
have nothing to do with terrorism? To reduce the likelihood of such mistakes, 
the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) requires court approval for domestic wiretaps of suspected 
terrorists—a requirement the Bush administration considers too cumbersome to 
obey, at least when dealing with communications that cross the U.S. 
As the Senate Judiciary Committee prepares to hold hearings on 
the National Security Agency's warrantless surveillance of American citizens and residents, 
the question is not simply whether the administration is right that FISA's 
restrictions are inappropriate for wiretaps intended to "detect and prevent" 
terrorist attacks. The question is also how the issue should be resolved: by 
Congress after a public debate, or secretly and unilaterally by a president who 
says public debate is dangerous 
because "the enemy listens."
The administration's main objection to FISA seems to be that its 
standard for approving wiretaps is too hard to meet in fast-moving 
investigations aimed at heading off terrorist attacks, despite its provision for 
retroactive approval of surveillance within 72 hours. Under FISA, the government 
must show "probable cause" to believe a target is an agent of a terrorist 
Under the NSA's program of warrantless wiretaps, by contrast, 
the government need only have what Attorney General Alberto Gonzales calls "a reasonable basis to 
conclude that one party to the communication is a member of Al Qaeda, affiliated 
with Al Qaeda, or a member of an organization affiliated with Al Qaeda, or 
working in support of Al Qaeda." This approach not only requires less evidence; 
it also applies to individuals whose connections to 
terrorism may be indirect and tenuous, thereby increasing the chance of 
mistakenly monitoring innocent people.
Because there is no review by anyone 
outside the executive branch, we have to take the Bush administration's word 
that even this relatively weak standard has been carefully and consistently 
applied. But it's hard to trust officials who have been quietly ignoring FISA's 
requirements for the last four years and even now say they're reluctant to 
discuss the issue because of national security concerns.
Gen. Michael Hayden, who was the 
NSA's director when President Bush authorized the warrantless wiretaps and is 
now the principal deputy director of national intelligence, insists the agency's surveillance within the U.S. 
is not a "drift net...grabbing conversations that we then sort out by these 
alleged keyword searches or data mining tools." Since Hayden repeatedly has 
expressed the fear that Al Qaeda is listening to everything he and other 
officials say on this subject and may be learning things that will help it evade 
detection, I'm not sure I believe him. 
And what should we make of the fact 
that in 2002 the Bush administration declined to support legislation that would 
have changed the FISA standard for surveillance of non-U.S. persons from 
"probable cause" to "reasonable suspicion"? James A. Baker, the Justice 
Department's counsel for intelligence policy, told the Senate Intelligence 
Committee such a shift—which President Bush already had authorized for a 
broader class of targets all on his own—might be unnecessary and 
unconstitutional. Was that stance deliberate disinformation intended to trick Al 
Legitimate concerns about revealing 
intelligence methods should not become an excuse for misleading the public or 
for cutting Congress and the courts out of momentous decisions about how to 
balance security against terrorists with security against an unaccountable 
executive branch.
Sullum is a senior editor at Reason and the author of 
Saying Yes: In Defense of Drug Use. Sullum's 
weekly column is distributed by Creators Syndicate. If you'd like to see it in 
your local newspaper, please e-mail or call the editorial page editor today. 

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[cia-drugs] FINAL VERDICT--Libel Trial of Lt Col Dan Marvin

2006-02-02 Thread Tim White

 Congratulations in abundance to my friend Lt Col
 "Dangerous" Dan Marvin-a true hero for the TRUTH and
 the right to get it "out there" will NOT be
 control OUR COUNTRY.
 Tim White,Viet Nam Vet(USAF),Concerned Citizen
 --- Daniel Marvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Sheila_A_Antonuccio/gg/[EMAIL PROTECTED],

 Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 23:34:47 -0500
 Subject: Final Verdict
 From: Daniel Marvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Thank you for your support.  Without your prayers
 and your financial help
 we could not have survived and we yet owe
 around $120,000 or
 more to the attorneys.The Lord will provide.
 God bless each and every one.
 From: tim bates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 To: "Barry A. Bachrach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Steven Castrechino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 David Deschesne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Burr Dietz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Alan Hagerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Ken Haight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Barbara
Ketay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,   Bill Mahoney
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Daniel Marvin
 Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 09:46:21 -0800 (PST)
 Subject: Correction
 Please note correction of whose life was saved,
 Strait not John Taylor.


   “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth
 make you free.”
   John 8:32 KJV

 After 2 hours of deliberation, the
 jury came in with a verdict of “Not Guilty” on all
 counts against Col. Dan Marvin, author and Kris
 publisher.  This vindicates Col. Marvin and his
 book.  The jury weighed the overwhelming evidence
 and said, basically, the book “Expendable Elite” is
 non-fiction.  This confirms what many of us who have
 read the book say; the men of camp A-424 in An Phu,
 Viet Nam are heroes and deserve a nation’s thanks
 for their service.

   This trial has tested Col. Marvin and Kris
 Millegan to the very limits of endurance.  It has
 put an unbelievable financial burden on them but
 they trusted in the Lord first of all, and the system
to find the truth.

   The jury listened to the material
 presented in court by both sides.  The men that
 served under Col. Marvin’s command during the time
 of the book testified that none of the events in the
 book were true.  To a man, they stated the
 statements they gave to Dan were “just stories” to
 spice up the book.  But when the jury listened to
 the audiocassette tapes the men sent to Dan, at
 every instance, they spoke of their good memory of
 what happened with words like “I remember” and “I
 recall”.  Many times they said to add things about
 the firefights, mortar attacks and heroism of the
 Hao Hoa people.  Time and time again the words on
 the tapes spoke of the closeness of the men and
 their dedication to the mission.  After the tapes
 were played the men would then swear under oath that
 all the statements on the tapes were fabrications.
   The most saddening moment was when John Strait
 denied that Col. Marvin saved his life.  On the
 tapes, Mr. Strait spoke of how grateful he was that
 Marvin “saved his a__”.  Dan had pulled John Strait
 into a trench as a mortar round hit just a few feet
 away.  Under oath he now denies it happened.  

All through the trial Col. Marvin and
 Kris Millegan were dressed in suits and ties showing
 respect for the Federal Court.  Dan always had on
 service pins showing his pride in his military
 career.  All of the plaintiffs were dressed as
 though they were ready to go bowling.  They never
 dressed to acknowledge the Court or the judge. Few
 of the plaintiffs wore anything that let you know
 these were career military men that had given most
 of their lives to protecting America.  It was sad
 that they did not find pride in letting America know
 that they purchased the freedom we have with their
 time and dedication.

The many witnesses for the plaintiffs
 spoke of what was in the book.  A Judge Advocate
 General for the Army that commanded many military
 lawyers said some of the things in the book might
 have been illegal as far as military justice and
 international law is concerned.  On
 cross-examination by the defense attorney he
 admitted that independent missions sometimes work


2006-02-02 Thread Tim White
The THIRD REICH actually survived and this fact-with
the SECRET TREATY of FT HUNT of September 1945 being
the activating mechanism to ensure the Third Reichs'
survival as the ODESSA and the BLACK KNIGHTS-with the
main linchpin to ensure the survival of the ODESSA
being Gen Reinhard Gehlen and his GEHLEN ORG(Gehlen as
the architect of the bogus "Cold War"),the OSS setting
"sister" German/Nazi secret  societies-The VRIL
SOCIETY and the ORDER of the BLACK SUN(the most secret
of them all)explains WHY Our Country is NOW headlong
into the Fascist BUSHitler led FOURTH REICH.This is
now simply irrefutable as the events that have
unfolded since the WACO MASSACRE can most assuredly
attest.This article frames just a small part of the
Masonic/Occultic reasons why this came about.

Tim White,Viet Nam Vet(USAF),Concerned Citizen

> Thule Society
> The Thule-Gesellschaft (Thule Society) was founded
> August 17, 1918, by Rudolf von Sebottendorff. He had
> been schooled in occultism, Islamic mysticism,
> alchemy, Rosicrucianism and much else, in Turkey,
> where he had also been initiated into Freemasonry. 
> Its original name was Studiengruppe für germanisches
> Altertum (Study Group for German Antiquity), but it
> soon started to disseminate anti-republican and
> anti-Semitic propaganda. 
> A movement to promote Thulian ideas among industrial
> workers and to offset Marxism, was formed in August
> 1918 - the Workers' Political Circle with Thulist
> Karl
> Harrer as chairman. 
> From this came the German Workers' Party in 1919. 
> A year later this became the NSDAP under the
> leadership of Adolf Hitler. It had members from the
> top echelons of the party, including Rudolf Hess and
> Alfred Rosenberg, though not Adolf Hitler.
> Serbottendorff stated, "Thule members were the
> people
> to whom Hitler first turned and who first allied
> themselves with Hitler." 
> The swastika flag adopted by the NSDAP was the
> brain-child of another Thulist, Dr Krohn. 
> Its press organ was the Münchener Beobachter (Munich
> Observer) which later became the Völkischer
> Beobachter
> (People's Observer). The Thule Society is known to
> be
> closely connected to the Germanenorden secret
> society.
> The Germanenorden was a secret society in Germany
> early in the 20th century. Formed by several
> prominent
> German occultists in 1912, the order, whose symbol
> was
> a swastika, had a hierarchical fraternal structure
> similar to freemasonry. It taught to its initiates
> nationalist ideologies of nordic race superiority,
> antisemitism as well as occult, almost magical
> philosophies. Some say that the Deutsche
> Arbeiter-Partei (later the Nazi Party) when under
> the
> leadership of Adolf Hitler was a political front,
> and
> indeed the organisation reflected many ideologies of
> the party, including the swastika symbol. The Thule
> Society, another secret society with similar
> ideologies and symbols was also closely linked to
> this. 
> With the victory of the Nazi Party, the occult
> tradition was carried on in the Third Reich mainly
> by
> the SS, who Reichsfuhrer, Himmler, was an avid
> student
> of the occult. An SS occult research department, the
> Ahnernerbe (Ancestral Heritage) was established in
> 1935 with SS Colonel Wolfram von Sievers at its
> head.
> Occult research took SS researchers as far afield as
> Tibet. Sievers had the Tantrik prayer, the Bardo
> Thodol, read over his body after his execution at
> Nuremberg. 
> National Socialism and the Third Reich represented a
> major attempt by high esoteric Adepts to
> re-establish
> a Culture based on the Laws of Nature, against the
> entrenched forces of anti-Life. Nothing that
> ambitious
> had been tried since the founding of the American
> Republic by Masonic adepts. 
> The Thule Society inner circle beliefs ... 
> Thule was a legendary island in the far north,
> similar
> to Atlantis, supposedly the center of a lost,
> high-level civilization. But not all secrets of that
> civilization had been completely wiped out. Those
> that
> remained were being guarded by ancient, highly
> intelligent beings (similar to the "Masters" of
> Theosophy or the White Brotherhood). 
> The truly initiated could establish contact with
> these
> beings by means of magic-mystical rituals. 
> The "Masters" or "Ancients" allegedly would be able
> to
> endow the initiated with supernatural strength and
> energy. 
> With the help of these energies the goal of the
> initiated was to create a race of Supermen of
> "Aryan"
> stock who would exterminate all "inferior" races. 
> On April 6, 1919, in Bavaria, left wing socialists
> and
> anarchists proclaimed the Bavarian Soviet Republic.
> The brains of the revolution were a group of writers
> who had little idea of administration. Life in
> munich
> grew chao


2006-02-02 Thread Tim White
Captain Eric May - Hidden Agenda?


Captain May's Circle of Friends:

Greg Syzmanski - Jesuit trained Roman Catholic. Notre
Dame graduate.<<>>,Greg
recently "came out of the blue" and now he is
everywhere but before his recent appearance "on the
scene",he was covering "defense issues" at the
Pentagon and elsewhere in the Military/Industrial
"complex"-of course that IS also controlled BY THE
JESUITS for the SUPERIOR GENERAL of the Jesuits,Count
Peter Hans Kolvenbach,THE BLACK POPE.

Georgeann Hughes - MPD pawn of the Illuminati. Born
into Satanism/Illuminati. Often has Al Cuppett a pro
Zionist on her radio show. Cuppett sends the proceeds
of his books to the Zionists. 

Zeph Daniel - MPD pawn of the Illuminati. Born into

Stew Webb - MPD pawn of  FBI/CIA/Al Gore Illuminati.
Married Leonard Millman who had direct ties to the
Bush bloodline. Hated his father-in-law who is now
dead. Recruited by FBI/Al Gore camp to expose the Bush
Cabal.<<>>,Stew Webb is a
deep cover FBI snitch and set up agent/disinfo who is
identified by a symbol-he admits this in a video tape
filmed by Jon Gentry that former FBI SAC in Los
Angeles,Ted Gunderson,sent me.Presently hiding out at
the home of retired USAF/NSA Lt Gen Otis L
Johnson(codename RED DOG)in Hastings Nebraska-1242 St
Joseph Ave,402-461-4957.RED DOG was assigned to
NSA/CIA operations at Offutt AFB for many years and is
a very high level Mason-beyond the 33rd Degree by his
own admission,a member of the Scottish Rite 99 Lodge
in Denver,the same Lodge/Temple that Leonard Millman
was a member of.

Hal Turner - Illuminati disinfo media pawn. Jesuit
Trained Roman Catholic.<<>>,vicious on air neo Nazi Racist broadcasting
out of NYC and who obviously is protected by "THE
ORDER"-home is in North Bergen,N.J.,1906 Paterson
Plank Rd,07047,home ph 201-484-7809. 

Eric May himself said in an email, "I defer to the
Jesuits" to Tim White. The Jesuits have been involved
with working the same Al Gore camp agenda of exposing
the Bush Cabal...same as Stew Webb. What better way to
align patriots against the Bush Cabal by putting a
former intel Army Capt out in front? The problem is,
the agenda behind it pushes the agendas of Al Gore,
the NESARA alien agenda and the Vatican's.  The
Jesuits do a good job of exposing the Bush crime
cartel but people need to be warned not to buy into
the garbage that another globalist regime can do
better.<<>>,I have consistantly
put information about the Jesuits and their
controlling agenda before Eric May from the very
beginning of contact with him and May NEVER would
touch it with a 100' pole.His Jesuit edication is
constantly brought up by May so it's very obvious who
actually controls him.Contact phone numbers-one he
publicly puts out but one is NOT known-till
now,832-971-7404(public),NOT known,281-257-2440,11800
Grant Rd,Cypress TX,77429 

Globalism is the enemy of Patriotism.

The Jesuits are the right hand men of The Black Pope,
Satan's right hand man on earth!




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[cia-drugs] Puerto Rico establishes ET Highway

2006-02-02 Thread Reinaldo Rios

  Puerto Rico establishes ET Highway        Reinaldo Rios in the ET Zone / Lajas UFO Capital PR  Exclusive Creator       The proposed heory that there are unidentified flying objects (ufos) in Lajas will come together tomorrow on the Bermeja Coast, a zone that the municipal Government proclaimed as being "the extraterrestrial route".    The popular mayor Marcos "Turin" Irizarry, who signed the proclamation, will not attend because he is outside Puerto Rico, but the primary force behind establishing the route, professor Reinaldo Ríos, said that the students of the Ufo subject will meet in the morning from 8:00 on highway PR-303, at kilometer 7,8 where the official sign was placed.    "When I began as mayor there were some sightings and situations that were evaluated in the area and he (Ríos) and
 other people said that it was the route of the ufos", explained Irizarry to FIRST HOUR in a telephone interview.   Irizarry said that he agreed to the request of Ríos, a student of the history of ufos, because although it is a communication channel, the Municipality does not have objection to any promotional event that can bring tourism to Lajas.   "We made a proclamation, based on information I was given, for the people who created it and I understand that it is alsoe a motivation for the tourist development", added Irizarry. But, the Mayor admitted that he believes in the ufos.   "I can assure that I, with friends, saw a ufo from house, with abrupt movements and it disappeared in a moment; a reason why we all remained surprised."   For the Mayor, since that sighting there has been a decreased presence of supposed ufos in the area of Lajas.   Ríos, on the other hand, said he has invited several groups
 that investigate ufos to Saturday's activity in which the signature of the proclamation of Mayor Irizarry will be celebrated.   Although the Mayor could not be present, Ríos hopes that some municipal civil employee accompanies them. __Correo Yahoo!Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ¡gratis! Regístrate ya - http://correo.espanol.yahoo.com/ 

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[cia-drugs] Re: [work_democracy] R7 - ...

2006-02-02 Thread sidneybristov




  photos: Michele Asselin

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  fascinating, original and often hilarious long day's journey into the 
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  males congregate, Norah Vincent finds the male precincts to be a lot 
  better -- and a lot worse -- than most women ever 
  imagine."-Christina Hoff Sommers, author of WHO STOLE FEMINISM? and 

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[cia-drugs] ruder

2006-02-02 Thread sidneybristov

Racist Regulations: How the Government Held Down 
by Robert Whaples
From Humane Studies Review Vol. 14, No. 


  Only One Place of Redress: African Americans, Labor Regulations, and 
  the Courts from Reconstruction to the New DealDavid E. 
  BernsteinDurham, NC: Duke University Press, 2001
  (buy this book)
"I think one man is just as good as another so long as he’s 
honest and decent and not a nigger or a Chinaman." That’s what Harry Truman 
wrote to Bess on June 22, 1911, in the same letter in which he asked if she 
would wear an engagement ring, if he bought her one. (Robert Ferrell, editor, 
Dear Bess: The Letters from Harry to Bess Truman, 1910-1959, New York: 
W.W. Norton, 1983, p. 39.) Such sentiments shock us today, but they were routine 
at the time. To his credit, Truman grew out of such prejudices as he matured. 
The same can be said for the nation as a whole, but the fact is that until about 
half a century ago, most white Americans simply did not like black people very 
much and did not want to cut them any breaks. Early public opinion polls from 
the 1930s and '40s show that most whites did not want to live near blacks and 
they did not think blacks should be given the same job opportunities as whites. 

There was a problem for people with such notions of fairness, 
however. The problem was that some greedy whites would not go along with the 
rest of the crowd. They were willing to break ranks with members of their own 
group and do things that were considered despicable–like helping blacks find 
work and even hiring them to do perfectly respectable jobs that other whites 
could have done. In a nutshell, the problem that these racists faced is that a 
competitive market tends toward colorblindness. To crack the nut, these racists 
did what people with political rights usually try to do: they organized and got 
the government to do their dirty work. They used the power of government to pass 
laws and regulations through which they could enforce their desires for 
discrimination. David Bernstein’s book tells a neglected chapter of this 
important story. The provocative argument of Only One Place of Redress is 
that some of the most important and revered labor regulations of the late 
nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century were designed to 
help white workers at the expense of African Americans, that these laws had a 
significantly harmful impact on African Americans, and that the judiciary played 
an important, but inconsistent, role in blocking this assault on black workers. 
Who protected the despised minority? Bernstein answers that ideological judges 
committed to freedom and limited government did.
Bernstein begins with the much-maligned Supreme Court ruling in 
Lochner v. New York (1905). In this case the court invalidated a 
provision of a law regulating bakeries that prohibited owners from employing 
bakers for more than sixty hours per week. Accepting the defendant’s argument 
that mortality rates for bakers were only slightly above average and lower than 
in many unregulated occupations, the court ruled that the hours provision was 
not a constitutional measure protecting bakers’ health, but was class 
legislation "passed for other motives"–namely to benefit unionized German bakers 
at the expense of unorganized recent immigrants. From 1905 to 1937, during the 
so-called Lochner era, the Supreme Court was generally sympathetic to 
those challenging government regulations, especially occupational regulations, 
as violations of the implicit constitutional right to liberty of contract. 
Unfortunately, Lochnerism was never consistently practiced. It was practiced 
enough, however, that the courts became the only place of redress for those in 
the minority whose livelihoods could be wrecked by such deceptive and supposedly 
humanitarian regulations.
To prove this thesis, Bernstein examines five sets of laws 
passed between the Civil War and World War II. He begins with Reconstruction-era 
emigrant agent laws. During this period many recently emancipated blacks living 
in the poorest regions of the South desired to move to places where conditions 
were better. Employers in more prosperous regions, such as the Delta area of 
Mississippi, faced high wages and wanted additional workers. Unfortunately, poor 
black workers had only scanty knowledge of these job opportunities and often 
could not afford to pay the train fare to move hundreds of miles. Into this 
market came entrepreneurs like Robert "Peg-Leg" Williams, the "king of labor 
agents." He lent money to migrants, arranged their transportation, and provided 
employers with workers, helping over ten thousand people move each year. Local 
employers saw such agents as a dangerous threat, since the loss of so many 
workers would drive up local wages. At the employers' behest state governments 
adopted laws designed to drive labor agents out of business, including