[cia-drugs] Fwd: Extra!: Celebrating 20 Years of FAIR

2006-02-09 Thread Miss K

> wrote:  Subject: Fwd: Extra!: Celebrating 20 Years of FAIR-- Forwarded message --From: FAIR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 09-Feb-2006 18:44Subject: Extra!: Celebrating 20 Years of FAIRFebruary issue of Extra! now availablehttp://www.fair.org/index.php?page=4  Special anniversary issueCelebrating 20 Years of FAIR   Articles available online:20 Stories That Made a DifferenceFor better or worseBy Steve Rendall and Peter Hart and Julie Hollar   A Cornerstone of the Media Reform MovementFAIR at 20By Robert McChesney
 Fighting BackFAIR's media activism successesBy Peter Hart Articles only available in print:Media Reform for What?The success so far, the challenge aheadBy Janine JacksonThe Secret Origins of FAIRHow police spies and media moles helped launch a movement By Jessica WakemanConsider the SourceThe Nightline study and media researchBy William HoynesThe Language of Extra! Reflections on fairness and accuracyBy Jacqueline BaconOn the Shoulders of GiantsThe unbroken tradition of press
 criticismBy Robin Andersen  Every Extra! also includes cartoons by Tom Tomorrow and others, and much more.  Extra!, FAIR's bimonthly magazine of hard-hitting, well-documented media criticism, tackles the same types of issues as this online activist list, but in greater depth and detail. With every new issue, we make a few featured articles available online free of charge. But because subscriptions to Extra! are a big part of what keeps FAIR going�helping us provide free services like the action alerts on this list�the only way we can give you access to the full magazine is if you subscribe.    Please subscribe today�you'll get a year's worth of first-rate media criticism delivered to your door, starting with this issue, and help sustain FAIR.    $21 per year gets you six issues of Extra!, plus six issues of our newsletter Extra! Update.   SPECIAL OFFER: Subscribe for two years ($40) and get FAIR's book "The Oh Really? Factor" absolutely free.    Subscribe online today! For many years Tom Tomorrow's cartoons have taken aim at the absurdities of our political system and the corporate media. For only $15, you can order
 "The Wrath of Sparky," "Penguin Soup for the Soul," and "When Penguins Attack." Click here to subscribe!  David Cole on NSA spying, Anthony Fenton on Haiti elections (2/3/06-2/9/06) Feel free to respond to FAIR ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ). We can't reply to everything, but we will look at each message. We especially appreciate documented examples of media bias or censorship. And please send copies of your correspondence with media outlets, including any responses, to [EMAIL PROTECTED].   Unsubscribe from the FAIR list  If you would prefer to receive these messages in text format, please visit our website to change your email preferences.  If you were forwarded this message and you want to receive future FAIR alertsdelivered directly to you, subscribe by clicking here.Home | Contact Us | Support Us | RSS | Privacy Policy | Copyright PolicyThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Site designed by the May First Technology CollectiveEmail list services by Democracy in Action  www.geocities.com/kayforpeace/maru.htmlThousands of a candle can be lightened from one single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortenend.Happiness never decreases by being shared.
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[cia-drugs] Excellent US plans massive data sweep TROLL THIS

2006-02-09 Thread judson witham

Excellent Advise the Corrupt Bastards to Troll these sites      These BOMBS will BLOW UP in their Friggin Faces :)     http://www.geocities.com/jurisnot    and    http://www.geocities.com/jurisnot/OperationMissouriFreedom.htm      Maybe the Looted Billions used to ROB POWER in the USA can finally be exposed by UNCLE SAM  I will NOT hold my breath.     JWnorgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:US plans massive data sweep  Little-known data-collection system could troll news, blogs, even e-mails. Will it go too far?  By Mark Clayton | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor    The US government is developing a massive computer system that can collect huge amounts of data and, by linking far-flung information from blogs and e-mail to
 government records and intelligence reports, search for patterns of terrorist activity.   The system - parts of which are operational, parts of which are still under development - is already credited with helping to foil some plots. It is the federal government's latest attempt to use broad data-collection and powerful analysis in the fight against terrorism. But by delving deeply into the digital minutiae of American life, the program is also raising concerns that the government is intruding too deeply into citizens' privacy.  "We don't realize that, as we live our lives and make little choices, like buying groceries, buying on Amazon, Googling, we're leaving traces everywhere," says Lee Tien, a staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation. "We have an attitude that no one will connect all those dots. But these programs are about connecting those dots - analyzing and aggregating them - in a way that we haven't thought about. It's one
 of the underlying fundamental issues we have yet to come to grips with."  The core of this effort is a little-known system called Analysis, Dissemination, Visualization, Insight, and Semantic Enhancement (ADVISE). Only a few public documents mention it. ADVISE is a research and development program within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), part of its three-year-old "Threat and Vulnerability, Testing and Assessment" portfolio. The TVTA received nearly $50 million in federal funding this year.  DHS officials are circumspect when talking about ADVISE. "I've heard of it," says Peter Sand, director of privacy technology. "I don't know the actual status right now. But if it's a system that's been discussed, then it's something we're involved in at some level."  Data-mining is a key technology  A major part of ADVISE involves data-mining - or "dataveillance," as some call it. It means sifting
 through data to look for patterns. If a supermarket finds that customers who buy cider also tend to buy fresh-baked bread, it might group the two together. To prevent fraud, credit-card issuers use data-mining to look for patterns of suspicious activity.  What sets ADVISE apart is its scope. It would collect a vast array of corporate and public online information - from financial records to CNN news stories - and cross-reference it against US intelligence and law-enforcement records. The system would then store it as "entities" - linked data about people, places, things, organizations, and events, according to a report summarizing a 2004 DHS conference in Alexandria, Va. The storage requirements alone are huge - enough to retain information about 1 quadrillion entities, the report estimated. If each entity were a penny, they would collectively form a cube a half-mile high - roughly double the height of the Empire State Building.  But ADVISE and related DHS
 technologies aim to do much more, according to Joseph Kielman, manager of the TVTA portfolio. The key is not merely to identify terrorists, or sift for key words, but to identify critical patterns in data that illumine their motives and intentions, he wrote in a presentation at a November conference in Richland, Wash.  For example: Is a burst of Internet traffic between a few people the plotting of terrorists, or just bloggers arguing? ADVISE algorithms would try to determine that before flagging the data pattern for a human analyst's review.  At least a few pieces of ADVISE are already operational. Consider Starlight, which along with other "visualization" software tools can give human analysts a graphical view of data. Viewing data in this way could reveal patterns not obvious in text or number form. Understanding the relationships among people, organizations, places, and things - using social-behavior analysis and other techniques - is essential to going
 beyond mere data-mining to comprehensive "knowledge discovery in databases," Dr. Kielman wrote in his November report. He declined to be interviewed for this article.  One data program has foiled terrorists  Starlight has already helped foil some terror plots, says Jim Thomas, one of its developers and director of the government's new National Visualization Analytics Center in Richland, Wash. He can't elaborate because the c

[cia-drugs] White House offers new details on eavesdropping

2006-02-09 Thread Jim Rarey







  Wednesday, Feb. 
8, 2006 


White House offers new details on eavesdropping to select 
Congress members
By KATHERINE SHRADER Associated Press Writer 
(AP) - WASHINGTON-After weeks of insisting it would not reveal 
details of its domestic eavesdropping, the White House reversed 
course and provided a House committee with highly classified 
information about the program.
The White House has been under heavy pressure from lawmakers who 
wanted more information about the National Security Agency's 
monitoring. Democrats and many Republicans rejected the 
administration's implicit suggestion that they could not be trusted 
with national security secrets.


The shift Wednesday came after Republican Congresswoman Heather 
Wilson, chairwoman of a House Intelligence Committee subcommittee, 
broke with the Bush administration and called for a full review of 
the NSA's program, along with legislative action to update the 1978 
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
She and others also wanted the full House Intelligence Committee 
to be briefed on the program's operational details. Although the 
White House initially promised only information about the legal 
rationale for surveillance, administration officials broadened the 
scope Wednesday to include more sensitive details about how the 
program works.
"I think we've had a tremendous impact today," Wilson said at a 
news conference as Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Gen. 
Michael Hayden, the nation's No. 2 intelligence official, briefed 
the full Intelligence Committee.
"I don't think the White House would have made the decision that 
it did had I not stood up and said, 'You must brief the Intelligence 
Committee,'" she said.
When asked what prompted the move to give lawmakers more details, 
White House spokeswoman Dana Perino the administration stated "from 
the beginning that we will work with members of Congress, and we 
will continue to do so regarding this vital national security 
At least one Democrat left the four-hour House session saying he 
had a better understanding of legal and operational aspects of the 
anti-terrorist surveillance program being conducted without warrants 
but still had a number of questions.
"It's a different program than I was beginning to let myself 
believe," said Alabama Rep. Bud Cramer, the senior Democrat on the 
Intelligence Committee's oversight subcommittee.
"This may be a valuable program," Cramer said, adding that he 
didn't know if it was legal. "My direction of thinking was changed 
Still, Cramer said, some members remain angry and frustrated, and 
he didn't know why the White House waited so long to inform Congress 
of its actions.
Lawmakers leaving the briefing said it covered the 1978 Foreign 
Intelligence Surveillance Act, Justice Department papers outlining 
legal justifications for the operations, limited details on success 
stories and some highly sensitive details.
The White House has insisted that it has the legal authority to 
monitor terror-related international communications in cases in 
which one party to the call is in the United States.
For more than 50 days, senior officials have argued that Bush and 
Vice President Dick Cheney were within the law when they chose to 
brief only the eight lawmakers who lead the House and Senate and its 
intelligence committees.
In a PBS interview Tuesday, Cheney said that if all 70 members of 
the House and Senate intelligence committees were briefed over the 
program's four years, "it's not a good way to keep a secret."
House Intelligence Chairman Peter Hoekstra, a Republican who was 
one of the eight fully briefed, said that he still knows more about 
the program than the rest of the committee. But, he said, "there is 
very little left to the imagination" of those memb

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] oops

2006-02-09 Thread roadsend


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--- Begin Message ---


Boycott Egypt 

Freedom For Egyptians 
reminded me why the cartoons looked so familiar to me: they were actually 
printed in the Egyptian Newspaper Al Fagr back in October 2005. I repeat, 
October 2005, during Ramadan, for all the egyptian muslim population to see, and 
not a single squeak of outrage was present. Al Fagr isn't a small newspaper 
either: it has respectable circulation in Egypt, since it's helmed by known 
Journalist Adel Hamoudah. Looking around in my house I found the copy of the 
newspaper, so I decided to scan it and present to all of you to 
see.Here is the original Frontpage of the 
NewspaperHere it is pointing out the date and one 
of the cartoons. Click on the Smaller one to get a bigger 
resolution.Here are the rest of the cartoons 
inside of the NewspaperGuess we will have to Boycott Egypt now as well, 
huh?Now while the arab islamic population was going 
crazy over the outrage created by their 
government's media over these cartoons, their governments was benifitting from 
its people's distraction. The Saudi royal Family used it to distract its people from the outrage over the Hajj 
stampede. The Jordanian government used it to 
distract its people from 
their new minimum wage law demanded by their labor 
unions. The Syrian Government used it to create secterian division in 
Lebanon and change the focus on the Harriri 
murder. And, finally, the Egyptian government is using it to distract us while 
it passes through the new Judiciary reforms and Social Security Bill- which will 
cut over $300 million dollars in benefits to some of Egypt's poorest families. 
But, see, the people were not paying attention, because they were too busy 
defending the prophet by sending out millions of e-mails and SMS-messages, boycotting cheese and Lego 
and burning Butter and the danish Flag. Let's not even mention the idiots who 
went the usual route of "It's a jewish conspiracy", spouted the stupid argument about the 
Holocaust, or went on a diatribe with the old 
favorite "There is an organized campaign-headed by the west and the jews- to 
attack and discredit Islam, and we have to defend it". They proved, once again, 
that the arab world is retarded 
and deserves no better than its leaders.Whatever... 

posted by The Sandmonkey @ 11:01 AM    

--- End Message ---

[cia-drugs] Akha Journal: Web site update, the current situation,

2006-02-09 Thread Matthew McDaniel

Dear Friends:     I have been working very hard to repair the website at www.akha.org     I wanted to make a lot of site changes, and so I am working on that.     While I am moving files around, some of the files and links won't work and I will get these fixed as soon as I am able, so patience.     I have approximately 1200 files to rebuild, so it will take a while.     A new page style looks like this:     http://www.akha.org/content/aboutakhalife/index.html     or this.     http://www.akha.org/content/aboutakhalife/theakha.html     There is a vast variety of links down
 the left side of the homepage. Various political views and various resources, enough to give anyone a start on finding what they are looking for.     Meanwhile, there is work progressing on a 1 hour to 90 minute documentary about the situation of the Akha which will hopefully be finished by the end of the year.      I still have quite a bit of work to do on The Akha Chronicles, but am getting closer to completion.     I need to get together enough money to publish the 3rd Akha Journal.      Donations have been way down, like very low, so that hasn't happened yet.     Donations are what makes the work we do possible. Donations make it possible to deliver services in the Akha villages and gather the video and photographic record that we present on the website.      Do you know where the Akha
 live? Do you know that people came along and wrote documents, made policy, that forced change on the Akha, ugly change, and then walked away and let them die, hundreds, thousands. Starvation and disease. The children, the babies and the elderly? Villages burrying 3 and 4 people a day, "All we do is dig graves" is what they said. Those policy makers never looked back. We collect their names. We look into how many died because of their decisions.     And would you know about that, if we didn't dig into it? If we didn't hang out on the fringes of the earth, burning up our lives, so that these villains can't keep doing what they been doing with impunity? We find them. We knock on their door. We ask them if they know how many died? We ask them if they think it doesn't matter? Cause it matters to us, and we want people to know what they did.     A lot of people don't even know who the Akha are, so would they know if someone's
 been killing them?      If you haven't made a donation in a while, please consider our work and take the time to do so at the link below. We make every penny count.   https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=akha%40akha.org&item_name=Donation     Matthew McDaniel                  

The Akha Heritage Foundation.http://www.akha.org Akha Heritage Site.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AkhaweeklyjournalDiscussion http://groups.yahoo.com/group/akhaDonate Via Credit Card Paypal: 

PO Box 6073 Salem, OR. 97304 USA.
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[cia-drugs] Iran, Venezuela declare war on petrodollar

2006-02-09 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Iran, Venezuela 
declare war on 
petrodollarPosted: February 9, 20061:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com 

Iran and Venezuela have joined forces in an effort to undermine the U.S. 
dollar. In October 2005, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez announced that 
Venezuela was ready to move the country's foreign-exchange holdings out of the 
dollar and into the euro. He also called for the creation of a South American 
central bank designed to hold in euros all the foreign-exchange holdings of the 
participating countries. 
Beginning in 2003, Iran began demanding oil payment in euros, not dollars, 
although the oil itself was still priced in dollars. Iran has announced the 
intention of opening an Iranian Oil Bourse in March to challenge NYMEX (the New 
York Mercantile Exchange) and IPE (London's International Petroleum Exchange). 
Saddam Hussein may well have signed his death warrant in 2000 when he began 
the process of convincing the United Nations that Iraq could sell Iraqi oil for 
euros, not dollars. Saddam ultimately received U.N. permission to convert Iraq's 
$10 billion oil-for-food foreign reserves from dollars to euros. 
The risk to the United States does not involve how oil is priced – oil could 
conceivably be priced in any liquid currency, since pricing is a largely 
technical issue needed to establish transaction values. The real issue is 
foreign-currency reserves. 
The United States relies on approximately 70 percent of all foreign-exchange 
currency to be held in dollars because we sell Treasury debt into that 
foreign-exchange market. Should Venezuela and Iran succeed in creating a 
worldwide flight of foreign-exchange reserves away from the dollar and into the 
euro, the move could depress the value of the dollar. 
Dwindling foreign exchange dollar holdings could end up pushing the Treasury 
to sell debt into a smaller international supply of dollars, with the dollar not 
being as strong as it is today. Increasing the cost of our "twin deficits" – the 
budget deficit and the trade deficit – would have detrimental effects on the 
U.S. economy and on a Bush administration which seems to have lost traditional 
Republican budgetary discipline. 
As the world's foreign-exchange currency market expands, we should probably 
expect some reduction in the dollar holdings of central banks. A move to hold 
more euros may simply represent a decision by a central bank to diversify their 
foreign-currency holdings, thereby hedging their risk from fluctuations in the 
dollar. Venezuela and Iran have in mind a politically motivated decision to move 
out of foreign-exchange currency holdings in the dollar as a conscious decision 
to wage economic war against America. 
In 2004, the Switzerland-based Bank for International Settlement reported 
that the U.S. dollar-denominated deposits of OPEC countries fell from 75 percent 
of their total deposits in the third quarter of 2001 to 61.5 percent by the end 
of 2003. In the same period, the share of euro-denominated deposits of OPEC 
countries rose from 12 percent to 20 percent. OPEC member euro-denominated 
deposits reached 44 billion in June 2004, nearly double the 23.4 billion euros 
these countries held in the third quarter of 2001. In the same period of time, 
the dollar holdings of the OPEC member countries decreased from $145.3 billion 
to $132.1 billion. 
In 2005, China negotiated major oil and natural-gas rights from Iran. Now 
under pressure of being referred to the Security Council over their nuclear 
program, Iran is counting on China to veto any strong move by the United States 
to have Iran sanctioned. 

After Japan, China has the world's second-largest cache of foreign-exchange 
currency – some $800 billion today – an amount that is expected to grow to $1 
trillion this year. In January 2006, China announced an intention to reduce 75 
percent of its foreign-exchange reserves currently held in the dollar. 
Economists widely expect China's move will put downward pressure on the dollar, 
depending on how much diversification China decides to make into other world 
currencies. As Iran struggles to fight off world pressure over the defiant path 
it has chosen to take in pursuing nuclear technologies, Iran might well seek to 
convince China to hold significantly fewer dollars in their foreign-exchange 
Venezuela and Iran have much in common – both countries are radically 
anti-America, both have extensive oil reserves, both are resolved to use oil as 
an economic weapon against the United States. The three countries voting against 
the IAEA resolution on Feb. 4 were Cuba, Syria and Venezuela. Iranian President 
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has just accepted an invitation from Fidel Castro to visit 
Havana to attend the Sept. 11-16 Non-Aligned Summit and most likely to address 
the Cuban National Assembly. 
A Tehran-Caracas Axis clearly extends also to Havana and Damascus. Whether we 

Re: [cia-drugs] Enron revisited

2006-02-09 Thread Arlene Johnson

Why don't you state that Ken Lay is a member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission, Jim?
It's been on my Web site for years, certainly in 2002 since the first edition of my work appeared in
March 2001.
Arlene JohnsonPublisher/Author
Click on Magazine to access the e-zine.
-Original Message- From: Jim Rarey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Feb 8, 2006 11:09 PM To: Distribution list suppressed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [cia-drugs] Enron revisited 

(As the fraud trial of former Enron head, Ken Lay, unfolds it is clear that the prosecutor and the media are not going to tell the full story.,but will shield as much as possible  the large investment banks, government officials and the Congress who played a large role in one of the largest ever scams.
I am reissuing an article I wrote in February of 2002 to remind what the media "missed" the first time around and continues to ignore.)

What at first was thought to be just the outrageous illegal excesses of one company (Enron) is now found to be an outbreak threatening to become an epidemic. In the Enron case, over $80 billion in value has disappeared from investment portfolios including pension funds, private 401K’s, IRA’s and other institutional and private investors. And that’s just the stock effect. Still to come are disclosures of the impact of loans from investment banks and bonds issued by Enron subsidiaries and "partnerships" which will be in the billions of dollars.Before tracing the contagion of the "Enron Syndrome" we should try to clarify just exactly what Enron was doing. About the only consistent explanation in most of the media is that the company was hiding its true debt on the balance sheets of the partnerships. It was doing much more than that. Enron set up more than 3,000 private "partnerships" with the aid of investment bankers who rounded up the investors to give the appearance of independent companies. With the connivance of the bankers, bond rating services and Wall Street analysts, bonds were then issued by the partnerships. The bonds were backed, not by the (non-existent) assets of the partnerships, but by Enron stock. Enron stock at that time was the darling of Wall Street trading in $60-$80 dollar range. Given investment grade ratings by the ratings services and buy recommendations from Wall Street analysts, the bankers had no problem touting the investments to unsuspecting investors. Of course Enron is now a penny stock and the bonds have virtually no backing. This stratagem worked so well the bankers began to recommend the structure to other clients. Chief among the investment houses were CitiGroup, Credit Suisse First Boston and Deutche Bank Alex Brown according to a 2/14/02 New York Times article. The practice became so lucrative that some of the banks began buying the bonds themselves and then peddled them to investors. Two of the companies named in the Times article as adopting the Enron model are the Williams Companies and the El Paso Corporation. Both are also big players in the energy (oil and gas) markets. The major selling point of the model was that it would shield the bond liabilities from. investors’ view by keeping them on the partnerships’ balance sheets. J.P Morgan Chase also had a "arrangement" with Enron where large sums of money were prepaid to Enron supposedly for future delivery of oil and gas commodities. These transactions were run through one of the partnerships and an entity called Mahonia Ltd., a subsidiary of Morgan Chase set up in Jersey in the (English) Channel Islands. No commodities were never delivered and the prepayment was returned to Morgan Chase plus about 3.4% of the contract. The transactions are being investigated, as they appear to be nothing but private loans to Enron outside of normal reporting requirements.Morgan Chase required Enron to obtain performance bonds from insurance companies for the transactions with themselves as the beneficiary. Since the bankrupt Enron now cannot make good on the repayments, Morgan Chase has claimed payment from the insurance companies. The insurance companies are refusing to pay saying the transactions were misrepresented as commodity trades. Morgan Chase has sued and, according to Standard & Poors, stands to lose over $5 billion if unsuccessful. One of the companies involved is Travelers Insurance, a subsidiary of CitiGroup. Ironically, and perhaps even poetically, this has the effect of the Rockerfellers suing themselves since they control both Morgan Chase and CitiGroup.Are all these goings on legal? Where were the accountants and lawyers while this was happening? There is some confusion as to whether the partnership scheme was the brainchild of Enron management or of the consulting arm of Enron’s auditors, Arthur Anderson. It may be irrelevant since both embraced the concept wholeheartedly. Arthur Anderson is said to have passed the model o

[cia-drugs] NBC News Accused of Treason

2006-02-09 Thread Jim Rarey


NBC News 
Accused of Treason By Cliff Kincaid  |  February 9, 2006 
What's next? Exclusive footage of American troops being 
massacred while NBC News and Commander Ismail look on and film it for the 
evening news?  

A former freelance producer/correspondent for CNN, Reuters Television and CBN 
News says that she is disgusted by how the U.S. television networks are 
facilitating terrorist military and propaganda operations. Theresia Whitfield 
says that "one has to question the loyalty of our own American owned networks, 
including and specifically NBC."
Whitfield (Yetman was her maiden name) explains, "I find it interesting that 
Lisa Myers, Senior Investigative Correspondent [for NBC News], was recently able 
to do an exclusive interview with a senior Taliban commander who calls himself 
'Commander Ismail.' Granted, the network didn't actually send her but rather 
some poor underpaid producer and photographer working in the region risking 
their lives for the glory that will never come. I know-I've been that 
producer…while they were probably taken on a ride miles out of the way, probably 
blind-folded; you can't tell me that these people couldn't have been tracked by 
the CIA, the FBI, the NSA or someone else with some other acronym and authority. 
You can't convince me that these news people could get in good with this top 
secret terrorist and NOT tell the United States government that they were having 
a top secret meeting."
She adds, "It's OK for them to spill the beans about everything the White 
House does, but Heaven forbid they should tell the Bush Administration where 
some of the terrorists are or that they're having tea and a casual chat? Come 
on. Now who's bordering on treason? Al-Jazeera [is our friend] compared to what 
our own media will do to the United States with our backs turned. It's a 
travesty. They should be charged with treason when they do these types of 
stories and don't report their sources to the proper officials."
The December 27 report in question about "Commander Ismail"  was narrated 
by Myers, who said that "In his first interviews with Western media, Ismail 
brags about killing three Navy Seals this summer, then downing a Chinook 
helicopter that came to rescue them, killing another 16 Americans." Myers 
explained, "NBC News interviewed Ismail in August and again this month. Both 
times, the Taliban made sure we could not provide their location to the U.S. 
military. An NBC producer was taken on a confusing seven hour odyssey to an 
unknown location, where Ismail then appeared." Myers said that NBC News 
"provided details of the interview to U.S. intelligence." But this was not done 
so that U.S. officials could apprehend the terrorist.  Instead, this was 
done so that senior officials could say that "his claims are consistent with 
what they know about the battle, and they have no reason to believe that the man 
is not Commander Ismail."
So NBC News obtained an interview with a terrorist killer of American 
military personnel. That's just great, isn't it? What a scoop!
What's next? Exclusive footage of American troops being massacred while NBC 
News and Commander Ismail look on and film it for the evening news?

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[cia-drugs] US plans massive data sweep

2006-02-09 Thread norgesen

US plans massive data 
data-collection system could troll news, blogs, even e-mails. Will it go too 
By Mark Clayton | Staff writer of The Christian Science 
 The US government is developing a 
massive computer system that can collect huge amounts of data and, by linking 
far-flung information from blogs and e-mail to government records and 
intelligence reports, search for patterns of terrorist activity. 
The system - parts of which are operational, parts of which are still under 
development - is already credited with helping to foil some plots. It is the 
federal government's latest attempt to use broad data-collection and powerful 
analysis in the fight against terrorism. But by delving deeply into the digital 
minutiae of American life, the program is also raising concerns that the 
government is intruding too deeply into citizens' privacy.
"We don't realize that, as we live our lives and make little choices, like 
buying groceries, buying on Amazon, Googling, we're leaving traces everywhere," 
says Lee Tien, a staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation. "We 
have an attitude that no one will connect all those dots. But these programs are 
about connecting those dots - analyzing and aggregating them - in a way that we 
haven't thought about. It's one of the underlying fundamental issues we have yet 
to come to grips with."
The core of this effort is a little-known system called Analysis, 
Dissemination, Visualization, Insight, and Semantic Enhancement (ADVISE). Only a 
few public documents mention it. ADVISE is a research and development program 
within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), part of its three-year-old 
"Threat and Vulnerability, Testing and Assessment" portfolio. The TVTA received 
nearly $50 million in federal funding this year.
DHS officials are circumspect when talking about ADVISE. "I've heard of it," 
says Peter Sand, director of privacy technology. "I don't know the actual status 
right now. But if it's a system that's been discussed, then it's something we're 
involved in at some level."
Data-mining is a key technology
A major part of ADVISE involves data-mining - or "dataveillance," as some 
call it. It means sifting through data to look for patterns. If a supermarket 
finds that customers who buy cider also tend to buy fresh-baked bread, it might 
group the two together. To prevent fraud, credit-card issuers use data-mining to 
look for patterns of suspicious activity.
What sets ADVISE apart is its scope. It would collect a vast array of 
corporate and public online information - from financial records to CNN news 
stories - and cross-reference it against US intelligence and law-enforcement 
records. The system would then store it as "entities" - linked data about 
people, places, things, organizations, and events, according to a report 
summarizing a 2004 DHS conference in Alexandria, Va. The storage requirements 
alone are huge - enough to retain information about 1 quadrillion entities, the 
report estimated. If each entity were a penny, they would collectively form a 
cube a half-mile high - roughly double the height of the Empire State 
But ADVISE and related DHS technologies aim to do much more, according to 
Joseph Kielman, manager of the TVTA portfolio. The key is not merely to identify 
terrorists, or sift for key words, but to identify critical patterns in data 
that illumine their motives and intentions, he wrote in a presentation at a 
November conference in Richland, Wash.
For example: Is a burst of Internet traffic between a few people the plotting 
of terrorists, or just bloggers arguing? ADVISE algorithms would try to 
determine that before flagging the data pattern for a human analyst's 
At least a few pieces of ADVISE are already operational. Consider Starlight, 
which along with other "visualization" software tools can give human analysts a 
graphical view of data. Viewing data in this way could reveal patterns not 
obvious in text or number form. Understanding the relationships among people, 
organizations, places, and things - using social-behavior analysis and other 
techniques - is essential to going beyond mere data-mining to comprehensive 
"knowledge discovery in databases," Dr. Kielman wrote in his November report. He 
declined to be interviewed for this article.
One data program has foiled 
Starlight has already helped foil some terror plots, says Jim Thomas, one of 
its developers and director of the government's new National Visualization 
Analytics Center in Richland, Wash. He can't elaborate because the cases are 
classified, he adds. But "there's no question that the technology we've invented 
here at the lab has been used to protect our freedoms - and that's pretty 
As envisioned, ADVISE and its analytical tools would be used by other 
agencies to look for terrorists. "All federal, state, local and private-sector 
security entities will be able to share


2006-02-09 Thread Arlene Johnson

This man is under the influence of The Illuminati since "The Illuminati
have controlled Europe for hundreds of years." I read that somewhere
fairly recently and this proves that what I read is true.
He needs to read the documented truth, which is what I publish. Then, 
he'll understand since the German press is one of the best presses in the 
world, even better than the English press, that he will finally figure out 
who is controlling  whom.
Arlene Johnson
http://www.truedemocracy.net the home of The Journal of History
Click on Magazine to access the e-zine.
Password for 2005 editions: UNNo password is needed to access previous years editions.-Original Message- From: Jim Rarey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Feb 8, 2006 1:28 AM To: Distribution list suppressed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [cia-drugs] EUROPE - THY NAME IS COWARDICE 




Dapfner, Chief Executive of the huge German publisher Axel Springer AG, has written a blistering attack in Germany's largest daily paper.  This is a must read for all Americans!EUROPE - THY NAME IS COWARDICE (Commentary by Mathias Dapfner, CEO, Axel Springer AG) A few days ago Henry Broder wrote in Welt am Sonntag, "Europe - your family name is appeasement." It's a phrase you can't get out of your head because it's so terribly true. Appeasement cost millions of Jews and non-Jews their lives as England and France, allies at the time, negotiated and hesitated too long before they noticed that Hitler had to be fought, not bound to toothless agreements. Appeasement legitimized and stabilized Communism in the Soviet Union, then East Germany, then all the rest of Eastern Europe where for decades, inhuman suppressive, murderous governments were glorified as the ideologically correct alternative to all other possibilities. Appeasement crippled Europe when genocide ran rampant in Kosovo, and even though we had absolute proof of ongoing mass-murder, we Europeans debated and debated and debated, and were still debating when finally the Americans had to come from halfway around the world, into Europe yet again, and do our work for us. Rather than protecting democracy in the Middle East, European appeasement, camouflaged behind the fuzzy word "equidistance" now countenances suicide bombings in Israel by fundamentalist Palestinians. Appeasement generates a mentality that allows Europe to ignore nearly 500,000 victims of Saddam's torture and murder machinery and, motivated by the self-righteousness of the peace-movement, has the gall to issue bad grades to George Bush... Even as it is uncovered that the loudest critics of the American action in Iraq made illicit billions, no, TENS of billions, in the corrupt U.N. Oil-for-Food program. And now we are faced with a particularly grotesque form of appeasement. How is Germany reacting to the escalating violence by Islamic fundamentalists in Holland and elsewhere? By suggesting that we really should have a "Muslim Holiday" in Germany? I wish I were joking, but I am not. A substantial fraction of our (German) Government, and if the polls are to be believed, the German people, actually believe that creating an Official State "Muslim Holiday" will somehow spare us from the wrath of the fanatical Islamists. One cannot help but recall Britain's Neville Chamberlain waving the laughable treaty signed by Adolph Hitler, and declaring European "Peace in our time". What else has to happen before the European public and its political leadership get it? There is a sort of crusade underway, an especially perfidious crusade consisting of systematic attacks by fanatic Muslims, focused on civilians, directed against our free, open Western societies, and intent upon Western Civilization's utter destruction. It is a conflict that will most likely last longer than any of the great military conflicts of the last century - a conflict conducted by an enemy that cannot be tamed by "tolerance" and "accommodation" but is actually spurred on by such gestures, which have proven to be, and will always be taken by the Islamists for signs of weakness. Only two recent American Presidents had the courage needed for anti-appeasement: Reagan and Bush. His American critics may quibble over the details, but we Europeans know the truth. We saw it first hand: Ronald Reagan ended the Cold War, freeing half of the German people from nearly 50 years of terror and virtual slavery. And Bush, supported only by the Social Democrat Blair, acting on moral conviction, recognized the danger in the Islamic War against democracy. His place in history will have to be evaluated after a number of years have passed. In the meantime, Europe sits back with charismatic self-confidence in the multicultural corner, instead of defending liberal society's values and being an attractive center of power on the same playing field as the true great powers, America and China. On the contrary - we Europeans present our

Re: [cia-drugs] Steve Kubby info at indybay.org/drugwar. Medi-pot patient.

2006-02-09 Thread Arlene Johnson

It's too bad people didn't listen to me when I announced
my editions because if they had, they would have seen 
the demand to legalize medical marijuana  with an international
boycott of the U.S. to force it.
I have a friend here in London who takes marijuana for arthritis.
It is perfectly legal here in England for medical purposes. I should
be in the U.S. too. Woe is me.
Arlene Johnson
Click on Magazine to access the e-zine.
Password for the 17th - 20th editions: UN
No password is needed to access the first 16.-Original Message- From: Eco Man <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Feb 4, 2006 4:53 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [cia-drugs] Steve Kubby info at indybay.org/drugwar. Medi-pot patient. 
www.indybay.org/drugwar has latest Steve Kubby info. Medi-pot patient in 
Placer County jail in Auburn, California.
One can use this site search shortcut to pull up many articles:
Here are the articles below that are currently pulled up by the search shortcut. See first the article with the latest jail interview transcripts. It also has many other compilation links. Jan. 31 to Feb. 2, 2006 jail reports from Steve Kubby:
The compilation links are also at the end of this message. 
Please forward.
Indybay.org site search results begin--

There's a chance Steve Kubby could be released within a matter of days! via ASA list 2006-02-04 12:34 AMThis news video reports Steve Kubby could be out of jail within a matter of days (text/plain + 1 comment)
Steve Kubby reports from jail. Feb 1-2. Jan. 31, 2006. Medi-pot patient. via list. 2006-02-02 11:24 PMMedi-pot patient Steve Kubby reports to Pat McCartney, the former city editor of the Auburn Journal. From the Placer County, California jail in Auburn, California. (text/plain + 2 comments)
1/3: Steven Kubby's Preliminary Hearing and Interfaith Prayer/Meditation via list 2006-02-02 5:49 PMWhat: Steven Wynn Kubby's Preliminary Hearing and Interfaith Prayer/Meditation Circle of Healing When: Friday, February 3, 2006 8 AM [Interfaith Prayer/Meditation Circle of Healing 7:30 AM] (text/plain)
Keep Incarceration from Becoming a Death Sentence Americans for Safe Access 2006-02-02 5:46 PMJoin the efforts to release or properly care for Steve Kubby and other medical marijuana patients who suffer from negligent medical treatment in prison. (text/plain)
Steve Kubby appears in court cannabiscanuck 2006-02-02 9:42 AMupdate on Steve Kubby (text/plain)
News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/31/06) 911 Hoax 2006-01-31 6:38 PMAnti-abortion legislators on the move in five states. (image/gif)
Kubby Hearing @ the Placer County Courthouse freeman 2006-01-31 6:33 PMKubby Hearing @ the Placer County Courthouse (text/plain + 6 comments)
Steve Kubby still incarcerated & not allowed medical marijuana in jail for cancer Cris Ericson 2006-01-31 5:23 PMSteve Kubby still incarcerated and not allowed medical marijuana in jail for his disease of cancer. (text/plain)
Steve Kubby January 31, 2006 evening update: STILL IN CUSTODY IN JAIL! Cris Ericson 2006-01-31 4:30 PMSteve Kubby January 31, 2006 evening update: STILL IN CUSTODY IN JAIL! Will Steve Kubby be allowed to watch President George W. Bush's State of the Union Speech in Jail in Placer County, California? If not, why? (image/jpeg + 2 comments)
Steve Kubby jail interviews. Medi-pot patient in danger. Placer County, California. eco man 2006-01-31 12:10 AMSteve Kubby details the medical neglect and the many medical dangers he is experiencing in the Placer County jail in Auburn, California. (text/plain + 1 comment)
1/31:Press conference, rally at the Placer Co. Superior Court in support of Steve Kubby via list/HempEvolution 2006-01-29 11:21 PMWhen: Tuesday, January 31st, 2006; 12 Noon Where: Department 13, Placer Co. Superior Court; 11532 B Avenue; Auburn, California link to Mapquest (text/plain + 1 comment)

Steve Kubby in Solitary Confinement Michelle Kubby via list 2006-01-29 8:58 AMSteve Ku

[cia-drugs] Congressman Says Soros Manipulates Conservatives

2006-02-09 Thread Jim Rarey


Says Soros Manipulates Conservatives; Hails AIM For Exposing Billionaire's 
Scheme By 
Special Reports  |  February 8, 2006 
Thanks to Accuracy in Media Report editor Cliff Kincaid, 
these are just a few of the questions that the CPAC organizers now face.  

Mr. Speaker,
George Soros, the radical liberal financier who dedicated himself to 
defeating President George W. Bush in the last election, has taken a lesson from 
Jack Abramoff.
As much of Abramoff's pernicious lobbying technique has come to light, we've 
seen how he was adept at manipulating certain conservative organizations to 
pursue a decidedly anti-conservative agenda, namely the promotion of 
gambling.  By working hand in hand with the Traditional Values Coalition 
(TVC), for example, he was able in 2000 to undermine conservatives' best effort 
to outlaw on-line gambling.  Proxy organizations played a fundamental role 
in Abramoff's strategy.
Since 1974, the American Conservative Union has held the Conservative 
Political Action Conference, or CPAC, which is billed as a three-day meeting for 
thousands of conservative activists and leaders to discuss current issues and 
policies and set the agenda for the future.  I myself have addressed the 
conference in the past.
One can imagine a conservative's surprise to read on the CPAC 2006 agenda 
that a representative of the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) is slated to 
moderate-yes, moderate-a panel Friday discussing drug policy.  For those 
who are unacquainted with it, the pro-marijuana MPP has been funded by Soros in 
the past.  Also represented on the panel is the Drug Policy Alliance, which 
is Soros' principal pro-drug arm.  Incidentally, the moderator himself is a 
convicted drug dealer.
What on earth were the CPAC organizers thinking?  Why would the American 
Conservative Union allow extremist liberals like George Soros and Peter Lewis 
(who is responsible for most of MPP's funding) to access a meeting of 
conservatives?  And, in exactly whose estimation would there be balance in 
a debate moderated by the MPP?
Thanks to Accuracy in Media Report editor Cliff Kincaid, these are just a few 
of the questions that the CPAC organizers now face.  I'd like to submit 
into the record his article of February 7, 2006, entitled "Soros Infiltrates 
Conservative Movement."  In exchange for a donation, is this 32-year old 
conservative conference turning itself into a Soros proxy organization just like 
Abramoff's TVC?  
Over the last number of months, we've been surprised to learn how one such as 
Abramoff was able to exploit conservatives for his own purposes.  Surely in 
this environment we can't miss seeing it when it's happening once again.

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Re: [cia-drugs] Danish cartoon conspiracy

2006-02-09 Thread Arlene Johnson

In my humble, but educated, opinion, part of this is true,
but part of it is what we, in sociology, call plausible denial.
The real reason why this cartoon was published was to be
able to identify Muslims. One of my supporters told me that
every Muslim is to be killed. I can try to retrieve the Email
in which he told me that if anyone wants to read it.
Arlene Johnson
http://www.truedemocracy.net-Original Message- From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Feb 9, 2006 2:32 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], Putin's Camgirl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [cia-drugs] Danish cartoon conspiracy 


Monday, February 06, 2006
Danish cartoon conspiracy

We’re starting to see the details of the conspiracy behind the Danish cartoon scandal.  The Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, which started the problem by actually commissioning cartoons that would make Muslims furious as an experiment to see if political correctness would prevent the cartoons from being published – you can’t make this stuff up! - supports the anti-immigration Danish governing coalition, and has historic ties going back to the 1920s and 1930s to European fascism.  The editor in question, Flemming Rose, apparently has ties to Daniel Pipes (as if we couldn’t see that coming!).  The point was clearly to incite Muslim riots to enforce the idea that the ‘clash of civilizations’ means that immigration to Europe - particularly Muslim immigration - must be stopped, and to lead credence to the idea that Muslims are all irrational and violent, and can’t be dealt with except through violence.  Although they deny it, the conspiracy clearly flows through a whole series of like-minded European editors, all of whom should be given a blood test to check for Zionism.  The BBC actually had the audacity to carry the cartoons “to give audiences an understanding of the strong feelings evoked by the story”.  As we dig further, I am sure we’ll find that all the people involved in this story have strong connections to either or both of Zionism and far-right European fascism.  The people of Denmark, in particular, ought to be thinking about sending a bill to Jyllands-Posten for the damage done to the embassies, not to mention the fact that Danish firms will never again be able to do business in the Middle East or any place where there is a substantial Muslim population.  Denmark just lost a billion customers.
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