[cia-drugs] Steve Kubby returns to jail. Medi-pot patient, Prop 215 coauthor, with cancer.

2006-03-15 Thread Eco Man

For background, info, photos, and many links; go here:http://gallery.marihemp.com/auburn2006jan31 andhttp://gallery.marihemp.com/prisons andhttp://www.kubby.com      Please forward. Article below is full of links. Go to the first web address below, if necessary, to get to the article with the clickable links.        ---MarijuanaNews.com article begins-  http://marijuananews.com/news.php3?sid=889   Top Story: Kubby to Return to Jail. Survival Depends on Marinol. Two and Half Years Probation to Follow. Triumph of Prosecutorial State. Special to MarijuanaNews. Posted by Richard Cowan on 2006-03-14 16:20:00 Source:      Posted March 14,
 2006 Special to MarijuanaNews.com     Having no choice, Steve Kubby pled guilty today to violating his probation and will have to return to Placer County jail for up to 60 days; however, it is expected that he will be released after serving just 20 days, inasmuch as the jail remains overcrowded.   SeeKubby Out of Jail, But Not Yet Free. (Are any of us?) Must Return to Court On March 14 On Probation Violation Charges. Exclusive to MarijuanaNews       Moreover, it is unlikely that Placer County would want to hold him beyond 20 days, because Steve has just enough Marinol to last him for that period. If Placer were to hold him longer they could then be confronted with
 a demand that they start paying for life-saving medicine for their prisoner, and we all know that would send the wrong message to children.     After he is released, he will then have to serve two and half years of felony probation, but no added time, and he will be allowed to use whole cannabis during probation. Of course, he will be homeless, his life in tatters, and he will be almost 60 years old with terminal cancer. The State of California and Canada will have spent huge sums to have brought him to this point. What a triumph of stupidity and evil!     As I have previously said, I think that it is unfortunate that this case is – however understandably – seen as just being about medical marijuana. Kubby needs cannabis to live, and the whole case began with an
 anonymous letter alleging that he was selling marijuana, but this case really should [stand out] as a complete failure of the California legal system. (And a disgrace to Canada, as well.)     SeeSteve Kubby’s Life Is In Danger Because Immigration Canada and California Law Enforcement Broke the Law. andSteve Kubby Is the Only One In This Story Who Has NOT Broken The Law, But He Faces the Death Penalty.      It is
 difficult to evaluate all of the individual cases such as Kubby’s to quantify the problem with prosecutors and the courts, but the facts about the state’s enormous prison system are there for all to see. The prisons are both the means and the end of the criminal justice system. The “system” is responsible for the prisons and the prisons are the system’s ultimate tool. (The death penalty has only limited utility.)      The February 24th 2005 edition of the The Economist reported, “The state's (California’s) imprisonment rate—455 out of every 100,000 people were inside in 2003—is a little below the national average and well behind Texas (702) and Louisiana (801); but it is still several times that of Britain or indeed any other developed country. California's jails now house 163,000 prisoners (each at an annual cost of $31,000); that is more than France, Germany and the Netherlands combined.     In an American context, California's prisons stand out for two things: overcrowding and recidivism. The state has only 32 prisons, which hold twice as many people as they were designed for. By contrast, New York state has 65,000 inmates in 70 prisons and Florida has 82,000 in 121 facilities. Worse, California's “correctional facilities” singularly fail to correct: three in four prisoners will be convicted of another crime within three years—and three out of five will be back in prison. (Nationally, a quarter are back in prison for new crimes and another quarter are back in prison for parole violations.)…      The California Correctional Peace Officers Association (CCPOA), which represents 31,000 guards, has been a generous donor to governors from both parties—and has been well looked after itself. The average guard's salary rose from $14,400 in 1980 to $54,000 in 2002, almost twice the national average for a prison officer.”      On October 11, 2005, an article in the LA Times By Maura Dolan, reported,"There is almost no aspect of California corrections, adult or juvenile, that is not subject to a court order, and almost all of those are the result of suits brought by the Prison Law Office," said Barry Krisberg, president of the National Council on Crime and Delinquency….  Earlier this year, U.S. District Judge Thelton Henderson reported that at least 34 inmates had died recently because of neglect, incompetence and "even cruelty" by medical staff. Henderson's action followed a lawsuit by the Prison Law Office.  On a

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Think about it !

2006-03-15 Thread RAMillegan


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 "Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human 
freedom.It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."-- 
William Pitt(1759-1806) British Prime Minister (1783-1801, 1804-06) during 
the FrenchRevolutionary and Napoleonic wars.Source: Speech, House of 
Commons, 18 November 1783http://quotes.liberty-tree.ca/quote_blog/William.Pitt.Quote.D262
"When we got organized as a country and we wrote a fairly 
radicalConstitution with a radical Bill of Rights, giving a radical amount 
ofindividual freedom to Americans, it was assumed that the Americans who 
hadthat freedom would use it responsibly [However, now] there's a lot 
ofirresponsibility. And so a lot of people say there's too much freedom. 
Whenpersonal freedom's being abused, you have to move to limit it."-- 
Bill Clinton[William Jefferson Blythe III] (1946- ), 42nd US 
PresidentSource: MTV's "Enough is Enough" 3-22-94http://quotes.liberty-tree.ca/quote_blog/Bill.Clinton.Quote.7332
"The illegal we do immediately.  The 
unconstitutional takes a little longer."-- Henry 
Kissinger(1923- )http://quotes.liberty-tree.ca/quote_blog/Henry.Kissinger.Quote.F3B5
 Share these quotes -- spread them around!Many have 
sacrificed their lives for our Liberty.Let us renew our commitment to 
Liberty Quotes - http://quotes.liberty-tree.ca
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[cia-drugs] Warfare?

2006-03-15 Thread BruceMajorRE

Bush Explains, 
Americans Skeptical
On Monday the president laid out the first in a series of 
speeches this month to convince Americans that the United States is on the right 
path in Iraq. As the United States enters its fourth year of conflict in the 
country, the public has become increasingly skeptical of U.S. deployment in 
Iraq. In the links below, Foreign policy experts comment on the importance of 
implementing an exit strategy to get out of Iraq. 
Opinion and Commentary 

  "Who Will 
  Decide When We Leave Iraq?" by Christopher Preble, 
  February 24, 2006. 
  Allies Bring Little to Table in Iraq, Afghanistan," by 
  Ted Galen Carpenter, Chicago Sun-Times, February 11, 2006. 
  "How to 
  Exit Iraq," by Christopher Preble, National 
  Post, January 12, 2005. 


  "Exiting Iraq: Why the U.S. Must End the Military 
  Occupation and Renew the War Against Al Qaeda" (2004). 

Over-Criminalization in an Age of Corporate Scandals
 Since Enron's collapse in 2002, the federal 
government has stepped up its campaign against white-collar crime. In doing so, 
contemporary federal criminal law has created a "Catch-22," in which 
businesspeople are forced to act either unethically or illegally. In the new 
Cato book Trapped: When Acting Ethically Is against the 
Law,  Georgetown University business professor 
John Hasnas examines the ethical dilemmas raised by over-criminalization. 

Big Brother 
Getting Bigger
Public debate over a national ID card will heat up this summer, 
as states grapple with regulations coming out of the Department of Homeland 
Security. Though a national ID has been promoted as curing many evils, such as 
illegal immigration and terrorism, Jim 
Harper, the Cato Institute's director of information 
policy studies, disagrees. For Harper, a national ID does, however, represent a 
massive transfer of power from individuals to governments. 
Harper comments: "With the passage of the REAL ID Act 
last year, an American national ID is on the march. People should think of 
identity cards as the visible front end of surveillance systems. When an 
institution collects identity information, this is solely so it can track people 
and keep records about them. With the growth of databases and automatic 
information capture technologies, more and more information is permanently tied 
to us. A national ID ties all this data back to one single identity. 

  Jim Harper discusses the impact of the REAL ID Act on motorists on FOX 
  News, July 18, 2005 [Real Media]. 
  "Understanding Privacy -- and the Real Threats to It," Policy Analysis no. 520, August 4, 2004. 

On March 29, John 
Githongo, former Kenyan anti-corruption chief, comes to 
the Cato Institute to discuss why he fled Kenya. Githongo will speak about 
government corruption in Kenya, its effect on development, and the implications 
for foreign aid donors. 
Appointed within days of the opposition's election victory in 
the 2002 polls, Githongo spent two years as permanent secretary for ethics and 
governance. Under Mwai Kibaki's rule, however, graft in Kenya continued 
unabated, which led Githongo to implicate Kenya's vice president and three 
senior ministers in a corruption racket. He resigned his position in 2005 and is 
now in exile in London. 
This will be Githongo's first time speaking in the United States 
since fleeing Kenya. "Corruption in 
Kenya: A Whistleblower's Account" will be held on 
Wednesday, March 29, 2006 at 4 pm. 
In the 2005 Cato Policy Analysis, "Underdevelopment in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of the Private Sector 
and Political Elites," Moeletski Mbeki, the brother of 
South Africa President Thabo Mbeki, blames African poverty on mismanagement and 
exploitation by political elites that control the state and see it as a source 
of personal enrichment. 
Liberalism for the Middle East
Intellectual isolation is a widespread Arab phenomenon, not just 
an Iraqi one. In a recent Reason Online article, author 
Jonathan Rauch describes how the Internet has become a historical opportunity 
for Arab liberalism. Rauch cites how sites like MisbahAlHurriyya.org -- also called LampofLiberty.org -- a new Arabic-language 
website, can change the world by publishing classical liberal books. 

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: CIA Wins 2006 "Rosemary Award

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CIA Wins 2006 "Rosemary Award" for Worst Freedom of
Information Performance by a Federal Agency

National Security Archive Update, March 13, 2006

For more information: Barbara Elias or Thomas Blanton -


Washington, D.C., 13 March 2006 - The Central
Intelligence Agency has won the second annual Rosemary
Award, recognizing the worst performance by a federal
agency in complying with the Freedom of Information
Act. The Award is named after President Nixon's
secretary Rosemary Woods and the backwards-leaning
stretch which she testified resulted in her erasing
eighteen-and-a- half minutes from a key Watergate
conversation on the White House tapes.

National Security Archive director Thomas Blanton
announced today that this year's Rosemary goes to the
Central Intelligence Agency, for what he called "the
most dramatic one-year drop-off in professionalism and
responsiveness to the public we have seen in 20 years
of monitoring federal government compliance with the
freedom of information law."

President Bush ordered agencies in his December 14,
2005 Executive Order to take a "citizen-centered and
results- oriented approach" that "will improve service
and performance, thereby strengthening compliance with
the FOIA, and will help avoid disputes and related
litigation." The CIA, under the direction of chief FOIA
coordinator Scott Koch, has taken the opposite tack and
has escalated its disputes and related litigation over
the past year.  Here are the CIA's performance markers
that clinched the 2006 Rosemary:

1) CIA handles only 0.08% of the total number of FOIA
requests received by the government, but has achieved
40% of the ten oldest still unanswered requests
government-wide. CIA's oldest requests are so old they
are eligible for drivers' licenses in most states.

2) After stalling for 15 years a request from a
Lancaster, Pennsylvania newspaper for records on a
convicted arms dealer with ties to the intelligence
community (a former director of the National Security
Agency had served on the dealer's board), CIA finally
answered the request in 2005 with a "no records"

3) More creatively, CIA responded to a 2005 request for
records on the relationship between Taliban leader
Mullah Omar and Osama bin Ladin by claiming the Agency
could "neither confirm or deny" the existence of any
such documents. Hundreds of such documents have been
released by other agencies, including transcripts of
official conversations with Omar, and the 9/11
Commission report provides extensive detail on the

4) At the same time that CIA's chief information
reviewer, Terry Buroker, was swearing under penalty of
perjury in federal court that not a word of a 40-year-
old President's Daily Brief given by the CIA to
President Johnson could be released without serious
damage to current U.S. national security, Mr. Buroker
cleared for release two such LBJ-era Briefs because
they were in cable format instead of PDB letterhead (he
didn't recognize them as PDBs).  When Mr. Buroker
actually reviewed their contents (which were
innocuous), he released the documents, but when he saw
letterhead, he claimed damage.

5) Beginning in August 2005, Mr. Koch reversed 15 years
of CIA compliance with the FOI statute and began
telling graduate students that they would have to pay
search and review fees for any FOIA request they
undertook for thesis or dissertation research, despite
the law's clear provision that the "educational"
category of requester would pay only photocopying fees.
No doubt this will reduce Mr. Koch's workload by
intimidating young scholars from filing requests in the
first place, although some may well litigate the

6) Also in August 2005, Mr. Koch reversed 15 years of
CIA compliance with the unanimous 1989 D.C. Circuit
Court of Appeals opinion that settled the search and
review fee question for journalists, and began telling
representatives of the news media that it was up to CIA
to decide whether the subject of their requests was
newsworthy; otherwise, they would pay too.  CIA judged

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Dubai:  Home Base For Cold War

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Dubai:  Home Base For Cold War 
by Ira Chernus

Published on Monday, March 13, 2006 by CommonDreams.org

Surely the Bush administration wants to help Dubai for
lots of reasons. "Follow the money" is always a useful
rule in such cases. But there is another piece of the
puzzle that may prove more important in the long run.

According to the Washington Post, Undersecretary of
State Nicholas Burns recently said that the State
Department will "add staff in Dubai, part of the United
Arab Emirates, as well as other embassies in the
vicinity of Iran, all assigned to watch Tehran. He
called the new Dubai outpost the '21st century
equivalent' of the Riga station in Latvia that
monitored the Soviet Union in the 1930s when the United
States had no embassy in Moscow."

The Riga station was far more than a listening post, as
Burns knows very well. It was where George Kennan and a
group of U.S. diplomats laid the seeds of the ideology
that would drive the U.S. cold war effort for four

In a March 3 briefing, spokesman Adam Ereli announced
that "the State Department will be establishing a
department of Iranian affairs. We have also created a
number of new positions in the field -- for Foreign
Service officers to work on Iran-related issues." These
new officers will be trained Farsi-speakers placed in
strategic capitals. Such as? You guessed it: "Dubai
will be the site of some," Ereli said.

"The logic of putting people out in the field," Ereli
continued, is "to use the language, to develop the
on-the-ground expertise so that 10, 15, 20 years from
now, we've got -- just like we have Arab experts ... we
used to have Soviet experts -- we've got a cadre of
Iran experts." To explain how it would work, Ereli
chose (at random?) an analogy: "We've got programs in
Russia, we've got money we spend with Russia, we've got
exchanges with Russia, so you need people to run those
programs, interact with NGOs and others. We're going to
be doing the same thing with Iran."

None of this is supposed to be secret. Burns and Ereli
tell reporters only what they--and their boss,
Condoleeza Rice--want the world to hear. Now they want
the world to hear that the U.S. is gearing up for a new
cold war, with the Iranian theocrats playing the role
of the commies and Russkies. Indeed, BBC reporter Paul
Reynolds claims that Rice herself is leading the charge
for a new cold war against Iran. "How long Washington
might wait over Iran is not at all clear," Reynolds
comments. "After all, it took 50 years for the Soviet
Union to fall."

This could all be just a big bluff, another set of
maneuvers in the war of words aimed at stopping any
Iranian efforts toward nuclear weapons. But it seems
more likely that it works the other way around. As with
Iraq, the supposed drive to head off Iran's nukes is
just an excuse for the real goal, which is, according
to the Post's sources, "regime change": "The internal
administration debate that raged in the first term
between those who advocated more engagement with Iran
and those who preferred more confrontation appears in
the second term to be largely settled in favor of the
latter. Although administration officials do not use
the term 'regime change' in public, that in effect is
the goal they outline as they aim to build resistance
to the theocracy."

When Vice-President Dick Cheney spoke to the American
Israel Public Affairs Committee, the New York Times
reported, he "used blunt language that seemed to hint
of military action or possibly the overthrow of the
government in Tehran, though he mentioned neither
option explicitly." Again, no secrets. As with Iraq,
the administration is telling the world clearly, well
in advance, what it plans to do.

But the plan for regime change in Iran is not just a
future fantasy. It's already underway. As the Times
article noted, Cheney has "promoted a drive to bring
Iranian scholars and students to America, blanket the
country with radio and television broadcasts and
support Iranian political dissidents. That $85 million
State Department program is being overseen by Elizabeth

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] SDLP leader describes MI5 spies as 'para-terrorists'

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SDLP leader describes MI5 spies as ‘para-terrorists’
14/03/2006 - 2:16:20 PM

SDLP leader Mark Durkan has described members of Britain's MI5 spy agency as

Mr Durkan claimed today that the undercover internal security outfit had
been involved in numerous terrorist crimes in the North, including the
murder of innocent civilians in collusion with loyalist paramilitaries.

The SDLP leader was speaking during a House of Commons debate in London
about moves to give MI5 a greater role in security in the North.

He said the SDLP could not accept British government assurances that the spy
agency's past misdeeds would not be repeated.

Mr Durkan claimed Britain was in denial about its ugly role in the North and
had acted precisely and deliberately to make sure that the truth about its
activities would never emerge.

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Spies hiding in the wheat

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Spies hiding in the wheat
March 15, 2006

THE spy community has been drawn into the AWB scandal, with claims it may
have known $300 million in bribes was going to Saddam Hussein.

The extraordinary development came as the first in a line of senior
diplomats took the witness box in the Cole inquiry yesterday.

Counsel assisting the inquiry John Agius SC said Australia's top spooks had
handed over documents on possible breaches of the UN oil-for-food program.

It was through that program that the former wheat board did business with
Saddam's regime.

"There will, I anticipate, be a body of evidence ... to the effect that
agencies within the Australian intelligence community obtained some
potentially relevant information in relation to the functioning of the
oil-for-food program, and possible circumvention of it," Mr Agius said.

Commissioner Terence Cole kept the documents, plus three statements from
unnamed senior government officials, top secret in the interests of national

AWB's lawyers were not allowed to see the papers, prompting one to declare a
"breathtaking denial of natural justice".

It was not revealed which of the spy agencies -- ASIO, the Office of
National Assessments, ASIS or the Defence Intelligence Organisation --
provided the papers.

Mr Agius said he wanted to determine how much of the information was made
available to foreign trade officers working with AWB -- "whether they had
access to and did in fact access information from intelligence agencies."

The first person he quizzed was Bronte Moules, the senior diplomat from
Australia's UN mission who forwarded concerns about AWB's Iraq dealings as
early January 2000.

In an unusual line of questioning, Mr Agius showed all 15 spy documents to
Ms Moules, told her not to mention their contents and asked if she had ever
seen them.

She said she had never seen any but recognised the contents of just five "in
broad terms".

Ms Moules also gave an unexpected account of the role played by the
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade during her 1999-2002 UN stint,
calling it "essentially a post box" for processing trade contracts.

This was at odds with a May 1996 DFAT briefing paper on Iraq shown by Mr
Agius which, he said, "makes plain that the responsibility to comply with
the [UN sanctions] regime lay with Australia".

The inquiry has requested documents from the offices of Prime Minister John
Howard, Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer, Trade Minister Mark
Vaile, Treasurer Peter Costello, Attorney-General Philip Ruddock, and
Agriculture Minister Peter McGauran.

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [THS] Howard Zinn: Lessons of Iraq War Start With US History

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Lessons of Iraq War Start With US History
By Howard Zinn
The Progressive

Tuesday 14 March 2006

On the third anniversary of President Bush's Iraq debacle, it's 
important to consider why the administration so easily fooled so many 
people into supporting the war.

I believe there are two reasons, which go deep into our national culture.

One is an absence of historical perspective. The other is an inability 
to think outside the boundaries of nationalism.

If we don't know history, then we are ready meat for carnivorous 
politicians and the intellectuals and journalists who supply the carving 
knives. But if we know some history, if we know how many times presidents 
have lied to us, we will not be fooled again.

President Polk lied to the nation about the reason for going to war 
with Mexico in 1846. It wasn't that Mexico "shed American blood upon the 
American soil" but that Polk, and the slave-owning aristocracy, coveted 
half of Mexico.

President McKinley lied in 1898 about the reason for invading Cuba, 
saying we wanted to liberate the Cubans from Spanish control, but the truth 
is that he really wanted Spain out of Cuba so that the island could be open 
to United Fruit and other American corporations. He also lied about the 
reasons for our war in the Philippines, claiming we only wanted to 
"civilize" the Filipinos, while the real reason was to own a valuable piece 
of real estate in the far Pacific, even if we had to kill hundreds of 
thousands of Filipinos to accomplish that.

President Wilson lied about the reasons for entering the First World 
War, saying it was a war to "make the world safe for democracy," when it 
was really a war to make the world safe for the rising American power.

President Truman lied when he said the atomic bomb was dropped on 
Hiroshima because it was "a military target."

And everyone lied about Vietnam - President Kennedy about the extent 
of our involvement, President Johnson about the Gulf of Tonkin and 
President Nixon about the secret bombing of Cambodia. They all claimed the 
war was to keep South Vietnam free of communism, but really wanted to keep 
South Vietnam as an American outpost at the edge of the Asian continent.

President Reagan lied about the invasion of Grenada, claiming falsely 
that it was a threat to the United States.

The elder Bush lied about the invasion of Panama, leading to the death 
of thousands of ordinary citizens in that country. And he lied again about 
the reason for attacking Iraq in 1991 - hardly to defend the integrity of 
Kuwait, rather to assert U.S. power in the oil-rich Middle East.

There is an even bigger lie: the arrogant idea that this country is 
the center of the universe, exceptionally virtuous, admirable, superior.

If our starting point for evaluating the world around us is the firm 
belief that this nation is somehow endowed by Providence with unique 
qualities that make it morally superior to every other nation on Earth, 
then we are not likely to question the president when he says we are 
sending our troops here or there, or bombing this or that, in order to 
spread our values - democracy, liberty, and let's not forget free 
enterprise - to some God-forsaken (literally) place in the world.

But we must face some facts that disturb the idea of a uniquely 
virtuous nation.

We must face our long history of ethnic cleansing, in which the U.S. 
government drove millions of Indians off their land by means of massacres 
and forced evacuations.

We must face our long history, still not behind us, of slavery, 
segregation and racism.

And we must face the lingering memory of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

It is not a history of which we can be proud.

Our leaders have taken it for granted, and planted the belief in the 
minds of many people that we are entitled, because of our moral 
superiority, to dominate the world. Both the Republican and Democratic 
Parties have embraced this n

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [THS] Chile: Condoleezza Rice Presented With Coca Leaf-Inlay Guitar

2006-03-15 Thread roadsend


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--- Begin Message ---

Pubdate: Mon, 13 Mar 2006
Source: New Zealand Herald (New Zealand)
Copyright: 2006 New Zealand Herald
Website: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/300
Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/coke.htm (Cocaine)


VALPARAISO, Chile - Condoleezza Rice knew coca would top the agenda
in her meeting with Bolivia's new president, but she likely wasn't
expecting to get the real thing.

At the end of their 25-minute meeting, President Evo Morales
presented the US secretary of state with an Andean guitar that bore a
coca-leaf inlay.

"The gift was well received. We will just have to check with our
customs to see what rules apply. We certainly hope we can bring it
back (to Washington)," said a senior State Department official who
attended the meeting.

Morales, Bolivia's first indigenous president, came to prominence as
a leader of coca farmers who want more freedom to grow coca, which is
the main ingredient in cocaine but is also used legally for
traditional medicines and in teas.

The fight against cocaine is the main source of bilateral friction
between the United States and Bolivia, the world's third-biggest
cocaine producer.

Rice told Morales, "I'm a musician you know," and strummed the
instrument, a typical Bolivian lacquered handicraft with five pairs of strings.

It was unclear whether she immediately realised what adorned it.

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receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Allen Leaves CIA to Lead Homeland Security Intelligence Shakeup

2006-03-15 Thread roadsend


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Allen Leaves CIA to Lead Homeland Security Intelligence Shakeup

March 15 (Bloomberg) -- Charlie Allen, the 47-year CIA veteran now charged
with organizing the Homeland Security Department's intelligence service,
says the job is daunting: People who are supposed to be on the same team
don't even talk to each other.

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff wooed Allen from the CIA to
Homeland Security in August to meld nine separate intelligence operations
into one cohesive unit to avoid overlap and coordinate better with local law
enforcement agencies.

``The challenges are a little more difficult'' than any he faced at the CIA,
Allen said in a recent interview. The Homeland Security Department is a
forced marriage of 22 agencies that Congress mandated following the Sept. 11
attacks. Allen said the intelligence efforts still aren't coordinated and
time is running out.

``We have miles to go,'' he said. ``We've got to move rapidly.''

The department's intelligence services stumbled within weeks of Allen's
arrival. In October, they publicly contradicted New York City Mayor Michael
Bloomberg, saying his warnings of a potential attack on the city's subways
were overblown. Then, later that month, there was trouble coordinating with
the FBI on a possible threat to Baltimore's tunnels.

Allen ``has to solve the internal problem of getting 22 units working
together,'' said Loch Johnson, a political science professor at the
University of Georgia who has written often about the CIA. ``It's a job
probably for three people.''

Needed Skills

Mike Rogers, a member of the House Intelligence Committee and a former FBI
agent, said Allen's stark assessments and organizational skills are just
what the Homeland Security intelligence operation needs.

``If I had to trust anybody with that mission, it would be Charlie,'' said
Rogers, a Michigan Republican.

Allen's performance in his new job will be critical. Intelligence experts
said the 2005 London bombings by home-grown Islamic radicals plus taped
messages released last month by Osama bin Laden, al-Qaeda's leader, and his
second-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahiri, show the threat of attack is still

Allen, 71, had a hand in some of the CIA's greatest achievements and cleaned
up some of its biggest messes. In 1990, he forecast Iraq's invasion of
Kuwait -- a prediction that was largely ignored -- and in 1998 then-CIA
Director George Tenet asked him to settle turf wars within the agency after
it failed to anticipate five underground nuclear tests by India.

Nixon's Briefer

Allen has spent most of his career warning of threats or defusing them. He
prepared daily intelligence briefings for President Richard Nixon, and in
1985, then-CIA Director William Casey tapped him to become one of the CIA's
top counterterrorism officials.

Allen was sitting in the operations room at CIA headquarters in Langley,
Virginia, in 1998 when he received word of al-Qaeda's bombing of the U.S.
embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. The simultaneous attacks killed more than
224 people and brought Osama bin Laden and his terrorist network to the
world's attention. Allen was immediately assigned to head up the effort to
collect more information on al-Qaeda.

An independent commission's report on the Sept. 11 attacks, while
criticizing the CIA and FBI, in general praised Allen as ``indefatigable''
in his efforts to round up information on bin- Laden and his network.

Allen also was not tarred with the agency's failures leading up to the war
on Iraq.

Iraq Report Ignored

Author James Risen in his 2006 book ``State of War'' said Allen oversaw a
program to contact relatives of Iraqi scientists to learn whether the
country was developing nuclear, biological or chemical weapons. Allen
discovered that Saddam Hussein had abandoned these weapons programs. His
superiors ignored this information, according to Risen.

They ``refused to even disseminate the report from the family members to
senior policy makers in the Bush administration,'' Risen wrote. T

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [THS] Marc Emery Thinks 60 Minutes Profile Has Increased Support

2006-03-15 Thread roadsend


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--- Begin Message ---

Pubdate: Sat, 11 Mar 2006
Source: Vancouver Sun (CN BC)
Copyright: 2006 The Vancouver Sun
Website: http://www.canada.com/vancouver/vancouversun/
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/477
Author: Jeremy Hainsworth, Associated Press
Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/mjcn.htm (Cannabis - Canada)
Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/decrim.htm (Decrim/Legalization)


A marijuana activist wanted by U.S. authorities to face drug charges
said Thursday he thinks being profiled on CBS's 60 Minutes has
increased support for dropping the charges against him on both sides
of the border.

"It's my job as leader of the cannabis culture to thwart the United
States government," Marc Emery, Canada's so-called Prince of Pot,
said outside the B.C. Supreme Court. "The American government and
their war on drugs has got to Kafkaesque extremes."

Emery is charged in the U.S. with conspiracy to launder money and
distribute marijuana and marijuana seeds. Conviction on the charges
would carry a sentence of at least 10 years in prison.

He appeared at the B.C. Supreme Court on Thursday to set a date for
the start of extradition proceedings, but the hearing was adjourned to April 6.

During the 60 Minutes episode last Sunday. John McKay, the U.S.
attorney for the Western District of Washington, said Emery was the
"biggest purveyor of marijuana from Canada into the United States."

Emery told Simon that while he's fighting his extradition to the
United States, he's resigned to the possibility of prison and being a
martyr for the legalization struggle.

"I am blessed by what the DEA has done," Emery said. "I'd rather see
marijuana legalized than me being saved from a U.S. jail."

Emery says he has made $15 million over the past decade selling
marijuana seeds online and by mail, along with equipment for growing
operations and instructions on raising pot plants.
Distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
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[cia-drugs] Montel Williams joins the Patriot Movement***911 Truth coming out?

2006-03-15 Thread Marsha
Montel Williams joins the Patriot Movement***911 Truth coming out?

Please forward everywhere

When I saw his show yesterday I could not believe what I was hearing

Lou Dobbs and several others joined Montel and all were all fuming 
and telling it like it is...

They touched on everything...All bush administration atrocities, some 
including 911...I believe he is leading up to 911 Truth because our 
activists contacted him last week and then for him to come out 
smoking like this, I know he's just begun

If he's allowed back on the air, next Tuesday will be the day he'll 
speak out for America again

A blonde was pro bush and it was like watching the o'reilly show, 
only in reverse...She had a hard time getting words in but when she 
did it was bs and she was over talked and/or ridiculed, big time, 
which, unlike those on o'reilly, she deserved

I already thanked him for joining our ranks>>>

Click here: Montel Williams 

I signed off with >>>

"We The People United Movement"
We are many Political and Patriot Groups joining together, to help 
right the wrongs in America..."United We Will Stand"

As I did, when I sent the plea for 911 Truth exposure

He specified the 
"We The People" phrase on his show with saying>>>When are "We The 
People" Oh shoot...I forget the exact words and already erased the 
show but he did say a whole lot...You could almost see the smoke

Oprah's still a shill, though...Maybe when she hears about Montel, 
she'll get brave and allow truth>>>

Click here: Click here: Oprah.com is your leading source for 

The last time Tony Danza spoke out with truth, they made him tape all 
his live shows...He could use some encouragement too>>>

Click here: The Tony Danza Show

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[cia-drugs] On the demonization of Milosevic (Part 1 of 2)

2006-03-15 Thread norgesen

On the demonization 
of Milosevic: How and why it's done; why it's nonsensePart 1 
of 2 partsby Jared Israel(Posted 3 March 2001, revised 15 March 
2006)   ** This article was written five years ago, when the 
KLA terrorists were attacking southern Serbia and Macedonia, and somehow this 
was being blamed on Milosevic. Now, in March 2006, with the death of 
Milosevic, and with the media rehashing all the attacks on him, which means, in 
effect, on the Serbs, the points made here are, alas, timely.-- Jared 
Israel, 15 March 2006 
** The 
Western media is preparing us for yet another terrorist war which NATO claims it 
is helpless to prevent, although NATO is training the 
terrorists.    "Western special forces were still 
training the guerrillas, as a result of decisions taken before the change of 
government in Yugoslavia." (BBC, Jan. 29, 2001) (1)The 'guerrillas' in 
question are members of the terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army, or KLA. You 
remember the KLA, don't you? They're the people NATO installed in power in 
Kosovo in June 1999 after which they dutifully drove out almost all Serbs, 
'Gypsies', Jews, non-Albanian Muslims (known as 'Gorani'), and Albanians who 
opposed the KLA. Or just killed them. (2)The KLA has, we are told, been 
dissolved, yet under new names it continues to start new terrorist wars. 
(3)Aside from an invasion of southern Serbia, which it started a year 
ago, the KLA is also attacking Macedonia.The KLA, by whatever name, has 
supposedly been fully disarmed except that somehow it has heavy weapons and 
somehow there are NATO combat helicopters providing air cover. (4)** 
Mass Media Prepares Us for War **The way the mass media gets us ready 
for new terrorist wars is by marinating our heads in lies.Consider an 
article that appeared in the February 24th London 'Telegraph'. The body of the 
article concerns the KLA's latest terrorist attacks. But the headline 
reads:    "NATO Forces Face New Threat In 
Balkans"Huh? Is somebody threatening NATO? No, nobody is threatening 
NATO.The point of the title is to give readers the proper attitude prior 
to breaking the news that NATO's prize pet, the KLA, is again attacking Serbia 
and Macedonia.Readers must be directed away from unacceptable (if 
perfectly logical) speculations such as that maybe the UN, which renamed the KLA 
the 'Kosovo Protection Corp,' and NATO, which has been training the terrorists 
attacking Serbia and Macedonia, are behind these attacks. Oh no no no, says the 
title, these attacks threaten NATO, and gently nudges us away from treacherous 
waters.Now for your consideration, here is the article's first 
sentence:    "The Kosovo war was fought to defeat 
Slobodan Milosevic and his dream of a 'Greater Serbia.'"Amazing. This 
article is supposedly about recent terrorist attacks. News reports are supposed 
to start by telling us who did it, what happened, where it happened, when and 
why.Did Milosevic go out last night and launch terrorist attacks 
on  Macedonia and southern Serbia?By starting with this sentence, 
the 'Telegraph' dredges up our memories of anti-Serb media stories past. It 
gives us the impression that whatever happens now stems from 
Milosevic.This is important for two reasons.First, this suggests 
that the Serbian people are violently nationalist.  Why?  Because 
Milosevic was an elected leader, so if this characterization were true, it would 
mean that most Serbs supported a violently expansionist policy.  Thus while 
the sentence focuses on Milosevic, he is really just a symbol.  The real 
attack is on the Serbs as a whole.Second, NATO and the pro-NATO leaders, 
who took over in Belgrade after the coup a year ago, are trying to build public 
support for arresting Milosevic. They want to stage a show trial to convince the 
world that NATO is innocent and the Serbs are guilty for the breakup of 
Yugoslavia.At the same time, the opening 
sentence:    "The Kosovo war was fought to defeat 
Slobodan Milosevic and his dream of a 'Greater Serbia'"tells readers 
that NATO is supposedly innocent of wrongdoing. The implication is that if NATO 
had not bombed Yugoslavia and occupied Kosovo it would have failed 
to:    "defeat Slobodan Milosevic and his dream of a 
'Greater Serbia'"Thus, like the headline,"NATO Forces Face New 
Threat In Balkans,"the first sentence puts us in the proper mental state 
for a constructive news experience: pro-NATO and on the lookout for Serbian 
dreams of expansion.But wait a minute. Is the 'Telegraph' seriously 
saying NATO bombed Yugoslavia to stop a Milosevic dream?Or did this 
dream take some earthly form? Was Milosevic trying to expand Serbia into 
Kosovo?That must be the idea, but there is a wee glitch. In spring of 
1999, when NATO attacked Yugoslavia, Kosovo was a province of Serbia.In 
fact Kosovo has been an internationally recognized province of Serbia since 
before World War I.The border between Kosovo (that is, Serbia

[cia-drugs] Dubai company to sell port operations in 4-6 months

2006-03-15 Thread Jim Rarey


Dubai company to sell port operations in 4-6 
A Dubai-owned company today said it plans to sell all its U.S. port 
operations within four to six months to an unrelated American buyer and laid out 
new details about how it plans to pursue the sale under pressure from 
DP World said that until the sale is finalized, its U.S. businesses 
will be operated independently. The announcement was the first time DP World 
described its plans for the U.S. operations as a “sale” and indicated it would 
retain no stake in them.
“An expedited sale process is under way and with the cooperation of the port 
authorities and joint venture partners, it is expected that a sale can be agreed 
within four to six months,” the company said in a statement.
DP World said it will provide information about its business to “interested 
parties,” which it did not identify, and said it will assess offers based on 
what it described as “value, deliverability and the continuity of management, 
employees and customers.”
The new disclosures by DP World responded to questions raised since its 
announcement last week about how it intends to transfer to an unspecified 
American company all the U.S. operations it acquired when it bought London-based 
Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. for $6.8 billion.
The British company handles significant operations at ports in New Jersey, 
New York, Baltimore, New Orleans, Miami and Philadelphia — plus lesser dockside activities at 16 other ports in this 
DP World has said those U.S. operations are worth roughly $700 million.
DP World said until the sale is complete, its U.S. operations will be managed 
independently by P&O Ports North America Inc., the wholly owned U.S. 
subsidiary of the British company it bought.
Since DP World’s announcement last week, Republicans and Democrats alike in 
Congress have questioned whether the company planned a full divestiture or 
whether it would retain some stake in the U.S. operations.

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[cia-drugs] Was Milosevic Poisoned?

2006-03-15 Thread norgesen

Monday, March 13, 2006

Was Milosevic Poisoned? 

Lisa Pease

Would you believe that looking into Milosevic's 
death led me to a strong link between the US government and al Qaeda, sharing 
common goals in Kosovo? That's why history is always relevant, and the truth 
always matters.Here's where I started.ABC News is reporting the 
"swirl of suspicion" regarding the death of former 
Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevich:

  Among the scenarios being floated: Drugs smuggled into prison, a poisoning 
  plot and the possibility Milosevic was undermining his own treatment in hopes 
  of being sent to Moscow, where his wife and son live in exile. 
  Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Moscow did not fully trust the 
  autopsy report and would send its own pathologists to examine the body. The 
  U.N. war crimes tribunal had said a heart attack killed Milosevic, according 
  to preliminary findings from Dutch pathologists who conducted a nearly 
  eight-hour autopsy. 
  ... Milosevic was found dead in his prison cell in The Hague on Saturday, 
  just hours after writing Russian officials a letter alleging that an 
  "extremely strong drug" was found in his bloodstream. Zdenko Tomanovic, his 
  family lawyer, said Milosevic was "seriously concerned" he was being poisoned. 
  I almost blogged about this when I first heard he had died. I 
was immediately suspicious because a former associate of Milosevich's, who had 
later testified against him, was found dead in the same facility just six days 
earlier. The sentiments expressed by Marija Darijevic in this Chicago Tribune piece echo my own:
Six days before Milosevic's death, Milan Babic, 50, leader of Serb 
  rebels in Croatia and a convicted war criminal, committed suicide in the same 
  prison. Babic had provided key testimony against Milosevic and was back in The 
  Hague testifying in another case."First Babic, now Milosevic. This is 
  not an accident," said Marija Darijevic, 34, a Belgrade lawyer. "I suffered 
  under Milosevic and I don't feel any regret at his death, but I think that 
  even the worst criminal has the right to proper medical 
treatment."The suspicious death, labeled officially "heart 
failure," took place in a city that bills itself as the "City of Peace and 
Justice." Saddam Hussein had just last year asked that his own trial be moved 
there, believing he would get a fairer deal. I imagine he's having serious second 
thoughts on that front now.I'm surprised how people just accept at face 
value that Milosevich was, as the press called him, the "Butcher of the 
Balkans." As is often the case in historical matters, the victor's account of 
history is only one side of the story. Ramsey Clark, a former Attorney General 
of the United States, wrote a letter to Secretary General of the United Nations 
Kofi Annan, in which he stated:
The Prosecution of the former President of the Federal Republic of 
  Yugoslavia is scheduled to end its presentation of evidence to the 
  International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) on February 
  19, 2004, more than two years after its first witness testified.Over 
  500,000 pages of documents and 5000 videocassettes have been placed in 
  evidence. There have been some 300 trial days. More than 200 witnesses have 
  testified. The trial transcript is near 33,000 pages.The 
  Prosecution has failed to present significant or compelling evidence of any 
  criminal act or intention of President Milosevic. In the absence of 
  incriminating evidence, the Prosecution apparently hoped to create a record so 
  massive that it would be years, if the effort was ever made, before scholars 
  could examine and analyze the evidence to determine whether it supported a 
  conviction. Is it possible Milosevic was not the monster the press 
told us about? Is it possible it was necessary to paint him as such as an excuse 
to go to war, much as the WMD lie had to be invented?After some 
searching tonight, I found this 
interesting article from Jurist. Author Marjorie Cohn, an associate 
professor of law, a Court TV commentator, and a news consultant for CBS, 
presented facts that make me think my suspicions are justified:
The most significant international war crimes trial since Hitler’s 
  henchmen were tried at Nuremberg is scheduled to begin on February 12. Former 
  Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic will appear in the dock at the 
  International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia at The Hague to 
  answer charges of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.But 
  Milosevic, often referred to in Western circles as the “Butcher of the 
  Balkans,” maintains it is really the leaders of NATO who should be tried for 
  their crimes against the people of Yugoslavia. In 1999, thousands of Yugoslavs 
  were killed or wounded by NATO’s bombs, allegedly to stop the ethnic cleansing 
  of the Albanians in Kosovo.As The New York Times said on February 9: 
  “When Mr. Milosevic snee

[cia-drugs] Bush Official Calls Reviews for Deals Adequate

2006-03-15 Thread Jim Rarey

This is an important article. The New York Times 
takes the lead in setting forth the propaganda line to be followed by the left 
(including the left in the media) and the useful idiots in Congress whose only 
concern is getting reelected.
Henceforth, those who put national security ahead 
of foreign "Investment" will be denigrated as "isolationists" who are putting 
the national economy at risk.  JR



March 15, 2006

Bush Official Calls Reviews for Deals 

WASHINGTON, March 14 — The Bush administration pushed back Tuesday against 
Republican lawmakers' plans to change the review process for foreign 
acquisitions, saying national security was already the top concern of the 
committee that approved a Dubai-owned company's aborted takeover of several port 
terminals in the United States. 
Treasury Secretary John W. Snow, speaking to a bankers' trade group, said 
the administration supported some revisions to the review process for such 
foreign acquisitions, but he also warned against changes that might discourage 
foreign investment.
"This is not a question of a trade-off between investment and security," Mr. 
Snow said. "We have never made that trade-off. It is vital that we 
avoid taking steps in the name of national security that instead are 
, isolationist  having the effect of 
choking off vital investments in America."
Mr. Snow's comments countered the arguments of many in Congress that the 
approval of the Dubai ports deal exposed deep flaws in the review process, which 
lawmakers in both parties have said weights commercial considerations too 
heavily and domestic security not heavily enough. 
He spoke as Republican lawmakers were preparing conflicting proposals to 
expand the roles of the Department of Homeland Security, intelligence agencies 
and members of Congress in the review process. Reviews are currently conducted 
in secret by a panel within the executive branch that is headed by the treasury 
secretary and known as the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United 
On Monday, Senator Susan Collins, Republican of Maine and chairwoman of 
the Senate homeland security committee, and Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut, the ranking 
Democrat on the committee, introduced legislation to replace the existing review 
committee with a new committee that would be headed by the secretary of homeland 
security and include a special role for the director of national intelligence. 

Their bill would require the new committee to brief members of Congress on 
its work and would mandate closer scrutiny of acquirers owned by foreign 
governments. DP World, the company that had sought to acquire port terminals in 
the United States, is owned by the ruler of Dubai, in the United Arab 
Other Republican proposals adopt similar approaches. The Senate banking 
committee has jurisdiction over the existing review panel, which is led by the 
treasury, and the banking committee's chairman, Senator Richard C. Shelby of Alabama, is working on a proposal 
that would make the defense secretary co-chairman of the existing review panel 
and give Congress the chance to vote down any deals. 
Mr. Snow, however, said Tuesday that national security was already the "top 
priority" and "only consideration" for the current review panel. The 
administration favored "further integration of national and homeland security 
interests" and expanding "notification of decisions" to Congress. But he 
stressed the importance of preserving the independence of the committee and 
protecting the confidentiality of proprietary information that companies share 
during the review.
Uncertainty "could chill investment," Mr. Snow said. "Clearly economic isolationism is not the way 
to go, as it would threaten opportunity and prosperity for Americans and 
billions of people all over the world."
Separately, former President Bill Clinton, at a news conference in Harlem, answered 
questions about his role in the ports deal. He said news reports that he had 
worked to support approval of the deal were "not true," and said that he shared 
the views of his wife, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, that the United States should 
block the takeover. 
Mrs. Clinton co-sponsored legislation that would prevent the acquisition of 
any port operations by companies that are owned by foreign governments. She also 
called for a more thorough review of the DP World deal and repeatedly inveighed 
against the security threat that the takeover might represent.
But Mr. Clinton also confirmed that he had advised Dubai on the modernization 
of its economy and that he had given some advice to the country about how to 
respond to the uproar over the deal.
"I had one phone conversation with them, in which I said I thought there 
would be enormous public opposition and I couldn't understand why 

Re: [cia-drugs] Barry and the Boys

2006-03-15 Thread Jim Rarey
Read "Clinton, Bush and the CIA by Terry Reed..

Terry was a pilot for the CIA and spent some time with Barry Seal.

- Original Message - 
From: "jemabri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2006 4:41 PM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Barry and the Boys

>I recently read Barry and the boy's and was trully astonished my some
> of the implications in the book, by no stretch of the imagination do I
> find  some of the info completely unlikely. However I am a complete
> novice when it comes to this subject and I wanted to read up on some
> of the specifics in this book. I understand the suggestions that he is
> alluding to but wanted to check some of the facts. Does anyone have
> any suggestions on where to find refrence material about details in
> the book?
> The help would mean alot to me some of the insinuations hit very close
> to home!
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> OM
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[cia-drugs] Dubai Firm Verifies Plan On U.S. Ports

2006-03-15 Thread Jim Rarey

" the most 
likely bidders are expected to be private equity 
firms " Can you say Carlyle Group? 



March 16, 2006

Dubai Firm Verifies Plan On U.S. Ports 


WASHINGTON, March 15 — The Dubai-owned company that acquired several port 
terminals in major East Coast cities confirmed Wednesday that it would sell 
those operations to an unrelated American buyer, ending speculation about the 
ambiguity in its previous statements that it would "transfer" the terminals to a 
"U.S. entity."
Congressional critics of the acquisition said the company's statement 
appeared to end the matter.
"It now seems clear that this deal has finally been scuttled," said Senator 
Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York, who helped 
lead the charge against the deal. "This announcement, once it is fulfilled, is 
exactly what we've been asking for." 
The company, DP World, said in a statement that it expected to complete the 
sale in four to six months. The company said it has begun preparing financial 
information about the terminals and soliciting bids. The North American 
operations are valued at about $700 million. 
DP World last week closed its acquisition of the British company P & O 
Group, which ran some of the terminal operations in in New York, Newark, 
Baltimore, Philadelphia, Miami and New Orleans. DP World said it would operate 
the United States terminals through a special independent holding company until 
it spun them off to a new owner.
The company, which is owned by the ruler of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, made its announcement as the 
House of Representatives voted 377 to 38 to retain a block on the American part 
of the P & O acquisition in a bill expected to be approved by the chamber on 
Critics of the planned operation of the terminals by DP World had continued 
to attack it even after the company announced a "transfer." They argued that the 
company's initial wording left open the possibility that it might seek to 
transfer the terminals to a related entity or an American subsidiary rather than 
divest fully. 
DP World said it had retained Deutsche 
Bank and the law firm Sullivan & Cromwell to handle the 
sale. The Washington law firm Alston & Bird will handle any lobbying and 
regulatory matters. 
Because there are few major terminal operators based in the United States, 
the most likely bidders are expected to be 
private equity firms    who would 
seek to profit by reselling the terminals within a few 

  Copyright 2006The New York Times Company 

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