[cia-drugs] Did the U.S. invent al-Qaeda boss Zarqawi?

2006-05-03 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


Did the U.S. 
invent al-Qaeda boss Zarqawi? 

By Joe Baker, Senior Editor 


Is Abu Musab al-Zarqawi the big al-Qaeda 
bogeyman the Bush administration has made him out to be? He has been labeled the 
mastermind behind the resistance in Iraq and responsible for massacring 
civilians there. 
But there is reason to believe that may all be a bunch of hype and 
disinformation planted by the administration. Western media, according to 
Professor Michel Chossudovsky, editor of Global Research.ca, have consistently 
depicted Zarqawi as a brutal terrorist, but said nothing about the Pentagon’s 
disinformation campaign, which has been known and documented since 2002. 
The Washington Post recently published that the role of Zarqawi has 
been deliberately “magnified” by the Pentagon in an attempt to gain support for 
the “war on terror.” Chossudovsky said: “The Zarqawi campaign is discussed in 
several of the internal military documents. ‘Villainize Zarqawi/leverage 
xenophobia response,’ one military briefing from 2004 stated. It listed three 
methods: ‘media operations,’ ‘Special Ops (626),’ (a reference to Task Force 
626, an elite U.S. military unit assigned primarily to hunt in Iraq for senior 
officials in Hussein’s government) and ‘PSYOP,’ the U.S. military term for 
propaganda work.” 
The Post reported the military propaganda program has “largely been 
aimed at Iraqis, but seems to have spilled over into the U.S. media. One 
briefing slide about U.S. “strategic communications” in Iraq, prepared for Army 
Gen. George W. Casey Jr., the top U.S. commander in Iraq, describes the “home 
audience” as one of six major targets of the American side of the war.” 
Also, an internal document produced by U.S. military headquarters in Iraq, 
says “the Zarqawi PSYOP program is the most successful information campaign to 
The senior commander and senior planner at the U.S. Central Command, 
responsible for operations in Iraq and the Mideast, Gen. Mark T. Kimmitt, said: 
“There was clearly an information campaign to raise the public awareness of who 
Zarqawi was, primarily for the Iraqi audience, but also with the international 
Officers familiar with the program said one of its goals was to create a 
split in the resistance by stressing Zarqawi’s terrorist acts and foreign 
origin. He was to be painted as representing terrorism in Iraq, foreign fighters 
and the reason for the suffering of the Iraqi people. 
U.S. propaganda efforts in Iraq in 2004 cost $24 million, but much of that 
went for construction of offices and housing for the troops involved, and for 
radio broadcasts and thousands of leaflets bearing Zarqawi’s face. 
An officer informed about the program said it was run concurrently with a 
related operation “led by the Lincoln Group, a U.S. consulting firm.” The 
Washington Post, in its April 10 edition, asserted there is no relationship 
between the Pentagon’s PSYOP program and the one run by the Lincoln Group on the 
Pentagon’s behalf. 
And just who is the Lincoln Group? Its Web site says it is a 
telecommunications and public relations consulting company. It has recently been 
under investigation for planting fake news stories in Iraqi newspapers, 
according to SourceWatch. The executive vice president of the group is Christian 
Bailey, who, until 1998, was Christian Jozefowicz. He changed his name in that 
He formed a partnership with Paige Craig, a former U.S. Marine intelligence 
officer with service in Iraq. Early in 2003, Bailey formed a Lincoln subsidiary, 
the Lincoln Alliance Corp., which said it offered “tailored intelligence 
services [for] government clients faced with intelligence challenges.” 
Bailey then organized another subsidiary, Iraqex, which was awarded a $6 
million Pentagon contract to begin “an aggressive advertising and PR campaign 
that will accurately inform the Iraqi people of the coalition’s goals and gain 
their support.” 
In 2004-2005, Bailey was a member of Lead 21, an organization linking 
business and politics. He served as New York City co-chairman for the Republican 
National Convention/U.S. presidential election, 2004. Bailey was a founding 
member of Lead 21. 
In fall 2004, he entered a partnership with the Rendon Group, another U.S. 
public relations group that was a key player in promoting Ahmed Chalabi and his 
Iraqi National Congress, the source of much of the disinformation about the Iraq 
war and the Hussein regime. 
The U.S. media have made Zarqawi responsible for the resistance in Fallujah, 
Tal Afar and Samarra. He is held accountable for the Amman hotel bombings and 
the terrorist attacks in several Western capitals. The Washington Post 
places him squarely behind the suicide bombers. 
Internal military documents leaked to The Washington Post confirm the 
Pentagon is involved in a continuing propaganda campaign that tries to give a 
face to th

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2006-05-03 Thread roadsend


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Copyright February 2005 Charles Savoie

“Moore has the fastest financial mind in existence. He can take a complex financial problem and do it in his head without drawing a breath while talking.”

This was spoken by second-generation Pilgrim Society member Walter Bigelow Wriston, chairman of Citibank-Citicorp, 1970-1984, about Pilgrim Society member George Stevens Moore, his predecessor as chairman of the huge bank. The quotation appeared in Fortune, January 1976, page 123. At that time Citicorp had branches in 104 countries. Moore was a director of Credit Suisse White Weld, and of the Harriman-Rockefeller Union Pacific Railroad. Wriston was a director of General Electric; Rand Corporation; Chubb Corporation (insurance); United Meridian Corporation; Fremont Group; York International; ICOS Corporation; AEA Investors; Sequoia Ventures and others. Wriston’s father, who was president of Brown University from 1937-1955, was a trustee of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1943-1954, and president of the Pilgrim Society run Council on Foreign Relations, 1953-1964. I would have no definite way to establish membership of any of these three in The Pilgrims, save for the leaked 1969 list! Two of the biggest bankers on planet earth were important enough to hold membership in this organization, and it was too blasted secret for the public to know about! And we know how these megabankers detest metallic money, since they cannot create it!

There is far more to be detailed about The Pilgrims---London and New York, than can be done in 2 dozen lengthy articles. However it won’t take so long to examine the most relevant points. If you read the first two articles, you understand that The Pilgrim Society came about as an alliance of big monopolistic rich in the United States and Great Britain. The driving force for the creation of the Society appears to be the British Crown. If you saw “Braveheart” (1995) by Mel Gibson, you saw the King of England reaching out to powerful nobles to make secret alliances with them. England used to own the American Colonies. The fact is it has never given up a disgusting dream of bringing us back under Crown rule. The world is currently locked in a struggle between the forces of “created” money issued by central banks, and a movement to return to the use of true money---gold and silver. The Pilgrims surely own huge amounts of physical gold and in the case of Warren Buffet---very likely a member---physical silver, so that no matter which way the outcome goes, they expect to dominate.

The industrial base of the United States has suffered tremendous erosion especially since 1990. China is becoming the new powerhouse in terms of manufacturing capacity. But this is largely due to low labor costs. I suggest that the industrial and financial decline of the United States represents no decline in the wealth and power of members of the Society. Since they wish to abolish all borders, their assets are everywhere. My belief is that Chinese leadership is under direct covert control from New York and London; or, there is a cooperation taking place. The British exploited China for centuries and their desire to maintain control never ends. Baron Beresford, Admiral Charles William de la Poer Beresford (born 1846), a founder of The Pilgrims and close personal friend of King Edward VII (2002 book, page 14), who bombarded Alexandria, Egypt in 1882, authored “The Break-up of China” (1899). His brother, who attended a prep school appropriately located in Stabbington, England, was Military Attaché at the British Embassy in Saint Petersburg, Russia, 1898-1903. The financial powers whose base originated in North America joined the British Empire plan before the founding of the Society. Members of The Pilgrims have been active since the very beginning first in bringing the Bolsheviks to power in Russia, in the formation of the U.S.S.R., in its industrial development and its break-up, and in the transition of China first to Communist rule, now mutating into a semi-capitalistic state. Below, Pilgrim Society member William A. Hewitt, who married into the Deere fortune (chairman Deere & Company, heavy agricultural machinery), who had close ties to the governments of both the Soviet Union and Red China in that he was a director of both the U.S.-U.S.S.R. Trade & Economic Council and the National Council for U.S.-China Trade---

--cont--- at site


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