[cia-drugs] Fw: Passing On As Received

2006-05-06 Thread Jim Rarey
Title: Message

- Original Message - 
From: Dorothy 
Subject: Fw: Passing On As Received

like to add, "amen" and well worded.
Me too, Jim
Subject: Thoughts on 
Immigration from a Teacher's Husband  

Passing on as 
Something You Won't Read About In the Papers During the Immigration 
As you all listen to 
the news about the student protests over illegal immigration there are some 
things that you should be aware of.
My wife is in charge 
of the English-as-a-second-language department at large southern California high school 
which is designated a Title 1 school, meaning that its students average lower 
socio-economic and income levels. Most of the schools you are hearing about 
South Gate High, Bell Gardens, Huntington Park, etc., 
where these students are protesting are also Title 1 schools.
My wife tells me that 
100% of the students in her school and other Title 1 schools are on the free 
breakfast, free lunch program. When I say free breakfast I' m not talking a 
glass of milk and roll... but a full breakfast and cereal bar with fruits and 
juices that would make a Marriott proud. The waste of this food is monumental, 
with trays and trays of it being dumped in the trash uneaten. She estimates that 
well over 50% of these students are obese or at least moderately overweight. 
About 75% or more DO have cell phones.
The school also 
provides day care centers for the unwed teenage pregnant girls (some as young as 
13) so they can attend class without the inconvenience of having to arrange for 
babysitters or having family watch their kids.
She was ordered to 
spend $700,000 on her department or risk losing funding for the upcoming year 
even though there was little need for anything; her budget was already 
substantial. She ended up buying new computers for their computer learning 
center. Half of which, one month later, have been carved with graffiti by the 
appreciative students who obviously feel humbled and grateful to have a free 
education in America.
She has had to 
intervene several times for young and substitute teachers whose classes consist 
of many illegal immigrant students here in the country less then 3 months who 
raised so much hell with the female teachers, calling them "Putas"--whores--and 
throwing things that the teachers were in tears.
Free medical, free 
education, free food, day care etc.. etc.. etc.. Is itany wonder they feel 
entitled to not only be in this country but to demand rights, privileges and 
To my 
bleeding-heart  liberal friends who want to point out how much these 
illegal immigrants contribute to our society because they LIKE their gardener 
and housekeeper and they like to pay less for tomatoes: spend some time in the 
real world of illegal immigration and see the TRUE costs. Higher insurance, 
Medical facilities closing, higher medical , more crime , lower standards of 
education in our schools , overcrowding, new diseases etc.. etc.. etc.. For 
me--- I 'll pay more for tomatoes.
We need to wake up. 
The guest worker program will be a disaster because we won't have the guts to 
enforce it. Does anyone in their right mind eally 
think they will leave and return voluntarily?
There are many 
hardworking Hispanic/American citizens that contribute to our country and many 
that I consider my true friends. We should encourage and accept those Hispanics 
who have done it the right and legal way. It does, however, have everything to 
do with culture. A third-world culture that does not value education, that 
accepts children getting pregnant and dropping out of school by 15 and that 
refuses to assimilate... and an American culture that has become so weak and 
politically correct that we don't have the will to do anything about 

If this makes your 
blood boil, as it did mine, forward this to everyone you 

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[cia-drugs] UFOs the result of an anomaly "decohered"?

2006-05-06 Thread norgesen

famous researcher Jacques Vallee is trying to reconcile how UFOs can appear some 
while not others at the same time and other seemingly inconsistencies. To 
summarize, he postulates that UFOs (and possibly other paranormal phenomena 
through the ages) are interdimensional psychic in nature. And then by methods 
not understood and for mysterious reasons, they become real solid 
objects.This hypothesis would tie together a lot of loose ends in all 
the UFO reports. I could even tie it to Fred Alan Wolf's Bosoks Project, 
remote-viewing, the Montauk Project, consiousness-engineering, Project Preserve 
Destiny, etc.Following is an excerpt from a rambling e-mail I sent out 
that will give you an introduction. I just finished archiving Vallee's stuff at 
... ... ... ... ...What has always intrigued me regarding UFO sightings is 
that some people seethem "all the time" while others never do. Carl Jung and 
Jacques Valleebelieve they may be a result of some consciousness-based 
phenomena. Hardcore"nuts-and-bolts" researchers tend to quickly dismiss 
this.If only it were that simple. Like everyone else, I wish it were 
that easy todescribe all things that our senses perceive by conventional 
means. But themajority of UFO mass sightings started during the nuclear age 
(1947-). So innearly 60 years, the best minds on the planet haven't come 
close to reproducingthese things (at least, I haven't seen any the last time 
I checked the news orlooked in the sky). That tells me either the technology 
is way, way off fromour manufacturing base and/or the theories are so 
completely new that theywould appear as "magic" (to use a cliche).If 
we assume that things like the Philadelphia Experiment did happen, thenthose 
(to my way of thinking) are what UNITEL's Larry Maurer calls "Macroscopic 
QuantumTunneling (MQT)". A way of making a real-life object baheve as a 
quantum waveand then somehow "decohering" it to force it to pop back into 
the real world.If that is true, then that may "marry" the views of 
Vallee/Jung and the"nuts-and-bolts" types. Both viewpoints would be correct 
in their respectivedomains. Chuck Clark retired to Rachel, Nevada. He has 
made many trips intothe cold desert to photograph secret military exercises. 
He is of the opinionthat UFOs may not necessarily be extraterrestrial (as in 
from another planet)but "inter-dimensional". I thought MQT proposed to use 
these other dimensionsto "teleport" (for lack of a better word) to other 
star systems. But Clarkseems to be referring to existences in other 
dimensions. (I think some ofClark's comments are also in the http://www.stealthskater.com/Documents/WorldReports_1.doc , taken from 
Darlington's"Area-51" book.)Michio Kaku said that with the advent of 
superstring theory, any physicist"worth their salt" was scouring book stores 
for texts on geometry&topology. What I haveseen lately is "conventional" 
physicists doing research into such "taboo" areasas remote-viewing and 
consciousness. Even Robert Bigelow of NIDS pulled backfrom "conventional 
studies" to establish a Chair for Consciousness Studies atUNLV. To me, all 
this is a "red flag". What is attracting the attention of somany 
"mainstreamers" that the rest of us can't see? (You can lump into the mixthe 
recent Air Force studies into information teleportation. Might as 
wellinclude Ray Kramer's "Equation"[ http://www.stealthskater.com/Science.htm#Kramer . And I've seen Navycontracts 
to study the effect of hyperdimensions on consciousness.] Are thesejust 
academic exercises? That would be the Occam Razor's viewpoint and wouldmake 
things simple. But I don't think so.A key question is what causes 
someone to see a UFO and not another person. It's almost as if these 
sightings are dependent upon that person. A skepticwould jump on that and 
say that there is something "goofy" going on inside thatperson's head. A 
medical conditon, drug use, whatever. But that is preciselywhat is said to 
have unlocked abilities that all of us supposedly possess tomake 
remote-viewers out of "ordinary" people.I still think there is a link 
between something that occurs during a nuclearexplosion and UFO sightings. 
There is a persistent rumor that althougheverything about the physics and 
engineering of nuclear weapons is known, thereis a small part of the 
standard Q-clearance that remains secret to everybodyoutside of the loop. 
Couple that with the rumor that it appears to be the DOE(formerly AEC) that 
oversees the UFO material. Can a nuke event (or particlebeam) create some 
sort of dimensisonal rip to allow UFOs to materialize? Oreven form from 
someone-somewhere's consciousness? (The latter would bereminiscent of 
"monsters from the [Krell] ID" of "Forbidden Planet" as well asthe mythical 
Montauk Project which used psychics to drive the massive RF that allegedly 
opened up portals.) It seems more than coincidental th

Re: [cia-drugs] UFOs the result of an anomaly "decohered"?

2006-05-06 Thread Eric Salter
Red flags galore.  Is it a coincidence that the CIA, which was in charge of "managing" the UFO controversy (as demonstrated by Richard Dolan in "UFOs and the National Security State"), also had it's hand in psi research and that this psi theory is put to use to discredit the idea of UFOs as mechanical anti-gravity devices (anti-gravity=zero point energy=free energy) which represent a technology that the CIA's masters on Wall Street would never want openly used?  I'm totally convinced of the reality of psi, but there are so many quality sightings of metallic objects, with humanoids in, around or entering/exiting the craft (see Dolan).  And all the sightings of UFOs leaving a glowing trail of ionization which matches perfectly the characteristics attributed to Victor Schauberger's implosion technology.  Just because an object displays "magic" quantum effects doesn't mean it is not of this dimension.  Additionally, there has been too much progress in understanding anti-gravity in terms of the known and verified zero point energy of the quantum "vacuum" to justify categorizing ALL UFO incidents as some as-yet-unexplained trans-dimensional psychic phenomenon.  Of course, Vallee's catch-all explanation avoids the shattering implications of suppressed technology.  How convenient for someone so well-known.

The suggestion by the author of the email that UFOs should be being produced publicly, at this point, is laughably naive.  Here is an example of what happens when you make a breakthrough in anti-gravity/ZPE technology:  My best friend's father was an engineering graduate student in the mid-50s.  A fellow graduate student invented a device the size of a shoebox that floated in mid-air when turned on.  My friend's father saw this device working in a private demonstration in a professor's office.  The inventor was planning to give a press conference and explain his design when he started to get paranoid and say that people were after him.  He said that if he disappeared it wouldn't be an accident.  He did disappear along with his device and all his notes before the device could be made public.  (Some ZPE inventors believe that functioning devices give off an energy signature that can be traced, which would help explain the capacity for widespread suppression).  Unfortunately, my friend's father has poor recall of names and dates, but other suppression stories abound.  Try "The Coming Energy Revolution" by Jeanne Manning.

Incidentally, Nick Cook (The Hunt for Zero Point) makes a persuasive case that the more sensational stories of Philadelphia Experiment were disinfo, hiding electromagnetic radar cloaking research by T. T. Brown behind a facade of woo-woo bunk, discrediting Brown and his electro-gravitic theories in the process.


On May 6, 2006, at 10:39 AM, norgesen wrote:

The famous researcher Jacques Vallee is trying to reconcile how UFOs can appear some while not others at the same time and other seemingly inconsistencies. To summarize, he postulates that UFOs (and possibly other paranormal phenomena through the ages) are interdimensional psychic in nature. And then by methods not understood and for mysterious reasons, they become real solid objects.

This hypothesis would tie together a lot of loose ends in all the UFO reports. I could even tie it to Fred Alan Wolf's Bosoks Project, remote-viewing, the Montauk Project, consiousness-engineering, Project Preserve Destiny, etc.

Following is an excerpt from a rambling e-mail I sent out that will give you an introduction. I just finished archiving Vallee's stuff at http://www.stealthskater.com/UFO.htm#Vallee
... ... ... ... ... ...
What has always intrigued me regarding UFO sightings is that some people see
them "all the time" while others never do. Carl Jung and Jacques Vallee
believe they may be a result of some consciousness-based phenomena. Hardcore
"nuts-and-bolts" researchers tend to quickly dismiss this.

If only it were that simple. Like everyone else, I wish it were that easy to
describe all things that our senses perceive by conventional means. But the
majority of UFO mass sightings started during the nuclear age (1947-). So in
nearly 60 years, the best minds on the planet haven't come close to reproducing
these things (at least, I haven't seen any the last time I checked the news or
looked in the sky). That tells me either the technology is way, way off from
our manufacturing base and/or the theories are so completely new that they
would appear as "magic" (to use a cliche).

If we assume that things like the Philadelphia Experiment did happen, then
those (to my way of thinking) are what UNITEL's Larry Maurer calls "Macroscopic Quantum
Tunneling (MQT)". A way of making a real-life object baheve as a quantum wave
and then somehow "decohering" it to force it to pop back into the real world.

If that is true, then that may "marry" the views of Vallee/Jung and the
"nuts-and-bolts" types. Both viewpoints wou

[cia-drugs] Russian tycoon Berezovsky held, questioned for 8 hours in Brazil

2006-05-06 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis



  Russian tycoon Berezovsky held, questioned 
  for 8 hours in Brazil



06/ 05/ 

RIO DE JANEIRO, May 6 (RIA Novosti) - Fugitive oligarch Boris Berezovsky was 
detained in Brazil and questioned for eight hours over money laundering 
suspicions, the Russian Consulate General said. 
"Boris Berezovsky was taken off a flight [to London] and invited for 
questioning, in line with a court decision, as a person of interest for 
Brazilian investigating bodies," the Consulate General said. 
Brazilian prosecutors said they suspected Berezovsky, who is wanted in Russia 
on massive embezzlement and fraud charges and has lived in London since 2003, of 
running MSI Ltd. via his agent, Iranian businessman Kia Joorabchian. Sport 
investment agency MSI, the general sponsor of one of Brazil's most popular 
soccer clubs, Corinthians, is suspected of laundering money via football clubs. 

Brazil's financial watchdogs have been monitoring the company on suspicion of 
laundering money since 2005. 
Police could not find Berezovsky at a stadium in Sao Paulo where he was 
reported Thursday night to be watching a match between Corinthians and 
Argentina's River Plate that ended 1:3 and was followed by a major scuffle. But 
he was detained at Sao Paulo's airport next morning. 
Berezovsky was questioned via an interpreter and in the presence of his 
lawyer, and was released eight hours later. 
The Consulate General said Berezovsky was carrying a British passport issued 
in the name of Platon Yelenin. Prosecutors seized two laptops, cell phones, and 
documents as part of the MSI/Corinthians investigation. 
In an interview with Estado de Sao Paulo newspaper in May 2005, Berezovsky 
said he would build a new stadium for the club and an entertainment center for 
concerts, shows, and other events. The newspaper quoted Berezovsky, who said he 
would invest $50 million in the project. 
Russian newspapers said Friday that Berezovsky's business interests in the 
country also extended to the air carrier industry. 
Berezovsky, formerly a co-owner of Russia's leading airline Aeroflot and who 
could still have a stake in air operator Transaero, plans to buy a stake in 
Brazil's largest air carrier, Varig, which is facing bankruptcy, Vedomosti and 
Kommersant business dailies reported. 
Vedomosti said the tycoon had declined to comment, but Varig's press 
secretary had confirmed that Berezovsky had made an offer to buy a share block, 
without giving further details.

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[cia-drugs] Pilot in Black Sea air crash highly experienced - Armavia

2006-05-06 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

with reference to:


  Pilot in Black Sea air crash highly 
  experienced - Armavia



06/ 05/ 

YEREVAN, May 6 (RIA Novosti) - The pilot of an Airbus jet that crashed into 
the Black Sea early Wednesday, killing all the 113 people on board, was one of 
the airline's most experienced pilots, a company representative said Saturday. 
The Russian Emergency Situations Ministry said in the immediate aftermath of 
the crash that stormy weather was the most likely cause of the crash of Armavia 
Airlines' A-320, though other officials indicated that human error was still 
being considered. 
However, Grigory Airapetyan, in charge of Armavia's A-320 Airbus fleet, was 
skeptical of this theory. 
"Forty-year-old Grigory Grigoryan, the pilot of the Airbus A-320 that crashed 
near Sochi, was one of the most experienced on the company's staff," he said. 
Grigoryan had 5,700 hours of pilot flight time to his credit, including 1,200 
hours flying an Airbus, and was one of the company's first pilots to complete a 
training program run by the Swedish air carrier SAS in Stockholm, Airapetyan 
He expressed doubt that human error might have caused the crash. 
"Judging from the evidence available now, this is highly 

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Re: [cia-drugs] Russian tycoon Berezovsky held, questioned for 8 hours in Brazil

2006-05-06 Thread Duncan M. Roads

>From memory, Berezovsky was also referred to as the 'kingmaker' in Russian politics, or the 'grey cardinal'.  He was the guy who selected Putin and groomed him for office.  Imagine his annoyance when Putin turned on him.We have had an excellent UK-based documentary on Berezovsky vs Putin, and I couldn't help but come out favouring and admiring Putin.Anyway, at the very end of the doco we got to see who Berezovky's latest partner was - drum roll - Neil Bush!!The documentary series is all about the many oligarchs that Putin has removed from power in Russia, and is very current.  What the documentary does not say, but is patently clear, is that Putin has been particularly keen to remove Jewish oligarchs from controlling Russian assets or Russian influence.Needless to say, you can expect more anti-Russian sentiment emerging from the UK and the USA.  So far, the worst thing the doco makers could find to throw at Putin, was that he was 'given' a private yacht by someone he favoured.   Berezovsky meanwhile, portrayed as the victim or underdog, is a multibillionaire, confined to parts of Europe, Israel and the UK, is being chased by Russian security, and is shown to be a heartless scammer of investors' money across Russia.  (No wonder Putin kicked him out)DuncanOn 07/05/2006, at 8:15 AM, Vigilius Haufniensis wrote:http://en.rian.ru/world/20060506/47518311.html Russian tycoon Berezovsky held, questioned for 8 hours in Brazil12:19|06/ 05/ 2006RIO DE JANEIRO, May 6 (RIA Novosti) - Fugitive oligarch Boris Berezovsky was detained in Brazil and questioned for eight hours over money laundering suspicions, the Russian Consulate General said."Boris Berezovsky was taken off a flight [to London] and invited for questioning, in line with a court decision, as a person of interest for Brazilian investigating bodies," the Consulate General said.Brazilian prosecutors said they suspected Berezovsky, who is wanted in Russia on massive embezzlement and fraud charges and has lived in London since 2003, of running MSI Ltd. via his agent, Iranian businessman Kia Joorabchian. Sport investment agency MSI, the general sponsor of one of Brazil's most popular soccer clubs, Corinthians, is suspected of laundering money via football clubs.Brazil's financial watchdogs have been monitoring the company on suspicion of laundering money since 2005.Police could not find Berezovsky at a stadium in Sao Paulo where he was reported Thursday night to be watching a match between Corinthians and Argentina's River Plate that ended 1:3 and was followed by a major scuffle. But he was detained at Sao Paulo's airport next morning.Berezovsky was questioned via an interpreter and in the presence of his lawyer, and was released eight hours later.The Consulate General said Berezovsky was carrying a British passport issued in the name of Platon Yelenin. Prosecutors seized two laptops, cell phones, and documents as part of the MSI/Corinthians investigation.In an interview with Estado de Sao Paulo newspaper in May 2005, Berezovsky said he would build a new stadium for the club and an entertainment center for concerts, shows, and other events. The newspaper quoted Berezovsky, who said he would invest $50 million in the project.Russian newspapers said Friday that Berezovsky's business interests in the country also extended to the air carrier industry.Berezovsky, formerly a co-owner of Russia's leading airline Aeroflot and who could still have a stake in air operator Transaero, plans to buy a stake in Brazil's largest air carrier, Varig, which is facing bankruptcy, Vedomosti and Kommersant business dailies reported.Vedomosti said the tycoon had declined to comment, but Varig's press secretary had confirmed that Berezovsky had made an offer to buy a share block, without giving further details.Complete archives at http://www.sitbot.net/Please let us stay on topic and be civil. OMSPONSORED LINKSUnited state bankruptcy court western district of texasUnited state life insuranceUnited state patentUnited state patent searchUnited states patent officeUnited state flagYAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "cia-drugs" on the web.  To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. Duncan M. Roads,  Editor, NEXUS Magazine PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia.    Tel:  07 5442 9280;  Fax:  07 5442 9381 http://www.nexusmagazine.com  "The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means.  On the contrary, the means always determine the end." (Aldous Huxley)  

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Re: [cia-drugs] Russian tycoon Berezovsky held, questioned for 8 hours in Brazil

2006-05-06 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

yeah, and brazil puts the B in BRICS.
where can i get a copy of this documentary?  
whats the title?

  - Original Message - 
  Duncan M. Roads 
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2006 9:32 
  Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Russian tycoon 
  Berezovsky held, questioned for 8 hours in Brazil
  From memory, Berezovsky was also referred to as the 'kingmaker' 
  in Russian politics, or the 'grey cardinal'.  He was the guy who selected 
  Putin and groomed him for office.  Imagine his annoyance when Putin 
  turned on him.
  We have had an excellent UK-based documentary on Berezovsky vs Putin, and 
  I couldn't help but come out favouring and admiring Putin.
  Anyway, at the very end of the doco we got to see who Berezovky's latest 
  partner was - drum roll - Neil Bush!!
  The documentary series is all about the many oligarchs that Putin has 
  removed from power in Russia, and is very current.  What the documentary 
  does not say, but is patently clear, is that Putin has been particularly keen 
  to remove Jewish oligarchs from controlling Russian assets or Russian 
  Needless to say, you can expect more anti-Russian sentiment emerging from 
  the UK and the USA.  So far, the worst thing the doco makers could find 
  to throw at Putin, was that he was 'given' a private yacht by someone he 
  favoured.   Berezovsky meanwhile, portrayed as the victim or 
  underdog, is a multibillionaire, confined to parts of Europe, Israel and the 
  UK, is being chased by Russian security, and is shown to be a heartless 
  scammer of investors' money across Russia.  (No wonder Putin kicked him 
  On 07/05/2006, at 8:15 AM, Vigilius Haufniensis wrote:


tycoon Berezovsky held, questioned for 8 hours in 




  06/ 05/ 

  RIO DE JANEIRO, May 6 (RIA Novosti) - Fugitive oligarch Boris Berezovsky 
  was detained in Brazil and questioned for eight hours over money laundering 
  suspicions, the Russian Consulate General said.
  "Boris Berezovsky was taken off a flight [to London] and invited for 
  questioning, in line with a court decision, as a person of interest for 
  Brazilian investigating bodies," the Consulate General said.
  Brazilian prosecutors said they suspected Berezovsky, who is wanted in 
  Russia on massive embezzlement and fraud charges and has lived in London since 
  2003, of running MSI Ltd. via his agent, Iranian businessman Kia Joorabchian. 
  Sport investment agency MSI, the general sponsor of one of Brazil's most 
  popular soccer clubs, Corinthians, is suspected of laundering money via 
  football clubs.
  Brazil's financial watchdogs have been monitoring the company on suspicion 
  of laundering money since 2005.
  Police could not find Berezovsky at a stadium in Sao Paulo where he was 
  reported Thursday night to be watching a match between Corinthians and 
  Argentina's River Plate that ended 1:3 and was followed by a major scuffle. 
  But he was detained at Sao Paulo's airport next morning.
  Berezovsky was questioned via an interpreter and in the presence of his 
  lawyer, and was released eight hours later.
  The Consulate General said Berezovsky was carrying a British passport 
  issued in the name of Platon Yelenin. Prosecutors seized two laptops, cell 
  phones, and documents as part of the MSI/Corinthians investigation.
  In an interview with Estado de Sao Paulo newspaper in May 2005, Berezovsky 
  said he would build a new stadium for the club and an entertainment center for 
  concerts, shows, and other events. The newspaper quoted Berezovsky, who said 
  he would invest $50 million in the project.
  Russian newspapers said Friday that Berezovsky's business interests in the 
  country also extended to the air carrier industry.
  Berezovsky, formerly a co-owner of Russia's leading airline Aeroflot and 
  who could still have a stake in air operator Transaero, plans to buy a stake 
  in Brazil's largest air carrier, Varig, which is facing bankruptcy, Vedomosti 
  and Kommersant business dailies reported.
  Vedomosti said the tycoon had declined to comment, but Varig's press 
  secretary had confirmed that Berezovsky had made an offer to buy a share 
  block, without giving further details.
  Complete archives at http://www.sitbot.net/Please 
  let us stay on topic and be civil. OM

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2006-05-06 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

with reference to:
Flight recorders of the Armenian airbus can be extracted from the water today, 
ex-Chairman of the Armenian State Administration of Civil Aviation, Chairman of 
the National association of aviation, honored aviator of the USSR, Dmitry 
Adbashyan told reporters. “We know about the location of the flight 
recorders, and their extraction is just a matter of technique,” he said. 
According to Adabashyan, many organizations, first of all, the manufacturer 
of the airbus, French company “Airbus” are interested in the extraction of the 
flight recorders as soon as possible, because it is interested in collecting 
evidences that the reason of the air crash was not a technical malfunction. 
Adabashyan ruled out a possibility of damage of the flight recorders in the 
water. “They are made of a very solid resistant material and capable of 
preserving its parameters up to 1100 degrees centigrade above zero,” the expert 
said. According to him, flight recorders preserve energy and emit signals 
during one month underwater. The flight recorders from the Armenian airbus 
are currently located on the bed of Black Sea at a depth of 680 meters. R.O. 

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[cia-drugs] CDC Says 300,000 Children Have Autism

2006-05-06 Thread Jim Rarey


CDC Says 300,000 Children Have Autism
Number May Be Higher, and Cause Is Not Known (or not wiling to be 
admitted jr)

May 4, 2006 — - Three hundred thousand children. That's how 
many the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports suffer from autism. 
It has remained a baffling and often devastating disorder, and the new numbers 
show how widespread it is.
The CDC reported that 5.7 children out of every thousand -- one in 175 -- 
have the problem. And the total may be higher because many doctors do not 
recognize the early warning signs.
"Many children are not diagnosed with autism until they reach school age. And 
we need to change that," said Dr. Jose Cordero, director of the CDC's National 
Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities.
In two CDC surveys, boys outnumbered girls by four to one. Hispanic children 
seemed to have slightly lower rates of the disorder, though researchers say they 
may have less access to health care and are therefore reported less often.
Babies and toddlers with autism may seem healthy, playing and pointing and 
babbling. Then they may begin to withdraw, sometimes losing what speech they 
have learned, sometimes making repetitive motions, often losing the ability to 
respond to common social cues.
But the first signs can be subtle and easily overlooked by parents.
"Children with autism do show affectionate behavior," said Wendy Stone, a 
child psychologist at Vanderbilt University and the author of "Does My Child 
Have Autism?"
"They can show attachments," she said. "Social behavior is not a pervasive, 
all-or-nothing thing. It's a matter of degree."
That's a critical matter, because specialists say that while there is no 
cure, there are types of behavioral therapy that work best if you start early -- 
and you cannot start early unless you realize there is a problem.
"We do know that early intervention really does make remarkable differences 
in the outcomes for these children," Stone said.
The new report could not say whether autism rates are going up, but many 
doctors and parents believe they are. By the end of the year, researchers hope 
to complete an Atlanta-based study, showing whether there has been an upward 
The CDC, at least for now, did not address the question of what 
causes autism. Researchers generally believe there is a genetic factor -- autism 
does run in families -- but there may be more at work as well. Some advocacy 
groups believe certain preservatives (i.e. mercury jr)in childhood vaccines may 
play a role, and the issue has become highly controversial.
In 2005, a combating autism bill was introduced by members of the Senate and 
House. It would mandate expenditures of $110 million a year for the next five 
years to advance research, screening and treatment. But it has been stalled in 
committee for a year.
"For eight years I've had parents and clinicians coming to me, saying we have 
an epidemic of autism, and many people in government are reluctant to accept 
that," said Rep. Dave Weldon, a Florida Republican who has worked on the issue. 
"I think the prospects for its passing are better, now that the CDC has really, 
finally admitted that we have an epidemic." 

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Re: [cia-drugs] Russian tycoon Berezovsky held, questioned for 8 hours in Brazil

2006-05-06 Thread Duncan M. Roads

yeah I knew someone would ask, sorry, I should have put that in the email.The series is called "Russian Godfathers"Part 1 was all about Berezovsky, and seemed fairly presentedPart 2 was all about Khordokovsky, and portrays him as a nice guy/victim of a terrible corrupt Putin can't wait for the other parts.Did a google search and found the following:http://www.mininova.org/tor/172929http://www.sbs.com.au/whatson/index.php3?id=1236http://www.guardian.co.uk/russia/article/0,,1655229,00.htmlDuncanOn 07/05/2006, at 12:29 PM, Vigilius Haufniensis wrote:yeah, and brazil puts the B in BRICS.where can i get a copy of this documentary?  whats the title?  - Original Message -From: Duncan M. RoadsTo: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.comSent: Saturday, May 06, 2006 9:32 PMSubject: Re: [cia-drugs] Russian tycoon Berezovsky held, questioned for 8 hours in BrazilFrom memory, Berezovsky was also referred to as the 'kingmaker' in Russian politics, or the 'grey cardinal'.  He was the guy who selected Putin and groomed him for office.  Imagine his annoyance when Putin turned on him.We have had an excellent UK-based documentary on Berezovsky vs Putin, and I couldn't help but come out favouring and admiring Putin.Anyway, at the very end of the doco we got to see who Berezovky's latest partner was - drum roll - Neil Bush!!The documentary series is all about the many oligarchs that Putin has removed from power in Russia, and is very current.  What the documentary does not say, but is patently clear, is that Putin has been particularly keen to remove Jewish oligarchs from controlling Russian assets or Russian influence.Needless to say, you can expect more anti-Russian sentiment emerging from the UK and the USA.  So far, the worst thing the doco makers could find to throw at Putin, was that he was 'given' a private yacht by someone he favoured.   Berezovsky meanwhile, portrayed as the victim or underdog, is a multibillionaire, confined to parts of Europe, Israel and the UK, is being chased by Russian security, and is shown to be a heartless scammer of investors' money across Russia.  (No wonder Putin kicked him out)DuncanOn 07/05/2006, at 8:15 AM, Vigilius Haufniensis wrote:http://en.rian.ru/world/20060506/47518311.html Russian tycoon Berezovsky held, questioned for 8 hours in Brazil12:19|06/ 05/ 2006RIO DE JANEIRO, May 6 (RIA Novosti) - Fugitive oligarch Boris Berezovsky was detained in Brazil and questioned for eight hours over money laundering suspicions, the Russian Consulate General said."Boris Berezovsky was taken off a flight [to London] and invited for questioning, in line with a court decision, as a person of interest for Brazilian investigating bodies," the Consulate General said.Brazilian prosecutors said they suspected Berezovsky, who is wanted in Russia on massive embezzlement and fraud charges and has lived in London since 2003, of running MSI Ltd. via his agent, Iranian businessman Kia Joorabchian. Sport investment agency MSI, the general sponsor of one of Brazil's most popular soccer clubs, Corinthians, is suspected of laundering money via football clubs.Brazil's financial watchdogs have been monitoring the company on suspicion of laundering money since 2005.Police could not find Berezovsky at a stadium in Sao Paulo where he was reported Thursday night to be watching a match between Corinthians and Argentina's River Plate that ended 1:3 and was followed by a major scuffle. But he was detained at Sao Paulo's airport next morning.Berezovsky was questioned via an interpreter and in the presence of his lawyer, and was released eight hours later.The Consulate General said Berezovsky was carrying a British passport issued in the name of Platon Yelenin. Prosecutors seized two laptops, cell phones, and documents as part of the MSI/Corinthians investigation.In an interview with Estado de Sao Paulo newspaper in May 2005, Berezovsky said he would build a new stadium for the club and an entertainment center for concerts, shows, and other events. The newspaper quoted Berezovsky, who said he would invest $50 million in the project.Russian newspapers said Friday that Berezovsky's business interests in the country also extended to the air carrier industry.Berezovsky, formerly a co-owner of Russia's leading airline Aeroflot and who could still have a stake in air operator Transaero, plans to buy a stake in Brazil's largest air carrier, Varig, which is facing bankruptcy, Vedomosti and Kommersant business dailies reported.Vedomosti said the tycoon had declined to comment, but Varig's press secretary had confirmed that Berezovsky had made an offer to buy a share block, without giving further details.Complete archives at http://www.sitbot.net/Please let us stay on topic and be civil. OMSPONSORED LINKSUnited state bankruptcy court western district of texasUnited state life insuranceUnited state patentUnited state patent sear

Re: [cia-drugs] CDC Says 300,000 Children Have Autism

2006-05-06 Thread Duncan M. Roads

Ain't it funny how few unvaccinated children get Autism or die from SIDS.I had an email argument with the editor of the Larouche magazine, on why they continue to maintain that vaccines are safe andeffective.The editor told me that she had 'investigated' the issue, and could find no evidence to the contrary.  I asked her to provide me with a listof ANYTHING she had read on the issue, and she dodged the question, repeatedly and finally would not debate it further.  So, all you Larouchie fans out there, this is yet another example of how little research they do on subjects that do not support their agenda.They are in thick with the pharmaceutical industry, which is where the intel heads migrate to when they leave spookdom (so to speak).Another thread that leads back to the theory that Larouche is a Vatican agent or asset - take your pick.DuncanOn 07/05/2006, at 12:06 PM, Jim Rarey wrote:   CDC Says 300,000 Children Have AutismNumber May Be Higher, and Cause Is Not Known (or not wiling to be admitted jr)By NED POTTERMay 4, 2006 — - Three hundred thousand children. That's how many the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports suffer from autism. It has remained a baffling and often devastating disorder, and the new numbers show how widespread it is.The CDC reported that 5.7 children out of every thousand -- one in 175 -- have the problem. And the total may be higher because many doctors do not recognize the early warning signs."Many children are not diagnosed with autism until they reach school age. And we need to change that," said Dr. Jose Cordero, director of the CDC's National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities.In two CDC surveys, boys outnumbered girls by four to one. Hispanic children seemed to have slightly lower rates of the disorder, though researchers say they may have less access to health care and are therefore reported less often.Babies and toddlers with autism may seem healthy, playing and pointing and babbling. Then they may begin to withdraw, sometimes losing what speech they have learned, sometimes making repetitive motions, often losing the ability to respond to common social cues.But the first signs can be subtle and easily overlooked by parents."Children with autism do show affectionate behavior," said Wendy Stone, a child psychologist at Vanderbilt University and the author of "Does My Child Have Autism?""They can show attachments," she said. "Social behavior is not a pervasive, all-or-nothing thing. It's a matter of degree."That's a critical matter, because specialists say that while there is no cure, there are types of behavioral therapy that work best if you start early -- and you cannot start early unless you realize there is a problem."We do know that early intervention really does make remarkable differences in the outcomes for these children," Stone said.The new report could not say whether autism rates are going up, but many doctors and parents believe they are. By the end of the year, researchers hope to complete an Atlanta-based study, showing whether there has been an upward swing.The CDC, at least for now, did not address the question of what causes autism. Researchers generally believe there is a genetic factor -- autism does run in families -- but there may be more at work as well. Some advocacy groups believe certain preservatives (i.e. mercury jr)in childhood vaccines may play a role, and the issue has become highly controversial.In 2005, a combating autism bill was introduced by members of the Senate and House. It would mandate expenditures of $110 million a year for the next five years to advance research, screening and treatment. But it has been stalled in committee for a year."For eight years I've had parents and clinicians coming to me, saying we have an epidemic of autism, and many people in government are reluctant to accept that," said Rep. Dave Weldon, a Florida Republican who has worked on the issue. "I think the prospects for its passing are better, now that the CDC has really, finally admitted that we have an epidemic."Copyright © 2006 ABC News Internet VenturesComplete archives at http://www.sitbot.net/Please let us stay on topic and be civil. OMSPONSORED LINKSUnited state bankruptcy court western district of texasUnited state life insuranceUnited state patentUnited state patent searchUnited states patent officeUnited state flagYAHOO! GROUPS LINKS Visit your group "cia-drugs" on the web.  To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. Duncan M. Roads,  Editor, NEXUS Magazine PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia.    Tel:  07 5442 9280;  Fax:  07 5442 9381 http://www.nexusmagazine.com  "The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means.  On the contrary, the means always determine the end." (Aldous Huxley)  

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[cia-drugs] Ex-MI6 Agent blogsite worth checking out

2006-05-06 Thread Duncan M. Roads
Hi all,Found Richard Tomlinson's new blog site, wherein he is shaming MI6 for his mis-treament.  Some interesting other bits too ...http://www.richardtomlinson.typepad.com/DuncanJohn Scarlett - blood on his hands..John Scarlett is the current head of MI6, colloquially known as "C" but designated internally as "CSS". He sprung to notoriety when, as Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, he published the now infamous and thoroughly discredited "dodgy dossier", which was Britain's legal "justification" for invading Iraq.I knew John Scarlett when I was in the service. He was a serious (even humourless), deadly cautious individual who carefully considered every word of every document that was put in front of him. I remember him also as having a withering disregard for so-called "CX embellishers" - MI6 officers who exaggerated the gravity of their intelligence reports in order to improve their prospects for self-advancement. He would have examined in great detail all of the elements of the so-called dodgy dossier. I have not a shred of doubt that he knew full well that he was lying through his teeth when he signed it off. I can only speculate as to why he signed off such a dishonest document - maybe he was seduced by prospect of possible promotion to CSS, or maybe he just shared the political views of Blair/Bush and abused his privileged position of impartial assessor of intelligence to sate his personal geopolitical whims. EIther way, it is reprehensible that a public servant signed off a document that was so evidently flawed at the time, and has subsequently been proved to be wildy inaccurate.But history shows that as a direct result of his dishonesty and lack of principle, Scarlett was promoted to CSS, many thousands of innocent iraqis are dead or maimed, and over a hundred British servicemen have died. He truly has blood on his hands.Earlier in his career, John Scarlett was H/OS (Head of Operational Security) in MI6, which was his job while I was on trial for attempting to publish my autobiography "The Big Breach". He was therefore the MI6 witness against me. The public gallery had to be cleared before he was allowed to take the stand - such was his "importance". In a hushed voice, to the cowed judge, he pompously and self-importantly claimed that if my autobiography was published, it would "endanger the lives of agents". As a result of his "evidence", I was sentenced to a year in a maximum security prison.Well I succeeded in publishing my autobiography shortly after I got out of prison, and nobody has died or been maimed as a result. That's more than can be said for his publications.Scarlett is a venal liar with blood on his hands.09 April 2006 | Permalink | Comments (0)and thenJohn Scarlett - yep, you really have blood on your hands...You know, the more I think about this issue, the more I consider John Scarlett to be a pivotal element in the illegal and bloody Iraq invasion.I've already explained my firm conviction that Scarlett knew he was lying when he presented his infamous dodgy dossier. But I'd bet a lot of dosh that the dodgy dossier was a pivotal element of the UK Attorney General Lord Goldsmith's as yet unpublished justification that the "war was legal". Why has the Attorney General never published his argument? Hmmm - perhaps 'cos he knows it would be ripped to bits on the blogosphere - and probably even in the media (lol!!!).But it is much easier for a "Lord" to twist and bend his personal integrity if somebody else with as much political clout is also bending rules and integrity to the limit, and can be relied upon to back him up...Then the next day, the head of British Armed Services Sir Admiral Boyce expressed concerns about the legality of the war, which he has reiterated since his retirementSo would Boyce have ordered troops into the war without legal clearance from Goldsmith? I think it is safe to say he would have rightly refused. Would Goldsmith have claimed that invasion was legal under "self-defence" without the outrageous and pathetic "dodgy dossier" from Scarlett? I expect he would have searched for another reason to justify it - but he probably wouldn't have found one, so may have even had to back down over the claim. SInce he won't publish his justification, we have to guess.But I reckon there is a high probability that Britain's entry into the war pivoted on Scarlett's maliciously dishonest and totally unjustifiable "dodgy dossier". And if Britain had not tagged along with them, would the American despots (Bush/Rumsfeld/Rove) have dared start a war?Here is a picture of Scarlett smug in his armour-plated limo in London, alongside a photo of the remains of an unarmoured British Army Land Rover in Iraq after its occupants were killed.And that is just the tip of a bloody, hypocritical, stinking iceberg. If you want to see just a little more of the carnage Scarlett's dishonesty has unleashed on the people of Iraq, look here at this excellent site.Scarlett - I see from the examin

[cia-drugs] Hopsicker Takes Down Goss

2006-05-06 Thread muckblit

Said The Joker To The Thief

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[cia-drugs] Gold-Watching The Watchmen

2006-05-06 Thread muckblit

Porter And The Boys

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Re: [cia-drugs] Ex-MI6 Agent blogsite worth checking out

2006-05-06 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

nice to see you posting again, duncan.

  - Original Message - 
  Duncan M. Roads 
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2006 10:54 
  Subject: [cia-drugs] Ex-MI6 Agent 
  blogsite worth checking out
  Hi all,
  Found Richard Tomlinson's new blog site, wherein 
  he is shaming MI6 for his mis-treament.? Some interesting other bits too 
  John Scarlett - blood on his 
  John Scarlett is the current 
  head of MI6, colloquially known as "C" but designated internally as "CSS". He 
  sprung to notoriety when, as Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, he 
  published the now infamous and thoroughly discredited "dodgy 
  which was Britain's legal "justification" for invading Iraq.
  I knew John Scarlett when I was 
  in the service. He was a serious (even humourless), deadly cautious individual 
  who carefully considered every word of every document that was put in front of 
  him. I remember him also as having a withering disregard for so-called "CX 
  embellishers" - MI6 officers who exaggerated the gravity of their intelligence 
  reports in order to improve their prospects for self-advancement. He would 
  have examined in great detail all of the elements of the so-called dodgy 
  dossier. I have not a shred of doubt that he knew full well that he was lying 
  through his teeth when he signed it off. I can only speculate as to why he 
  signed off such a dishonest document - maybe he was seduced by prospect of 
  possible promotion to CSS, or maybe he just shared the political views of 
  Blair/Bush and abused his privileged position of impartial assessor of 
  intelligence to sate his personal geopolitical whims. EIther way, it is 
  reprehensible that a public servant signed off a document that was so 
  evidently flawed at the time, and has subsequently been proved to be wildy 
  But history shows that as a 
  direct result of his dishonesty and lack of principle, Scarlett was promoted 
  to CSS, many thousands of innocent iraqis are dead or maimed, and over a 
  hundred British servicemen have died. He truly has blood on his 
  Earlier in his career, John 
  Scarlett was H/OS (Head of Operational Security) in MI6, which was his job 
  while I was on trial for attempting to publish my autobiography "The Big 
  Breach". He was therefore the MI6 witness against me. The public gallery had 
  to be cleared before he was allowed to take the stand - such was his 
  "importance". In a hushed voice, to the cowed judge, he pompously and 
  self-importantly claimed that if my autobiography was published, it would 
  "endanger the lives of agents". As a result of his "evidence", I was sentenced 
  to a year in a maximum security prison.
  Well I succeeded in publishing 
  my autobiography shortly after I got out of prison, and nobody has died or 
  been maimed as a result. That's more than can be said for his 
  Scarlett is a venal liar with 
  blood on his hands.
  09 April 2006 | 
  Permalink | Comments 
  and then
  John Scarlett - yep, you 
  really have blood on your hands...
  You know, the more I think 
  about this issue, the more I consider John Scarlett to be a pivotal element in 
  the illegal and bloody Iraq invasion.
  I've already explained my firm 
  conviction that Scarlett knew he was 
  when he presented his infamous dodgy dossier. But I'd bet a lot of dosh that 
  the dodgy dossier was a pivotal element of the UK Attorney General Lord 
  Goldsmith's as yet unpublished justification that the "war was 
  Why has the Attorney General never published his argument? Hmmm - perhaps 'cos 
  he knows it would be ripped to bits on the blogosphere - and probably even in 
  the media (lol!!!).
  But it is much easier for a 
  "Lord" to twist and bend his personal integrity if somebody else with as much 
  political clout is also bending rules and integrity to the limit, and can be 
  relied upon to back him up...
  Then the next day, the head of 
  British Armed Services Sir Admiral Boyce expressed concerns about the legality 
  of the war, which he has reiterated 
  since his retirement
  So would Boyce have ordered 
  troops into the war without legal clearance from Goldsmith? I think it is safe 
  to say he would have rightly refused. Would Goldsmith have claimed that 
  invasion was legal under "self-defence" without the outrageous and pathetic 
  "dodgy dossier" from Scarlett? I expect he would have searched for another 
  reason to justify it - but he probably wouldn't have found one, so may have 
  even had to back down over the claim. SInce he won't publish his 
  justification, we have to guess.
  But I reckon there is a high 
  probability that Britain's entry into the war pivoted on Scarlett's 
  maliciously dishonest and totally unjustifiable "dodgy dossier". And

Re: [cia-drugs] Hopsicker Takes Down Goss

2006-05-06 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

nice to see you again too, bob!

- Original Message - 
From: "muckblit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2006 11:03 PM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Hopsicker Takes Down Goss

Said The Joker To The Thief

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[cia-drugs] Use It Or Lose It

2006-05-06 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis



  It Or Lose It: Auto Capacity 50% 
  Unused and Going, Going, Goneby EIR 
  large assemblage of critical auto-industry capacity whose near-term 
  closing or sell-off has already been announced, is represented in part by 
  the map and table of 64 auto assembly, production, parts and supply 
  complexes on pages 12-14. It comprises 73 million square feet of 
  industrial capacity, much of it richly supplied with machine tools, and 
  with machines of both high precision and flexibility, and large force and 
  lifting capability. Its shutdown will cost 75,000 skilled industrial jobs 
  directly; and through immediate radiating effects on smaller supply plants 
  and machine-tool shops, 300,000 more. What is about to be shut represents, 
  in automobile-industry terms, the capacity to build 2.5 million or more 
  cars and light trucks a year. But in terms of urgent national economic 
  investment, it represents a unique industrial capability to build the 
  United States "a new national infrastructure" of transportation, power, 
  and so forth.
  Interviews with representatives of the engineering and production 
  workforces in the industry make clear, among other things, that this is by 
  no means the full measure of unutilized, "lost" capacity which could be 
  restored. Since about 1985, five jobs have disappeared for every one which 
  remains in a typical auto parts or supply plant; and two jobs have gone 
  for every one that remains in a typical assembly or engine plant. The 
  Lockport, New York Delphi Corporation facility which makes heating and 
  cooling systems—one of the very few not marked for shutdown by 
  Delphi's bankrupt management—serves as an example. Though the complex will 
  apparently remain open, the largest production building at Lockport is 
  completely empty and used only for storage now; two other production 
  buildings operate at 50% and 33% capacity; the machine-tool-making part of 
  the complex has shrunk from 550 to 250 highly skilled employees; and the 
  overall workforce has fallen in 15 years from 11-12,000, to about 3,700 
  now, and still shrinking.
  among some of those plants about to close this year or next: Delphi in 
  Columbus, Ohio employs 845 of what was once a workforce of 5,000; 
  Vandalia, Ohio Delphi electronics has 650 workers of its 1990 total of 
  2,400; General Motors' Pittsburgh Metal Center has 600 remaining of a peak 
  of 3,500 workers; the Ypsilanti, Michigan Visteon parts employed 4,000 
  workers at one time, and now has 700, with 9 of its 12 stamping presses 
  recently unused; and the Adrian, Michigan Delphi plastic injection mold 
  plant, with a legacy of many industrial missions since World War II (see 
  article, p. 24), has 385 workers left of its 1,150 workforce 20 years ago. 
  Among assembly plants, Ford's Hazelwood facility outside St. Louis is 
  typical: It employed 3,000 skilled production workers only 11 years ago; 
  but had shrunk to 1,700 employed when it closed down on March 
  take this highly adaptable unutilized auto sector capacity, and employ it 
  in building a critically needed new national infrastructure under a 
  Federal reorganization; and as many as 2 million Americans would be newly 
  employed, or re-employed in industry—in a nation which has lost 2 
  million industrial jobs in five years.
  Fail to 
  do so, and recent reports show that the majority of this unutilized 
  capacity will have been demolished by 2008. Its rich stock of machine 
  tools will be sold for scrap or "wind up in Mexico" and low-wage 
  outsourcing locations in Asia and South America, where auto firms are 
  "parking" increasing amounts of that machine-tool stock in their 
  globalized operations.
  Capabilities for the Legislation's Purposes
  survey of some examples of closing, and otherwise underutilized, auto 
  capacity shows that not only can it be employed for Federal, 
  general-welfare purposes of construction of vital economic infrastructure: 
  It has been so employed. Older facilities all over Western New York, Ohio, 
  Michigan, Missouri, and elsewhere famously produced aircraft and many 
  other munitions during World War II, as the result of a national 
  "conversion" process proposed by the United Auto Workers' Walter Reuther 
  already at the end of the 1930s. In 1945 Reuther proposed they be 
  reconverted to railroad building and housing construction, through Federal 
  authorities; though this wasn't implemented, many plants continued to 
  convert to make other products 

[cia-drugs] Goss Walks Plank

2006-05-06 Thread muckblit

Titanic Banana Lifeboat full, half with Porter's Lat Am
death-squadders, and half with spanish-speaking refugees from Porter
and the Boys. Since WW2 we refused to let them live anywhere else, so
they must come here now, more and more and more. Especially if Pat
Robertson succeeds in installing General Pinochet in Venezuela! Avast
and abaft, maties.

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[cia-drugs] Local Policing Outsourced

2006-05-06 Thread muckblit

Local police departments across the country cannot compete with
homeland security bull scrip.

Local law enforcement is being pared down to fit a smaller, slower,
dumber and meaner police force, even as we speak.

Homeland Security paid for 40,000 soldiers and cops to referee less
than 5000 New Orleans residents after Hurricane Katrina. Bull scrip
for some, bully script for others. Trickle down the leg economics.
Yellow, amber, red mercenary job alerts drew police away from high
crime areas for a hypocritical show in low-crime parts of DC for days
after 911. The figures are in, HSA bull scrip has re-institutionalized
Prescott Bush's  Hitlerian pageant. Nobody seems to remember that a
Civil War general onc e told us long ago, "now the pageant is over".
It ain't over until the fat Enron lady sings God Bless America.

Do you have your homeland security gig lined up yet? If you're still
not having the Prescott Bush Hitlerian fear tactic bully script, for
lack of Osama's capture and of Iraqi WMD, those little hobgoblins of
small minds, maybe Prescott Bush's, aka "Hitler's Economy", bull scrip
will do you. Past German test audiences rate the law-and-order show

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[cia-drugs] Toronto MMM rally makes national radio news in USA, Canada. Global Marijuana March.

2006-05-06 Thread Eco Man

I heard about the "thousands" at the Toronto, Canada GMM-MMM rally earlier today during the radio news at the top of the hour. During the Art Bell show still going on. Lisa Garr is substituting for Art Bell tonight on Coast to Coast AM, a radio show heard across the USA and Canada. http://www.coasttocoastam.com      Toronto GMM-MMM:http://www.cannabisweek.ca Toronto posters: http://gallery.marihemp.com/2006flyers MMM (Global Million Marijuana March):http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cannabisactionNewsweek, Nov. 14, 2005, page 36:"The most recent evidence comes from autopsies of 44 prisoners who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan in U.S.
 custody. Most died under circumstances that suggest torture. The reports use words like 'strangulation,' 'asphyxiation' and 'blunt force injuries.' ...  A few months before the [Abu Ghraib] scandal broke [spring 2004], Coalition Provisional Authority polls showed Iraqi support at 63 percent. A month after Abu Ghraib, the number was 9 percent. Polls showed that 71 percent of Iraqis were surprised by the revelations." 
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