[cia-drugs] Fwd: Who Owns DC9 'Cocaine One' Airliner?

2006-06-02 Thread Kris Millegan

Begin forwarded message:From: "daniel hopsicker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: June 2, 2006 1:38:41 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Who Owns DC9 'Cocaine One' Airliner? Spooks, Saudis, & Another FAA Cover-up in Florida read the whole story @ www.madcowprod.com/06022006.html   Eight weeks after Mexican soldiers at a rural airport in the Yucatan discovered 5.5 tons of cocaine onboard an American-registered DC9 painted to resemble aircraft from the U.S. Dept of Homeland Security, Mexican and U.S. law enforcement officials seem no closer to publicly identifying the owner of the plane, not to mention the tons of cocaine.  The last registered American owner of the DC9, Frederic Geffon of Royal Sons Inc insisted he bore no responsibility at all for the plane's recent misadventures. In a May 5, 2006 interview with the Tampa Tribune  following up a story they'd run the previous day, Geffon said he sold the plane 10 days before it was seized by Mexican authorities, to a man named Jorge Corrales, who he identified as a Simi Valley, Calif., aircraft broker. But the MadCowMorningNews has learned that there is a problem with Geffon's explanation: The California "aircraft broker" who Geffon says bought the aircraft(N900SA)—for resale to a client identified only as a "Venezuelan company"—does not appear to be in the business of buying and selling planes. The results of our probe into the tangled skein of companies and individuals involved in what has clearly been a continuing operation for at least a decade, we will at long last get a good look at what until now has been the most elusive species on Earth: The American Drug Lords.  -- daniel hopsickerMadCowMorningNewswww.madcowprod.com

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[cia-drugs] Iran's Territorial Disputes with its Caspian Sea Neighbors

2006-06-02 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

For PINR's latest analysis on Iran and its nuclear ambitions, please see: 
"Intelligence Brief: Iran and the U.S. Maneuver 
Carefully Toward Confrontation"http://www.pinr.com/report.php?ac=view_report&report_id=470--Iran's Territorial Disputes with its Caspian Sea 
Neighbors Drafted By: Andrew Katen http://www.pinr.com Vice President Dick 
Cheney's May visit to Kazakhstan and his subsequent criticism of Russia 
spotlight the rebirth of a centuries-old "Great Game" of geopolitical 
maneuvering by outside powers for control of Central Asia. Rather than campaigns 
waged between Russia and Britain for trade routes to India, however, the current 
struggle is for access to Caspian Sea hydrocarbon resources. While a May 8, 2006 
Associated Press article credits Cheney with lambasting Putin for "reversing 
democratic reforms and using energy reserves as blackmail to gain political 
leverage," his comments also served as a warning to other great powers involved 
in Central Asia: the Great Game has a new player. More specifically, Cheney's 
criticism of Russia reflects the tension arising from U.S. attempts to secure 
Kazakhstan's cooperation in the construction of a trans-Caspian oil pipeline 
from Aktau to Baku that would feed into the newly-created (and U.S. supported) 
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline. Such a deal would, in effect, break Russia's oil 
export monopoly in the Caspian Sea region.The United States' entry into 
Central Asia has equally important -- and potentially more dangerous -- 
implications for another veteran player of the Great Game: Iran. Piled on top of 
25 years of hostile diplomatic relations, economic sanctions, recent U.S. 
military action in Iraq and Afghanistan, and threats over a developing nuclear 
research program, U.S. involvement in the Caspian Sea region must be interpreted 
by Tehran as an attempt by Washington to further isolate Iran from the 
international community. Contributing to Iran's worries over U.S. encroachment 
in its backyard are the unresolved issues it shares with the other four Caspian 
littoral states regarding the sea's legal status and how best to divide its 
territory. In July 2001, Iran acted on its frustrations by deploying a 
warship and fighter planes to threaten two Azeri research vessels exploring the 
Araz-Alov-Sharg oilfields on behalf of British Petroleum. Ownership of the south 
Caspian oilfields is a continuing source of dispute between Azerbaijan and Iran. 
The Tehran Times described the presence of research vessels as an 
"imprudent act of Azerbaijan, supported by Britain," and Iran reacted by 
positioning troops along its border with Azerbaijan. While territorial matters 
among northern Caspian Sea states have largely been settled diplomatically, this 
arm-flexing display by Iran indicated that the resolution of similar issues in 
the southern Caspian will continue to be marked by a not-so-delicate balance of 
economic/diplomatic negotiations and military action.The world's largest 
inland body of water, the Caspian Sea is bordered by five states: Russia, 
Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Iran, and Turkmenistan. It sits on top of the world's 
third largest hydrocarbon reserves (projected to hold between 17 and 33 billion 
barrels of oil), as well as up to 325 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. These 
resources are not evenly distributed throughout the sea, however; the majority 
of off-shore oil reserves lie closest to Kazakhstan (the Tengiz and Kashagan 
Fields) and Azerbaijan (the Baku Fields). In addition to hydrocarbons, the 
Caspian has 90 percent of the world's sturgeon and is, therefore, home to the 
caviar industry.Not surprisingly, the three major issues at the root of 
Caspian territorial disputes are hydrocarbon resources, fishing, and the 
international waters used to access and transport them. The Russian 
Empire/Soviet Union and Persia/Iran signed agreements in 1921 and 1940 
recognizing the Caspian Sea as a lake belonging to and divided between them. 
Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, both Russia and Iran wanted this 
agreement to continue despite assertions of independence by the breakaway states 
of Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan. Eager to exploit the natural 
resources off its coast and establish its economic independence from Russia, 
Azerbaijan declared in 1998 that, because the Caspian Sea is an international 
lake, its surface and seabed should be divided along a median line into five 
sectors (the size of which would be determined by each state's respective 
shoreline length). Russia and Iran responded by pointing out that, as a 
member of the Commonwealth of Independent States (C.I.S.), Azerbaijan had agreed 
to observe all treaties and agreements reached by the former Soviet Union. 
Russia and Iran were aware that if the Caspian Sea were divided according to 
Azerbaijan's proposal, their respective territories would neither afford them 
ownership of the majority of Caspian oil n


2006-06-02 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Military Men Who Oppose 
Neo-Con Warmongering Under Attack
By Michael Piper 
For generations, Republicans were strong supporters of the American   military. But now that top military 
men are in open rebellion against thearmchair civilian war hawks—the 
hard-line pro-Israel ideologues who directed President George Bush to order an 
invasion of Iraq and who now want war on Iran—the angriest voices condemning the 
military are from GOP circles.Following the lead of the 
neo-conservatives, who are viewed as fanatics but still dominate the Bush 
administration and key GOP policy groups, many GOP loyalists are declaring war 
on the battle-tested generals, admirals and other military heroes who are 
saying, “Enough is enough.”Although none of the military men have yet 
said “No more wars for Israel,” their rhetoric in writings and public utterances 
says essentially that.Conservatives roundly denounced former Marine Gen. 
Anthony Zinni as an “anti-Semite” for noting that pro-Israel neo-conservatives 
were the driving force behind the Iraq war and that everybody in Washington knew 
it. Zinni knew what he was talking about: he formerly commanded all U.S. forces 
protecting Israel in the Middle East.More recently, another retired 
Marine, Lt. Gen. Greg Newbold, former director of operations for the Joint 
Chiefs of Staff, wrote in Time that the Iraq war was “unnecessary” and that the 
rationale for war by those whom he called “the zealots” made no sense. Newbold’s 
choice of the word “zealots” was loaded. The term arises from the legend of the 
Zealots—an ancient sect of Jewish fanatics.Newbold quit the service four 
months before the Iraq invasion, in part, he said, because he opposed those who 
exploited the 9-11 tragedy “to hijack our security policy”—referring to the 
zealous neo-con fanatics. He added: “Until now, I have resisted speaking 
out in public.” But, he said, “I’ve been silent long enough.” What 
particularly disturbed Newbold’s critics was that he said he was speaking out 
“with the encouragement of some still in positions of military 
leadership.”He also struck out at what he called “the distortion of 
intelligence in the buildup to the war”—a slam at the neo-conservatives and 
their Israeli allies who shoveled up garbage, disguised as “intelligence,” and 
used it to justify the war.Newbold brandished his anger at the armchair 
war hawks, most of whom never served in the military, saying, “the commitment of 
our forces to this fight was done with a casualness and swagger that are the 
special province of those who have never had to execute these missions—or bury 
the results.”Newbold’s statements received much media attention, so the 
neo-cons fired back. Perhaps the most telling attack on the generals 
came from Stephen Herbits, a former top executive of the Seagram liquor empire, 
the fiefdom of World Jewish Congress chief Edgar Bronfman, a major patron of 
Israel.This longtime Bronfman henchman was appointed by Defense 
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to make “heads roll” in the military, screening all 
Pentagon promotions and appointments, implementing the agenda of enforcing 
lockstep Zionist control of the American war machine.EXAMINE THE 
GENERALSWriting in the April 20 edition of the egregiously pro-Israel 
Washington Times, Herbits urged the media to start to investigate 
military leaders who dared to take on the administration.Herbits said it 
would be “a service to this country when the media digs a bit below these 
attacks to examine the generals.” Herbits is obviously calling on spy 
agencies such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a conduit for Israel’s 
Mossad, to come up with “data” on the military men and provide it to the media 
to bring the dissidents into line.But cracking the whip over the entire 
military will be tough. On April 18, David Broder, senior Washington Post 
commentator, revealed that some months ago after he wrote of how Rep. Jack 
Murtha (D-Pa.)—a former Marine colonel who served in Vietnam—had called for U.S. 
withdrawal from Iraq, Broder was contacted by a Pentagon officer who gave his 
name and rank and then said: “This is a private call. I am not 
speaking officially. But I read your column, and I think it is important for you 
to know that Jack Murtha knows us very well and speaks for many of 
us.”This is no secret to those who know official Washington since Murtha 
has been a leading Capitol Hill voice for the military for years. And this is 
what makes pro-Israel Republican attacks on Murtha so disingenuous: they 
paintMurtha as a “pacifist,” “defeatist,” “liberal” ideologue. He is 
anything but that.For its own part, in an April 18 editorial, titled 
“The Generals’ Revolt,” The Washington Post said “the rebellion is 
problematic” and “threatens the essential democratic principle of military 
subordination to civilian control—the more so because a couple of the officers 
claim they are sp

[cia-drugs] FBI File: Bacteriological Warfare in the United States

2006-06-02 Thread norgesen

FBI File: Bacteriological Warfare in the United 
FBI File: Bacteriological Warfare in 
the United Statesexclusive: The Feds prepare for - and deal with threats of 
- biological attack in the US, 1941-1950
Due to the length of the file, it has been divided 
into sections by The Memory Hole. All files are Acrobat/PDF.
Part One (175 pages | 
10.7 meg)
Part Two (175 pages | 
11.9 meg)
Part Three (183 pages | 
8.8 meg)
Part Four (174 pages | 
10 meg)
Right-click to save the file to your hard drive | Mac users: 
Control-click to save
>>> After several years, the FBI has 
released some early portions of its file on biological warfare, BACTERIOLOGICAL 
WARFARE IN THE UNITED STATES. Of all the pages reviewed so far, the FBI has 
released 709 (often heavily redacted) and has declined to release 1,074 pages 
(some of these will be referred to other agencies for review). 
The documents so far are from the years 1941 
through 1950. Further releases are expected.
Related postings: US Army 
Chemical Corps Documents | Air Force Arms Lab 
Reports (Front Matter) 
More info: biological 
warfare at Wikipedia | Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Warfare
note: This material 
was released in paper format by the FBI on 31 October 2005 (parts 1 & 2) and 
5 April 2006 (parts 3 & 4) in response to a Freedom of Information Act 
request 0977600-000 filed in 2003 by researcher Michael Ravnitzky. Specifically, 
the pre-1980 portion of the file BACTERIOLOGICAL WARFARE IN THE UNITED STATES 
was requested.

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[cia-drugs] A New Bio Warfare Arms Race Begins in Maryland

2006-06-02 Thread norgesen

 A New Bio Warfare Arms Race 
Begins in Maryland
Kevin Zeese
May 31, 2006
"You will do well to try to innoculate the Indians 
by means of blanketts, as well as to try every other method that can serve to 
extirpate this execrable race..."- Approval by Lord Gen. Jeffrey Amherst, 
British Commander-in-Chief of America, for Col. H. Bouquet's suppression of 
Pontiac's Rebellion with smallpox laced-blankets, July 1763. The attack 
partially backfired when Bouquet infected his own troops.
The United States has come along way since our British ancestors used small 
pox poisoned blankets as a biological weapon against Indians.  But, sadly, 
biological weapons are still with us - indeed they are becoming a major thrust 
of the U.S. military and a threat to humanity.Ft. Detrick in Frederick, 
MD, just 45 miles away from the nation's capitol, is going through a massive 
expansion into the largest bio-weapons facility in the world.  The federal 
government is installing a 220 acre campus that will bring together numerous 
federal agencies anchored by a massive U.S. Army building - 22 acres in 
size.  The National Interagency Biodefense Campus (NIBC) is likely to 
ignite a bio-weapons arms race. 
Expansion of Bio-Weapons Activity Will Make America, and the World, 
Less Safe
Not only is this a multi-billion dollar misuse of federal funds, but it will 
encourage our adversaries to develop similar programs, lead to the invention of 
new, infectious agents and increase the risk of diversion of U.S. made bio-weapons 
to our adversaries. If the government really want to increase the safety of 
Americans the U.S. would invest in the public health system, strengthen 
international controls and work to remove pathogens from the face of the earth, 
rather than creating new ones.
The only modern bio-weapons attack was the use of anthrax in letters to 
Senators Daschle and Leahy at the time the Patriot Act was being 
considered.  There is no question the anthrax used in this attack was 
produced in the United States and came through Ft. Detrick.  The type of 
anthrax used was the "Ames strain," with a concentration and dispersability of 
one trillion spores per gram - a technology that is only capable of production 
by U.S. scientists. 
It is not surprising that the only bio-weapons attack originated in U.S. 
laboratories.  As advocates Barry Kissin and Richard Ochs point out:
"University of Michigan science historian Susan Wright calls the extent of 
fear of terrorism with biological weapons ‘completely unrealistic.' ‘Heaven only 
knows how they think a terrorist is going to put up a lab and do this stuff 
without being caught,' she said. ‘Labs with ventilation and good scientists 
leave huge footprints.' Milton Leitenberg of the University of Maryland 
demonstrates in his recently published ‘Assessing the Biological Weapons and 
Bioterrorism Threat' that billions of federal expenditures have been 
appropriated in the absence of virtually any threat analysis, and that the risk 
and imminence of the use of biological agents by non-state actors/terrorist 
organizations has been systematically and deliberately exaggerated. It is 
critical to recognize that the only bio-attack in American history, namely the 
anthrax letters of October 2001, almost certainly was generated by our own 
bio-weapons establishment."Now, the U.S. is expanding the number of 
laboratories involved in bio-weapons development by the hundreds, the number of 
individuals involved by the thousands thereby increasing exponentially the 
number of people who have access to these weapons and the risk of diversion of 
the material. The U.S. may end up spending billions of dollars and provide those 
who oppose the United States with weapons they could not produce themselves.
The U.S. is also developing new methods of using bio-weapons.  Attorney 
and Congressional candidate Barry Kissin testified recently that "In May of 2003, 
it was reported that the United States Army has developed and patented a new 
grenade that it says can be used to wage bio-warfare. This is in explicit 
violation of the BTWC, which explicitly prohibits all development of bio-weapons 
delivery devices. US Patent #6,523,478, granted on February 25th 2003, covers a 
‘rifle launched non lethal cargo dispenser' that is designed to deliver 
aerosols, including, according to the patent's claims, ‘crowd control agents, 
biological agents, [and] chemical agents...'"International 
Controls Weakened By the Bush AdministrationThe Biological and Toxin Weapons 
Convention (BTWC) bans the development, production, stockpiling, 
acquisition and retention of microbial or other biological agents or toxins, in 
types and in quantities that have no justification for prophylactic, protective 
or other peaceful purposes. The Convention also bans weapons, equipment or means 
of delivery designed to use such agents or toxins for hostile purposes or in 
armed conflict. The actual use of biological weapons is

[cia-drugs] Who Is Planning World Soccer Terror?

2006-06-02 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis



  Who Is Planning World Soccer Terror?
  Claudio Celani
  potential major terrorist attack in the context of the World Soccer 
  Championship in Germany for months has been the primary issue of concern 
  of German and European police authorities. As the June 9 opening day of 
  the games nears, a new factor has been added to the conventional 
  scenarios: the announced mobilization of neo-Nazi hooligans in support of 
  Iran, as Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made it known that he would 
  like to be present at the games played by his national team.
  introduction of the Iran element makes it obvious for every serious 
  political strategist, that what we are dealing with here, has to do with 
  strategies for world government being cooked up, not in basement hideouts 
  of deranged soccer hooligans, but in sky-high offices in Washington and 
  London. In fact, whereas police forces in Germany are looking for 
  potential terrorist threats at ground level, they should raise their eyes 
  to those who, in this moment, would want a major terrorist incident, for 
  the purpose of building a world dictatorship.
  intersection of two events, the World Cup championship and the arrival in 
  mid-June of the one French and three U.S. naval carrier groups in the 
  Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf, near Iran, provide the muscle for 
  attempting a global coup by the Cheney crowd.
  World Cup Soccer tournament will last from June 9 to July 9, during which 
  period there will be 62 matches in 14 German cities, culminating with the 
  finals game in Berlin. This is perhaps the largest sports event in the 
  world, which takes place every fourth year. It is calculated that millions 
  of fans will travel to Germany, whereas 2 billion will watch it on TV 
  throughout the world.
  Although hooligan violence has become a rather "routine" matter on 
  those occasions in which British, Dutch, German, Italian, Polish, and 
  other radical fan groups come together in a competing national context, 
  this time, a new dimension was added: The Iranian President announced 
  plans to travel to Germany to watch the games involving the national team. 
  This has offered the pretext to neo-Nazi groupings to announce 
  demonstrations and marches in support of "our friend," the "anti-Semitic" 
  Ahmadinejad. A demonstration has been announced for June 17 in Frankfurt, 
  when Iran will play Portugal. In Leipzig, the right-wing NPD (National 
  Democratic Party) will activate itself for the Iran-Angola match, and in 
  Nuremberg for the Iran-Mexico game.
  The NPD 
  mobilization involves not only Iran: A march in Gelsenkirchen has been 
  announced for June 10, to follow the match involving Poland. Polish 
  hooligans are notoriously among the most violent on the soccer scene. The 
  police have prohibited the demonstration.
  Italians have announced a new organization, called "Ultras Italia," which 
  popped up first in 2002, and collects hooligans from the most active, 
  neo-Nazi-dominated fan groupings throughout the country. Italian hooligans 
  have announced special effects for the Italy-U.S.A match, on June 17, in 
  picture will be filled out by the other main actors on the scene: 20,000 
  British hooligans will arrive in Frankfurt June 10 for the 
  England-Paraguay match, for which only 10,000 have tickets. Also, the 
  Dutch hooligans, with Nazi-like orange helmets, the national color, are 
  Although there will be plenty of opportunity for "spontaneous" 
  violence, actions have seemingly been planned by the groups, in a secret 
  meeting in mid-March, at Hitler's birthplace, the town of Braunau, in 
  Planning Meeting
  According to a report published by Italian journalist Paolo 
  Berizzi, in La Repubblica of March 20, about 70 members of 
  neo-Nazi-dominated hooligan organizations met in Braunau to plan violent 
  actions during the World Cup tournament in Germany. "Thus we will set the 
  World Cup on fire," was the headline of the report, quoting from a 
  document, reportedly signed by the participants, which sets the target of 
  disrupting public order through actions aimed against Islamic and other 
  representatives from "the South of the world."
  does it happen that a journalist is invited to a secret meeting to plan 
  terrorist actions? Journalist Berizzi claims he infiltrated the meeting as 
  a member of the Italian hooligan scene. Whatever the truth is, public 

[cia-drugs] IMF confirms John Lipsky as 1st Deputy MD

2006-06-02 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

[GATA] As Goldman Sachs will run Treasury, Morgan Chase will 
run IMF
IMF confirms John Lipsky as 1st Deputy 

WASHINGTON, June 1 (Reuters) - The International Monetary Fund Executive 
Board on Thursday approved the appointment of JP Morgan Vice Chairman John 
Lipsky as First Deputy Managing Director of the IMF.
Lipsky, a U.S. national, will start his five-year term on Sept 1, succeeding 
Anne Krueger who steps down at the end of August.
IMF chief Rodrigo Rado proposed the appointment of Lipsky on May 18, saying 
he would bring to the position "an international reputation in macroeconomics, a 
first rate record in leadership, and outstanding skills as a communicator."
Lipsky, 59, who worked at the IMF for 10 years until 1984, said in a 
statement announcing his appointment that it would be a homecoming to an 
institution he knows well. 

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[cia-drugs] Venezuela mulls switching some oil sales to euros

2006-06-02 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

chavez has done things like this 
before.  trading oil on barter and stuff like that.  heh.  

Venezuela mulls switching 
some oil sales to euros
CARACAS: Venezuela said on Thursday it was considering switching 
some oil sales from dollars to euros to defend against the falling value of the 
US currency. Venezuelan Oil Minister Rafael Ramirez made the comments in 
an interview on local television ahead of an OPEC meeting in Caracas on 
Thursday. “We have been evaluating some transactions in euros and some in 
dollars,” Ramirezsaid. He said Venezuela sells most of its oil to the 
United States but has some sales to Europe and plans to double exports to China. 
Other OPEC members have previously rejected switching away from the dollar, the 
currency in which oil futures are traded in markets in London and New York. 

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[cia-drugs] GATA reception and Grandich dinner seminar at Vancouver conference

2006-06-02 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

- Original Message - 
From: "cxpowell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 2:01 PM
Subject: [GATA] GATA reception and Grandich dinner seminar at Vancouver

2:57p ET Friday, June 2, 2006

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

A couple of events of possible interest to GATA's
friends who are in Vancouver, Canada, or who are
planning to attend Cambridge House's 2006 World
Gold, PGM, and Diamond Investment conference there
on Sunday and Monday, June 11 and 12:

GATA Chairman Bill Murphy will speak at the
conference at 1 p.m. Sunday. From 6 to 8 p.m. that
evening GATA will hold a reception near the
conference hall. There will be a special guest -- 
Adrian Douglas, technical analyst for
LeMetropoleCafe.com's "Midas" reports, who will be
in Vancouver for a day before heading off to speak
at an energy investments conference in Calgary.
There also will be refreshments and hot and cold
snacks for those who can beat GATA's own delegation
to the bar. But admission to the GATA reception
will be by reservation only.

If you'd like to attend, please e-mail me at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for details.

GATA's good friend Peter Grandich of the Grandich
Letter will be holding a dinner seminar right upon
the conclusion of the conference -- at 6 p.m. Monday
at the Terminal City Club, 837 West Hastings St. in
downtown Vancouver. There will be three courses,
including steak and wine. Crosshair Exploration CEO
Mark Morabito will be co-host. Dinner tickets cost
$65 and must be arranged by 4 p.m. Thursday, June
8. No one will be admitted to the Terminal City Club
without a ticket and no tickets will be sold at the
door. To buy tickets, call Michele Reda at Crosshair
Exploration at 604-681-8030 or e-mail her at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Only 50 places
are available, so you may want to reserve early.

Admission to the Vancouver gold show is free IF you
register in advance. You can find out everything about
the conference here:


CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

To subscribe to GATA's dispatches, send an e-mail to:


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Caution: America Online refuses to deliver GATA
dispatches to AOL e-mail boxes.

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[cia-drugs] LaRouche Movement in Germany Distributes Pamphlet Warning of Cheney Terror Strike

2006-06-02 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


image to download pamphlet (PDF)
LaRouche Movement in GermanyDistributes Pamphlet Warning 
ofCheney Terror Strike
June 2, 2006 (EIRNS)—A German political party associated with the ideas 
and programs of Lyndon LaRouche has targetted the German capital Berlin for mass 
distribution of a pamphlet containing LaRouche's warning that the Synarchist 
interests behind Vice President Dick Cheney are desperate enough to attempt 
staging a terror incident around the World Soccer Championship games, which 
begin on June 9 and continue through July 9.
The pamphlet, issued by the Civil Rights Solidarity Movement (Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität, 
BüSo) includes German translations of LaRouche's 
May 24 warning, and also of his recent article "The Empire Versus the 
Nations: Synarchism, Sport, and Iran."

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