[cia-drugs] Memetic Lexicon

2006-06-30 Thread Muck Blit

 Memetic Lexicon


 Criticism of Memetic Totalism by Jaron Lanier

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Re: [cia-drugs] Re: Russian diplomats die in Iraq: murder or execution?

2006-06-30 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
> No one in the Russian government is taking steps because, no doubt,
> Russian elitists at the top levels of the government are in league
> with Bush/Israel. The NWO elitists world wide share the same agenda>
> And China just sits back and smiles

VMANN:  the russian oligarchs are aligned with wall street/israel/mossad. 
putin has been covertyly supporting the insurgency in iraq.  this may have 
been a false flag operation by putin, to justify some hits or some activity 
in the area.
vigilius haufniensis 

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[cia-drugs] STEALING MEXICO: Bush Team Helps Ruling Party "Floridize" Mexican Presidential Election

2006-06-30 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


STEALING MEXICO: Bush Team Helps Ruling Party "Floridize" 
Mexican Presidential Election 
All the target nations for "foreign counterterrorism 
investigation" listed in the FBI's "guidance" memo were Latin and had one thing 
in common, besides a lack of terrorists: each had a left-leaning presidential 
candidate or a left-leaning president in office.Friday, June 30, 2006—GEORGE Bush's operatives 
have plans to jigger with the upcoming elections. I'm not talking about the 
November '06 vote in the USA (though they have plans for that, too). I'm talking 
about the election this Sunday in Mexico for their Presidency. 
It begins with an FBI document marked, "Counterterrorism" and "Foreign 
Intelligence Collection" and "Secret." Date: "9/17/2001," six days after the 
attack on the World Trade towers. It's nice to know the feds got right on the 
ball, if a little late. 
What does this have to do with jiggering Mexico's election? Hold that 
This document is what's called a "guidance" memo for using a private 
contractor to provide databases on dangerous foreigners. Good idea. We know the 
19 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the Persian Gulf Emirates. So 
you'd think the "Intelligence Collection" would be aimed at getting info on the 
guys in the Gulf. 
Not so. When we received the document, we obtained as well its classified 
appendix. The target nations for "foreign counterterrorism investigation" were 
nowhere near the Persian Gulf. Every one was in Latin America -- Argentina, 
Venezuela, Mexico and a handful of others. See one of the documents yourself. 
Latin America?! Was there a terror cell about to cross into San Diego 
with exploding enchiladas? 
All the target nations had one thing in common besides a lack of terrorists: 
each had a left-leaning presidential candidate or a left-leaning president in 
office. In Venezuela, President Hugo Chavez, bete noir of the Bush 
Administration, was facing a recall vote. In Mexico, the anti-Bush Mayor of 
Mexico City, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador was (and is) leading the race for the 
Most provocative is the contractor to whom this no-bid contract was handed: 
ChoicePoint Inc. of Alpharetta, Georgia. ChoicePoint is the database company 
that created a list for Governor Jeb Bush of Florida of voters to scrub from 
voter rolls before the 2000 election. ChoicePoint's list (94,000 names in all) 
contained few felons. Most of those on the list were guilty of no crime except 
Voting While Black. The disenfranchisement of these voters cost Al Gore the 
Having chosen our President for us, our President's men chose ChoicePoint for 
this sweet War on Terror database gathering. The use of the Venezuela's and 
Mexico's voter registry files to fight terror is not visible -- but the use of 
the lists to manipulate elections is as obvious as the make-up on Katherine 
Harris' cheeks. 
In Venezuela, leading up to the August 2004 vote on whether to re-call 
President Chavez, I saw his opposition pouring over the voter rolls in laptops, 
claiming the right to challenge voters as Jeb's crew did to voters in Florida. 
It turns out this operation was partly funded by the International Republican 
Institute of Washington, an arm of the GOP. Where did they get the voter info? 
In that case, access to Venezuela's voter rolls didn't help the 
Republican-assisted drive against Chavez, who won by a crushing plurality. 
In Mexico this Sunday, we can expect to see the same: challenges of Obrador 
voters in a race, the polls say, is too close to call. Not that Mexico's rulers 
need lessons from the Bush Administration on how to mess with elections. 
In 1988, the candidate for Obrador's Party of the Democratic Revolution 
(PDR), who opinion polls showed as a certain winner, somehow came up short 
against the incumbent party of the ruling elite. Some of the electoral tricks 
were far from subtle. In the state of Guerrero, the PDR was leading on official 
tally sheets by 359,369. Oddly, the official final count was 309,202 for the 
ruling party, only182,874 for the PDR. Challenging the vote would have been 
dangerous. Two top officials of Obrador's party were assassinated during the 
Crucial to the surprise victory of the ruling party was the introduction of 
computer voting machines and the centralization of voter databases. Observer 
Andrew Reding of the Council on Hemispheric Affairs reported that ruling party 
operatives had special access codes denied the opposition. 
Whether the US "War on Terror" lists will find a use in Sunday's election, we 
cannot know. But the use of American government resources to interfere in 
south-of-the-border campaigns is an open secret. The GOP's International 
Republican Institute has run training sessions for the PAN youth wing, funded by 
US taxpayers through the "National Endowment for Democracy." 
Foreign -- that is, American -

[cia-drugs] Re: Russian diplomats die in Iraq: murder or execution?

2006-06-30 Thread gritzle70
Well, to me it's a US/Israel black covert ops against the Russians 
to make it appear as if it's the Iraqis.

It's also an attempt to fool the Russian people into believing that 
Muslims and Islam are the enemy; in other words, "get on board with 
the US/Israel/UK."  The "real" enemy is Islam (Iran), not the US.

No one in the Russian government is taking steps because, no doubt, 
Russian elitists at the top levels of the government are in league 
with Bush/Israel. The NWO elitists world wide share the same agenda

And China just sits back and smiles

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "Vigilius Haufniensis" 
> http://en.rian.ru/analysis/20060630/50725145.html
>   Russian diplomats die in Iraq: murder or execution? 
>   15:08 | 30/ 06/ 2006 
> MOSCOW. (RIA Novosti political commentator Boris Kaimakov) - We 
are talking in different idioms-"we" and "they." We think we are a 
civilized community. 
> They think our civilization is a sworn enemy of their ideals and 
world-views, even of their sheer survival. By "them," I mean 
everyone who is ready to die for his ideals and take with him to the 
other world as many innocent lives as he can. They may be Chechen 
and other mojaheddin, religious extremists or Basque separatists. 
Skin color, facial features and religion do not matter. What matters 
are the means they use to get their ends. As they see it, killing 
defenseless hostages is the shortest cut to their goal. We see it as 
murder, they as lawful execution. 
> We Russians saw our kidnapped diplomats were doomed the instant 
the criminals-I don't see any other name for them-advanced their 
demands. Russia's Foreign Ministry was certainly the wrong partner 
for talks on such terms. Now, who would make the right partner in 
the situation? The answer lies in the drama of Budyonnovsk, a small 
town in the steppe of European Russia's south, where Shamil 
Basayev's terrorist gang seized a maternity hospital several years 
ago. Boris Yeltsin, then Russian president, was in hospital having 
therapy, so Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin made chief negotiator 
in the hostage crisis-and went down in history with, "What do you 
want, Basayev?"-the words that opened his talks to rescue the 
patients and doctors. 
> Now, it took not the Kremlin alone, nor the State Duma, the 
Foreign Ministry or the Cabinet but the entire nation to rescue the 
diplomats. Is this remark empty talk? The answer is "yes" and "no" 
at the same time. No one has moved a finger to save four lives. All 
looked with idle curiosity at a "talking head" on their television 
screens as it tried hard to make the impression of knowing something 
too secret to make public. In fact, he did not know anything at all. 
He was not even sure whether the diplomats were alive at the time. 
Now, the four deaths delivered Russia's Foreign Ministry a double 
blow-its pain comes not only from losing colleagues but from the 
haunting awareness of its own helplessness in the tragedy. 
> We all live in glass houses today. The Iraqi bloodshed proves 
that. From time to time, stones are thrown from the most unexpected 
sides. We can come down on the United States to our heart's content 
for headlong action in Iraq, and America can pay back with attacks 
on Russian policies in the North Caucasus. Russia will never give up 
those policies as they reflect our concept of our vital interests. 
Likewise, the U.S. is sure it is working for its own interests in 
the Middle East. 
> A conclusion from it all suggests itself. Politicians and 
professional demagogues may pile as many accusations on each other 
as they like-but Russian and U.S. secret services have to join hands 
as we are strategic partners, whether we like it or not. 
> The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and 
may not necessarily represent those of RIA Novosti.

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[cia-drugs] Narconews. Giordano: And the Winner in Mexico Is... The Zapatista Other Campaign

2006-06-30 Thread Eco Man
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  These are heady times we are living in.
  forwarded message begins-

"Daniel A. Feder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: "Daniel A. Feder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 05:03:16 -0500
Subject: [narconews] Giordano: And the Winner in Mexico Is... The Zapatista 
Other Campaign

June 30, 2006
Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleague,

Mexico's hotly contested presidential election is only two days away. 
In The Narco News Bulletin today, Al Giordano files some final 
predictions and analysis on what might be in store for the country 
after Sunday.

Giordano writes:

"Anything can happen on Sunday, including an attempted electoral 
fraud, as occurred here in 1988. But this time the Mexican people 
will not swallow it. If Mexico's dubious Federal Electoral Institute 
(IFE, in its Spanish initials) tries to repeat that dark history, the 
revolution will begin on Monday. Those in power can't be that stupid. 
Or can they?

"All objective signs - if the vote is to be tabulated fairly and 
accurately - point to a punishing electoral victory by former Mexico 
City Governor Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The big boys - at least 
the domestic ones who seem to believe their own hype that López 
Obrador is a 'leftist' (foreign capitalists are much more sanguine 
about the probability of victory by the candidate with the initials 
AMLO) - have tried everything to stop it. In 2005, they tried to 
remove López Obrador from the ballot with a legal maneuver called the 
desafuero. They only ended up making him stronger. Lately, they've 
attempted an Election of the State to impose a whiney little man 
named Felipe Calderón of the PAN (National Action) party as Fox's 
successor, but this week they were caught red-handed trying to rig 
the voter lists, among other old-style maneuvers, on Calderón's 
behalf. They were undone at each step through a medium known as the 
Internet, which did not exist in Mexico in 1988. They may still 
attempt to impose Calderón on Sunday but your correspondent doubts it 
because, if so, it bears repeating, a revolution will break out on 

"The Mexican business and political elites are left with two other 
possible scenarios to try and stop the unstoppable: The first would 
be a 'surprise' victory by Roberto Madrazo, candidate of the PRI 
(Institutional Revolutionary Party), a man who has trailed the two 
frontrunners all year long according to the polls. Obviously, that 
scenario would be suspected by many as a fabrication and would not 
stand for long.

"The other possible scenario - now being spoken of openly in some 
corners of the Mexican press - would be to 'annul' Sunday's election 
results (there certainly have been enough documented irregularities 
to justify such a maneuver) and install an 'interim president' named 
Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas. That last scenario would fascinate those above, 
since it was Cárdenas who acquiesced to the historic 1988 election 
fraud that robbed him of the presidency then, and who, of late, has 
shown an apparent bitterness that López Obrador, and not he, is his 
party's candidate today. In that scenario, the system would try to 
sell a Cárdenas bait-and-switch as a kind of latent display of 
'justice,' the realization of a long-denied advance, eighteen years 
after the fact. But down below, few would be wowed or impressed by 
any play so cynical and mocking of an electorate's dignity. And there 
is that pesky little force down below and to the left that, seen or 
unseen, would put a stop to it faster than one can say 'national 
rebellion': the Zapatista Other Campaign."

Read the full story in The Narco News Bulletin, including some 
remarkable revelations of electoral crimes on the part of the PAN 
that have gone virtually unreported in the international press:


There will be more coverage of this potential turning point in the 
history of Mexico during the coming days in these pages, so keep 
reading. All eyes seem to be focused above now, but as Giordano 
explains, the deciding force for the country's future is "below and 
to the left."

>From somewhere in a country called América,

Dan Feder
Managing Editor
The Narco News Bulletin

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[cia-drugs] Iranian drone plane buzzes U.S. aircraft carrier in Persian Gulf

2006-06-30 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis



  Iranian drone plane buzzes U.S. aircraft carrier in Persian 



30/ 05/ 

TEHRAN, May 30 (RIA Novosti) - A pilotless Iranian reconnaissance plane 
circled for 25 minutes over a U.S. aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf before 
returning safely to its base, a senior Iranian official said 
Tuesday."Our pilotless reconnaissance plane flew over the USS Ronald 
Reagan in the Persian Gulf unnoticed to the Americans for 25 minutes," the 
official said, according to Iran's Fars agency.He did not say when the 
flight took place, but added that U.S. radars picked up the unmanned aerial 
vehicle after 25 minutes, and that four USAF fighters and two helicopters were 
scrambled to intercept it. However, the Iranian plane had already crossed the 
border back into Iran and landed at its base. "This points to holes in 
the U.S. military reconnaissance systems deployed in the Persian Gulf," the 
Iranian official said. 

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[cia-drugs] Russian diplomats die in Iraq: murder or execution?

2006-06-30 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis



  Russian diplomats die in Iraq: murder or execution?



30/ 06/ 

MOSCOW. (RIA Novosti political commentator Boris Kaimakov) - We are talking 
in different idioms-"we" and "they." We think we are a civilized community. 
They think our civilization is a sworn enemy of their ideals and world-views, 
even of their sheer survival. By "them," I mean everyone who is ready to die for 
his ideals and take with him to the other world as many innocent lives as he 
can. They may be Chechen and other mojaheddin, religious extremists or Basque 
separatists. Skin color, facial features and religion do not matter. What 
matters are the means they use to get their ends. As they see it, killing 
defenseless hostages is the shortest cut to their goal. We see it as murder, 
they as lawful execution. 
We Russians saw our kidnapped diplomats were doomed the instant the 
criminals-I don't see any other name for them-advanced their demands. Russia's 
Foreign Ministry was certainly the wrong partner for talks on such terms. Now, 
who would make the right partner in the situation? The answer lies in the drama 
of Budyonnovsk, a small town in the steppe of European Russia's south, where 
Shamil Basayev's terrorist gang seized a maternity hospital several years ago. 
Boris Yeltsin, then Russian president, was in hospital having therapy, so Prime 
Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin made chief negotiator in the hostage crisis-and 
went down in history with, "What do you want, Basayev?"-the words that opened 
his talks to rescue the patients and doctors. 
Now, it took not the Kremlin alone, nor the State Duma, the Foreign Ministry 
or the Cabinet but the entire nation to rescue the diplomats. Is this remark 
empty talk? The answer is "yes" and "no" at the same time. No one has moved a 
finger to save four lives. All looked with idle curiosity at a "talking head" on 
their television screens as it tried hard to make the impression of knowing 
something too secret to make public. In fact, he did not know anything at all. 
He was not even sure whether the diplomats were alive at the time. Now, the four 
deaths delivered Russia's Foreign Ministry a double blow-its pain comes not only 
from losing colleagues but from the haunting awareness of its own helplessness 
in the tragedy. 
We all live in glass houses today. The Iraqi bloodshed proves that. From time 
to time, stones are thrown from the most unexpected sides. We can come down on 
the United States to our heart's content for headlong action in Iraq, and 
America can pay back with attacks on Russian policies in the North Caucasus. 
Russia will never give up those policies as they reflect our concept of our 
vital interests. Likewise, the U.S. is sure it is working for its own interests 
in the Middle East. 
A conclusion from it all suggests itself. Politicians and professional 
demagogues may pile as many accusations on each other as they like-but Russian 
and U.S. secret services have to join hands as we are strategic partners, 
whether we like it or not. 
The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and may not 
necessarily represent those of RIA Novosti. 


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[cia-drugs] Drug trafficking: geography of death

2006-06-30 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis



  Drug trafficking: geography of death



29/ 06/ 

Drug trafficking means high death and crime rates, and, ultimately, the 
destruction of the genetic fund. Even the most liberal nations acknowledge the 
need to fight drugs, or at least to control drug trafficking because of the 
horrendous damage it causes. 
To address this challenge, in 1987 the UN General Assembly decided to observe 
June 26 as International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking. 

Action against drugs has been effective in several directions, but the 
general trend remains frightening. It is enough to mention that since the start 
of a "counter-terrorist operation" in Afghanistan in 2001, the production of raw 
opium in that country has gone up almost a hundred times. Today, the bulk of 
heroine and morphine in Europe and the CIS is produced from Afghan opium. 
Reports by the UN and other international anti-drug organizations reveal 
"global distribution of labor." Herbal drugs - cannabis and its resin (or 
marijuana and hashish), as well as drugs derived from opium poppy (morphine and 
heroin) travel from the poorest countries in Latin America, South and South-East 
Asia and the Middle East to the prosperous West. More expensive synthetic drugs 
(derivatives of amphetamine, such as ecstasy, and various hallucinogens like 
LSD) are moved in the opposite direction. 
Every region has its own preferences. Marijuana and hashish are very popular 
in Europe. According to the UN data, 44% of Czech school students abuse cannabis 
or its resin. The figures for Ireland, the United Kingdom, France, and 
Switzerland are similar. The situation is better in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the 
Netherlands, Slovakia, and Slovenia - a quarter of students there are regular 
cannabis users. 
Latin American cocaine and Afghan heroin are widely used by European drug 
addicts. Poland, the Netherlands, and Belgium are known for domestically 
produced amphetamines, which are consumed at home or exported to Australia, 
Canada, Japan and South Africa. Cannabis is grown in Albania and the Netherlands 
mostly for the domestic use. 
The situation is different in the United States. The number of marijuana and 
hashish smokers is going down, although cannabis is still the most popular drug. 
But the abuse of psychotropic drugs (tranquilizers, stimulators, and sedatives) 
and methamphetamine is growing. Nearly all the heroin, cannabis, and 
methamphetamine in the U.S. are smuggled from Mexico. 
Central and South America are a major supplier of cocaine and cannabis. It is 
grown in Brazil and Paraguay, and on Jamaica. The coca plant is mostly 
cultivated in Bolivia, Columbia, and Peru. This plant as well as cocaine and 
crack produced from it are sent to the U.S. and Europe. Opium poppy also grows 
in Central America, but it is far behind the Golden Crescent (Afghanistan, 
Pakistan, and Iran), and the Golden Triangle (Myanmar, Thailand, and Laos) in 
the production of opium. 
In East and South-East Asian countries, opium has been traditionally produced 
and consumed on a large scale. Recently, however, they have been exposed to 
"progress" as well. The production of amphetamine is increasing in China and 
Myanmar, and that of methamphetamine in the Republic of Korea. Ecstasy is very 
popular in more developed areas like Hong Kong, Macao, and Japan. 
The start of the anti-terrorist operation in Afghanistan has dealt a serious 
blow to the Asian drug lords - since 2001 it has virtually monopolized the 
market of opiates. 
Heroine for the Unfaithful 
Indicatively, up to the middle of the 1970s, opium poppy was mostly used for 
household purposes in Afghanistan. Dry grass was fed to the cattle, seeds were 
made into soap, and stems into herbal colorants. The communities strictly 
controlled the consumption of opium as a mind-altering drug. The situation 
changed in 1970 when a number of political events upset the fragile balance 
which had existed in Afghanistan since 1929. 
The country became the world's leader in the production and supply of opium 
and heroin to the world market after the Soviet troop withdrawal in the 1990s. 
This change was brought about by the advent to power of the Taliban, which 
controlled 90% of the nation's territory by the end of 1996. During this period, 
the Talibs gave a legal seal to large-scale cultivation of opium poppy, 
production of heroin, and smuggling of opiates. The proceeds replenished their 
The Taliban's contacts with al-Qaeda largely contributed to the expansion of 
heroin production. Al-Qaeda became a bridge that linked heroin-producers and 
drug addicts, who lived far away from each other. A pattern used for 
international opium tra

[cia-drugs] Russia, Paris Club ink deal on pre-term debt repayment

2006-06-30 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis



  Russia, Paris Club ink deal on pre-term debt 



30/ 06/ 

MOSCOW, June 30 (RIA Novosti) - Russia and the Paris Club of creditor nations 
Friday signed a multilateral protocol on pre-term payment of Russia's $21.3 
billion debt. 
Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Storchak signed for the Russian side, while 
French Ambassador to Russia Jean Cadet signed for the Paris Club. 
"We will repay the remaining $21.3 billion of Russia's Paris Club debt as 
early as before the end of August," Storchak said, adding that the remaining 
debt had been restructured in 1996 and 1999. 
Storchak said Russia would thereby save $7.7 billion in interest payments. 
The country's Paris Club debt would otherwise mature in 2012-2020. 
Part of the debt, 52.1%, will be repaid at par value, the other part with a 
fixed interest rate - to Britain, France, and the Netherlands - at market value. 

Russia will pay $22.3 billion, including $21.3 billion as early payment, with 
$700 million as a planned installment on August 20, and $1 billion as a premium 
to Britain, Germany, France, and the Netherlands. Germany, Russia's largest club 
creditor, will receive $700 million of the premium. 
The scheme was agreed with the Paris Club at talks June 15-16 and approved by 
Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov Thursday. 
Storchak said the government was still to issue an additional resolution 
authorizing bilateral agreements with the creditors. 
"These agreements will define specific amounts payable and payment 
timeframes, with the latter to be determined by creditor nations," he said. 
Cadet said the multilateral protocol signed today changed Russia's status in 
the Paris Club, where it became a creditor. 


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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] '[H]oney trap' that made spy of Vassall

2006-06-30 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:From: "Alamaine, IVe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: June 30, 2006 2:44:03 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ctrl] '[H]oney trap' that made spy of VassallReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/this_britain/article1147231.ece30 June 2006 04:41 Home > News > UK > This Britain Secrets revealed of gay 'honey trap' that made spy of Vassall By Cahal Milmo Published: 30 June 2006 Both the brandy and the lighting were unusually strong and it all took place in a restaurant close to the Bolshoi Theatre equipped with a large divan bed. The official account of the gay "honey trap" set by the KGB in 1955 to blackmail a British naval attaché into revealing defence secrets for seven years is revealed for the first time today in government papers.John Vassall, the son of an Anglican vicar who became a junior official in the British embassy in Moscow and subsequently one of the KGB's most useful Cold War spies, was photographed taking part in a gay orgy after he was befriended by a Soviet agent working inside the diplomatic mission as a young man.In return for regular payments, the naval clerk, whose codename was Miss Mary, then passed a succession of classified papers to his KGB minders after he returned to London, including details of British torpedoes and anti-submarine devices, until he was finally arrested at his Westminster flat in September 1962.In a statement provided to Special Branch after officers raided his flat in Dolphin Square, the exclusive Thameside apartment complex favoured by politicians and for several years Princess Anne, Vassall explained how he had become friends with a Russian interpreter, Sigmund Mikhailsky, shortly after he arrived in Moscow in 1954.After three months, Mikhailsky, who was a KGB plant, one night introduced Vassall, then aged 30, to a group of male friends who invited the Briton to join them for dinner in a private room at a restaurant two streets from the Bolshoi Theatre.Vassall said: "We had drinks, a large dinner and I was plied with very strong brandy and after half an hour I remember everybody taking off their jackets and somebody assisted me to take off mine. In one corner there was a large divan."I remember the lighting was very strong and gradually most of my clothes were removed. I remember two or three people getting on to the bed with me, all in a state of undress. Then certain compromising sexual actions took place. I remember someone in the party taking photographs."The documents released at the National Archives in Kew, west London, come from Vassall's Old Bailey trial, which was partly heard behind closed doors to protect state secrets.Vassall was later approached by more KGB agents who threatened him with being stripped of his diplomatic immunity and put on trial for breaking Russian laws banning homosexuality. After giving into the Soviet blackmail, the civil servant led a double life while working at the Ministry of Defence as secretary to a junior minister, Thomas Galbraith, the son of a Scottish peer who eventually successfully sued for libel over claims that he was one of Vassall's lovers.In return for his services, which were suspended in 1961 after the discovery of another Soviet spy ring in London, Vassall was paid by the KGB between £500 and £700 a year (equivalent to £8,000 to £10,000 today) in bundles of £5 notes.The arrest of Vassall following a tip off to MI6 by Soviet defectors embarrassed the government and an inquiry was held into how he had managed to operate undetected for so long. The civil servant was sentenced to 18 years after pleaded guilty to espionage offences under the Official Secrets Act. He died in 1996.For his part, Vassall, who insisted he had no Communist sympathies, told Special Branch that he regretted his actions but insisted he had been trying to avert conflict between the West and the Soviet bloc.Alamaine, IVeGrand Forks, ND, US of A~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"All are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusion is called a philosopher." - Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)Don't ask about caste or riches but instead ask about conduct. Look at the flames of a fire. Where do they come from? From a piece of wood"and it doesn't matter what wood. In the same way, a wise person can come from wood of any sort. It is through firmness and restraint and a sense of truth that one becomes noble, not through caste.  -Sutta Nipata~~~In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.www.ctrl.orgDECLARATION & DISCLAIMER==ctrl is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Proof that Ritual Abuse Exists, LSD case, animals mutilated

2006-06-30 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: June 29, 2006 5:15:22 PM PDTTo: undisclosed-recipients:;Subject: [ctrl] Proof that Ritual Abuse Exists, LSD case, animals mutilatedReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                           Proof that Ritual Abuse Exists - data on ritual abuse is at http://www.morningcomequickly.com/RA%20Proof.htm   San Francisco - Ex-marshal's appeal in LSD case is denied by Bob Egelko, Chronicle Staff Writer 6/27/06 "A federal appeals court, with misgivings, ruled Monday that a former deputy marshal failed to prove he had been drugged with LSD as part of a then-secret CIA mind-control program before trying to hold up a San Francisco bar in 1957." http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/06/27/BAG2FJKN641.DTL&feed=rss.bayarea   fwd from L Moss Sharman describes crimes    Dog, other animals mutilated - Investigators say a religious link is possible Victoria E. Freile 6/28/06 "Several recent animal beheadings in Rochester may be linked to a religious ritual, Humane Society officials believe. Tuesday morning a passerby found three deceased animals --- a mutilated goat and three beheaded chickens --- bundled together in a white sack and left at the corner of North Clinton Avenue and Avenue D. The goat's front legs, head and intestines had been removed. Over the weekend, someone apparently killed a white goat and five chickens and left their beheaded bodies — along with three pennies." http://www.democratandchronicle.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060628/NEWS01/606280405/1002/NEWS&template=printart  

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[cia-drugs] Dump Windows Update, use alternatives

2006-06-30 Thread norgesen

Windows Update, use alternatives By Brian LivingstonThe Internet interprets 
Microsoft as damage and routes around it.My apologies to John 
Gilmore for tweaking his famous 1993 quote about censorship. But the 
above statement just happens to sum up the alternatives Windows users are 
adopting ever since Microsoft's "Windows Genuine Advantage" (WGA) 
debacle.It was only a few weeks ago when the Redmond software giant 
started quietly auto-installing WGA to Windows machines in the U.S., U.K., and a 
few other countries. The code, which qualifies as spyware under any objective 
definition, was programmed to contact Microsoft's servers every 24 hours. Now, 
after hearing from plenty of outraged customers, the company back-pedaled on 
June 27, saying it would release a version that calls home less 
often.That's not really a solution, as I'll explain below. Since that's 
the case, the entire affair has given enormous momentum to third-party products 
that render Microsoft's Windows Update routine completely 
unnecessary.I'll explain in today's article exactly how you can best 
deal with WGA. For those in a hurry, here's a 4-point elevator 
summary:1. Turn off Automatic Updates in the Control Panel. Set 
it to merely notify you of new patches, not auto-install them.2. 
WindizUpdate.com, an independent patch-download system, which I've been 
asked about by many readers, is a flawed alternative to Windows Update that I 
can't recommend.3. By contrast, patch-management software that's 
well-supported, such as Shavlik's NetChkPro, provides an inexpensive and 
reliable solution that far exceeds Windows Update's capabilities.4. 
Once your alternative update mechanism is in place, follow the routine I 
describe below to uninstall WGA and get it out of your system for good.What's so bad about Genuine Advantage? 
My last article, in the June 15 newsletter, flatly declared 
that Windows Genuine Advantage is Microsoft-sponsored spyware. That story 
received the highest reader ranking since we started asking our readers last 
January to vote on our articles (4.4 out of 5.0). We also received almost 200 e-mails, 
far more than we normally get about any single topic. Windows users are highly 
agitated.I've repeatedly heard terms like "furious" and "livid" to 
describe how people felt about Microsoft pushing a piece of marketing spyware 
through the company's sacred mechanism for distributing critical security 
updates. Perhaps the most deeply offended were the outside professionals who 
have defended Microsoft for years against charges that it's an "evil empire." 
Microsoft's abuse of its auto-update system to install an intrusive sales 
gimmick caused a lot of these faithful ones to rail against the idea as though 
personally betrayed.
Without repeating my June 15 article, I'll 
summarize the bottom line: No security-minded company or individual can allow 
a program to stealthily contact a distant server and morph its behavior at 
will. This principle holds just as true for people who think Microsoft is 
the world's greatest corporation as it does for those who deeply distrust the 
company's motives. (The rule obviously doesn't preclude trusted programs with 
specific, known tasks — such as an antivirus utility — from automatically 
downloading new signature files.)Let me emphasize that I'm dead set 
against the mass piracy of software or any other creative work. But Windows 
Genuine Advantage and Windows Product Activation, which WGA is meant to enforce, 
have nothing to do with stopping mass piracy.As I reported in InfoWorld 
Magazine way back on Oct. 22 and Oct. 29, 2001, Microsoft 
deliberately designed Product Activation to be trivial for pirates to 
circumvent. Any fly-by-night business can copy a single file and sell thousands 
of machines that pass Product Activation (although the innocent buyers may have 
trouble validating months or years later).The purpose of Product 
Activation has always been to prevent Mom and Dad from buying a Windows package, 
installing one copy on the parents' PC and another on the kid's PC. Frankly, 
copyright laws for hundreds of years have allowed buyers of copyrighted works to 
make a limited number of copies exclusively for themselves. If you bought an 
music album you liked, you could legally make a copy to play in your car. In the 
U.S., this is known as the "personal use exemption" of the copyright laws or, 
more generically, "fair use."Product Activation isn't aimed at hard-core 
pirates. Instead, it's part of a surprisingly powerful, coordinated effort to 
change the basic nature of copyright so people can't make any personal copies 
whatsoever.The fact that personal-use copies have traditionally been 
permitted under copyright laws is illustrated by, of all things, Microsoft 
Office. The Product Activation scheme in Office has always explicitly allowed 
the buyer to install copies on two different machines. 
Furthermore, Office Update — which uses a patch-download mec