[cia-drugs] Bush Warco Bombs Lebanese Civilians

2006-07-23 Thread muckblit

http://www.asiantribune.com/index.php?q=node/1208UN Human Rights Commissioner warns of war crimes in Lebanon

Sun, 2006-07-23 01:52

By Chris Marsden – World Socialist Web Site  
 The statement by United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Louise Arbour that war crimes may have been committed in the Lebanon conflict was deliberately couched in diplomatic terms.
Arbour took pains to identify both Israel and Hezbollah as
potentially guilty parties. Nevertheless, there was little doubt that
her target was Tel Aviv, and her warning that liability for war crimes
is not restricted to the military, but extends to politicians who
approve their operations was also meant to be heard by Israel's
political backers in Washington and London.
Her reference to the "scale of killings in the region," and "the
supreme obligations to protect civilians" under international law could
only be directed at Israel, given the massive and disproportionate
violence it has meted out.millions throughout the world believe that Israeli Prime Minister
Ehud Olmert, President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony
Blair should face war crimes charges. And Arbour is fully aware of the
outrage and disgust that has been aroused internationally by the
appalling destruction heaped upon the Lebanese people by the Israel
Defence Forces (IDF) with the unconditional backing of the US and
Arbour is in fact acting as friendly counsel, advising the Israeli,
US and British governments that they are setting in motion forces that
are not under their control.
Without at least making such a warning, the stench of hypocrisy that
pervades international politics—when only those who fall foul of
Washington such as Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein face human
rights charges—would be overwhelming.
Israel's actions in the Lebanon
are in clear contravention of the 1949 Geneva Convention. Article 51 of
the First Protocol states, "The civilian population as such, as well as
individual civilians, shall not be the object of attack." Article 52
states, "Attacks shall be limited strictly to military objectives"
As Arbour explained, "Indiscriminate shelling of cities constitutes a foreseeable and unacceptable targeting of civilians.
"Similarly, the bombardment of sites with alleged military
significance, but resulting invariably in the killing of innocent
civilians, is unjustifiable."
Israel has no defence against such charges. Its claim to be
targeting Hezbollah and a supposed infrastructure of terrorism is
obscene, given the scale of its actions against the entire Lebanese
has been subjected to a total sea and air blockade, leaving its
population of 3.5 million unable to seek any refuge from a daily
bombardment by aircraft, tanks and gunboats.
Well over 300 people have been killed and thousands injured—many of them children.
Israel's offensive began with the systematic destruction of Lebanon's
infrastructure, including its only international airport, power plants,
water treatment facilities, roads and bridges. But it was not long
before it began shelling the predominantly Shia neighborhoods in
Beirut, claiming that every house was potentially sheltering Hezbollah
fighters. This is Tel Aviv's pathetic attempt to justify attacks on
civilian targets with claims that they have a "dual use."
Amidst the occasional strike on actual Hezbollah facilities,
thousands of homes have been destroyed in one of the most densely
populated areas of Lebanon. Reporters allowed to visit the area speak of it having been "laid waste" and "pummeled."
One report described how "Eight-or nine-storey buildings had their
façades blown out by blasts; others lean forward as if about to fall.
Sofas, mattresses, toys, books and every personal possession imaginable
litter the streets among chunks of concrete, twisted metal and
blown-out window frames. Electrical cables dangle everywhere. Walking
through it all is treacherous."
On Thursday evening, the Israeli Air Force dropped 23 tons of
explosives on the Bourj al-Barajneh suburb, with two dozen jets using
special burrowing bombs. The explanation offered by Israel was that it
was seeking to kill Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah. This is
merely seeking to justify one war crime with another. Like the US,
Israel has an official policy of assassinating its political opponents.
But this is illegal under international law.
The claim that Israel is targeting Hezbollah has been used to sanction attacks on civilians throughout southern Lebanon—an
offensive that amounts to ethnic cleansing. It is a staggering fact
that official estimates are of 500,000 internally displaced people in
the country, fully a seventh of the entire population.
Israel has now dropped leaflets throughout the area warning
residents to leave their homes as it is going to attack. There are
widespread predictions that a ground invasion is imminent. Once again,
the leaflets are meant as 

[cia-drugs] Secretive Opus Dei honours banker who was cut up with a chainsaw

2006-07-23 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis




Secretive Opus Dei honours banker who 
was cut up with a chainsawJohn 



OPUS DEI, the conservative Catholic 
organisation, has paid a rare and fulsome tribute to Gianmario 
Roveraro, an Italian banker who was found murdered last week, 
chopped into pieces beneath a motorway bridge. 
The statement is as close as the group’s secretive policy allows 
to admitting that the pious financier was a member of the movement. 



The kidnapping of Roveraro, whose remains 
were found on Friday after he was cut up with a chainsaw, has 
intensified the scrutiny of Opus Dei and echoed a scandal over the 
1982 murder of Roberto Calvi, “God’s Banker”, who was found dead 
under Blackfriars Bridge in London. Calvi had had links to Opus Dei 
and was allegedly killed by the Sicilian mafia. 
Opus Dei formally declined to confirm newspaper reports that he 
was a “supernumerary” or member. 
However, Giuseppe Corigliano, its spokesman, said that Roveraro 
had “already received from God the reward for his many virtues”. 
These included “the courage to seek the truth, firmness in living 
the faith, dedication to his family, friends and anyone he came into 
contact with”. 
Members of the organisation, which was portrayed by Dan Brown’s 
bestselling novel The Da Vinci Code as a sinister and conspiratorial 
group within the Catholic church, include Ruth Kelly, the 
communities and local government secretary, and Joaquin 
Navarro-Valls, a former papal spokesman. 
As Roveraro’s three alleged killers were questioned this weekend, 
it emerged that investigators had come close to saving his life 
thanks to a coded reference he had made to his wife, which led 
police to the ringleader. 
The softly spoken Roveraro, 70, who set an Italian record for the 
high jump in his youth, had earlier been questioned over allegations 
of fraud surrounding Parmalat, the food giant. 
According to prosecutors, the alleged ringleader Filippo Botteri, 
43, a financial consultant, is accused of kidnapping Roveraro on 
July 5 after an Opus Dei meeting and killing him. 
Botteri’s motive was money, investigators said. Along with 
Roveraro, he had invested heavily in a supposedly low-risk financial 
deal involving an Austrian firm in 2003. Roveraro had pulled out of 
the transaction in time but Botteri, who had hoped to make a £7m 
profit, lost £1.7m. 
Investigators came close to foiling the kidnappers and perhaps to 
saving Roveraro’s life when he telephoned his wife Silvana 24 hours 
after he was seized. “I’m in Austria, I’m fine, I’ll be back Friday 
or Saturday,” he told her. 
Realising that her husband had never been to Austria for work 
reasons, Silvana told police that the only thing she could think of 
was the Austrian investment that her husband had made, adding that 
he had acted on the advice of Botteri. 
Called in for questioning on July 15, Botteri said he knew 
nothing about Roveraro’s whereabouts but made no secret of his 
hostility towards him. “It’s true I bear Roveraro a big grudge, I 
believe he is responsible for my serious economic problems,” he told 
Botteri allegedly forced Roveraro to give instructions to his 
office to hand over £7m. On July 17 the office received a fax 
bearing his signature and requesting a transfer of shares. 
The signature was the last sign that he was alive. His body was 
found among bushes under a viaduct 20 miles outside Parma, 
half-hidden in a black rubbish bag. It was unrecognisable. He is 
believed to have been murdered a week ago after prosecutors froze 
his assets to stop any payment to the kidnappers. 
Botteri, whom Roveraro first met in the early 1990s, reportedly 
confessed to investigators, telling them: “I lost my head. I know 
he’s dead but I don’t know how it happened. After the kidnapping I 
realised that I wouldn’t manage to get back the money so I killed 


[cia-drugs] Chavez heads to Moscow seeking friends, weapons

2006-07-23 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


Chavez heads to Moscow seeking friends, weapons 

  Published: Sunday, 23 July, 2006, 
12:37 PM Doha Time
MOSCOW: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is 
  travelling to Belarus and Russia as part of a world tour seen by some 
  analysts as having an anti-American slant.In Belarus, a foreign 
  ministry spokesman said Chavez would hold talks with President Alexander 
  Lukashenko, whose ex-Soviet nation Washington has described as Europe’s 
  “last dictatorship”.No kind of “confrontational issues” would be 
  discussed, said the spokesman, Andrei Popov, but the two would discuss 
  co-operation within the Non-Aligned Movement – a group of states that has 
  sought to resist US influence and that includes both Belarus and 
  Venezuela.Belarussian and Venezuelan officials would be examining 
  co-operation in agriculture, machine building and energy, Popov 
  said.Travelling to Russia on Tuesday, Chavez will meet President 
  Vladimir Putin and mark a deal under which Russia will supply 30 Su-30 
  fighter jets and 30 helicopters to Venezuela.The price is over $1bn, 
  Russian Defence Minister Sergei Ivanov said, announcing the deal.The 
  Vedomosti newspaper described it as a “historic” breakthrough in South 
  America for Russia’s arms industry.Russia has seen a resurgence in its 
  arms exports, selling weapons to 61 countries last year for more than 
  $6bn.The Venezuelan leader is due to visit a number of Russian arms 
  factories, notably the Barrikady company in Volgograd, Vedomosti 
  said.Viktor Kremenyuk, an analyst at Moscow’s Institute for US and 
  Canadian Studies, detected an anti-American agenda in Chavez’s tour, 
  particularly his visit to Belarus.“It’s an anti-American basis that 
  brings them (Chavez and Lukashenko) together,” he said.Russia, he 
  said, might see the visit as a way to reassert its independence from the 
  West after successfully hosting a summit of the G8 (Group of Eight) 
  industrialised countries this month.“It’s maybe an attempt... by 
  Russia to demonstrate to what extent it can be flexible and talk to other 
  audiences,” he said. “One day some people in the West may think they’ve 
  had enough of this flexibility.”“Russia has absolutely no strategic 
  interests in that area (South America) at all – maybe only hunting for 
  markets.”Washington has voiced worries about Russian arms sales to 
  Venezuela, having banned arms sales to Caracas by US manufacturers. The 
  United States has complained that Venezuela is not a reliable partner in 
  combating terrorism and that weapons sold to Venezuela could fall into the 
  hands of guerrillas.Venezuela is upset that it cannot get parts to 
  upgrade its US-built F-16 fighter jets and Chavez has said Venezuela could 
  sell the F-16s and replace them with Russian jets.On June 11 Chavez 
  said that his visit could see a deal on building a Kalashnikov assault 
  rifle factory in Venezuela, after the country took delivery of 30,000 such 
  rifles last month, the first shipment of an order of 100,000 agreed last 
  year.A senior official for the Russian arms export agency 
  Rosoboronexport said this month that the company planned to sign a deal to 
  build two Kalashnikov factories in Venezuela. – 

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: Opus Dei, Vatican Bank, $14 Billion Missing,Person of Interest Dismembered

2006-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: July 22, 2006 6:12:06 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Opus Dei, Vatican Bank, $14 Billion "Missing,""Person of Interest" Dismembered  "Roveraro had been questioned over a huge corporatescandal involving Parmalat SpA ..."---http://news.monstersandcritics.com/europe/article_1183229.php/3_held_in_Italian_banker%60s_kidnap-murderMILAN, Italy (UPI) -- Three men have been charged in the murder of a banker after he left a meeting of the conservative Catholic group Opus Dei, Italian media reported Saturday.The men -- financial consultant Filippo Botteri, computer expert Emilio Toscani, and workman Marco Baldi -- were charged with kidnapping banker Gianmario Roveraro, 70, as he was going home from an Opus Dei meeting July 5, and later killing and dismembering him.Roveraro's body was found Friday, chopped into pieces and hidden in a hut beneath a highway overpass about 18 miles from Parma, Italy, news agencies RadioCor and ANSA reported Saturday.The kidnapping and murder are alleged to have stemmed from a failed property transaction in which the Botteri lost a substantial amount of money, the news agencies said.Roveraro had been questioned over a huge corporate scandal involving Parmalat SpA, the now-bankrupt Italian dairy and food corporation, which in 2003 reported a nearly $18 billion hole in its accounting records in one of the biggest corporate scandals in history.Roveraro had close ties with Opus Dei, ANSA said, but police have made no link between his disappearance and the secretive organization.Following the discovery of Roveraro's dismembered body, a spokesman for Opus Dei said: "We want to express our closeness to the upset family.  This death has hit Opus Dei very hard."   -      http://news.independent.co.uk/europe/article1190540.ece Opus Dei Financier Is Found Dismembered Under Bridge By John Phillips in RomePublished: 22 July 2006The badly beaten and mutilated corpse of Gianmario Roveraro, one of Italy's reputedly most pious financiers, was discovered "cut to pieces" under a motorway overpass near Parma yesterday, some two weeks after he was kidnapped while returning home from a meeting of the conservative Roman Catholic group Opus Dei.Three people were arrested on suspicion of the kidnapping and macabre murder of Mr. Roveraro, a banker who had been questioned by investigators in connection with the spectacular ($?)14bn (£9.5bn) collapse of the Parmalat food empire in 2003.He was a founder of Akros Finanziaria, a financial services group, and had helped Parmalat list its stock on the market a decade ago.The killing recalled the murder of Roberto Calvi, the Italian financier known as "God's Banker" for his links to the Vatican, who was found hanged from Blackfriars Bridge in London in 1982.Police suspect Mr Roveraro's kidnapping and murder was related to a business dispute over a ($?)500,000 property deal.The purportedly devout Mr. Roveraro vanished on 5 July on his way from attending an evening meeting of the local Milan branch of Opus Dei, of which he, along with many other top-level Italian financiers, was a member.Despite involvement of some its members in a series of financial scandals, Opus Dei enjoyed favour under the late Pope John Paul II, who elevated it to the privileged status of a "personal prelature" within the Church and controversially gave its Spanish founder, Josemaria Escriva, a "fast track" beatification and then canonisation as a saint.The three arrested men were identified as Emilio Toscani, 43, from Collechio, a storekeeper; Marco Baldi, 50, a native of Bologna; and Mr. Botteri, 43, a financial consultant from Parma.Mr. Botteri was quoted as saying he couldn't recall any more about the murder.  Police suspect Mr. Roveraro may have been killed several days ago.Mr. Toscani led police to the financier's body, cut up into several parts and decomposing in the summer heat, yesterday morning, police sources said.Since 5 July, Mr Roveraro made several telephone calls within 48 hours, to his wife Silvana and to his business assistants who he asked to sell ($?)1m of shares in a family company.  Carabinieri paramilitary police traced the alleged gang by following the signature of public telephone cards used to make calls during ransom negotiations, the sources said.  Mr. Roveraro was one of 64 people under investigation in the Parmalat affair and prosecutors had asked for him to be indicted on charges of belonging to a criminal organisation conspiring in fraudulent bankruptcy.He had been on the board of Parmalat's finance subsidiary from 1990 to 1998.A spokesman for Opus Dei said: "Gianmario is not suffering any more now  and is receiving the reward for what he was -- an intelligent, gentle, noble,  and generous person."   -   "This testimony and the findings of auditors are beginning to tell a story that is much bigger than the tale of a multinational firm that managed 

[cia-drugs] War on Lebanon Planned for at least a Year

2006-07-23 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


War on Lebanon Planned for 
at least a Year The Bush Administration's Grand Strategy 
and the Birth Pangs of Terror 
by juan cole (reposted) Sunday Jul 23rd, 
2006 8:29 AM 

Israeli war planes hit the cities 
of Sidon, south Beirut and Baalbak on Saturday and Israeli ground troops 
fought a hard battle to take over the village of Maroun al-Ras, said to be a 
Hizbullah rocket-launching site. The 
Israeli bombing of Sidon hit a religious complex linked to Hizbullah. The 
BBC reports that 'The UN's Jan Egeland said half a million people needed 
assistance - and the number was likely to increase. One-third of the recent 
Lebanese casualties, he said, appeared to be children. 'Matthew 
Kalman reveals that Israel's wideranging assault on Lebanon has been planned 
in a general way for years, and a specific plan has been in the works for over a 
year. The "Three Week War" was shown to Washington think tanks and officials 
last year on powerpoint by a senior Israeli army officer: 
"More than a year ago, a senior Israeli army 
  officer began giving PowerPoint presentations, on an off-the-record basis, to 
  U.S. and other diplomats, journalists and think tanks, setting out the plan 
  for the current operation in revealing detail." 
The Israelis tend to launch their wars of choice in the 
summer, in part because they know that European and American universities will 
be the primary nodes of popular opposition, and the universities are out in the 
summer. This war has nothing to do with captured Israeli soldiers. It is a 
long-planned war to increase Israel's ascendency over Hizbullah and its patrons. 
But since Hizbullah's short-range katyushas can only hit targets 3-4 
miles away, and were mainly being fired at the occupied Shebaa 
Farms, why worry about it so much? 1. If Hizbullah forced Israel out 
of the Shebaa Farms, it might increase pressure for it to give back the Golan 
Heights, East Jerusalem, and all of the West Bank-- the other territories stolen 
by Israel in 1967. The Israelis have their own Domino Theory, which haunts them 
the way the original haunted Lyndon Johnson-- and just as foolishly.2. 
Some of Hizbullah's missiles might have been able to hit sensitive 
Israeli chemical or nuclear sites, or just cause panic by hitting Israeli 
cities. There was zero likelihood of Hezbollah launching such a strike 
unprovoked. But this capacity formed at least a slight drag on the Israeli 
ability to strike Iran and the Palestinians with impunity. The destruction of 
the Hizbullah arsenal may be the precursor of even more drastic action against 
the Palestinians and perhaps a bombing raid on Iran's nuclear research 
facilities near Isfahan.Israel is a regional superpower, the only 
nuclear power in the Middle East proper, and possessing the most technologically 
advanced military capability and the most professional military. Since Egypt 
opted out of the military struggle for economic reasons and since the US 
invasion broke Iraq's legs, there is no conventional military threat to Israel. 
Israel seeks complete military superiority, for several reasons. One impetus is 
defensive, on the theory that it has to win every contest and can never afford 
to lose even one, given its lack of strategic depth (it is a geographically 
small country with a small population, caught between the Mediterranean and 
potentially hostile neighboring populations). But the defensive reasons are only 
one dimension. There are also offensive considerations. The Right in 
Israel is determined to permanently subjugate the Palestinians and forestall the 
emergence of a Palestinian state. This course of action requires the constant 
exercise of main force against the Palestinians, who resist it, as well as 
threats against Arab or Muslim neighbors who might be tempted to help the 
Palestinians. Thus, Iraq and Iran both had to be punished and weakened. 
Likewise, the Israeli Right has never given up an expansionist ideology. For 
instance, the Israelis have a big interest in the Litani River in south Lebanon. 
If and when the Israeli military and political elite felt they needed to add 
territory by taking it from neighbors, they wished to retain that 
capability.The remaining challenges to complete Israeli military 
superiority and freedom of movement are 1) asymmetrical forces such as Hamas and 
Hizbullah guerrilla cells wielding rockets and 2) the menace of future 
unconventional challenges such as an Iranian nuclear weapon (circa 2016 if in 
fact the Iranians are working on it, which is not proved). Given the alliance of 
Shiite Hizbullah with Shiite Iran, one capability shielded the other. 
That this war was pre-planned was obvious to me from the moment it 
began. The Israeli military proceeded methodically and systematically to destroy 
Lebanon's infrastructure, and clearly had been casing targets for some time. The 
vast majority of these targets were unrelated to