[cia-drugs] Mostly civilian deaths. +4000 Palestinians. +1000 Israelis. Conflict deaths.

2006-07-26 Thread Eco Man

   Please forward widely. West Bank and Gaza. Occupied since the 1967 war. This may be offtopic in some email lists, but I believe the USA is at risk right now.     The rest of the world seems to get this. But not the USA. The hatred engendered by almost 40 years of Arab land being occupied by Isarel is being increased by the unconditional US support for Israel no matter what Israel does, no matter how many civilians that Israel kills in Lebanon, the West Bank, Gaza, etc.. Nothing threatens the USA more than this increasing hatred. 9/11 may just be the tip of the iceberg concerning future terrorism against the USA. It is NOT in the interest of the USA to remain anywhere in the Middle East. Israel has nukes and does not need the USA to defend itself. It only needs US help
 to continue occupation.      Almost 40 years of bloody Israeli occupation paid for with much US help and arms.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli-occupied_territories   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Bank   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_Strip   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel      Check out this counter banner: http://www.stop-us-military-aid-to-israel.net/stop-us-military-aid-to-israel-banner.gif    Number of Palestinian and Israeli conflict deaths since 2000. Most were civilians. For sources and more Mideast casualty counters and banners:   http://www.geocities.com/tents444/counters.htm Past Israeli "peace" proposals offer to remove many of the Israeli settlements on stolen West-Bank land only after decades. In January 2003 Secretary of State Colin Powell said in Switzerland that Israel must offer Palestinians more than a "phony state diced into a thousand different pieces."   http://sf.indymedia.org/news/2003/01/1566490.php"Some 90 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, and its population plunged into new miseries from which more hatred and radicalism will surely boil up." - From July 21, 2006 Australian newspaper article. Number killed in the last few weeks.http://www.smh.com.au/news/editorial/hard-line-begets-a-harder-war/2006/07/21/1153166583148.html -Excerpt from July 24, 2006 Canadian newspaper article begins:- http://www.ganderbeacon.ca/index.cfm?iid=1611&sid=11996 Until now, in spite of the daily rocket attacks on Israel, no Israeli civilians had been killed. The rockets fired by
 Hamas were simply an irritant, which gave Israel an excuse to torment the Palestinians. Every day Palestinians were killed, but everything was par for the course until Israeli soldiers were captured and Israeli civilians were killed. The world never questions the misery and death of Palestinians. Are we surprised Hamas abducted a soldier after the killing of an innocent family having a picnic on a beach in Gaza? And then came overkill, or maybe a better word is barbarism, from Israel. The Israelis killed an innocent family; Hamas captured a soldier. Don’t forget the sequence. No one batted an eyelash when Israeli razed Gaza in retaliation for a captured soldier. Did the Israelis expect to be able to kill Palestinians at will forever? Is it any wonder that finally the unjust nature of the Arab-Israeli situation is echoing around the globe, through the efforts of ordinary individuals? The Israeli excursion into Lebanon is, according
 to the media, in retaliation for the abduction of more Israeli soldiers. This time Hezbollah are the culprits. They attacked Haifa. Wait a minute. Does no one remember why Haifa was attacked? It was after Israeli warplanes savagely bombarded Lebanon for five days leaving 130 civilians dead. Hezbollah says it captured the soldiers in order to secure the release of Lebanese prisoners in Israeli jails. Whatever the reason, they captured soldiers. Soldiers are fair game, Yet now, dead Lebanese women and children and even Canadians on holiday are casualties of war. Their lives are empty of meaning. How is it possible we know the names of every Israeli soldier and the names of their brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles and ignore the Lebanese? Contrary to what the G8 and the press feed us, the actual timeline of events indicates Israel attacked first and also committed the first acts of terrorism. As well as killing the family of seven on the
 beach on June 9, Israel clearly killed 11 Palestinians, including nine civilians, in Gaza on June 13 using a missile strike on a van. Israelis argue there were terrorists in the van and that the civilians just happened to be in the way. If Israel can use that argument, Hamas can claim that its later June 25 killing of two Israeli soldiers and the capturing of another was an attack on legitimate targets in retaliation for the first two Israeli actions. -end of excerpt---     --     Excerpt from this page:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli-occupied_territories      The United Nations Security Council (in Resolution 446, Resolution 465 and Resolution 484, among others), the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention[

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Re: Yo, Mr Roadsend, buy a dictionary

2006-07-26 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:From: "Alamaine, IVe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: July 26, 2006 10:39:09 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ctrl] Re: Yo, Mr Roadsend, buy a dictionaryReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Having been a Foster's "oil can" fan for about two score years (preferring Castlemaine ), having drunk about everything there is in almost every sort of publick house, dive, and swill saloon around the world, the point is not "Puritanicality."   I have yet to contact Carlin or others about copyright infringement on some words and terms and associate usages that I may have invented.  The issue has been and remains that this is a public forum for all kinds of people who have chosen to share articles and opinions with an acceptable standard.  When one reduces one's self to gradeschool playground language to address a point, it defeats the purpose of having a group where adults have been known to congregate.  "Yank" is something that borders on insulting considering its origins and subsequent perversion as applicable to any American, which is probably the point, intended as an insult more than anything else.  I personally associate it with a sharp tug at something, as in "pulling one's chain."  Again, context is the point.  Stalin and Hitler were not "normal" people to serve as examples of anything considering their own personal forms of degeneracy.  Hitler had many sexual quirks and Stalin was an apparent fellow necrophiliac, enjoying killing and death and all that for sport, usually directed against acquired, invented, or presumed foes.  Those who are presumed to be "Nazis" might be merely pointing out the irony of the real legatees to real "Naziism" who use many of the same tactics and strategies once directed against them once upon a time, employing much of the same language and politics of their former foes.It is all about relationships and discerning the consistent threads that exist beyond the hardened denial of the facts.  Hitler was very much into seeking revenge for what he felt to be wrongs directed against his person or "chosen" people.  He managed to find a few millions of people who shared his views.  Appeasement is something that many have decried over the various eras but seem to refuse to do anything about.  "I would still like to know your idea of how so many here have become sodesensitised to their Nazi propaganda?"What technique did they employ to immunise you all to their racism andhate; that rarely, a voice is raised to oppose them?"Back atcha.  This is the crux of the issues you seem to have troubles with, not recognising the resurgence of various heretofore suppressed tendencies simply because the one-time victims are now doing the victimising, using their previous status as a screen for their actual agreement with the policies and programmes.  "Nazi" is a hot-button term that can easily be replaced with others once the emotional trappings are stripped away.  It's like those who rely on off-colour terms just asking for some authoritarian influence to remedy their ways.  That's the other point:  there ain't no "daddies" here either, just a collection of adults.Alamaine, IVeGrand Forks, ND, US of A~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"All are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusion is called a philosopher." - Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)Don't ask about caste or riches but instead ask about conduct. Look at the flames of a fire. Where do they come from? From a piece of wood"and it doesn't matter what wood. In the same way, a wise person can come from wood of any sort. It is through firmness and restraint and a sense of truth that one becomes noble, not through caste.  -Sutta Nipata~~~In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> Yahoo! Groups gets a make over. See the new email design.http://us.click.yahoo.com/WktRrD/lOaOAA/yQLSAA/zgSolB/TM~-> www.ctrl.orgDECLARATION & DISCLAIMER==ctrl is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.That being said, ctrl gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. ctrl gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.There are two list running, [EMAIL PROTECTED] and CTRL@listserv.aol.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] has unlimited posting and is more for discussion. CTRL@listserv.aol.com is more for informational exchange and has limited posting abilities. Let us please be c

[cia-drugs] US and UK Set Israel Up for Media Attack and NATO-Type Intervention

2006-07-26 Thread norgesen

and UK Set Israel Up for Media Attack and NATO-Type Intervention 
by Jared 
IsraelEditor, Emperor's Clothes
[22 July 2006]
For a list of Emperor's Clothes 
articles on the Arab-Israeli conflict, the problem of antisemitism, and related 
issues, go to http://emperors-clothes.com/antisem.htm  
We have been misinformed, 
to put it gently.
While claiming to 
support Israel's right to defend itself from  Hezbollah and Hamas attacks, 
President Bush and Prime Minister Blair have in fact mis-described the current Middle East war in a way that sets 
Israel up for media demonization, while creating public support for a "robust" 
(Kofi Annan's word) international intervention in southern Lebanon, an 
intervention that would, of necessity, constitute a serious and possibly deadly 
threat to Israel. 
(Regarding the 
implications of a NATO-type intervention, see footnote [1] )
In a 
defining press conference held 16 July at the site of the G8 meeting, President 
Bush said: 

  [Excerpt from Bush's comments starts here]
  One of 
  the interesting things about this recent flare-up is that it helps clarify a 
  root cause of instability in the Middle East -- and that's Hezbollah and 
  Hezbollah's relationship with Syria, and Hezbollah's relationship to Iran, and 
  Syria's relationship to Iran. Therefore, in order to solve this problem it's 
  really important for the world to address the root cause.We, of 
  course, are in continued discussions with Israel. All sovereign nations have 
  the right to defend themselves against terrorist attacks. However, we hope 
  that there is restraint as people respond. And one of our concerns, of course, 
  is the fragile democracy in Lebanon.
  -- Full text at 
  White House website. [2]
  [Excerpt from Bush's comments ends here]

  [Excerpt from Blair's comments starts here]
  We all want the 
  situation to calm down, and we want it to calm down because we're mindful of 
  the need to protect Lebanese democracy, and we're also deeply mindful of the need to try to reengage people 
  with the negotiated process towards a two-state solution, Israel and an 
  independent, viable state in Palestine.
  [We will "get this situation calm" only if we "address the reasons why the situation has arisen."] And the basic reasons are that there are extremists 
  who want to interrupt the process that can lead to that two-state solution -- 
  Israel with its security protectors, a proper independent Palestinian state -- 
  and there are also extremists backed, I'm afraid, by Iran and by Syria, who 
  want to disrupt the positions in Lebanon and who want to create a situation of 
  tension and hostility there.  [3]
  [Excerpt from Blair's comments starts 
from Blair's assumption, that there is a Palestinian leadership that 
accepts the existence of Israel, an assumption I will challenge when I discuss 
Hamas, notice that both leaders focus on Syria and Iran as the root cause of the 
fighting in Israel/Lebanon.  At the same time, both leaders stress that the 
Lebanese government is not part of the problem, but a victim of Iran and 
Syria, which "want to disrupt the positions in Lebanon." 
Regarding the extent to which they focus on Syria and Iran, I counted the 
number of times Bush and Blair used various words in answering reporters' 
questions. I found that they used 
'Lebanon' or 
'Lebanese' seven 
times.  But they used 'Syria,' 
'Syrian,' 'Iran' and 
'Iranian' a combined total 
of 13 times. So, in a war where Israel is hitting targets in Lebanon, their main 
focus is Syria and Iran. 
What is the sub-text here? That Syria and Iran, not Lebanon, should be 
Israel's targets. And that weak - and innocent! - 
Lebanon should not be its target. The same idea, that Syria, or Syria and 
Iran, are the guilty parties, but not Lebanon, which, perhaps even more than 
Israel, is presented as a victim of Hezbollah, is implicit in Condoleeza Rice's 
July 21 statement as reported by Associated Press. Portraying Hezbollah as an 
attack dog, Rice named Syria as the Master:

  "'Syria knows 
  what it needs to do and Hezbollah is the source of the problem,' Rice said at 
  the State Department as she previewed her trip, which begins on Sunday with a 
  first stop in Israel." -- "Rice outlines strategy for 
  Israel-Hezbollah peace; Bush and Rice to meet with Saudi officials," The 
  Associated Press, July 21 
And concerning the 
Lebanese government:

  'extremists are trying to strangle it in its crib,' Rice said of the Lebanese 
  government, which has been a less potent force in the fractured country than 
  the politically savvy and well-armed Hezbollah guerrillas."[4]
in a limited sense these and other statements by Bush, Blair and Condoleezza 
Rice support Israel - that is, they blame Hezbollah for provoking the fighting 
and affirm Israel's right of self-defense - the way they have defended Israe

[cia-drugs] Fwd: "So I don't want to talk about it. I was a member way back when I was in college and so was the President. That's all I want to say."

2006-07-26 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:From: RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: July 26, 2006 9:18:27 AM PDTTo: ctrl CTRL , [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: "So I don't want to talk about it. I was a member way back when I was in college and so was the President. That's all I want to say." http://www.smh.com.au/news/world/new-us-diplomat-eager-to-start-role/2006/07/26/1153816254839.htmlNew US diplomat eager to start roleEmailPrintNormal fontLarge fontMichael Gawenda Herald Correspondent in WashingtonJuly 27, 2006AdvertisementAdvertisementROBERT McCALLUM, fielding questions for the first time about the US-Australia relationship is wary, formal and a little nervous.He sits in a small, nondescript room in the State Department, his hands clasped together in front of him, and a small pin of crossed flags - those of Australia and the US - in the lapel of his blue-striped suit.Having been finally confirmed by the US Senate, Mr McCallum, the new ambassador to Australia, will arrive in Canberra on August 18 to start work."I recognise that there has not been an ambassador in Australia since January 2005, so I'm very eager indeed," he says. "I want to get there as soon as possible."The process of replacing Tom Schieffer, now the US ambassador to Japan, had been rocky.The President, George Bush, had approached two other friends to take the post, but initial checks by the State Department, uncovered issues that would have made the confirmation process difficult.When Mr McCallum was approached by Mr Bush to take the ambassador's job in March, he was at the centre of a controversy involving a landmark damages case, brought by the Justice Department against American tobacco companies.He was accused of reducing claims against tobacco companies for political reasons, but an investigation concluded that he had acted ethically.Mr McCallum, 60, is happier talking about his relationship with Mr Bush, whom he met when they were both first-year students at Yale."We were close friends at college," he says."And when he finished college and he was driving back to Texas, he stayed with my family at my parents' house in Memphis."More often than not in the past three or four decades, American presidents have appointed old friends or major donors to the ambassador's post in Australia, so Mr McCallum's appointment, even though he has had no foreign affairs experience, is not all that surprising."I think I still have a lot to learn, but I think the two top priorities for me will be, firstly, continuing and enhancing the very important military and intelligence relationship between the two countries," he said."The second priority is the implementation of the Free Trade Agreement.This represents an enormous opportunity for both our countries, but also great opportunities for Australia and the US to spread economic prosperity throughout the region."And the only time Mr McCallum really clams up is when he is asked about the very secretive Skull and Bones Society, of which both he and Mr Bush were members while at Yale.Many people have suggested the society is a sort of secret old boys network, through which Yale graduates from well-heeled and influential families help each other in business and politics."It's termed a secret society, but I'd term it a private society," he says."So I don't want to talk about it. I was a member way back when I was in college and so was the President. That's all I want to say."=

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[cia-drugs] Bill Moyers 4 Prez CINDY SHEEHAN for VP!!

2006-07-26 Thread J M

Yes.  Run Bill Moyers for Prez +   Cindy Sheehan for Vice Prez.     Why not   Jim Kirwan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:- Original Message -   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Molly Ivins: Run Bill Moyers for President, Seriously 7/26http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/20060724_molly_ivins_bill_moyers/ Molly Ivins: Run Bill Moyers for President, Seriously Email     PrintPosted on Jul 24, 2006By Molly IvinsAUSTIN, Texas—Dear desperate Democrats: Here’s what we do. We run Bill Moyers for president. I am serious as a stroke about this. It’s simple, cheap and effective, and it will move the entire spectrum of political discussion in this country. Moyers is the only public figure who can take the entire discussion and shove it toward moral clarity just by being there. The poor man who is currently our president has reached such a point of befuddlement that he thinks stem cell research is the same as taking human lives, but that 40,000 dead Iraqi civilians are progress toward democracy. Bill Moyers has been grappling with how to fit moral issues to political issues ever since he left Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and went to work for Lyndon Johnson in the teeth of the Vietnam War. Moyers worked for years in television, seriously addressing the most
 difficult issues of our day. He has studied all different kinds of religions and different approaches to spirituality. He’s no Holy Joe, but he is a serious man. He opens minds—he doesn’t scare people. He includes people in, not out. And he sees through the dark search for a temporary political advantage to the clear ground of the Founders. He listens and he respects others. Do I think Bill Moyers can win the presidency? No, that seems like a very long shot to me. The nomination? No, that seems like a very long shot to me. Then why run him? Think, imagine, if seven or eight other Democratic candidates, all beautifully coiffed and triangulated and carefully coached to say nothing that will offend anyone, stand on stage with Bill Moyers in front of cameras for a national debate … what would happen? Bill Moyers would win, would walk away with it, just because he doesn’t triangulate or calculate or trim or try
 to straddle the issues. Bill Moyers doesn’t have to endorse a constitutional amendment against flag burning or whatever wedge issue du jour Republicans have come up with. He is not afraid of being called “unpatriotic.” And besides, he is a wise and a kind man who knows how to talk on TV. It won’t take much money—file for him in a couple of early primaries and just get him into the debates. Think about the potential Democratic candidates. Every single one of them needs spine, needs political courage. What Moyers can do is not only show them what it looks like and indeed what it is, but also how people respond to it. I’m damned if I want to go through another presidential primary with everyone trying to figure out who has the best chance to win instead of who’s right. I want to vote for somebody who’s good and brave and who should win. One time in the Johnson years, LBJ called on Moyers to say the blessing at a
 dinner. “Speak up, Bill,” Lyndon roared. “I can’t hear you.” Moyers replied, “I wasn’t speaking to you, sir.” That would be the point of a run by Moyers: He doesn’t change to whom he is speaking just because some president is yelling at him. To let Moyers know what you think of this idea, write him at P.O. Box 309, Bernardsville, NJ 07924. To find out more about Molly Ivins and see works by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website, www.creators.com.   Do you Yahoo!?Next-gen email? Have it all with the all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta.  Want to be your own boss? Learn how on Yahoo! Small Business.   Why keep checking for Mail? The all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta shows you when there are new messages.   Do you Yahoo!?Next-gen email? Have it all with the all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta. 
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[cia-drugs] Fw: CIA Plame Lead Death of Significant Witness

2006-07-26 Thread Arlene Johnson

Arlene Johnson
To: Arlene Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:holy cow they're getting DESPERATE
Date:   Jul 26, 2006 3:39 PM
CIA Plame Leak Death of Significant Witness
Wed Jul 26, 2006 4:56 am (PST)
***CIA Plame Leak Death of Significant Witness
Tue Jun 27, 2006 11:29


Identify The Enemy of the American Republic
in the 21st Century with Tom Heneghan
June 27, 2006

F.B.I. currently in possession of the body of an individual known as Milar. 
Milar's body found over the weekend in Chesapeake Bay off the coast of Maryland.

This individual known as Milar had been subpoenaed by Special Counsel Patrick 
Fitzgerald in the Valerie Plame leak case.

The individual known as Milar had given Fitzgerald information about the 
Israeli and British Intelligence role in planting chemical weapons in Iraq in 
just the last two months.

The individual known as Milar had also named co-conspirators inside the U.S. 
Pentagon. The individual known as Milar had fingered both Tim Spicer and Victor 
Bout aka the Haliburton-Bosnia connection.

P.S. Milar previously had worked in a high level intelligence role with U.S. 
French Interpol. It is believed the individual named Milar was murdered by 
British mercenaries on American soil to keep him from the Federal Grand Jury in 
Washington, D.C. U.S.-French Interpol has named Tim Spicer British Mi6 now 
living in Baltimore, Maryland as chief suspect.

P.P.S. Bushfraud and his Fox News-Gestapo propaganda gang now out of control in 
an attempt to shutdown U.S. Constitution. His NSA banking tracking system now 
exposed does not damage National Security but fingers a private piggy bank for 
the criminal U.S. traitors who have looted the U.S. Treasury with the 
assistance of foreign monarchies and used an alleged war on terror as their 
disguise for the theft. It is essential that patriotic Flag Officers of the 
U.S. Military act now before our Republic is vaporized by this gang of filth.


JUNE 26th, 2006


The latest 9/11 linked N.S.A. financial banking scandal is now being exposed 
this dovetails to Interpol investigations involving the theft of billions of 
dollars of U.S. Treasury funds. It can now be reported that over the weekend 
George Herbert Walker (Ice Pick) Bush a.k.a. Daddy Bush has closed his 
Malaga-based Spanish secret account. This account, a joint account with King 
Juan Carlos of Spain, held billions of dollars of secret treasury funds linked 
to illegal wire transfers done for the purpose of Daddy (Ice Pick) Bush and 
King Juan Carlos. These wire transfers done by former Federal Reserve Bank 
chairman Allan Greenspan a.k.a. the Bank Dick.

It can now be reported that these funds have been transferred to the Royal Bank 
of Scotland with an electronic check ready to be deposited in the Coutts Bank, 
London England. Daddy Ice Pick Bush also holds a joint account with Her Majesty 
Queen Elizabeth 2nd of England.(Click here).

These secret CIA proprietary accounts finger the Bush-Clinton Crime Families 
for embezzlement of the funds of average ordinary French and U.S. citizens.

It can now be reported that a massive narcotics, arms and counterfeit Euro 
currency fraud scheme has been traced to these accounts including the financing 
of alleged Al Qaeda with a direct tie to Bush Family business associate Victor 
Bout. Bout is a British-Israeli-Russian Mafia corporate terrorist. French and 
U.S. Interpol has now linked Bout to Gary Best Inc., West African Air Services 
and private contractors in Iraq, including Haliburton and South Africa's 
Executive Outcome.

P.S. Michael Iscove of Newsweek Magazine, 202-626-2000, has the records and 
serial numbers of Aerocome, Victor Bouts private airline services. Iscove's 
records include serial numbers of flights from Bosnia to Iraq carrying IED's 
(Improvised Explosive Devisives) for alleged Al Qaeda. These flights also 
included various alleged Weapons of Mass Destruction to be planted in Iraq. 
Question, does Victor Bout work for Fox News?

P.P.S. U.S. State Dept. warned both Bushfraud and Condoleeza Fluffgirl Rice 
about the treason activity of Victor Bout and his associate Hassan Cengic, 
current member of the Bosnian parliament. Instead of heeding the warnings, both 
the N.S.A., D.O.D. and the Pentagon ordered an espionage dragnet against the 
U.S. State Dept. both pre-9/11 and post-9/11. Note: Russian born Victor Bout 
familiar with Udday Hussein letter to Putin. (Click)

P.P.P.S. Bushfraud Administration still refuses to freeze any financial 
corporate accounts, a.k.a. private contractors in Iraq linked to Victor Bout.

P.P.P.P.S. French and U.S. Interpol has also f