[cia-drugs] Hungry Neocon Shia Dogs Circle Saudi OPEC Achilles

2006-07-30 Thread muckblit

Neocon Shia Dogs Circle Saudi OPEC, Eye Achilles Tendon Maximus...which puts neocons on the circle around the Houston-Saudi nazi dot. Therefore there would be only a negligible statistical probability that Neocon Shia Dogs circling maximus crumb minimus would win in Iraq or topple Saudi monarchy itself or Saudi dominaton of OPEC, because that exists in dot central. But we do see neocon proxies, Iraqi and Lebanese Shiites, on a roll in two countries at the same time. The chicken and egg, dot and circle contest is not over, between nazis and neocons. There is a back and forth to the contest we view at Bread-and-Circus Maximus. If the pro-Saudi nazis want the "neocon Shia dogs" to ramp up support into a World War Three, that would sell a lot of US bombs, maybe even excuse the F22 Raptor before it's over. Keep in mind, Samhain Bush and Absalom Robertson have been managing conflicts for profit for a very long time, four generations, and the Saudis are on the Pinay Circle, which goes back almost five hundred years, and Skull and Bones goes back  four hundred years to the James Gang.Don't over-estimate their humanity, OPEC "fossil fuel(Big Lie)" dinosaurs are NOT like us. Initially Houston-Riyadh backed Sunnis and Baathists, and neocons backed Shiites and fired Baathists, within Iraq. For now, Sunnis and Shiites are divided in Iraq. Longterm the nazi dot core or neocon patsies may be pushing Sunnis and Shiites together across the mideast for a "best clay pigeon nazis can buy", or "best new OPEC proxy neocons can buy", as Israeli bombing of Lebanon and invasion of Gaza would seem to further. Whatever the intermediate steps the end game will be for control of oil in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, and the Stans, which so far has meant Houston-Saudi control of OPEC. The Baker paper uncovered by Greg Palast also mentions Venezuela, because when the price of oil stabilizes at thirty dollars a gallon or better, Venezuela replaces Saudi Arabia because of the tar sand reserves in Venezuela.As a neocon "convert" as far as Chalabi wmd stovepipe and yellowcake forgery self bong wurlitzer sucking among Cheney-Hadley-Berlusconi, Cheney is just a nazi dot using the neocon patsy circle. Circular stovepiping wmd and yellowcake propaganda is about as much use as nazi Cheney has had for the neocon patsy circle that has accompanied all four generations of Bush Warco from Samhain Bush and Absalom Robertson down to the first US king of the Pinay Circle and Roundtable.At this point the nazi amoeboid dot has grown so big that Greg Palast calls the Roundtable part and parcel of the dot. It used to be that the Roundtable lay along the circle. The Pinay Circle always seemed to fall within the dot, but Le Cercle hasn't been a name very long. The dotness of Le Cercle relies on the multi-century longterm nazi dotness of its individual members.My first email about the chicken and egg controversy, which is dot and which is circle, nazi or neocon patsy layer, has been held up for almost 24 hours. Maybe it went into the yahoo spam folder.Nazi dot central Le Cercle includes a Saudi intel chief. 911 was a nazi dot central CIA-Saudi-Pak intel within a neocon patsy circle. We might think that PNAC must be dot central, but Greg Palast revealed the James Baker Center's Saudi financed nazi dot central document corresponding to the neocon patsy circle's PNAC as battle order for OPEC political operations such as 911 and Iraqwar. Consequently Palast views the mideast conflicts and their US partisan counterpats as either pro-Saudi-OPEC and anti-Saudi-OPEC, not "anti-US" and such absurdities as found in the recent post of "Escalating Conflict" report by Jephraim P. Gundzik, The Power and Interest News Report (PINR pinr.com ). Gundzik does furnish many facts to help us continue to understand the unfolding chicken and egg contest for dot central position in OPEC, but it does not help to omit the acronym OPEC, and include the laughable term "anti-US" as euphemism for pro-neocon-anti-Saudi-OPEC-control. Why not just say "Neocon Shia dog"?We ought to be asking whether the Israelis are dropping US bombs on non-Shia Saudi-funded Lebanese muslims, since they are dropping bombs on Lebanese Christians as well as Lebanese "Shia dogs", including non-Hezbollah "Shia dogs". They are defining the Lebanese political context in terms of the over arching OPEC politics, as far as Saudi-funded and non-Saudi-funded Lebanese political leaders and parties, over at Angry Arab blog, http://angryarab.blogspot.com/http://angryarab.blogspot.com/ to figure out who the players are we need a program to see who is Saudi-funded and if the Israelis are omitting to bomb Saudi-funded non-Shia Lebanese while they bomb Lebanese Christians per Saudi wishes. That might be a clue. Do Israelis prefer to bomb Lebanese Christians or Lebanese non-Shia muslims, between the two? Maybe Pat Robertson, son of Absalom, can tell us, Pat?


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[cia-drugs] Timeline to Global Governance

2006-07-30 Thread norgesen

From: Vicky Davis 
I'm sending this link out by itself because there is enough on this link to 
keep you reading for a month.  
Timeline to Global Governance
In order to accomplish the mission of global governance, the United States 
and the American people must be brought down.  All of the otherwise 
inexplicable actions of the people who are running our country are explained 
when you understand that war was declared on the American people - and our way 
of life, but it was not being waged by muslims, it is being waged by the 
globalists - especially those in our own Congress.  
This war is not a traditional kind of war.  It is a strategically 
planned economic, social and psychological war.   
If you understand the strategies - their methods and targets, it is 
possible to stop them.  They are within our communities 'transforming' 
everything - from top to bottom.  It is a silent cultural 
revolutions.  It is a silent economic revolution.  It is a silent 
psychological revolution.  
The difficult part about understanding all of this is that it is being done 
under the surface - sub rosa.  
Means and Methods

  Unelected boards, councils and commissions.    
  Responsibilities of government are assigned to unelected people - accountable 
  to nobody but the people who are funding them.  These unelected bodies 
  are equivalent to communist soviets.  They take direction from unseen 
  entities usually national and international bodies to implement the policies, 
  rules and regulations to enable the globalist agenda.  An example of 
  an unelected board implementing a national/international globalist agenda is 
  the Idaho State Board of Education.  Only the Superintendent is 
  elected.  They seven other board members are appointed by the Governor 
  and several of them are member of the Education Commission of the States 
  (ECS).  The Governor takes direction from the National Governor's 
  Association which works with Education Commission of the States (ECS).  
  The ECS tracks the status of the implementation of the 
  programs.  Remember when Governor 
  Kempthorne presented High School Reform as his idea?   
  That was a lie.  And it was lie that the State Board of Education 
  designed the 'reform'.   The high school reform agenda is a 
  national plan to correspond with international goals.  The true nature of 
  the reform is to 'transform' the schools into vocational schools.  The 
  curriculum is being changed to emphasive collectivism and worker 
  'skills'.  Assessments will measure the degree to which the 
  collectivist mindset has been adopted.  
  Regionalization.   The implementation of regional, 
  unelected government structures cannabalizes the powers of our traditional 
  representative government structures within the legal jurisdictions 
  we all understand.  Regional structures are hidden in the sense that 
  they are not recognized by the public and there is no accountability to the 
  public.  Here again, unelected regional commissions answer to 
  hidden powers and they implement the agendas of those powers.  The 
  agenda is dissolution of our nation - our national sovereignty as the 
  global governance system rises.  The war in the Middle East is to create 
  a regional governance structure MEFTA superimposed on existing 
  governments.  MEFTA will put the Middle East in the Global 
  trading system under the WTO - which is an organization run by and for the 
  multinational corporations.  The WTO and 'free trade' agreements are 
  what have been used to gut our economy.   They established a 
  rigged game in which American domestic businesses and in fact, any 
  domestic businesses in virtually any country (except Communist China and 
  Socialist India) can't succeed.  These agreements basically sell 
  market share of domestic businesses to multinational corporations - who then 
  flood the market with products (and human capital) at costs lower than 
  the domestic businesses can attain.  The domestic business goes out of 
  business - and the multinational picks up the market share.  
  Loss of Private Property Rights - including water rights.  
  Environmental front groups are in the lead on this.  The government 
  provides the regulation making it virtually impossible for land owners to keep 
  their property.  Environmental groups like Nature Conservancy then 
  steps in to buy the property.    
  Official obliviousness to anarchists and foreigners on our soil 
  demonstrating for rights for non-citizens.  They make a pretense of 
  protecting our borders while encouraging illegal aliens in every way 
  They are flooding our labor markets with cheap foreign labor - taking jobs 
  away from American citizens which impoverishes them.  It's difficult 
  for poor people to organize and fight back in any way other than physical 
  destruction.  The Congress has become a corrupt gove

[cia-drugs] ArcticBeacon_National Radio Interview with AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. Treasurer Michael C Cottrell_27Juli2006

2006-07-30 Thread Milo


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[cia-drugs] Wanta Explains Details Of Massive 4.5 Trillion Dollar Recovery In Monies Allegedly Stolen By Bush And Clinton Crime Families

2006-07-30 Thread Milo

Wanta Explains Details Of Massive 4.5 
Trillion Dollar Recovery In Monies Allegedly Stolen By Bush And Clinton Crime 
An Estimated 1.575 Trillion To Be Returned To U.S.Treasury, As Former 
Ambassador Leo Wanta Explains Details Of Settlement. Although he hoped to 
recover more than 27.5 trillion, the benefit outweighed the risk in taking the 
smaller amount. 
20 Jul 2006 By Greg Szymanski
In one of the major stories of the century, former Ambassador Leo Wanta 
provided details of a massive 4.5 trillion dollar settlement reached as a way to 
get back into U.S. coffers at least part of the 27.5 trillion stolen by the Bush 
and Clinton crime families in the biggest bank heist in world history.
The vast sum of money, used illegally by corrupt insiders inside the U.S. 
government, was amassed by Wanta as part of a plan he and several other 
financial whizzes devised on behalf of President Ronald Reagan to destabilize 
the Soviet currency, bringing a quick end to the Cold War. 
Wanta, jailed illegally for over a decade, began trying to recover the 
money when released on house arrest more than a year ago. 
Although working with limited resources and trying to recover the 27.5 
trillion which more than doubled over the years, Wanta on June 12 entered into 
an agreement to stop his search, obtaining 4.5 trillion as 1.575 trillion will 
be placed into the U.S. Treasury after taxes and other expenses are paid.
Further, Wanta said based on private interest investments based on the 
original money made at the end of the Cold War more that 192 billion a day can 
be generated for American taxpayers on a daily basis, money he said that could 
wipe away America's 8 trillion dollar debt in rapid fashion.
"It is a done deal. For any disbelievers, I am ready with all the 
paperwork," said Wanta Wednesday on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The 
Investigative Journal, this interview and its archived broadcast available at www.gcnlive.com "Right now the only thing 
holding up the money being placed into the U.S. Treasury is a hold put on by the 
Federal Reserve.
"I really don't understand why but all the proper parties and top 
government officials are aware of the settlement papers. The American people 
need to contact their Senators, the White House and Attorney Gen. Alberto 
Gonzalez to make sure the money is spent properly and not hidden like it was 
Although Wanta wanted to get all the money back, he felt under the 
circumstances and due to the amount of corruption over the years, the benefit 
outweighed the risk if a settlement wasn't reached now. 
Asked what he thought happened to the rest of the money, he said it was 
misused, put in private accounts and essentially stolen from the American people 
by corrupt officials, including Daddy Bush, Clinton and others. 
What happens to the massive settlement now is essentially out of Wanta's 
hands, but he said the American people must get behind him and make sure the 
corrupt powers that be in Washington don't rip off the money again. 
He said if it were up to him the money should be used to improve the 
American infrastructure, as well as improving roads, schools and other important 
aspects of the American economy literally left to rot by the corrupt New World 
Order and neo con controllers. 
With the Wanta settlement staring officials in the face, he said it was 
imperative people do not take this story lightly. Wanta's words can be justified 
since the mainstream media has purposely ignored the importance of this story, 
not only from a financial angle but from the angle that the story reveals 
criminal actions on the part of America's highest leaders, including Bush and 
To better understand the story, it is important to remember that Wanta was 
named legal trustor of vast sum of money by President Reagan after he was 
assigned the task of destablizing the Soviet monetary system, his efforts 
amassing a large war chest of dollars, which was to be returned to the U.S. 
However, according to Wanta, after Reagan left office, he was back stabbed 
by the Bush I administration, leading to a long and unwarranted jail term to 
"get him out of the way," including more than 200 days in a Swiss jail and years 
behind bars on a bogus Wisconsin state income tax charge. 
Released more than a year ago, Wanta has been trying with limited resources 
and no cooperation from the government and the media to return the money to the 
American people. 
During his many years in jail, much of the money has been diverted to 
numerous private overseas accounts and, according to Wanta, essentially looted 
by the corrupt Bush and Clinton crime families.
But in an unexpected move in 2003 Wanta filed a federal court case to 
recover the money. Although the case was dismissed under sovereign immunity, he 
received verification from the court that his legal trustor statu


2006-07-30 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:From: "foxhallgeorgetwn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: July 30, 2006 8:13:11 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ctrl] FLIP-FLOPPER IN CHIEF REVERSES TROOP PULLOUT PLANSReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.ft.com/cms/s/d236d48c-1e63-11db-9877-779e2340.htmlFLIP-FLOPPER IN CHIEF REVERSES TROOP PULLOUT PLANSUS in quiet U-turn on Iraq troop numbersBy Edward Luce and Caroline Daniel in WashingtonThe US administration has quietly reversed its goal from whittling down troop numbers in Iraq before the mid-term congressional elections in November. A Pentagon spokesman on Friday confirmed that US troop levels in Iraq rose to 132,000 during the past week – the highest since late May – from 127,000 at the start of the week. The spokesman said troop numbers often fluctuated and "there might be temporary spikes during periods of troop rotation". However, analysts said an increase in troop numbers was more likely than a reduction because the number of sectarian killings in Iraq had almost doubled since the start of the year. The rise will prompt fears that the US is becoming increasingly bogged down in an unwinnable conflict.On Thursday, the Pentagon said it would extend for up to 120 days the 3,700-strong deployment of the 172nd Stryker brigade in Iraq, among other rotations. There were 3,169 Iraqis killed in June, compared with 1,778 in January. Richard Armitage, who was US deputy secretary of state until January 2005, said: "The US has almost totally reversed the troop situation from two months ago. The danger is that this is too little and too late and that the US will turn into a bystander in an Iraqi civil war it does not have sufficient resources to prevent." The rise in US troop levels comes as the world's attention is on Lebanon but also coincides with a reported upsurge in anti-US sentiment in Baghdad's Shia neighbourhoods following the launch of the US-backed Israeli campaign against Hizbollah.This week Nouri al-Maliki, Iraqi prime minister, agreed to a joint US-Iraq military operation to regain control of Baghdad. George W. Bush, US president, also faces growing difficulties with Iraq's new government, which is making anti-US noises to shore up its credibility with Iraqis. Mr Maliki is under domestic pressure to demand that trials of US soldiers take place in Iraq. The US says this is not possible. However, US officials deny that the new campaign to stabilise Baghdad undermines Mr Bush's promise that "as the Iraqis stand up we will stand down" – a phrase he has almost stopped using. In a departure from Mr Bush's normally upbeat language, he this week said the violence in Baghdad was "terrible".Although the violence has shifted from an anti-US insurgency to a sectarian conflict between Sunni and Shia groups, Iraq experts fear Shia militias will see US troops as an easy target. There are also concerns that the combined US-Iraqi force of 75,000 will be insufficient to regain control of Baghdad.Kenneth Pollack, a former US National Security Council official, said: "The numbers should probably be roughly double what they are. We are seeing the right plan but completely inadequate resources to make it work." Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2006www.ctrl.orgDECLARATION & DISCLAIMER==ctrl is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.That being said, ctrl gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. ctrl gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.There are two list running, [EMAIL PROTECTED] and CTRL@listserv.aol.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] has unlimited posting and is more for discussion. CTRL@listserv.aol.com is more for informational exchange and has limited posting abilities. Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.Omimited posting abilities. Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.Om Yahoo! Groups Links<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:    http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ctrl/<*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]<*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:    http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ 

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] CIA MIND CONTROL CULTS Connected BY Neil Bush: Scientology and the MOONIES

2006-07-30 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:From: "foxhallgeorgetwn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: July 30, 2006 7:57:55 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ctrl] CIA MIND CONTROL CULTS Connected BY Neil Bush: Scientology and the MOONIESReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] CIA MIND CONTROL CULTS Connected BY Neil Bush: Scientology and the MOONIESMoon's Eternal Peace Kingdom = Totalitarian Mind Control Global Statehttp://iapprovethismessiah.com/2005/12/neil-bush-travels-with-moon-as-peace.html12/2/2005Neil Bush travels with Moon as "peace leader"So that's what he's been up to since his divorce (see also "miscellaneous consulting services"). And another Bush joins the Reverend Moon world tour? Brother Neil's journey with Washington Times owner and possible Messiah Rev. Sun Myung Moon is reported in the Manila Bulletin. The occasion: promoting Moon's idea for a Universal Peace Federation. According to Moon's promotional videos, his organizations are prophecied to kick off his "Eternal Peace Kingdom," in which all religions and countries would become one under his guidance. To the casual observer, a surprising cause for a Bush to get behind... World peace advocate and staunch supporter of interfaith cooperation Rev. Sun Myung Moon yesterday praised President Arroyo and Speaker Jose de Venecia for their pioneering efforts in pushing global interfaith dialogue that has won the approval of the United Nations. Moon is in the country to open the inaugural convocation of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) in Manila. Together with peace leaders that included Neil Bush, younger brother of US President George W. Bush, Moon arrived yesterday as part of a 100-day tour that is taking him to 100 cities in 67 nations and covering a journey of almost 100,000 miles. Moon said the UN global interfaith dialogue has now led to major regional dialogues in various parts of the world, complementing serious peacemaking efforts in conflict areas whether in Mindanao, Aceh in Indonesia, Nepal, Chechnya and others. De Venecia first brought up the proposal for an interfaith dialogue when he joined President Arroyo during her call on Bush at the White House two years ago. Bush had reportedly called the proposal "a brilliant idea." As part of this tour -- which hasn't been fully embraced by the real U.N., contrary to the reporter's assertion -- Moon is also calling for a tunnel linking Alaska and Russia, with help from the chairman of the Arizona GOP and various metropolitan leaders of different political stripes. As regular readers of this blog know, attending to these groups is a Bush family tradition. Barbara and George H.W. Bush have long attended Moon's lucrative and stately peace festivities, which stress the Reverend's mastery of family values as God's path to world peace. It's unclear whether wayward son Neil, who romped with prostitutes in Asia, has any special expertise in this area. Lately Neil Bush has also been jogging with a fugitive Russian tycoon and lobbying Capitol Hill for Scientology. www.ctrl.orgDECLARATION & DISCLAIMER==ctrl is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.That being said, ctrl gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. ctrl gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.There are two list running, [EMAIL PROTECTED] and CTRL@listserv.aol.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] has unlimited posting and is more for discussion. CTRL@listserv.aol.com is more for informational exchange and has limited posting abilities. Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.Omimited posting abilities. Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.Om Yahoo! Groups Links<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:    http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ctrl/<*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]<*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:    http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ 

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[cia-drugs] FRANK RICH: The Peculiar Disappearance of the War in Iraq & More

2006-07-30 Thread MA PA

FRANK RICH: The Peculiar Disappearance of the War in IraqRich: Disappearing War   OP-ED COLUMNIST   The Peculiar Disappearance of the War in IraqBy FRANK RICH   Published: July 30, 2006  Americans want the war in Iraq canceled, and first- and last-place networks alike are more than happy to oblige.AS America fell into the quagmire of Vietnam, the comedian Milton Berle joked that the fastest way to end the war would be to put it on the
 last-place network, ABC, where it was certain to be canceled. Berle’s gallows humor lives on in the quagmire in Iraq. Americans want this war canceled too, and first- and last-place networks alike are more than happy to oblige.  Continued:  http://mparent.livejournal.com/10747729.html           51 killed in Israeli blitz on Lebanon village, including 34 youths, dozens maimed & more   http://mparent.livejournal.com/10747568.html           Commentary: 'Antiwar' Candidate Lamont
 Backs Israeli Strikes   http://mparent.livejournal.com/10747910.html           The tragedy in Lebanon and the slaughter of many innocent children   http://mparent.livejournal.com/10749494.html           Violence and a core immorality   http://mparent.livejournal.com/10749858.html           Today's Newswire  http://mparent.livejournal.com/2006/07/30/                                      MARC PARENT   CRIMES AND CORRUPTIONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS  http://mparent.livejournal.com/   http://www.tpmcafe.com/blog/14409  http://www.dailykos.com/user/ccnwon       
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