[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Liquid terror: Training People To Act Like Subservient Slaves

2006-08-12 Thread roadsend


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  Training People To Act 
  Like Subservient Slaves



  LIQUID TERROR: Training People To Act Like Subservient 
  SlavesTerrorists planned to 
  mix liquids so why are they all being poured into airport 
  Steve Watson / Infowars.net | August 
  11 2006
  The latest terror plot facade is nothing 
  more than an exercise to assess how subservient the general population has 
  become and a primer to making permanent the panicked and ridiculous 
  freedom crushing security measures we are seeing being rushed into 
  implementation at the moment.
  Whilst the government is saying there is 
  no going back on these measures and that they will become 
  permanent, the media is bleating about rushing in biometric 
  retina scanners and Orwellian behaviour 
  sensing technology. This is the only way they can do these 
  things without backlash and protest, just have a major terror alert and 
  rush them through.
  How is it that people can still deny that 
  our governments are forwarding a big brother control agenda? ID cards, 
  Biometric databases, retina scanners, face scanning cameras, behaviour 
  sensing machines. The list goes on. It has been proven over and over that 
  these measures will not help prevent terrorism, the government itself has 
  even admitted this, so why do they relentlessly push them?
  The latest mind bending terror stupidity 
  has every passenger at airports pouring their potentially explosive 
  liquids into bins inside the airports. 
  How stupid can things get? How far does it 
  have to go before people start asking simple questions about what they are 
  being made to do in the name of security?
  If these liquids are potentially explosive 
  what the hell is the good in pouring them all into large bins inside 
  overcrowded airports and mixing them all together?
  The Asheville 
  Citizen Times interviewed a mother who was forced to pour 
  away her baby's milk:
  "I have mixed feelings about all this," 
  Leoni said as she waited to board a flight for Miami at Asheville Regional 
  Airport. "On the one side, I’m fine with the safety measures and the 
  effects, but on the other hand, I had to pour out my baby’s milk this 
  morning. They said I couldn't take it on board."
  And here she is pouring the potentially 
  deadly milk into a vat of other potentially explosive dangerous 
  The official counterterrorism statement 
  told us that the plan involved mixing a sports drink with a gel-like 
  substance to concoct explosives that could be ignited with an MP3 player 
  or cell phone. The sports drink could be combined with a peroxide-based 
  paste to form a potent explosive cocktail, counterterrorism officials 
  If you believe the dodgy science that 
  suggests that these liquids can be ignited by calling up your mom or 
  whacking on a bit of Led Zeppelin on your MP3 player then they better 
  clear the airports pretty smartish because those bins full liquids could 
  go up any second. unless they are just bins full of baby milk and Dr 
  Pepper that is.
  The Scientific 
  American states: 
  Furthermore, some chemicals can be 
  mixed to create a toxic gas capable of killing people in an enclosed space 
  such as an airplane.
  Great, marvelous, lets get mixing them in 
  bins then!
  The XOPL blogger here is bang on the money and I 
  couldn't put it any better:
  Sir, I'm going to have to take this 
  bottle of water away from you since it might be a liquid explosive, and 
  I'm going to have to mix it with all of these other bottles of possibly 
  liquid explosive, and I'm going to have to dump them all in this trash 
  can... together. Nevermind that the plot specifically mentions mixing 
  chemicals and/or nitroglycerin... which explodes if handled too 
  The only conclusion 
  you can reach here is that airport security are not looking for terrorists 
  because if they truly believed terrorists were attempting to board planes 
  with liquids they wouldn't be mishandling the liquids in this 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Bush's dubious terror alerts

2006-08-12 Thread roadsend


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Bill Berkowitz
Bush's dubious terror alerts
Is administration's political agenda driving warnings of terrorism?

WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration has discovered no evidence of imminent 
plans by terrorists to attack U.S. financial buildings, nearly two weeks after 
the government issued startling warnings about such possible threats, a White 
House official said. -- Associated Press, August 12, 2004.

When the going gets tough, the tough get to issuing terrorist alerts, 
announcing high profile arrests, and raising the terrorism threat level. Since 
January 2002, according to JuliusBlog, an Internet web log, there have been at 
least fifteen incidents where Team Bush, responding to adverse news or dipping 
presidential poll numbers, turned either Attorney General John Ashcroft or 
Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge loose to ramp up talk of terrorism and 
terrorist attacks.

The latest episode aired on August 1, shortly after the conclusion of the 
Democratic National Convention, when Secretary Ridge raised the Homeland 
Security Department's terrorist level to Code Orange -- high threat of 
terrorist attacks -- claiming that there was ample information about 
terrorists targeting the financial services sector in New York City, northern 
New Jersey and Washington, D.C. to warrant the action. In prepared remarks, 
Ridge told the press: ...reports indicate that al-Qaeda is targeting several 
specific buildings, including the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in 
the District of Columbia; Prudential Financial in Northern New Jersey; and 
Citigroup buildings and the New York Stock Exchange in New York. The rest of 
the country remained at Code Yellow -- significant risk of terrorist attacks.

One week later, the New York Times reported that Pakistan had warned the United 
States that Al Qaeda has considered using tourist helicopters in terror 
attacks in New York City. Within hours reporters were on the scene 
interviewing heliport personnel and scaring the bejeezus out of tourists coming 
off their flights.

In the run-up to the Republican Party Convention in New York City later this 
month, terrorist alerts are rolling out of the Dept. of Homeland Security 
faster than the grounds crew rolls out the Yankee Stadium tarp during a sudden 
summer shower.

With each real or perceived threat, the American people are reminded of the 
president's belief that we live in the age of the permanent war against 
terrorism, a stance he spelled out in a November 2002 document titled Securing 
the Homeland, Strengthening the Nation. While outlining his budget priorities, 
Bush maintained that the threat of terrorism is an inescapable reality of life 
in the 21st century and a permanent condition to which America and the entire 
world must adjust. The president also said:

Today's terrorists can strike at any place, at any time, and with a wide 
variety of weapons. The most urgent terrorist threat to America is the Al Qaeda 
network. We will prosecute our war with these terrorists until they are routed 
from the Earth. But we will not let our guard down after we defeat Al Qaeda. 
The terrorist threat to America takes many forms, has many places to hide, and 
is often invisible. We can never be sure that we have defeated all of our 
terrorist enemies, and therefore we can never again allow ourselves to become 
overconfident about the security of our homeland.

Ramping up the Homeland Security Dept.'s threat level may result in greater 
vigilance amongst both law enforcement and the public, and it is conceivable 
that a terrorist attack may have been prevented. The cranking-up of the threat 
level, however, also drives the panic-mongers, most notably the 24/7 cable news 
networks: Terrorist Alert banners drape the screen, crawls get creepier, and 
terrorist experts are trucked out to provide wall-to-wall commentary.

After several years of warnings, and no major terrorist incident, some are 
questioning the accuracy and timing of these alerts: Are they based on new 
information or old information? Is the information reliable? How great is the 
threat? Should we take for granted the administration's oft-heard mantra that 
Al Qaeda wants to disrupt the November elections?

With the presidential election less than three months away, there are those 
with the temerity to question these warnings: Are there other stories -- the 
continued fighting in Iraq, the mounting death toll of U.S. service personnel, 
more Abu Ghraib revelations -- that 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Government Releases Detailed Information on 9/11 Crashes (delete if not a researcher)

2006-08-12 Thread RAMillegan


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For what it's worth (not a 9-11 researcher? click "delete" - note: no further messages of this kind will follow). Of course, ALL information released by our government is The Uncensored Truth, especially five-year-old documents released only on demand.Government Releases DetailedInformation on 9/11 Crasheshttp://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB196/index.htmComplete Air-Ground Transcripts of Hijacked9/11 Flight Recordings DeclassifiedNational Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 196Edited by Barbara EliasFor more information contact:Barbara Elias - 202/994-7000Posted - August 11, 2006(See also: http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/sept11/index.html)    Washington, DC - August 11, 2006 - The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) this week released full transcripts of the air traffic control recordings from the four flights hijacked on September 11, 2001, and meticulous Flight Path Studies for three of the flights, in response to a Freedom of Information request by the National Security Archive. The studies provide the most detailed technical information available to date related to the hijackings, and the transcripts of the aircraft-to-ground communications are the first complete government disclosure of each flight's air traffic control recordings.    The documents are cited extensively in the 9/11 Commission Report to establish key facts and basic timelines for each hijacked flight. The NTSB Web site references the documents but does not provide copies, claiming "the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Safety Board provided requested technical assistance to the FBI, and any material generated by the NTSB is under the control of the FBI. The Safety Board does not plan to issue a report or open a public docket." The documents were released in their entirety to the National Security Archive and were received directly from the NTSB.    The transcripts provide additional details to the information summarized in the 9/11 Commission Report. For example, the NTSB transcript differs slightly from the Commission's text of the warning that United Airlines Flight 93 received only minutes before the hijackers attacked. At 9:23am, the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) shows a text message to Flight 93 reading: "BEWARE OF ANY COCKPIT INTROUSION [sic]. TWO AIRCRAFT IN NY, HIT TRADE CNTER BUILDS [sic]." Five minutes later at 9:28am Flight 93 was sending the message "***(mayday)*** (hey get out of here) ***" as it was being hijacked.    The Flight Path Studies reconstruct the routes of American Airlines Flight 11, American Airlines Flight 77 and United Airlines Flight 175. Complied from recorded radar data and information from the Flight Data Recorders, the studies' illustrations of radar ground tracks, maps and altitude profiles provide graphic guides to each hijacking and were used by the NTSB to determine the takeover points where the hijackers gained control of the planes.    In addition to the Flight Path Studies and Air Traffic Control Recording transcripts, the NTSB released a February 2002 "Specialist's Factual Report of Investigation" on United Airlines Flight 93 based on the flight's recovered digital data recorder -- the only surviving recorder from the hijacked planes on 9/11. The report provides graphic analysis of the data recovered from Flight 93 and its subsequent crash in Shanksville, PA. According to the report, the flight recorder functioned normally.    Documents    Note: The following documents are in PDF format.    You will need to download and install the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.    Document 1: NTSB report, "Flight Path Study-American Airlines Flight 11," Feb. 19, 2002 [Chapter 1, The 9/11 Commission Report, "We Have Some Planes." Footnotes 23, 33]    Document 2: NTSB report, "Flight Path Study-American Airlines Flight 77," Feb. 19, 2002 [Chapter 1, The 9/11 Commission Report, "We Have Some Planes." Footnote 53]    Document 3: NTSB report, "Flight Path Study-United Airlines 175," Feb. 19, 2002 [Chapter 1, The 9/11 Commission Report, "We Have Some Planes." Footnote 41]    Document 4: NTSB report, "Specialist's Factual Report of Investigation-Digital Flight Data Recorder" for United Airlines Flight 93, Feb. 15, 2002 [Chapter 1, The 9/11 Commission Report, "We Have Some Planes." Footnotes 70, 71]    Document 5: NTSB report, Air Traffic Control Recording-American Airlines Flight 11, Dec. 21, 2001 [Chapter 1, The 9/11 Commission Report, "We Have Some Planes." Footnote 24]    Document 6: NTSB 

[cia-drugs] With the Lieberman Defeat, Rohatyn's DLC is Doomed

2006-08-12 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis



  With the 
  Lieberman Defeat,Rohatyn's DLC is Doomed
  Nancy Spannaus
  defeat of the leading Republican Bush-lover in the Democratic Party, Joe 
  Lieberman, in the Senate Democratic primary in Connecticut on Aug. 8, has 
  thrown a huge monkeywrench into the efforts of the Felix Rohatyn-funded 
  Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) to stage a comeback in the runup to 
  the November Congressional elections. The field is now wide open for the 
  Democrats to turn to Lyndon LaRouche's leadership, especially as LaRouche 
  has been the spearhead of the anti-Lieberman drive. Any other course is 
  going to lead, quite predictably, to a smashing Democratic defeat in 
  LaRouche representatives in Washington, D.C. are already receiving 
  congratulations on the Lieberman defeat, much as they did when leading 
  Republican thug Tom DeLay of Texas was knocked out of politics. The real 
  question is: Do the Democrats have the guts to follow up?
  Minority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.), one of the many leading Democrats who 
  had endorsed Lieberman prior to the primary, responded to the election 
  result with his most feisty comments in months. According to the Aug. 10 
  Boston Globe, Reid said: "But the perception was that he was too 
  close to George Bush, and this election was, in many respects, a 
  referendum on the President more than anything else. The results bode well 
  for Democratic victories in November and our efforts to take the country 
  in a new direction." Reid said polls show Democrats winning 
  Republican-held Senate seats in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Montana, Missouri, and 
  Rhode Island.
  "A lot 
  of time has gone by and the numbers haven't changed. In actuality, Ohio 
  has gotten better. Montana has gotten better. And now we have three other 
  seats we are looking at. We were only looking also at Tennessee and 
  Arizona. Now we've added Virginia to the mix." Reid said.
  Out of 
  the eight Republican seats Reid mentioned, the Democrats need to win six, 
  in order to take control of the Senate.
  The Lieberman 
  Lieberman's loss is a direct reflection of the fact that the 
  Connecticut electorate saw him as the "kissing cousin" of George W. Bush. 
  Like the majority of the nation, Connecticut voters are in revulsion 
  against the brutal, no-win war in Iraq, and the complete lack of action by 
  the current Administration and Congress on the accelerating economic and 
  financial collapse. Challenger Ned Lamont's anti-war campaign was a plus 
  for him, but Lieberman's negatives far outweighed them. Washington sources 
  tell EIR that when Lieberman began to threaten the party 
  that he would campaign as an Independent if he lost the primary, he pushed 
  many over the edge, against him.
  Lieberman comes by his thug-like behavior naturally. As LaRouche's 
  EIR exposed in a series of mass-run offprints back in August 
  2002, Lieberman got his start in the Senate with the full backing of some 
  of the most notorious right-wing fascist circles on the planet, including 
  avowed Carlist William F. Buckley. Buckley not only waged a propaganda 
  campaign against Lieberman's opponent, Lowell Weicker, in the Senate race 
  of 1988, but bailed Lieberman out financially by steering him to the Cuban 
  exile community in Miami. Lieberman maintained the close connections with 
  the Cuban right wing, at least up through the 2000 Presidential election, 
  when he was known as "Gore's Man in Little Havana." (See "Fascist 
  William Buckley Put Joe Lieberman in the Senate," EIR, July 
  26, 2002.)
  there are Lieberman's mob connections, starting with Michael Steinhardt, 
  the chairman and bankroller of the DLC when it was launched out of Pam 
  Harriman's "Democrats for the 80s" late in that decade. Steinhardt, the 
  son of the leading jewel fence for the Meyer Lansky syndicate, ran one of 
  the filthiest hedge funds on Wall Street during the 1980s and 1990s. After 
  he shut down his hedge fund in the wake of his company being involved in a 
  scam over Treasury bonds, Steinhardt emerged as a major player in the 
  Edgar Bronfman-founded Mega Group.
  Steinhardt, who now funds the neo-con New York Sun 
  newspaper, has continued to be close to Lieberman. The two collaborated in 
  the infamous September 1998 effort to carry out a coup d'état against the 
  Clinton Administration, by trying to get President Clinton to resign in 
  the wake of the Monica Lewinsky affair. Indeed, Lieberman is known in some 
  Washington political circles as the "Senator from 

[cia-drugs] Stone's Stupendous Masterpiece Raises Disturbing Questions

2006-08-12 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Once bitten, twice shy, Stone - no stranger to controversy or 
conspiracy - has not made a JFK-style expose of the 9-11 Commission. At first 
blush, grassy knollers may be disappointed, as Stone seems to steer clear of 
speculation about what "really" happened September 11th.


Aug. 11, 2006 
Stone’s Stupendous Masterpiece 
Raises Disturbing Questions
By Ed Rampell
Oliver Stone’s World Trade Center is among the greatest disaster movies ever 
shot, although it’s much more than a special effects spectacle. This colossal 
masterpiece returns the director of Kennedy assassination/ Vietnam/Central 
America classics to Hollywood’s front ranks and the frontlines of films about 
touchy subjects that raise troubling questions, with what appears to be a 
knowing nod to 9/11 conspiracy theories.
Based on actual accounts, WTC opens with just another day, as unsuspecting 
commuters rise and head towards Manhattan. Nicolas Cage and Michael Pena portray 
Sergeant John McLoughlin and rookie Will Jimeno (based on real Port Authority 
Police Department officers). Suddenly, a jet’s shadow zooms across a high rise; 
booms are heard. A veteran of 1993’s WTC bombing, McLoughlin leads a PADP 
detachment from midtown’s Bus Terminal to downtown’s disaster site.En route, 
a second plane strikes the South Tower. The sarge mutters that after the blind 
sheik’s assault, authorities became "prepared for everything, but not this, not 
for something this size. There’s no plan" for aerial surprise attacks. Arriving 
at the WTC, amidst mass carnage and confusion, the policemen see someone falling 
from the towering inferno. Nevertheless, the men-in-blue press on to the 
concourse, where McLoughlin asks for volunteers to rescue people stranded above. 

"I got it, sarge," says the rookie. As Jimeno, McLoughlin and others enter 
hell’s gates, viewers who know what will literally befall the first responders 
unaware of the impending apocalypse can’t help but be moved. At the screening I 
attended, two women brought tissue boxes and offered Kleenexes to audience 
members - it was here this Native New Yorker needed eye wipe number one.
It’s the first of many Kleenex moments: as the Twin Towers collapse, Jimeno 
and McLoughlin are trapped by rubble. Pinned down, they fight for their lives, 
and Stone opens up the action to their flashbacks and those left behind. Like 
many disaster flicks, personal stories unfold. Coping with the unraveling 
Armageddon, the cops’ families are brave in their own ways.
At a March 18 L.A. demo protesting the Iraq invasion’s third anniversary, I 
asked Maria Bello if she was in any upcoming socially conscious films. She 
replied, "I don’t ever plan to do a film with a message. I just happen to do 
films that move me, and if they happen to have a message for someone, that’s 
fantastic as well. I’m currently in Oliver Stone’s new film about 9/11." As 
McLoughlin and Jimeno’s wives, Bello and Maggie Gyllenhaal’s performances are 
eloquent rebukes to Squeaky Fromme-like "pundits" who mock 9/11 widows. 
But WTC is no tearjerker - or gung-ho flag waver. This homage to ordinary 
people’s extraordinary courage could have ended with Bush’s bullhorn speech atop 
Ground Zero’s remains. But Stone (who, unlike Bush, volunteered for Vietnam) 
knows that with turmoil in Afghanistan, Iraq and much of the Middle East, the 
presidential bravado rings hollow today. Instead, the wise director of the 1980s 
Vietnam and Central America dramas Platoon, Born on the Fourth of July and 
Salvador ends WTC on a note of hope and solidarity, as Cage says:
"9/11 showed us what humans are capable of, the evil, yeah sure, but it also 
brought out a goodness we forgot could exist. People taking care of each other, 
for no other reason than it was the right thing to do. It’s important for us to 
talk about that good, to remember, because I saw a lot of it that 
day."In Stone’s oeuvre, WTC may be closest to his other Lower Manhattan 
movie, 1987’s Wall Street, starring Charlie Sheen, who goes-for-broker when 
bullish Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) pronounces: "Greed is good." Charlie 
plays the son of blue collar worker Martin Sheen (his offscreen father and 
activist). Stone, the son of a Wall Streeter, extols the proletariat’s virtues 
in Wall Street and WTC, where plebians, not patricians, are working class 
9/11 conspiracy theorists would naturally cast the first Stone to direct a 
September 11th feature. After all, he helmed 1991’s JFK, wherein Stone leaves no 
stone unturned in debunking the Warren Commission/lone gunman/"magic bullet" 
Kennedy assassination narrative. 
Similarly, today’s cabal-minded doubt the official version of September 11th 
in documentaries such as Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11, 911 in Plane Site and 
Confronting the Evidence. Among critics’ bone-chilling allegations is that the 
Pentagon’s 16 foot hole reportedly caused by Flight 77 is too small for 

[cia-drugs] Uncle Sam a Liar George Bush Says NOPE BABY !!

2006-08-12 Thread judson witham

  NOW COME ON YOU KNOW MO BETTERMy Buddy W would never Prevaricate They all be fine up standing WALKING EAGLE TYPESUncle Sam a LIAR ohhh PULASE To: Cia-drugs@yahoogroups.comFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2006 12:03:02 EDTSubject: [cia-drugs] Fwd: Government Releases Detailed Information on 9/11 Crashes (delete if not a researcher)To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED],[EMAIL PROTECTED]From: Brian Bogart [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Government Releases
 Detailed Information on 9/11 Crashes (delete if not a researcher)Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2006 03:10:15 -0700  For what it's worth (not a 9-11 researcher? click "delete" - note: no further messages of this kind will follow).Of course, ALL information released by our government is The Uncensored Truth, especially five-year-old documents released only on demand.  Government Releases Detailed  Information on 9/11 Crasheshttp://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB196/index.htmComplete Air-Ground Transcripts of Hijacked  9/11 Flight Recordings DeclassifiedNational Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 196Edited by Barbara EliasFor more information contact:  Barbara Elias - 202/994-7000Posted - August 11, 2006(See also:http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/sept11/index.html)  Washington, DC - August 11, 2006 - The National Transportation Safety
 Board (NTSB) this week released full transcripts of the air traffic control recordings from the four flights hijacked on September 11, 2001, and meticulous Flight Path Studies for three of the flights, in response to a Freedom of Information request by the National Security Archive. The studies provide the most detailed technical information available to date related to the hijackings, and the transcripts of the aircraft-to-ground communications are the first complete government disclosure of each flight's air traffic control recordings.  The documents are cited extensively in the 9/11 Commission Report to establish key
 facts and basic timelines for each hijacked flight. The NTSB Web site references the documents but does not provide copies, claiming "the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Safety Board provided requested technical assistance to the FBI, and any material generated by the NTSB is under the control of the FBI. The Safety Board does not plan to issue a report or open a public docket." The documents were released in their entirety to the National Security Archive and were received directly from the NTSB.  The transcripts provide additional details to
 the information summarized in the 9/11 Commission Report. For example, the NTSB transcript differs slightly from the Commission's text of the warning that United Airlines Flight 93 received only minutes before the hijackers attacked. At 9:23am, the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) shows a text message to Flight 93 reading: "BEWARE OF ANY COCKPIT INTROUSION [sic]. TWO AIRCRAFT IN NY, HIT TRADE CNTER BUILDS [sic]." Five minutes later at 9:28am Flight 93 was sending the message "***(mayday)*** (hey get out of here) ***" as it was being hijacked.  The Flight Path Studies reconstruct the routes
 of American Airlines Flight 11, American Airlines Flight 77 and United Airlines Flight 175. Complied from recorded radar data and information from the Flight Data Recorders, the studies' illustrations of radar ground tracks, maps and altitude profiles provide graphic guides to each hijacking and were used by the NTSB to determine the takeover points where the hijackers gained control of the planes.  In addition to the Flight Path Studies and Air Traffic Control Recording transcripts, the NTSB released a February 2002 "Specialist's Factual Report of Investigation" on United Airlines Flight 93 based on the flight's
 recovered digital data recorder -- the only surviving recorder from the hijacked planes on 9/11. The report provides graphic analysis of the data recovered from Flight 93 and its subsequent crash in Shanksville, PA. According to the report, the flight recorder functioned normally.  DocumentsNote: The following documents are in PDF format.You will need to download and install the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.  Document 1: NTSB report, "Flight Path Study-American Airlines Flight 11," Feb. 19, 2002 [Chapter 1, The 9/11 Commission Report, "We Have Some Planes." Footnotes
 23, 33]  Document 2: NTSB report, "Flight Path Study-American Airlines Flight 77," Feb. 19, 2002 [Chapter 1, The 9/11 Commission Report, "We Have Some Planes." Footnote 53]  Document 3: NTSB report, "Flight Path Study-United Airlines 175," Feb. 19, 2002 [Chapter 1, The
 9/11 Commission Report, "We Have Some Planes." Footnote 41]  Document 4: NTSB report, "Specialist's Factual Report of Investigation-Digital Flight Data Recorder" for United Airlines Flight 93, Feb. 15, 2002