[cia-drugs] Hinduism & Quantum Physics

2006-08-15 Thread RoadsEnd



Hinduism & Quantum Physics

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Vedanta as the synthesis of Science and Religion

Modern Physics and Philosophical Reason
The basic oneness of the universe is not only the central
characteristic of the mystical experience, but is also one
of the most important revelations of modern physics.


Stapp, Quantum physicist.



'Om Isha vasyam idam sarvam, yat kincha jagatyam jagat'

"All this- whatever exists in this changing
universe, is pervaded by God"
 -Isa Upanishad

"Om purnamadah purnamidam purnaat purnamudachyate,
purnasya purnamadaya purnamevaavashishyate"

"That (pure consciousness) is full(perfect); this(the manifest  
universe of matter; of names and forms being maya) is full. This  
fullness has been projected from that fullness. When this fullness  
merges in that fullness, all that remains is fullness."
 -Peace invocation- Isa Upanishad

"The Supreme Brahman(God) is the only Reality. The idea of the  
phenomenal universe is falsely superimposed upon it."
Swami Nikhilananda of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Centre, New York.


In recent years physicists have had to address the interplay of  
consciousness and the physical world. In Quantum Physics much has  
been made over Bell's Theorem. The implications of this theorem and  
the experimental findings that flow from it are staggering. They  
force us to consider that the entire notion of a purely objective  
world is in conflict not only with the theory of quantum mechanics,  
but with the facts drawn from actual experiments. These findings  
point insistently to a profound interaction between conscious mental  
activity and the physical world itself.


The Rishi's vision of a world in which man participates in a seamless  
existence, indivisibly united with the universe around him, resonates  
through a discovery called "BELL'S THEOREM". This discovery, first  
proposed in 1964 by the physicist John S. Bell was first confirmed by  
experiment in 1972 by Professor John Clauser at Berkley. It is an  
almost unbelievable result - unbelievable because the logical mind  
has great difficulty in comprehending how it can be true. Its impact  
on the physics community has been enormous. Professor Henry Stapp, a  
physicist at Berkley and an authority on the implications of Bell's  

A description of the proof of Bell's theory, as given by Stapp reads:

"If the statistical predictions of quantum theory are true, an  
objective universe is incompatible with the law of local causes."

Although formidable at first glance, Bell's Theorem seems simpler  
once key terms are understood.

First, an "objective universe" is simply one that exists apart from  
our consciousness.

Secondly, the "law of local causes" refers to the fact that events in  
the universe happen at a speed that does not exceed the speed of  
light. Things happen, in other words, always at the speed of light or  
less.This limitation is imposed by Einstein's special theory of  
relativity, and is a mainstay of modern physical theory. To be  
accurate, in actual experimental situations, it is not Bell's Theorem  
that is tested, but the predictions of Quantum Mechanics.

In 1935, Albert Einstein, together with Nathan Rosen and Boris  
Podolsky proposed through flawless mathematical reasoning that if the  
quantum theory were correct, then 'A change in the spin of one  
particle in a two particle system would affect its twin  
simultaneously, even if the two had been widely separated in the  
meantime'. And 'simultaneous' is a dirty word in the theory of  
special relativity, which forbids the transmission of any signal  
faster than the speed of light. Obviously, a signal telling the  
particle 'what to do' would have to travel faster than the speed of  
light if instantaneous changes were to occur between the two particles.

The dilemma into which Einstein, Rosen and Podolsky dragged the  
quantum theory was a profound one, coming to be known as THE ERP EFFECT.

In 1964 Bell's Theorem emerged as a proof that Einstein's impossible  
proposition did in fact hold true: instantaneous changes in widely  
separated systems did occur.

In 1972, Clauser confirmed the statistical predictions of quantum  
mechanics, working with an elaborate system involving photons,  
calcite crystals, and photo multiplier tubes The experiment has since  
been run several ti

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Operation "Change of Location"?

2006-08-15 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:From: "Alamaine, IVe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: August 15, 2006 8:53:34 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ctrl] Operation "Change of Location"?Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.counterpunch.com/August 15, 2006Operation "Change of Location"?How Reports of the July 12th Capture of IDF Soldiers Soon Shifted From Lebanon to IsraelBy TRISH SCHUHA team of Israeli lawyers is now suing the Lebanese government for starting the war. The case, to be filed in US civil court, will sue for compensation and damages incurred by Israeli residents and businesses as a result of the war. Attorneys Yehudah Talmon, Yoram Dantziger and Nitzah Libai claim the Lebanese government violated international law because it didn't stop Hezbollah's casus belli cross-border raid against Israel.Israel's justification for its 'self-defense' attack on Lebanon, and the placement of the original "provocation" will take on new legal significance in coming months. Who infiltrated whom, and on what territory did the initial capture of the IDF soldiers occur? Differing press accounts stating that the capture occurred in Lebanon- not Israel- are now widely known: most frequently cited are AFP, Hindustan Times, Deutsch Press Agency, Asia Times, Bahrain News Agency and Voltairenet. Others reflect changes of direction in the recording of basic facts.Newsweek's Michael Hirsh of MSNBC.com, on July 12, said: "As a result, things are blowing up so quickly it's difficult to know where to focus any longer. After the kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers by Hizbullah in Lebanon on Wednesday, which the hard-line group linked to a similar kidnapping by Hamas the week before, the mideast seemed to be closer to all-out war."By July 13, the story out of MSNBC.com's Jerusalem bureau was different. In a piece titled "Crisis allows Israel to pursue strategic goals- Kidnappings give Israel excuse to neutralize Hamas, Hezbollah", Jerusalem bureau chief Steven Gutkin wrote: "Kidnappings changed everything: All that changed Wednesday, when Hezbollah guerillas crossed into Israel, seizing Goldwasser and Regev and killing eight other soldiers in the ensuing fighting."AP also ran changed versions. On July 12, at 5:41AM Joseph Panossian wrote: "The militant group Hezbollah captured two Israeli soldiers during clashes Wednesday across the border in southern Lebanon, prompting a swift reaction from Israel, which sent ground forces into its neighbor to look for them."At 7:09 AM, Panossian had altered his report: "The Hezbollah militant group captured two Israeli soldiers during clashes along the Lebanese border on Wednesday."By late afternoon, at 4:13 PM, AP's Panossian had completely shifted location: "Hezbollah militants crossed into Israel on Wednesday and captured two Israeli soldiers. Israel responded in southern Lebanon with warplanes, tanks and gunboats, and said eight of its soldiers had been killed in the violence."Israeli sources went almost unnoticed. Cybercast News Service (CNSNews.com) of July 12 said: "The abduction of two Israeli soldiers by Hizbullah militants in southern Lebanon was not a terrorist attack but an act of war, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Wednesday."Australia's ABC News (Reuters) on July 13 quoted the IDF: "The sources say the Israeli soldiers had been seized at around 9am local time across the border from Aita al Shaab, some 15 kilometers from the Mediterranean coast. The Israeli army confirmed that two Israeli soldiers had been captured on the Lebanese frontier. Israeli ground forces crossed into Lebanon to hunt for the missing soldiers, Israeli Army Radio said."Voice of America, Jerusalem, on July 12 said: "Speaking to reporters outside the Israeli Foreign Ministry, spokesman Mark Regev says Hezbollah is responsible for the violence. "It appears we have an escalation in the North," he said. "It is very clear that the escalation started on the Lebanese side of the border, and Israel will respond appropriately."In his article "Casus Belli", IDF Brigadier General Moshe Yaalon wrote: "The present crisis was initiated- in Gaza by Hamas and in southern Lebanon by Hezbollah- from lands that are not under Israeli occupation." New Republic, July 31.A quote by Hamas political bureau member Mohammad Nazzal in the July 13 edition of Haaretz said: "This is a heroic operation carried out against military targets and so it is a legitimate operation, especially as it took place in occupied Lebanese territory."A Lebanese government official told this writer that the first information about the soldiers' capture in southern Lebanon came from the Lebanese Army Police, a source also quoted in many media accounts. "At the beginning the Lebanese Army said it was on the Lebanese side," the official told me. The verbatim Army communique' to the Lebanese government follows: " 'At 9:03 or 9:05am in the vicinity or in front of Ayt Al Shaab village the members of the resistance have abducted two soldiers. At 9:15am the resistance s

[cia-drugs] THOMAS FRANK : A Distant Mirror, Frameshop: George Allen's White Power Word & Lebanon Tale

2006-08-15 Thread MA PA

  THOMAS FRANK : A Distant Mirror, Frameshop: George Allen's White Power Word & Lebanon Tale  by THOMAS FRANK - The New York Times Tuesday Aug 15th, 2006 Frank: A Distant Mirror Thomas Frank is the author, most recently, of “What’s the Matter with Kansas? How Conservatives Won the Heart of America.’’ He is a guest columnist during August. Again Americans thrill to the exploits of the great tycoons, and gradually we are becoming reacquainted with pervasive inequality. - PLUS: Story of a dead woman and baby buried in the rubble of Beirut. - PLUS: Republican Senator George Allen(VA.) called someone   at a campaign stop a 'macaca,' a racist slang word.   GUEST COLUMNIST A
 Distant Mirror By THOMAS FRANK Published: August 15, 2006 By now, even the most dedicated “values voter” is aware that an orgy of plunder and predation grinds merrily on in the capital, yet if polls are to be believed, the Democrats can persuade almost nobody to switch their vote on that basis. That’s because, while they have many nice slogans on the subject, Democrats offer no larger theory of corruption, no way to help voters understand what is essentially Republican about the pillage currently being visited on our national government. Continued: http://mparent.livejournal.com/11299707.html Frameshop: George Allen's White Power Word Aug 15, 2006 FRAMESHOP By Jeffrey Feldman jeffrey [at] frameshopisopen.com Yesterday, when the news broke that George
 Allen called someone at a campaign stop a 'macaca,' I did some Google searches to find out what it meant. As it turns out, the question is not if 'macaca' is a racist term, but which of the three definitions of the word 'macaca' did George Allen intend when he used it? Here are the three choices: 1. 'Macaca' - French : racist slang; similar to English 'nigger,' used to describe Arabs. 2. 'Macaca' - English : racist slang; similar to 'nigger' used to describe Arabs. 3. 'Macaca' - English : racist slang; used by American white supremacists in 'insider' talk about African-Americans. Which one is it? Before we get to that conclusion, here are a few points in response to the discussion as it has evolved since last night. Continued: INCLUDES VIDEO OF THE SLUR http://mparent.livejournal.com/11300512.html Lebanon Story of a dead woman and baby
 buried in the rubble of Beirut Selwa's story A week ago the body of a woman clutching a baby was found in this bombed apartment block in Beirut; the image was printed across the world. But who was she? By tracking down surviving members of her family, Clancy Chassay has managed to piece together her life - and how she died with her three children and husband by her side. Tuesday August 15, 2006 Continued: http://mparent.livejournal.com/11300317.html Today's Newswire http://mparent.livejournal.com/2006/08/15/   MARC PARENT  
 CRIMES AND CORRUPTIONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS  http://mparent.livejournal.com/   http://www.tpmcafe.com/blog/14409  http://www.dailykos.com/user/ccnwon       

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[cia-drugs] Partial recount confirms Mexico election fraud. NarcoNews.com

2006-08-15 Thread Eco Man

   See also: "Mexico's Election Fraud: More Questions Raised". ePluribus Media article, August 14, 2006.   http://scoop.epluribusmedia.org/story/2006/8/13/112542/316         Please forward widely. Maybe there will be democracy and honest elections in the USA someday, too? How can we hope for much change through elections in the USA if many of the elections are not fair? This is relevant to all activism. Runoff voting is also needed to cure fake democracy.      ---start---        http://www.narconews.com/Issue42/article2010.html         English | Español | Portugués     August 15, 2006 | Issue #42  Set Color:Print This Page Comments   Search Narco News  Narco News Issue #41Complete Archives  The Other Campaign   La Otra Campaña   A Outra Campanha   L’Altra Campagna   Die Andere Kampagne   L’Autre Campagne   «کارزاری ديگر» (Farsi)Contact:  Publisher  Editor  Opening Statement, April 18, 2000¡Bienvenidos en Español!Bem Vindos em Português!  Sign up for free alerts list:English  Lista de alertas gratis:Español  Lista de alertas grátisPortuguês  Narco News is supported by:The
 Fund for Authentic JournalismEditorial Policy and Disclosures  Site Design: Dan Feder  All contents, unless otherwise noted, © 2000-2006 Al Giordano  The trademarks "Narco News," "The Narco News Bulletin," and "School of Authentic Journalism" © 2000-2006 Al Giordano   RSS 1.0   Mexico’s Partial Vote Recount Confirms Massive and Systematic
 Election Fraud  With Less than 9 Percent of Precincts Recounted, More than 126,000 Votes Are Found to Have Been Disappeared or Illegally Fabricated  By Al Giordano  Part V of a Special Series for The Narco News Bulletin  August 14, 2006     Finally, the hard numbers are starting to come in. In the “partial recount” of paper ballots from the July 2 presidential election in Mexico, ordered by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (known as the Trife), the recount has been completed in 10,679 precincts of the 11,839 ordered by the court (about 9 percent of Mexico’s 130,000 precincts). From these precincts, Narco News has obtained the following preliminary numbers that confirm the massive and systematic electoral fraud inflicted on the Mexican people: 
   In 3,074 precincts (29 percent of those recounted), 45,890 illegal votes, above the number of voters who cast ballots in each polling place, were found stuffed inside the ballot boxes (an average of 15 for each of these precincts, primarily in strongholds of the National Action Party, known as the PAN, of President Vicente Fox and his candidate, Felipe Calderón).   In 4,368 precincts (41 percent of those recounted), 80,392 ballots of citizens who did vote are missing (an average of 18 votes in each of these precincts).   Together, these 7,442 precincts contain about 70 percent of the ballots recounted. The total amount of ballots either stolen or forged adds up to 126,282 votes altered.   If the recount results of these 10,679 precincts (8.2 percent of the nation’s 130,000 polling places) are projected nationwide, it would mean that more than 1.5 million votes were either stolen or stuffed in an election that the first official
 count claimed was won by Calderon by only 243,000 votes.   Among the findings of this very limited partial recount are that in 3,079 precincts where the PAN party is strong and where, in many cases, the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) of candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador did not count with election night poll watchers, one or more of three things occurred: Either the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE, in its Spanish initials) illegally provided more ballots than there are voters in those precincts, or the PAN party stole those extra ballots, or ballots were forged. “Taqueo and Saqueo”These preliminary recounts demonstrate mainly two kinds of fraud: “taqueo,” or the stuffing of ballot boxes with false votes as if putting extra beans inside a taco, and “saqueo,” or “looting,” that is, the disappearance of legitimate ballots cast. 
    A significant problem, now, for Mexican democracy (for those who claim that the election was fair, and also for those who view this evidence as proof of electoral fraud) is that there is no way to tell, inside each ballot box, which of the ballots were legal and which were not; nor which ballots were stolen and which were not.     In some past post-electoral disputes for state and local offices, the Trife electoral court has opted, based on this kind of evidence, to annul the results from those precincts where stuffing or looting occurred.     If the Trife follows the law and its own established precedents, and annuls the results in these 7,442 precincts where the fraud took place, it would reverse the official results and López Obrador would emerge the victor by more than 425,000 votes nationwide.  Specifically, Calderón would lose 1,225,326 votes from his tally, while López Obrador
 would lose just 556,600; a difference of 668,726. W

[cia-drugs] Israeli war -- important review

2006-08-15 Thread J M

leslie o <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: good article.  Israel's War - An Important ReviewCommentaryBy Joseph Ehrlich8-14-6  To really understand where we stand today, I included the segment in No. 3 yesterday about G-d creating the world with rudiments of a past (tantamount to a stage setting). If you extrapolate this proposition out to its fullest the entire known universe that we know or come to know may have also been created with the creation of our world. Understanding that
 realities are created by G-d, by ourselves and of course by our enemies is one of the most important understandings you will take away with you from these E-mails. So, as you choose what food you eat, you can choose what reality you want to see your life, your environment and your world from. Thus, why I can offer you unique insight and interpretations is that I have learned to see events from the biblical reality, what I consider the true reality, which represents the light. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of this precept. Thus, applying it to Olmert's War, I interpret that Israel could have wiped Hezbollah off the map in probably a single day if it so decided to do so. Thus, the portrait that Hezbollah successfully resisted the IDF was the creation of a false secular reality. The purpose for it of course, evidenced by sending in 5000 troops rather than
 3 or even 8 troops, was to extend the battle to allow Olmert to order the IDF to commit itself to deeds that would inflame Syria and Iran. Both these countries squirmed at the injustices done by the IDF against Lebanon. Yet, China's advice, affirming that the injustices were committed deliberately to entice Syria and Iran to enter the fray, was for Syria and of course Iran to sit tight. Then of course as interpreted by the E-mail on July 20th entitled Battle for Jerusalem if Syria and Iran did not bite on the injustices committed in front of them then the IDF was ordered to move more deeply into Lebanon where the IDF ultimately moved to the Bekaa Valley and Litani River (see also July 28 E-mail entitled Permission Granted). There Syria and Iran were baited continuously but Syria and Iran held by China's directions and for doing so China readied itself to enter the war if the IDF pushed it one step too
 far. Thus, only when a resolution was agreed to by the parties (Israel folding due to the assessed realities that China would enter the picture against Israel), did Israel send into South Lebanon 3 troops that were otherwise readied to move against Syria and Iran if they had taken the bait. Thus, Olmert is now stuck for waging an inane war because he cannot go out and admit that what he was really doing was baiting Syria and Iran in order to expand the war. What purpose was there otherwise to what he ordered the IDF to do? He did not defeat Hezbollah because that was not his purpose in bowing to Bush and the NWO. It would take 50-500 years of Hamas and Hezbollah (if this war was not triggered by Olmert) to accomplish the death and destruction seen by this war. Israel is now effectively ostracized and worse of all Israel has itself concluded that Bush and the NWO were pursuing a strategy where Israel would be blown
 up so that Bush and the NWO could pursue policies publicly identified by SenderBerl since 2002 (reference the Bush Double Double Cross). China only needs to now get rid of NWO troops in Iraq and then with Iran intact and under the light of this failed effort by Amona Olmert, the West is in trouble. I had the opportunity to watch a tape of the Ahmadinejad interview on CBS and I tell you here is a man who is humble and affirmatively lives to align himself with G-d and to see justice done. You had to catch it but he sent the message that he had identified Europe as a main culprit in the injustices in the world. I knew that when he said this that he was de facto confirming my interpretation that France, Germany and Belgium would be the primary targets of China's initial attack in case of war. Have no doubt that the NWO truly fears this because they worked so very hard that the EU would be out not in the war scenario. They
 overdid it. China is astute at connecting the same dots we did here. The only good news I have for Bush 43 is that it did not matter who would have sat in lieu of him in occupation of our country for the NWO. The same results would have come into play. Thus, the NWO should already call it a day and with all due respect Israel and here I include the rabbinate should already recognize that it has to move to Iran rather than pursue policies where it claims and sees Iran as a threat. Is Iran a threat? Of course Iran is a threat. Iran could be the country that eviscerates Israel. However, Iran is not Israel's enemy. Israel is Israel's enemy and it is only Israel that invokes the creation of a reality where Iran is not only a threat but the putative vehicle for Israel's evisceration. Thus, t

[cia-drugs] Foiled UK Terror Plot - Pakistani Connection

2006-08-15 Thread J M

The Foiled UK Terror Plot and the "Pakistani Connection"by Michel Chossudovsky  August 14, 2006  GlobalResearch.ca    The announcement by the British Home Office of a foiled terror plot to simultaneously blow up as many as ten airplanes on transatlantic flights, conveys the impression that it is the Western World rather than the Middle East which is under attack.   Had the terrorist plot gone ahead as planned,  it would have resulted in "the loss of life on an unprecedented scale", said Home Secretary John Reid. (BBC, 10 August 2006).   "We are confident we have disrupted a plan by terrorists to cause untold death and destruction Put simply, this was intended to be mass murder on an
 unimaginable scale", said Deputy Commissioner of the Metropolitan police, Paul Stephenson. (Complete statement, 10 August 2006)  The London terror warning has served to divert World public attention from the war in Lebanon and the atrocities committed by coalition forces in the Middle East.    Realities have been twisted and turned upside down. A fear and intimidation campaign has been launched. The "civilized" Western World is threatened by "extremists" and "homegrown Islamic terrorists": "The global loathing for the United States and its ally, the
 United Kingdom, has helped corrupt the minds of a generation of disaffected young Muslims..."  Meanwhile, the real "mass murder on an unimaginable scale" (to use Scotland Yard's _expression_) committed in Lebanon at the height of a major escalation of the Israeli led invasion, was barely acknowledged by the Western media.    President Bush stated (August 10) that the planned terror plot was "..a stark reminder that this nation is at war with Islamic fascists who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt our nation".  Media Disinformation  The global media is inundated with "authoritative" stories on the foiled UK terror plot "to
 smuggle liquid bomb components in hand luggage" onto transatlantic flights. The alleged plot involves some 50 British born Muslims, with insidious links to Al Qaeda and terror groups in Pakistan.   CNN's top journalists were rushed from the war theater in Lebanon to cover unfolding events in London, England.  While Israel continues to target civilians, the Western media has its eyes riveted on what is now being described as a foiled "Second 9/11", which was allegedly slated to occur on the 11th of September, on the day of commemoration of 9/11:"It could have been a second 9/11 -sized slaughter..."   "[W]e could have woken up this morning and the news could have been
 that Act II, the second 9/11 could have occurred. And thank God it did not, because we know the goal of those enemies that want to kill innocent people here. (Fox News, Hannity Colmes, 10 August 2006)  In the days following the British Home Secretary's announcement, the media disinformation campaign went into full gear. CNN's buzz words are: "Target USA", "Could it happen right here in the United States?..."   The objective of the media campaign is to instill fear and intimidation: "The British Home secretary, ... warned that another terrorist attack on Britain is very likely...";  "MI5 and the police are investigating 'dozens and dozens' of possible Al Qaeda inspired plots to cause mass murder in Britain" (Independent, 14 August 2006)  "Counter-terrorism" and war propaganda are intertwined: The
 message in several British and US media points to "preemptive warfare" as a justifiable act of "self defense" against what Condoleeza Rice calls "the State sponsors of terrorism", who are preparing  a "Second 911".   The hidden agenda is to build public acceptance for the next stage of the Middle East war which is directed against Syria and Iran, while  also weakening the antiwar movement.   The Pakistani Connection   While it may be premature to comment on the police investigation at this early stage, due to the lack of information,  there are, nonetheless, a number of obvious flaws and contradictions in the statements emanating from Scotland Yard and Britain's
 Home Office.    The initial reports of the Home Office point to the active collaboration of Pakistani Military Intelligence in uncovering the alleged terror plot. From the outset, most of the intelligence which led to the arrests in the UK was apparently gathered by Pakistan's military intelligence, who is said to "have tipped off MI5": "The plot to blow up passenger planes bound for the US from Britain by making bombs onboard was revealed for the first time by Pakistan's prime intelligence agency, which then brought it into the notice of its counterpart agencies in the US and the UK, ... The agencies of all the three countries then launched a successful operation in unison to foil the plot. Well-placed sources revealed to The News on conditions of anonymity that the operation was coordinated at the highest level by all the three agencies. The

[cia-drugs] How the Government Sets Up Scapegoats/ Stooges

2006-08-15 Thread J M

"Which Stooge... er...Traveler Will Be Deemed To Have 'Hostile Intent'?" Biometric Device Is Reporting it May Have the Answer. (lol)  By JONATHAN KARP and LAURA MECKLERAugust 14, 2006; Page B1  At airport security checkpoints in Knoxville, Tenn. this summer, scores of departing passengers were chosen to step behind a curtain, sit in a metallic oval booth and don headphones.  With one hand inserted into a sensor that monitors physical responses, the travelers used the other hand to answer questions on a touch screen about their plans. A machine measured biometric responses -- blood pressure, pulse and sweat levels -- that then were analyzed by software. The idea was to ferret out U.S. officials who were carrying out carefully constructed but make-believe terrorist missions.  RELATED ARTICLES      Republicans Weigh Push for Tough Terror Laws  Aircraft-Security Focus Swings to People  Plot Adds Fuel to Congress Spat on ImmigrationWALL STREET JOURNAL VIDEO      GE Security
 CEO Louis Parker demonstrates some of the company's airport screening devices.  The trial of the Israeli-developed system represents an effort by the U.S. Transportation Security Administration to determine whether technology can spot passengers who have "hostile intent." In effect, the screening system attempts to mechanize Israel's vaunted airport-security process by using algorithms, artificial-intelligence software and polygraph principles.  Neither the TSA nor Suspect Detection Systems Ltd., the Israeli company, will discuss the Knoxville trial, whose primary goal was to uncover the designated bad guys, not to identify threats among real travelers. They won't even say what questions were asked of travelers, though the system is generally designed to measure physical responses to hot-button questions like "Are you planning to immigrate illegally?" or "Are you smuggling drugs."  The test
 alone signals a push for new ways to combat terrorists using technology. Authorities are convinced that beyond hunting for weapons and dangerous liquids brought on board airliners, the battle for security lies in identifying dangerous passengers.  The method isn't intended to catch specific lies, says Shabtai Shoval, chief executive of Suspect Detection Systems, the start-up business behind the technology dubbed Cogito. "What we are looking for are patterns of behavior that indicate something all terrorists have: the fear of being caught," he says.The Israeli-developed system combines questions and biometric measurements to determine if a passenger should undergo screening by security officials.  Security specialists say such technology can enhance, but not replace, existing detection machines and procedures. Some independent experts who are familiar with Mr. Shoval's product say that while his technology isn't yet mature, it has potential. "You can't replicate the Israeli system exactly, but if you can incorporate its philosophy, this technology can be one element of a better solution," says Doron Bergerbest-Eilon, chief executive of Asero Worldwide consulting firm and a former senior official in Israel's security service.  To date, the TSA has more confidence in people than machines to detect suspicious behavior. A small program now is using screening officers to watch travelers for suspicious
 behavior. "It may be the only thing I know of that favors the human solution instead of technology," says TSA chief Kip Hawley.  The people-based program -- called Screening Passengers by Observation Technique, or SPOT -- began undergoing tests at Boston's Logan Airport after 9/11 and has expanded to about a dozen airports. Trained teams watch travelers in security lines and elsewhere. They look for obvious things like someone wearing a heavy coat on a hot day, but also for subtle signs like vocal timbre, gestures and tiny facial movements that indicate someone is trying to disguise an emotion.  TSA officers observe passengers while consulting a list of more than 30 questionable behaviors, each of which has a numerical score. If someone scores high enough, an officer approaches the person and asks a few questions.  "All you know is there's an emotion being concealed. You have to find out why the emotion
 is occurring," says Paul Ekman, a San Francisco psychologist who pioneered work on facial expressions and is informally advising the TSA. "You can find out very quickly."  More than 80% of those approached are quickly dismissed, he says. The explanations for hiding emotions often are innocent: A traveler might be stressed out from work, worried about missing a flight or sad because a relative just died. If suspicions remain, the traveler is interviewed at greater length by a screener with more specialized training. SPOT teams have identified about 100 people who were trying to smuggle drugs, use fake IDs and commit other crimes, but not terrorist acts.  The TSA says that, because the program is based on human behavior, not attributes, it isn'