[cia-drugs] United States Western Country WAR PLANs, No Defense of Christianity TREND...

2008-02-02 Thread Europeangenocideiii
UK EU, Hindi Pakistani Stereotypes eProgrammed
Complete Document on Post WWII Phases at

This is a List of Weapons of Mass Destruction electronically used to
cause Disease, Violence, Scheduled Drama as eNarcotic & Ego Trip to
reinforce Skull & Bones KKK Delusion & Perspecitve, for UK Writers &
Hindi Pakistani EU Clients Claiming Greek God Status,

1. Publishing Establishments, Television & Satellite Networks + Utility
Companies = Population Programming, Crime gPlacementh &
- Acting Community, Screenwriters, News Agencies, Universities,
Education, Sciences

News reports, Cause & Effect does not make sense, report intent not to
solve problems, signalingParticipants bribery, black mail &

1974-2007 eKidnapped gVisual Learnersh Programed to facilitate
eWeapon of Mass Destruction Mechanism after   11-9-2001, Gangs using
Colors, News using Catch Phrases, Space Satellite OCR Mechanism
TargetingKey Names & Locations

UK EU Hindi Pakistani Hiding Information on War & Publishing Schedule
- Library Book Lists, EDGAR Database
- United States Departmental Calendar Schedule, Database
- Schedule of Grant Opportunities from Non Profit Organizations,
- Ivy League Universities
- Signaling from Bordellos, Narcotics Traffickers, EU Royalty, Gay

Activities happen on a Schedule (see Phases) directed from Databases &
Matrices of Key Words & Phrases,

2. Database Brain Bi Polar Conversation = War, Database of Key Words &
Phrases with Dual Purpose in Conversation & Products.  BiPolar Database
Brain is the Source of problem for Police, BiPolar Database Brain +
eSteroid causes push for Dominance in Conversations no Logic = Police

Hindi Pakistani, Hispanic & Russian Activity is INDEPENDENT of Any
Plans or Schedule. UK EU, CA, SA, AU, NZ DO NOT SUPPORT Hindi Pakistani
& Hispanic Shell Game or Back & Forth Finger Pointing.

Hindi Pakistani attempt to used Television Schedules, Advertising
Schedules & known Event Programming to control Westerners, create
coincidences, Blackmail or Bribe, impetus to hire a Hindi Pakistani with
this type of gInsiderh information & capabilities known.

Hindi Pakistani & Hispanic Community are the known source of problem
exacerbating any ability to contain HUMAN WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION of
the UK EU CA SA AU NZ Narcotics Organization Stalker Community, Acting
Community, Germanish & Irish pushing a plan to Control of Life OF Earth,
cause Violence, Spread Disease & Promiscuity.

Use of News Agencies, Large Pictures & News Coverage to link Pakistani
Musherrif (signaling infiltration  & insider link to DEA) & Pakistan
Military in UK EU, Hindi Pakistani Narcotics Organization operation to
remotely  control or infiltrate Non Western Military & Presidents &
Prime Ministers.

Post 11-9-2001 Large Photo format of Front Page known to be used to
spread disease & electronic  eProgramming of Events, Disasters &
Violence.  11-9-2001 pattern of stalking DEA & Law Enforcement known.

UK Failed to Illegally claim rule of United States with Electronic
Manipulation & Presidential Aryan Election Rigging

UKPM chosen as Journalists, eLinked themselves to ALL News &
Entertainment Sources & ALL Political Families or potential Politicians
for the purpose of Programming & Controlling Issues toward Abuse,
Neglect, Aggravation on Issues of Immediate Need to cause Nuclear War,
Genocide. USE OF LANGUAGE, while no value in Language UK EU Hindi
Pakistani Narcotics Organization use of Key Name Signals is designed to
encourage trained Illiterate Illegal Immigrants, Mentally Handicapped &
Participants of Police & Politician Patronized Narcotics Bordellos.

UK EU, Hindi Pakistani Reporters, News Agencies, Gay Community reporting
is of Tabliod style, No logic in Cause & Effect, no Intent to Solve
Problems or Report toward Solving Problems.  Wall Street Journal & All
Financial News Affected.

Are you a FELON? GOP ClintonBush Economic Stimulus is Code for Narcotics
Organization Pay-off, FACTs Monday

FELONY Link to Racism, Militarism use of UK EU, Hindi Pakistani
Narcotics Organization "style", Motiviations, Reasoning to create
Products, Shape Business Structure, Architecture for over 27 Years.

Legislators are being used as a physical RACIST narcotic, eNarcotic &
motivation to War.

The Only Motivation to War is from the Narcotics Organization.

Products that have been "Built-up" to reinforce Narcotics Sales &
Trafficking include, Art, Jewlry, Accessories, Stock Prices,
Entertainment Industry Products, Companies useful to Narcotics
Organization & Narcotics Organiation Planning & Brain Maniulation
include Software, Pharmaceuticals, Insurance & Health Companies,
Security Guards, Housecleaning, Office Cleaning Consultants.

reading this with any expectation 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: THIRD "Accident" Cuts Off Internet Traffic in Middle East

2008-02-02 Thread Kris Millegan




-Original Message-
Sent: Sat, 2 Feb 2008 12:20 am
Subject: THIRD "Accident" Cuts Off Internet Traffic in Middle East

Third undersea Internet cable cut in Mideast



(CNN) -- An undersea cable carrying Internet traffic was cut off the Persian 
Gulf emirate of Dubai, officials said Friday, the third loss of a line carrying 
Internet and telephone traffic in three days.

Ships have been dispatched to repair two undersea cables damaged on Wednesday 
off Egypt. 

FLAG Telecom, which owns one of the cables, said repairs were expected to be 
completed by February 12. France Telecom, part owner of the other cable, said 
it was uncertain when repairs on it would be repaired.

Stephan Beckert, an analyst with TeleGeography, a research company that 
consults on global Internet issues, said the cables off Egypt were likely 
damaged by ships' anchors.

The loss of the two Mediterranean cables -- FLAG Telecom's FLAG Europe-Asia 
cable and SeaMeWe-4, a cable owned by a consortium of more than a dozen 
telecommunications companies -- has snarled Internet and phone traffic from 
Egypt to India.

Officials said Friday it was unclear what caused the damage to FLAG's FALCON 
cable about 50 kilometers off Dubai. A repair ship was en route, FLAG said.

Eric Schoonover, a senior analyst with TeleGeography, said the FALCON cable is 
designed on a "ring system," taking it on a circuit around the Persian Gulf and 
enabling traffic to be more easily routed around damage.

Schoonover said the two cables damaged Wednesday collectively account for as 
much as three-quarters of the international communications between Europe and 
the Middle East, so their loss had a much bigger effect.

Without the use of the FLAG Europe-Asia cable and SeaMeWe-4, some carriers were 
forced to reroute their European traffic around the globe, which could cause 
delays, Beckert said.

Other carriers could use SeaMeWe-3, an older cable that remained the only 
direct connection from Europe to the Middle East and Asia.? But because this 
cable is older, it has a smaller capacity than the two damaged cables, Beckert 

Still, Beckert stressed that although the problem created a "big pain" for many 
of carriers, it did not compare to the several months of disruption in East 
Asia in 2006 after an earthquake damaged seven undersea cables near Taiwan.

TeleGeography Research Director Alan Mauldin said new cables planned to link 
Europe with Egypt should provide enough backup to prevent most similar problems 
in the future. 

Schoonover said a similar Internet problem could not happen in the United 

"We have all the content here," he said. "It's not going to be felt other than 
we won't get the BBC."

TeleGeography officials also said most traffic between the U.S., Canada and 
Mexico is carried over land, and there is a plentiful supply of undersea cables 
carrying traffic under the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

Meanwhile, Internet service was slow Friday in Dubai and Egypt, where online 
service was intermittent, but there was less demand because many businesses in 
those countries aren't open on Fridays.

Service providers in Egypt said they hoped to have improved capacity by Sunday.

Web surfers in India were experiencing a marked improvement in service, though 
graphic- or video-heavy sites were still taking longer to load.

Most of the major Internet service providers in India, like Reliance and VSNL, 
were starting to use backup lines Friday, allowing service to slowly come back, 
said Rajesh Chharia, president of the Internet Services Providers Association 
of India.

The Indian ISPs were still alerting customers to slowdowns over the next few 
days with service quality delays of 50 percent to 60 percent, he said.

The Internet slowdowns had no effect on trading at the country's two main stock 
exchanges, the SENSEX and the NSE, because they aren't dependent on the downed 
cables, Chharia said.

Individual Web users were still feeling the effects.

Madhu Vohra, who lives in the city of Noida on the outskirts of Delhi, said she 
uses Internet phone service Skype to call her son in the United States, but she 
hasn't been able to reach him since the slowdown.

"We keep trying for a long time and the message comes up, 'This page can't 
display,' so finally we just turn the computer off and give up," Vohra said.

Internet cafes typically full of teenaged gamers are nearly empty with speeds 
still frustratingly slow.

"I felt like beating the modem, throwing it away, because we compete on the 
Internet and it feels really bad," said Aman Khurana, 13.

State-owned Dubai telecom provider Du and Kuwait's Ministry of Communications 
estimated Thursday that the problems might take

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Who's Your Daddy Warbucks?

2008-02-02 Thread Kris Millegan




-Original Message-
Sent: Sat, 2 Feb 2008 12:29 am
Subject: Who's Your Daddy Warbucks?



Exxon shatters profit records 

Oil giant makes corporate history by earning $1,300 a second in 2007

Exxon Mobil made history on Friday by reporting the highest quarterly and 
annual profits ever for a U.S. company, boosted in large part by soaring crude 
prices. Exxon, the world's largest publicly traded oil company, said 
fourth-quarter net income rose 14% to $11.66 billion, or $2.13 per share. 
That's up from $10.25 billion, or $1.76 per share, in the year-ago period. That 
topped Exxon's previous quarterly profit record of $10.7 billion, set in the 
fourth quarter of 2005, which also was a record for a U.S. corporation. 

Exxon Posts Record Profit of $40.6 Billion For '07 

Exxon Mobil's 2007 net income of $40.61 billion sets new record

Exxon's record fourth-quarter profit helped push the company to a new annual 
best, with earnings of $11.66 billion, topping the previous record, set in the 
fourth quarter of 2005, when the company saw earnings of $10.71 billion. 

Chevron 4th-Quarter Profit Rises on Record Oil Prices 

Chevron Corp., the second-largest U.S. oil company, said fourth-quarter profit 
rose 29 percent as crude prices climbed to a record on their way to topping 
$100 a barrel last month. Net income increased to $4.88 billion, or $2.32 a 
share, from $3.77 billion, or $1.74, a year earlier, San Ramon, 
California-based Chevron said today in a statement. 

Shell Rakes in $8.5 Billion in Three Months 

Royal Dutch Shell, the world's second-largest publicly traded oil company, 
reported net income up 60 percent last quarter to a record $8.47 billion, 
thanks to the same rising oil prices that observers expect will lift the 
profits of Exxon Mobil and Chevron?to?historic levels. 

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: The Black Box Economy: "Money for Nothing"

2008-02-02 Thread Kris Millegan




-Original Message-
Sent: Sat, 2 Feb 2008 12:44 am
Subject: The Black Box Economy: "Money for Nothing"

The Black Box Economy




Behind recent bad news lurks a much deeper concern: 

The world economy is now being driven by a vast, secretive 

web of investments that might be out of anyone's control


By Stephen Mihm

Boston Globe, January 27, 2008


THE PAST YEAR has been a harrowing one for the world's financial markets, 
shaken by subprime crises, credit crunches, and other ills. Things have only 
gotten stranger in the past week, with stock prices swinging wildly in every 
major market - drastically down, then back up.

Last week the Federal Reserve announced the biggest cut in overnight lending 
rates in more than two decades. Congress, not to be outdone, is slapping 
together a massive deficit spending package aimed at giving the economy an 
emergency booster shot.

Despite the anxiety, nobody is stockpiling canned goods just yet. The 
prevailing assumption in today's economy is that recessions and bear markets 
come and go, and that things will work out in the end, much as they have since 
the Great Depression. That's because there's a collective confidence that the 
market is strong enough to correct itself, and that experts in charge of the 
financial system will understand how to mount a vigorous defense.

Should we be so confident this time? A handful of financial theorists and 
thinkers are now saying we shouldn't. The drumbeat of bad news over the past 
year, they say, is only a symptom of something new and unsettling - a deeper 
change in the financial system that may leave regulators, and even Congress, 
powerless when they try to wield their usual tools.

That something is the immense shadow economy of novel and poorly understood 
financial instruments created by hedge funds and investment banks over the past 
decade - a web of extraordinarily complex securities and wagers that has made 
the world's financial system so opaque and entangled that even many experts 
confess that they no longer understand how it works.

Unlike the building blocks of the conventional economy - factories and firms, 
widgets and workers, stocks and bonds - these new financial arrangements are 
difficult to value, much less analyze. The money caught up in this web is now 
many times larger than the world's gross domestic product, and much of it 
exists outside the purview of regulators.

Some of these new-generation investments have been in the news, such as the 
securities implicated in the mortgage crisis that is still shaking the housing 
market. Others, involving auto loans, credit card debt, and corporate debt, are 
lurking in the shadows.

The scale and complexity of these new investments means that they don't just 
defy traditional economic rules, they may change the rules. So much of the 
world's capital is now tied up in this shadow economy that the traditional 
tools for fixing an economic downturn - moves that have averted serious 
disasters in the recent past - may not work as expected.

In tell-all books, financial blogs, and small-circulation newsletters, a 
handful of insiders have begun to sound the alarm, warning that governments and 
top bankers may simply no longer understand the financial system well enough to 
do anything about it.

"Central banks have only two tools," says Satyajit Das, author of "Traders, 
Guns and Money: Knowns and Unknowns in the Dazzling World of Derivatives," who 
has emerged as a voice of concern. "They can cut interest rates or they can 
regulate banks. But these are very old-fashioned tools, and are completely 
inadequate to the problems now confronting them."

Since the last financial crisis that genuinely threatened the fabric of our 
society, the Great Depression, the United States has built a system of 
regulatory checks and balances that has, for the most part, worked. The system 
has worked because the new regulations enforced some semblance of transparency. 
Companies abide by an extensive set of rules and file information on their 
profits, losses, and assets.

Obviously, there are limits to transparency: Without withholding some 
information from public view, it would be hard for companies to take advantage 
of opportunities in the marketplace. But a modicum of transparency can go a 
long way, enabling both regulators and investors to make informed decisions. 
The advantages of the system are many; the costs of even a single case of 
nontransparency, as with Enron, can be high.

But when the mortgage crisis broke last summer, it opened a window on something 
else: The existence of a huge wilderness of investments in the financial s

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Turkey's "Secret State"

2008-02-02 Thread Kris Millegan




-Original Message-
Sent: Sat, 2 Feb 2008 1:40 am
Subject: Turkey's "Secret State"

top-secret archive found in general’s house 


An archive containing state secrets belonging to a major mysteriously killed in 
1993 was found in the home of a retired brigadier general arrested for 
membership in a crime group, newspapers reported yesterday. 



More and more claims have been emerging as the investigation into the 
“Ergenekon” crime network, which appears to be an [organization]  that operates 
with the knowledge of parts of the government bureaucracy, the armed forces, 
the police and the judiciary. 

According to reports, an archive containing top state secrets previously 
belonging to Maj. Cem Ersever, who was assassinated in 1993 with the 
perpetrator never being captured, was found during a search of a ranch house 
belonging to retired Brig. Gen. Veli Küçük, arrested in the Ergenekon operation 
last week. Another file, which documented that journalist Uğur Mumcu was 
assassinated with a bomb by the National Intelligence Organization (MİT) in 
1993, was found in the home of another retired army member, Zekeriya Öztürk, 
news reports claimed. However, this document never made its way to the 
prosecutor’s desk, they also stated.

Ersever’s secret archive

Ersever was a former major who left the army after Gendarmerie Commander Gen. 
Etref Bitlis was killed in a suspicious plane crash. Ersever, in a confession 
made to the press after he left the army, told the public about figures who 
would become some of the most famous names in Turkey in 1996 when for the first 
time the Turkish public’s suspicions of a “deep state” would be confirmed with 
a car crash in the town of Susurluk, in which a police chief and an 
internationally sought criminal would be killed and a deputy who also led a 
southeastern Kurdish clan armed by the state against Kurdistan Workers’ Party 
(PKK) terrorists would be seriously injured.

Although scores of definitions are offered for the phrase “deep state,” ample 
evidence shows that Ergenekon-like groups acting to protect to interests of 
cliques inside the military and the bureaucracy have been responsible for a 
number of political assassinations and attacks blamed on various other 
parties.  Some analysts believe this clandestine phenomenon, the deep state, is 
a remnant of Operation Gladio, a network of secret paramilitary units organized 
within most NATO countries after WWII, although there is evidence that suggests 
such structures existed even in the times of the Ottomans.

Ersever’s confessions were later compiled in a number of books by author Soner 
Yalçın. The major before his assassination also said he was in charge of the 
southeastern operations of JİTEM, an intelligence unit in the gendarmerie that 
does not exist on paper.

Ersever’s body was found in Ankara on Nov. 4, 1993. His girlfriend and 
right-hand man were also killed, and his archive disappeared.

In a report that Hanefi Avcı, a police chief investigating deep state links, 
would compile three years later on the above-mentioned car crash, the location 
of Ersever’s archives was noted as the home of the driver of a customs police 
chief. According to the report filed by Avcı, these were taken by the 
gendarmerie, which also trapped Ersever, who had arrived to meet with the 
police chief’s driver. The document also states that Ersever was killed by a 
man who used the code name Yeşil and who worked for Küçük.

The archive, which had been lost for more than a decade, might shed light on 
the dirty jobs Ersever did for JİTEM.

The Mumcu link

According to a news report from the Taraf daily, a document that journalist 
Uğur Mumcu was killed by “deep state” forces was found in the home of Zekeriya 
Öztürk, another Ergenekon member who was arrested after an armed attack at the 
Council of the State in 2006 that left a senior judge dead, apparently the work 
of Ergenekon. However, this document later mysteriously disappeared and never 
made its way to the prosecutor working on the Council of State shooting case.

Who was Cem Ersever?

Ahmet Cem Erserver was born in the eastern city of Erzurum in 1950. On Dec. 11, 
1979 he was assigned by the Gendarmerie Command to investigate smuggling 
incidents in various crimes. After the Sept. 12, 1980 coup d’état, Ersever was 
assigned to a southeastern post to collect intelligence on the PKK. 
Establishing JİTEM, a paramilitary intelligence unit in the gendarmerie set up 
to carry out operations with the intelligence collected on terrorists, was his 
idea. Ersever set up the first lines of communication between Kurdish leaders 
Jalal Talabani and Massoud Barzani. He also had sound links with northern 
Iraq’s Turkmens and Iraqi intelligen

[cia-drugs] Why Are So Many Russian Criminals Living in London?

2008-02-02 Thread vigilius Haufniensis

Why Are So Many Russian Criminals Living in London?

February 1, 2008 (LPAC)--Leading Russian commentators have been pointing
a finger at Britain's role in undermining Russia; Lyndon LaRouche's
September 2007 interview is posted throughout Russia under the title,
“The Danger Comes from London;” and a U.S. intelligence source asked
EIR, “Why is it that so many Russian criminals are living in London?”

The latest development in the unmistakable pattern is that the Kremlin
is demanding the extradition from Great Britain of Russian oligarch Yuri
Nikitin who is accused of a 250 million pound fraud against Russia's
shipping fleet. British authorities confirmed that an arrest request has
been sent to the Home Secretary in London, but--like many other Russian
government warrants--has not so far been acted on. 

Speaking from his new home in Berkshire, England, for which he paid 9
million pounds in cash, Nikitin said: “I want British government

Russian authorities hired a British security firm run by a former SAS
officer to investigate Nikitin's offshore assets, reported the Guardian
of London today. His British property is registered to a front company
run for Nikitin by London city solicitor Lawrence Graham. He is accused
of looting the state-controlled shipping company Sovcomflot by bribing
its former executives to give him “sweetheart” tanker deals. Sovcomflot,
now run by former transport minister Sergei Frank, operates one of the
world's largest merchant fleets and provides liquefied natural gas
tankers for the energy giant Gazprom. Nikitin has at least another 100
million pounds frozen in Russian bank accounts. 

The Guardian then lists no less than ten Russian oligarchs wanted by
Moscow, most of whom are sitting quite safely in Britain including:
Akhmed Zakayev, Chechen politician, wanted for terrrorism; Britain
refused to extradite him in 2003; Mikhail Gutseriyev former head of oil
giant Russneft, Britain refused to extradite him on fraud and tax
charges; Boris Berezovsky, accused of embezzlement and given asylum in
Britain since 2002; Yuly Dubov, a Berezovsky ally, who Britain has
refused to extradite in 2003 on fraud charges. Britain also refused
extradition on leading officials of the bankrupted Russian oil giant,
Yukos: Alexander Temerko, the former vice-president of Yukos; Natalia
Chernysheva, Former Yukos manager; and Dmitri Maruev, another former
Yukos manager. These are only a few of the leading cases of accused
criminals who stand protected in Britain, as the British run a “managed
chaos” scenario against Russia.