[cia-drugs] "Force of Science" comes to San Francisco, not open to the public

2008-02-04 Thread norgesen
"force of Science" comes to San Francisco, not open to the publicFrom: mary 

To all: I read this twice and I'm still trying to figure out just what "force 
science research" involves so maybe there are smarter heads out there than 
mine! I do know that "excited delirium" is the blanket phrase used by law 
enforcement to justify deaths by tasers-in other words the person died because 
of this "condition" not because of the taser. George Orwell, you never died!! MM

February 1, 2008 
Force Science News Extra 

In this issue: 
Latest on force issues featured in upcoming Lethal & Less-lethal seminar 

The latest findings on officer-involved shootings from the Force Science 
Research Center will be among the cutting-edge topics featured at an upcoming 
seminar on Lethal and Less-lethal Force, sponsored by Americans for Effective 
Law Enforcement. The popular 3-day program, spotlighting new developments in 
the legal, psychological, and physiological aspects of force encounters, is 
scheduled for Mar. 24-26 in San Francisco, to be repeated Oct. 20-22 in Las 
Vegas. Registration information and full descriptions of content and 
instructors are available at: www.aele.org/Seminars.html 
 . "These programs typically fill up 
quickly, so prompt registration is recommended," says Wayne Schmidt, executive 
director of AELE, the nonprofit organization that monitors law 
enforcement-related court decisions and files legal briefs on behalf of police 
agencies in significant courtroom controversies. "The use of force lies at the 
heart of an overwhelming proportion of litigation against officers and their 
agencies, not to mention demoralizing exposure in the media," Schmidt says. 

"Misconceptions about how to defend these cases-and prevent them in the first 
place-too often result in severe judgments of liability against departments and 
in unwarranted criminal convictions of officers. 

"Research, technology, training, and legal issues related to use of force are 
evolving rapidly, and our goal with this program is to de-mystify current 
complexities with practical information that's immediately useful to command 
staff, city and county attorneys, police legal advisors, trainers, and risk 

Content presented by the nationally known faculty, including 4 instructors 
affiliated with the Force Science Research Center at Minnesota State 
University-Mankato, will cover in depth such urgent topics as: . Revelations 
about "excited delirium" and other sudden and in-custody death phenomena . How 
to use FSRC's recent ground-breaking research findings to improve 
investigations of controversial, high-profile shootings, including 
shot-in-the-back cases . 

What investigators must know about perceptual and memory distortions during 
critical incidents to keep their search for the truth on track 

. Important force implications for dealing with mentally ill, suicidal, and 
chemically influenced subjects, as well as suicide-by-cop scenarios 

. Critical, independent assessments of medical issues related to the Taser®: 
street truth vs. media "truth" 

. The latest policy and procedural recommendations for electronic restraint 
devices, neck restraints, chemical agents, and other options in the less-lethal 

. Devices, techniques, and tactics that can help in avoiding rather than 
generating lawsuits and complaints 

. How to dissect and apply in training the most critical Supreme Court 
decisions related to force, as well as other current case law 

. Sidestepping legal landmines in internal investigations, criminal probes, and 
review board hearings 

. The impact of consent decree litigation 

. Surprising discoveries about the psychology of combat and the dynamics of 
violent encounters, revealed in hundreds of officer-involved shootings 

. Proper procedures and preparation for internal affairs, review board, and 
criminal investigations to assure fair and valid results. 

Faculty members who are affiliated with FSRC are: 

Dr. Bill Lewinski, the Research Center's executive director; 

Dr. Alexis Artwohl, former police psychologist and a prominent researcher on 
perceptual and memory distortions in officer-involved shootings; 

Greg Meyer, captain (ret.) with the Los Angeles Police Academy and a risk 
management consultant specializing in reducing injuries in force encounters; 

and Charles Remsberg, senior correspondent for PoliceOne.com and author of 3 
leading textbooks on officer safety. 

Other instructors include: 

Judge Emory Plitt Jr., past chair of the IACP's Legal Officers Section, with 
more than 3 decades' experience in civil liability litigation; 

Dr. John Peters, president of the Institute for the Prevention of In-Custody 

Ken Katsaris, former sheriff and a prominent expert witness and litigation 

Michael Brave, national litigation counsel for Taser® Internatio

[cia-drugs] An Uncomfortable Spotlight in Davos

2008-02-04 Thread norgesen
An Uncomfortable Spotlight in Davos

by Pratap Chatterjee, Special to CorpWatch 
January 31st, 2008

The CEOs of three-quarters of the world's 100 largest companies have just 
completed an uncomfortable weekend at the tiny Swiss ski resort of Davos, while 
their companies' share prices nosedived on global stock markets, amid concern 
that the U.S. economy was staggering towards recession. 

The Alpine village, which is virtually inaccessible to anyone without a 
helicopter, is ringed with barbed wire and tight security arrangements for the 
World Economic Forum (WEF) in late January every year. This 37-year-old private 
gathering brings together dozens of heads of states, hundreds of government 
ministers and a smattering of activists and celebrities to join the chief 
executives for a series of discussions and workshops, as well as private 
parties thrown by companies such as Google with the help of the world's most 
famous disc jockeys. 

The price of attendance isn't cheap: each CEO spends roughly $60,000 a year to 
attend. But once they have made it onto the invite list they can look forward 
to schmoozing with their peers in Davos and hobnobbing with celebrities. This 
year they had a chance to meet Tony Blair, the former British prime minister; 
Al Gore, the former US vice-president and Nobel Prize-winner; and Bono, the 
Irish rock star and debt campaigner. Past gatherings have also given CEOs the 
opportunity to play chess with Antoly Karpov, the former Soviet champion, and 
to take a twirl on the ice with Russian skating stars. 

Some CEOs have occasionally delighted in doing the incongruous: Rupert Murdoch, 
the billionaire owner of News Corporation, did a stint as a waiter at one party 
this year. 

Questioning Capitalism 

But the 2008 gathering was fraught with irony for the CEOs and the bankers who 
have financed them. Wrote Bruce Nussbaum of Business Week: "Last year, an army 
of slick-haired, Wall Street private equity and hedge fund guys turned up to 
show the doubting Europeans the clever and kindly face of American market 
capitalism . (t)o the Europeans who complained that private equity and 
hedge fund wheeling and dealing were distorting economic growth, they gently 
suggested that the Old Country was out of touch with the new reality of 
financial innovation." 

This year the Wall Street whiz-kids had to eat humble pie. "Turns out the 
Europeans were right," wrote Nussbaum. "The subprime junk packaged and 
repackaged as top prime credit collapsed and is taking the rest of the U.S. 
economy (and perhaps the world economy) down with it  . (s)o if the 
slick-haired guys can still afford to hop their private jets to get to Davos 
this year, they're going to find a lot of really angry Euros armed with really 
strong euros." 

Indeed, Lionel Barber, editor of the Financial Times, suggests the Davos 
tradition of celebrating globalization has come to an uncomfortable halt: "In 
the past few years, globalization has enjoyed virtually unqualified applause 
from the power-players inside the Davos conference rooms, whatever the noisy 
protests outside in the snow-clad streets -- the triumphalism has disappeared, 
replaced by a pervasive uncertainty." 

One of the world's best-known CEOs, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates, admitted to 
fellow participants that he had become skeptical of the very notion of 
capitalism. He told the Wall Street Journal that he had seen the failings of 
capitalism first-hand on visits to places such as the South African slum of 
Soweto, and had discussed them with dozens of experts on disease and poverty. 

At one of the most widely attended events of the week, Gates called for a 
"creative capitalism" that uses market forces to address poor-country needs 
that he feels are being ignored. "We have to find a way to make the aspects of 
capitalism that serve wealthier people serve poorer people as well," Gates 
said. "I'm an optimist, but I'm an impatient optimist. The world is not getting 
better fast enough, and it's not getting better for everyone." 

And billionaire George Soros, who made his fortune speculating on global 
currency exchange rates, took the opportunity of the WEF to call for major new 
regulations and oversight over financial markets. Soros said that the failure 
to restrain the free market has caused "not a normal crisis but the end of an 

Not all CEOs agreed. "People have to keep in mind, throughout history we have 
always had cycles, people shouldn't be surprised," JP Morgan CEO James Dimon, 
co-chair of the WEF, told the closing debate. 

Dow Chemical CEO Andrew Liveris went further when he told Reuters: "What's 
going on now should not have a 'Chicken Little' atmosphere. The sky is not 

Public Eye on Davos 

While the CEOs finally acknowledged that a rising tide might not lift all 
boats, and that capitalism could indeed have a downside, Swiss activists showed 
up outside the WEF to "name and shame" companies with par

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Obama's Skull and Bones economic advisor

2008-02-04 Thread Kris Millegan


Subject: Obama's Skull and Bones economic advisor

Is Obama?old wine in a new bottle?
His advisors can help us clarify the answer to that question.
Please go to:? http://rense.com/general80/web.htm and decide for yourself.
Best, Rich


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[cia-drugs] The legislation behind a national ID

2008-02-04 Thread Kris Millegan


The legislation behind a national ID

 CNET News.com Staff, News.com

Published on ZDNet News: Feb 4, 2008 4:00:00 AM







Don't Recommend

+ 3 


Tags:   CNET News.com Staff,
Politics & government,  U.S.,   
Secretary,  Person, 
Identification Card,State,  B,  
Social Security,Operational Accounting, 
Homeland Security,  Security,   
Government, Finance 

ID became law not through the usual legislative process, but instead as
part of a mammoth Iraq spending and Asian tsunami bill, the "Emergency
Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror,
and Tsunami Relief, 2005."

The following is the full, unedited text of the bill: 



  In this title, the following definitions apply:

 (1) DRIVER'S LICENSE--The term "driver's license" means
a motor vehicle operator's license, as defined in section 30301 of
title 49, United States Code.

 (2) IDENTIFICATION CARD--The term "identification card"
means a personal identification card, as defined in section 1028(d) of
title 18, United States Code, issued by a State.

 (3) OFFICIAL PURPOSE--The term "official purpose"
includes but is not limited to accessing Federal facilities, boarding
federally regulated commercial aircraft, entering nuclear power plants,
and any other purposes that the Secretary shall determine.

  (4) SECRETARY--The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of Homeland Security.

 (5) STATE--The term "State" means a State of the United
States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands,
Guam, American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, the Trust Territory
of the Pacific Islands, and any other territory or possession of the
United States.


  (a) Minimum Standards for Federal Use

 (1) IN GENERAL--Beginning 3 years after the date of the
enactment of this division, a Federal agency may not accept, for any
official purpose, a driver's license or identification card issued by a
State to any person unless the State is meeting the requirements of
this section.

 (2) STATE CERTIFICATIONS--The Secretary shall determine
whether a State is meeting the requirements of this section based on
certifications made by the State to the Secretary. Such certifications
shall be made at such times and in such manner as the Secretary, in
consultation with the Secretary of Transportation, may prescribe by

 (b) Minimum Document Requirements--To meet the requirements
of this section, a State shall include, at a minimum, the following
information and features on each driver's license and identification
card issued to a person by the State:

  (1) The person's full legal name.

  (2) The person's date of birth.

  (3) The person's gender.

  (4) The person's driver's license or identification card number.

  (5) A digital photograph of the person.

  (6) The person's address of principle residence.

  (7) The person's signature.

 (8) Physical security features designed to prevent
tampering, counterfeiting, or duplication of the document for
fraudulent purposes.

  (9) A common machine-readable technology, with defined minimum data elements.

  (c) Minimum Issuance Standards.

 (1) IN GENERAL--To meet the requirements of this
section, a State shall require, at a minimum, presentation and
verification of the following information before issuing a driver's
license or identification card to a person:

 (A) A photo identity document, except that a
non-photo identity document is acceptable if it includes both the
person's full legal name and date of birth.

  (B) Documentation showing the person's date of birth.

 (C) Proof of the person's social security account
number or verification that the person is not eligible for a social
security account number.

  (D) Documentation showing the person's name and address of principal 


  (A) IN GENERAL--To meet the requirements of this section, a State shall 

[cia-drugs] Forth Cable Cut - Iranian Oil Bourse Sabotaged

2008-02-04 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Forth Cable Cut - Iranian Oil Bourse Sabotaged

February 4, 2008 | Filed Under Featured

bourse was delayed due to Internet blackout in Iran, as the 4th
international fiber mysteriously snapped. The Iranian bourse, which was
scheduled to be launched in the first week of February, would have
caused damage to already weakening dollars. Ships at Egypt were
originally blamed for the cable damage, but the satellite imaging
evidence showed that no ship was present at the time and location of
cable cut.
The cable cut has reported to affect both Pakistani neighbors India
and Iran, but has left Pakistan unaffected due to the extra link
installed in recent years.
Digg Reports:

  A full explanation of the Iranian Oil Bourse and how it will
DESTROY the US economy and crash the US currency.
  Hence all the talk about attacking Iran and why Bush went to
to possibly get them to attack Iran. Well, Russia stated about 2 weeks
ago that they would nuke anyone who attacked their allies, which Iran
happens to be. So that took that whole idea of a straight attack on
Iran off the table.
  Hence the reason they are now chopping the fiber optic lines the
week the Iranian Oil Bourse was to go live. They are trying to buy as
much time as possible because the Bourse would have instantly crashed
our economy.
  Now since the traffic is being re-routed through the US, they are
probably trying to infiltrate that bourse and hack it so they can bring
it down at a later date.

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[cia-drugs] Countries Getting Internet Back After Cable Cutting

2008-02-04 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Countries Getting Internet Back After Cable

By Doug Caverly - Mon, 02/04/2008 - 3:41pm.

Proper repairs still need to be performed

still waiting to hear what caused damage to several underwater Internet
cables; it's likely to be either especially interesting (in an
apocalyptic, WWIII sense) or completely mundane (think rusty old
anchors).  But either way, affected nations are getting their access
India seems to have a solid job of recovering, with estimates
putting its connection speeds at anywhere between 70 and 90 percent of
their previous standing.  At least 60 million people were originally
affected by outages and slowdowns, and some fancy rerouting is behind
the improvement.
Elsewhere, Dylan Bowman
reports that Qatar Telecom's "loss of capacity has been kept below 40%
thanks to what the telecom said was a large number of alternative
routes for transmission."  And a spokesman for the UAE's Du corporation
told Bowman, "Our internet access is almost back to normal . . . and
data services are 100% restored."
As for other areas, well . . .
Egypt's Internet is also getting back on its feet, and it seems that
Iran wasn't deeply affected in the first place.  Initial reports seemed
to suggest the country had been cut off, but Uruknet
has countered those.
we (and people who have lost Internet connections) are just waiting for
repair ships to reach and fix the damaged cables.  With the Super Bowl
over, thinking about what the ships will find could even become a new
betting game.