[cia-drugs] Re: decoding hillary

2008-02-13 Thread muckblit
--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "Vigilius Haufniensis"
> so, what's hillary's bag?  apparently zbigniew brzezinski is barak
obama's handler, whereas liebermann is mccain's handler.  so is
hillary a stooge for the bush crime family's neo-iran/contra narcotics
operation?  has she sold out to the neocons?  what's her thing?  who's
her controller?  who/what's behind her?  thanks.

Kleptofuge: 2 trillion dollars disappeared through DoD during the
1990's. Another 2 trillion dollars is openly acknowledged to be going
out for the war 2001-2011. No diff between Dems and Reps, Bush father
and son, Bush and Clinton. Five weapons companies own 90% of US media
to effectively render the media to be war advertising. Most important
is what war advertising leaves out.

[cia-drugs] Intelligence Authorization Conference Report

2008-02-13 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  Tue, 12 Feb 2008 17:48:50 -0500 
From: "Harry Reid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: Stopping Torture 
Dear tHERESA j.,
  Tomorrow, I will bring the Intelligence Authorization Conference Report to 
the floor of the Senate. Section 327 of the bill establishes one interrogation 
standard for the entire U.S. government. This would effectively end torture by 
requiring that the intelligence community abide by the standards articulated in 
the Army Field Manual.
  In order to attempt to block the ban on torture, Republicans may filibuster 
the bill or raise a point of order, claiming the torture provision violates the 
rules of the Senate. If the Parliamentarian agrees, we will be forced to try 
and waive the point of order. Either way we need 60 votes.
  Already some Republicans have signaled they will side with us - however we 
need more.
  Take a stand against torture
  Every Senator will be forced to answer a simple question: do they support 
  Do they support torture even though they know it is morally repugnant?
  Do they support torture even though they know it puts our own Soldiers, 
Sailors and Marines at risk?
  We are a nation at war -- a war in Iraq and a war against terrorism -- but 
this war does not give our leaders the authority to cast aside the laws of 
armed conflict. We need to restore our nation's moral authority, because the 
most effective way to fight terrorism is to harness all of our power - 
military, economic, and moral. When we do, the world will follow our lead once 
  It may take years, but we can start by declaring loudly, and with one voice: 
America does not torture.
  Take a stand against torture
  If we fail to oppose an evil as obvious as torture -- and it is an evil, then 
as Thomas Jefferson said, I will "tremble for my country when I reflect that 
God is just." By passing this bill we can send a clear signal to the world that 
America does not torture - no ifs, ands or buts.
  Take a stand against torture
  Thank You,
  Harry Reid
This email was sent to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To unsubscribe, go to: http://www.giveemhellharry.com/unsubscribe
  Paid for by Friends For Harry Reid 426 C Street, NE Rear Bldg. Washington, DC 

Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.

[cia-drugs] Andrew Bertie, Who Led the Knights of Malta, Is Dead at 78

2008-02-13 Thread norgesen
 Andrew Bertie, Who Led the Knights of Malta, Is Dead at 78

2008 02 13

Fra Andrew Bertie, a descendant of Britain’s royal Stuart family who was grand 
master of the Knights of Malta, died Thursday in Rome. He was 78. His death was 
announced by the order, which gave no cause. Fra Bertie was the 78th grand 
master of the 900-year-old charitable order of laymen. He was elected to lead 
it in a secret ...

Andrew Bertie, Who Led the Knights of Malta, Is Dead at 78 

Published: February 9, 2008
ROME (AP) — Fra Andrew Bertie, a descendant of Britain’s royal Stuart family 
who was grand master of the Knights of Malta, died Thursday in Rome. He was 78.

His death was announced by the order, which gave no cause.

Fra Bertie was the 78th grand master of the 900-year-old charitable order of 
laymen. He was elected to lead it in a secret conclave in 1988. 

Elected for life, the grand master carries the title of prince, and the 
position is equal in rank to that of a cardinal. Officially known as the 
Sovereign Military Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes 
and of Malta, the group was founded with a pilgrims’ hospice in Jerusalem in 
the 11th century and has the status of an independent state. It maintains 
diplomatic relations with 100 nations.

The Knights of Malta has 12,500 members and operates in 120 countries, 
providing medical and social services, particularly in war zones and 
impoverished areas.

The grand commander of the order, Fra Giacomo della Torre, was sworn in as 
interim leader of the group. 

Fra Bertie’s father, James, was a foreign exchange dealer at the stock exchange 
in London. His mother, Lady Jean Crichton-Stuart, was a descendant of the 
Stuarts, the ruling family of Scotland from 1371 to 1603 and of England and 
Scotland from 1603 to 1714, with an 11-year interruption in the 17th century.

Born in London in 1929, Fra Bertie joined the knights in 1956 and took his vows 
in 1981. He had also been a financial journalist and a language teacher.


[cia-drugs] Environ-mental ecofascist calls for imprisonment of manmade climate change skeptics

2008-02-13 Thread norgesen
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Environ-mental ecofascist calls for imprisonment of manmade climate change 

Jail politicians who ignore climate science: Suzuki
Didn't mean it literally says scientist's spokesperson

Craig Offman, National Post

Published: Thursday, February 07, 2008

David Suzuki has called for political leaders to be thrown in jail for ignoring 
the science behind climate change.

At a Montreal conference last Thursday, the prominent scientist, broadcaster 
and Order of Canada recipient exhorted a packed house of 600 to hold 
politicians legally accountable for what he called an intergenerational crime. 
Though a spokesman said yesterday the call for imprisonment was not meant to be 
taken literally, Dr. Suzuki reportedly made similar remarks in an address at 
the University of Toronto last month.

The proposal has lit up many conservative blogs since it was first reported by 
the McGill Daily on Monday.

Addressing the McGill Business Conference on Sustainability, hosted by the 
Faculty of Management, Dr. Suzuki's wide-ranging speech warned against 
favouring the economy to the detriment of the ecology -- the tarsands in 
Northern Alberta being his prime example.

"You have lived your entire lives in a completely unsustainable period," he 
told students and fans. "You all think growth and [climate] change is normal. 
It's not."

Toward the end of his speech, Dr. Suzuki said that "we can no longer tolerate 
what's going on in Ottawa and Edmonton" and then encouraged attendees to hold 
politicians to a greater green standard.

"What I would challenge you to do is to put a lot of effort into trying to see 
whether there's a legal way of throwing our so-called leaders into jail because 
what they're doing is a criminal act," said Dr. Suzuki, a former board member 
of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association.

"It's an intergenerational crime in the face of all the knowledge and science 
from over 20 years."

The statement elicited rounds of applause.

"He sounded serious," said McGill Tribune news editor Vincci Tsui, who covered 
the event. "I think he wanted to send home the message that this is very 
crucial issue."

When asked for further comment, Dan Maceluch, a spokesman for Dr. Suzuki, said 
that he did not mean the statement to be taken literally.

"He's not advocating locking people up, but he is pulling his hair out."

How a law concerning climate-change denial could be enforced baffled at least 
one leading criminal-law expert. "We used to have an offence of spreading false 
news," said Kent Roach, the Prichard-Wilson Chair of Law and Public Policy at 
the University of Toronto Faculty of Law.

"But that was struck down by the Supreme Court."

Yet there could be a better blueprint for Dr. Suzuki's legal scenario.

The Kyoto Protocol Implementation Act, a Liberal-sponsored private member's 
bill that passed and was given Royal Assent last year, legally requires the 
Conservative government to abide by the international pact's short-term 
environmental targets.

In the event that conditions are not met, government officials are held liable.

"Every person who contravenes a regulation made under this Act is guilty of an 
offence punishable by indictment or on summary conviction, as prescribed by the 
regulations," the act reads, "and liable to a fine or to imprisonment as 
prescribed by the regulations."

The act adds that there are further legal measures in the event of subsequent 
and continuing offences, but does not specify the penalties.

The Conservative government said last year it would not abide by the 
Liberal-sponsored bill, since private member's bills cannot force the 
government to spend money.

National Post 


[cia-drugs] Fwd: Agent of suffering

2008-02-13 Thread mary whalen
Tragically Agent Orange will go down in history as benign compared to the 
catastrophic effects Depleted Uranium is having as it is being unleashed 
insanely in the Middle East. Depleted Uranium has a half life of 1 or 4 (I 
forget, like it would make any difference) BILLION YEARS. With cancers and 
major birth defects passing down generation to generation.Mary.

Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 08:11:43 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Agent of suffering

  Agent of suffering A third generation of Vietnamese are suffering 
deformities caused by US chemical warfare and still Washington refuses to 
accept responsibility   
Posted Feb 11, 2008 08:49 AM PST

  Warning: extremely graphic and disturbing picture at the top of this article. 
  However, this was the legacy of America's "tax dollars at work" in Viet Nam 
in the 60s and 70's. In the nineties and into the year 2008, the legacy of our 
"tax dollars at work" will be that of depleted uranium poisoning, not only 
hitting people in the Middle East, but our vets and their families as well. 
And of course, Washington refuses to acknowledge the terrible damage that this 
has caused as well.
  Agent of suffering 
A third generation of Vietnamese are suffering deformities caused by US 
chemical warfare and still Washington refuses to accept responsibility
  Tom Fawthrop, Guardian
  Three-year-old Xuan Minh, believed to be suffering from the effects of Agent 
Orange, looks out from his hospital bed in Ho Chi Min. Photographer: Richard 

  February 10, 2008
  Long after the last bullet has been fired in a war, unexploded bombs, 
landmines and toxic chemicals continue to maim and kill civilians. This is 
particularly true of the Vietnam war. Three decades after US soldiers and 
diplomats scrambled aboard the last planes out of Saigon in April 1975, the 
toxins they left behind still poison Vietnam. Relations with the United States 
have been normalised since the 1990s, but the denial of justice to the victims 
of Agent Orange remains a major bone of contention.
  Not only are Vietnamese still maimed from treading on unexploded bombs, they 
are also victims of this insidious scourge that poisons water and food 
supplies, causing various cancers and crippling deformities. Eighty million 
litres of Agent Orange were sprayed on the jungles of Vietnam, destroying 
swathes of irreplaceable rainforest through massive defoliation and leaving a 
toxic trail of dioxin contamination in the soil for decades. The legacy of this 
chemical warfare can even be inflicted on the unborn, with Agent Orange birth 
deformities now being passed on to a third generation.
  In the 3,160 villages in the southern part of Vietnam within the Agent Orange 
spraying zone, 800,000 people continue to suffer serious health problems and 
are in need of constant medical attention. Last month, members of a US 
Vietnamese working group reported that it will cost at least $14m to remove 
dioxin residues from just one site around the former US airbase in Danang. The 
cost of a comprehensive clean-up around three dioxin hotspots and former US 
bases is estimated at around $60m. The $3m pledged by US Congress last year is 
a pathetically inadequate amount set against the billions spent in waging war 
and deploying weapons of mass destruction.
  The recent study of one Agent Orange hotspot, the former US airbase in 
Danang, found dioxin levels 300 to 400 times higher than internationally 
accepted limits. The study confirmed that rainwater had carried dioxin into 
city drains and into a neighbouring community that is home to more than 100,000 
  Dr Arnold Schecter, a leading expert in dioxin contamination in the US, 
sampled the soil around former US airbase in Bien Hoa in 2003 and found dioxin 
levels that were 180 times above the safe level set by the US environmental 
protection agency. The US government was aware of these findings (pdf) back in 
  The US government's Veterans Administration officially recognises 13 medical 
conditions linked to Agent Orange and provides free medical treatment to US 
soldiers who can prove their exposure to the herbicide. But Washington has 
adamantly denied all responsibility and evaded any kind of accountability for 
the estimated four million Vietnamese soldiers and civilians who suffered far 
greater exposure to the dioxin than the US war veterans.
  In February 2004, the Vietnamese Association of Victims of Agent Orange 
(VAVA) filed a class action law suit in a New York court, against Monsanto, Dow 
Chemicals and 35 other manufacturers of the herbicides deployed in Vietnam. The 
plaintiffs and their lawyers deliberately chose the very same court that had 
presided over the only previous lawsuit brought against Agent Orange 
manufacturers, by US war veterans. 
  The original lawsuit was settled i

[cia-drugs] Fwd: McCain's The One

2008-02-13 Thread Kris Millegan




Sent: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 11:28 am
Subject: McCain's The One

Beverly Hills, CA
February 12, 2008
??? McCain's The One
??? ??? by Richard Scheck
For those who think the time of the neocons has passed, the election of 2008
is emerging as a great disappointment.
Such folks have forgotten the role?that Bill Kristol played as a key supporter 
of McCain back in 2000 when he ran
 against Bush.
In a likely McCain, Obama presidential campaign, the former Air Force pilot
and ardent nationalist will eagerly promote expanding the Bush agenda of
preemptive interventions while probably accusing the Illinois Senator (or 
as either naive or traitorous?like they use to do the left during the Cold War.
With the high likelihood of Joe Lieberman as his running mate along with a
New York Times endorsement, McCain is poised to run as the bipartisan,
maverick who can bridge the gap between the pro-Israel Christian right, 
anti-Washington independents and a frustrated middle class including many
Democrats (like Lieberman did in Connecticut 2 years ago) to forge a powerful
alliance against the Hillary/Obama uber-liberals.
The Dems have caved on resisting
 Bush's surge and now they are positioned
to loose the White House again by backing?presidential candidates who oppose
the war in the mildest terms imaginable.
The antiwar left led by Dennis Kucinich and the antiwar right led by Ron Paul 
must find a way to overcome their fundamental differences and unite on a 
of peace if American imperial over-reach is to ever end without exhausting our 
military, treasury and international good-will.
To see what others say about his, please go to:



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Re: [cia-drugs] Re: decoding hillary

2008-02-13 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
> Kleptofuge: 2 trillion dollars disappeared through DoD during the
> 1990's. Another 2 trillion dollars is openly acknowledged to be going
> out for the war 2001-2011. No diff between Dems and Reps, Bush father
> and son, Bush and Clinton. Five weapons companies own 90% of US media
> to effectively render the media to be war advertising. Most important
> is what war advertising leaves out.

VMANN:  yeah, she's still on the board of american lafarge, right?
so is she more like the brzezinski group that wants war with russia or like 
the mccain/leibermann faction that wants to attack iran right away?  isnt 
she also big with the pharmaceutical industry?
vigilius haufniensis 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Bush's Law -- and Who Goes to Prison If You Apply the Same Law to Bush & Co

2008-02-13 Thread Kris Millegan




-Original Message-
Sent: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 10:16 am
Subject: Bush's Law -- and Who Goes to Prison If You Apply the Same Law to Bush 
& Co



Bush Justice Department Goes After Another Democratic 
  Lawyer (And Why This is Bad News for Yoo and Bradbury)







  9, 2008







"Government prosecutors are saying that 
  by offering a legal opinion, the attorney made himself into 
  a part of a conspiracy. So, whether that opinion was right or wrong, 
  he became just another cog in a criminal enterprise."

It’s beginning to sound like a stuck record. 
  Another strike by the Bush Justice Department, keeping the country safe. 
  Who’s the target this time? A crack dealer? An al Qaeda terrorist? No. 
  It’s a wing-tip shoed Miami lawyer, who served as president of the bar 
  association, is held in universally high esteem (outside, of course, of 
  the political hacks who run the Bush Justice Department) and who advised 
  Al Gore in the 2000 Florida recount battle. According to the Justice 
  Department, the lawyer’s involvement with Democratic politics has nothing 
  to do with his being charged. Quite a few of his contemporaries are 
  problems buying that, and still bigger problems understanding his 

Here’s the way the Miami Herald broke the story on 


Ben Kuehne, a widely respected Miami lawyer whose 
clients have included former Vice President Al Gore and other major 
politicians, surrendered Thursday on federal criminal charges for his 
behind-the-scenes role in a complex international drug-trafficking 
An indictment, unsealed at his morning court appearance, charges Kuehne 
in a money-laundering conspiracy with approving tainted legal payments 
by an accused Colombian drug kingpin to his defense attorney in Miami. 

The fee payments turned out to be illegitimate because 
they allegedly came from drug proceeds in violation of federal law, 
federal prosecutors said. Kuehne, appearing in Miami federal court at 
a.m., said: “Since I am completely innocent of these charges, I am 
entering a plea of not guilty. . .” 

Justice Department officials allege that Kuehne broke 
the law in 2002-03 when he vouched for millions paid by one-time 
Medellín drug lord Fabio Ochoa Vasquez to his high-profile trial 
attorney, Roy Black. Kuehne’s research gave Black the confidence — in 
the form of legal opinion letters — to accept payments totaling $3.7 
million in fees and $1.3 million in expenses from Ochoa, according to 
several sources. Kuehne earned a portion of the expense payments — 
$220,000 to $260,000 — from Black for vetting Ochoa’s payments. The 
payments were documented to a specific commercial operation and holding 
long in the hands of the Ochoa family: a horse and cattle farm in 

The Herald is giving its reporting a good 
  bit of Justice Department spin. What exactly is Kuehne’s involvement in 
  this “conspiracy”? He was asked by another lawyer to give an opinion: did 
  he think the retainer that was offered by a client could be accepted? He 
  looked at the money and its provenance and gave a positive opinion. But 
  according to the indictment, he went beyond the opinion by receiving and 
  passing on a series of retainer payments. 

Some other facts make the Justice Department’s 
  conduct look stranger still. The matter was not determined by local 
  attorneys in the Miami U.S. Attorney’s office, but by political 
  from main Justice in Washington. Law.com collects a number of statements 
  from leaders in the Florida bar, reacting angrily to the charges, 
  including Kuehne’s lawyer: 


“This highly improbable charge involves important and 
unprecedented issues of law, policy and procedure,” Moscowitz wrote. 
indictment was brought by Assistant U.S. Attorneys John Seller and 
Thomas Pinder of the Justice Department’s asset forfeiture and money 
laundering section in Washington. The case went to Washington because 
the U.S. Attorney’s office in Miami had a conflict as Ochoa’s 
prosecutor. Magistrate Brown’s courtroom overflowed with attorneys who 
support Kuehne. They included CNN legal commentator Jayne Weintraub and 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Bush and the Mormons

2008-02-13 Thread Kris Millegan




-Original Message-
Sent: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 10:41 am
Subject: Bush and the Mormons

Bush and the Mormons

By Suzan Mazur


A Mormon Temple - University City

Dan Briody, The Iron Triangle: "So in 1989, when Mr. Marriott made it known 
that his company's airline catering division, then known as Marriott In-Flite 
Services, was on the block, one had to suspect that he knew something the rest 
of the world didn't know." 

That's J.W. "Bill" Marriott, Chairman of Marriott Corp. Briody speaks of, one 
of the world's most successful businessmen. Marriott's also one of the most 
celebrated members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints -- the 
Mormon Church. 


While we know of George W. Bush's popularity with the 
American electorate who consider themselves evangelical, born-again Christians 
(42%) - the vote from Bush's Mormon base has not been counted. 

Mormons are clearly not evangelical Christians. And there are 11 million of 
them. They run the "biggest and best" gun shows nationwide. They tend to vote 
Republican. And their church is rich, because it asks its members to tithe 10% 
of their annual income. 

"The Mormon Church is leaning more toward Christianity," says anthropologist 
and "Mormon sceptic" Tom Murphy at Edmonds College, Washington state. But as 
long as the religion includes Joseph Smith's Book of Mormon, Murphy says it 
cannot be considered Christian. 

Smith started the Mormon religion. The Book of Mormon is based on a 
"translation" of golden tablets he said he found in upstate New York in the 
1800s following visitation from an angel named Moroni. It describes a migration 
of ancient Israelites (Laminites) to Central America, who supposedly interbred 
with the indigenous population, and it regards Native Americans as descendants 
of those ancient Israelites. 

Mormon scripture has been under intense scrutiny in recent years in the 
Financial Times (my 2/9/2002 story "Mormons in the Olympic spotlight"), from 
author Jon Krakaeur in his book "Under The Banner of Heaven," from Tom Murphy 
and others. Murphy's challenge regarding Smith's Book of Mormon as a history of 
Native Americans led to an LDS attempt to excommunicate him, but the church 
eventually backed down under pressure from the media. 

British researchers Tudor Parfitt and Neil Bradford, who've traced the tribes 
of Israel through DNA (the Lemba in South Africa), say they have no intention 
testing Native Americans to see if they are descendants of the so-called 
Laminites. It is well established that Native Americans first migrated from 
Siberia over 10,000 years ago. 

But despite the migration route and chronology being all wrong, genetic 
testing of Native Americans in Central American is still being discussed by a 
group of former Brigham Young University scientists who have the same financial 
sponsorship they had while working at BYU, which is an LDS church institution. 

Mormons have historically played a significant behind-the-scenes money and 
power role in America. Sally Denton and Roger Morris have written about Mormon 
banker Parry Thomas's financing of Las Vegas, for example, in their book, "The 
Money and the Power: The Making of Las Vegas and Its Hold on America." 

So when I read Dan Briody's comment about Bill Marriott possibly knowing 
something the rest of the world didn't regarding the sale of its airline 
catering service to Carlyle, I paused and began to wonder about the volatile 
of Mormons, Carlyle connections and the timing of George W. Bush's meteoric 
political rise. 

Carlyle "founding fathers" Dan Altobello, Steve Norris, Fred Malek 
and Dan D'Aniello, who participated in the catering service buyout by Carlyle, 
all came from the Marriott Mormon culture before joining Carlyle. Malek was 
number two man at Marriott and a former Director of the Republican Party; it 
Malek who brought George W. Bush into the Carlyle fold. 

Looking closer at the workings of the Mormon Church and its wealth - it is 
not particularly choosy about the source of its tithes. It accepts money, for 
example, from a circle of LDS lawyers, bankers and businessmen who represent 
polygamist Mormons living out West. 

Former Utah-based child advocate Jay Beswick sees these tithes as "blood 
money" because the lawyers, bankers and businessmen help to support a 10,000 
member polygamist/pedophile colony - the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints 
- on the Utah-Arizona border, which has branches in Texas, Idaho, Colorado, 
British Columbia and parts in between. Beswick says that if the main Mormon 
Church really opposed polygamy, it would reject the tithes and excommunicate 

Rodney R. Parker, who legally represents the FLDS, is with the law firm of 
Snow, Christense


2008-02-13 Thread muckblit
The roundup of illegal immigrants, "ICE" raids, Republican fear tactic
is how they frame the concentration camps to be politically and
morally invisible. In reality they tell us right up front that
political prisoners are targeted,"If you are not with us you are for
the terrorists" said Bush in 2001.

Another measure of who is targeted is that police have fired wooden
and rubber bullets at peaceful participants in parades and rallies and
protests, in Florida, Connecticut, and of course the infamous Seattle
attacks on an innocent populace, where police broke windows to justify
firing rubber bullets at participants as they disembarked from buses
in suburbs of Seattle. Police broke windows later, after they fired
rubber bullets at activists far from city center, but a Warco-owned
press did not help people to sort out the chronology there or let
people know that police broke windows.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[cia-drugs] Re: Fwd: Agent of suffering

2008-02-13 Thread muckblit
When did the Vietnam war end?

 1) when most US soldiers were heroin addicted and it was becoming
  difficult to cover that up
 2) when Agent Orange effects on US military personnel and
  Vietnamese civilians got too hard to cover up
 3) when US military conscripts killed enough of their officers
  to present another impossible coverup
 4) when war profits were overshadowed by liabilities, so that
  the most profitable thing to do was to leave versus earlier
  the most profitable thing to do was go and stay

When did the Iraq war end?

 1) when war profits are overshadowed by liability for DU and 911
  war crimes and US war veteran illness from DU
 2) same as why the US invasion of Iraq had to change to the
  occupation phase--US soldiers had become too sick to go on
  breathing US munitions dust--one reason US will pull out is
  to take Iraq war out of the news like Vietnam after the US
  pullout so US Iraq war vet and Iraqi civilian DU illness will
  not get into the news. Then after DU consequences to US vets
  and Iraqi civilians have been ignored by total blackout of
  any mention of Iraq for years, some Rambo-like movies about
  Iraq will take center stage from DU effects for twice as

Arson of Vietnam vet war records at St Louis archive and Persian Gulf
war vet records at Oklahoma City Murrah building underscores that the
policy for when to leave wars is the same as when to burn the
evidence--when profits are threatened war policy shifts accordingly.
That's when it becomes evident that Vietnam and Iraq are no threat to
the world, because withdrawal and coverup implies that the highest
priority is covering up the only real security threat as far as most
people are concerned in order to lock in war profits in the face of
burgeoning liabilities.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, mary whalen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: