[cia-drugs] Will Obama Get a Schacht for Bloomberg?

2008-02-16 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Will Obama Get a Schacht for Bloomberg?

February 13, 2008 (LPAC)--In today's most shocking news on the Presidential 
campaign, Jesse Jackson, Sr.--a self-declared fascist--has shown he's in the 
fascist camp of Michael Mussolini Bloomberg, by trying to push a takeover of 
Barack Obama's campaign by the Bloomberg camp--specifically, by fascist New 
York banker Felix Rohatyn, an avowed follower of Nazi financier Hjalmar 

Since Feb. 11 when Jackson, a public backer of Obama's campaign at the present 
time, proposed that Obama turn his economic policies over to Felix Rohatyn, 
Obama has not made any public objection to the proposal. 

Democrat moneybags Rohatyn was the leading backer of Gen. Augosto Pinochet's 
bloody fascist coup in Chile in the 1970s, along with Republican fixer George 
Schultz. Jesse Jackson, Sr. for years has pushed Rohatyn's and Schultz's 
economic infrastructure policies which call for private financial interests 
buying up and controlling public infrastructure, and for drastic austerity 
against public budgets as a whole--it's all modeled on Pinochet's economics, 
and on Mussolini's Italian corporativist fascism earlier. 

Now, Jackson is pushing Rohatyn and his fascist policies on Obama--at the same 
time Rohatyn and company are waiting for Obama to be knocked down by scandals 
so that they can put Mussolini Bloomberg himself in the White House.

[cia-drugs] Re: Will Obama Get a Schacht for Bloomberg?

2008-02-16 Thread muckblit
Rohatyn's privatization and public-private partnership is not only the
same as Pinochet's subsidiarity, but so easily seen as the same
privatization idealogy of Bush neocons.

Obama already has a financial adviser. He's Skull and Bones. Now you
like it!


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Vigilius Haufniensis

 Will Obama Get a Schacht for Bloomberg?
 February 13, 2008 (LPAC)--In today's most shocking news on the
Presidential campaign, Jesse Jackson, Sr.--a self-declared
fascist--has shown he's in the fascist camp of Michael Mussolini
Bloomberg, by trying to push a takeover of Barack Obama's campaign by
the Bloomberg camp--specifically, by fascist New York banker Felix
Rohatyn, an avowed follower of Nazi financier Hjalmar Schacht. 
 Since Feb. 11 when Jackson, a public backer of Obama's campaign at
the present time, proposed that Obama turn his economic policies over
to Felix Rohatyn, Obama has not made any public objection to the
 Democrat moneybags Rohatyn was the leading backer of Gen. Augosto
Pinochet's bloody fascist coup in Chile in the 1970s, along with
Republican fixer George Schultz. Jesse Jackson, Sr. for years has
pushed Rohatyn's and Schultz's economic infrastructure policies
which call for private financial interests buying up and controlling
public infrastructure, and for drastic austerity against public
budgets as a whole--it's all modeled on Pinochet's economics, and on
Mussolini's Italian corporativist fascism earlier. 
 Now, Jackson is pushing Rohatyn and his fascist policies on
Obama--at the same time Rohatyn and company are waiting for Obama to
be knocked down by scandals so that they can put Mussolini Bloomberg
himself in the White House.

[cia-drugs] Ten Million Women For Kissinger

2008-02-16 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Ten Million Women For Kissinger
I wish I could have seen the look on Kissinger's face when Mao Zedong offered 
him ten million women during trade discussions in 1973:

  You know, China is a very poor country, Mao said, according to a document 
released by the State Department's historian office.

  We don't have much. What we have in excess is women. So if you want them we 
can give a few of those to you, some tens of thousands.

  A few minutes later, Mao circled back to the offer. Do you want our Chinese 
women? he asked. We can give you 10 million.

  After Kissinger noted Mao was improving his offer, the chairman said, We 
have too many women. . They give birth to children and our children are too 

  It is such a novel proposition, Kissinger replied in his discussion with 
Mao in Beijing. We will have to study it. 

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[cia-drugs] Suspicion lingers over a string of deaths

2008-02-16 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Suspicion lingers over a string of deaths

By Caroline Gammell
Last Updated: 1:49am GMT 14/02/2008

  Badri Patarkatsishvili is the latest in a series of former Soviet Union 
exiles and their associates whose deaths in Britain raised suspicions over the 
activities of the Russian security service and its allies. 

  In November 2006, Alexander Litvinenko suffered a drawn-out death after 
being poisoned in a London hotel. 

  He had met Andrei Lugovoi, a former KGB bodyguard, before having lunch at 
a sushi restaurant with an Italian acquaintance, Mario Scaramella, on Nov 1. 

  He fell ill later that day and a photograph taken in hospital showing his 
gaunt features was published around the world.

  In March 2004, Stephen Curtis, a lawyer closely linked to Kremlin 
opponents such as the exile Boris Berezovsky, died in a helicopter crash. 

  Mr Curtis was managing director of the Menatep Group, which had oil 
interests in Russia. 

  There was speculation that his death was not accidental although no 
connection to the Russian authorities was ever proved. 

  Mr Curtis reportedly said shortly before the crash that if he died 
mysteriously, it would not be an accident.

  Last year, Mr Berezovsky revealed that a plot to murder him had been 
foiled by the British security services. 

  He said he was told that an assassin had been sent from Russia and he was 
advised to leave Britain. 

  He said: I went overseas for a week and then the police informed me that 
I could return. 

  I have been asked by the police not to go into detail about the 
assassination attempt. All of these threats bear the hallmarks of Russian 
security service activity.

  In the Soviet era, the Bulgarian dissident and playwright Georgi Markov 
was assassinated in London in 1978. 

  He was killed by a poison dart fired from the tip of an umbrella into his 
leg as he waited for a bus near Waterloo Bridge. 

  KGB agents and the Bulgarian secret police were believed to be behind the 

[cia-drugs] Bush Administration Hides More Data, Shuts Down Website Tracking U.S. Economic Indicators

2008-02-16 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Bush Administration Hides More Data, Shuts Down Website Tracking U.S. Economic 
The U.S. economy is faltering. Family debt is on the rise, benefits are 
disappearing, the deficit is skyrocketing, and the mortgage crisis has 
worsened. Conservatives have attempted to deflect attention from the crisis, by 
blaming the media's negative coverage and insisting the United States is not 
headed toward a recession, despite what economists are predicting.

The Bush administration's latest move is to simply hide the data. Forbes has 
awarded EconomicIndicators.gov one of its Best of the Web awards. As Forbes 
explains, the government site provides an invaluable service to the public for 
accessing U.S. economic data: 

  This site is maintained by the Economics and Statistics Administration and 
combines data collected by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, like GDP and net 
imports and exports, and the Census Bureau, like retail sales and durable goods 
shipments. The site simply links to the relevant department's Web site. This 
might not seem like a big deal, but doing it yourself-say, trying to find 
retail sales data on the Census Bureau's site-is such an exercise in futility 
that it will convince you why this portal is necessary.

Yet the Bush administration has decided to shut down this site because of 
budgetary constraints, effective March 1: 

Economic Indicators is particularly useful because people can sign up to 
receive e-mails as soon as new economic data across government agencies becomes 
available. While the data will still be available online at various federal 
websites, it will be less readily accessible to members of the public. 

In its e-mail announcement on the closing of Economic Indicators, the 
Department of Commerce acknowledged the inconvenience and offered a free 
quarterly subscription to STAT-USA®/InternetT instead. Once this temporary 
subscription runs out, however, the public will be forced to pay a fee. So not 
only will economic data be more hidden, it will also cost money.

It's ironic that the Economic and Statistics Administration is facing 
budgetary contraints, considering Bush recently submitted a record $3.1 
trillion budget to Congress for FY '09.

UPDATE: Steve Benen has compiled other examples of the Bush administration 
hiding inconvenient data.

UPDATE II: OMB Watch has put together an index to replace Economic Indicators, 
offering one-stop-shopping for economic data links.

Digg It!

[cia-drugs] Re: Bush Administration Hides More Data, Shuts Down Website Tracking U.S. Econom

2008-02-16 Thread muckblit


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Vigilius Haufniensis

 Bush Administration Hides More Data, Shuts Down Website Tracking
U.S. Economic Indicators
 The U.S. economy is faltering. Family debt is on the rise, benefits
are disappearing, the deficit is skyrocketing, and the mortgage crisis
has worsened. Conservatives have attempted to deflect attention from
the crisis, by blaming the media's negative coverage and insisting the
United States is not headed toward a recession, despite what
economists are predicting.
 The Bush administration's latest move is to simply hide the data.
Forbes has awarded EconomicIndicators.gov one of its Best of the Web
awards. As Forbes explains, the government site provides an invaluable
service to the public for accessing U.S. economic data: 
   This site is maintained by the Economics and Statistics
Administration and combines data collected by the Bureau of Economic
Analysis, like GDP and net imports and exports, and the Census Bureau,
like retail sales and durable goods shipments. The site simply links
to the relevant department's Web site. This might not seem like a big
deal, but doing it yourself-say, trying to find retail sales data on
the Census Bureau's site-is such an exercise in futility that it will
convince you why this portal is necessary.
 Yet the Bush administration has decided to shut down this site
because of budgetary constraints, effective March 1: 
 Economic Indicators is particularly useful because people can sign
up to receive e-mails as soon as new economic data across government
agencies becomes available. While the data will still be available
online at various federal websites, it will be less readily accessible
to members of the public. 
 In its e-mail announcement on the closing of Economic Indicators,
the Department of Commerce acknowledged the inconvenience and
offered a free quarterly subscription to STAT-USA®/InternetT
instead. Once this temporary subscription runs out, however, the
public will be forced to pay a fee. So not only will economic data be
more hidden, it will also cost money.
 It's ironic that the Economic and Statistics Administration is
facing budgetary contraints, considering Bush recently submitted a
record $3.1 trillion budget to Congress for FY '09.
 UPDATE: Steve Benen has compiled other examples of the Bush
administration hiding inconvenient data.
 UPDATE II: OMB Watch has put together an index to replace Economic
Indicators, offering one-stop-shopping for economic data links.
 Digg It!

Re: [cia-drugs] Suspicion lingers over a string of deaths

2008-02-16 Thread michael1

Why not suspect British as much as Russians?
 Suspicion lingers over a string of deaths

 By Caroline Gammell
 Last Updated: 1:49am GMT 14/02/2008

   Badri Patarkatsishvili is the latest in a series of former Soviet
 Union exiles and their associates whose deaths in Britain raised
 suspicions over the activities of the Russian security service and
 its allies.

   In November 2006, Alexander Litvinenko suffered a drawn-out death
 after being poisoned in a London hotel.

   He had met Andrei Lugovoi, a former KGB bodyguard, before having
 lunch at a sushi restaurant with an Italian acquaintance, Mario
 Scaramella, on Nov 1.

   He fell ill later that day and a photograph taken in hospital
 showing his gaunt features was published around the world.

   In March 2004, Stephen Curtis, a lawyer closely linked to Kremlin
 opponents such as the exile Boris Berezovsky, died in a helicopter

   Mr Curtis was managing director of the Menatep Group, which had oil
 interests in Russia.

   There was speculation that his death was not accidental although no
 connection to the Russian authorities was ever proved.

   Mr Curtis reportedly said shortly before the crash that if he died
 mysteriously, it would not be an accident.

   Last year, Mr Berezovsky revealed that a plot to murder him had been
 foiled by the British security services.

   He said he was told that an assassin had been sent from Russia and
 he was advised to leave Britain.

   He said: I went overseas for a week and then the police informed me
 that I could return.

   I have been asked by the police not to go into detail about the
 assassination attempt. All of these threats bear the hallmarks of
 Russian security service activity.

   In the Soviet era, the Bulgarian dissident and playwright Georgi
 Markov was assassinated in London in 1978.

   He was killed by a poison dart fired from the tip of an umbrella
 into his leg as he waited for a bus near Waterloo Bridge.

   KGB agents and the Bulgarian secret police were believed to be
 behind the killing.