[cia-drugs] Fwd: Rudolph Diesel and Hemp oil

2008-03-05 Thread roadsend




-Original Message-
From: luxefaire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 7:13 am
Subject: Rudolph Diesel and Hemp oil

Rudolph Diesel, inventor of the diesel engine, designed the diesel to
operate on Hemp oil. The Hemp tree produces four times more oxygen than a
tree, thereby solving the greenhouse effect, produces no toxic exhaust, only
Co-2 and water. The plants use carbon dioxide, Co-2 to make oxygen. IT is
estimated that less than 20 million acres of farmland would supply Americas
fuel requirements annually. It costs just pennies to refine Hemp oil into
Hemp fuel. Smog devices would no longer be needed on engines. To pump and
go, all that is necessary is a simple computer mapping change on fuel
injected cars and trucks, and a small carburetor jet change for older models
and we would be set to operate an efficient, nontoxic and inexpensive
alternate energy source. Do your own research and you will find this message
to be quite factual as well.


How DID True Hemp ( Cannabis sativa,
 sub-species sativa ) disappear from American

 Starting in the late 1920's, forest-products,
 cotton, oil,
 petrochemical, steel, and perhaps even aluminum
 industries feared
 COMPETITION from a very innovative new technology;
 the HEMP

 HEMP DECORTICATORS were just becoming
 commercially-available on True
 Hemp farms. This key technology would have allowed
 family farmers to
 create a carbohydrate economy to replace what is now
 a system dominated
 by hydrocarbons (oil, coal, and natural-gas).

 In fact, in the February, 1938 edition of Popular
 Mechanics, hemp was
 heralded as a 'New Billion Dollar Crop'.

 Exactly what caused the demise of True Hemp
 commodity farming? Well, in
 1917 George W. Schlicten pulled off a sort of
 stunt, only way betterhe patented the HEMP
 farm-machine that mechanically seperates the fiber
 the True Hemp stalk. This labor-saving device was
 just barely beginning to kick some
 in the
 late 1920's.

 Coincidentally, this is exactly when a deliberate
 smear campaign was
 launched (by print, newsreel, and radio) to
 discredit what was THEN a
 very new and mysterious word: marijuana. A negative
 image was assigned
 to that now-dreaded M-word.

 Non-drug, True Hemp simply had to be stopped (if you
 were a wealthy
 industrialist, that is)

 Although the indica sub-species may or may not
 compete with patented,
 synthetic, man-made-chemicals that can be centrally
 controlled by
 pharmaceutical corporations,
 I do believe that sativa
 sub-species-non-drug-True-Hemp commodity
 COMPETITION is what very big business actually
 stopped (by clever

 Gary Thomas

Hemp Hurds as Paper-Making Material by Lyster Hoxie Dewey and Jason L.

Creator Dewey, Lyster Hoxie, 1865-1944
Creator Merrill, Jason L.
Title Hemp Hurds as Paper-Making Material
United States Department of Agriculture, Bulletin No. 404
Language English
EText-No. 17855
Release?Date 2006-02-25
Copyright Status Not copyrighted in the United States. If you live
elsewhere check the laws of your country before downloading this ebook.
Base?Directory /files/17855/

Download this ebook for free

 Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation


[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Senator Tom Harkin: Marijuana Makes People Sell Their Children

2008-03-05 Thread roadsend




-Original Message-
From: Alamaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 11:01 am
Subject: [ctrl] Senator Tom Harkin: Marijuana Makes People Sell Their Children

marijuana and the child slave trade
Senator Tom Harkin: Marijuana Makes People Sell Their Children

It's 2008, and that teenager drug marijuana is still raping our children.  
But why does that have to be illegal? According to The National  
Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), some person wrote  
to Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin "asking him to justify why medicinal cannabis is  
still illegal" after the American College of Physicians recommended it  
shouldn't be. It merited a hilarious reply from Harkin, which noted many  
of pot's notorious doom scenarios: "the small child whose parents are so  
addicted to illegal drugs that they sell everything including perhaps  
their own children to obtain a fix." Harkin knows the routine: smoke up,  
eat gyro, play Legend of Zelda, sell children to pirates for more pot,  
repeat. The full, horrifying letter, after the jump.
Dear :

Thank you for contacting me. I am always glad to hear from you.

I do not believe the answer in solving this country's problem of drug  
abuse and the violence associated with drug trafficking is to make drugs  
legal. I have seen too much of the ill effects of these illegal drugs on  
our nation's young people, as well as this country's law enforcement  
officers, to believe the solution is to make these drugs more readily  
available by legalizing them.

Marijuana is often the drug singled out for legalization. However,  
marijuana is not the recreational drug that many believe it to be. In a  
study completed by the Drug Abuse Warning Network, the number of marijuana  
related emergencies has nearly reached the level of cocaine related  
emergencies. As this statistic indicates, marijuana use often has fatal  

I was deeply troubled when I learned of another recent study which found  
that nearly one-third of all eighth graders had tried marijuana. As the  
father of two daughters, it greatly disturbs me that children are exposed  
to drugs at such a young age. I am concerned that legalization of this  
drug will only increase the number of children who gain access to its  
harmful effects.

The victims of the drug war are many - the small child whose parents are  
so addicted to illegal drugs that they sell everything including perhaps  
their own children to obtain a fix; the police officer's family which must  
now learn to cope with the loss of their loved one as a result of a  
violent drug bust gone awry. These are the people I think of when I say  
that drugs pose a significant threat to the security of this nation.

In addition to helping to double federal funds for Iowa's anti-drug  
programs, I am an active supporter of the Smoother Sailing Programs in the  
Des Moines public schools. This program is designed to help children cope  
with the violence, confusion and trauma associated with the abuse of drugs  
in our society.

Legalizing drugs is equivalent to declaring surrender in the war on drugs.  
However we may differ in tactics, I am hopeful that we can work together  
to fight drugs in our communities and to make Iowa drug free.

Again, thanks for sharing your views with me. Please don't hesitate to let  
me know how you feel on any issue that concerns you.


Tom Harkin

United States Senator

Alamaine, IVe
Grand Forks, ND, US of A
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"All are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusion is called a
philosopher." - Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)

"Being ignorant is not such a shame as being unwilling to learn." -
Poor Richard's Almanack, 1758 (Benjamin Franklin)
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ctrl is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic 
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid 
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Le

[cia-drugs] The Queen of Kansas

2008-03-05 Thread Kris Millegan


The Queen of Kansas




Governor Kathleen Sebelius has been making a name for herself on the
national stage recently, fueling rumors that she is destine for bigger
arenas than Topeka, Kansas. Gov. Sebelius is on the short list to be
Barak Obama’s Vice Presidential running mate as he gets closer to
securing the nomination. Gov. Sebelius has been actively campaigning
for Obama on network political talk shows and campaign stops which
helped Obama coast over Clinton in the Kansas caucus and Midwestern

In January Gov. Sebelius was bestowed the honor of delivering the
Democratic response to President Bush’s last State of the Union
Address, which was viewed by millions of people across the world. She
has also been making constant headlines with her historic battle
against coal plants being built in western Kansas. Currently the
Democratic Governor has a 64% approval rating in the traditionally
conservative state of Kansas.

However, Gov. Sebelius’ most telling sign that she is heading for
bigger things might be her invitation and attendance at the 2007
meeting of the notorious Bilderberg Group in Istanbul, Turkey. The
Bilderberg Group is a collection of the world’s most elite and powerful
people who secretly meet once a year among tremendous mystery and
security. The conferences attendees are sworn to secrecy and are under
strict instructions to not divulge what goes on at the conference to
outside sources.

The Bilderberg Group was officially formed in 1954, primarily by the
powerful banking families of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers,
along with royal Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. The group annually
includes around 130 guests who consist of Europe and America’s most
wealthy and noble elite from politics, royalty, business, banking,
education, media, and the military. 

Notable Bilderberg attendees include David Rockefeller, Rothschild
Family Banking, George Soros, Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, Henry
Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Prince
Charles, Al Gore, Colin Powell, Nelson Rockefeller, Richard Perle, Tony
Blair, Gordon Brown, Alan Greenspan, Rupert Murdoch, as well as the
CEO’s of mega corporations and financial institutions such as Deutsche
Bank, BP, Royal Dutch Shell, The Federal Reserve Banks, IBM, Goldman
Sachs, Siemens AG, Google, Eli Lilly, etc.

The overall goal of the Bilderberg Group is to bring about a
one-world government and global financial system, under the political
body of UN style government and the central banking systems of the
Rockefellers and Rothschilds. David Rockefeller described the group’s
goals in 1991 as the Chairman of the Bilderbergs, 

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time
magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended
our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost
forty years. ... It would have been impossible for us to develop our
plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of
publicity during these years. But the world is now more sophisticated
and prepared to march towards a world government which will never again
know war but only peace and prosperity for the whole of humanity."

The Bilderberg Group is credited with conceiving and establishing
the European Union as the centerpiece of their global government plan.
Like their purely American brother, The Council on Foreign Relations,
the Bilderbergs are devoted to the rapid spread of globalization
through the government and economy, with themselves positioned at the
top to control the wealth of the world. 

One central idea in this group is that of rejecting national
sovereignty in favor of multi-national non-democratic institutions,
such as the World Trade Organization, World Bank, European Union, and
the emerging North American Union. The Bilderbergs, along with the CFR,
have been making gradual process toward a one-world government since
the end of WWII. In America, globalization has already rapidly changed
the economic and political landscape through treaties such as NAFTA and
the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), which are intent on
forming a North American community of government and economy.

Bilderberg Group founders Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands and the
Rockefellers were notoriously involved in eugenics and had ties to the
Nazi Party. Prince Bernhard was a member of the elite SS. Since his
death, his daughter, Queen Betrix has taken his place. Award winning
investigative journalist Daniel Estulin claims that the elite inner
circle of the Bilderberg Group still advocates aspects of modern
eugenics and has the end goal of eventually reducing the world‘s
population by 80%, as called for by the 1974 UN Assessment on

So what exactly is Governor Sebelius doing meeting with the ultra
elite of the world, and what good d

[cia-drugs] Fwd: McCain and "Media" Lobbies / Alcalde & Fay / Conrad Black + Richard Perle

2008-03-05 Thread Kris Millegan




-Original Message-
Sent: Wed, 5 Mar 2008 11:34 am
Subject: McCain and "Media" Lobbies / Alcalde & Fay / Conrad Black + Richard 



Did Iseman and McCain 

Conrad Black to Commit Fraud with 

By: emptywheel



February 21, 2008 11:21 am 

On July 31, 2000, Alcalde & Fay--and their lobbyist Vicki 
Iseman--terminated their lobbying activities for CanWest, a big Canadian media 
company. That day, CanWest had achieved the goal Alcalde & Fay had been 
assisting with: the acquisition of much of Conrad Black's media empire in 

Iseman and her colleagues had been lobbying the FCC, the House of 
Representatives, and the Senate (including John McCain, with whom McCain's 
advisors believed Iseman had an inappropriate relationship at the time) to win 
approval for the foreign purchase of American broadcast companies--that is, 
Conrad Black's properties, which were headquartered in Chicago.

Iseman's role in the deal is significant for a couple of reasons. First, the 
deal greatly contributed to the consolidation of media in Canada: 


In the largest media deal in Canadian history, CanWest Global 
  Communications, a company that started 20 years ago with a North Dakota 
  television station, is to pay $2.36 billion for dominant dailies in 8 of 
  Canada's 10 provinces. Mr. Black is to gain a seat on the CanWest board and 
  to become the second-largest shareholder, after the family of the company 
  founder, Israel H. Asper. 

''The borders are gone, we have to grow,'' Mr. Asper, Global's chairman, 
  told a news conference in Toronto today, comparing his acquisition to Tribune 
  Media's recent purchase of The Los Angeles Times. ''We don't intend to be one 
  of the corpses lying beside the information highway.'' 

Mr. Black said in a statement that his company, Hollinger International, 
  ''believes this intimate association with a highly successful telecaster 
  by an entrepreneurial spirit compatible with Hollinger is the best possible 
  assurance of the strength of the newspaper franchises.'' 

Like Conrad Black before them, the family running CanWest exerts a great deal 
of editorial control--going so far as to distribute corporate editorials to be 
run in all their 


CanWest set off the media furor in December 
  [2001, a year after the purchase] with its a decision to require all of its 
  daily newspapers to run corporate editorials produced in its Winnipeg head 
  office. Initially, the company sent out one editorial weekly, but said this 
  would increase to three times a week. The company also said locally-written 
  material should not contradict the party line handed down in corporate 
  editorials. Ownership and management have clashed with journalists and 
  columnists who’ve cringed under the new controls. 

More interesting still, the deal lay at the core of the charges (and 
conviction) of Conrad Black for fraud. CanWest paid $60 million to Black and 
other Hollinger 
executives that they hid as non-compete agreements. 


Canwest purchased the newspapers for $3.5-billion in a deal that also 
  included $80-million in non-compete payments. Black, Atkinson and Boultbee 
  pocketed $60-million in fees from the sale - money the U.S. prosecutors are 
  alleging should have gone to Hollinger International. 

Now, there is absolutely no reason to believe that McCain 
and Iseman had anything to do with the fraudulent aspect of this deal--or that 
they even knew about it. Many of Hollinger's board members testified they had 
clue about the fraud, so there's almost no way CanWest's lobbyist knew about 
Iseman simply helped make sure the deal got the regulatory approval it needed 
the US. 

As with my post on the ties between Stolen Honor and 
Iseman's lobbying of McCain, I'm not so interested in the deals themselves--I'm 
interested in the folks bankrolling the Iseman-McCain relationship. And as with 
the Sinclair and the Paxson lobbying, what Iseman was working to accomplish was 
the consolidation--and with it, the politicization--of the media. There's no 
evidence the people behind the deals are the same. But the ultimate goal of 
their lobbying does appear to be the same.




chrisc February 21st, 2008 at 11:44 am 


Computer Sciences Corp might be interesting too.
have been raking in a lot of homeland security contracts.
Some of their major projects for 2007

CSC is on the Verizon Business team that won GSA’s Networx Universal 
  contract. CSC is providing Verizon with network design support and