[cia-drugs] Heed General Lenoid Ivashov’s warning.

2008-03-27 Thread michael1
Heed General Lenoid Ivashov’s warning.

Post Lebanon I have discounted all the Internet hype concerning possible
US attack on Iran until now.  Lebanon was complete surprise and the only
person I know who predicted level of resistance was former Swiss Army
officer, Michael St. Clair.  Sure, it was part of the ‘plan’.  But the
neocon ‘plan’ has gone to poof ten ways to the middle and they continue to
continue it worse following bad. For first time I have serious reason for
concern we are building for near, very near, attack.
Reader should read these links first.
General Lenoid Ivashov also had an article in an American Foreign police
magazine not too long ego.  It concerned our coming election and was at
time that it was thought sure to be McCain vs. Hillary.  As therein he
could not be too outspoken he used Admiral Mahan as a code above most
heads but ‘above’ stating that the US will keep same policy no matter
which next president and that we have overestimated our sea power.  He was
not talking modern navy vs. modern navy or any navy but that technology
has made all naval vessels vulnerable in littorals.  (Google “General Van
Riper”)   In ‘Millennium 2000’ Van Riper played Iraq in the most expensive
war game ever and sunk most of the US fleet in the Persian Gulf.  For a
time kept very quiet but story broke first in Army Times.  All stops were
taken out to counter.  Woods Hole Oceanographic ‘hydroids’ were plowing
bottom.  Naval divers were exhausted. Even ‘platoons’ of trained dolphins
were used off an Amphibious, USS Gunsten Hall, but more animal trainers
had to be flown in to deal with ‘dolphin boredom’.  Nothing seemed to work
and it was like suddenly minor nations and even ‘terrorists’ had a ‘long
bow’ that could take out a knight.  Low tech beat high tech.  Still does
with this.
We have at present much odd military activity.  Almost all naval ships on
West Coast are at sea.  Massive convoys have been conveying military
equipment from Ft. Bragg all the way up to Ft. Drum, New York, etc. 
Planes intercepting Russian bombers off Alaska are here called
General Pace contradicted Bush way past point of insubordination but kept
his position for some time.  In fact he was more insubordinate than
MacArthur, (but inversed!).  Admiral Fallon may have erred only by NOT
referring to nukes and implying ANY military actions against Iran would be

General situation if this goes forward:
In general bombing is known more to tick off enemy.  Logistics to forces
we have will be far more complex.  Persian Gulf will be far too risky. 
The United States cannot use air power to control over 2000 Chinese anti
ship missiles hidden in Iran (all far superior to what sunk the HMS
Sheffield).  Oil flow will stop.  Gas will be sky high to point of run on
banks (see Ft. Drum above) etc.  Afghanistan already has, by deployment,
almost a front to east and would greatly extend southeast.   Secret
overland from Pakistan would cease (or even the question!!!).  The never
talked about overland to Iraq, trans Jordan from Aqaba, would be a giant
risk.  Horn of Africa will more than ‘flair up’- it will explode.  Syria
will turn.  Turkey will hold as still as possible.

On the inside the generals and decent flag officers have been screaming
against any thought of attacking Iran.  So what exactly would be the
motivation to go forward anyway?  This is a thousand times more difficult
to explain because it goes very much against massive wrongful programming
given to the masses for more than half a century.  Understanding this
would explain how dangerous it is for those now in power it would be if
Iran did nothing else but hold present course.  It is my hope that some
will understand and it will be passed around enough to overt dangerous
military stupidity.

If Iran is simply to hold present course a secret deal brokered first
between Henry Luce and Joe Stalin will come to an end.  This deal is the
central glue that holds massive illegal activity, drugs/arms/you-name-it
together as that has been the all important checking mechanism as the deal
secret.  It is through this deal that, on a level few know about, the
formation of the Israeli Mossad was really a cover for combining checking
apparatus for CIA/KBG and bringing in other nuclear or soon-to-be-nuclear
others.  This is why level of violence had to be maintained there to have
Israeli people consent to pay for all this even though they were unaware
of it.  (Google “Kay Griggs” to see how this was done.)

There is a good overview of the deal and simplified as it was explained to
a child turning 11 years old in the form of a ‘true-story’ play at:
In essence it was seen early how easy nukes were to make.  In the day
between the bombs going off over Nagasaki and Hir

[cia-drugs] Fwd: There's So Many Mentally Ill in America "It's NORMAL to Be Crazy"

2008-03-27 Thread Kris Millegan




-Original Message-
Sent: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 11:10 am
Subject: There's So Many Mentally Ill in America "It's NORMAL to Be Crazy"

Are We Really That Ill?


March 26, 2008


CHICAGO - America has reached a point 
where almost half its population is described as being in some way mentally 
and nearly a quarter of its citizens -- 67.5 million -- have taken 

These statistics have sparked a widespread, 
sometimes rancorous debate about whether people are taking far more medication 
than is needed for problems that may not even be mental disorders. Studies 
indicate that 40% of all patients fall short of the diagnoses that doctors and 
psychiatrists give them, yet 200 million prescriptions are written annually in 
America to treat depression and anxiety. Those who defend such widespread use 
prescription drugs insist that a significant part of the population is 
under-treated and, by inference, under-medicated. Those opposed to such rampant 
use of drugs note that diagnostic rates for bipolar disorder, in particular, 
have skyrocketed by 4,000% and that overmedication is impossible without 

To help settle this long-standing dispute, I studied why the number of 
recognized psychiatric disorders has ballooned so dramatically in recent 
decades. In 1980, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 
added 112 new mental disorders to its third edition, DSM-III. Fifty-eight more 
disorders appeared in the revised third edition in 1987 and fourth edition in 

With over a million copies in print, the manual is known as the bible of 
American psychiatry; certainly it is an invoked chapter and verse in schools, 
prisons, courts, and by mental-health professionals around the world. The 
addition of even one new diagnostic code has serious practical consequences. 
What, then, was the rationale for adding so many in 1980?

After several requests to the American 
Psychiatric Association, I was granted complete access to the hundreds of 
unpublished memos, letters, and even votes from the period between 1973 and 
1979, when the DSM-III task force debated each new and existing disorder. Some 
of the work was meticulous and commendable. But the overall approval process 
more capricious than scientific.

DSM-III grew out of meetings that many participants described as chaotic. One 
observer later remarked that the small amount of research drawn upon was 
a hodgepodge - scattered, inconsistent, and ambiguous." The interest and 
expertise of the task force was limited to one branch of psychiatry: 
neuropsychiatry. That group met for four years before it occurred to members 
that such one-sidedness might result in bias.

Incredibly, the lists of symptoms for some disorders were knocked out in 
minutes. The field studies used to justify their inclusion sometimes involved a 
single patient evaluated by the person advocating the new disease. Experts 
pressed for the inclusion of illnesses as questionable as "chronic 
undifferentiated unhappiness disorder" and "chronic complaint disorder," whose 
traits included moaning about taxes, the weather, and even sports results.

Social phobia, later dubbed "social anxiety disorder," was one of seven new 
anxiety disorders created in 1980. At first it struck me as a serious 
By the 1990s experts were calling it "the disorder of the decade," insisting 
that as many as one in five Americans suffers from it. Yet the complete story 
turned out to be rather more complicated. For starters, the specialist who in 
the 1960s originally recognized social anxiety - London-based Isaac Marks, a 
renowned expert on fear and panic - strongly resisted its inclusion in DSM-III 
as a separate disease category. The list of common behaviors associated with 
disorder gave him pause: fear of eating alone in restaurants, avoidance of 
public toilets, and concern about trembling hands. By the time a revised task 
force added dislike of public speaking in 1987, the disorder seemed 
elastic to include virtually everyone on the planet.

To counter the impression that it was turning common fears into treatable 
conditions, DSM-IV added a clause stipulating that social anxiety behaviors had 
to be "impairing" before a diagnosis was possible. But who was holding the 
prescribers to such standards? Doubtless, their understanding of impairment was 
looser than that of the task force. After all, despite the impairment clause, 
the anxiety disorder mushroomed; by 2000, it was the third most common 
psychiatric disorder in America, behind only depression and alcoholism.

Over-medication would affect fewer Americans if we could rein in such clear 
examples of over-diagnosis. We would have to set the thr

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Jewish Scholar Says PALESTINIANS, Not Khazars, Descendants of Original Jews

2008-03-27 Thread Kris Millegan




-Original Message-
Sent: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 11:45 am
Subject: Jewish Scholar Says PALESTINIANS, Not Khazars, Descendants of Original 










Shattering a 'national 




By Ofri Ilani 

Haaretz (Jerusalem), March 21, 2008






Of all the national heroes who have arisen from 
  among the Jewish people over the generations, fate has not been kind to 
  Dahia al-Kahina, a leader of the Berbers in the Aures Mountains. Although 
  she was a proud Jewess, few Israelis have ever heard the name of this 
  warrior-queen who, in the seventh century C.E., united a number of Berber 
  tribes and pushed back the Muslim army that invaded North Africa. It is 
  possible that the reason for this is that al-Kahina was the daughter of a 
  Berber tribe that had converted to Judaism, apparently several 
  before she was born, sometime around the 6th century C.E. 

According to the Tel Aviv University historian, Prof. Shlomo Sand, 
  author of "Matai ve'ech humtza ha'am hayehudi?" ("When and How the Jewish 
  People Was Invented?"; Resling, in Hebrew), the queen's tribe and 
  other local tribes that converted to Judaism are the main sources from 
  which Spanish Jewry sprang. This claim that the Jews of North Africa 
  originated in indigenous tribes that became Jewish -- and not in 
  communities exiled from Jerusalem -- is just one element of the 
  far-reaching argument set forth in Sand's new book. 

In this work, 
  the author attempts to prove that the Jews now living in Israel and other 
  places in the world are not at all descendants of the ancient people who 
  inhabited the Kingdom of Judea during the First and Second Temple period. 
  Their origins, according to him, are in varied peoples that converted to 
  Judaism during the course of history, in different corners of the 
  Mediterranean Basin and the adjacent regions. Not only are the 
  North African Jews for the most part descendants of pagans who converted 
  to Judaism, but so are the Jews of Yemen (remnants of the Himyar Kingdom 
  in the Arab Peninsula, who converted to Judaism in the?4th Century 
  C.E.) and the Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe (refugees from the Kingdom 
  of the Khazars, who converted in the 8th Century 


Unlike other "new historians" who have tried to undermine the 
  assumptions of Zionist historiography, Sand does not content himself with 
  going back to 1948 or to the beginnings of Zionism, but rather goes back 
  thousands of years. He tries to prove that the Jewish people never 
  existed as a "nation-race" with a common origin, but rather is a colorful 
  mix of groups that at various stages in history adopted the Jewish 
  religion. He argues that for a number 
  of Zionist ideologues, the mythical perception of the Jews as an ancient 
  people led to truly racist thinking: 
  "There were times when if anyone argued that the Jews belong to a people 
  that has gentile origins, he would be classified as an anti-Semite on the 
  spot. Today, if anyone dares to suggest that those who are considered 
  in the world?have never constituted and still do not constitute a 
  people or a nation -- he is immediately condemned as a hater of Israel." 

According to Sand, the description of the Jews as a wandering and 
  self-isolating nation of exiles, "who wandered across seas and 
  reached the ends of the earth and finally, with the advent of Zionism, 
  made a U-turn and returned en masse to their orphaned homeland," is 
  nothing but "national mythology." Like other national movements in 
  Europe, which sought out a splendid Golden Age, through which they 
  invented a heroic past -- for example, classical Greece or the Teutonic 
  tribes - to prove they have existed since the beginnings of history, "so, 
  too, the first buds of Jewish nationalism blossomed in the 
  direction of the strong light that has its source in the mythical Kingdom 
  of David." 

So when, in fact, was the Jewish people invented, in 
  Sand's view? 


At a certain stage in the 19th 
  century, intellectuals of Jewish origin in Germany, influenced by the 
  character of German nationalism, took upon themselves the task of 
  inventing a people "retroactively," out of a thirst to 
  create a modern Jewish people.? From 
  historian Heinrich G