[cia-drugs] Fwd: How John McCain Will Become President in November 2008

2008-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan




-Original Message-
Sent: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 8:53 pm
Subject: How John McCain Will Become President in November 2008

Computer Scientists: 

'2008 Presidential Election Can Be 


Systems Made by Diebold, Sequoia and Hart InterCivic Are 
'Still Going to Have Same Viral Vulnerabilities Found' During California's 2007 



A bunch of world-class computer scientists testified publicly this week that 
"U.S. Presidential 
Election Can Be Hacked".

As stunning as that sounds, there's nothing new here necessarily to readers 
of The BRAD 
BLOG, other than the fact that outlets like the IDG News Service and 
PCWorld are reporting it --- out loud --- and that the computer scientist 
community, specifically those who have been studying these systems, are now out 
and out saying it --- in public...and out loud.

"The three systems we looked at are three of the most widely used around the 
nation," warned professor David Wagner of the University of California, 
going to be using them in the 2008 elections; they're still going to have the 
same vulnerabilities we found."

Wagner was speaking about e-voting system made by Diebold, Sequoia Voting 
Systems and Hart InterCivic which he examined during CA Sec. of State Debra 
Bowen's independent "Top to Bottom" review last year. He "and his team found 
that they could introduce a computer virus to any of the three systems, which 
would then spread throughout the county and ultimately skew the vote count," 
IDG News Service reports.

While our readers may be familiar with the above, our friend "DHinMI" 
and his fellow misinformed DailyKos front pagers may want to give this 
short article a quick look sometime soon. Particularly the part about paper 
ballots, and that simply having them is not enough...if nobody bothers to 
actually count them.

Here's the key grafs from the article...Along with a special clip for the 
dangerously misinformed/misleading dKos boys and girls...

U.S. Presidential Election Can Be Hacked
McMillan, IDG News Service 

This year, the U.S. will pick a new president using electronic voting 
machines that can be hacked, security experts said Thursday
As the 
November election approaches, the question before officials is not how to fix 
known bugs in their e-voting systems, but rather, how best to check them for 
fraud, said David Wagner, an associate professor with the University of 
California, Berkeley's computer science department.

Wagner was part of the team that audited California's voting systems during 
the state's review of electronic voting, and the problems his team found affect 
counties across the U.S. "The three systems we looked at are three of the most 
widely used around the nation," he said during an e-voting panel discussion at 
the show. "They're going to be using them in the 2008 elections; they're still 
going to have the same vulnerabilities we found."
The California audit 
examined systems from Diebold Elections Systems, Hart InterCivic and Sequoia 
Voting Systems, ultimately permitting their use in 2008, but only under certain 
conditions. In testing, Wagner and his team found that they could introduce a 
computer virus to any of the three systems, which would then spread throughout 
the county and ultimately skew the vote count.

And in case yutzes like disinfo specialist and DailyKos front pager, Dana 
Houle, don't bother to read the full piece linked above, here's a 
special clipping just for him/them...

Wagner said...even the states that keep paper records are not 
necessarily checking their results. Only about a third of all states have 
records that are regularly audited.

(Never mind that none of those states actually does much of a 
legitimate public "audit", of those paper ballots and/or records, but you 
get the drift.)

So, how does that square with your embarrassingly inaccurate dKos front page 
written after the New Hampshire primary, Mr. Houle?

We're guessing you've yet to apologize to your readers for dangerously and 
wholly misleading them about key issues of Election Integrity, right? Of 

It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms and advice on AOL Money & Finance.


[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] 'No al-Qaeda' found at US-Mexico border

2008-04-12 Thread roadsend




-Original Message-
From: Mario Profaca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sat, 12 Apr 2008 10:10 am
Subject: [SPY NEWS] 'No al-Qaeda' found at US-Mexico border

'No al-Qaeda' found at US-Mexico border
Article from: Reuters
By Randall Mikkelsen in Washington
April 12, 2008 10:05am

US authorities have seen no signs of al-Qaeda trying to insert
operatives into the United States from Mexico, but the militant group
has considered doing so, a US intelligence official said.

The comments by Charles Allen, Homeland Security undersecretary for
intelligence and analysis, could undercut one argument by advocates in
and out of government for get-tough tactics to fight illegal crossings
at the southern US border - that they are needed to fight terrorism.

In contrast, at least one Islamist militant has been caught trying to
enter the United States from Canada by land to attempt an attack.

"We know of no trained al Qaeda operatives who have crossed over our
southern border," Mr Allen said.

"We do know that going back to 2004, the southern border is something
that al-Qaeda's central leadership has looked at. But we know of no
specifics of where al-Qaeda has really endeavored to cross our borders
in the south," he said.

The US Government is seeking to complete this year a planned 670-mile
(1080 km) border fence to fight illegal crossings from Mexico.

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff has cited the
anti-terrorism argument in waiving environmental laws and other legal
restrictions to quickly build the fence.

"The flow of illegal traffic through the border region imperils our
ability to fight terrorism by stopping the illegal entry of
terrorists," the Homeland Security department said earlier this month
in justifying the latest waivers, for 500 miles (805 km) of potential

Mr Allen said there have been militant "sympathisers and fund-raisers
for Hizbollah" trying to cross from the south, but no trained
operatives have been discovered.

'Sufficient threats'

A Homeland Security Department official said those crossings, and the
potential for operatives to cross, are sufficient threats to help
justify the fence construction's urgency.

On the other hand, Vancouver-based militant Ahmeed Ressam, with
suspected links to al-Qaeda, was stopped with explosives in his car at
the US border with Canada in December 1999, foiling a suspected plot
to bomb Los Angeles.

The United States was working closely with Canadian authorities, Mr
Allen said, and he credited them with breaking up in 2006 a plot by
militants to carry out an "al-Qaeda-inspired" bombing campaign in the
Toronto area.

Mr Allen also said al-Qaeda is trying to recruit both white and
nonwhite people so it can train "western-looking" operatives to help
it carry out attacks in Europe and the United States.

No such suspects have yet been caught trying to enter the United
States, but the effort remains a concern.

"This is something to which we must pay a lot of attention," Mr Allen

He said al-Qaeda shifted its strategy to seek Western-appearing
recruits after the December 2005 death of al -aeda external operations
chief Abu Hamza Rabia. Rabia recruited operatives who had little
experience with the West, he said.


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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [PEPIS] PEPIS #95 - BBC: Bilderberg founder who helped Nazi war criminals to escape

2008-04-12 Thread roadsend




-Original Message-
From: Tony Gosling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 2:19 pm
Subject: [PEPIS] PEPIS #95 - BBC: Bilderberg founder who helped Nazi war 
criminals to  escape

1. Radio - Bilderberg founder running Nazis to the USA
3. Interview with an Ex-Vampire
4. This is World War III, there are no rules, the rules went out the
window September the 11th.
5. My own appearances Audio and Television.

1. Radio - Bilderberg founder running Nazis to the USA
Nazis fleeing to Argentina
Monday 21 January 2008

Listen to this programme in full

Mike Thomson investigates claims that senior officials from the Swiss
police allowed Germans to travel to Argentina without the correct
paperwork during the Second World War. View a picture gallery of
images related to this edition.
It is well known that many senior Nazis escaped to Argentina after the
The mystery has been how they managed to get there given that no
German was allowed to leave the country without an Allied approved
pass. The investigative history series, Document, returns with a
possible answer.
Records from the time reveal that in 1948 a representative of the
Dutch airline KLM asked Swiss police to ease travel restrictions for
Germans travelling to Argentina without the proper paperwork.
In the years that followed many wealthy Germans each spent the
equivalent of an average man's wages on luxury KLM flights to the
Argentine capital Buenos Aires.
It's suggested that this was all part of an elaborate covert plan to
help former Nazis flee from justice.
Sixty years on Dutch MPs are calling on KLM to open it's books and
allow an independent enquiry. Mike Thomson travels to the Netherlands
to investigate.


Dear Timuçin, Tony and others,

I don't give up easily.
I keep good hope to give what you expect.
But not a word upon the ways.

Following agenda will give us important information:
week april 7->13 nothing will happen
week April 14 -> 20 nothing will happen
week April 21 -> 27 possible and open
week April 28 -> May 4 nothing will happen in principle
week May 5 -> 11 possible and open
week May 12 -> 18 not possible
week May 19 -> 25 not possible
week May 26 -> June 1 possible

So we may keep the weeks April 21st to 27th, April 28th to May 4th,
May 5th to 11th and May 26th to June 1st open

I will not reveal the tricks I am using to get this sensitive
information. Check on the councelled hotel site of last year
( hotel.de) that you have now to subsribe. The IMF site and World bank
site are giving new info about their general directors WEEK BY WEEK.
And the NATO site is giving the Info after the event occured.

(Check it if you want).That is meaning that I have to keep my methods
SECRET FOR EVER.(not the revealed ones, of course)

Have a good evening

Marek Tysis

3. Interview with an Ex-Vampire
Brilliant hour long interview.
If you believe in the supernatural this might just blow your socks

Bill Schnoebelen - Interview with an ExVampire: A True Story - Part 1
1 hr 0 min 38 sec - 16 Jun 2006

Vampires are REAL!

Forbidden Knowledge, Occult Rituals, Secret Priesthoods, Spells,
Luciferian Initiation, Illuminism, Ceremonial Magick, Vampirism.
This was his world : Adept, Occultist, Satanic Priest, Black Magician,
Lured into the occult with the quest for knowledge, this nine hour
video chronicles the life of an adept in service to the darkest powers
of planet earth until saved from a horrible fate.
Discover the preparation, initiation and the "bringing over" of the
initiate into the world of true vampirism.
The other-worldly initiation by a being of immense power that claimed
him for its own.

The reality of vampires and werewolves and the positions they hold in
the dark world of the occult.
The secret priesthood that helped him survive.
The lust and hunger of the true vampire and how it destroys its
And much, more more!

Containing secret, first-hand information that has never before been
revealed to the public.

4. This is World War III, there are no rules, the rules went out the
window September the 11th.
Ex US Staff Sargeant Jimmy Massey
Shocking confessions of a US Marine. "Why are we killing so many

Cowboys From Hell is a new book by Jimmy Massey
New book tells it how it is
About (600 active members that speak worldwide, 2000 members in
reserve waiting for the revolution many within the US military, only

[cia-drugs] Fwd: The Black Death of Financial Collapse

2008-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan




Sent: Sat, 12 Apr 2008 11:05 am
Subject: Fwd: The Black Death of Financial Collapse



Sent: 4/12/2008 3:06:14 
  A.M. Pacific Standard Time
Subj: The Black Death of Financial 

The Ponzi scheme to shame all others is?waiting to 
  deliver its coup de grace.? One commentator has drawn attention to 
  "the?BAD news:?the $500?TRILLION derivatives 
  market."? He says "This is an area that the general public 
  doesn't even know exists.? Few professionals understand this 
  market.? There is no regulation --?government just let it 
  go,?and go it did.? You must expect a 5% default problem.? 
  That?amounts to?$25?TRILLION ... It can create 
  insolvent institutions all over the world ... It is the making of the 
  first?truly global depression.? The world is not 

It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms and advice on AOL Money & Finance.


[cia-drugs] Conroy: Cocaine-Smuggling Jets Make a “Bogotá Connection”

2008-04-12 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

 Original Message 
Subject: 	[narconews] Conroy: Cocaine-Smuggling Jets Make a “Bogotá 

Date:   Sat, 12 Apr 2008 16:39:10 -
From:   ddbriones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

April 12, 2008
Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleague,

More evidence has surfaced in the story that began to unravel last
September when a jet smuggling tons of cocaine crashed on Mexico's
Yucatan Peninsula. Journalist Bill Conroy reports that documents from
the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) link that plane to a Florida
businessman that, a key source tells Narco News, was linked to the
"Bogotá Connection" case previously reported here.

Conroy reports:

"At the time a Gulfstream II jet, packed with nearly four tons of
cocaine, crashed in Mexico's Yucatan on Sept. 24 of last year, the
owners of that jet were Clyde O'Connor and Greg Smith ? both pilots
who hail from Florida.

"Both men have since vanished like vapor in the wake of that ill-fated
Gulfstream II's misadventure, but the paper trail has now caught up to

"?The man at the center of this latest intrigue over the cocaine
planes is a known CIA asset named Baruch Vega.

"?Vega claims that between 1997 and 2000 an individual named Greg
Smith ? the same Greg Smith listed on the bill of sale for the
Gulfstream II ? was brought in by the FBI to pilot some 25 to 30
flights between Florida and Latin America as part of a U.S.
government-sanctioned operation targeting Colombian narco-traffickers.
Vega played a key role in that operation, which involved the DEA and
FBI as well as the CIA ? all using Vega as their common asset."

Read the rest of Conroy's information-packed report online at Narco news:


From somewhere in a country called América,

David B. Briones
The Narco News Bulletin

Narco News is supported by:

The Fund for Authentic Journalism P.O. Box 241 Natick, MA 01760

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[cia-drugs] Stalin and the WWII

2008-04-12 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


*Stalin and the WWII *

I've considered posting this material, following the 
documentary "GPU - the Secret Services" that has been aired on the 
Romanian TV channel "Antena 3" and where an interesting statement 
drew my attention: "Stalin was rather afraid of Churchill than of 

Whether the following information source is reliable or not, I can't 
tell, but many of the things written there happen to match with my 
own beliefs about the real reasons of the WWII and also with the 
statements made in the documentary "GPU - the Secret Services" that 
I've just seen.

It is absurd to think that Hitler was just an insane man that nobody 
could stop but just with huge human and material losses and after a 
devastating World war. Needless to say that in the WWI Hitler wasn't 
present to command, yet it occured.

The version that the WWII wasn't a war of Germany against the whole 
World, but rather a war of the West against the East, hence a war of 
capitalism against socialism (a new sociopolitical system installed 
by the Jews in Russia after the October Revolution and which 
propelled Jewish Lenin to power) sounds much more plausible.

Socialism proved a functional and pretty reliable system, able to 
compete shoulder to shoulder with the capitalist one and therefore 
it began being a threat to the capitalist World, threat that must be 
removed by any means, including a World war.

Below is a material on Stalin's life and his role in the WWII, which 
also tells about the valuable key contribution of communist secret 
agent Richard Sorge and about Leon Trotsky and Sergey Kirov, in my 
opinion Western bugs infiltrated in the Russian political structures.



Stalin became increasingly concerned that the Soviet Union would be 
invaded by Germany. Stalin believed the best way to of dealing with 
Adolf Hitler was to form an anti-fascist alliance with countries in 
the west. Stalin argued that even Hitler would not start a war 
against a united Europe. 

Stalin's own interpretation of Britain's rejection of his plan for 
an antifascist alliance, was that they were involved in a plot with 
Germany against the Soviet Union. 

Winston Churchill sent a personal message to Stalin in April, 1941, 
explaining how German troop movements suggested that they were about 
to attack the Soviet Union. However, Stalin was still suspicious of 
the British and thought that Churchill was trying to trick him into 
declaring war on Germany. 

German soldiers were given the instructions that the "Jewish-
Bolshevik system must be destroyed". 

Adolf Hitler was aware that to control the vast population of the 
Soviet Union would always be an extremely difficult task. His way of 
dealing with the problem was by mass exterminations. 

October Revolution had convinced Stalin that their main objective 
was the destruction of the communist system in the Soviet Union.

At Yalta, the Allies had attempted to persuade Stalin to join in the 
war with Japan. 

However, since the previous meeting the USA had successfully tested 
the Atom Bomb. 

However, wi th the dropping of the Atom Bomb on Hiroshima and 
Nagasaki in August, 1945, the Japanese quickly surrendered and the 
Allies were successful in preventing Soviet gains in the Far East. 

With Germany defeated and the USA now possessing the Atom Bomb, the 
Allies no longer needed the co-operation of the Soviet Union. 

The ending of lend-lease supplies to the Soviet Union immediately 
the war ended with Germany in May, 1945 and the insistence that 
Henry Wallace, the US Secretary of Commerce, resign after he made a 
speech in support of Soviet economic demands, convinced Stalin that 
the hostility towards the Soviet Union that had been in existence 
between the wars, had returned. 

Stalin once again became obsessed by the threat of an invasion from 
the west.

While he was ill, Stalin received a letter from a Dr. Lydia Timashuk 
claiming that a group of seven doctors, including his own physician, 
Dr. Vinogradov, were involved in a plot to murder Stalin and some of 
his close political associates. 

The doctors named in the letter were arrested and after being 
tortured, confessed to being involved in a plot arranged by the 
American and British intelligence organizations. 



Yahoo! Groups Links

[cia-drugs] Risky Geopolitical Game: Washington P lays ‘Tibet Roulette’ with China

2008-04-12 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


   Risky Geopolitical Game: Washington Plays ‘Tibet Roulette’
   with China

Posted in 1  by mitwildthing on April 12th, 

This an article by F. William Engdahl found at 

This is a risky political game indeed. I often repeat the line that 
nothing is always what it seems. The media hyped turmoil in Tibet and 
manufactured protests against Beijing Olympics are just parts of the 
political games played by the western powers, especially the US 
government. The real goal is not to promote democracy or human rights. 
This is such laughable concept that only the naivest of the naive 
students and redneck morons would believe. US government has never 
really cared about human rights or democracy or it won’t invade Iraq and 
caused 1 out 3 Iraqis to be killed, injured, or displaced.

Playing a political game is acceptable though it should not come at a 
price of human lives and destructions of economy. Of course, the US 
government doesn’t really care about that. The corporate fat cats would 
enjoy their fancy dinner party just as much with or without their 
success of the political games.

Just how the games are played. If you read this well-written article, 
you will see that the black hands of the CIA are at work again. The 
tentacles of the CIA are now disguised as funders for democracy and 
freedom. They send money and man power to train and arm the dissidents 
and profit-seeking criminal elements in the Chinese society. They train 
those thugs and criminals to fake protests and to provoke police through 
violence, arson, and murder.

The second main player of this political game is the western media. They 
are treating the recent events as Hollywood movies. The trained 
“protesters” were flied city to city to stage shame protests while the 
western media’s cameras were set up at designated spots to capture the 
images that they really want to see.

So you may wonder what happens when the live events don’t develop 
according to the plans. Well, FAKE them. This is how they did it. When 
they don’t like the pictures, they will crop out a portion to fit their 
needs. When they see a footage doesn’t fit what they want, they would 
edit it to tell their stories.

Well, basically shameless lies that they are.

In summary, you can see how it works,

CIA –> NED -money-> Dalai Lama and his henchmen –> western media –> 
faked outrage –> brainwashed western audience

What do they really want by doing all this?

PROFIT through extortion. Yes, extortion. Well, invasion would work if 
the target is small like Iraq. For bigger fish like China, political 
extortion seems more convenient.

[cia-drugs] Obama - The Postmodern Coup: Making of a Manchurian Candidate

2008-04-12 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

*Obama - The Postmodern Coup: Making of a Manchurian Candidate (Paperback)*
by Webster Griffin Tarpley 

Barack Obama is a deeply troubled personality, the megalomaniac front 
man for a postmodern coup by the intelligence agencies, using fake 
polls, mobs of swarming adolescents, super-rich contributors, and 
orchestrated media hysteria to short-circuit normal politics and seize 
power. Obama comes from the orbit of the Ford Foundation, and has never 
won an election in a real contest. His guru and controller is Zbigniew 
Brzezinski, the deranged revanchist and Russia-hater who dominated the 
catastrophic Carter presidency 30 years ago. All indications are that 
Brzezinski recruited Obama as a student at Columbia University. 
Trilateral Commission co-founder Brzezinski wants a global showdown with 
Russia and China far more dangerous for the United States than the 
Bush-Cheney Iraq adventure. Obama is a recipe for a world tragedy. 
Obamas economics are pure Skull & Bones/Chicago school austerity and 
sacrifice for American working families, all designed to bail out the 
bankrupt Wall Street elitist financiers who own him. Obamas lemming 
legions and Kool-Aid cult candidacy hearken back to Italy in 1919-1922, 
and raise the question of postmodern fascism in the United States today. 
No American voter can afford to ignore the lessons contained in this book.