[cia-drugs] Trenton Mega Base is about MONEY

2008-06-10 Thread clarabelle2012

by Iakoha'ko:wa of Sharbot Lake, Haudenosaunee Territory

MNN.  June 8, 2008. 6:58PM  The Canadian military base near Trenton , 
Ontario , Canada , was a make-work project in 1931 and part of 
preparations for World War II.  In other words, the war was no 
accident.  It was planned.  It wasn't all Hitler's fault!  Today the 
capitalists are sprucing up the old blueprint.  They're salivating at 
the thought of all the bags of money they're going to make by killing 
people and imposing martial law.One sign is the recent court order 
where the army will be brought in when 6 Nations demonstrate against 
illegal development on Haudenosaunee Territory .  War games are being 
practiced on the main resisters, the Indigenous People. 

Mike Collacutt writes on how to kill men, women and babies without 
even looking them in the eye.  The military is creating "remote 
warfare".  He maps out the future fascist blending of military and 
law enforcement like NATO, the army and "government agencies" like 
the RCMP, the Canadian Border Security and others.  The trend is to 
blur the lines between military and police.  This is the road to a 

The Trenton army base is on Haudenosaunee Territory near the Mohawk 
community of Tyendinaga on Lake Ontario .  The construction of a huge 
jailhouse/holding facility in the middle of the community is designed 
to catch us and then who knows what!  The sadists won't have to go 
to "Abu Graib" to get their fix.  

In 1997, the U.S. Senate and Congress were critical of the large 
amounts of money being spent by the Pentagon on "Unmanned Aerial 
Vehicle" [UAV] development.  These are spy machines for "arm chair" 
generals to kill people.  Suddenly the Twin Towers came down.

The "Post-9/11 Canada/United-States Bi-National Planning Group" is 
shaping the military.  Future warfare involves chemical, nuclear, 
radiological or biological situations where people die by being 
attacked by unmanned flying machines.

"War" is a money-making racket for the military-industrial-corporate-
banking-colonial government complex.  Canada is part of the 
U.S. 's "national concerns".  It could stage another "pretext event" 
followed by an all out invasion of Canada , calling it "terrorism".

According to an October 2005 article at aviation.ca, a Canadian 
aviation news web site, in February 2005 following General Rick 
Hillier's appointment as Chief of Defense Staff [CDS] the federal 
budget went to $12.8 billion in new spending over a five year 
period.  The "Aerospace Warfare Centre" was started then at 
Trenton .  

" Trenton 8 Wing" [name of the base] has a payroll of over $110 
million annually supposedly spent in the Quinte area.  As the rest of 
Ontario goes downhill, Trenton gets richer by creating a military 

Trenton base already has a large international airport.  Planned are 
more runways, hangars and training spaces for bigger planes like 
NATO's Boeing 707's.  An average of 23 million pounds of freight and 
42,000 passengers a year go through  No. 2 "Air Movements Squadron" 
at Trenton .  They are mostly classified visitors or goods with top 
secret processing.

The "Canadian Airforce Journal" spring 2008 issue looks at the 
possibility of a NATO Forward Operating Base [FOB] being set up in 
Canada .  Whose dreams are these?  They've never been discussed in 
Parliament or reported on the news.  It offers training and space for 
international air forces to practice their war games by bombing, 
contaminating and desecrating our land without our permission.

Canada already puts $33 million annually into the "NATO Airborne 
Early Warning Force" [NAEWF] in Germany and $43 million on the 
NATO "Security Investment Program" [NSIP].  [2004 figures].  
Collacutt wants Canada to cash in on NATO's surveillance development 
and to get E-3A AWACS and other anti-highjack, anti-terrorist 
and "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle" [UAV] training!

He suggests Canada get NATO to build one or more E-3A FOB's in 
strategic locations like North Bay or Trenton, both in Ontario, 
Shearwater, Newfoundland,  Greenwood, Nova Scotia,  Bagotville, 
Quebec and Comox, British Columbia. 

Canada could rapidly become a centre for the NATO Response Force 
[NRF] training or Data Link (Link 16).  The Link 16 "Joint Tactical 
Information Distribution System" [JTIDS] allows  large volumes of 
information to be transmitted in seconds and shared between AWACS 
allied aircraft.  

Canada could designate "No. 22 Wing North Bay " as their NATO Forward 
Operating Base [FOB] for the "NATO Airborne Early Warning Force" 
[NAEWF].  North Bay can do surveillance of major urban centres and 
offer E-3 access to fighter aircrafts in Bagotville [ Quebec ] and 
Cold Lake [ Alberta ] and training opportunities south of the 
border.  Why do they need that?  How secretive does a democracy have 
to be?


[cia-drugs] Fwd: Largest gathering of wealth and power ever assembled on American soil off-limits to American media

2008-06-10 Thread Kris Millegan




-Original Message-
From: Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 7:07 am
Subject: Largest gathering of wealth and power ever assembled on American soil 
off-limits to American media

For Immediate Release 

For more info please contact:

Kurt Aldag, (800) 670-4372


Largest gathering of wealth and power ever assembled on American soil 
off-limits to American media

They came, they met and they conquered—at least “they” conquered America’s 
pliant mainstream press. 

(Eugene, OR 6/10/08) A press corps recently scourged by former White House 
Press Secretary, Scott McCellan, as being “too deferential,” have once again 
bowed to pressures, and decided not to report the largest gathering of 
corporate, banking, governmental and royal power ever assembled on American 
soil this past weekend.


Over 140 of the world’s most elite powerbrokers gathered in a high class hotel 
in Chantilly, Virgina, June 5-8, not far from this nation’s capital for the 
annual Bilderberg Conference. First held in 1954, the Bilderberg Group has, 
until recently, never even acknowledged its own existence and attendees, who 
even today, will not admit they attended or what they actually discussed.


In a rare moment of public relations, an anonymous group affiliated with the 
ultra-secretive Bilderbergers, called Friends of Bilderberg, issued a list of 
power elites invited to this year’s conference. The list included American 
Secretary of State Rice, Secretary of the Treasury Paulson, National Security 
Agency Director Alexander, World Bank president Zoellick, Fed Chairman 
Bernanke, NY Fed President Geithner, along with Henry Kissinger, David 
Rockefeller, George Schultz, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, and Richard 
Holbrooke, as well as major European politicians, bankers and businessmen. All 
the major corporations, the royal houses of Europe, and representatives of the 
media, such as Donald Graham of the Washington Post and Paul Gigot of PBS, were 
invited. Yet, not one photo or word documenting the event showed up in the 
mainstream media, despite a howling blogosphere rife with rumors that Hilary 
Clinton and Barack Obama secretly attended.


The Friends of Bilderberg press release also states that the “meeting is 
private in order to encourage frank and open discussion” and that “all 
participants attend Bilderberg in a private and not an official capacity.” 
Under the Logan Act, passed in 1799 and last amended in 1994, it is a felony, 
punishable under federal law with imprisonment of up to three years, for any 
U.S. citizen to conduct foreign relations without authority. The attendance of 
U.S. citizens at annual Bilderberg Group Conference in an unofficial—meaning 
unauthorized—capacity raises the question of violation of federal law on a 
rather large scale, which should at the very least draw the mainstream media’s 


Daniel Estulin, author of The True Story of the Bilderberg Group (TrineDay; 
September, 2007), is recognized as the only reliable source of information on 
the meetings, attendees, and agendas of this secretive group of corporate 
titans, media moguls and political powers. For years, he has been tracking the 
movements, speeches, and political webs of Bilderberg members to glean what he 
can about their plans to re-invent the world in their own image. According to 
Estulin, and other printed sources, the funds for the first conferences were 
supplied by the CIA, and security at these conference are still handled by  
government agencies.


“The fact of this sinister conclave, as spooky as any midnight meeting of the 
KKK in a piney wood, was bound to get known to the world eventually,” says 
Estulin. "There is  a queer parallel between Bilderberg´s secret meeting in 
Chantilly and a conference on Jekyll Island way back in 1908 in which the 
currency of the United States and of the world was manipulated—to what effect, 
whether for good or evil, opinions vary. There have been many excited versions 
of that secret meeting on Jekyll Island in 1908, but relatively few have ever 
heard of it at all. Most Americans are not aware of Bilderberg nor understand 
that the decisions taken at their secret confab affect the lives of the entire 


Underlining the serious nature of the meeting, Estulin reports that Council on 
Foreign Relations President Richard Haas spoke at the Bilderberg Conference 
Thursday, June 5, calling for the elimination of superpowers and sovereign 
nation states. Estulin quotes Haas as saying in his speech on International 
Non-Polarity, "The United States' unipolar moment is over. International 
relations in the twenty-first century will be defined by nonpolarity. Power 
will be diffuse rather than concentrated, and the influence of nation-states 
will decline as that of non-state actors increases."


Estulin has reported over the past few years that the true purpose of 

[cia-drugs] (unknown)

2008-06-10 Thread MA PA
Link to full article: http://mparent-1.livejournal.com/433048.html

US congressman moves to impeach Bush
Jun. 10th, 2008 at 8:43 AM


Impeachment, the war, and American values
Email Your Congress Member - Congress has 72 hours to table it, send it to 
committee, pass it, or reject it.
The full text of the articles-pdf
Published: Tuesday 10, June 2008 - 13:40]   
  1 of 1 Enlarge
Dennis Kucinich: 35 articles of 
impeachment against Bush
Former Democratic presidential contender, Dennis Kucinich, has called
for the impeachment of George W Bush claiming that the president set
out to deceive the nation, and violated his oath of office with the
Iraq war.The Ohio 
yesterday introduced 35 articles of impeachment against Bush on the
floor of the US House of Representatives. Kucinich unveiled a list of 
alleged illegal and improper acts by Bush,including war crimes.   
He accused Bush executing a "calculated and wide-ranging strategy" to
deceive citizens and Congress into believing that Iraq posed an
imminent threat to the United States.--MORE--
Tags: activism, bush, impeachment, kucinich

Link to full article: http://mparent-1.livejournal.com/433048.html

MARC PARENT, mparent, mparent, ccnwon

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Canada Messenger at http://ca.beta.messenger.yahoo.com/

[cia-drugs] Largest gathering of wealth and power ever assembled on American soil off-limits to American media

2008-06-10 Thread Kris Millegan

Largest gathering of wealth and power ever assembled on American soil  
off-limits to American media

For Immediate Release
For more info please contact:
Kurt Aldag, (800) 670-4372
[EMAIL PROTECTED] e-mail address is being protected from spam bots,  
you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Largest gathering of wealth and power ever assembled on American soil  
off-limits to American media

They came, they met and they conquered—at least “they” conquered  
America’s pliant mainstream press.

(Eugene, OR 6/10/08) A press corps recently scourged by former White  
House Press Secretary, Scott McCellan, as being “too deferential,”  
have once again bowed to pressures, and decided not to report the  
largest gathering of corporate, banking, governmental and royal power  
ever assembled on American soil this past weekend.

Over 140 of the world’s most elite powerbrokers gathered in a high  
class hotel in Chantilly, Virgina, June 5-8, not far from this  
nation’s capital for the annual Bilderberg Conference. First held in  
1954, the Bilderberg Group has, until recently, never even  
acknowledged its own existence and attendees, who even today, will not  
admit they attended or what they actually discussed.

In a rare moment of public relations, an anonymous group affiliated  
with the ultra-secretive Bilderbergers, called Friends of Bilderberg,  
issued a list of power elites invited to this year’s conference. The  
list included American Secretary of State Rice, Secretary of the  
Treasury Paulson, National Security Agency Director Alexander, World  
Bank president Zoellick, Fed Chairman Bernanke, NY Fed President  
Geithner, along with Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, George  
Schultz, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, and Richard Holbrooke, as well  
as major European politicians, bankers and businessmen. All the major  
corporations, the royal houses of Europe, and representatives of the  
media, such as Donald Graham of the Washington Post and Paul Gigot of  
PBS, were invited. Yet, not one photo or word documenting the event  
showed up in the mainstream media, despite a howling blogosphere rife  
with rumors that Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama secretly attended.

The Friends of Bilderberg press release also states that the “meeting  
is private in order to encourage frank and open discussion” and that  
“all participants attend Bilderberg in a private and not an official  
capacity.” Under the Logan Act, passed in 1799 and last amended in  
1994, it is a felony, punishable under federal law with imprisonment  
of up to three years, for any U.S. citizen to conduct foreign  
relations without authority. The attendance of U.S. citizens at annual  
Bilderberg Group Conference in an unofficial—meaning unauthorized— 
capacity raises the question of violation of federal law on a rather  
large scale, which should at the very least draw the mainstream  
media’s attention.

Daniel Estulin, author of The True Story of the Bilderberg Group  
(TrineDay; September, 2007), is recognized as the only reliable source  
of information on the meetings, attendees, and agendas of this  
secretive group of corporate titans, media moguls and political  
powers. For years, he has been tracking the movements, speeches, and  
political webs of Bilderberg members to glean what he can about their  
plans to re-invent the world in their own image. According to Estulin,  
and other printed sources, the funds for the first conferences were  
supplied by the CIA, and security at these conference are still  
handled by  government agencies.

“The fact of this sinister conclave, as spooky as any midnight meeting  
of the KKK in a piney wood, was bound to get known to the world  
eventually,” says Estulin. "There is  a queer parallel between  
Bilderberg´s secret meeting in Chantilly and a conference on Jekyll  
Island way back in 1908 in which the currency of the United States and  
of the world was manipulated—to what effect, whether for good or evil,  
opinions vary. There have been many excited versions of that secret  
meeting on Jekyll Island in 1908, but relatively few have ever heard  
of it at all. Most Americans are not aware of Bilderberg nor  
understand that the decisions taken at their secret confab affect the  
lives of the entire planet.”

Underlining the serious nature of the meeting, Estulin reports that  
Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haas spoke at the  
Bilderberg Conference Thursday, June 5, calling for the elimination of  
superpowers and sovereign nation states. Estulin quotes Haas as saying  
in his speech on International Non-Polarity, "The United States'  
unipolar moment is over. International relations in the twenty-first  
century will be defined by nonpolarity. Power will be diffuse rather  
than concentrated, and the influence of nation-states will decline as  
that of non-state actors increases."

Estulin has reported over the past few years that the true 

[cia-drugs] Fw: Marines to begin martial law training in Indianapolis

2008-06-10 Thread norgesen
From: Cornet Joyce II 

Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 6:10 AM


I'm sure you are aware that Obama and Clinton were called to the Bilderberger 
meeting. You can be assured that the candidacies were firmed up at that 
meeting and Clinton knows exactly where she stands. I wouldn't be a bit 
surprised that McCain was also called in to the meeting (He reportedly 
belongs to the "American Friends of Bilderberg"). 

I would hope you are aware the Ron Paul's supporters are being shut down 
at state conventions, one after another, Washington State being one of the 
latest. He has reportedly accumulated percentages of votes in the 20's in at 
least one state. 

Then consider this article. 



Marines to begin martial law training in Indianapolis
June 3rd, 2008 

By: D. H. Williams @ 9:14 PM - EST

Under the guise of urban warfare training the 26th Expeditionary Unit an elite 
group of U.S. Marines will conduct a martial law training exercise at 26 
"surrendered" locations in central Indiana from June 4th thru the 17th. While 
state officials and media are doing their best to assure the public that this 
military takeover of civilian property is somehow a good thing, ignoring the 
Posse Comitatus Act which fundamentally prohibits these types of exercises. 
These two weeks of training are also a contradiction of military tradition 
against deployments among the civilian population dating back to the end of the 
Civil War. Why then are the citizens of Indianapolis and six other Indiana 
towns being made to take part in two weeks of patrols and ambushes?


Local news station WTHR 6 reports, "That in the interest of national security 
the sights and sounds of war will be brought to Indianapolis." Why do residents 
of Indianapolis need to learn the sights and sounds of war? Could it be a 
conditioning process? Considering that numerous urban training environments 
which exist within military bases in the U. S. and around the globe the 
explanation of "a need to train in realistic urban zones" is doubtful. More 
likely the real purpose is to condition the civilian population and military 
personnel to living under martial law. Too many this hypotheses may sound 
farfetched, that is until you realize the plans for martial law and the 
detention of U.S. citizens have already been made. (Sect. 1042 of the 2007 
National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), "Use of the Armed Forces in Major 
Public Emergencies," gives the executive the power to invoke martial law.)

Most Americans are completely unaware of the Continuity of Government 
Commission created in the fall of 2002 to study and make recommendations for 
the continuity of government institutions after a catastrophic attack. This 
commission is made up primarily of professional lobbyists. The plans approved 
from this commission advocates a constitutional amendment calling for the 
appointment of individuals to the House of Representatives to fill the seats of 
dead or incapacitated members, a first in American history. I will say that 
again: our representative government will cease to exist as individuals to the 
House of Representatives will be appointed and not elected. An examination of 
the proposal reveals that it is both unnecessary and dangerous.

Out of the COGC came the National Security Presidential Directive NSPD 51. This 
directive establishes a comprehensive national policy on the continuity of 
federal government structures and operations and a single National Continuity 
Coordinator responsible for coordinating the development and implementation of 
federal continuity policies. This policy establishes "National Essential 
Functions," prescribes continuity requirements for all executive departments 
and agencies, and provides guidance for state, local, territorial, and tribal 
governments, and private sector organizations in order to ensure a 
comprehensive and integrated national continuity program that will enhance the 
credibility of our national security posture and enable a more rapid and 
effective response to and recovery from a national emergency.

Therefore it is not much of a leap to conclude that the true purpose of these 
exercises is to prepare and condition the population and the military to the 
prospects of martial law. In a San Francisco Chronicle article published this 
February former U.S. Congressman Dan Hamburg revealed that beginning in 1999, 
the government had entered into a series of single-bid contracts with 
Haliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR) to build detention camps at 
undisclosed locations within the United States. The government has also 
contracted with several companies to build thousands of railcars; some 
reportedly equipped with shackles, ostensibly to transport detainees.

Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) has complained about these contracts, saying that more 
taxpayer dollars should not go to taxpayer-gouging Halliburton. "What kind of 
"new prog

[cia-drugs] Dark history of aspartame

2008-06-10 Thread norgesen
Dark history of aspartame
June 8th, 2008 

By: D. H. Williams 

Brain cancer in a can or as one singer song writer calls it, Stoopid juice.

Drinking a lot of diet soft drinks lately? Not feeling so well, experiencing 
headaches, migraines, dizziness, unsteadiness, confusion or memory loss. 
Concerned about brain tumors, brain lesions and lymphoma? If so you may want to 
check your favorite soft drink for aspartame, an artificial, non-saccharide 
sweetener. Marketed under the trade names; Equal, NutraSweel, Tropicana Slim 
and Canderel it is used as an ingredient in approximately 6,000 consumer goods. 
Most commonly used in soft drinks it is also in chewable vitamin supplements 
and sugar-free chewing gums.

In 1995, FDA Epidemiology Branch Chief Thomas Wilcox reported that aspartame 
complaints represented 75% of all reports of adverse reactions to substances in 
the food supply from 1981 to 1995. Concerns about aspartame frequently revolve 
around symptoms and health conditions that are allegedly caused by the 
sweetener. A total of 92 different symptoms and health conditions were reported 
by physicians and consumers.

A brief history of this substance begins with a 1980 FDA Board of Inquiry 
confirming that aspartame “might induce brain tumors.” The FDA actually banned 
aspartame based on this finding but fortunately for Monsanto which purchased 
the patent in 1985, then Searle Chairman Donald Rumsfeld ( Yes the former Sec. 
Def.) vowed to “call in his markers,” to get it approved. The FDA panel upheld 
the ban in a 3 - 2 decision, but FDA commissioner, Arthur Hayes Hull, Jr. 
appointed a sixth person to the panel creating a deadlock, Hull then stepped in 
to break the tie in favor of approval. Hull was later rewarded by Monsanto with 
a contract to perform duties as chief public relations. Hull has never spoken 
publicly about aspartame.

Still thirsting for that diet drink? 

You may want to listen to this original song by CC Williams, Stoopid Juice.



[cia-drugs] New member.

2008-06-10 Thread dan rice
Hello.  Do you believe in the legalization of (currrently criminal) 
drugs?  Thank you.  d

Re: [cia-drugs] New member.

2008-06-10 Thread RoadsEnd

The prohibition creates a black market which corrupts our society from  
the top on down and the from the bottom on up.


On Jun 10, 2008, at 10:31 AM, dan rice wrote:

> Hello.  Do you believe in the legalization of (currrently criminal)
> drugs?  Thank you.  d
> Complete archives at http://www.sitbot.net/
> Please let us stay on topic and be civil.
> OM
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [cia-drugs] New member.

2008-06-10 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
dan rice wrote:
> Hello.  Do you believe in the legalization of (currrently criminal) 
> drugs?  Thank you.  d

VMANN:  i do.  so do the people at [EMAIL PROTECTED] which you can 
join here www.drugwar.com
read THE POLITICS OF HEROIN by alfred mccoy. 
vigilius haufniensis

Re: [cia-drugs] New member.

2008-06-10 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
RoadsEnd wrote:
> Absolutely.
> The prohibition creates a black market which corrupts our society from  
> the top on down and the from the bottom on up.
> Peace,K

VMANN:  more specifically "prohibition" is really mercantilism.  this is 
the "british" economic system wherein the government would grant 
monopolies on various sectors of the economy to various favored interests. 
what we see in the drug war is law enforcement being used not to STOP 
narcotics trafficking, but to enforce the monopoly, while simultaneously 
forming a pretext for a police state.  it's a "win-win" situation!  for 
the bad guys.
vigilius haufniensis

[cia-drugs] The `Village Voice' Alternative Media Monopoly's Hidden History--Parts 1 & 2

2008-06-10 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


   Tuesday, June 10, 2008

 The `Village Voice' Alternative Media Monopoly's Hidden
 History--Parts 1 & 2

By Bob Feldman

(Most of the following article originally appeared in the October 9, 
1996 issue of Downtown/Aquarian Weekly)

"The Village Voice became not something there because of the need for 
it, to give a voice to voiceless people, but a prize of booty on the 
battlefield of venture capitalism, something to be looked at and fought 
over, put into the portfolio of a corporation, used by one individual on 
the make after another...As of 1977, it had become part of a 

--Kevin McAuliffe in The Great American Newspaper: The Rise and Fall of 
the `Village Voice' in 1978*

Denver's "alternative" weekly newspaper, the Denver Westword, may not be 
publicizing on a regular basis the current efforts of local antiwar 
activists to protest against the Democratic Party-controlled Congress's 
failure to end the U.S. military occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and 
impeach Bush and Cheney, by mobilizing antiwar Denver residents to 
demonstrate outside the 2008 Democratic National Convention.

One reason might be because the Denver Westword is owned by the 
Phoenix-based Village Voice/New Times "alternative" weekly newspaper 
chain that also owns the Village Voice, the LA Weekly, the Seattle 
Weekly, the San Francisco Weekly, the Minneapolis City Pages, the 
Phoenix New Times, the Dallas Observer, the Orange County Weekly, the 
Houston Press, the Cleveland Scene, the Nashville Scene, the St. Louis 
Riverfront Times, the Broward-Palm Beach New Times, the Miami New Times 
and the Kansas City Patch. In fact, the free circulation of the 
"alternative" weekly newspapers which the Denver Westword 's 
out-of-state parent company owns represents 25 percent of the free 
weekly circulation of all U.S. "alternative" weekly newspapers.

But prior to the 2005 merger between the Wall Street bankers who had 
purchased the Village Voice from former Voice owner Leonard Stern for 
$170 million in 2000 and New Times media company owner Michael Lacey, 
the Voice was also not controlled by its original owners. For--like 
current Voice/Westword owner Michael Lacey--the Wall Street bankers, 
former Voice owner Leonard Stern and former Voice owner Rupert Murdoch 
did not provide the initial money or initial labor that was needed to 
launch the Village Voice on October 26, 1955. The Voice was actually 
started by Dan Wolf, Ed Fancher and Norman Mailer---using money from 
Mailer's bank account and from Fancher's inheritance.

(Downtown/Aquarian Weekly 10/9/96)


(Most of the following article originally appeared in the October 9, 
1996 issue of Downtown/Aquarian Weekly.)

Voice co-founder Wolf was the husband of a social worker. After his 
involvement in the world of Manhattan alternative journalism enabled him 
to become a millionaire by the early 1970s, Wolf turned neoconservative 
and eventually moved into a City Hall office in 1977 to be an aide and 
close adviser to then-New York City Mayor Ed Koch.

Voice co-founder Fancher was a Lake Placid, New York prep school 
graduate who had become a Manhattan doctor. He had also inherited 
$30,000 (in 1950s money) worth of Orange County Telephone Company stock 
from his grandfather.

Fancher used part of his inherited utility company stock to come up with 
the $5,000 that he initially contributed to launch the Voice. 
[Now-deceased] Best-selling Novelist Mailer also put up $5,000. In 
exchange for his $5,000 investment, Mailer and his lawyer received 40 
percent of the Voice's stock. In exchange for his $5,000 investment, 
Fancher and his close friend, Dan Wolf, received 60 percent of the 
Voice's stock.

The idea of naming their Manhattan alternative newspaper, "The Village 
Voice," however, was apparently not thought up by either Mailer, Wolf or 
Fancher, but by a woman named Patricia Woods, who worked as an English 
teacher during the 1950s. Wolf took the title of Voice editor-in-chief, 
but a hip guy named John Wilcock was named the Voice's first news 
editor. Other editorial employees initially included Florence Ellerbert 
and Jerry Tallmer, who was a former editor of Dartmouth College's 
student newspaper. Although Wolf was approaching his 40th birthday when 
the Voice was first published, "in the first issue he would lie and say 
he was only 33," according to The Great American Newspaper: The Rise and 
Fall of the `Village Voice' by Kevin McAuliffe.

Before the 1962 newspaper strike by local union people shut down all of 
Manhattan's daily major newspapers for 114 days, the Voice was not much 
of a success, financially. In 1955, it only had a circulation of about 
3,000, sold for 5 cents and lost up to $1,000 a week in 195

[cia-drugs] Informant Who Accused Police Of Steroid Use Turns Up Dead In Dallas Texas

2008-06-10 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


 Informant Who Accused Police Of Steroid Use Turns Up Dead In Dallas

Posted by Admin   Published in 

*DALLAS, TEXAS - *Amanda Jo Earhart-Savell stuck with convicted steroids 
trafficker David Jacobs when no one else would. It may have gotten her 

Police found the bodies of Ms. Earhart-Savell, 30, a professional 
fitness competitor, and Mr. Jacobs, 35, a former amateur bodybuilder, 
shot to death inside his home on Honey Creek Lane in Plano on Thursday 

Police received a missing-person call shortly after midnight Wednesday 
from Ms. Earhart-Savell's family, said Plano police spokesman Rick 
McDonald. The family said that they had not heard from her and that she 
might be at Mr. Jacobs' house.

Autopsies by the Dallas County medical examiner's office are pending.

Investigators would not say if it was a murder-suicide, but people who 
knew the pair say Mr. Jacobs was jealous and possessive of Ms. 
Earhart-Savell, a fitness magazine cover girl described by friends as 
bubbly, attractive and outgoing. Mr. Jacobs had previously told The 
Dallas Morning News that their almost yearlong relationship was marked 
by at least two breakups and reconciliations, centered on allegations of 
cheating on both sides.

"He was by all accounts a controlling person," said John Romano, senior 
editor for Muscular Development magazine who knew Mr. Jacobs. "Close 
friends told her to stay away from him."

When Mr. Jacobs' role as ringleader of one of the largest steroids 
networks in the U.S. made headlines in November, she publicly stood by 
him. And paid a price, both said in blog entries.

In February, she was not invited to the Arnold Classic, one of the 
world's most prestigious events of its kind. Bodybuilding enthusiasts 
decried the move online, saying it was because of her connection to Mr. 

"She took second in the Arnold Classic last year and wasn't invited back 
this year. That's an incredible hypocrisy," said Mr. Romano, who 
believes steroids use is rampant in the bodybuilding community. "The guy 
who does the steroids can compete, but the person who dates the steroids 
dealer can't."

Mr. Jacobs drew criticism among online bloggers for recently sitting 
down with NFL investigators and giving them names of players to whom he 
said he sold performance-enhancing drugs, including ex-Cowboys lineman 
Matt Lehr. Mr. Jacobs also supplied the league with canceled checks, 
e-mails, text messages and other evidence, saying he wanted to "clean 
up" the sport.

Mr. Lehr's attorney has called Mr. Jacobs' information unreliable and 
said his client would not be indicted. Federal investigators will only 
say that their investigation continues.

Mr. Jacobs also said he sold steroids and growth hormone to other NFL 
players, but never named them publicly.

On the Web site for his now-defunct nutrition store in Plano, Mr. Jacobs 
described himself as a trainer who "offers guidance to many top athletes 
across the United States," including "Dallas Cowboys and Atlanta Falcons 
football players."

After his arrest, Mr. Jacobs freely told investigators about his Chinese 
connections for raw steroid powder, which he imported and used to cook 
steroids. One of his top middlemen sold about $30,000 a month of the drugs.

NFL investigation

Mr. Jacobs maintained until his death that federal authorities already 
had names of middlemen and NFL players as a result of their two-year 
investigation into his network. He said he confirmed names, but he did 
not willingly give up any names.

One of the areas of interest to the NFL was Mr. Jacobs' allegation that 
players use a hair-loss-prevention drug that can also act as a masking 
agent for steroid use.

He said that in 2006, Mr. Lehr used such a medication, and Mr. Jacobs 
said federal investigators confiscated a bottle of that medicine given 
to Mr. Jacobs by Mr. Lehr.

The label bore an NFL team logo, along with Mr. Lehr's name, Mr. Jacobs 

The use of finasteride, sold under the trade names Propecia and Proscar, 
has been reviewed by the National Football League, but has not been 
banned. It is prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency, which oversees 
international competition such as the Olympics.

It's unclear what the league will do with Mr. Jacobs' revelations.

"We are reviewing the information to determine if there is documented 
evidence establishing any violations of our program and will follow up 
on any other information that is provided," NFL spokesman Greg Aiello 
said Thursday. "It is premature to comment on any specific player at 
this time."

He said anyone found to have violated league policies wou

[cia-drugs] [Fwd: BBC uncovers lost Iraq billions, US gag order prevents discussion]

2008-06-10 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

 Original Message 
Subject:BBC uncovers lost Iraq billions, US gag order prevents 
Date:   Wed, 11 Jun 2008 01:16:55 -0400

*News Updates from Citizens For Legitimate Government*
11 Jun 2008
All items are here:

*'It may well turn out to be the largest war profiteering in history.' 
BBC uncovers lost Iraq billions 
 --A US gagging 
order is preventing discussion of the allegations.* 10 Jun 2008 A BBC 
investigation estimates that around *$23bn* (£11.75bn) may have been 
lost, stolen or just not properly accounted for in Iraq. For the first 
time, the extent to which some private contractors have profited from 
the conflict and rebuilding has been researched by the BBC's Panorama 
using US and Iraqi government sources. A US gagging order is preventing 
discussion of the allegations. *The order applies to 70 court cases 
against some of the top US companies*... In the run-up to the invasion 
one of the most senior officials in charge of procurement in the 
Pentagon objected to a contract potentially worth seven billion that was 
given to Halliburton.

*The Whitehall ban has been immediately condemned as a 'totalitarian 
act.'* *Anti-war protesters banned from demonstrating against Bush 
10 Jun 2008 London police have announced a ban on anti-war campaigners 
hoping to protest against President [sic] George Bush's visit to Downing 
Street this Sunday. The Whitehall ban has been immediately condemned as 
a "totalitarian act" by the playwright Harold Pinter, while Stop the War 
organisers are urging people to defy it and to demonstrate nearby 
in Parliament Square. "In what is supposed to be a free country the Stop 
the War Coalition  has every right to 
express its views peacefully and openly. This ban is outrageous and 
makes the term 'democracy' laughable," Pinter said today.

*Late concession on 42-day detention 
11 Jun 2008 The Government is expected to table a last-minute 
compensation deal to help push through the proposed 42-day detention 
without charge of terror suspects. Home Office minister Tony McNulty 
said he was optimistic "common sense will prevail" but signalled the 
fresh concession by suggesting that terror suspects who were eventually 
freed without charge could be paid compensation.

*Impeach Bush, Wexler says 
10 Jun 2008 U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler (D-Fla.) signed on today to Articles 
of Impeachment for President [sic] Bush. He called it "a sworn duty" of 
Congress to act against the president. "President Bush deliberately 
created a massive propaganda campaign to sell the war in Iraq to the 
American people and the charges detailed in this impeachment resolution 
indicate an unprecedented abuse of executive power," Wexler said in a 
statement. "A decision by Congress to pursue impeachment is not an 
option, it is a sworn duty. It is time for Congress to stand up and 
defend the Constitution against the blatant violations and illegalities 
of this Administration. Our Founding Fathers bestowed upon Congress the 
power of impeachment, and it is now time that we use it to defend the 
rule of law from this corrupt Administration."

*Kucinich introduces impeachment resolution 
09 Jun 2008 Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, introduced 35 articles of 
against President [sic] George W. Bush in the U.S. House of 
Representatives Monday night. Kucinich read into the Congressional 
Record a litany of alleged illegal and improper acts on the part of the 
president, The Politico reported.

Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich last night introduced 35 Articles of 
Impeachment against President [sic] George W. Bush in a dramatic 
presentation of the floor of the House of Representatives that last 
nearly five hours. 10 Jun 2008

*An ominous warning that the rapid rise in oil prices has only just 
11 Jun 2008 The chief executive [Alexey Miller] of the world's largest 
energy company has issued the most dire warning yet about the soaring 
the price of oil, predicting that it will hit $250 per barrel "in t