[cia-drugs] Controlling The Homeland Finances

2008-07-15 Thread norgesen
Controlling The Homeland Finances 

IndyMac to reopen 'strong and safe,' new boss says: article

PASADENA, California (CNN) -- California bank IndyMac will reopen as a "strong 
and safe institution" under federal management and a new name Monday, days 
after regulators closed it, the firm's new CEO said Sunday. 

"Come Monday morning, it will be business as usual for all insured customers," 
said John Bovenzi, who was placed in charge of IndyMac -- now named IndyMac 
Federal Bank -- after regulators seized the firm Friday. 

Bovenzi said stockholders will likely be "wiped out" once the bank's assets are 
sold. IndyMac shares already were down to 28 cents on Friday, and shareholders 
won't receive the proceeds from the bank's eventual sale, he said.

update on: fed-and-sec-partnering

Did you catch that? IndyMac, the private bank that just 'failed' and was 
seized, will reopen under 'federal management' as a federal bank and with a new 
CEO. Imagine that.

Keep an eye on Fannie and Freddie, because the Fed is casting their net over 
them too. The Federal 'financial takeover' of the country, or the 
'banking-new-world-order', is not wasting any time. They said they were going 
to do it, and they are. The homeland will be assimilated by the kingdom too, 
and that includes all things financial. The beast will own it all.
related article: Many more US bank failures likely after IndyMac

"There are many regional banks that are under a great deal of pain," said 
Daniel Alpert, an investment banker at Westwood Capital in New York. "Some of 
them will probably have guys with yellow tape showing up soon."

see: fed-new job description
also: cui-bono



What About Fannie, Freddie 

Chinese Government is Top Foreign Holder of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Bonds: 

WASHINGTON, Jul 11, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- As politicians call for taxpayer 
bailouts and a government takeover of troubled mortgage lenders Freddie Mac and 
Fannie Mae, FreedomWorks would like to point out that a bailout is a transfer 
of possibly hundreds of billions of U.S. tax dollars to sophisticated investors 
and governments overseas.

The top five foreign holders of Freddie and Fannie long-term debt are China, 
Japan, the Cayman Islands, Luxembourg, and Belgium. In total foreign investors 
hold over $1.3 trillion in these agency bonds, according to the U.S. Treasury's 
most recent "Report on Foreign Portfolio Holdings of U.S. Securities."
fyi...just the facts, ma'am...it's all essentially about assimilation into the 
global economy...however it's packaged and sold to the public. Few understand 
the bottom line of all these 'current events'...which is basically this: the 
globalists have no further need for this country. That is simply the hard 

Keep watching

see: blueprint-for-us-economic-takeover; fed and global
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape 
all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. 
Luke 21:36



Blueprint for U.S. Economic Takeover Getting Green Light? 


"To appreciate the importance of what is currently taking place, we must first 
realize that as a private corporation, the Federal Reserve is not required to 
make public who sits on their board of Directors nor who or what banks and 
corporations hold stock in their private company. Additionally, they are not 
required to publish an annual report, and I am told, they pay no taxes." 
"According to my analysis of the various activities, which are now referred to 
as the sub-prime crisis, the mortgage crisis, and the world liquidity crisis, 
our financial system, which reflects the last vestiges of national sovereignty, 
must be changed. The recent proposal by the Treasury Department called 
“Blueprint for a Modernized Financial Regulatory Structure” is being touted as 
the antidote for our sick economy."

"When the Blueprint was published at the end of March the stock market 
recovered for a week or two, but now there is a new and constant stream of 
market hype with some hysteria to ensure that all of its proposals are 
implemented as soon as possible. On July 10, history will take place when the 
U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, Hank Paulson (who’s roots are in Wall Street) 
and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke sit on the SAME panel to testify 
before Congress. At that time they will provide enough data to secure the 
Blueprint’s immediate passage." 

"The Blueprint constitutes the final take-over by the Federal Reserve of our 
nation’s economy."

"The Blueprint recommends changing the banking charter to include all fin

[cia-drugs] Re: Please Express Your Opinion

2008-07-15 Thread muckblit
It's just par for what happens often in Virginia, so I'd rather see an
innocent man go free or a murderer be charged in another case. But the
detail of the illogic and injustice and conspiracy, ha ha ha please
don't call what you do tradecraft, the bungling stupid bludgeon police
and lawyer work compared to TV's Matlock and CSI and Law and Order,
all the cop and lawyer shows, that contrast I would like to receive
wider attention.

My first point was, hey, a witness gets away with placing a defendant
at the scene by claiming that two businesses a mile apart, on
different sides of a highway, are in the same parking lot.

If anybody was interested, we would see more contrast between TV
perfect justice and forensics. Another head blows out toward the
alleged position of the alleged shooter, like JFK's Zapruder film that
exonerates Oswald.

Then compare CSI on TV, which tells us on practically every episode
not to expect bullets matched to gun barrels if the bullet exploded.
The Dean Meyers bullet exploded, and to add to the strangeness...

Then we have more oddity. After blowing out the side of Meyer's skull
where the bullet entered, we have the bullet fragments all trapped
inside his head, allegedly. The forensics expert is trapped into
saying that because she was stuck with the notion of the bullet
travelling across the brain in the opposite direction, not toward the
big blowout JFK-Zapruder hole, but entering the big hole and
travelling toward the relatively intact other side of the skull.

Again unlike TV, the forensics person said that the bullet path was
upward, not downward as it would be if the shooter had been at Bob
Evans restaurant parking lot. Pargo's restaurant parking on the other
side of the SUNOCO, opposite side from Bob Evans, is on a lower level
so as to explain the upward path of the bullet in Meyers' head.

Or maybe she just said it travelled upward because she was starting at
the big JFK-Zapruder blown out side, in reality the exit side, and the
bullet in reality went the other direction along that line, downward
not upward as it went the opposite direction. A downward path would be
consistent with either Bob Evans or Red Roof Inn balcony as the
shooter's location.

There's a lot more, and eyewitnesses who did not testify in court and
would have contradicted the case as presented, which the judge said
was the best presented case he had ever heard. I bet he said it to the
jury, don't you think?

Let me share two or three examples of Virginia justice, a state that
executes almost as many as Texas. A man gets run into from behind at a
red light, the other driver's wife tells the trooper her husband was
out of control, the trooper notes a skidmark for the braking distance
of 75 mph in a 55 mph white sign zone with two yellow 45 mph signs and
four flashing yellow lights beside the road and eight foot high
letters on the pavement saying STOP AHEAD, a red light, and of course,
the back of someone else's car he's not supposed to run into. Of
course in Virginia, the victim gets charged, convicted, and convicted
by another judge on appeal, because the victim accused the DCI of
"malfeasance" every year. Then we have a carload of kids skipping out
on a tab at IHOP, so a cop fires into a car full of kids and kills
one, no problem in Virginia. Similarly a Maryland cop follows a man
for six hours and he never does anything wrong, so he shoots the
driver fifteen times in the back, no problem at all. It's not what you
know, it's who you know, in Virginia. Knowing the law, knowing
forensic science, logic, common sense, nothing at all, it's just who
you know and kiss up to that gets you over in Virginia. Muhamad can
hang for helping that crowd, but let's see them for what they are there.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The "op" ran its course and had its effect. Now it is in the  
> background. Might be dredged back up during the current polarization  
> cycle.
> Peace,
> K
> On Jul 14, 2008, at 10:18 PM, muckblit wrote:
> > Still a bit confusing, sorry. She saw M&M at the bank, in the parking
> > lot, but she said that SUNOCO is on that same parking lot in the same
> > shopping center, but SUNOCO is one mile away, neither bank or SUNOCO
> > is in any shopping center at all, and the two businesses are on
> > opposite sides of the highway. So much for placing Muhamad at the
> > scene. Your opinion so far?
> >
> > --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "muckblit"  wrote:
> >>
> >> I would like to hear your opinion on one idea.
> >>
> >> John Muhamad of Muhamad and Malvo, DC-area snipers during Iraqwar
> >> voting, was only tried for one murder, that of Dean Meyers.
> >>
> >> Muhamad only represented himself for part of that trial. While he was
> >> representing himself, a witness perjured herself to place him at the
> >> scene of the crime. Muhamad did not attack her testimony.
> >>
> >> What do you think of that?
> >>
> >> The witness was a woman who worked

[cia-drugs] McCain Obama Budweiser Sale to Beck's Belge

2008-07-15 Thread muckblit
I wonder why the Washington Post just announced the sale of Budweiser
to a Belgian company without mentioning McCain, while mentioning Obama
instead? Which has more to do with $40 Billion in Budweiser sale
funds, McCain, or Obama?

I wonder if the sale of Budweiser right now gives McCain more money
for his campaign, like CIA Crack gave Clinton $250 million to win in
1992 and smokescreen the shutting down of Iran-Contra investigation
before anybody asked what GHWB knew about CIA Crack War and when did
he know it.

What did GHWB know about the death of Barry Seal, about Frigorificos,
Danilo Blandon, George Morales, Ricky Ross, Chico Brown, Rayful
Edmonds, and the Whole Bay of Pigs Thing. What did J. Edgar Hoover
tell "George Bush, CIA" about the Whole Bay of Pigs Thing? How many
presidents of Honduras were assassinated by CIA in connection with
GHWB demanding the Honduran government to host Felix Rodriguez and
Luis Posada Carriles for CIA Crack War?

No better time than the meltdown of Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae. Where
are the four trillion dollars?

So Clinton was given $250 million in CIA Crack War loot to get elected
and bring his scandals in view between the posse and the escaping
Poppy Bush of Russell Opium Trust (ROT).


Re: [cia-drugs] Please Express Your Opinion

2008-07-15 Thread michael1
>From time to time I write a letter.  Wrote to the lawyer defending the
younger of the two.  It was copied with a cover letter to the Virginia
I pointed out that if mind control is not used as a defense he is breaking
all ethics.

> I would like to hear your opinion on one idea.
> John Muhamad of Muhamad and Malvo, DC-area snipers during Iraqwar
> voting, was only tried for one murder, that of Dean Meyers.
> Muhamad only represented himself for part of that trial. While he was
> representing himself, a witness perjured herself to place him at the
> scene of the crime. Muhamad did not attack her testimony.
> What do you think of that?
> The witness was a woman who worked at First Virginia Bank. I put the
> mapquest map in cia-drugs photos, showing that the bank is a mile from
> the crime scene. Why play lawyer yet pass up the opportunity to crush
> a softball and send it over the outfield fence as Matlock or Perry Mason?
> By crush a softball, I mean it was this easy. Matlock: "You say your
> bank is in the same shopping center as SUNOCO. What is the name of the
> shopping center?"
> "The bank is not actually in a shopping center"
> "What is the name of the shopping center SUNOCO is in then?"
> "SUNOCO is not actually in a shopping center either".
> "You said they were in the same shopping center, and then you said
> that neither is actually in any shopping center. Are they in the same
> parking lot?"
> "No"
> "Do you realize that your bank is exactly one mile from SUNOCO?"
> "If you say so"
> "Your bank and SUNOCO are on opposite sides of six lanes of highway, a
> grass median strip, two sidewalks, and two parking lots. Neither is in
> a shopping center. Did you tell the prosecution before this trial that
> you saw the defendant in the same shopping center where you worked?"
> "No, they told me to say that"
> "The prosecution suborned you to perjure yourself by claiming to have
> seen the defendant at the scene of the crime?"
> "Exactly, yes."
> "Were your two co-workers lying here today when they called you a liar
> about events the day of the murder?"
> "I guess not"
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cia-drugs/message/44045

RE: [cia-drugs] Re: Please Express Your Opinion

2008-07-15 Thread Fonebone

A magic trick is a little play , carefully built ,

detail by detail .

It is devised so that everything is so obviously fair

that the one or two small points on which depend 

the success of the deception may be slid over without 

attracting attention .__John Mulholland

-Original Message-
From: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of muckblit
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 5:47 AM
To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: Please Express Your Opinion

It's just par for what happens often in Virginia, so I'd rather see an
innocent man go free or a murderer be charged in another case. But the
detail of the illogic and injustice and conspiracy, ha ha ha please
don't call what you do tradecraft, the bungling stupid bludgeon police
and lawyer work compared to TV's Matlock and CSI and Law and Order, all
the cop and lawyer shows, that contrast I would like to receive wider

My first point was, hey, a witness gets away with placing a defendant at
the scene by claiming that two businesses a mile apart, on different
sides of a highway, are in the same parking lot.

If anybody was interested, we would see more contrast between TV perfect
justice and forensics. Another head blows out toward the alleged
position of the alleged shooter, like JFK's Zapruder film that
exonerates Oswald.

Then compare CSI on TV, which tells us on practically every episode not
to expect bullets matched to gun barrels if the bullet exploded. The
Dean Meyers bullet exploded, and to add to the strangeness...

Then we have more oddity. After blowing out the side of Meyer's skull
where the bullet entered, we have the bullet fragments all trapped
inside his head, allegedly. The forensics expert is trapped into saying
that because she was stuck with the notion of the bullet travelling
across the brain in the opposite direction, not toward the big blowout
JFK-Zapruder hole, but entering the big hole and travelling toward the
relatively intact other side of the skull.

Again unlike TV, the forensics person said that the bullet path was
upward, not downward as it would be if the shooter had been at Bob Evans
restaurant parking lot. Pargo's restaurant parking on the other side of
the SUNOCO, opposite side from Bob Evans, is on a lower level so as to
explain the upward path of the bullet in Meyers' head.

Or maybe she just said it travelled upward because she was starting at
the big JFK-Zapruder blown out side, in reality the exit side, and the
bullet in reality went the other direction along that line, downward not
upward as it went the opposite direction. A downward path would be
consistent with either Bob Evans or Red Roof Inn balcony as the
shooter's location.

There's a lot more, and eyewitnesses who did not testify in court and
would have contradicted the case as presented, which the judge said was
the best presented case he had ever heard. I bet he said it to the jury,
don't you think?

Let me share two or three examples of Virginia justice, a state that
executes almost as many as Texas. A man gets run into from behind at a
red light, the other driver's wife tells the trooper her husband was out
of control, the trooper notes a skidmark for the braking distance of 75
mph in a 55 mph white sign zone with two yellow 45 mph signs and four
flashing yellow lights beside the road and eight foot high letters on
the pavement saying STOP AHEAD, a red light, and of course, the back of
someone else's car he's not supposed to run into. Of course in Virginia,
the victim gets charged, convicted, and convicted by another judge on
appeal, because the victim accused the DCI of "malfeasance" every year.
Then we have a carload of kids skipping out on a tab at IHOP, so a cop
fires into a car full of kids and kills one, no problem in Virginia.
Similarly a Maryland cop follows a man for six hours and he never does
anything wrong, so he shoots the driver fifteen times in the back, no
problem at all. It's not what you know, it's who you know, in Virginia.
Knowing the law, knowing forensic science, logic, common sense, nothing
at all, it's just who you know and kiss up to that gets you over in
Virginia. Muhamad can hang for helping that crowd, but let's see them
for what they are there.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The "op" ran its course and had its effect. Now it is in the
> background. Might be dredged back up during the current polarization  
> cycle.
> Peace,
> K
> On Jul 14, 2008, at 10:18 PM, muckblit wrote:
> > Still a bit confusing, sorry. She saw M&M at the bank, in the 
> > parking lot, but she said that SUNOCO is on that same parking lot in

> > the same shopping center, but SUNOCO is one mile away, neither bank 
> > or SUNOCO is in any shopping center at all, and the two businesses 
> > are on opposite sides of the highway. So much for placing Muhamad at

> > the scene. Your opinion so far?
> >
> > --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, 

[cia-drugs] Guantanamo first-ever glimpse into interrogation video released

2008-07-15 Thread MA PA


Article link at:
Guantanamo first-ever glimpse into interrogation video released
Jul. 15th, 2008 at 8:17 AM


  Raw Video: Interrogation of detainee 
A newly released video gives a first-ever glimpse into closed interrogations

Gitmo video offers glimpse of interrogations

By CHARMAINE NORONHA, Associated Press Writer 27 minutes ago

16-year-old captured in Afghanistan and held at Guantanamo Bay sobs
during his questioning, holding up his wounded arms and begging for
help in a video released Tuesday that provided the first glimpse of
interrogations at the U.S. military prison."Help me," he cries repeatedly in 
10 minutes of video — selected by Omar Khadr's Canadian lawyers from
more than seven hours of footage recorded by a camera hidden in a vent
— shows Khadr weeping, his face buried in his hands, as he is
questioned by Canadian intelligence agents over four days in 2003.
video, created by U.S. government agents at the prison in Cuba and
originally marked as secret, provides insight into the effects of
prolonged interrogation and detention on the Guantanamo prisoner.

Article link at:

MARC PARENT, mparent, mparent, ccnwon

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: Italy's Berlusconi Understands the Bush Family's "New World Order"

2008-07-15 Thread Kris Millegan

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 15, 2008 11:18:22 AM PDT
Subject: Italy's Berlusconi Understands the Bush Family's "New World  

Rape threats, beatings and racist chants:

15 Italians jailed for abuse of G8 Genoa protesters
Sentences up to 5 years for mistreatment in 2001
Verdict likely to embarrass Berlusconi government

15 Jul 2008


Fifteen Italian police officers and doctors were last night  
sentenced to jail terms of up to five years after being found guilty  
of abusing protesters detained during riots at the 2001 G8 summit in  

The sentences totalled less than a third of what had been demanded  
by the prosecution.  But they will nevertheless be embarrassing for  
Silvio Berlusconi and his rightwing allies, in office in Italy both  
then and now.

Thirty other defendants were cleared of charges ranging from assault  
to the denial of basic human rights. The judges issued their  
verdicts after 11 hours of closed-doors deliberations.
The court heard former detainees including Britons testify that they  
were insulted, beaten and sprayed with asphyxiating gas. Some were  
threatened with rape.

Detainees were made to join  in chants in praise  
of Italy's late fascist dictator, Benito Mussolini.

Another chant, lauding Chile's [fascist dictator] Augusto Pinochet,  

"Death to the Jews."

Between 100,000 and 200,000 demonstrators converged on Genoa seven  
years ago to take part in anti-globalisation protests. Most were  
peaceable, but some were not, and the situation deteriorated as the  
police employed tactics that many witnesses described as heavy-handed.
The violence peaked with the death of a 23-year-old Italian  
demonstrator, shot dead by a conscript Carabiniere. More than 250 of  
those arrested were taken to a holding camp that had been created at  
Bolzaneto, six miles from Genoa, where the abuses took place.

The heaviest sentence, five years, was given to the camp commander,  
Antonio Biagio Gugliotta. Twelve other police officers, eight men  
and four women, received jail terms of five to 28 months.

The chief of medical services at Bolzaneto, Giacomo Toccafondi, was  
given one year and two months in jail; he was accused of insulting  
detainees and failing to inform authorities after they were sprayed  
with asphyxiating gas in cells.

The detainees at Bolzaneto included about 40 who were arrested in a  
raid on a school being used as a dormitory. A judge ruled that there  
was no evidence to show any of those demonstrators had been involved  
in the violence in Genoa.

One, a Briton, Richard Moth, later told the Guardian that, despite  
injuries sustained in the raid that had him "screaming with pain",  
he was made to stand for hours spread-eagled against a wall.

The Bolzaneto trial was one of three arising from the Genoa G8  
summit. In December 2007, 24 demonstrators were found guilty of  
damage to property and looting. They were given sentences ranging  
from five months to 11 years. In the third, ongoing trial, 28  
defendants, including some of Italy's most senior police officers,  
face charges related to the raid on the school, which left 62  
injured, three in comas.

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[cia-drugs] Fusion Centers: Implementing the Control Grid

2008-07-15 Thread norgesen
From: Vicky Davis 

  Fusion Centers are like the guard towers in a prison.   The Fusion 
Centers are the Command and Control centers that are being installed to collect 
data from the high priority corridors, smart ports, surveillance cameras, and 
remote sensors that pick up RFID ID info.  All of this information will be 
combined with other government and private sector records to produce a complete 
dossier on everybody.  Monitoring and tracking your every move.  

  Like I just said, there is no difference in the software between the 
military systems for management of the "battlespace"   and the Fusion - or 
command and control centers being installed in the United States - except for 
the front-end facade of the system.   

  Welcome to the Global Gulag prisoner  01256693451034

  --- On Sun, 7/6/08, Dan wrote:

Subject: Fw: Fusion Centers: Implementing the Control Grid
Date: Sunday, July 6, 2008, 9:08 AM

  Fusion Centers: Implementing the Control Grid 

  Kurt Nimmo
  July 5, 2008

  Fusion centers are a creature of the Department of 
Defense and DARPA, an outgrowth of the supposedly discredited and "defunded" 
Total Information Awareness program  

  In order to sell us on surrendering our rights, the government 
told us they would establish “fusion centers” around the country to collect 
intelligence on al-Qaeda and assorted other amorphous bad guys, an explanation 
that made sense to a lot of people after September 11, 2001. For some reason, 
though, the government did not get around to telling us that these so-called 
“fusion centers” are a creature of the Department of Defense and DARPA, an 
outgrowth of the supposedly discredited and “defunded” Total Information 
Awareness program, the brainchild of convicted Iran-Contra felon John 

  Back in 2002, writing for the New York Times, William Safire said 
Poindexter was “determined to break down the wall between commercial snooping 
and secret government intrusion. The disgraced admiral dismisses such necessary 
differentiation as bureaucratic ’stovepiping.’ And he has been given a $200 
million budget to create computer dossiers on 300 million Americans.” In other 
words, the TIA program would create computer dossiers on virtually every 
American — not just blue eyed, blond haired al-Qaeda Americans, mind you, but 
everybody without exception. 

  Due to a spate of bad publicity, the House and Senate moved to 
cut funding for the program by adding provisions to the Department of Defense 
Appropriations Act, 2004. Two years later, in early 2006, Shane Harris, writing 
for the National Journal, revealed that TIA “was stopped in name only.” It 
lives on behind the veil of the classified intelligence budget and “names of 
key projects were changed, apparently to conceal their identities, but their 
funding remained intact, often under the same contracts.” 

Two of the most important components of the TIA program were 
moved to the Advanced Research and Development Activity, housed at NSA 
headquarters in Fort Meade, Md., documents and sources confirm. One piece was 
the Information Awareness Prototype System, the core architecture that tied 
together numerous information extraction, analysis, and dissemination tools 
developed under TIA. The prototype system included privacy-protection 
technologies that may have been discontinued or scaled back following the move 
to ARDA.

  In other words, after a meddling and mostly clueless Congress 
stuck its nose in TIA, the program went undercover and now poses even more of a 
threat to the liberty of average Americans, not just al-Qaeda dimwits and 
patsies. TIA and the fusion center concept was just too good for the spooks to 
let go. An idea “that grabs so much government power at the expense of its 
citizens’ privacy always has a phoenix-like ability to resurrect itself, and so 
the fusion center initiative has been reborn under the Department of Homeland 
Security’s ‘Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative’ and been provided 
with $380 million in funding for 40 installations throughout the country,” 
writes the Ohm Project. “These fusion centers are usually located deep in the 
bowels of some state law enforcement agency… All forty coordinate and share 
data with each other, but no single agency, Congressional or otherwise, has 
oversight authority over them.” 

  However, the sales pitch is ongoing, never mind the lack of 
“oversight authority” or the Orwellian aspects of the government shuffling 
through credit, medical, and sundry other records of over 300 million 
Americans. As KLAS in Las Vegas reported earlier this week, while suppo