[cia-drugs] Citigroup: A Case of British Financial Warfare

2008-11-24 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

  Citigroup: A Case of British Financial Warfare
  Nov. 24 (EIRNS)-This release was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche 
Political Action Committee (LPAC).

  Late last night, the Federal government moved to bail out Citigroup, 
agreeing to give the bank a $20 billion capital injection, and guarantee $306 
billion of securities, loans and commitments backed by residential and 
commercial real estate and other assets. Citigroup will take the first $29 
billion in losses on the guaranteed assets, and take 10% of the subsequent 
losses, with the government taking the remaining 90%. In addition, the Federal 
Reserve will "backstop residual risk" through a non-recourse loan.

  There is no question that Citigroup badly needs the money, but so do all 
its peers. The more interesting aspect of the case is that Citigroup, as the 
flagship American bank internationally, has been targetted by the British, who 
wish to eliminate it as a rival.

  The essential facts are these:

a.. All of the big international banks are hopelessly bankrupt, holding 
hundreds of trillions of dollars of worthless assets and quadrillions of 
dollars of uncollectible derivatives bets. The illusion of solvency in these 
banks is nothing but an accounting trick. Citigroup is no more bankrupt than 
J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of America, HSBC or the Royal Bank of Scotland. Thus 
the singling out of one bank, as has happened to Citigroup, is political 
b.. Citigroup is the flagship American bank internationally, active in 
more nations than any other bank in the world. It has operations in 106 
nations, compared to 85 for HSBC, the flagship British Empire bank. Citigroup's 
chief rival in the United States, JP Morgan Chase, has been a British bank from 
its inception (J.P. Morgan & Co. started as the U.S. arm of a London bank, J.S. 
Morgan). Anything which weakens Citigroup, improves the British position. 
c.. The bailout of Citigroup was triggered by a 50% drop in the value 
of its stock last week, as a result of an assault on its stock orchestrated by 
the Brits. This assault began a year ago, with the release of a report by 
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce analyst Meredith Whitney, which said that 
Citigroup faced billions of dollars of losses and should be broken up into 
pieces. This report was played up in a big way by Rupert Murdoch'sWall Street 
Journal, providing the cover for the initial British assault on Citigroup. Then 
HSBC put pressure on Citigroup by taking $45 billion of its own SIV assets back 
onto its balance sheet, highlighting Citigroup's own substantial SIV 
vulnerabilities. The pressure led to the resignation of Citigroup CEO Charles 
Prince. The most recent move was the attempt by the Plunge Protection Team to 
save Citigroup by arranging for Citigroup to buy the deposit base and selected 
assets of Wachovia; an agreement was reached, but then Wells Fargo swooped in 
to buy Wachovia. The result was renewed speculation in theUrinaland other 
places that Citigroup would not survive. This is a classic British operation. 
  The final point which must be made is that this bailout of Citigroup will 
not work, nor will the bailout process in general, for reasons we have 
repeatedly stated. The only way to save Citigroup would be to put it, and the 
rest of the system, through bankruptcy, writing off its bad assets and 
reconstituting it as a highly regulated institution engaging in traditional 
banking activities-no more derivatives or other speculation. Anything else, is 
a waste of time and money. 

[cia-drugs] Obama assembling hawkish Cabinet

2008-11-24 Thread scott munson

Obama assembling hawkish Cabinet

‘Obama assembling hawkish Cabinet’

Barbara Ferguson | Arab News

November 20, 2008

WASHINGTON: As he wrapped up his second week as president-elect,  
Barack Obama appears to be taking an altruistic approach in both  
diplomacy and politics.

How else to explain the fact that he had all but offered the most  
prestigious job in his Cabinet — Secretary of State —

to a woman whose foreign policy experience he once dismissed as  
consisting of having tea with ambassadors?

Or that Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-New York, might accept an offer from a  
man whose national security credentials, she once said, began and  
ended with "a speech he made in 2002"?

Some Democrats, meanwhile, are voicing increasingly loud concerns that  
Obama's national security team will be dominated by appointees who  
favored the Iraq invasion and hold hawkish views on other important  
foreign policy issues.

They are angry that Sen. Joe Lieberman, who abandoned his party's  
affiliation as a Democrat because he favored the war in Iraq, was  
given a slap on the wrist this week by his colleagues and welcomed  
back as chair of the powerful Homeland Security and Governmental  
Affairs Committee without recrimination.

Others are uneasy that both Clinton and Defense Secretary Robert Gates  
could be in the Obama Cabinet, and at reports suggesting that several  
other short-list candidates for top security posts backed the decision  
to go to war.

"Obama ran his campaign around the idea the war was not legitimate,  
but it sends a very different message when you bring in people who  
supported the war from the beginning," Kelly Dougherty, executive  
director for Iraq Veterans Against the War, told reporters.

The president-elect has told some Democrats that he expects to take  
heat from parts of his political base but will not be deterred by it.

Aside from Clinton and Gates, the roster of possible Cabinet  
secretaries has included Sens. John F. Kerry, D-Mass., and Richard G.  
Lugar, R-Indiana;

both of whom voted in 2002 for the resolution authorizing President  
Bush to invade Iraq, although Lugar has since said he regretted his  

"It's astonishing that not one of the 23 senators or 133 House members  
who voted against the war is in the mix," Sam Husseini of the liberal  
Washington-based group Institute for Public Accuracy, told reporters.

Hillary Clinton, for example, voted in favor of the Iraq war  
resolution, and despite pressure, she never said during the primary  
campaign that she regretted that vote.

She also favored legislation last year to support the designation of  
Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization, another  
decision that pleased conservatives.

As transition team lawyers vet the complex dealings of former  
President Bill Clinton —

 and as Hillary herself is said to be weighing whether she really  
wants to surrender her Senate seat for the job as the nation's top  

Clinton surrogates and some analysts are publicly and privately  
circulating her doubts about whether she should take the job.

Syndicated columnist David Broder, who calls himself a fan, argues the  
job would be a "mistake" for Clinton because she would find it hard to  
subordinate her views to those of her new boss, and her husband would  
be "unlikely to remain silent."

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Dick Morris, a onetime Bill Clinton adviser who is now a poison-pen  
critic of the couple, wrote on his Web site yesterday that Clinton  
discussed the position with Obama in Chicago last week, then tried to  
lock that into an "offer" by leaking an account of their meeting to  
the media...

exactly the kind of thing the no-drama Obama operation did not  
tolerate during the presidential campaign.

"In the world of Hillary and Bill, predictions are almost impossible,"  
Morris wrote. "But Obama and the world would be well served if Hillary  
did not get the job."

In a move to advance her candidacy, Clinton's husband, former  
President Clinton, has agreed to take steps to avoid conflicts of  
interest posed by his widespread financial dealings, Democrats close  
to the discussions said Thursday, and agreed to check with the Obama  
Administration before giving a paid speech.

Still, many Democrats remain concerned about Bill might do as Madam  
Secretary's spouse.

"When the going gets rough," wrote Tina Brown in The Daily Beast,  
Obama will need Clinton "like Ba

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] US drones seen flying over Bannu and Waziristan

2008-11-24 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: November 22, 2008 4:33:27 AM PST
Subject: [SPY NEWS] US drones seen flying over Bannu and Waziristan


Saturday, November 22, 2008
US drones seen flying over Bannu and Waziristan

LAHORE: Suspected US drones violated Pakistani airspace on Friday, as
they were reportedly seen flying over various areas of North and South
Waziristan agencies, a private TV channel reported. According to the
channel, the US spy planes made low flights over Razmak, Makain and
Ladha areas of the two tribal agencies. However, they returned to
Afghanistan after tribesmen fired at them. According to another TV
channel, US drones also made flights over Bannu Frontier Region,
creating panic among the locals. daily times monitor

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[cia-drugs] [AUDIO] EXOPOLITICS RADIO: The basic science of Orbs & Exopolitics with Dr. Micael Ledwith; ET & Reverse Speech Analysis: CLINTON, CARTER, McCAIN, EDGAR MITCHELL Revealed with Jon Kelly an

2008-11-24 Thread CAMPAIGN
[AUDIO] EXOPOLITICS RADIO: The basic science of Orbs & Exopolitics with Dr.
Micael Ledwith; ET & Reverse Speech Analysis: CLINTON, CARTER, McCAIN, EDGAR
MITCHELL Revealed with Jon Kelly and Alfred



EXOPOLITICS: Dimensional Disclosure in the Obama Era - More Orbs from Grant
Park, Nov. 4, 


*WHEN:* This Week: Saturday Nov. 22, 2008 @ 8 PDT (11 PM EDT/ 8 PM PDT)
* WHERE:* ExopoliticsRadio.com 
* LISTEN LIVE:* http://www.exopoliticsradio.com




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*EXOPOLITICS:  The basic science of Orbs & Exopolitics with Dr. Micael
Ledwith; ET & Reverse Speech Analysis: CLINTON, CARTER, McCAIN, EDGAR
MITCHELL Revealed with Jon Kelly and Alfred Webre*


*Dr. Miceal Ledwith, L.Ph., L.D., D.D., LL.D* (h.c), served as a Catholic
priest and as Professor of Theology and College President for over 25 years
in Ireland.  During the course of his academic and administrative careers he
lectured extensively to interested adult groups in many countries and
continues to speak at venues all over the world today.   He was one of the
scholars featured in "What the Bleep Do We Know," and its sequel "Down the
Rabbit Hole." His book "The Orb Phenomenon," co-authored with the German
physicist Dr. Klaus Heinemannand his DVD "The Phenomenon of Orbs" are now

Website: http://www.orbprojectbook.com/

*Jon Kelly* - With over 10 years of clinical practice and hundreds of
publicly witnessed demonstrations Jon Kelly is one of the world's most
sought-after practitioners in the field of secret backwards messages. Jon's
life and professional experience includes F500 President's Club, member
national board of directors for non-profit UN NGO, CBS radio feature
producer of The Secret Message Report, BBC, DR Berlin, Fox News, Coast to
Coast and #1-rated US television. Using reverse speech, Jon accurately
reported the "Shock and Awe" strikes that opened the Iraq War 2 years in

Website: http://www.yourinnervoice.com

*Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd* is the author of  "EXOPOLITICS: POLITICS,
a book that helped found the field of Exopolitics – the science of relations
between human society and advanced Extraterrestrial civilizations in the
Universe.  Alfred is International Director of the Institute for Cooperation
in Space (ICIS), dedicated to preventing the weaponization of space;
transforming the permanent war economy into a peaceful, sustainable New
Energy-based, Space Age society, and supporting cooperation amongst Life in
the Universe.  Alfred has proposed a Truth Amnesty-Disclosure process to
facilitate release of advanced ET-derived New Energy technologies to heal
the biosphere and create a sustainable, peaceful Space Age society.
EXOPOLITICSRADIO.COM: http://www.exopoliticsradio.com


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evidence and impact of intelligent, organized life in the Universe on our
human society. EXOPOLITICS RADIO  is a
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Re: [cia-drugs] The torture of American children, by the US military?

2008-11-24 Thread Mary Hartman
There were children who lived in a home behind us, a Mormon family, whose 
mother was subjected to experiments by her Dad, a CIA man from Langley.  The 
kids used to tell me about going to see their grandfather and were quite proud 
of the fact that he was a spy.

In 1997/98, the family was moving to Utah.  The kids were sent to live with 
their Mom in upstate New York while their step-Mom and Dad got settled in 
Utah.  They lived in the garage and would sneak into the house to call me.  On 
more than one occasion they asked me if they could come and live with me.  
Unfortunately, at that time, I didn't know anything about these experiments and 
could not fathom anyone subjecting their children to any of these horrors.  
When their Mom, who they said was "nuts" and talked crazy about things they 
didn't believe happened, lapsed into a coma their calls to me became more 
insistent.  I wanted to bring them back but couldn't do that without first 
talking to their father in Utah.  I called him and told him I was very 
concerned about what I was hearing, especially that the kids were living in an 
unheated garage in the winter in New York, and other distressing things.  He 
assured me that he was going to get them to Utah
 soon and said he was flying up there to see them, and that their grandfather 
(the CIA spy) was already there.  Their Mom died and the kids were moved to 
Utah.  I hear from them from time to time and intend to ask them what they 
actually remember about all of that, especially the things their mother said 
about the things she was subjected to.  I was that close and didn't know it!

Just when you think the military, FBI, CIA, NSA and guy next door can't stoop 
any lower, they surprise you and illustrate that there really is no depth to 
which they won't stoop/sink to satisfy their own perversions.  

I grew up on a farm and can say, from years of watching animal behavior, that 
none of the people who participate in any of the horrors mentioned below would 
be allowed to live in amongst their own kind.  They would be weeded out and 
killed in order to preserve the integrity of the species.  And we call 
ourselves the "enlightened" species.  

--- On Mon, 11/24/08, norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [cia-drugs] The torture of American children, by the US military?
Date: Monday, November 24, 2008, 1:04 PM

The torture of American 
children, by the US military? 
November 11, 2008

 Bonacci in front of the ranch where, 
reportedly, Johnny Gosch, and other boys were held captive.

has been widely reported that the US military tortures American children as 
of mind-control experiments.

Paul A. Bonacci said that, as a child, he was kidnapped, tortured and subjected 
to sex abuse and mind control.

In 1999, in a court in Omaha, he won 
$1,000,000 in damages. (Mind Control Victim 
Awarded $1 Million)

Bonacci in his testimony referred to the 
involvement of top members of the US military and top politicians in child 

The Washington Times reported that Paul Bonacci had access to the 
White House living quarters. 
Johnny Gosch is reportedly one of 
those tortured by the US military. www.cremationofcare .com/the_ nwo_teaoc. htm 
/ Mind Control Victim 
Awarded $1 Million

Bonacci testified on videotape (5-14-1990) 
for Nebraska State Police investigator Gary Caradori:

"Bonacci said that 
while on a trip to Sacramento, he was forced at gun-point to commit homosexual 
acts on another boy before he watched other men do the same - after which the 
boy was shot in the head." (Child sex rings linked to top Americans? Part 2) 

 Lt Col Aquino

Michael Aquino is one of those frequently mentioned in cases relating to child 
abuse and mind-control. (Michael Aquino, child sex abuse and the United 

 Kurt Lewin 
2. In 1921, in London, the Tavistock Institute of 
Human Relations was set up to study the 'breaking point' of humans. (Project 
Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)

In 1932, Kurt Lewin, a 
German-Jewish psychologist, became the director of the Tavistock 

He studied the use of terror to achieve mind control. (Cached )

In Germany, similar research was being 
carried out by the Germans.

There were many links between the fascists in 
Germany and the fascists in Britain. For example, the Order of the Golden Dawn, 
a masonic-style secret society which had Aleister Crowley as a member, included 
German Nazis and 
British aristocrats. (Project Monarch: 
Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)

 Mengele who reportedly worked for the 
CIA and helped to brainwash Oswald (aangirfan: Mengele, Oswald, the CIA 

3. Dr. Josef Mengele studied mind-control at 
Auschwitz. Children were tortured and sometimes died. (MENGELE, MOSSAD AND THE 

One of Mengele's 
reluctant assistants was Berthold 
Epstein, who was Jewish. 
How the Nazis treated 


2008-11-24 Thread scott munson

From: "Bob Rose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: November 22, 2008 2:52:17 AM PST
Subject: [ctrl] BAIL-OUT Or MARTIAL LAW

"BAIL-OUT Or MARTIAL LAW" is the title I gave to an article that I  
felt important enough to be added to the two articles already  
scheduled to be added during the regular Saturday update to thehttp://www.truthquestonline.info/NEWS_VIEWS.html 
 page of the Truth Quest website on 11/22/08. The article's title is  
"LARGEST MILITARY RE-CALL SINCE 1941', and includes a 10 minute video.  
The 1st of the other two article/topis is: WASHINGTON D.C. - THE  
CAPITAL Of The NEW BABYLON", and the other a/t, and far from being  
least, is: "ROBIN WILLIAMS As The AMERICAN FLAG". Best wishes, Bob

[cia-drugs] One of the Secret Rulers of the World - Sir David Manning

2008-11-24 Thread norgesen
One of the Secret Rulers of the World - Sir David Manning 
November 16, 2008

>From left to right: Bertie Ahem (prime minister of Ireland), Sir David Manning 
>(British ambassador to the USA), Paul Murphy (British Secretary of State for 
>Northern Ireland), George W. Bush and Ambassador Mitchell Reiss 

Who are the people who secretly run the governments of so-called democracies 
such as the USA and UK?

One of these people is Sir David Manning.

1. Sir David Manning, who is Jewish, was in Washington meeting Richard Armitage 
around the time of 9 11. (US State Department, September 10, 2001). 

Some conspiracy theorists might speculate that Manning was one of the planners 
of 9 11.

Manning was UK ambassador to Israel between 1995 and 1998, foreign policy 
adviser to Blair from 2001 to 2003 and UK ambassador to the USA from 2003 to 

2. Manning helped plan the Iraq War, and memos have revealed how he knew Blair 
had promised to go to war with Bush a year before the conflict. (Tony Blair's 
Iraq adviser Mail Online)

3. Manning is one of the people who wants the Bank of Scotland to be taken over 
by an English bank. 

Sir David Manning is on the board of Lloyds TSB.

4. On 16 November 2008, we learn that Manning, has won a £5 U.S. defence 
job (Mail Online)

Manning has been given a senior post with U.S.-owned arms company Lockheed. 

Lockheed earns large sums from the Ministry of Defence.

5. Manning has joined a shadowy UK intelligence firm set up by former spies.

Manning is on the advisory board of Hakluyt, a private intelligence firm partly 
staffed by former MI6 officers. (Hakluyt set up by former MI6 agents spied on 
campaign groups for ...)

Hakluyt was set up by former MI6 agents in 1995. 

The firm once spied on environmental campaign groups such as Greenpeace on 
behalf of oil companies.


[cia-drugs] Afghanistan drug production up 150% since 2001

2008-11-24 Thread norgesen
Afghanistan drug production up 150% since 2001 
MOSCOW, November 20 (RIA Novosti) - Opium production in Afghanistan has 
increased by 150% since a NATO-led security and development mission entered the 
country in 2001, Russia's Federal Drug Control Service said on Thursday. 

"Afghanistan has become the absolute leader in narcotics production, producing 
93% of the world's entire opiates... Afghan drug dealers have in two years set 
up the successful production of cannabis [marijuana, hashish] with over 70,000 
hectares of land being cultivated, taking Afghanistan into second place in the 
world behind Morocco in terms of the cultivation of such drugs," the service 
said in a statement. 

Since the Taliban regime was overthrown in the 2001 U.S.-led campaign, 
Afghanistan, with almost all its arable land being used to grow opium poppies 
remains the world's leading producer of heroin. 

According to the UN, Afghanistan's opium production increased from 6,100 tons 
in 2006 to 8,200 tons in 2007. 

The narcotics trade has become an acute problem for the Central Asian republics 
due to a continual flow of illegal drugs from Afghanistan.



Production Up
