[cia-drugs] Akha Journal: Furnace and Wrapping up

2008-12-10 Thread Matthew McDaniel
Dear Friends:
We work now to do the last mechanical on the bus, install a furnace. 
We are soon wrapping up and pulling together all the events for as soon a 
departure as possible.
In Oregon it is cold, not much frost and no snow yet, but temperatures planning 
to drop into the 20's and teens this coming week.
Also looking for a later model apple powerbook that we can edit movies with 
while on daily travel for our youtube journal.
Matthew McDaniel

The Akha Heritage Foundation.
http://www.akha.org Akha Heritage Site.
Discussion http://groups.yahoo.com/group/akha
Donate Via Credit Card Paypal: 

PO Box 6073 Salem, OR. 97304 USA.


[cia-drugs] Fw: Mumbai article

2008-12-10 Thread Mary Hartman

#yiv1409700736 v\:* {

#yiv1409700736 v\:* {

Role of Alleged CIA Asset in Mumbai Attacks Being Downplayed


[cia-drugs] Retired cop suspected as serial killer of 13 gay men in Brazil

2008-12-10 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Wednesday, December 10
Report: Retired cop suspected as serial killer of 13 gay men in Brazil
Source: O Globo, ABC News (Australia), Associated Press, Made In Brazil 
A retired sergeant from Brazil's military police may be linked to the murders 
of 13 men who were killed at a gay cruising spot at a park in Carapicuíba in 
greater Sao Paulo, according to an uncorroborated report from Brazil's O Globo 

Police announced Monday that a suspected serial killer might be on the loose.

O Globo reported a day later that the suspect had been identified.

According to Associated Press, Paulo Fernando Fortunato, lead investigator for 
the case, told the O Globo newspaper Monday that 13 gay men had been killed at 
Parque dos Paturis between February 2007 and August 2008. 

The 13 murders had not been linked previously, but a team of 15 detectives 
began re-examining them in light of the serial killer theory, Australia's ABC 
News reports. 

Fortunato said Monday that he went public with the investigation to help warn 
people of the danger, according to AP. 

Undercover agents are now patrolling the park where the murders took place.

The sergeant is suspected of killing a transvestite at a hotel in Osasco, São 
Paulo, in October, according to Made In Brazil's summary of O Globo's report. 
The caliber of the gun used to kill the transvestite matches the caliber of the 
gun used to kill the last victim found at the park in Carapicuíba in August. 

The sergeant was the last person seen at the hotel with the transvestite, and 
is reported to hang out at Parque dos Paturis, where the 13 men were murdered, 
according to O Globo and Made In Brazil.

Police have dubbed the possible killer the Rainbow Maniac as a reference to 
the multicolored gay and lesbian logo, ABC News reports.

Although the Fortunato said Monday that investigators were not certain that 
only one person is responsible for the deaths, there are marked similarities in 
each case, according to ABC News. All of the victims were killed at the same 
gay meeting place in Paturo Park. All of the victims were men, most aged 
between 20 and 40, according to ABC News. 

All the killings took place at night. All of the victims were found with their 
pants down, according to Made In Brazil blog. 

All but one of the victims was shot either in the head or the neck. Ballistics 
tests are underway to see if the same gun was used in each case, according to 
ABC News. 

Meanwhile, O Globo reports that the family of one of the men killed at the park 
is disputing the theory of the crime put forward by police. 

Adílson Jose Pereira, whose body was found in the park July 8, 2007, was the 
second victim to be killed there.

His widow insisted that the 58-year-old married father of six children with 18 
grandchildren would never be involved with homosexuals, according to O Globo.

His body was found next to his car near the park, but his widow explained that 
he often parked it there. I thought he was going to a bar nearby. He played 
guitar there from time to time, and parked the car in park, said Maria Odília 
Alves Pereira.

A friend of the Pereira's, who did not want to be identified, told O Globo he 
was womanizer.

Source: Police hunt suspected serial killer in Brazil | ABC News (Australia)  
Police hunt suspected serial killer in Brazil | Associated Press 
Sargento reformado da PM é suspeito de mortes de homossexuais em parque da 
Grande SP | O Globo 
Police Looking For Suspect Of Killing 13 Gay Men | Made In Brazil

[cia-drugs] Quotes: Elizabeth Loftus, Ph.D.

2008-12-10 Thread smartnews
Quotes: Elizabeth Loftus, Ph.D.
Wortman, C. and Loftus, E. Psychology. (1981) Alfred A.  Knopf: New York, p. 
203. Thus a young woman who is sexually attracted to her  father may try to 
repress her disturbing incestuous desires.  But her  behavior may indicate that 
these feelings are not completely forgotten.   The woman may pause or fumble 
for words when discussing certain things about her  father and she may show 
other signs of anxiety such as sweating or blushing. 
Loftus, G.R and Loftus, E.L. (1976). Human Memory – The Processing of  
Information. Lawrence Erlbaum Associated: New Jersey, p. 82-83.
A  laboratory analogy to repression can be found in an experiment by A.F.  
Zeller arranged a situation so that one group of students underwent  an 
unhappy “failure” experience right after they had successfully learned a list  
nonsense syllables.  When tested later, these subjects showed much  poorer 
recall of the nonsense syllables compared to a control group, who had not  
experienced failure.  When this same “failure” group was later allowed to  
on the same task that they had earlier failed, their recall showed  tremendous 
improvement.  This experiment indicates that when the reason for  the 
repression is removed, when material to be remembered is no longer  associated 
negative effects, a person no longer experiences retrieval  failure.” 
It’s not unusual for killers to have amnesia about event. Saturday, February 
15, 1997, Section: News, Page: A3 
 It is possible to commit a murder and then forget you did it, according to a 
 leading memory researcher.  A significant proportion of people who commit  
murders have some amnesia surrounding the event, particularly if it is a crime  
of passion, University of Washington psychologist Elizabeth Loftus said  
Loftus, E. (1979). Reactions to blatantly contradictory information. Memory  
Cognition, 7(5), p. 371.   In two experiments,  subjects were shown a complex 
event and were later exposed to misinformation  about that event.  In 
addition, some subjects received a piece of blatantly  contradictory 
Blatant misinformation both was rejected by  subjects and caused them to be 
more resistant to other misinformation . . .  Second, when an attempt is  made 
to mislead a person about a detail that is  patently false the person becomes 
more resistant to suggestions of any  kind….”

Deposition Upon Oral Examination of Elizabeth Loftus,  PhD., Seignious v. 
Fair et al., January 22, 1998, In the Superior Court  of Fulton County, State 
Georgia #E-56169 p. 125
Q. Have you ever  contemplated actually doing a study somewhere along the 
lines I was just talking  about where you have no crime scene at all and then 
try to convince someone  there was a crime scene or crime event?
A. [Loftus] No I haven’t thought  about that but that’s kind of an 
interesting idea. 

Loftus, E. (1993, January 18). Deposition upon oral  examination of Elizabeth 
Loftus, Ph.D. Carol C. Smith, vs. Richard  Alton Smith, Case No. 67 52 64, 
Superior Court in the State of California in and  for the County of Orange, 
Q: [Reading from M.R.’s report, page 53,  line 20] “There are no reliable 
methods for sorting out which of these  allegations may be true or false apart 
from observations from other witnesses  who may be able to provide data either 
tending to support or tending to refute  the validity of the allegations and 
the overall patterns of circumstances  surrounding the incidents.”  Do you have 
an opinion on that  statement?
A: [Loftus] I believe you need corroboration to sort out true  allegations 
from false ones.  That part of it I agree with.
Q: In the  case of Carol Smith, what corroboration would you require to 
enforce the  reliability, the believability, of her memories?
A: I don’t know what it  would look like, maybe photographs.
Q: Of what?
A: Abuse happening.
Q:  You mean a Rod King video?
A: There are cases of sex abuse where there are  photographs and videotapes. 
Loftus, E. and Ketcham, K. (1991). Witness for the Defense.  St. Martin’s 
Press: New York, p. 72.  Most of the time, perhaps 99 percent  of the time, the 
defendant is guilty; his screams are the final protest of a  human being about 
to lost his most precious possession, his freedom. 
Loftus, E. (1993). The reality of repressed memories. American Psychologist, 
48, 518-537.  _http://faculty.washington.edu/eloftus/Articles/lof93.htm_ 
(http://faculty.washington.edu/eloftus/Articles/lof93.htm)   Some who question 
authenticity of the memories of abuse do so in part  because of the intensity 
and sincerity of the accused persons 

Re: [cia-drugs] The Rockefeller Plan, Part 1

2008-12-10 Thread Mary Hartman
In August of the same year (1911), McCLURE’S magazine published an article 
titled “Masters of America: The Seven Men,” which warned that “all fundamental 
resources, all industries capable of forming a unit, are being drawn together 
toward monopoly control…. And if corporate centralization of power continues 
unchecked, what is the next great popular agitation to be in this country? For 
state socialism?”
Our natural resources, long under the auspices and protection of the United 
States Department of the Interior are being quietly handed to the oil companies 
through the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, a Congressional non-profit 
created to benefit corporate interests.  There was a time when people knew they 
could actually survive without oil, but water is another matter entirely.  
While this nation sleeps those things that support life, all life, are being 
siphoned away.  
Interestingly, Iraq is the only nation in that region that has both the Tigris 
and Euphrates Rivers running through the land.   Control the oil and control 
the oil, control the water and control the people.  This particular cat needs 
to get out of the bag.

--- On Sat, 12/6/08, norgesen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: norgesen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [cia-drugs] The Rockefeller Plan, Part 1
Date: Saturday, December 6, 2008, 4:49 PM

And concerning the Obama administration’ s continuing the Power Elite’s planned 
alternation of power by including many Clintonistas, two examples are Rhodes 
scholar Dennis Blair (named director of National Intelligence) and Susan Rice 
(named U.S. ambassador to the U.N.
By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
December 1, 2008

[Note: Gerald Celente of Trends Research Institute has been heralded by THE 
WALL STREET JOURNAL, CNBC, CBS, etc. and he has recently said by 2012 the U.S. 
will become “an undeveloped nation” with tax revolts and a lot of homeless 
people and crime. Also recently, accidental fires created a state of emergency 
in California, which is just a reminder of the havoc that could be created by a 
few Iranian agents here if war should break out between the U.S. and Iran. 
Regarding the terrorist attack in India last week, it was by a Pakistani group 
with links to Pakistan’s ISI intelligence service about whom I’ve written. The 
group is called Lashkar-e-Taiba which opposes India’s involvement in Kashmir, 
about which I wrote in my July 23, 2007 NewsWithViews. com column “Javier 
Solana and the Larger Plan.” Also, remember that in my Sept. 22, 2008 
NEWSWITHVIEWS column, “Threats Used for Coercive Compliance,” I wrote (over two 
months before last week’s attack) that “globally, threats can be non-Communist 
as well, as India feels threatened by Pakistan and vice versa (watch Kashmir in 
the future).”
And concerning the Obama administration’ s continuing the Power Elite’s planned 
alternation of power by including many Clintonistas, two examples are Rhodes 
scholars Dennis Blair (named director of National Intelligence) and Susan Rice 
(named U.S. ambassador to the U.N.).]
In a previous NewsWithViews column, I mentioned that globalization has returned 
us to the late 1800s where workers underbid each other for jobs whose 
conditions weren’t safeguarded by health regulations. “Robber barrons” ruled, 
and these were people like John D. Rockefeller (his nephew Percy became a 
member of Skull  Bones in 1900).
With the beginning of the 20th century, Theodore Roosevelt was president and 
came to be known as a “trust buster” against Rockefeller’s Standard Oil and 
others, but major corporations that were split up still had interlocking 
directorates. Thus, Rockefeller’s power was maintained, and he is portrayed in 
Robert Minor’s 1911 cartoon in THE ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH as welcoming Karl 
Marx to Wall Street, with Marx carrying a book titled SOCIALISM. Rockefeller 
was able to use his great wealth to “buy” politicians who would see to it that 
through laws, rules and regulations, their “owners” were not adversely 
affected—a type of corporate Socialism. 
In August of the same year (1911), McCLURE’S magazine published an article 
titled “Masters of America: The Seven Men,” which warned that “all fundamental 
resources, all industries capable of forming a unit, are being drawn together 
toward monopoly control…. And if corporate centralization of power continues 
unchecked, what is the next great popular agitation to be in this country? For 
state socialism?”
Education was an important component of the Rockefeller plan, and he hired a 
reassuring Baptist minister, Frederick Gates, to set up his General Education 
Board in 1902 to oversee this effort. From this position, Gates wrote 
Occasional Letter No. 1 (published 1912), stating that “in our dream, we have 
limitless resources, and the people (rural folk) yield themselves with perfect 
docility to our molding hand… unhampered by tradition.” 

[cia-drugs] Woman revisits the 'Hell' of ritual abuse By Ben Winslow Deseret News 12/10/08

2008-12-10 Thread smartnews
Woman revisits the 'Hell' of ritual abuse By Ben Winslow  Deseret  News  
12/10/08 describes crimes - 

She isn't Rachel Hopkins anymore. Anne A Johnson Davis is shedding the  
moniker she used in a 1995 Deseret News story about her childhood as a victim 
ritualistic Satanic abuse and speaking out in a memoir of her life. Davis, now 
a  Lehi mother of three, is stepping into the spotlight again with the 
publication  of her book Hell Minus One. I have had enough healing and 
closure of 
my own,  I feel I'm in a place where I really feel the call to share what I 
have to help  others find courage, Davis said in an interview Wednesday. 
story is so  bizarre, it's hard to believe it actually happened — save for 
the fact that she  has signed confessions from her mother and stepfather, a 
financial settlement  and investigators from the Utah Attorney General's Office 
who vouched for her.  From age 3 until she ran away at 17, she said she was 
sexually abused, tortured,  bathed in blood and forced to hurt her siblings in 
Satanic rituals.  They  would tell me, 'Now you're one of us. If you tell 
anybody, they won't believe  you and they'll put you in a mental hospital.' And 
threatened to torture me  until I was dead, Rachel Hopkins said in 1995. It 
was a study by the Utah  Attorney General's Office that downplayed ritual 
abuse that prompted Davis to  come forward. At the time, she insisted on a 
pseudonym and did interviews in  silhouette. I'm glad that she's come out of 
shadows and she's in the  sunlight to tell her story so other victims will 
out and know they don't  have to be afraid anymore, said Paul Murphy, a 
spokesman for the Utah Attorney  General's Office who interviewed her as a TV 
reporter back in 1995. He also  wrote a blurb on the book's jacket. Davis still 
takes issue with the attorney  general's report, which came out at a time when 
ritual abuse was being attacked  as indicative of false memory syndrome — 
and fantasies imagined by  patients or planted by unscrupulous 
therapistsThe Utah Attorney General's  Office has no plans to revisit the 
study, but continues to  investigate any reports of ritual abuse. We take all 
child abuse very  seriously, Murphy saidWhen she ran away from home at 
17, Davis said she cut  ties with her family and anyone associated with them. 
She heard her stepfather  died a few years ago but has no idea what happened to 
her mother. She also isn't  scared about publishing the family secrets. 
Secrecy is their greatest weapon,  she said. I don't believe I have anything 
be afraid of.  _http://deseretnews.com/article/1,5143,705269563,00.html_ 
**Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and 
favorite sites in one place.  Try it now. 

Re: [cia-drugs] Woman revisits the 'Hell' of ritual abuse By Ben Winslow Deseret News 12/10/08

2008-12-10 Thread michael1
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 Woman revisits the 'Hell' of ritual abuse By Ben Winslow  Deseret  News
 12/10/08 describes crimes -

 She isn't Rachel Hopkins anymore. Anne A Johnson Davis is shedding the
 moniker she used in a 1995 Deseret News story about her childhood as a
 victim of
 ritualistic Satanic abuse and speaking out in a memoir of her life. Davis,
 a  Lehi mother of three, is stepping into the spotlight again with the
 publication  of her book Hell Minus One. I have had enough healing and
 closure of
 my own,  I feel I'm in a place where I really feel the call to share what
 have to help  others find courage, Davis said in an interview Wednesday.
 story is so  bizarre, it's hard to believe it actually happened — save
 the fact that she  has signed confessions from her mother and stepfather,
 financial settlement  and investigators from the Utah Attorney General's
 who vouched for her.  From age 3 until she ran away at 17, she said she
 sexually abused, tortured,  bathed in blood and forced to hurt her
 siblings in
 Satanic rituals.  They  would tell me, 'Now you're one of us. If you tell
 anybody, they won't believe  you and they'll put you in a mental
 hospital.' And they
 threatened to torture me  until I was dead, Rachel Hopkins said in 1995.
 was a study by the Utah  Attorney General's Office that downplayed ritual
 abuse that prompted Davis to  come forward. At the time, she insisted on a
 pseudonym and did interviews in  silhouette. I'm glad that she's come out
 of the
 shadows and she's in the  sunlight to tell her story so other victims will
 out and know they don't  have to be afraid anymore, said Paul Murphy, a
 spokesman for the Utah Attorney  General's Office who interviewed her as a
 reporter back in 1995. He also  wrote a blurb on the book's jacket. Davis
 takes issue with the attorney  general's report, which came out at a time
 ritual abuse was being attacked  as indicative of false memory syndrome
 — events
 and fantasies imagined by  patients or planted by unscrupulous
 therapistsThe Utah Attorney General's  Office has no plans to revisit
 the controversial
 study, but continues to  investigate any reports of ritual abuse. We take
 child abuse very  seriously, Murphy saidWhen she ran away from home
 17, Davis said she cut  ties with her family and anyone associated with
 She heard her stepfather  died a few years ago but has no idea what
 happened to
 her mother. She also isn't  scared about publishing the family secrets.
 Secrecy is their greatest weapon,  she said. I don't believe I have
 anything to
 be afraid of.  _http://deseretnews.com/article/1,5143,705269563,00.html_

 **Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and
 favorite sites in one place.  Try it now.