[cia-drugs] Perverse Corruption as Doctors are Paid to Sell Drugs

2009-07-03 Thread norgesen
Perverse Corruption as Doctors are Paid to Sell Drugs

 Friday, June 20, 2008 - Byron J. Richards, CCN 
The British Medical Journal is helping everyone understand just how deep the 
rabbit hole goes.  Key doctors are paid big money to promote and sell drugs.  
An interview with a superstar drug rep reveals exactly how Big Pharma recruits 
and trains key doctors, and then pays them to make presentations about the 
company’s drugs with information and slides prepared by the company – and never 
do the doctors disclose the financial relationship.  Just unbelievable. 

Click on this link if you would like to read the whole article and watch the 
video interview with the drug rep.



[cia-drugs] Pirates Kidnap Aid Workers to Israel

2009-07-03 Thread muckblit
In international waters, pirates flying the so-called Israeli flag
rammed a boat bound for Gaza, and rather than inspecting cargo for
weapons of mass destruction, kidnapped all aboard to Utopias Elsewhere.

The pirates justifed their kidnapping and piracy on the high seas, 
claiming that there is no UN in international waters.

If there is no UN in international waters, does that mean pirates have
to be pirates and kidnappers in that vacuum?

The pirates did not find any weapons of mass destruction. All they found
was a suitcase of crayons and other harmless civilian items.

Communal utopian pirates have been cutting down centuries old olive
trees in Palestine, where the boat was going with new olive trees to
replace those that pirates have lost.

In all 21 people were kidnapped on the high seas and taken against their
will to Israel, a utopia elsewhere, outside of additional waters,
waters where there is no UN.


[cia-drugs] Where biggest political party now called 'Pirates'...

2009-07-03 Thread michael1
.The Local - Sweden's news in English

3rd July 2009

Hello, and welcome to The Local's weekly roundup of the news
from Sweden.

All the legendary glamour and pizzazz of the European roadshow
arrived in Sweden this week with the country assuming the
reins of the ambulatory EU presidency:

As the capital fills up with dayglo delegates and bouncy
bureaucrats, the carnival atmosphere in sweltering Stockholm
is almost too much to bear. 

[cia-drugs] PALIN RESIGNS

2009-07-03 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


Yes, it's true.  Governor Sarah Palin, at a hastily called press conference 
this morning, has announced that she will be stepping down from office on July 
25, and turning the reins over to Lt. Governor Sean Parnell for the good of 
Alaska.  She's turning the state over to the guy she didn't even trust to run 
things during her failed VP campaign.  She chose to govern by Blackberry, while 
simultaneously speed reading Politics for Dummies, making rhetoric-filled 
speeches to hopped up conservatives, and being a full-time mom on the campaign 
trail.  And still she didn't leave the state to Sean Parnell.  But now, 
apparently, something is different.

The media is all in a tizzy trying to figure out what's going on. 

Eddie Burke is busy talking to Sean Hannity telling him that Palin's 
resignation is a brilliant tactical move cleverly hatched to thwart her 
enemies.  Clearly this demonstrates her political smarts.  Now what will they 
do? he wonders.  They won't have anything to complain about!   Yes, 
brilliant.  She's really thwarted them now.  Why didn't George Bush use that 
strategy, we wonder?

Of course, those who have been follwing the Alaska blogosphere closely are 
aware of the rumors bubbling up that there's something big.something really big 
that's headed her way;  the iceberg that's headed for the S.S. Palin.  We'll 

Meanwhile what we do know is that Palin has littered her bizarre resignation 
speech with references to ethics complaints, Photoshopping bloggers, the 
military, Alaska history, a recap of the administration and a hodge podge of 
other topics.  She delivered the speech with the same adrenaline-filled jaw 
clenching intensity that she had when she returned from the campaign trail and 
settled back in to the governor's office.

And we know that she delivered this speech from her own home, a few hours 
before the start of a holiday weekend.  Not the time to announce something you 
want the media to focus on.

The news will be breaking for a while, and she will by no means fade out of the 
media spotlight.  And as for Eddie Burke's concern that those who oppose Palin 
will have nothing to do?  I'm about to go enjoy a barbeque!

Leave comments here, and I'll check back in as more news becomes available.

Apologies for server issues.  The Mudflats was swamped!

Clink  (that was my glass)

Idependence Day came a day early.

For a transcript of the speech, click HERE

  Okay, I've now been able to get independent information from multiple sources 
that all of this precedes what are said to be possible federal indictments 
against Palin, concerning an embezzlement scandal related to the building of 
Palin's house and the Wasilla Sports Complex built during her tenure. Both 
structures, it is said, feature the same windows, same wood, same products. 
Federal investigators have been looking into this for some time, and 
indictments could be imminent, according to the Alaska sources.   From Brad Blog

  I don't think this is buckling to pressure, said Ayers. I think this is 
her coming to the realization that the legislature in Alaska and that some 
bloggers and activists in Alaska are going to do everything they can to stymie 
her progress. This is a governor who didn't run for the office because she 
wanted a title. She wanted to make significant change in the state. She 
realized that that was no longer going to be able to happen, because things had 
become so partisan there.  From HuffPo

[cia-drugs] Palin Resigns: Exit stage right

2009-07-03 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Palin Resigns: Exit stage right

  Goodbye Governor!

July 3, 2009: In what can only be called a devastating week of press coverage 
for Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin ended today by the stunning announcement that she 
will resign her office with sixteen months still remaining in her first term as 

In a hastily called press conference this morning at her Wasilla home, Palin 
announced she will be stepping down in less than three weeks and that Lt. Gov. 
Sean Parnell will be sworn in during the July 25 Governor's Picnic in Fairbanks.


While many including myself have openly predicted that she would not seek a 
second term in order to cash in on her national ambitions, no one ever 
invisioned her resigning in such haste.

Over the last few weeks there has been growing criticism on both the state and 
national level about Palin. In addition, local bloggers have raised 
speculations about damaging information about Palin that was coming down the 

A few weeks ago, Dennis Zaki posted on his popular website 
(http://www.alaskareport.com/)  a cryptic message about a pending bombshell 
that had to do with an investigation into Palin's finances.

Last week, local blogger Linda Kellen-Biegal (http://divasblueoasis.com/) 
successfully raised roughly $6,000 to pay the cost associated with a freedom of 
information request of emails between the Palin administration and local talk 
show host and close friend of Palins, Eddie Burke. The emails were due to be 
released in a few days.

  In addition, Palin has come under intense criticism from various groups for 
everything from ignoring state business to hiding state business. 

In rural Alaska, native leaders have been furious at Palin's inability to focus 
on their challenges. Meanwhile, last Sunday, Juneau Economist and reporter 
Gregg Erickson wrote a scathing op/ed about how the Palin administration had 
become the most secretive administration in his twenty nine years of watching 
state government. 

All of this combined with the brutal press this week probably pushed Palin over 
the edge. 

A ten thousand word article written by Todd Purdham in Vanity Fair, outlining 
Palin's behavior on the campaign trail with John McCain set political toungues 
wagging and launched a fierce debate inside the Republican Party.

On the front page of this morning's Anchorage Daily News was an article 
detailing how Palin forced out one of her top health officials because the 
official found it difficult to publicly represent Palin's belief on social 
policies when the science and data clearly showed the governor to be wrong.

While negative press and administrative disagreements are common and don't 
typically make politicians resign, Palin must see something coming on the 
horizon that is far more threatening.  

In a statement released by her office, Palin said Once I decided not to run 
for re-election, I also felt that to embrace the conventional Lame Duck status 
in this particular climate would just be another dose of politics as usual, 
something I campaigned against and will always oppose. 

It is my duty to always protect our great state. With that in mind, my family 
and I determined that it is best to make a difference this summer, and I am 
willing to change things, so that this administration, with its positive 
agenda, its accomplishments, and its successful road to an incredible future, 
can continue without interruption and with great administrative and legislative 
success, she said.

However with sixteen months still remaining in her terms and much of her agenda 
still unfinished, including getting a deal to build the Alaska Natural Gas 
Pipeline, this is hard to believe.

In addition, Palin's resignation means that the new Lt. Governor will be the 
commissioner of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. This again 
shows either Palin's move is one driven by necessity to get the hell out of 
Dodge or a self serving move without considering the consequences to her 

  The bottom line is that there has to be something major that forced Palin to 
bail out with sixteen months left in her term. 

  Something so big and so damaging that she feared dealing with it in the 
public arena.

There is no question that since her return to Alaska from the national stage 
Palin has been distracted. From her press statements to her tweets, everything 
has been targeted towards a national audience far beyond the boundaries of 

But politics being politics, you don't quit mid-term if you hope to have a 
future at a higher and more pressure filled level (i.e. running for president).

Good luck and God bless.
