[cia-drugs] MK Ultra Survivors Speak Pt 1

2009-08-02 Thread smartnews
MK Ultra Survivors Speak Pt 1

[cia-drugs] Job Title: Corrections Officer - Internment/Resettlement S pecialist

2009-08-02 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Job Title: Corrections Officer - Internment/Resettlement Specialist
  a.. Company:  Army National Guard
  b.. Location:  Multiple locations
  c.. Job Status:  Part Time
  a.. Job Category:  Security/Protective Services
  b.. Career Level:  Student (High School)
  c.. Experience:  Less than 1 Year
  d.. Occupations:  Correctional Officer
  Military Combat
  General/Other: Security/Protective Services
Job Description

As an Internment/Resettlement Specialist for the Army National Guard, you will 
ensure the smooth running of military confinement/correctional facility or 
detention/internment facility, similar to those duties conducted by civilian 
Corrections Officers. This will require you to know proper procedures and 
military law; and have the ability to think quickly in high-stress situations. 
Specific duties may include assisting with supervision and management 
operations; providing facility security; providing custody, control, 
supervision, and escort; and counseling individual prisoners in rehabilitative 

By joining this specialty, you will develop the skills that will prepare you 
for a rewarding career with law enforcement agencies or in the private security 

Earn while you learn 

Get paid to learn! In the Army National Guard, you will learn valuable job 
skills while earning a regular paycheck and qualifying for tuition assistance. 

Job training for an Internment/Resettlement Specialist requires approximately 
19 weeks of One Station Unit Training, which includes Basic Training and 
Advanced Individual Training. Part of the training is spent in the classroom 
and part in the field. Some of the skills you'll learn include military laws 
and jurisdictions; level of force procedures; unarmed self-defense techniques; 
police ethics procedures; interpersonal communications skills; close 
confinement operations; search and restraint procedures; use of firearms; 
custody and control procedures.


·   Paid training

·   A monthly paycheck

·   Montgomery G.I. Bill

·   Up to 100 percent Tuition Assistance for college or 
vocational training (up to $4,500 per fiscal year, 1 October - 30 September)

·   Retirement benefits for part-time service

·   Low-cost life insurance (up to $400,000 in coverage)

·   401(k)-type savings plan

·   Student Loan Repayment Program (up to $50,000, for existing 


·   High School Diploma or GED (If you do not have a diploma or 
GED, you may still apply - ask a recruiter about how the Army National Guard 
can help you earn your GED.)

·   Must be between the ages of 17 and 35

·   Must be able to pass a physical exam and meet legal and 
moral standards

·   Must meet citizenship requirements (see 
http://www.nationalguard.com/monster /  for details)

Boasting more than 370 years of service, the Army National Guard is the largest 
reserve component, as well as the oldest branch of the military. In the Guard, 
you get the training from us, serve in your own community, and enhance your 
marketability for the higher paying jobs you are now seeking. We provide our 
members with college tuition assistance and offer attractive enlistment bonuses 
on top of paid training in all of our career fields. The Army National Guard 
has career opportunities in every State and U.S Territory, more than 3,600 
training locations and more than 359,000 members. <>

[cia-drugs] ritual abuse information and conference

2009-08-02 Thread smartnews
ritual abuse information and  conference
Ritualabuse.us has been blacklisted from wikipedia with three other sites  
with evidence of child abuse and ritual abuse crimes against children. 
   We are recommending that people do not use wikipedia as a 
resource until all  four sites are removed from the blacklist. We are also 
recommending that people  write wikipedia and let others know about this.

conference press release - please post and forward

A  conference to help survivors of severe child abuse (ritual abuse) and 
torture  will be held on August 14  - 16, 2009, between 8 - 5 PM Saturday and 
Sunday  at the DoubleTree Hotel near Bradley International Airport, 16 Ella 
Grasso  Turnpike, Windsor Locks, CT 06096 (between Hartford, CT and 
Springfield,  MA).  This conference will help educate survivors of this abuse 
their  helpers.  Pre-registration is preferred.  For information write   
S.M.A.R.T., P. O Box 1295, Easthampton, MA 01027-1295 E-mail: 
(mailto:smartn...@aol.com) , conference information is  at:  

Freedom Run Ministries' primary function is to promote the education  & 
application of the knowledge on the topic of ritual abuse to the Christian  
Church while challenging and encouraging them to use the knowledge they have  
learned to help those suffering from this type of trauma. Freedom Runs 
message  is a topic that is often considered taboo in our society as well as 
Christian Church. Although this topic may seem heavy in nature, it is a 
message  that we believe the Church body needs to hear. 
_http://www.freedomrunministries.org_ (http://www.freedomrunministries.org) 

[cia-drugs] AFRICOM letter re Muckbit's post:

2009-08-02 Thread michael1
(Note: I mailed this with that Kenya sentence in it just two weeks prior
to Kenya suddenly blowing up.  Just luck.  I did not have a glue.

General William E. Ward
Vice Admiral Robert T. Moeller
Ambassador Mary Carlin Yates

Dear Ambassador Yates, General Ward and Admiral Moeller,

Permission to speak frankly as you three are in deep doo doo.

You learned nothing from Lebanon?  The militia was part of a female social
organization the power of which surprised both the CIA and Mossad.  The
greater war for Africa looms.  First we had the stupidity of Admiral
Timothy J. Keating with his almost ‘nuke terrorist’ exercise in
Charleston, S.C.   I posted letter to him on Internet prior (over 14,000
readers first week) and the exercise that would have ‘given too much away’
called off.  See http://www.midcoast.com/~michael1/webnukeletter.htm

But you go into deeper shit.   “Coastal” meetings have taken place that
starts the process of Africa working together as “…one country…”.   It
will: but not in that fashion.  That is the ‘outside’.   As Mao understood
prior to his ‘long march’ the interior is far more important.  You
continue to ‘play sides against each other’.  It did not work in ‘many
groups / religions’ Lebanon and it will not work in Africa.  Africa will
collect from the ‘inside’.  It will not be ‘ordered’.  No, (at least
visible), ‘central command’. Who will you be fighting then?  Terrorists?

Are a group of guys who shoot soldiers in the back when there is no
declared war terrorists?  Of course they are.  It happened.  They met
later in a barn frightened that the ‘government’ would come after them and
hang them for treason.  But a rider pulls up and informs them that a
revolution is afoot.  Ethan Allen names his group the Green Mountain Boys
and continues.

You did right when you set up a ‘CIA’ listening post in Gulu (Christian
Science Monitor).  But you didn’t listen.   You wish to prosecute Joseph
Kony.  He was caught between the old Black Jewish sects of Ethiopia,
Christians and Muslims.  The Lords Revolution Army was: “One God, Ten
Commandments or we shoot you.”  Seems nonsensical until you realize that
it is a common denominator that you dare not go past.  So even if UN
captures and hangs him after peace declared, so what?  It was not that
specific philosophy but the general concept that spread to Lebanon.  As it
will now spread (from inside out) in Africa.  That seed is sown: the
ground fertile.

Admiral Moeller,
You learned nothing from General Van Riper?  First you ‘overlook’ the
sinking of the H.M.S Sheffield because ‘only other navies (secretly our
‘friends’)’ could do such.  And you held that view even after ‘surprise
Soviet naval maneuvers’ of 1984.  Missiles better than that French missile
can now be hid in the sand on the seabed.  Woods Hole Oceanagraphic
‘Hydrods’ can only detect metal to 3 meters.  You even used ‘platoons’ of
dolphins off the Gunsten Hall.  But you had to keep bringing in animal
trainers because of ‘dolphin boredom’.  You sent down divers over every
point you saw a trawler stop in the Golf.  Think that is enough?  Attack
on Cole and whatever was in Aqaba was inept compared to what is coming. 
John Lehman made a big point about loosing surface ships as “…sometimes
necessary…” citing Midway.  How many do you think you could afford to
loose in this day and age, sir?  You nixed the Land Attack DD 21 in favor
of “Littorals’.  All four are out of San Diego because of Malacca.  Before
you tried to protect that 1200 miles of shoreline with rubber boats and
fifty caliber.  Think this is better?  You can bury effective missiles in
the sand with launchers made from nothing but liquid vinyl and sawdust. 
About anything else you would need can be picked up at Toys-R-Us.  Those
Littorals are now only targets.

General Ward,
Sir, there is one thing you will never do here.  You will never be able to
‘define the battlefield’.   A non-military for intel?  More shades of
Rummy, sir?
What is being shown as ‘prime target’?  If Algeria example, it will be the
Of course.  See ‘play’ at link above.

Ambassador Yates,
Ahmadinejad states recently that he is holding another unspecified card
re: nukes.  What do you imagine this is?  See also play at link above.

Hedley Donovan was the best at naval intelligence in WW II.  (Song from
South Pacific, ‘Happy Talk’ was tribute.) Once in Hawaii he had only a
short time to locate Jap fleet.  He puts out simple directive to spies on
every island.  They had to go down to the local bar and report the talk as
either ‘happy’ or ‘serious’, nothing in-between.  With just this he
located fleet at Leyte Gulf.  In the same sense if you want to see what is
‘connecting’ in Africa watch for those ‘army’ Toyota pick-ups that have
the most females with the soldiers (as Lebanon).  But that won’t even do. 
They will think of this also.

I see just what you are doing.  What I think about your present
relationship with Kenya is unprintable.

Perhaps some 

[cia-drugs] H1N1 Pandemic: Pentagon Planning Deployment of Troops in Support of Nationwide Vaccination

2009-08-02 Thread norgesen
H1N1 Pandemic: Pentagon Planning Deployment of Troops in Support of Nationwide 
Militarization of public health in the case of emergency is now official

by Michel Chossudovsky

Global Research, July 31, 2009
According to CNN, the Pentagon is "to establish regional teams of military 
personnel to assist civilian authorities in the event of a significant outbreak 
of the H1N1 virus this fall, according to Defense Department officials." 

"The proposal is awaiting final approval from Defense Secretary Robert 

The officials would not be identified because the proposal from U.S. 
Northern Command's Gen. Victor Renuart has not been approved by the secretary. 

The plan calls for military task forces to work in conjunction with the 
Federal Emergency Management Agency. There is no final decision on how the 
military effort would be manned, but one source said it would likely include 
personnel from all branches of the military. 

It has yet to be determined how many troops would be needed and whether 
they would come from the active duty or the National Guard and Reserve forces. 

Civilian authorities would lead any relief efforts in the event of a major 
outbreak, the official said. The military, as they would for a natural disaster 
or other significant emergency situation, could provide support and fulfill any 
tasks that civilian authorities could not, such as air transport or testing of 
large numbers of viral samples from infected patients. 

As a first step, Gates is being asked to sign a so-called "execution order" 
that would authorize the military to begin to conduct the detailed planning to 
execute the proposed plan. 

Orders to deploy actual forces would be reviewed later, depending on how 
much of a health threat the flu poses this fall, the officials said." (CNN, 
Military planning for possible H1N1 outbreak, July 2009, emphasis added)  

The implications are far-reaching. 

The decision points towards the militarization of civilian institutions, 
including law enforcement and public health. 

A nationwide vaccination program is already planned for the Fall. 

The pharmaceutical industry is slated to deliver 160 million vaccine doses by 
the Fall, enough doses to vaccinate more than half of America's population. 

The Pentagon is already planning on the number of troops to be deployed,. with 
a view to supporting a mass vaccinaiton program. 

It is worth noting that this involvement of the military is not being decided 
by the President, but by the Secretary of Defense, which suggests that the 
Pentagon is, in a key issue of of national interest, overriding the President 
and Commander in Chief. The US Congress has not been consulted on the issue. 

This decision to mobilise the Armed Forces in the vaccination campaign is taken 
in anticipation of a national emergency. Although no national emergency has 
been called, the presumption is that a national public health emergency will 
occur, using the WHO Level 6 Pandemic as a pretext and a justification. 

Other countries, including Canada, the UK and France may follow suit, calling 
upon their Armed Forces to play a role in support of the H1N1 vaccination 

US Northern Command

Much of the groundwork for the intervention of the military has already been 
established. There are indications that these "regional teams" have already 
been established under USNORTHCOM, which has been involved in preparedness 
training and planning in the case of a flu pandemic (See U.S. Northern Command 
- Avian Flu. USNORTHCOM website).  

Within the broader framework of "Disaster Relief", Northern Command has, in the 
course of the last two years, defined a mandate in the eventuality of a public 
health emergency or a flu pandemic. The emphasis is on the militarization of 
public health whereby NORTHCOM would oversee the activities of civilian 
institutions involved in health related services. 

According Brig. Gen. Robert Felderman, deputy director of USNORTHCOM’s Plans, 
Policy and Strategy Directorate: “USNORTHCOM is the global synchronizer – the 
global coordinator – for pandemic influenza across the combatant 
commands”(emphasis added)  (See Gail Braymen, USNORTHCOM contributes pandemic 
flu contingency planning expertise to trilateral workshop, USNORTHCOM, April 
14, 2008, See also  USNORTHCOM. Pandemic Influenza Chain Training (U) pdf)

   “Also, the United States in 1918 had the Spanish influenza. We were the ones 
who had the largest response to [a pandemic] in more recent history. So I 
discussed what we did then, what we expect to have happen now and the numbers 
that we would expect in a pandemic influenza.” 

  The potential number of fatalities in the United States in a modern pandemic 
influenza could reach nearly two million, according to Felderman. Not only 
would the nation’s economy suffer, but the Department of Defense would still 
have to be ready and able to protect and defend the countr

[cia-drugs] Towards a Global Currency?

2009-08-02 Thread norgesen
Towards a Global Currency? 
Towards the integration of the Dollar and the Euro? 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Global Research, July 20, 2009
With a view to restoring financial stability, World leaders have called upon 
the Group of 20 countries (G-20) to instigate a new global currency based on 
the IMF's  Special Drawing Rights (SDRs). 

The media has presented the global currency initiative as a consensus building 
process, in which BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) would 
participate in the revamping of the international monetary system. 

Russia and China have put forth "proposals" which have been highlighted as 
possible alternatives to the dollar.  China has proposed the formation of a new 
global currency based on a reform of SDR system:  

  "It is a feasible plan to reform the present SDR and make it into a real 
settlement currency, a universally accepted 'currency basket' that would 
replace the dollar at the heart of the monetary system,"  (Li Ruogu, chairman 
of the Export-Import Bank of China, Reuters, 6  July 2009) 

China's proposal does not imply a major shift in global banking arrangements, 
nor does it open up a window of debate regarding monetary reform. 

On the other hand, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has explicitly questioned 
the composition of the SDR basket and has called upon the IMF "to expand the 
currency basket of SDRs to include the Chinese yuan, commodity currencies and 
gold in order that it matures into  a reserve currency."


Global Geopolitics bears a relationship to the international monetary system. 
Control over money creation is an instrument of economic conquest.  

The invasion and occupation of Iraq was to exclude rival Russian and Chinese 
interests from the Middle-East and Central Asian oil fields. 

The reform of the international monetary system is a project of the dominant 
financial elites, which is discussed behind closed doors. It is unlikely that 
Russia and China, which in large part remain subordinate to Western banking 
interests, will perform a significant role in central banking functions at a 
global level. 

Moreover, this initiative occurs at a time of East West confrontation, amidst 
veiled US-NATO threats directed against Russia as well China.  The 
establishment of a new global currency and central banking system is an 
instrument of global economic domination which is intimately related to the 
broader US-NATO military agenda. 

While the SDR basket composition could be modified or revised, it is unlikely 
that the Yuan and the Ruble would be allowed to perform a role as major reserve 
currencies. What is more likely to occur is the formation of a global proxy 
currency predicated largely on the Euro and the US dollar. In response to the 
Dollar-Euro hegemony, Russia, China and the member states of the Shanghai 
Cooperation Organization (SCO) may decide to develop bilateral trading 
arrangements in Rubles or Yuan (renminbi). 

Special Drawing Rights

SDRs are a composite accounting unit used by the IMF and the World Bank in loan 
agreements with member countries. The SDR is a basket of essentially four major 
currencies: the US dollar, the Euro, the British pound and the Japanese Yen. 

  Composition of basket (value of 1 XDR) Period ?USD ?DEM ?FRF ?JPY ?GBP 
  1981–1985 0.540 (42%) 0.460 (19%) 0.740 (13%) 34.0 (13%) 0.0710 (13%) 
  1986–1990 0.452 (42%) 0.527 (19%) 1.020 (12%) 33.4 (15%) 0.0893 (12%) 
  1991–1995 0.572 (40%) 0.453 (21%) 0.800 (11%) 31.8 (17%) 0.0812 (11%) 
  1996–1998 0.582 (39%) 0.446 (21%) 0.813 (11%) 27.2 (18%) 0.1050 (11%) 
  Period ?USD ?EUR ?JPY ?GBP 
  1999–2000 0.5820 (39%) 0.3519 (32%) 27.2 (18%) 0.1050 (11%) 
  2001–2005 0.5770 (45%) 0.4260 (29%) 21.0 (15%) 0.0984 (11%) 
  2006–2010 0.6320 (44%) 0.4100 (34%) 18.4 (11%) 0.0903 (11%) 

Source Wikipedia

The IMF has recently presented a plan for issuing debt denominated in SDRs 
rather than US dollars. The media has heralded this decision as a major 
innovation, when in fact the Bretton Woods institutions have, for many years, 
been issuing debt denominated in SDRs.  

  "Today, the SDR has only limited use as a reserve asset, and its main 
function is to serve as the unit of account of the IMF and some other 
international organizations. The SDR is neither a currency, nor a claim on the 
IMF. Rather, it is a potential claim on the freely usable currencies of IMF 
members." (IMF Fact Sheet on SDRs)  

What would happen if a new global currency were to be devised using the 
existing SDR framework?  

SDRs would no longer be an accounting unit but a unit of currency in a basket. 
Actual central banking functions, however, would not necessarily be transferred 
to the IMF, they would remain in the hands of four constituent central banks:  
The US Federal  Reserve, the European Central Bank based in Frankfurt, the Bank 
of England and the Bank of Japan. I

The IMF is a bureaucracy which serves the interests of m

[cia-drugs] FW: The Sydney Morning Herald: US switches cocaine air bases to Columbia

2009-08-02 Thread Robert Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
> From: William Gallagher 
> Date: Sat, 1 Aug 2009 20:36:26 -0600
> To: luxefaire 
> Subject: The Sydney Morning Herald: US switches cocaine air bases to Columbia
> alo a blog entry below it from a columbian manb
> http://www.smh.com.au/world/us-switches-cocaine-air-bases-to-columbia-20090717
> -do9n.html
> The Sydney Morning Herald
> US switches cocaine air bases to Columbia
> July 18, 2009
> BOGOTA: Colombia and the US are poised to sign an agreement to
> transfer anti-drug flight operations from Ecuador to at least three
> Colombian air bases, a move that has drawn criticism it will leave the
> country more dependent on Washington.
> Although the deal has not been finalised, Colombia's Defence, Interior
> and Foreign ministers held a public forum in Bogota this week to
> discuss details of the plan.
> "We are deepening co-operation agreements that already exist in our
> common struggle against narco-trafficking and terrorism," said the
> Foreign Minister, Jaime Bermudez, who framed the accord as a means of
> making the war on drugs more "efficient and stronger".
> Opponents worry that an expanded role for the US military in Colombia,
> the world's No. 1 cocaine-producing nation, could antagonise
> Colombia's leftist neighbours - Venezuela and Ecuador - and draw the
> US deeper into Colombia's conflict with leftist rebels and right-wing
> paramilitaries.
> Each year Colombia receives more than $US500 million ($625 million) in
> mostly military aid under Plan Colombia, the US anti-drug and
> anti-terrorism package.
> Since 1999, US aircraft based in Manta, Ecuador, have flown an average
> of 800 missions a year and assisted in nearly two-thirds of all
> cocaine seizures on the Pacific Ocean. Pentagon officials say the
> flights have helped shut down drug traffickers' "air corridor" forcing
> them to send the bulk of their cocaine by boat. The Ecuadorean
> President, Rafael Correa, declined to extend the US lease beyond this
> year, forcing the Pentagon to find other bases.
> You there, U.S. citizen ...
> by No More Empires And No More Barbarians! Thursday, Jul. 30, 2009 at 7:39 PM
> Finally, my friend (I hope I can call you so ...) I tell you that
> mankind has reached a special moment of its evolution, when for the
> first time it has the ability and the opportunity to plan a decent
> future for itself and for the planet.
> You there, U.S. citizen ...
> You, ordinary people who still believes that exists what¥s right and
> what¥s wrong ...
> You have already realized that, whatever happens, the billions and
> trillions appear, from the nation's coffers, to the bankers and arms¥s
> manufacturers.
> Look at this great crisis in which you (and us too, even from afar)
> are put ... How many millions of unemployed people? How many
> difficulties and sufferings?
> Weren¥t them the clever guys from banks and large corporations, just
> them, that caused the crisis?
> It isn¥t precisely to them that enormous sums are being carried again?
> It is strange ... For years and years you common people did not see
> (we haven¥t seen...) in the increases in purchasing power (in
> increments of salary) the good results achieved by companies.
> Suddenly, the world comes down and once again money appears at the
> same side of it, because after all they are very smart and they will
> make the economy accelerate again ...
> Indeed? Were¥nt them who¥ve put it down?
> The same applies to the arms industry ... It does no longer matter to
> win the war... a war...that war...Fighting matters... Even when whole
> civilizations are simply sprayed, under the most brazen pretexts, who
> cares if the economy is being activated and the jobs are guaranteed?
> You, U.S. citizen, don¥t you think much more could be done with all
> this money and without the intermediation of all these clever guys?
> Tell me, please: do you really believe the official version for the
> episode of the Twin Towers on September 11? Do you really swallow the
> two electoral victories of George W. Bush?
> About all this madness to walk the planet taking people to hell,
> have¥nt you seen yet just how and when all previous empires finished?
> When attacked people, always in much greater numbers and also always
> around and within the empire, learned to use the weapons of their
> aggressors.
> I¥m not writing this to you in the attempt of frighten you. Quite the
> contrary ... I know you're so involved in it as we are.
> We think (Excuse me please...I¥m laughing at it...) you also think the
> time has came to us to live better and in peace and that this will
> only be possible if we get to establish real international solidarity
> to controlling the clever guys ever, that certainly will not disappear
> from the night to the day.
> There are problems, we know ... Despite all the money we the common
> citize

[cia-drugs] US may create terror interrogation unit

2009-08-02 Thread norgesen
US may create terror interrogation unit

Official: US may create terror interrogation unit

By DEVLIN BARRETT, Associated Press Writer
July 19th, 2009
WASHINGTON, AP – The Obama administration is considering creating a special 
unit of professional interrogators to handle key terror suspects, focusing on 
intelligence-gathering rather than building criminal cases for prosecution, a 
government official said Saturday.

The recommendation is expected from a presidential task force on interrogation 
methods that plans to send some findings to the White House on Tuesday.

The official said the panel, which has not completed its work, has concluded 
that the unit of intelligence and law enforcement agencies should be created. 
The task force is unsure which agencies should have a role, though the CIA and 
FBI are expected to be important players, according to the official. He was not 
authorized to publicly discuss the panel’s work and spoke on condition of 

Ben LaBolt, a White House spokesman, said President Barack Obama has not 
reviewed the task force’s recommendations. LaBolt declined to discuss any 
findings. The recommendation about the new unit was first reported in 
Saturday’s Wall Street Journal.

The unit’s structure would depart significantly from such work under the Bush 
administration, when the CIA had the lead and sometimes exclusive role in 
questioning al-Qaida suspects. The task force has not reached a conclusion as 
to which agency should lead the unit or where it should be based, the official 

Such a unit would not alter the Obama administration’s decision banning harsh 
interrogation techniques such as waterboarding, which simulates drowning, that 
were authorized by the Bush administration. The Obama task force is examining 
what other techniques could be used, the official said.

Obama signed executive orders when he took office in January calling for 
government task forces to recommend future policies for interrogating and 
detaining suspected terrorists. The deadline for those recommendations is 
Tuesday, but the work will take more time than that.

The coming week also marks the halfway point to Obama’s deadline to close the 
Guantanamo Bay detention center: During his first week in office, he ordered 
the military-run center shuttered within a year.

That goal has been complicated by reluctance of U.S. allies, particularly in 
Europe, to take significant numbers of the remaining detainees. In addition, 
Congress, wary of transferring detainees to this country, even to maximum 
security prisons, has voted to withhold money to pay for the shutdown until the 
administration produces what it considers an acceptable relocation plan.

More than 90 percent of the detainees held at the U.S. military base in Cuba 
when he signed that order remain there. To its critics, “Gitmo” is a 
concrete-and-steel symbol of an American gulag; to supporters, it is as a 
critical safeguard against terrorism.

Guantanamo’s detractors and defenders both say the administration’s efforts so 
far suggest that deadline may lapse.

LaBolt said the administration is “making steady progress in reviewing the 
status of each Guantanamo detainee and in strengthening the military commission 
system to ensure that the detainees are brought to swift and certain justice.”

He noted that Bush administration “succeeded in prosecuting only three 
detainees in more than seven years.”

When Obama became president in January, there were about 245 inmates at the 
facility. After six months, the U.S. has relocated fewer than 20. Most of those 
were sent to other countries; one has been brought to U.S. to face trial in a 
civilian criminal court.

The administration has reviewed more than half of the remaining 229 detainee 
cases at Guantanamo.

The government hopes to transfer many of the detainees — including up to 100 
Yemenis — to other nations for rehabilitation or release. A much smaller number 
is expected to be brought to trial by the Justice Department, and a separate 
group will be tried in military commissions.

A final group probably will be held without formal charges, subject to some 
form of regular judicial review.

The Bush administration created the Guantanamo facility after the Sept. 11 
attacks. The intent was to deal with what U.S. officials called “the worst of 
the worst” among suspected terrorists. But over the years the U.S. released or 
transferred more than 500 of the inmates once held, including a number who 
clearly didn’t fit that description.

Obama campaigned on a pledge to close Guantanamo. As president, he has seen 
members of his own party abandon him on he issue when Republicans mounted vocal 

Democrats and Republicans alike voted joined in the vote to withhold funding — 
the first serious legislative setback of Obama’s presidency.

“It demonstrates the president’s first executive order was a fundamentally 
flawed judgment,” said Rep. Peter King, the senior Repub

[cia-drugs] Full Spectrum Dominance and the NWO

2009-08-02 Thread norgesen
Full Spectrum Dominance and the NWO

By The Real News


William Engdahl on his book Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in 
the New World Order 







[cia-drugs] MIT develops camera-like fabric

2009-08-02 Thread norgesen
MIT develops camera-like fabric

By Stephen Shankland


And you thought it was a problem when folks went into the locker room toting 
cell phones with cameras. 

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a 
fabric made of a mesh of light-sensitive fibers that collectively act like a 
rudimentary camera. The fibers, which each can detect two frequencies of light, 
produced signals that when amplified and processed by a computer reproduced an 
image of a smiley face near the mesh. 

"This is the first time that anybody has demonstrated that a single plane of 
fibers, or 'fabric,' can collect images just like a camera but without a lens," 
said Yoel Fink, an associate professor of materials science, who along with 
colleagues described the approach in a the journal Nano Letters. 

MIT suggested that the technology, if developed further, could give a soldier a 
uniform that would help him see threats in all directions. Optical fiber webs, 
by distributing the chore across a large area, would be less susceptible to 
damage in one area. 

The technology uses fibers less than a millimeter in diameter, stretched into 
thin form from a thicker cylinder. Within the fibers are two cylindrical shells 
of semiconductor material, each connected to the outside world with four 
built-in metal electrodes. 

