[cia-drugs] Re: Doug Valentine: CIA Killings Spell Defeat In Afghanistan

2010-01-11 Thread muckblit
The extensive war crimes in the second assault on Faluja, Iraq, were
in reprisal to the killing of six CIA contractors. A female ambulance
driver was shot and snipers shot many civilians. More counter
productive mis-steps like those detailed in Imperial Garden in the
Emerald City by Rajiv Chandrasekaran.

When I heard that six CIA officers and the informant-bomber's
Jordanian handler had been killed and also six more CIA officers
wounded, I thought of the sloppy DEA operation of Michael Hurley
in Cyprus, as described by DIA agent Les Coleman in Trail of the
Octopus. One big room, and all the informants saw each other
and the US agents. No bomb, just double-agents taking names
and rolling up the org by assassinations later. The whole Lebanese
hostage rescue group was assassinated. Could have been a bomb
in the big room, but that would take a suicide. No need for a
suicide! Too expensive. The targets in Cyprus were the other
informants and the org in Lebanon, so no bomb, just take notes.
In the Afghan case, the CIA officers were the target, so the sloppy
big sloppy informant saloon full of cowboys was the target. No
doubt all the other informants had been cataloged first, and how
many of them are dead now? Valentine is presenting the big
open sloppy cowboy way as the highest form of intel work, but
that's the opposite of the way the same style is portrayed in
Trail of the Octopus. There's another way, not that there is
any way to succeed overall in a non-strategic foreign adventure
that is only about Predator drone profits and heroin.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Scott Munson  wrote:

Doug Valentine: CIA Killings Spell Defeat In Afghanistan

January 5, 2010

Douglas Valentine
 , author
of the recently released account of the DEA, "The Strength of the
  contributes this piece to The Mind Body Politic:

Disrupting the Accommodation:


"Why?" The grieving family members ask. "Why did the
terrorists kill our loved ones?"
The hardnosed colleagues of the four fallen CIA officers comfort the
wives and children (and one husband). They shake off their sorrow,
huddle together by the graves, and vow vengeance. They bathe themselves
in their seething anger like it was the blood of the lamb.

"Why? The American public and its officials ask. Why? The media
repeats, adding in shock and awe, "Don't the terrorists know
that you can't kill CIA officers?"

Why, everyone wonders, did a Jordanian suicide bomber target the CIA,
knowing that the wrath of the biggest, baddest, bloodthirstiest Gang on
Planet Earth is going to start dropping bombs and slitting throats until
its lust for death and suffering is satisfied?

Over the course of its sixty year reign of terror, in which it has
overthrown countless governments, started countless wars costing
countless lives, and otherwise subverted and sabotaged friends and foes
alike, the CIA has lost less than 100 officers.

On a good day, one CIA drone, and one CIA hit team, kills 100 innocent
women and children, and nobody bats an eye.

Why would the terrorists suddenly deviate from the norm – the sacred
accommodation – and throw the whole game into chaos?

OK, I'll Tell You Why

There is a phenomenon called "The Universal Brotherhood of
Officers." It exists in the twilight zone between imagination and in
reality, in the fog of war. It is why officers are separated from
enlisted men in POW camps and given better treatment. It is why officers
of opposing armies have more in common with one another than they have
with their own enlisted men.

Officers are trained to think of their subordinate ranks as canon
fodder. Their troops are expendable. They know when they send a unit up
a hill, some will be killed. That is why they do not fraternize with
thee lower ranks. This class distinction exists across the world, and is
the basis of the sacred accommodation. No slobs need apply.

It is why the Bush Family flew the Bin Laden Family, and other Saudi
Royals, out of the United States in the days after 9-11. If anyone was a
case officer to the 9-11 bombers, or had knowledge about the bombers or
any follow-up plots, it was these "protected" people.

CIA officers are at the pinnacle of the Universal Brotherhood. They are
the Protected Few, blessed with false identities and bodyguards, flying
in jet planes, living in villas, eating fancy food and enjoying state of
the art technology. CIA officers tell army generals what to do.They
direct Congressional committees. They assassinate heads of state and
innocent children equally, with impunity, with indifference.

In Afghanistan they manage the drug trade from their hammocks in the
shade.They kno

[cia-drugs] FW: Will Oliver Stone's "Secret History" Expose How the Bush Family Financed Hitler?

2010-01-11 Thread Kris Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
> From: "dasg...@aol.com" 
> Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 02:00:22 EST
> To: Robert Millegan 
> Cc: , , 
> Subject: Will Oliver Stone's "Secret History" Expose How the Bush Family
> Financed Hitler?

> January 09, 2010
> http://www.thrfeed.com/2010/01/oliver-stone-history-america.html
> Oliver Stone's 'Secret History' to put Hitler 'in context'
>   TCA
>   -- Director Oliver Stone's upcoming Showtime
> documentary miniseries "Secret History of America" promises to put mass
> murderers such as Stalin and Hitler "in context."
> "Stalin, Hitler, Mao, McCarthy -- these people have been vilified pretty
> thoroughly by history," Stone told reporters at the Television Critics
> Association's semi-annual press tour in Pasadena.
> "Stalin has a complete other story," Stone said. "Not to paint him as a hero,
> but to tell a more factual representation. He fought the German war machine
> more than any single person. We can't judge people as only 'bad' or 'good.'
> Hitler is an easy scapegoat throughout history and its been used cheaply. He's
> the product of a series of actions. It's cause and effect ... People in
> America don't know the connection between WWI and WWII ... I've been able to
> walk in Stalin's shoes and Hitler's shoes to understand their point of view.
> We're going to educate our minds and liberalize them and broaden them. We want
> to move beyond opinions ... Go into the funding of the Nazi party. How many
> American corporations were involved, from GM through IBM. Hitler is just a man
> who could have easily been assassinated."
> The controversial director's 10-part documentary series for Showtime
>  ica-.html>  promises to focus on events that "at the time went under-reported,
> but crucially shaped America's unique and complex history of the last 60
> years." Subjects in "History" include President Harry Truman¹s decision to
> drop the atomic bomb on Japan and the origins of the Cold War with the Soviet
> Union.
> "You cannot approach history unless you have empathy for the person you may
> hate," Stone said during the show's trailer, which promised to put historical
> villains "in context." "I don't want to put out conventional History Channel
> product where it's easy to like it."
> "He's not saying we're going to come out with a more positive view of Hitler,"
> emphasized professor Peter Kuznick, the lead writer on the project. "But we're
> going to describe him as a historical phenomenon and not just somebody who
> appeared out of nowhere."
> Stone said that conservative pundits will dislike the show.
> "Obviously, Rush Limbaugh is not going to like this history and, as usual,
> we're going to get those kind of ignorant attacks," said Stone, who also also
> compared the experience of sympathizing with war criminals to making his "W"
> movie about George W. Bush. "I'm trying to understand somebody I thoroughly
> despised." 
> Stone also warned that the same military industrial complex forces that he's
> explored in movies such as "JFK" and in "Secret History," are now corrupting
> Barack Obama. 
> "You can understand why Obama is following in Bush's footsteps in
> Afghanistan," Stone said."Obama is very much trapped, we believe, in that
> system. And so that's what we're going to try and show you -- the way it
> works." 

-- End of Forwarded Message

Re: [cia-drugs] FW: Will Oliver Stone's "Secret History" Expose How the Bush Family Financed Hitler?

2010-01-11 Thread michael1
How well we used McCarthy!!!
McCarthy was right!  Of course the Army had to work with the commies. 
Nukes are nukes.  But the public would be horrified.  We used McCarthy to
put the mass mind in a vice.  If you went too far left you were called a
commie.  However, if you called those at top commies for needing to
work with commies then you were called a 'McCarthyite'.  The perfect vice
for the perfect vice.
Hitler..., perhaps Stone will show us why  Mein Kampf is suddenly selling
so well in economic departments of Third World universities.
An understanding of Stalin might show us why we HAD to, (and still have
to), support Israel.
Knowing exactly why Mao was the 'odd man out' between Stalin and Truman
might make us understand the present focus on Indonesia.  And might make
us pay more attention to Admiral Blair.
Good for Stone.  Might be a small step but at least it is in the right

> -- Forwarded Message
>> From: "dasg...@aol.com" 
>> Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 02:00:22 EST
>> To: Robert Millegan 
>> Cc: , , 
>> Subject: Will Oliver Stone's "Secret History" Expose How the Bush Family
>> Financed Hitler?
>> January 09, 2010
>> http://www.thrfeed.com/2010/01/oliver-stone-history-america.html
>> Oliver Stone's 'Secret History' to put Hitler 'in context'
>> TCA
>>   -- Director Oliver Stone's upcoming
>> Showtime
>> documentary miniseries "Secret History of America" promises to put mass
>> murderers such as Stalin and Hitler "in context."
>> "Stalin, Hitler, Mao, McCarthy -- these people have been vilified pretty
>> thoroughly by history," Stone told reporters at the Television Critics
>> Association's semi-annual press tour in Pasadena.
>> "Stalin has a complete other story," Stone said. "Not to paint him as a
>> hero,
>> but to tell a more factual representation. He fought the German war
>> machine
>> more than any single person. We can't judge people as only 'bad' or
>> 'good.'
>> Hitler is an easy scapegoat throughout history and its been used
>> cheaply. He's
>> the product of a series of actions. It's cause and effect ... People in
>> America don't know the connection between WWI and WWII ... I've been
>> able to
>> walk in Stalin's shoes and Hitler's shoes to understand their point of
>> view.
>> We're going to educate our minds and liberalize them and broaden them.
>> We want
>> to move beyond opinions ... Go into the funding of the Nazi party. How
>> many
>> American corporations were involved, from GM through IBM. Hitler is just
>> a man
>> who could have easily been assassinated."
>> The controversial director's 10-part documentary series for Showtime
>> > ica-.html>  promises to focus on events that "at the time went
>> under-reported,
>> but crucially shaped America's unique and complex history of the last 60
>> years." Subjects in "History" include President Harry Truman¹s decision
>> to
>> drop the atomic bomb on Japan and the origins of the Cold War with the
>> Soviet
>> Union.
>> "You cannot approach history unless you have empathy for the person you
>> may
>> hate," Stone said during the show's trailer, which promised to put
>> historical
>> villains "in context." "I don't want to put out conventional History
>> Channel
>> product where it's easy to like it."
>> "He's not saying we're going to come out with a more positive view of
>> Hitler,"
>> emphasized professor Peter Kuznick, the lead writer on the project. "But
>> we're
>> going to describe him as a historical phenomenon and not just somebody
>> who
>> appeared out of nowhere."
>> Stone said that conservative pundits will dislike the show.
>> "Obviously, Rush Limbaugh is not going to like this history and, as
>> usual,
>> we're going to get those kind of ignorant attacks," said Stone, who also
>> also
>> compared the experience of sympathizing with war criminals to making his
>> "W"
>> movie about George W. Bush. "I'm trying to understand somebody I
>> thoroughly
>> despised."
>> Stone also warned that the same military industrial complex forces that
>> he's
>> explored in movies such as "JFK" and in "Secret History," are now
>> corrupting
>> Barack Obama.
>> "You can understand why Obama is following in Bush's footsteps in
>> Afghanistan," Stone said."Obama is very much trapped, we believe, in
>> that
>> system. And so that's what we're going to try and show you -- the way it
>> works."
> -- End of Forwarded Message

[cia-drugs] 9/11 Pilot's conference in Barcelona, Spain - January 29, 2010

2010-01-11 Thread CAMPAIGN
*Support 9/11 Truth & Reconciliation *


*9/11 Pilot's conference in Barcelona, Spain - January 29, 2010 *

gudais escribió:

> gudais escribió:
>> Mandaremos cartel a finales de semana
>> *
>> Conferencia : 29 Enero
>> Hora 7.00
>> Hotel Lleo´
>> C/ Pelayo 22
>> Barcelona
>> Metro : Plaza Catalunya o Universidad .*
>>   *_*Teniente Coronel del Cuerpo de Marines. Shelton F.
>>> Lankford(Retirado):_**
>>> Piloto con m'as de 300 misiones de combate voladas
>>> Sus condecoraciones incluyen: La cruz de Vuelo y 32 menciones a la
>>> Medalla del Aire
>>> Aviones volados: Douglas A-4 Skyhawk, Lockeed C-130H Hercules. Con m'as
>>> de 10.000 horas de vuelo.
>>> 20 a~nos de carrera en el Cuerpo de Marines de EE.UU
>>>  *_*Mitoa Edjang Campos, Comandante de linea aerea de Transporte en
>>> activo:_**
>>> Piloto con m'as de 8000 horas de vuelo en aviones comerciales as'i como
>>> experiencia en instrucci'on de vuelo e instructor de te'oricas de vuelo.
>>> Premio Wing's a la seguridad en Aviaci'on General.
>>> Aviones volados incluyen: CRJ200 y una variedad de aviones ligeros entre
>>> los que se incluyen Cessnas, Pippers, aviones de vuelo acrob'atico.
>>> Entre otras asociaciones es miembro de "Pilotos por la Verdad" (911
>>> Pilots for truth), ha sido representante sindical del SEPLA para la
>>> compa~nia Air-Nostrum y es piloto activo de la asociaci'on "Investigar 11s".
>>  *_Comentario publicado el 14 de Enero del 2008:_
>>> *
>>> /*"La evidencia de complicidad por parte del gobierno en los eventos que
>>> precipitaron el 11-s, el fallo en responder durante los eventos y la
>>> abrumadora falta de una investigaci'on despues de los mismos ,sumada a las
>>> evidencias presentadas por otros, hacen la versi'on oficial de los hechos
>>> imposile ,y puede marcar el final de lo que conocemos como Los Estados
>>> Unidos de America."*/
>>  Estos somos los dos ponentes Joan, La conferencia tiene como tema
>>> principal los datos ofrecidos una vez decodificada la informaci'on de la
>>> "Caja Negra" del vuelo American Airlines-77 que imposibilitan la veracidad
>>> de la versi'on oficial publicada por la "Comisi'on de Investigaci'on del
>>> 911"
>>> Se presentan los datos por segunda vez en Espa~na y por primera en
>>> Barcelona y se hablar'a de lo que los u'ltimos eventos en Detroit suponen en
>>> la merma de nuestroas derechos civiles con el aumento de las medidas de
>>> seguridad que incluyen Escaneres de vision total del cuerpo humano. Se
>>> mostrar'an fotos e informes sobre los mismos.
>>> El local si t'u piensas que es el adecuado podemos proceder a asegurarlo
>>> y yo podr'ia ir a verlo el Viernes de esta semana d'ia 15 de Enero. Ten en
>>> cuenta que debe de estar equipada con proyector y sistema de sonido para
>>> poder hacer la presentacion verbal. Si pudiesemos usarla m'as tiempo encaso
>>> de improvisto o de que la tertulia se alarge ser'ia un plus.
>>> En fin contastam'e con lo que necesites.
>>> Un saludo
>>> Mitoa edjang Campos
>>> Recibe gratis un resumen diario de tu Hotmail en tu móvil. ¡Recíbelo ya!

Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
3339 West 41 Avenue
Vancouver, B.C. V6N3E5 CANADA
TEL/FAX: 604-733-8134
Email: pe...@peaceinspace.org
EXOPOLITICS: http://www.exopolitics.com
MARS: http://www.projectmars.net
CAMPAIGN: http://www.peaceinspace.org


[cia-drugs] US Execution of 8 Afghan Kids - audio/text - Dave Lindorff

2010-01-11 Thread homepulse

the interview starts at 00:08:00 timemark 

Dave Lindorff on the Pat Thurston Show (KGO) on the US Execution of 8 Afghan 
Mon, 01/11/2010 - 20:24 — dlindorff 


Are US Forces Executing Kids in Afghanistan? Americans Don't Even Know to Ask 
Sun, 01/03/2010 - 17:37 — dlindorff 

[cia-drugs] Pres. Obama, the CIA and the Master of the Cover-Up

2010-01-11 Thread homepulse

President Obama, the CIA and the Master of the Cover-Up 
by: Melvin A. Goodman, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed 
Saturday 11 December 2010 

Obama continues the cover-up 

[cia-drugs] VIDEO: Red Alert, Possible False Flag at 2010 Olympics? The company in charge of security at the Vancouver airport also happens to be Mossad-connected Verint, the same company that was i

2010-01-11 Thread CAMPAIGN
Was this the reason for the prorogation (shutting down) of the Canadian
parliament, which has no other rational or legal basis?

*Red Alert, Possible False Flag at 2010 Olympics? *
http://www.youtube. com/watch?

>From Bea Bernhausen, Vancouver, BC

>From another group:

*Subject: **2010 Olympics Red Herring*

Considering the dire scope and scale of possibilities, this is a matter of
national security, and facts and leads included herein and elsewhere must be
followed and shared to the greatest interest of the public good. We are
posting the following story based on highly suspicious circumstances, and
although the outcome is possible, we simply don't know what will happen for
sure. The fact is there are very suspicious things going on that lead us to
question whether there may be an intention to carry out a *false flag*
attack(s) in Canada before, during or soon after the Vancouver Olympics
coming up in February 2010.

The company in charge of security at the Vancouver airport also happens to
be Verint, the same company that was in charge of security for the London
Underground at the time of the 7/7 attacks, after which all video cameras
were said to not be functioning during the incident. Every time there's been
a terrorist attack involving public transportation - 9/11, London, Madrid -
Verint (Security) Systems Inc. stock has gone up. All of these events have
raised security consciousness, and more often than not Verint has been the
contract winner. Verint also just happens to be the involved with the
primary security companies �functioning' at all airports that just happened
to be involved with ALL of the 911 airplane hijackings, and the recent
underwear bomber.

*Red Alert, Possible False Flag at 2010 Olympics? *
http://www.youtube. com/watch?
(613) 992-4211
(613) 996-7752

Verint has provided security tools for Vancouver International
2002, and Montreal
Metro and Copenhagen
2004, and they were recently contracted to provide security for ING
Banking in 
They were at the Beijing Olympics in
and there�s no reason to doubt they are directly involved in the 2010
Olympics. They are also widespread in
in fact, they are
Prime Minister Harper has mysteriously prorogued Parliament until after the
Olympics, without giving any valid reason.

Do you smell a rat? Considering Proroguing Parliament means that the
legislation Harper has been pushing against us will have to be started all
over again� so this is good news, but is very suspicious.

National Post Quote: �it would kill 40 pieces of government legislation �
including the government�s own tough new bills on consumer product safety
and on harsher sentences for drug traffickers � and it would disband

IF a �false flag' mossad/cia terror attack happens, Harper might call a
national emergency, and perhaps use it as a leverage to force all of his
satanic draconian legislation, like bill
elevates the rights of American Police on Canadian soil in the course
of an integrated cross-border operation, to the degree that "every
designated officer is a peace officer in every part of Canada and has the
same power to enforce an Act of Parliament as a member of the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police."

*Known facts:*

*- Verint is the same Israeli Mossad security front that provided their high
tech, 'infallible' cameras to the London tunnel system that mysteriously
went offline shortly before and during the London bombing on 7/7**

- Vancouver is going to have 10 times the amount of security that the
Beijing Olympics had, and 5 times more than the most recent G20 summit

- Vancouver will effectively have martial law declared; protests are banned
in all but certain "free speech zones" which are well away from the games

- Stephen Harper (Canada's Prime Minister) has prorogued Parliament for
seemingly no logical reason; the Canadian parliament was going to reconvene
on January 25 and would 

[cia-drugs] The Crescent and the Star: part III:

2010-01-11 Thread michael1
The Crescent and the Star: part III:

Islam, the fastest growing religion, holds the most strategic military
areas: the key Malacca choke point, the African Horn, and much of the
areas that either hold present or future oil as well as the coming world
bread basket.  All military actions are becoming more determined by the
social settings.  This was one of the main points of General Charles
Krulak’s retirement speech, ‘The Strategic Corporal’.  Not only does low
tech trump high tech, as in the AK-47 trumping the cruise missile, but
high tech at this point can have unexpected negative PR.   Videos of what
the ‘out-of-danger’ drone operators see as they fire missiles are now
floating all over the Internet.  In some you see the last seconds of
humans trying to run for their lives from cars as they hear the drone
approaching.  Bloody war was thought neatly tucked away in the dishwasher
with the Cascade. Being drawn and quartered seems, compared to those last
seconds, ‘almost nice’.  Emotionally many see those flying body parts, and
the imagination of Internet viewers, as one would look down upon the
Coliseum as Christians were thrown to the lions.  And that martyrdom no
small factor, (most likely decisive factor), in the Christians soon taking
The drones break not only international boundaries but also rules of

Bottom-drawer tech combos of mere grappling hooks, AK-47s and duct-tape
patched Evinrudes now tie up much of above-equator navies.  The more what
is held in reserve is also held back to, (just-only), be a question…, then
the more powerful a factor the question itself becomes.  Seabed-missile,
rogue torpedo, and mine have morphed into one hydra hybrid as close as the
nearest Toys-R-Us or PC.  ‘Regulars’ can scream “unsymmetrical” as loud as
the Redcoats screamed about those hiding behind stonewalls and as loud as
knights screamed about the longbow.  And with the same result…: littoral
to the coral.

Military logistics was the power of the West as it babbles on that the
untrained talk strategy while the pros talk logistics.  That has been
thrown to the wolves and the drones and the lions as the West now fights
on far too many fronts.  All the explosions in the no-lines of the Hindu
Kush are not as powerful as one sneeze in Karachi.

Africa collects as slowly and as strongly as the Prophet did in Medina. 
As safety in Africa equates with arms military tactics often precede
Islam.  The winners often act Islamic way prior to converting.  Rebellion
has spread not only into Eritrea but also well into Ethiopia.  Kenya, once
one of only a few unarmed places in Africa, now has well armed rebels well
into eastern areas.  Juba quiets and collects.  Kampala may, with
Museveni, still ‘Sow The Mustard Seed’ but the office by necessity becomes
more effectively Inman than statesman.  Juba sees the long term.

North, over the Aden Gulf, Bab El Mandeb may still mean terror but the
land is trumping the sea.  Sanaa cooks a one-ingredient stew: money. 
Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh in anger yells at the US “don’t come
in” as Admiral Mullen yells back in anger, “we won’t come in”.  This anger
is as soft as the money is hard.  It is now more openly realized that
there is no northern border between Yemen and Saudi Arabia.  Sanna is like
a log cavalry fort in the Old West with only one weapon against the
Apaches: money.   As the English did in India the West’s main tactic is to
pay off one tribe to ruthlessly control the others.  Not as sure when all
tribes are armed.  But money is money and as was oft the case in India the
paid off would only play a game giving an occasional wrong head and
smilingly pocket the cash.

But the poor with the guns increase in number.  But in Islam control with
money is against the main tenants of the religion.  The fort’s logs
quickly rot in that sand.  Yet even with a possible slow rot in any war of
attrition the party that can most afford to wait will win.

[cia-drugs] 20,000 young women and children trafficked yearly - Mexico, Annett attacked

2010-01-11 Thread smartnews
_http://ritualabuse.us_ (http://ritualabuse.us/)   

Mexican woman tells of ordeal with cross-border child traffickers -  In 
interview with Channel 4 News, young woman says babies and young children are  
'sold to order' to US nationals Nick Martin in Ciudad Juárez, 
guardian.co.uk, 11  January 2010 

A young Mexican woman who escaped from human traffickers  has told US 
special agents how she witnessed babies and children being "sold to  order" to 
citizens. America's Department of Homeland Security in Washington  says the 
girl, known only as Maria, had "significant ~information" and possessed  a 
"remarkable memory" of her experiences inside the gang. In an interview with 
 Channel 4 News, to be broadcast tonight, the teenager tells of a 
cross-border  trade in babies and young children, where Mexican and US gangs 
together  to supply a demand in the United States. As a result of the 
interview, US  officials and Mexican authorities have begun an investigation 
the alleged  trafficking

Since the 1990s, thousands of women have disappeared from  the town. 
Hundreds of bodies bearing signs of rape and sexual mutilation have  been 
on waste ground in the city; thousands more have never returned. In  2009, 55 
teenage girls vanished in the town, which has been gripped by violence  as 
two drug cartels fight a lethal turf war over cocaine smuggling routes into  
the USThe US state department estimates that more than 20,000 young 
women  and children are trafficked across the border from Mexico each year. But 
 conviction rates remain low. 

Kevin Annett, beaten, exposes role of Canada's police and churches  in sex 
crimes and child trafficking Brenda Norrell 1/11/10 

Kevin Annett,  human rights activist beaten in Vancouver on Wednesday, 
released a new article  today exposing the role of Canada's police and churches 
in sex crimes and child  trafficking, including the abuse of Native women 
and children.

Kevin  Annett, a community minister, was assaulted by two men in 
Vancouver's downtown  eastside on Wednesday, Jan. Jan. 6, 2010,  just two days 
he published  an article on church and government complicity in child 
trafficking on Canada's  west coast.

Annett suffered cuts, bruises, and at least one broken rib as  a result of 
the unprovoked beating by two men, one of whom is linked to a  downtown 
church agency.
Today, after being beaten, Annett released a new  article on the role of 
Vancouver police in sex crimes _http://www.censored-news.blogspot.com/_ 

Annett has exposed the rape, torture and murder of Native children  in 
Canada's residential schools, through church documents and interviews. In 
one  case, a Native girl was raped and the infant she gave birth to was thrown 
into  the furnace. The abuse of Native children in Canada's residential 
schools  mirrored the abuse in aboriginal boarding schools in Australia and BIA 
boarding  schools in the United States.

Annett is now exposing the role of the  church and Canadian government in 
sex crimes, including the disappearance of  Native children in child 
trafficking and murder of Native women.

Annett,  who for fifteen years has led the campaign to bring to justice the 
churches and  government responsible for genocide in Canada's Indian 
Residential Schools, made  international news in October 2009 when he held the 
first memorial service for  missing native children outside the Vatican in Rome.

Rev. Annett, school  survivors and native elders have also led high profile 
protests and occupations  of churches in Vancouver and Toronto since 2005, 
and on many occasions Annett  has been threatened by church officials and 
police, according to a statement  from Hidden From History. 

Annett's site _http://www.hiddenfromhistory.org/_ 

[cia-drugs] ‘The Transparent Cabal’ - video

2010-01-11 Thread ruxpert

`The Transparent Cabal'


Press TV interview with Dr. Stephen Sniegoski 
(Author of `The Transparent Cabal')
Broadcast January 04, 2010 


The Dark Side of the "Special Relationship"

Mossad Tied to 'Underwear Bomber'?

Israeli Firm Responsible for Amsterdam Airport Security Where Terrorist Boarded

[cia-drugs] Intelligence Sources: False Flag: Trinity of CIA, Mossad, and RAW

2010-01-11 Thread homepulse

Intelligence Sources: 
Plane Incident a False Flag Involving Trinity of CIA, Mossad, and RAW 

by Wayne Madsen 

Global Research , January 11, 2010 
Wayne Madsen Report - 2010-01-04 

The Christmas Day attempt by the son of a prominent Nigerian banker and 
business tycoon connected closely to top Nigerian leaders to detonate a 
chemical improvised explosive device aboard Delta Airlines flight 253 from 
Amsterdam Schiphol to Detroit was a false flag operation carried out by the 
intelligence tripartite grouping of the CIA, Mossad, and India's Research 
and Analysis Wing (RAW), according to WMR's Asian intelligence sources who 
closely monitor the activities of the three agencies in India and Southeast 

The tripartite alliance of the CIA, Mossad, and RAW were behind the 
terrorist attacks on Mumbai earlier last year and on December 28 Rupee News 
reported the three agencies worked together, along with former Afghan KHAD 
intelligence agents, to assassinate former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir 
Bhutto: "The Benazir assassination was pre-planned and executed via 
triangulation by KHAD, RAW, CIA and Mossad using the most modern radioactive 
weapons available in the market. The Israeli PM publicly admitted helping 
India in Kargil recently. The purpose of the covert KHAD, RAW, CIA, Mossad 
operations is to destabilize Pakistan. The IMF plan to de-fang Pakistan in 
2000 did not work, but provincial autonomy will make the center bankrupt 
triggering an implosion." 

The outcome of the failed terrorist attempt by Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab on 
the Detroit-bound plane has resulted in major Christmas gifts for the 
neocons and militarists who still call the shots on U.S. policy: the 
deployment of privacy-invasive millimeter wave (MMW) full body scanning 
equipment at airports in North America and Europe. The ranking member of the 
House Homeland Security Committee, Representative Peter King (R-NY), who is 
an ardent defender of the Catholic Church and its prelates in Ireland, has 
defended the scanning system which can image the naked bodies of passengers, 
including children and babies, an increase in the U.S. military and 
intelligence presence in Yemen, retention of US USAPATRIOT Act surveillance 
provisions, an increase in racial profiling of Arabs and Muslims -- and 
because Mutallab is African -- blacks in the United States, and more 
cumbersome travel restrictions for airline passengers. 

The neocon propagandists are already spinning counterclaims to reports that 
indicate that Mutallab was a witting accomplice of a larger plot cooked up 
by American, Israeli, ajd Indian intelligence agents to carry out yet 
another false flag terror operation on American soil. The eyewitness 
testimonies of Michigan attorney Kurt Haskell and his attorney wife Lori 
Haskell are being pilloried by the corporate media after the two were 
featured on major U.S. television networks. Haskell and his wife witnessed a 
"well-dressed Indian man" arrange for Mutallab to board Delta 253 without a 
passport at the check-in desk at Schiphol. 

Haskell told CBS News: "Only the Indian man spoke, and what he said was, 
this man needs to board the plane, and he doesn't have a passport. And the 
ticket agent then responded saying you need a passport to board the plane, 
and the Indian man then said he's from Sudan. We do this all the time." 

WMR has learned that the Indian man is suspected by Asian intelligence 
services of being a RAW agent who used his influence to convince airline and 
airport security personnel that Mutallab was a bona fide Sudanese refugee. 
Mutallab reportedly spent several hours in a Schiphol airport lounge before 
boarding the Delta flight. Dutch agents are reportedly scanning Schiphol 
CCTV footage and have reason to believe that Mutallab had accomplices at the 
airport, which bolsters the witness accounts of the Haskells. The FBI has 
interviewed the Haskells and the bureau, as is its modus operandi, appears 
to be intimidating witnesses and pressuring them to support the government's 
party line. 

The neocon spin machine is also refuting reports that Mutallab traveled to 
the United States without a passport and that his ticket was only one-way. 
The facts emerging are that Mutallab was not traveling on a Nigerian 
passport but on an Italian passport. Mutallab's father, Alhaji Umaru 
Mutallab, happens to hold the Italian Order of Merit. In addition, Mutallab's 
ticket was purchased in Accra, Ghana, with $2,831 in cash and was later 
re-issued, on December 16, with a different itinerary at the KLM office in 
Lagos. The original itinerary was Lagos-Amsterdam-Detroit-Amsterdam-Accra 
but the return leg on January 8, 2010, was changed from Amsterdam to Lagos 
instead of Accra. 

Previously, WMR reported that the security company that cleared Mutallab in 
Schiphol is ICTS, a firm that is headquartered in Israel and Amstelveen, 
Netherlands. The firm also cleared attempted shoe bomber Richard Reid f