[cia-drugs] FW: Obama Joins Bush in Coverup of CIA Misdeeds

2010-01-29 Thread Kris Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 From: dasg...@aol.com dasg...@aol.com
 Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 23:21:35 EST
 To: Robert Millegan ramille...@aol.com
 Cc: ema...@aol.com, jim6...@cwnet.com, christian.r...@gmail.com
 Subject: Obama Joins Bush in Coverup of CIA Misdeeds

 The cover-ups continue
 Obama's pick to investigate Northwest bomb attempt assures failure won't be
 By Melvin A. Goodman
 January 13, 2010
 The Obama 
 8.topic  administration announced Friday the appointment of John E.
 McLaughlin, former deputy CIA
 elligence-agency-ORGOV09.topic  director, to head the internal
 investigation of the intelligence failures that led to the Christmas Day
 attempted bombing of a Northwest Airlines flight headed for Detroit.
 With this appointment, President Obama has assured that the culture of
 intelligence cover-up will continue. Mr. McLaughlin has participated in the
 cover-up of many of the CIA's most egregious failures and misdeeds during the
 last decade. When he left the CIA, he served as the agency's chief apologist.
 Most of official Washington views Mr. McLaughlin as the mild-mannered,
 professorial CIA bureaucrat whom former CIA director George Tenet called the
 smartest man he had ever met. Few people understand, however, that Mr.
 McLaughlin played the central role in providing the Bush administration with
 false intelligence to justify the use of force against Iraq
 http://www.baltimoresun.com/topic/intl/iraq-PLGEO012.topic  in 2003.
 Washington insiders remember that it was CIA director Tenet who told President
 George W. Bush 
 d-states/george-bush-PEPLT000857.topic , Don't worry, it's a slam dunk, in
 response to the demand for stronger intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass
 destruction. Few people remember that it was Mr. McLaughlin who actually
 delivered the slam-dunk briefing to the president in January 2003.
 Mr. McLaughlin was behind much of the politicized intelligence before the war.
 He perverted the intelligence process, ignored high-level briefings on the
 weakness of the WMD evidence and tried to silence David Kay, the chief of the
 Iraq Survey Group, when the weapons inspectors found no sign of WMD in Iraq.
 Mr. McLaughlin was also behind the CIA's preparation of Secretary of State
 Colin Powell 
 31.topic 's speech to the U.N. in February 2003 that used phony intelligence
 to convince an international audience of the need for war. According to Larry
 Wilkerson, Mr. Powell's chief of staff, Mr. Tenet and Mr. McLaughlin lied to
 the secretary of state about the sourcing of serious allegations dealing with
 Saddam Hussein 
 ic  and WMD. The most serious allegation came from an Iraqi con man known as
 Curveball, who maintained that Iraq had mobile biological laboratories, a
 key charge in the justification for war. German intelligence officials who
 debriefed Curveball warned the CIA that he was unstable and there was no
 validation for his claims. Tyler Drumheller, the chief of the CIA's European
 Division, knew that Curveball was a liar, and he urged Mr. McLaughlin to drop
 all references to the mobile labs from Mr. Powell's speech. Mr. McLaughlin
 ignored him too.
 Five weeks after the invasion of Iraq, Mr. Powell and Mr. McLaughlin shared a
 table at the White House
 house-PLCUL000110.topic  Correspondents' Dinner, where Mr. McLaughlin, an
 amateur magician, performed a few magic tricks with coins and bills. Everyone
 at the table laughed except for Mr. Powell. According to Bob Drogin of the Los
 Angeles Times 
 les-times-ORCRP00305312828.topic , who wrote an authoritative book on
 Curveball, Mr. Powell requested another trick: Let's see you find the WMD in
 Iraq. Mr. McLaughlin looked surprised, and his broad grin faded. We will,
 he replied. They're there, and we'll find them.
 In addition to being one of the ideological drivers for the CIA's policies of
 torture and abuse, secret prisons and extraordinary renditions, Mr. McLaughlin
 demonstrated early in his career that he was willing to do what was necessary
 to advance his career. In the 1980s, when CIA director William Casey and his
 deputy Robert Gates
 obert-gates-PEPLT007333.topic  were cooking the books on intelligence
 dealing with the Soviet Union, Mr. McLaughlin offered no dissent. 

[cia-drugs] UAE activity pattern of 1980's, India Pakistan Irish Germanic Narcotics Terror

2010-01-29 Thread genocideeuropean
UAE activity pattern of 1980's, India Pakistan  Irish Germanic Narcotics 

Recognize the Pattern of Narcotics Terrorism
Homeland Security Issues News http://bit.ly/AWE_DW_News

Similar to Japan's Hawaii Development  Investment pattern in 1980's

Recognizing patterns found in News Stories, timing,  activity Internationally 
can assist in ending Exploitation  stopping the loss of credibility, the 
usefulness of good people to Irish Germanic  India Pakistan Narcotics 
Terrorist who want to puppet people for the Entertainment of Hindi Serfs. 

Narcotics Terrorism Information you need to know:

* India Pakistan, Hindi Pakistani don't have information of Value, India's goal 
is to try to stop World Peace. World Peace is the same as saying, Everyone is 
happy on Earth, respectful  appreciative of the Best of all Ancestries of 
Earth, what is wrong with this? India doesn't want to be considered Asian, 
India wants to be considered Arian by promoting technology  Narcotics 
culture towards Extinction. India wants extinction.
* Irish Germanic UKGB EU Narcotics Terrorists (Actors, GayEntertainment 
Community) use patterned activity as though there were an set electronic 
programmed behavior for any action, while in reality, Paranoid Schizophrenia is 
the only thing developed from fried brains trying to make sure they don't get 
caught doing things to Non Westerners  Non Western Countries. Irish Germanic 
UKGB EU Narcotics Terrorists want to create Hatred in Non Western Countries  
Non Westerners to try to justify any funding of the Military Machine designed 
to promote Inflation  Genocide for the Sado Masochistic Entertainment of Nazi 
Racist Irish Germanic UKGB EU  India Pakistan Narcotics Terrorists.
* India Pakistan DERANGED LUNATICS believed Designed Inflation would be 'sexy' 
to Germanic War Criminals, people of Hollywood  Acting Community. Stalkers 
looking for Kiddie Porn Artists, Organ Theft Talent, Human Trafficked Slaves, 
etc. http://bit.ly/Puppeted_Iraq

ENEMY COMBATANTS: India Pakistan  Irish Germanic software companies are shells 
for EXTREME DEHUMANIZATION Experiments using Virtual Reality Technology. 

Irish Germanic UKGB EU - India Pakistan - GayEntertainment Community 1st 
Target Choice: Weak, Poor, Law Abiding, Uncorruptible, Devout, Virgins, under 
guise of FRAUD Covenant Fairy Tale. Blair's target: True Believers. 

any Citizenship, Irish Germanic UKGB expats of any Citizenship, see War Crimes 
document: http://bit.ly/WarCrimes

Irish Germanic Western expats of any Citizenship participate in an 
International Exodus with respect shown  given to Native Indigenous Ancestry 
with an Native Indigenous Renaissance; http://bit.ly/stat_Exodus

Information on Alleged War Crimes  Criminal Activity here can be found at 

[cia-drugs] FW: Watergate II? [Is That Karl Rove I Hear Asking, Can You Hear Me Now?]

2010-01-29 Thread Kris Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 From: dasg...@aol.com dasg...@aol.com
 Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2010 01:12:52 EST
 To: Robert Millegan ramille...@aol.com
 Cc: ema...@aol.com, jim6...@cwnet.com, tednew...@hotmail.com,
 Subject: Watergate II?  [Is That Karl Rove I Hear Asking, Can You Hear Me

 Senate Health Bill's Progress Hinges on Two Southern Dems
 November 20, 2009
 Senator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana emerged several days ago as [one of the
 two] last public holdouts among 58 Democrats and two independents whose votes
 Majority Leader Harry Reid and the White House must have to overcome the
 Republicans' attempt to strangle the bill before serious debate can begin.
 ... Acording to the Congressional Budget Office, [the federal government]
 will send an additional $100 million to Louisiana to help it cover costs for
 Medicaid, the federal-state health care program for the poor. ... Should
 Landrieu decide to side with Republicans this weekend, she would also be
 voting to deny her state those funds.
 Accused Louisiana Co-Conspirator Helped Run Academic Program Funded by U.S.
 Mark Hosenball 
 Posted Wednesday, January 27, 2010 6:21 PM
 One of four men arrested on Tuesday for attempting to interfere with the
 telephones at the New Orleans office of Sen. Mary Landrieu previously worked
 for a U.S. intelligence-funded program to train would-be American spies,
 Declassified has learned.
 An official close to the investigation said one of the four  was arrested
 with a listening device in a car blocks  from the senator's offices.  He
 spoke on condition of  anonymity because that information was not included
 in official arresting  documents ...
 Between August 2007 and October 2008, Stanley Dai served as assistant director
 of a program called the Intelligence Community Center of Academic Excellence
 at Trinity Washington University, a small Catholic college in Washington D.C.,
 according to a school official. The official, university vice president Ann
 Pauley, said that the program was completely funded by the Office of the
 Director of National Intelligence. She said the purpose of the program was to
 expose both undergraduates and graduate students at the university to the work
 of the intelligence community and to prepare them for possible careers in
 intelligence. As a result of the program, Pauley said, the university
 established a master's degree program in intelligence and security studies.
 She added that the government grant funding the program ended in 2008.
 Online postings indicate that in April 2008 the program held a colloquium
 http://www.trinitydc.edu/programs/intel_center/colloquium_2008.html  on
 intelligence support for the War on Terrorism at which at least three
 serving intelligence officials spoke: Ted Gistaro, the top terrorism analyst
 on the National Intelligence Council; an official named Joe Brittain of the
 National Counterterrorism Center; and an unnamed representative from WINPAC, a
 CIA office responsible for collecting and analyzing intelligence related to
 weapons of mass destruction.
 The daylong event ended with a reception featuring recruiters from various
 U.S. agencies, including NSA, CIA, and the Defense Intelligence Agency.
 Dai's e-mail is listed on the program as a contact point for the symposium.
 Pauley said that she did not know what qualifications Dai had when he was
 hired to be the program's assistant director, and she said that he left
 Trinity when the DNI grant that financed it ended. She said the program was
 entirely funded by money from the intelligence czar's office.
 Other online postings, some of which are linked here
 html  indicate that Dai was a speaker at a CIA day last summer that was
 arranged by Georgetown University's Junior Statesmen Summer School. This
 program included a field trip to the CIA, although current indications are
 that Dai had no relationship whatsoever with the agency and never visited its
 A spokesman for Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair** said that Dai
 never worked for the DNI's office and never had any security clearance from
 that office. The spokesman 

[cia-drugs] After Three Months, Only 35 Subscriptions for Newsday's Web Site

2010-01-29 Thread Kris Millegan

After Three Months, Only 35 Subscriptions for Newsday's Web Site
john Koblin - New York Observer - 27 Jan 2010
In late October, Newsday, the Long Island daily that the Dolans bought for
$650 million, put its web site, newsday.com, behind a pay wall. The paper
was one of the first non-business newspapers to take the plunge by putting
up a pay wall, so in media circles it has been followed with interest. So,
three months later, how many people have signed up to pay $5 a week, or $260
a year, to get unfettered access to newsday.com? The answer: 35 people.

Re: [cia-drugs] Atomic Obsession

2010-01-29 Thread michael1
Sorry, when I get to this stuff I am so tired and don’t express myself
well.  It is a complex subject not because of the logic but because of the

I am stating that John Mueller is incorrect…: wrong.

There were two days between Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  In that period
Oppenheimer made a speech at Los Alamos.
At first he was very upset noting that the bomb was so easy to make.  Then
he became very upbeat stated that the device would put an end to war.
When you think about this it is very true.  What would happen if even a
nuke was threatened?  So secret agreements were made between the nuke
nations and those who soon would be.  This started a serious game of
lying.  First the secret agreements were covered over by the nuke nations
continually holding meetings as to how agreements could be made without
ever an intention of making an open agreement. (Richard Pearl was even
quoted joking as to this.)

We need be clear about the difference between counter value targets and
counter force targets.  Value targets are those that are psychological
images to the enemy such as targeting an icon such as Statue of Liberty or
simply civilians themselves as we did in bombing raids over Germany
leaving the British Air Force to take the higher casualties as their
counter force targets, (gun factories  such), had to be flown in
daylight.  Almost always, even when much of the target is counter force,
the greater impact with nukes is counter value.  (Up to a point counter
value targets can have the reverse of the intended effect.  This has often
been noted with simple bombing.  The use of a nuke would have the correct
counter value effect as public would do anything to stop this.)

This might even simply be a problem with definitions.
The greatest threat is now from groups that would want to use nukes to
destroy an ideology such as capitalism. (Target Wall Street, etc.)  They
would want the masses to see that under any circumstances the state
attacked should change.  They would not want to use a weapon that could be
stated as not being a weapon such as ‘scalar’ or biological.  You can’t
say a mushroom cloud and massive fallout was some sort of accident.

These groups would need to have the wherewithal to obtain uranium on their
own.  They would not be so foolish as to even test the black market in
this area.  Obtaining uranium is far easier than the mainstream media
allows.  The most common tool for mining is the simply jackhammer and can
be hidden in some construction type projects such as road or bridge
building.  Because the West controls much of the world with simple bribery
and labor is cheap, there are many areas where this could be done. 
However, I am defining ‘State terrorism’ as that where the heads of states
are aware of the specifics.  Here some with enough bribe money on their
own, of own initiative, would be smart enough to keep the state out of the
loop.  Refining uranium is also simpler than media allows public to
understand, a centrifuge is a centrifuge is a centrifuge.

More confusing is that much of media defines ‘terrorist groups’ or ‘non
state aligned terrorist groups’ as those groups that are inside intel
known anyway.  The greatest threat is from the unknown.  And with those
‘unknown groups’ both the means and motive are available.

Hope this makes it clearer.
Again the background play is:

 Hello Michael,

 so that I may better understand  learn,
 would you please help to clarify the following:

 are you expressing that John Mueller is correct regarding:

 the likelihood of a terrorist obtaining a nuclear device
 and using it against the U.S. is far smaller than most people think.

 Yes, regarding the 'terrorist' referenced by the Media for the
 'usual-suspect' false-flag patsy propaganda agenda,
 But No, regarding The State 'Terrorists' (whom present a Larger likelihood
 of obtaining a nuclear device)
 Which are not the 'terrorist' John Mueller is referencing,
 and the Media do not reference as such, but in fact misdirect from via
 'referencing'/blaming those patsy 'terrorist' / usual-suspects,
 that John Mueller must be obviously referencing .

 Do I understand you correctly?


 - Original Message -
 From: micha...@midcoast.com
 To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 11:26:47 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
 Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Atomic Obsession

 It has been admitted that real nuclear attack is becoming more probable
 than ever before. During most of the Cold War there were secret
 Most 'terrorists' are major intel groups concocted. 'Rogue states' would
 be dumped on in a heartbeat if they even thought of a nuke. But real
 terrorists who would be 1- smart enough not to identify with any
 particular state, 2- would obtain the uranium themselves not try to buy on
 black market (most common tool is the jackhammer and can 

Re: [cia-drugs] Atomic Obsession

2010-01-29 Thread homepulse
Ok, Thanks mucho, michael1 

Will give careful read  ponder later when get time. 

Thanks again, and have a great weekend ;-) 

- Original Message - 
From: micha...@midcoast.com 
To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2010 6:04:40 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Atomic Obsession 

Sorry, when I get to this stuff I am so tired and don’t express myself 
well. It is a complex subject not because of the logic but because of the 

continues here: 


[cia-drugs] Is America being turned into a third world country?

2010-01-29 Thread homepulse

Is America being turned into a third world country? 
What Should We Make of Obama's Spending Freeze 


commentary  related info: 

[cia-drugs] Testimony Reveals Need for Thorough Investigation of AIG Deals

2010-01-29 Thread homepulse

Testimony Reveals Need for 
Thorough Investigation of AIG Deals 

01/28/2010 - by William Black 

William Black calls for a deeper investigation of the conflicts of interest 
that shaped the AIG bailout. 

The truly extraordinary disclosures were that Paulson, Bernanke, and 
Geithner all purported to have had no involvement in one of the most 
expensive decisions in history - the decision to pay 100 cents on the dollar 
to the least deserving of recipients (and who, if Geithner's testimony were 
to be believed, did not need to receive that largess) - and the unprincipled 
and indefensible decision to try to get AIG to cover up that fact and the 
beneficiaries of that largess. Indeed, Bernanke testified that he entered 
into an oral recusal (such recusals have to be put in writing under Office 
of Government Ethics rules) that meant that at the most critical time in 
financial regulation in 80 years an acting official was left in charge of 
all regulatory decisions at the NY Fed. This is bizarre because he was one 
of the rare senior public officials that did not have a clear conflict of 
interest due to their Wall Street ties. 

Those senior officials, e.g., Paulson, that had clear conflicts of interest 
did not recuse themeselves and Goldman Sachs was the biggest single 
recipient of what two Fed Members aptly labeled a gift from the taxpayers. 
Worse, the acting Fed President reported to the NY Fed Board and its Chair, 
Stephen Friedman (of Goldman), who purchased a large block of Goldman stock 
in December 2008. (Rep. Issa has charged that this indicates he was trading 
on inside information that produced a large investment profit.) This was 
such an outrageous conflict of interest that other regional Fed banks were 
outraged. Worse, the Fed staff approved Friedman's conflict of interest. 
Still worse, he did not inform the Fed of his large purchase of Goldman 
shares in December 2008 (just after it received $12.9 B from the taxpayers 
(via AIG)). 

Note that (1) Friedman was a Class C Public Interest director for the NY 
Fed (Hi, I'm from Government Sachs and I'm here to represent the public's 
interest), (2) that Baxter was his leading defender (yep, the same NY Fed 
General Counsel that pushed the AIG cover up), and (3) and that the WSJ 
story logically should have noted that Geithner had recused himself during 
November and December 2008 because that fact would have been relevant to 
their study and they obviously wrote the story on the basis of interviews 
with senior NY Fed staff - but it does not. That makes it even more dubious 
that Geithner recused himself and/or it means that the NY Fed officials were 
trying to avoid public knowledge of the recusal. Baxter, as NY Fed GC, 
should have been involved in the recusal and screening procedures (again, 
mandated by OGE rules, particularly for nominees requiring Senate 

Analytically, the key development was the failure of the Committee to point 
out that all of Geithner's arguments about the financial catastrophe that 
was (purportedly) certain if AIG were to spin off its trading unit and place 
it in bankruptcy proved the opposite of his conclusion about leverage. 
Recall that Lehman had gone done and every big AIG counterparty was 
desperately seeking federal aid and regulatory forbearance. They knew that 
if they tried to collect on their CDS they would cause AIG to fail and that 
they would be risking (1) getting zero cents on the dollar on their CDS (or, 
at most, whatever grossly inadequate collateral AIG had pledged), (2) 
royally pissing off every developed nation in the world - at a time when 
they needed government bailouts, liquidity lines, and regulatory 
forbearance. In sum, the very facts Geithner stressed in his testimony 
provided the government with the ultimate in negotiating leverage, 
particularly if, as Geithner testified, none of the counterparties needed to 
collect on the AIG CDS to remain healthy - (personally, I find Geithner's 
claim dubious). Stiglitz's new book, Freefall, points out that other 
distressed sellers of CDS protection during this period negotiated 
settlements in which they paid 13 cents on the dollar. 

It was downright humorous to see Geithner purport to be affronted that 
anyone might be concerned that Goldman, and Goldman alums drawing federal 
paychecks, might serve Goldman's interests. As Liar's Poker emphasized, 
there's always a fool in the game. Thanks to Geithner, Bernanke, Friedman, 
and Paulson the U.S. taxpayer was that fool - and AIG was their tool. 
Actually, my favorite is their decision to use AIG to secretly bail out UBS. 
Switzerland is a rich nation, why should we pay to bail out transactions 
that were never federally insured? But it gets better. We bailed out UBS 
while we were prosecuting them for massive tax fraud involving exceptionally 
wealthy Americans that were seeking to evade some of the lowest marginal 
income tax rates in 

[cia-drugs] Nigeria - ritual crimes

2010-01-29 Thread smartnews

Nigeria - ritual  crimes

describes graphic crimes
Ritual killing: A menace overlooked 1/15/10  As with countless incidents of 
ritual murder, predating the infamous Otokoto  saga of 1996 and many 
others, the case of five people in Ibusa village, Oshimili  Local Government 
of Delta State, recently killed on their farms is unlikely  to elicit 
appropriate reaction from government and its law enforcement  agenciesThe 
Nigeria Police, State Security Service and other security  agencies cannot 
to be unaware of the daily abduction and slaughter of  innocent citizens 
for money-making rituals, appeasement of deities, and other  purposes, ranging 
from electoral success and personal protection to magical  powers. 
Perpetrators, abductors, witchdoctors and their patrons alike, have been  
by the indifference and inaction of the authorities. 