[cia-drugs] Illicit drug mud

2010-04-12 Thread michael1
We use illicit drugs to pay for world nuclear security.  Power corrupted. 
It is falling apart.  Now something hit the Internet that has many going,
"Oh, s**t."
It is accurate.  It blows apart so many areas of 'defense'.  It is hard to
argue with.  If one would start to, as many do, argue against Aegis, some
would counter. You cannot counter this.  Nothing is said.  Quotes because
it came from someplace.  Does not matter where.

(Quote: from someplace knowledgeable)
“…The Problem With Proliferation: Cruise Missile Edition:
March 2011. The still of the pre-dawn darkness is only slightly disturbed
by the passage of a container ship. Like the many thousands of others like
her plying the ocean’s ways, this one’s cargo is neatly stacked on the
deck — ISO shipping containers in a multitude of colors and shippers
markings. As the fog bank thickens, a radar scope is closely scrutinized
on the bridge. Out here, off the shipping lanes no other merchant traffic
is expected and, it would appear, neither were there any signs of fishing
craft or more troubling, naval or coast guard ships. Earlier in the night
a code had been passed via an internet podcast and confirmed via a secure
webpage. Soon, very soon, part of the ship’s cargo would complete the long
journey begun in Sverdlovsk.
Up forward, locks are removed on two of the containers and a pair of
shadowy figures enter each container. A series of muffled noises from the
interior of the boxes is rapidly followed by their tops falling to one
side and a brace of four tubes quickly rise to the vertical. A minute or
two passes and the quiet is shattered by a series of explosions. From each
tube a long, slender figure emerges atop a cloud of gases.
Bright flames suddenly appear and the forms race off to the far horizon,
away from the sun, still hours away from rising.
NAVSTA Norfolk has been home to US naval aviation ever since Eugene Ely
first flew his fragile, kite-like aircraft off a makeshift platform
mounted on the anchored USS Birmingham. From her roadsted, flattops of the
Essex, Midway, Forrestal, Enterprise and now the Nimitz class sortied to
distant spots on the globe to carry out the missions assigned — presence,
deterrence, and when necessary, the fury unleashed from their decks and
the holds of their escorts reinforced the determination of a free people
to remain free.
On this early morning, Pier 12 is brightly lit in floodlights as the two
Nimitz-class carriers, USS Harry S Truman (CVN 75) and USS Theodore
Roosevelt (CVN 72) complete preparations for an emergency sortie on the
tide. Both had pulled into Norfolk one day prior with their full airwing
complement on board to take on one final round of provisions and the
remainder of their embarked airwing personnel and equipment. Tensions have
dramatically risen in the Gulf over the past few weeks following Iran’s
declaration of nuclear capability. There had been no detonation, and some
were saying it was just a boast – that the Iranians were still years away
from really having the capability for even a couple of weapons. Still,
Israel had attempted a long-range strike only to recall it when the US
threatened to expose the mission. A show of force was in order and to
reinforce the two carrier presence in the Gulf (Eisenhower and Washington
were already there) the Vinson was being turned back from a Hong Kong port
visit and TR with Truman would join her outside the Straits of Hormuz.

After launch, the boosters on the eight 3M54TE1 missiles quickly burnout,
fall off and quieter turbojets take over. Guided by GPS coordinates they
sped along at little over 50 ft above the ocean’s surface, their terminal
homing radar units quiet for now. Back on the container ship, a new course
is plotted, away from the launch scene. As the ship steadies up on an
easterly heading, a series of explosions rip through her keel and below
the waterline. The ship breaks in two, the stern section quickly sliding
beneath the waves. As containers break free and plunge into the sea, the
bow slowly rolls over and begins a long slow descent to the bottom. An oil
slick, some debris and a few containers supported by trapped pockets of
air are all that is left. There are no life boats.
Farther to the west, in the operations center of NORTHCOM/NORAD a watch
officer notes a disturbance and places a report.
“Watch supe, DSP1. I have a multiple IR event, western Atlantic off the
North Carolina coast. Position 36-21 north by 74-24 west.”
“OK…initial analysis?”
“It looks like a possible series of explosions, but there isn’t anything
else – whatever it was happened fast.”
“Roger – initiating conference call” Reaching for the intercom panel,
punches up a series of buttons.
“All stations, NMCC, this is NORTHCOM watch with a multiple IR event
report. At 0807Z DSP1 reported a multiple IR event position 36-21 north
and 074-24 west – request by station report”
“STRATCOM with negative space or missile event”
“FAA – no air traffic that area”
“Fleet Forces with a 

[cia-drugs] FW: IMF Warns US, UK & Japan: Debts 200-500% Larger Than GDP "IMPOSSIBLE" TO PAY

2010-04-12 Thread Robert Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
> From: "dasg...@aol.com" 
> Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 20:52:17 EDT
> To: Robert Millegan 
> Cc: , , ,
> Subject: IMF Warns US, UK & Japan: Debts 200-500% Larger Than GDP "IMPOSSIBLE"

> Sovereign debt crisis at 'boiling point', warns Bank for International
> Settlements
> Deficits in the United States, Japan, Britain, and most of Western Europe are
> already starting to cross the danger threshold
> By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
>  ,
> International Business Editor
> The Telegraph (UK), 08 Apr 2010
> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/economics/7564748/Sovereign-debt-crisis-at-
> boiling-point-warns-Bank-for-International-Settlements.html
>  -boiling-point-warns-Bank-for-International-Settlements.html>
>  -boiling-point-warns-Bank-for-International-Settlements.html#postComment>
> "The aftermath of the financial crisis is poised to bring a simmering fiscal
> problem in industrial economies to the boiling point", said the Swiss-based
> bank for central bankers -- the oldest and most venerable of the world's
> financial watchdogs. Drastic austerity measures will be needed to head off a
> compound interest spiral, if it is not already too late for some.
> The risk is an "abrupt rise in government bond yields" as investors choke on a
> surfeit of public debt. "Bond traders are notoriously short-sighted, assuming
> they can get out before the storm hits: their time horizons are days or weeks,
> not years or decade. We take a longer and less benign view of current
> developments," said the study, entitled "The Future of Public Debt"
>  , by the bank's chief economist Stephen
> Cecchetti. 
>>> Related Articles
>>> Fiscal ruin of the Western world  beckons
>>> >> iscal-ruin-of-the-Western-world-beckons.html>
>>> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/comment/ambroseevans_pritchard/5857074/Fi
>>> scal-ruin-of-the-Western-world-beckons.html
>>> >> iscal-ruin-of-the-Western-world-beckons.html>
>>> ... Error One was to permit a bubble in the 1980s. Error Two was to  wait a
>>> decade before opting for monetary "shock and awe" through  quantitative
>>> easing.  ... The US Federal Reserve seems to think the job  is done.
>>> "Quantitative tightening" has begun. Its balance sheet has  contracted by
>>> almost $200bn (£122bn) from the peak. The M2 money supply has  stagnated
>>> since January. The Fed is talking of "exit strategies".
>>> Is this a replay of mid-2008 when the Fed lost its nerve, bristling  over
>>> criticism that it had cut rates too low?  Remember what  happened. Fed hawks
>>> talked of rate rises. That had consequences. Markets  tightened in
>>> anticipation and arguably triggered the collapse of Lehman  Brothers, AIG,
>>> Fannie and Freddie that Autumn.
> "The question is when markets will start putting pressure on governments, not
> if. When will investors start demanding a much higher compensation for holding
> increasingly large amounts of public debt? In some countries, unstable debt
> dynamics -- in which higher debt levels lead to higher interest rates, which
> then lead to even higher debt levels -- are already clearly on the horizon."
> Official debt figures in the West are "very misleading" since they fail to
> take in account the contingent liabilities and pension debts that have
> mushroomed over recent years.
> "Rapidly ageing populations present a number of countries with the prospect of
> enormous future costs that are not wholly recognised in current budget
> projections. The size of these future obligations is anybody's guess," said
> the report. The BIS lamented the lack of any systematic data on the scale of
> unfunded IOUs that care-free politicians have handed out like confetti.
> Britain emerges in the BIS paper as an arch-sinner. The country may have
> entered the crisis with a low public debt but this shock absorber has already
> been used up, exposing the underlying rot in the UK's public accounts.  Tucked
> away in the BIS report are charts and tables showing that Britain faces the
> highest structural deficit in the OECD club of rich states, with a mounting
> risk that public debt will explode out of control.
> Interest payments on the UK's public debt will double from 5pc of GDP to 10pc
> within a decade under the bank's 'baseline scenario' before spiralling upwards
> to 27pc by 2040, the highest in the industrial world. Greece fares better, and
> Italy looks saintly by comparison.
> The BIS said the UK's structural budget deficit will be 9pc of GDP next year,
> the highes

[cia-drugs] African Catholic Church sex [2 Attachments]

2010-04-12 Thread nathaniel x vance
Dear Group,
Here are some more degusting links on the increasing pedophiliac scandals 
concerning numerous child rape and abuse by the so-call high Holy Roman 
Catholic Church! 
As the righteous Zeta space angels have recently said on GLP ZetaTalk, 
The worst is still yet to be revealed.
Pope Accused Of Covering For Sex Abuse Priest

Britain's Top Catholic 'Protected' Paedophile
San Antonio Priest Rapes Teen Boy At Gunpoint!

Life Destroyed - Catholic Boy Abused By Priest 

Is Mr. RATZINGER (the last or the next to the last) POPE and the RCC about to 
soon take a mighty fall?
Peace and thanks again for your comments.

ZetaTalk: Catholic Church
Note: written during the Jul 6, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
The Catholic Church, long in the know about the possibility of the passage, has 
also been making their plans. The Fatima warnings, which they have withheld 
from their flocks, combined with confessions by high level Catholics which were 
relayed to the Pope, have convinced the inner circle around the Pope that this 
is a likely scenario. They have two choices, to:

inform their flocks and go through the distress with their flocks, and 
to save their own skins and emerge as leaders of those left living. 
They have clearly chosen the latter, in that they announced the Fatima warning 
as a planned assassination of the Pope, and are willing to risk the loss of 
membership in the scandals surrounding the priesthood lately, in preference to 
closing the inner circle. Cleansing the church, at this time, would remove too 
many of the inner circle needed for a tight cover-up into the end times. Thus, 
pedophiles are protected, and victims paid off, as the higher priority is 
saving the skins of the inner circle. They will not do this in Rome, likely to 
be a mess of volcanic ash, but will move to a site as yet undecided. Likely 
sites are Africa, in places where the church has dominated the local folk, or 
South America, in countries where they feel an allegiance with the government. 
Their expectations that they will be leaders in the future is of course absurd, 
but arrogance seldom is realistic. They will be on the streets, with those of 
their flock they have abandoned,
 no better off, and not at all able to deal with the situation. Thus, an 
ignominious end, to an ignominious life. 

The Catholic Church is unique in knowledge due to the grip of fear they place 
around those born into the religion. Confession, without which the poor souls 
are told they will burn in hell, is mandatory. Those who state that confessions 
are confidential are lying, as information deemed important to the Pope, to the 
inner circle, to maintaining the wealth of the Catholic church, is passed on. 
Corporate heads, government heads, in confession, are deemed thus, and get 
confession by special priests in many cases. Other religions do not have such 
information inroads. Given the information the Catholic Church gained, who said 
what when, they then had blackmail to learn more, and did gain the information 
they sought. Those giving them the information had their confidence, as they 
had mutual goals:

maintain the wealth, 
maintain control and leadership, 
save their own sorry skins before those they are responsible for, such as the 
flock or the public in the case of governments. 
All rights reserved: zetat...@zetatalk.com

The wicked ENDTIME - NOT the RIGHTEOUS! http://Zetaheaven.org:  

[cia-drugs] FW: Ex-Members of U.S. Military Were Members of Hutaree Militia Extremist Group

2010-04-12 Thread Robert Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
> From: "dasg...@aol.com" 
> Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 21:54:21 EDT
> To: Robert Millegan 
> Cc: , , ,
> , 
> Subject: Ex-Members of U.S. Military Were Members of Hutaree Militia Extremist
> Group 

> Ex-Members of U.S. Military Were Members of Hutaree Militia Extremist Group
> Michael Isikoff 
> Newsweek.com, April 09, 2010
> http://blog.newsweek.com/blogs/declassified/archive/2010/04/09/ex-members-of-u
> -s-military-were-members-of-hutaree-militia-extremist-group.aspx
> Federal investigators have discovered that two members of the extremist
> Michigan-based Hutaree militia group charged with plotting to assassinate
> law-enforcement officers are former U.S. military servicemen, including a
> Marine Corps corporal who was a Persian Gulf War veteran and decorated expert
> rifleman.
> Among those charged in the Hutaree case and accused of "seditious" conspiracy
> to wage war is Michael David Meeks. An FBI official told NEWSWEEK that Meeks
> is a former Marine. Marine Corps records reviewed by NEWSWEEK show Meeks
> served in the Marines between 1988 and 1992 and was a rifle expert based at
> Camp Pendleton. The records show he received, among other decorations, a
> Kuwait Liberation Medal that was awarded to veterans of the Persian Gulf War.
> His lawyer did not return a request for comment.
> Another Hutaree member charged in the case was Kristopher Tyler Sickles, who
> enlisted in the U.S. Army in August 2007 and was discharged in October of that
> year after being absent without leave, according to Army records. His lawyer
> also did not return a call seeking comment. Sickles was identified as the
> creator 
>  clip-may-give-insight-into-hutaree-mindset.aspx>  of a violent video mimicking
> jihadist beheadings that was on YouTube but has been removed.
> The particular concern raised by military members among extremist groups is
> that former service members, including disgruntled veterans from the wars in
> Afghanistan and Iraq, may be helping to train extremists in firearms and
> military tactics, according to Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center,
> which tracks hate groups.
> In the Hutaree case, the federal indictment charges that, as part of their
> plans to spark an "uprising" against the U.S. government, group members
> engaged "in military-style training" that included "firearms and explosives
> training, weapons proficiency drills, patrolling and reconnaissance exercises,
> close quarter battle drills" as well as "preparing defensive fighting
> positions" and "ambush kill zones."
> The discovery makes the Hutaree case the latest example of what watchdog
> groups say has been evidence of disturbing links between some current and
> former members of the U.S. military and extremist hate groups. "This is one
> more indication that [military] training is of interest to these kind of
> extremist groups," said Potok.
> Federal prosecutors have yet to present specific evidence that they have about
> Meeks's and Sickles's roles in the Hutaree conspiracy. But a Pentagon
> spokeswoman said the military has long had a "zero tolerance" policy against
> active participation in extremist groups and that disciplinary cases for
> violating the rules are "rare."
> Still, there is reason to believe Pentagon officials are increasingly
> concerned about association with such groups. In November 2009, after
> complaints that military-service members were posting racist and other ethnic
> slurs on NewSaxon.org, a social-networking site for white supremacists, the
> Pentagon tightened its policy. In addition to forbidding service members from
> engaging in "active" participation in extremist groups, the new rules also
> forbid any military personnel from "actively" advocating "supremacist
> doctrine, ideology or causes."
> Read about the recent increase in ties between military members ‹both current
> and former‹ and extremist hate groups in the new issue of NEWSWEEK.
>> http://motherjones.com/politics/2010/03/oath-keepers
>> > victory> in early  2008, SWAT [magazine, for which [Stewart] Rhodes wrote a
>> gun-rights column] received a letter from a retired colonel declaring that
>> "the Constitution and our Bill of Rights are gravely endangered" and that
>> service members, veterans, and police "is where they will be saved,  if they
>> are to be saved at all!" ... If "a police state comes to  America, it will
>> ultimately be by your hands," he warned. You had better  "resolve to not let
>> it happen on your watch."
>> [Rhodes] set up an Oath Keepers blog, asking soldiers  and veterans to post
>> testimonials. Military officers offered assistance. A  Marine Corps veteran
>> invited Rhodes to speak at a local Tea Party event  ... By the time Rhodes
>> arrived to speak at a rally staged by a  pro-militia group, a movement was
>> afoot.
>> [Priv

[cia-drugs] LA Times 4/11/10: Kissinger cable heightens suspicions about 1976 Operation Condor killings

2010-04-12 Thread Scott Munson
Kissinger cable heightens suspicions about 1976 Operation Condor killings
To: The Forum Yahoo Group 

Kissinger cable heightens suspicions about 1976 Operation Condor

   A document suggests the secretary of State rejected warning
South American governments against international terrorism. Five days
later, a bombing linked to Chile killed 2 in Washington.

  By Andrew Zajac  and David S. CloudThe Los Angeles Times

April 11, 2010

  Reporting from Washington

   A newly declassified document has added to long-standing
questions about whether Henry Kissinger, while secretary of State,
halted a U.S. plan to curb a secret program of international
assassinations by South American dictators.

The document, a set
of instructions cabled from Kissinger to his top Latin American deputy,
ended efforts by U.S. diplomats to warn the governments of Chile,
Uruguay and Argentina against involvement in the covert plan known as
Operation Condor, according to Peter Kornbluh, an analyst with the
National Security Archive, a private research organization that
uncovered the document and made it public Saturday.

In the cable,
 dated Sept. 16, 1976, Kissinger rejected delivering a proposed warning
to the government of Uruguay about Condor operations and ordered that
"no further action be taken on this matter" by the State Department.

 days after Kissinger's message, Chilean exile Orlando Letelier and an
American colleague were killed in Washington's Embassy Row in a car
bombing later tied to Chilean secret police working through the Condor
network. The killings are considered one of the most brazen attacks ever
 carried out in the capital.

"The document confirms that it's
Kissinger's complete responsibility for having rescinded a
cease-and-desist order to Condor killers," said Kornbluh, author of a
2004 book on Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet.

In a statement,
Kissinger said Kornbluh "distorted" the meaning of the cable and said it
 was intended only to disapprove a specific approach to the Uruguayan
government, not to cancel the plan to issue warnings to other nations in
 the Condor network.

Former State Department officials who
worked under Kissinger during that period now say that his cable did
interrupt the U.S. effort to rein in Operation Condor, not just with
Uruguay but with other countries in the region.

After being told
of the existence of Condor by the CIA in mid-1976, Kissinger initially
ordered U.S. ambassadors in Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and other
countries involved in the network to issue demarches, or formal
diplomatic presentations, warning leaders that "Condor activities would
undermine relations with the United States."

"The instructions
were never rescinded," Kissinger said in his statement.

But it
has been known for many years that U.S. ambassadors to Chile and Uruguay
 balked at delivering the demarches, stalling the effort to head off
Condor. The Uruguayan envoy feared for his own safety, previously
disclosed documents have shown, and U.S. officials were devising a new
way to deliver the U.S. warning to Montevideo.

Kissinger said his
 cable was intended only to delay the delivery of the demarche to
Uruguay, because of "very special circumstances." He apparently was
referring to the Uruguayan ambassador's fears.

However, shortly
after Kissinger's order that "no further action be taken," his top Latin
 America deputies moved to cancel U.S. warnings to other countries as
well. On Sept. 20, then-Assistant Secretary of State for Western
Hemisphere Affairs Harry Shlaudeman told his deputy, William Luers, to
inform U.S. ambassadors in countries involved in Condor not to convey
Washington's concerns about the operation.

The Letelier bombing
occurred the next day.

There is no evidence that Kissinger knew
of the Letelier plot or the specifics of any other assassination plans.
But the delays in issuing the demarches meant Chile apparently received
no high-level U.S. warning about Condor before the bombing.

 said in an interview that he had no memory of the cable from Kissinger
or of his own subsequent message to Luers rescinding the orders to make
demarches about Condor. But he acknowledged that the timing and the
similar wording of the two documents were strong evidence that he had
acted on Kissinger's orders.

"I must have sent it because I got
the cable from Henry," he said. "I was carrying out my instructions."

 acknowledged that the demarches "were not carried out in Chile, Uruguay
 and Argentina before Orlando Letelier's murder."

Letelier served
 as Chilean ambassador to the U.S. and foreign minister in the
administration of Salvador Allende, a democratically elected socialist
president who was deposed by Pinochet in a 1973 coup. At the time of his
 death, Letelier worked at the Institute for Policy Studies, a
Washington think ta

[cia-drugs] FW: Nuclear Superpower, Tons of Money, but Not Enough Land -- and No OIL ...

2010-04-12 Thread Robert Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
> From: "dasg...@aol.com" 
> Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 22:58:48 EDT
> To: Robert Millegan 
> Cc: , , 
> Subject: Nuclear Superpower, Tons of Money, but Not Enough Land -- and No OIL
> ...

> Israel has nearly 300 nuclear weapons
> Big News Network.com
> 10th April, 2010 
> http://www.bignewsnetwork.com/
> The Israeli prime minister has decided against going to the US for  a nuclear
> summit, which was to have involved the leaders of 47 nations.
> Mr Netanyahu dropped out by announcing at a press conference that  he wanted
> to highlight Israel's opposition to a nuclear Iran.
> It  is known in political circles that he also decided not to attend because
> some Muslim delegates were planning to raise the issue of Israel's assumed
> arsenal of hundreds of weapons.
> Over the weekend, Jane's Defence Weekly, which deals with military
> information, estimated that the State of Israel has up to 300 nuclear
> warheads, with a power similar to that of Britain.
> The  article stated Tel Aviv was the sixth nation to acquire nuclear weapons
> in  the 1950s. 
> While Israel never admitted to having atomic  weapons, it is suspected Mr
> Netanyahu would rather have the nuclear  spotlight directed solely at Iran
> during the US summit.
> While Mr  Netanyahu is not going, Israel will still attend the summit, with
> less  senior delegates being told to keep the focus on the possibility of
> Iran's  building a nuclear arsenal.
> For a long time, Muslim countries have  objected to being dictated to by
> Western forces on nuclear policy, while  ignoring Israel's capabilities.

-- End of Forwarded Message

[cia-drugs] FW: Trader blows whistle on gold & silver price manipulation

2010-04-12 Thread Robert Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
> From: "dasg...@aol.com" 
> Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 23:19:00 EDT
> To: Robert Millegan 
> Cc: , , ,
> Subject: Trader blows whistle on gold & silver price manipulation

> Metal$ are in the pits
>  VHb0O> 
> Trader blows whistle on gold & silver price manipulation
>  VHb0O> 
> April 11, 2010
> http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/metal_are_in_the_pits_2arTlGNbMK7mb1uJeV
> Hb0O
> There is no silver lining to the activities of JPMorgan Chase and HSBC in the
> precious-metals market here and in London, says a 40-year veteran of the metal
> pits. 
> The banks, which do the Federal Reserve's bidding in the metals markets, have
> long been the government's lead actors in keeping down the prices of gold and
> silver, according to a former Goldman Sachs trader working at the London
> Bullion Market Association.
> Maguire was scheduled to testify last week before the Commodities Futures
> Trade Commission, which is looking into the activities of large banks in the
> metals market, but was knocked off the list at the last moment. So, he went
> public. 
> Maguire -- in an exclusive interview with The Post -- explained JPMorgan's
> role in the metals pits in both London and here, and how they can generate a
> profit either way the market moves.
> "JPMorgan acts as an agent for the Federal Reserve; they act to halt the rise
> of gold and silver against the US dollar. JPMorgan is insulated from potential
> losses [on their short positions] by the Fed and/or the US taxpayer," Maguire
> said. 
> In the gold pits, Maguire sees HSBC betting against the precious metal's price
> without having any skin in the game in the form of a naked short.
> "HSBC conducts an ongoing manipulative concentrated naked short position in
> gold. Silver is much easier to manipulate due to its much smaller [market]
> size," Maguire added.
> "No one at JPMorgan is familiar with Andrew Maguire," said Brian Marchiony, a
> company spokesman. HSBC declined to comment.
> Also during the CFTC hearing, Jeff Christian, founder of the commodities firm
> CPM Group, said that the LBMA, the physical delivery market for gold and
> silver in the UK, has been using leverage, which is another way to depress the
> price of gold and silver.
> Christian said that the LBMA -- the same market Maguire trades in -- has
> leverage of about 100-1 on the gold bars settled on the exchange. In layman's
> terms, that means if 100 clients requested their bullion bars be delivered,
> the exchange could only give one client the precious metal.
> The remaining requests would have to be settled for cash equivalent. "That is
> tantamount to a default on the trade," says Bill Murphy, chairman of the Gold
> Antitrust Action committee.
> Maguire goes further and calls it a fraud: "If you sell something you do not
> own, then that is fraud."
> Back in 2007, Morgan Stanley agreed to settle a $4.4-million lawsuit brought
> by precious-metal clients, who alleged that Morgan offered to buy gold and
> silver and store it for the investors, but never purchased any metal and still
> charged them storage fees.

-- End of Forwarded Message

[cia-drugs] FW: Party Is Everything, Principle Nothing: "Conservatives" BOO Conservative Values!

2010-04-12 Thread Robert Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
> From: "dasg...@aol.com" 
> Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 01:29:05 EDT
> To: Robert Millegan 
> Cc: , , 
> Subject: Party Is Everything, Principle Nothing: "Conservatives" BOO
> Conservative Values!

> Ron Paul booed by Republicans for touting conservative principles
> http://trueslant.com/sahilkapur/2010/04/11/ron-paul-booed-by-republicans-for-t
> outing-conservative-principles/
> Ron Paul¹s relationship with the right-wing establishment is more illustrative
> than one might think at first glance. Via TP
>  , here¹s what he said
> this weekend at SRLC:
>> ³Conservatives spend money on different things. They like embassies, and
>> they like occupation. They like the empire. They like to be in 135 countries
>> and 700 bases.² (boos) [...]
>> ³Don¹t you think it¹s rather conservative to say, Œoh it¹s good to follow
>> the Constitution, oh, except for war. Let the President go to war anytime
>> they  want.¹ [...] We can do better with peace than with war!²  (mixture of
>> boos and applause)
> Dave Weigel adds 
>  cept.html> :
>> Paul courted boos by returning, again and again, to the primacy of ³humble²
>> foreign policy.
>> ³It¹s been 60 years since we went to war in Korea,² said Paul. ³Why do we
>> have to have troops there?²
>> ³North Korea!² yelled a heckler.
>> But the boos were kept to a minimum by some clever phrasing. Paul hectored
>> the crowd about how faith to the Constitution meant demanding wars be
>> approved  by Congress.
> Paul has his good share hardcore fans but he has virtually no support within
> the establishment GOP. Why? Because he¹s dedicated to principles, not party
> conformity ‹ that¹s unacceptable in a movement accustomed to top-down
> leadership.
> The really awkward part is that Paul represents most of the values mainstream
> Republicans claim to stand for but don¹t in reality ‹ such as limited
> government, constitutionalism and fiscal conservatism. And, of course, he¹s
> anti-war, which is inherently toxic on the right.
> But Paul is probably the only visible Republican who sees the connection
> between surging budget deficits and bloated military spending (including
> trillion-dollar wars). And for that he¹s ridiculed and chastised by the GOP.
> Paul won the CPAC straw poll
> in February and the conservative media did its best to downplay its
> significance 
>  residential-straw-poll/> . Romney won it at SRLC
>   (edging out
> Paul by just one vote) and it was Drudge¹s splash story for about 24 hours.
> In essence, despite his cult following don¹t expect him to turn any major
> tides in the GOP. He¹s a pariah to them. Even the Tea Partiers, who claim to
> be an independent movement promulgating all the values Paul embodies, are
> working to toss him out
>  arties/>  because he doesn¹t obey orders from GOP leaders.
> In the proud words
>   of George W.
> Bush, ³You¹re either with us or against us.²

-- End of Forwarded Message

[cia-drugs] FW: An Idea Whose Time Has Come: Blacklist/Boycott/Ostracize All REPUBLICANS!

2010-04-12 Thread Robert Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
> From: "dasg...@aol.com" 
> Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 23:44:18 EDT
> To: Robert Millegan 
> Cc: , , 
> Subject: An Idea Whose Time Has Come: Blacklist/Boycott/Ostracize All

>> Starbucks waitress: "Sorry, sir, you  can't buy a latte here -- you look like
>> a Republican to  me."
>> Sign posted outside garage: NO  PARKING for REPUBLICANS
>> Two bathrooms outside a service  station: One with a sign reading "CO-ED,"
>> the other  reading "REPUBLICANS" -- with a door that can't be  UNLOCKED.
>> Using the GOP's own tactics in the  South, on election day, pollworkers
>> might  even get up  enough nerve to take all the ballots filled out by voters
>> registered  Republican and THROW THEM IN THE TRASH.
>> What's fair for the  goose-- !
> http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20001984-503544.html
> Last Friday, someone going by the name "dermdoc" posted a thread on a message
> board for Texas A&M students and alumni with this topic: "Laid off my first
> Obama voting employee today."
> "Our reimbursement rates are spiraling downward, taxes are projected to go up
> with Obamacare, so I did it," the person wrote. He later added: "I made this
> decision because I can."
> "It is kind of interesting watching their face as you explain to them the
> economic consequences of the policies of the guy they voted for," wrote
> dermdoc.
> Hotsheet reached out to the person who we believe to have been responsible for
> the posting, but our requests for comment went unanswered. Late Wednesday
> afternoon, after Hotsheet's inquiry, the thread appeared to be removed from
> the TexAgs.com Web site. (The original link was here
> .) We took screen shots before the removal; you can view the full first page
> of comments here  .
> The posting prompted 20 pages of comments, some celebrating dermdoc's initial
> post and others questioning whether it was appropriate for him to have laid
> off an employee seemingly on the basis of his or her politics.
> Dermdoc interacted repeatedly with commenters, and it is possible that his
> claim about laying off an Obama voter was grounded at least to some extent in
> bravado. He goes on to lament that his practice will suffer economically under
> the Obama health care plan.
> "Elections have consequences," wrote dermdoc. "If you vote for someone who
> raises my taxes and lowers my income, you pay the cost."
> "My office manager and med business guru have calculated that this is just the
> beginning. Tax rates are going to go through the roof with additional
> Obamacare taxes AND the expiration of the Bush tax cuts," he added. "And most
> analysts think reimbursement rates for docs will go down about 20-25% the next
> 2 years, and that is BEFORE Obamacare really kicks in."
> dermdoc wrote that he feels "kind of feel like the Hollywood lib directors who
> wouldn't give parts to conservative actors."
> "The most interesting thing was seeing the reactions of other employees who
> came to the startling realization that their support of a guy who hurts my
> business could cost them their job," he wrote.
> "And what a lot of you guys and gals don't seem to understand is that as long
> as I make the money, pay the bills, pay the taxes, pay the salaries, assume
> all the legal liability, etc., that I can do just about what I want to (as can
> every other business owner in the US)," he added. "And that is what really,
> really pisses of Obama and his minions. Unintended consequences are a
> beeyatch."
> dermdoc eventually took a more conciliatory tone after another poster said he
> knew him and that he was a good person.
> "Okay, I am outed," he wrote. "I hate having to lay off anybody, but I had to
> for obvious reasons. Fortunately as stated earlier, I think the employee will
> get another job. Business owners and the 'rich' are not going to pay for
> Obamacare, the middle class is. We will cut costs via layoffs and raise prices
> or find someway to pass on the costs ot YOU."
> "That is the way business works," he added. "...If that makes me an a-hole, so
> be it."
> CBS News Producer Will Goodman contributed reporting.
> ŒIf You Voted for Obama, Seek Urologic Care Elsewhere¹
> April 2, 2010, 1:02 pm
> http://prescriptions.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/04/02/if-you-voted-for-obama-seek-
> urologic-care-elsewhere/
> MIAMI ‹ Doctors take the Hippocratic oath
>   promising to do no harm, but
> once that requirement is fulfilled do they have a right to choose patients
> based on politics?
> One Republican urologist outside Orlando has stirred up a tempest by
> suggesting exactly that. A sign hang

[cia-drugs] FW: By Next Year, Japan May Go BANKRUPT [and the U.S. Is in Even WORSE Shape!]

2010-04-12 Thread Robert Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
> From: "dasg...@aol.com" 
> Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 01:55:23 EDT
> To: Robert Millegan 
> Cc: , , 
> Subject: By Next Year, Japan May Go BANKRUPT [and the U.S. Is in Even WORSE
> Shape!]

> Risk of Japan going bankrupt is real, analysts say
> By Agence France-Presse 
> April 11th, 2010 -- 12:17 pm
> http://rawstory.com/rs/2010/0411/risk-japan-bankrupt-real-analysts/
> TOKYO ‹ Greece's debt problems may currently be in the spotlight but Japan is
> walking its own financial tightrope, analysts say, with a public debt mountain
> bigger than that of any other industrialised nation.
> Public debt is expected to hit 200 percent of GDP in the next year as the
> government tries to spend its way out of the economic doldrums despite
> plummeting tax revenues and soaring welfare costs for its ageing population.
> Based on fiscal 2010's nominal GDP of 475 trillion yen, Japan's debt is
> estimated to reach around 950 trillion yen -- or roughly 7.5 million yen per
> person.
> Japan "can't finance" its record trillion-dollar budget passed in March for
> the coming year as it tries to stimulate its fragile economy, said Hideo
> Kumano, chief economist at Dai-ichi Life Research Institute.
> "Japan's revenue is roughly 37 trillion yen and debt is 44 trillion yen in
> fiscal 2010, " he said. "Its debt to budget ratio is more than 50 percent."
> Without issuing more government bonds, Japan "would go bankrupt by 2011", he
> added.
> Despite crawling out of a severe year-long recession in 2009, Japan's recovery
> remains fragile with deflation, high public debt and weak domestic demand all
> concerns for policymakers.
> Japan was stuck in a deflationary spiral for years after its asset price
> bubble burst in the early 1990s, hitting corporate earnings and prompting
> consumers to put off purchases in the hope of further price drops.
> Its huge public debt is a legacy of massive stimulus spending during the
> economic "lost decade" of the 1990s, as well as a series of pump-priming
> packages to tackle the recession which began in 2008.
> Standard & Poor's in January warned that it might cut its rating on Japanese
> government bonds, which could raise Japan's borrowing costs amid the faltering
> efforts of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama's government to curb debt.
> The system of Japanese government bonds being bought by institutions such as
> the huge Japan Post Bank has been key in enabling Japan to remain buoyant
> since its stock market crash of 1990.
> "Japan's risk of default is low because it has a huge current account surplus,
> with the backing of private sector savings," to continue purchasing bonds,
> said Katsutoshi Inadome, bond strategist at Mitsubishi UFJ Securities.
> But while Japan's risk of a Greek-style debt crisis is seen as much less
> likely, the event of risk becoming reality would be devastating, say analysts
> who question how long the government can continue its dependence on issuing
> public debt.
> "There is no problem as long as there are flows of money in the bond market,"
> said Kumano.
> "It's hard to predict when the bond market might collapse, but it would happen
> when the market judges that Japan's ability to finance its debt is not
> sustainable anymore."
> "And when that happens, the yen will plummet and a capital flight from Japan's
> government bonds to foreign bonds will occur," he said.
> Others argue that there is no precedent for the ratio of debt to GDP nearing
> 200% being dangerous.  Nomura Securities economist Takehide Kiuchi cited
> Britain's government debt in the post-war period "which reached 260% but (the
> government) didn't face a debt crisis. There is no answer to the question of
> what the critical level of debt is for a government to go bust."
> The likes of single-currency Greece and non-eurozone countries are also
> different in that the latter group have flexible currency exchange rates which
> are more closely calibrated to their fiscal conditions, he said.
> Instead, the most realistic hazard brought by huge Japanese debt is prolonged
> deflation under a shrinking economy, say analysts.
> "Regaining fiscal health needs fiscal austerity, which could weigh on economic
> growth," said Kiuchi.
> "And when the economy is bad, people don't spend money as they are worried
> about their future, which in turn intensifies the deflational trend," he said.
> Continued deflation could further worsen Japan's fiscal health because of less
> tax revenue and more stimulus spending, stirring fears over big tax hikes,
> which in turn weigh on demand and again reinforce deflation, analysts said.
> The key to breaking the vicious cycle is drafting a feasible economic growth
> strategy for Japan, they said.
> "If the economy grows, tax revenue increases," Kumano of Dai-ichi Life said.
> Since 2001 Japan's annual growth rate has peaked at 2.7 pe

[cia-drugs] FW: Konformist: Hitler and the secret Satanic cult at the heart of Nazi Germany

2010-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
> From: Robert Sterling 
> Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 19:01:06 -
> To: 
> Subject: Konformist: Hitler and the secret Satanic cult at the heart of Nazi
> Germany
> Please send as far and wide as possible.
> Thanks,
> Robert Sterling
> Editor, The Konformist
> http://www.konformist.com
> http://robalini.blogspot.com
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/konformist
> http://www.newsmonster.co.uk/paranormal-unexplained/hitler-and-the-secret-sata
> nic-cult-at-the-heart-of-nazi-germany.html
> Hitler and the secret Satanic cult at the heart of Nazi Germany
> Paranormal & Unexplained,
> Written by Danny Penman
> At first glance, the large circular room in the basement of Wewelsburg Castle
> appears to be harmless enough. Smooth, finely cut stones pave the floor.
> Glistening rock walls arch majestically towards a high vaulted ceiling.
> In the centre of the room lies a sunken circular altar with polished steps
> leading towards a burnt and cracked stone. From here you can see thirteen
> lanterns flickering on the curved walls. But it's only when you look directly
> upwards that the room's significance becomes shockingly clear. At the centre
> of the dome lies a giant swastika.
> This room was the central temple of the Satanic cult that created and directed
> Germany's Nazi party. This so called Vril Society counted many of Hitler's
> henchmen as members, including Himmler, Bormann, and Hess. Central to the
> whole cult was Hitler, who they believed to be a psychic medium in contact
> with powerful forces that would create an all-conquering Aryan nation. Some
> saw him as the Dark Messiah.
> Historians have tended to downplay the occult foundations of Nazism for fear
> of trivialising its heinous war crimes, but a recent documentary on the
> Discovery Channel laid bare the untold story of the secretive religion at the
> heart of fascist Germany. And bizarrely, it is thought to have been based on a
> 19th Century science fiction novel that predicted flying saucers, an alien
> race at the centre of the earth, and a mysterious force known as Vril.
> "Occult myths played a central role in Nazism," says Professor Nicholas
> Goodrick-Clarke, head of the Centre for the Study of Esotericism at Exeter
> University. "When we look at these ideas today, we think of them as crazy, but
> they were central to the early Nazi Party and through them played a critical
> role in 20th century history."
> "The Vril society was dedicated to evil," says historian Michael Fitzgerald.
> "Through their control of the Nazi party they committed the greatest acts of
> evil in the 20th Century.
> "Vril occultists worked in complete secrecy doing anything that would promote
> Aryan power. This ranged from straightforward political assassinations,
> through to evoking the spirits of the dead, human sacrifice and summoning
> mysterious energies – or Vril - through sexual orgies."
> To understand why the Nazi party was so obsessed with the occult and Satanism,
> you have to travel back to Victorian times. In the late 19th Century, Germany
> in common with Britain, was obsessed with the occult. It was a time when no
> self-respecting hostess would dream of holding a dinner party without a séance
> to round off the evening.
> There was also huge interest in eastern mysticism and `prophets' of occult
> religions, such as Madame Blavatsky, were household names. Blavatsky believed
> that Europeans were descended from a race of angel-like creatures known as
> Aryans. They claimed that the Aryans had used mysterious psychic forces to
> build the pyramids, Atlantis and a network of cities beneath Antarctica.
> What's more, their descendants were to be found in the Himalayas and their
> sign was the swastika – the ancient Hindu good luck symbol.
> These myths and more were crystallised in the science-fiction novel The Coming
> Race. In this, Edward Bulwer-Lytton told of a strange people called the
> Vril-Ya that lived at the centre of the Earth. They wielded fantastic power
> using a mysterious force known as Vril, which they also used to propel flying
> saucers. 
> The Coming Race and its attendant barmy mysticism would have sunk into
> obscurity if it hadn't been for the First World War. At the end of the war,
> Germany was plunged into violent anarchy and a host of extremist politicians
> and cult leaders stepped into the breach and battled for power. Chief of these
> was the occult Thule Society – and its inner sect, the Vril Society.
> The Vril Society was noted for it's use of orgies to summon up occult energies
> – and to father a `master race' of children to repopulate a devastated
> Germany. It is said that women in such orgies would become possessed by
> spirits and begin speaking in tongues. And their prophesies were treated with
> deadly seriousness.
> "But the darkest side of the Vril was their propensity for sacrificing young
> children," says Michael Fitzgerald, author of 

[cia-drugs] FW: pg 404 ch 20 [1 Attachment]

2010-04-12 Thread Robert Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
> From: Allan Mattsson 
> Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 17:48:53 -0700 (PDT)
> To: Robert Millegan , Edward Bishop 
> Subject: pg 404 ch 20

> When I arrived at Katzenjammer¹s, smoke hung in the still air of
> the dark room and a baseball game was playing on the television set
> above the bar. Lee greeted me in Russian and called me ³Marina² loud
> ==remove 'he'=
> enough for others to hear, he then quietly explained that Banister frequently
> had lunch here with his girlfriend, so I would be posing as
> Marina just in case they came in.21 When
> ==good! you got portia and brutus back in,thank
> you!
> p. 405  punctuation correction:
> ³Before you say anything more,² I told him, ³ask yourself why you
> would hide anything from me now? What am I to you? Another Marina?
> Or just like Portia to her Brutus?.² remove period
> I was referring to the play about the assassination
> ===pg. 410
> I hope you put the love letter in..it hads been solen from meI attach a
> photo from McAdams' sitejust clip off their nasty typingbtw,  the
> quote there says--and it should be in the book--something like
> "thou, on whom my love is
> bestowed"   
> The letter used to be inac bu was damaged\by an
> episode of bvandalism where many of my papers were rpped--this one was ripped
> from a clamp notebook, which is whjy part of it is now missingwe have
> addressed the letter and its true provenance today...on the internet...
> thanks
> Thanks to Allan Mattsson for providing an interface between me and all of
> you!"Fight evil with beauty. Defy darkness with infinite light." Tzvi
> Freeman

-- End of Forwarded Message

[cia-drugs] EXAMINER: Exopolitics researcher develops evidence-based typology of extraterrestrial civilizations

2010-04-12 Thread EXOPOLITICS.COM
Exopolitics researcher develops evidence-based typology of extraterrestrial
April 12, 2:23 AMSeattle Exopolitics
Lambremont Webre

FIG. A Jon Kelly: Chart - Hyperdimensional vehicle vs Perseid meteor

Recent whistleblower, direct witness and documentary evidence have led to
the development of new typology of extraterrestrial civilizations.  The new
typology establishes the following types for extraterrestrial civilizations
and extraterrestrial governance bodies as concerns extraterrestrial law.
The new typology for extraterrestrial civilizations was developed by
Exopolitics author and researcher Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD,
MEdin response to a request by
University Press , a department of the University of
Oxford, U.K.

The new evidence-based typological model divides extraterrestrial
civilizations into (A) Extraterrestrial civilizations (3rd dimension), that
is (1) Solar system civilizations (3rd dimension) based in the third
dimension in our solar system, such as the intelligent human civilization
living under the surface of Mars that reportedly enjoys a strategic
relationship with the United States government; and (2) Deep space
civilizations (3rd dimension), that is, intelligent extraterrestrial
civilizations that are based in the third dimension and on a planet, solar
system, or space station in our or another galaxy or in some other location
in this known physical, third dimension universe. (B) Hyper-dimensional
civilizations, that is intelligent civilizations that are based in
dimensions or universes parallel or encompassing our own dimension and that
may use technologically advanced physical form and/or transport when
entering our known dimension or universe.  With regard to extraterrestrial
law and governance, the new extraterrestrial civilizations typology
identifies (C) Extraterrestrial governance authorities: Legally constituted
extraterrestrial governance authorities with jurisdiction over a defined
territory, such as the Milky Way Galactic Federation, which has been
empirically located in replicable research.

Conventional typology  is “the study
of types”, in anthropology a typology is “the division of culture by races,”
in archaeology a typology is “the classification of things according to
their characteristics,” and in psychology a typology is “the classification
of things according to personality types.”

Existing typologies of extraterrestrial civilizations are limited and do not
reflect the manner in which extraterrestrial civilizations exist and are
self-governed in the multi-verse.  The Kardashev scale
typologythat Nikolai
Kardashev and Dr. Michio Kaku have developed is based on “ a
civilization's level of technological advancement,” rather than on the
multi-verse dimension in which the civilization exists, which is a more
fundamental typological, locational and developmental criterion.  The
by Dr. Michael E. Salla, classifying extraterrestrial
civilizations by race or approximate location and whether they are
“cooperating with or outside earth's Military-Industrial-Extraterrestrial
Complex,” again neglects the dimensional anchoring of extraterrestrial
civilizations. This specific typology appears to be too anthropocentric and
subjective for universal application.

Continues at:

[cia-drugs] bishops fight sex abuse bill, implicated in coverup, complaints 'unpunished'

2010-04-12 Thread smartnews

Connecticut bishops fight sex abuse bill Jamie Guzzardo, CNN April  11, 
2010 Hartford, Connecticut (CNN) -- A bill in Connecticut's legislature that  
would remove the statute of limitations on child sexual abuse cases has 
sparked  a fervent response from the state's Roman Catholic bishops, who 
a  letter to parishioners Saturday imploring them to oppose the  measure.

Under current Connecticut law, sexual abuse victims have 30  years past 
their 18th birthday to file a lawsuit. The proposed change to the law  would 
rescind that statute of limitations.

The proposed change to the law  would put "all Church institutions, 
including your parish, at risk," says the  letter, which was signed by 
Connecticut's three Roman Catholic  bishops.

The letter is posted on the Web site of the Connecticut Catholic  Public 
Affairs Conference, the public policy and advocacy office of  Connecticut's 
Catholic bishops. It asks parishioners to contact their  legislators in 
opposition of the bill.

Ex-St. Catharines bishop implicated in coverup By GRANT LAFLECHE, QMI  
AGENCY 4/12/10 As local Catholics puzzle Friday over the sudden resignation of  
their bishop, his predecessor was implicated in the coverup of sexual abuse 
by a  priest in Pembroke. Former St. Catharines bishop John O'Mara was named 
by former  Pembroke bishop Joseph Windle in a 1993 letter to the Vatican's 
ambassador in  Ottawa. O'Mara was named as part of a group of Ontario 
bishops who backed  Windle's recommendation that the abuse of minors by a 
priest be kept  silent. The priest in question, Father Bernard Prince, had 
been shipped off to  Rome and became a friend of then Pope John Paul II. 

In his letter,  Windle was deeply concerned that if the Vatican graced the 
priest with any  attention or honours, it would expose the abuse and create 
a scandalPrince  was convicted in 2008 of sexually molesting 13 boys 
between 1964 and 1984, and  was formally defrocked by Pope Benedict XVI last 
year. He was sent to Rome and  became a Vatican official in 1991 after church 
officials in Canada first heard  from a victim of his crimes. In his letter, 
which became public Friday as part  of a civil case against the Pembroke 
Diocese and Prince, Windle supported the  move even in light of the 
seriousness of the allegations. "I would not object to  him being given another 
since it would remove him from the Canadian  scene," Windle wrote. By 1993, 
further allegations against Prince surfaced.  Windle explained in his 
letter there were four or five known victims and at  least one of them was 
pointed questions about how the church was handling  the situation. Still, 
Windle believed the Church could keep the situation secret  because the 
victims were unlikely to go to the police or the press.  

Paedophilia  complaints 'unpunished' April 13, 2010 BELGIAN bishops have 
failed to punish any  clergy over 300 complaints of paedophilia brought to 
their attention in the  1990s, claims a priest who helped many victims. ''We 
brought forward between  1992 and 1998 more than 300 complaints from victims 
of abuse committed by  priests, but only 15 ended up with admissions'' of 
guilt, Father Rick Deville  told the Flemish dailies De Standaard and Het 
Nieuwsblad yesterday. 

''A  priest accused would most often be moved, but was never punished,'' he 
 complained. Founder of the group Human Rights in the Church, which defends 
 victims of abuse, the 65-year-old Father Deville deplored the lack of 
support  from the Belgian Catholic hierarchy. ''Very few bishops helped us,'' 
said. In  most cases the victims were told that their actions were 
''unfortunately  banned''. In some cases the victims themselves were accused of 
defamation, he  said. AFP 

Vatican  Clarifies Its Policy on Reporting Abuse VATICAN CITY (AP) - The 
Vatican on  Monday responded to allegations it long concealed clerical sex 
abuse by making  it clear for the first time that bishops and clerics worldwide 
should report  such crimes to police if they are required to by law.
The policy, spelled out  in a guide for laymen and posted on the Vatican's 
Web site, matches the policy  worked out by U.S. bishops after an explosion 
of sex abuse cases in  2002.

Unlike the American norms, however, the Vatican guide contains no  call for 
''zero toler