[cia-drugs] [PEPIS] Limited hangout by NY Times reporters Jack Ewing & Brian Knowlton

2010-05-21 Thread scott munson

From: roundtable 
Date: May 16, 2010 8:37:41 PM PDT
Subject: [PEPIS] Limited hangout by NY Times reporters Jack Ewing &  
Brian  Knowlton

This article has been modified to include membership affiliation of
the CFR, Bilderbergers, and Trilateral Commission members. This
information was left out by Jack Ewing and Brian Knowlton. Why did
they do that? When you read this article ask yourself if Trichet is
being forced into increasing inflation in an effort to stave off the
inevitable collapse of the EU. [1]

[Council on Foreign Relations member ] Geithner Tries to Calm Nerves
Over Europe’s Uncertain Fate

By JACK EWING and BRIAN KNOWLTON { Why don't these journalists notice
the connections to the CFR, Bilderbergers, and Trilateral
Commission? ]
Published: May 16, 2010

FRANKFURT — Political leaders and central bankers on both sides of the
Atlantic struggled over the weekend to persuade jittery investors that
Europe would pull through its sovereign debt crisis, saying that it
would be helped by a stronger-than-expected economic recovery in the
United States.

Jean-Claude Trichet, president of the European Central Bank, said the
bank’s decision last week to buy government bonds was a response to
the worst economic crisis in Europe since World War II — possibly
since World War I — and did not signal the start of an expansive
monetary policy, with the specter of years of high inflation.

“We have not relented on our principles,” Mr. Trichet told Der
Spiegel, the German newsmagazine, according to a transcript on the
bank’s Web site. “Price stability is our primary mandate and  

And in an interview broadcast on Sunday, the U.S. Treasury secretary,
[Council on Foreign Relations member ]  Timothy F. Geithner, signaled
his confidence that Europe would resolve its debt crisis and that the
American economy would withstand its impact. “Europe has the capacity
to manage through this,” , [Council on Foreign Relations member ] Mr.
Geithner told , [Council on Foreign Relations member Michael Rubens
Bloomberg born February 14, 1942)  8th richest person in the United
States with personal wealth of US$18 billion]Bloomberg Television.
“And I think they will.”

As investors absorb the details — and the potential weaknesses — of
the $1 trillion European rescue plan, , [Council on Foreign Relations
member ]Mr. Geithner seemed to be trying to draw a sharp, if implicit,
contrast to remarks last week from another senior economic adviser to
President Barack Obama, [Council on Foreign Relations member ] Paul A.
Volcker. Mr. Volcker, a former Federal Reserve chairman, startled some
investors when he spoke of a possible “disintegration” of the euro
zone — a striking shift from his expressions of confidence of only two
months earlier.

Partly because of [Council on Foreign Relations member ] Mr. Volcker’s
comments, stock markets dropped on Friday and the euro fell to an 18-
month low, threatening to undermine extraordinary measures that the
European Central Bank and European Union leaders took earlier in the
week to halt a sell-off of European sovereign debt.

The markets’ loss of faith in the solvency of Greece, Portugal and
even Spain had threatened not only public finances but also the health
of the region’s banks.

The European Central Bank’s decision to buy bonds — just three days
after Mr. Trichet said the idea was not on the table — cut the risk
premium on government bonds issued by Greece, Portugal and other
indebted European countries, but it also generated fierce criticism
that the central bank had succumbed to political pressure.

The bank acted shortly after European Union political leaders
committed almost $1 trillion to avert a debt default by Greece, Spain
or other euro-zone countries.

As the world struggles with a slow and uneven economic recovery,
[Council on Foreign Relations member ] Lawrence H. Summers, the
director of the White House National Economic Council, expressed
confidence in the world’s biggest engine of growth, the American
“We’re in a very different place than we were a year  
ago,” [Council on

Foreign Relations member ] Mr. [Larry] Summers said on CNN. “People
thought we would be mired for years, so I think we’re doing better
than anyone expected us to do.”

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, [Dominique Strauss-Kahn (French pronunciation:
[dɔminik stʁos kan]; born 25 April 1949), often referred to as DSK,[1]
is a French economist, lawyer, and politician, member of the Socialist
Party (PS). He was selected as the new Managing Director of the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) on 28 September 2007.} managing
director of the International Monetary Fund, said on the same CNN
broadcast that an “unparalleled level of economic and policy
coordination” had helped the world avoid “something as big as the
Great Depression.”

The Greek prime minister, [Bilderberg & Trilateral Commission member ]
George A. Papa

[cia-drugs] Rare Blair Snare

2010-05-21 Thread michael1
Mr. Clark Hoyt (‘public’ editor)

Dear Mr. Hoyt,

Re: today’s New York Times editorial regarding the sinking of the North
Korean corvette Cheonan and the death of 46 sailors.

Many note the timing of the resignation of Admiral Dennis C. Blair and the
twisted-off editorial blaming ‘only’ North Korea for the obvious act of
war.  Many are remembering that it was Admiral Blair while head of Pacific
Command in a speech in Monterey who said not to worry about war breaking
out between North and South Korea.  Admiral Blair noted being in a light
plane where you could see both sides of the peninsula and noted both sides
would suffer too much if anything really broke out.

Admiral Blair:

Times’ Cheonan editorial:

Many note how near the Demarcation Line when you go from the Yellow Sea
toward the Bo Hai.

Many note that absent from both your reporting and the editorial is that
not only would subs firing the missile be unnecessary but noting the
waters would also be unlikely.  Many note that the likelier scenario would
be setting the torpedo as a mine with an exploding sensor of the signature
of that particular ship.  And note how easy for anyone to do so noting the
closeness of well-traveled sea-lanes.  Many note that absence as glaring.

Many note the Times’ aim in the editorial is to get the public to continue
to support the misuse of the UN Security Council.  Many note that 118
nations are supporting Iran in that area.

The ‘many’ noted above are not the average New York Times reader.  But the
many above are more knowledgeable.  The lesser ‘many’ above will in time
trump your more numerous average reader.

Michael Donovan

[cia-drugs] "Uh-oh! Katla Volcano Just Rumbled!

2010-05-21 Thread nathaniel x vance
(19 May 2010) 
"Uh-oh! Katla Volcano Just Rumbled!  (This is the bigger volcano in Iceland!)"

Uh-oh! Katla Volcano Just Rumbled!

Is the sleeping Katla waking up?
On May 17, 2010 08:32 UTC, The Icelandic Met office earthquake map indicates 
that a small earthquake has occurred at the Katla location. In what could be an 
early indication of the event that is expected to occur (an eruption of Katla), 
a small earthquake is reported at the site. Although a single earthquake is not 
a precursor of an eminent eruption, it could be the first 'sigh' of the 
awakening powerful giant.

Historically, Katla has erupted after the eruption of it's close neighbor, 
Eyjafjallajokull, which first erupted on April 14, 2010 and is ongoing at this 
moment. Some wonder if the magma channels beneath the two volcanoes are 
interconnected in some way very deep underground for one to trigger the other. 
A Katla eruption would likely be about ten times as powerful at the 
Eyjafjallajokull eruption and could cause worldwide disruption while expelling 
huge volumes of volcanic ash into the stratosphere which would circle the globe 
potentially for years, depending upon the magnitude of the eruption.

Typically before a volcanic eruption, there will be an increase (usually a 
significant increase) in earthquake clusters around the volcano site. This 
single and small earthquake simply raises an eyebrow of wonder, while we wait 
for the next rumble…

The wicked ENDTIME - NOT the RIGHTEOUS! http://Zetaheaven.org:  

[cia-drugs] Video: MELTUP is Viral... 100,000 views in three days.

2010-05-21 Thread ronaldneil


The National Inflation Association is pleased to announce the release of 
'Meltup', a new nearly one-hour documentary about how the U.S. economy is at 
the beginning stages of a currency crisis that will ultimately lead to 


The DVD is now available from the project site.
